Minecraft, But Every Ore Is Super…

Oh diamonds yes finally i’ve been waiting to get these oh i can finally make a pool this is minecraft but every ore is super oh this is another weird idea in this video i have made it so that every single ore is super this means that any ore you mine

Has a chance of dropping more valuable items it starts at coal and gets better as you work your way up to diamonds the question is whether i can beat the game while searching for super ores can i do it stay tuned to find out and apparently only a small percentage of

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And we’re in straight away there’s a cave yes we’ve got oars already now this is gonna be a bit of a scavenger hunt because finding better ores is the only thing that matters oh there’s coal there as well yes okay you know what let’s mine this first

Because we don’t need a stone pickaxe to do it oh come on cole what are you giving me please please please oh oh free food i’ll take it there’s more here as well what is this given anything else oh yes iron see this is why we do it we

Might not even need to get stone tools we got gold nugget yes oh this is such easy food and i’m gonna be able to make an iron pickaxe before i make a stone pickaxe yes we’ve got enough come on are you kidding me boom and we can grab our stone easily now

That’s so good might just grab a bit more of this for free food oh we get raw beef as well okay that sucks and we’ve got our stone tools too now obviously as it gets better with each ore we should get something good from this come on oh a goldinger are you kidding

Me and we definitely get iron as well oh we got wood and a book oh wow this is gonna be so good and we can already make a bucket boom grab these chickens for arrows later as well oh yeah i’m so sorry chicken oh okay that was an

Easy way to find a village it doesn’t really matter though because there’s a cave right here with more coal in it yes please this is just easy iron and food oh wait a second is that a ruined portal behind all this yes oh sometimes we get lucky what are we getting

Oh my goodness let’s go that’s so much goodness fire protection three on the chest plate as well and i don’t know if we need it but gold block two oh i tell you what actually let’s grab this smithing table as well i have no idea if

We’re gonna be able to get another right from any others but if we do that’ll be amazing and on top of all that we’ve just got tons of food so i’m seeming pretty unbeatable right now oh no no no no please don’t hit me again

Oh thank goodness okay all i have to do now is find a cave and of course i say that and then i find one wait oh yes and there’s iron here perfect i wonder if i can get diamonds from iron can i do it oh we got an anvil oh that’s so good

We’re not gonna need to make an anvil later wait what was that blacksmith loot chest contains luke from a village blacksmith oh my goodness so this is basically of oh wow this is ridiculous and i’ve got another one oh my what i’m so stacked we’re not even 10

Minutes into the game and i can already make a diamond pickaxe and a diamond sword i’m making armor please don’t kill me nope do i just keep grabbing this orton on a creeper oh boom too many skeletons commit no one likes you yes ah perfect they’re all dead oh and

There’s gold right here yes okay what does this give what okay well that makes sense a diamond from gold come on what else another diamond are you kidding me what and xp bottles oh wow this is insane oh i got another blacksmith chest i got two more come on

Oh what is that what it’s so much i don’t need any of it my inventory is disgusting i want to know what diamonds give oh there’s also oars in the nether the gold oars and the quartz ore oh that’s insane and we found a cave right this is where we can build our

Portal that’s good you know what let’s do that right now boom boom boom and we’re done right i’m not going through just yet i want to check the rest of this cave are you kidding me lapis and redstone oh this is good lapis is pretty rare so hopefully this

Will give something good what about you redstone what are you giving me a diamond gold another blacksmith chest oh just so much obsidian come on oh we got an ender pole and firework rockets oh my goodness wait that means we have a chance of getting an elytra

What are we going to get an elytra from oh that’s going to be oh my goodness all right straight away diamond chest plate diamond helmet boom boom i’m so stacked okay well now that i know we can get ender pearls from redstone we don’t need to trade i’m not gonna need piglens at

All so i’m gonna go through to the nether we’re just gonna find a fortress and we’ll be sorted are you kidding me a bastion this is the second time i’ve spawned somewhere insane like this and i don’t need it oh we can finally test what this all is so come on

Obsidian oh a chest bastion chest oh no way what’s up shot the front door ancient debris diamond leggings and three blocks of gold oh wow i’m almost full diamond right let’s just keep grabbing this because this is really good oh no xp oh whatever it’s fine oh we got golden apples too no

Way and firework rockets i saw that on another chest okay my inventory is getting disgustingly full right now oh another right anger as well okay we don’t need the ancient debris we’re just taking all of this a god apple i’ll take them they’re the right scrap because that’s so good we’ve got another

Bastion chest as well ah another nether right ingot i can already turn my sword into netherright and my pickaxe into netherright and now i just have to find a fortress as quickly as possible oh i might as well just check this though it’s just three bastion chests and oh my

We’re full diamond straight away i’m full diamond oh bad idea oh i’m okay wait a second i have 10 gold blocks 62 gold ingots and i don’t need any of it because i’m not gonna bother trading oh wow are you kidding me this is already a ridiculous challenge

And we found another fortress straight away oh and quartz what does quartz give come on oh xp bottles how many was that wait what oh invis no way i don’t know what i need this for that uh now i’m just now i look like an idiot

Does that mean we get other potions was that another one speed five wait a second what oh this is insane okay i’ve gotta farm some quartz that’s another speed potion oh wait there’s another potion what was that haste five jump boost five i think that’s all the potions yeah that’s just more haste

And another speed five okay i really want another jump boost yep there we are that’s what i’m talking about and just to be safe we’ve got three jump boost potions three speed potions and one haste five potion i’m gonna drink a haste five now oh yep my pickaxe doesn’t even move it

So quick i’m gonna drink a jump boost an invisibility and a speed right now oh yes let’s go and now i’ll take less full damage oh no no no okay that was a terrible idea i thought jump boost five would make me take less full damage and jump across

Oh yes who come here oh yes i’m too quick huh yes there’s another blaze rod oh and there’s our first place rod yes one two blazers now or three blaze rods yes one that’s another blaze rod i need four more and then i’m good to go but one more oh actually whilst we’re

Waiting for them to spawn we can craft a cool six golden apples might as well just for fun how many have i got now six we just need two more blaze rods okay i’m on fire but this is it this is where i get them or

Not okay this is not working as planned i mean i’m full diamond with another right sword so i can’t really complain oh there’s one literally one more that’s all i need i’m on three hearts you know what i’m eating this god apple i don’t care i just want fire resistance

You suck this is my chance oh that’s the last one i’m done i’m out of here running over to a safe place and time to go through oh yes okay that was the easiest never run i’ve ever done where are we oh no i was hoping to be in a cave oh

Wait a second though there is a water ravine here and i have a feeling there’s a high chance of getting diamonds and water ravines please maybe oh redstone though yes definitely going for that give me nope no ender pearl sadly yes there’s another pole good and another enderpearl we have three now

Oh yes the quest for redstone diamonds and emerald has begun it’s cave searching time what are my coordinates i’m at 300-300 okay that’s good because i want to run back to my spawn because i think i was near an extreme hills biome yes wait no i think i’m already here or

At least nearby hello enderman goodbye enderman hello ander pearl yes oh please tell me this is extreme hills if it is then we have a chance of finding emeralds oh no this is a wooded mountains biome i don’t know if emerald spawn here wait actually i know what to do

Where do emeralds spawn in minecraft emerald door is found only in extreme hills oh well that sucks it’s diamond time then that is all i care about i need to find at least one diamond i may be full diamond but diamond ore is a very very

Different game oh i just found a spawner goodbye please oh we’re finding caves on caves and a mine shaft that’s good string for a new bow that’ll help oh yeah this is looking good yes oh i knew it i love y11 ravines okay this is it

The moment of truth what do you give me oh a diamond and what is that come on oh are you kidding me wait efficiency 1000 i’m breaking 1000 okay so that means yeah super pickaxe how many more diamonds are there okay oh another oh you get full diamond from one diamond

Oh we got a chest what chest could that be i have no i oh are you kidding me oh the chest was from the iron but we got on a lytra and we have 32 firework rockets oh my goodness oh my this is insane this is absolute insanity so

Straight away protection 1000 on the chest plate i want more diamonds okay what y level am i at 14. let’s go down three and let’s go it’s diamond time come on or redstone time yes give me ender poles yes oh so many underpolls this is absolutely ridiculous

Please give me more diamonds this is so good oh what did we just get stronghold loot chest did we get that from redstone oh no ender pearls dang it i don’t even need those diamonds i’ll put them back once i’ve made my final diamond piece

Obviously oh this is too good to be true wait are these more stronghold chests yep they are oh wow golden apple okay i’ll take it oh wait what we’re in a wooded mountains have we found an emerald where do emeralds spawn in minecraft 1.16 emerald can generate an overworld in the

Form of mineral veins within any type of mountains oh yes okay what do you give me emerald please a totem okay we don’t need the shield anymore and we’re just getting ender poles everywhere oh my pickaxe is actually starting to break a little bit oh another emerald another totem i don’t

Even need it i’m leaving it never thought another one got two more stronghold chests come on i’m breaking three don’t need it what about this one okay this is just terrible but we are getting so much redstone right now oh yes please give me ender pearls no

Oh yeah this is it we have 12 ender pearls so we’ve technically got enough for the portal but i want extra because the more we have the better so place down these stronghold chests nope yes finally okay oh we have a stack of ender poles when did that happen

Okay you know what we need a mining montage until i find diamonds oh finally oh don’t tell me it’s one okay good no no i broke one by accident okay what is this book protection 1000 oh yes now before i mind the other two i want to show you guys that i’ve been

Mining so much that we have managed to accumulate 19 stronghold chests 15 bastian treasure chests and six blacksmith chests so before we mine these diamonds let’s see what we get from these blacksmith chests anything good well no and still no and no okay what about the bastion chest anything i’m breaking one nope

Never right anger though yes and more netherright that’s good nothing else though finally more another enchanted golden apple yes and the rest is pretty bad oh wait we got the exact amount we needed to get netherright on every single diamond piece we have yes except for my chest plate which for

Some reason i well now i look like an idiot oh wait no because there’s ancient debris here oh exactly four as well okay another book please it’s another i’m breaking efficiency yep just i don’t need it man come on what about you no the final diamond please oh just diamond armor

Really so that book we have no idea what that was that’s gone forever okay that sucks you know what it’s fine because we’ve got our last nether right ingot it goes onto our chest plate and yes oh man it feels good to be alive i mean i already have three stacks of

Ender poles but we might as well just check these chests there’s so many of them nope nope nope oh yes nope and yeah nope i just have a couple of anvils that’s uh that’s quite nice thick efficiency 1000 on the axe and protection 1000 on the leggings it’s

Time to go to that stronghold boom because i’m done with this place we’re leaving and of course we’re in the ocean which way is it it’s this way oh this is gonna be fun i then swam for what felt like forever oh there’s finally some land let me guess it’s still this way

Yep of course ah what a beautiful sunrise this is i could look at this all day long psyc i’ve got minecraft to beat boom oh come on oh is that it yes that’s the stronghold it’s an exposed one as well wait can i see the portal room oh please tell me

It’s easy to find i’ve been swimming for years i feel like it’s right here it’s not i was wrong i was wrong ah well uh i didn’t mean for that to happen right the portal wasn’t on the surface so it’s got to be lower down that’s the only explanation what is happening with

This stronghold there’s nothing anywhere my armor is also so good that i just don’t take any damage oh and there’s nothing here either of those chests okay great let’s check a big room oh all right i’ll take a library oh knock back two sucks piercing four sucks looting three socks

Channeling oh my four enchanted books and they’re all bad what about this one oh really how many knockback twos do i need i’m actually lost no i’m not lost we found it oh wow okay of course the second i think i’m lost we find it boom

Whoa three eyes okay yes let’s fill this in oh it was blocked off i probably walked past this place oh yeah and there’s another library right here anything protection three nope don’t want it i’m half protection one thousand do you think i need protection three sharpness three oh okay i’ll take

Sharpness three fine but you know what ah it’s just it’s time to go through yes let me out of here come on you dragon let’s do this get my elytra on get my rockets oh wait you know i’m not gonna hold them in the same hand

Just in case i’m also gonna drink a jump boost a speed five let’s do this and away we go we can land up on these things nice and safely here we are boom we’re up here then without dying we just go boom like that and we just glide over to the

Next one whoa without dying oh okay easy does it no no no i don’t wanna die i don’t wanna die please break nice we go again easy easy okay my speed is so messed up i can’t tell what’s going on without dying again yes no dragon don’t hurt me don’t hurt

Me don’t hurt me ah we land on top yes i can break it we’re down easy does it no no no i don’t die please please yes eating a golden apple just to be safe oh come on down we go boom again again again again again again and we land

Yes oh my goodness we’ve actually got this we’ve got this this is insanity another one no i missed okay it’s all good oh how many more to go no this one’s done just one more over here oh yes here we go here we go easy boom all right i’m not drinking another

Speed five it was too quick i hated it i’m gliding down and now i just have to wait for bertha come on come on down your big old dragon hey you know what let’s uh let’s stick a bed on top put the armor on and we’ve got our totem going let’s do this

Oh she’s coming down she’s coming down i was going to make an anvil but i’ll do it in a second come on let me get some nice juicy hits on you here and boom okay that did a load of damage and we hit the head yes oh my goodness never right sword

Does so much no no oh she flew off okay it’s fine it doesn’t matter because i can get an even better sword we go boom sharpness three nether right oh my goodness i mean it also has loyalty t3 and blast particulate what i don’t need this god apple here have it

Enderman it’s all yours i just want to come down please yes she’s coming down this is it i’m gonna use my loyalty for sword on you come on yes or we can kill him come on this is it i’m fine i’m fine fine all right i’m

Gonna drink jump boost you know what i’m drinking speed too just so i can get up high and run quickly up we go okay i suck it’s fine i can just use my jump boost five to get up put up we go easy peasy yes we’re up okay come on

Perch again dragon i’m also gonna drink case five just because uh i wanna see what this looks like yes we just destroy it like it’s nothing oh we still can’t break bedrock though oh yeah she’s going down and we pull this is it i’m gonna hit jump and hit her i’m

Gonna jump and hit her like this oh no bad idea okay terrible idea one yes yes yes come on yes what what is the head doing what the heck that’s so creepy oh my goodness we did it though oh man wait a second we have what

What are our xp levels right now i’m just gonna smack the egg

Minecraft, But Every Ore Is Super… (Challenge)

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This is a Minecraft (1.16) challenge in which I am trying to speedrun Minecraft and beat the enderdragon, however, every ore is SUPER and drops OP ITEMS! This is not a Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter, but a ‘Minecraft but’ challenge… This one was really weird.

#MinecraftBut​​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​ #Minecraft


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