I Built a Beacon Using Every Full Block in Minecraft Hardcore

I built a beacon out of every full block in hardcore minecraft as the video goes on the blocks get more and more difficult to collect and the most difficult ones might be a little unexpected the full beacon is going to consist of 362 different blocks and take

Up a 19 by 19 area so it’s probably best if i don’t try to cram it inside my village instead i’m going to give this old bridge an actual purpose and make a clearing for it on the other side of the river so i’ve cleared out this area and

Extended the path to the building site but before i start collecting the blocks i need to build a beacon’s core now the beacon part perfect now that we have a blank canvas it’s time to start collecting the blocks i’ve got a basic plan for how i want to

Do this but knowing me i’ll probably get distracted along the way i’m going to begin by getting all the easy blocks on the surface now i could just use all the blocks i have in my storage but that would be cheating right i hope so because i’m

Going to get a fresh set of all 362 blocks starting with grass birch wood oak wood dark oak spruce mushroom blocks and azalea leaves for the rest of the trees we’re going to have to go on a bit of an adventure but i should be able to collect some more

Blocks along the way like pumpkins now fair warning when i said i was going to get distracted this adventure was exactly what i was talking about i set off to collect each type of wood but by the time i returned home i had collected almost every block from the surface just

Know that the rest of the block collecting will be more organized into specific categories you know what this will give me a head start on some of the nether blocks and some stone blocks i’ll need later There’s the bee nest i’ll get a few more for the honey and wax i’m going to need that’s acacia wood that’s powdered snow uh powdered snow wait it’s powder snow i swear everyone calls it powdered snow block don’t mind me just passing through I’ll just count myself Yeah that’s for later mangrove leaves mangrove wood roots mud muddy roots jungle wood jungle leaves melon brock bamboo for scaffolding and my personal favorite beans i think i’m gonna head back now terra cotta cacti sand red sand time for some more borrowing barrel oh dude nice house smooth stone cartography table okay now

I’ll actually start going back and the last block of the trip moss now i can finally start placing them as i go i’m keeping track of each one i place with a checklist i made of all 362 blocks otherwise this project would be a complete mess let’s get started

Wait how am i going to okay that’s a problem for later that’s 79 blocks placed already i have a few left over but i’m going to save them until i have the rest of the blocks that go with them next i’m going to get all the nether

Blocks except for ancient debris and the netherite block those are more difficult to get so they’ll be at the top of the beacon there’s glowstone quartz Soul sand soul soil basalt bone blocks gold all the crimson forest blocks all the bastion blocks fortress blocks and warped forest blocks so that’s all the easy blocks from the nether i’m just going to craft up the different variations of them and that’s 123 blocks complete now i want to

Fill in this gap with some of the utility blocks admittedly not all of these are full blocks For some reason i thought you could collect the infested stone blocks with silk touch but i was wrong so i needed to call in some of the backup blocks that didn’t quite make the starting lineup for the third row i’m gonna get all the different kinds of color blocks starting with dyed wool

Dyed glass concrete powder concrete terracotta and glazed terracotta that was a lot of blocks 97 to be exact which means we only have 129 left before i get into the more dangerous and difficult blocks i want to quickly finish the rest of the surface blocks that i missed earlier here’s podzill packed ice

Regular ice nice mycelium honey or red sand because i forgot about red sandstone and horrible perfect time to place them all Okay yeah i don’t know why i thought that might work the cactus block just isn’t cooperating so i’ve exiled it from the list and the grindstone has taken its place there’s the coraldone podzol mycelium and all the snow related blocks now it’s finally time to get all the cave blocks there’s coal

Iron diorite or like dire wrong am i right emerald copper flowering azalea drip stone regular azalea go away play granite andesite gold uh that wasn’t so touch let’s try this again gold redstone tough deep slate gold deep slate lapis deep slate iron regular deep slate oh deep slate diamond

And deep slate redstone so that just leaves us with normal diamond deep slate copper deep slate coal and the most rare ore in the game deep slate emerald there’s the copper and the diamond whoa i just couldn’t find this deep slate cool anywhere i got so desperate i was even searching

Under the normal cool until i finally stumbled across them the deep slate emeralds i decided to go back up to the surface and dig down directly through a mountain until i reached deeply i did a little strip mining until i ran into a cave and after a little exploring

I finally found it now i just need to use the extra oars i mine to make the full blocks of ore and make all the different deep slate blocks before i place them i’m going to fill this gap with some of the other random blocks like bricks grindstone jukebox noteblock

Cauldron azalea and flowering azalea and now would probably be a good time to start oxidizing the copper let’s fill in some more blocks there’s the regular oars deepslay oars raw oars i’m going to leave a gap here for all the copper blocks that’s the full ore blocks and finally the deep slate blocks

Now we’re headed somewhere dangerous or at least it was dangerous before i ransacked the place speaking of ransacking and that’s the deep dark blocks while i’m in the area i’m gonna need some of this and some of this alright so i’ve got this shulker full of assorted blocks that need placed so

I just realized that the farmland needs to go at the bottom of the beacon so i’m swapping it with gravel okay i can’t listen to these screams anymore i’m just gonna place this one at the end and now there’s just 29 blocks remaining we still need the end blocks ocean

Monument blocks ancient debris netherright block beacon and three blocks that are somehow more time consuming to get than all of those i’m gonna knock the end blocks out first because they’re by far the easiest so i forgot to mark which end gateway i used before i opened all the other ones

But i think it’s this one yeah that’s the one just a quick and that’s it i’m not doing any shulker boxes because they count as entities and they have a lower render distance than the rest of the blocks on the beacon oh my gosh now you probably noticed i’m wearing

Diamond armor long story short i wasn’t paying attention to the durability of my netherright armor when i was fighting enderman last episode so before i raid an ocean monument i need to do some enchanting and to make things easier i’m going to take this little enchanting setup and move it here All right let’s go Don’t that wasn’t so bad and the copper is ready too let me just add it to the beacon perfect i’m gonna place all the remaining blocks together after i get the netherright so i can organize them better i need one ancient debris as a block four to make a loadstone and 36

For the netherite block i’d also like to get a few extra so i can get my full netherright armor back so uh Overhaul After about two hours i managed to get 59 degree which was more than enough for the blocks and my armor And boom i don’t think i’ve ever had another right block before and there’s the lodestone time to place all these blocks it appears i’ve made another miscalculation or as flower needs to be placed on end stone so crisis averted now there are just five blocks remaining there’s the beacon the glass block that

Will go on top of the beacon and if you haven’t figured it out already the final three blocks are the frog light blocks getting all three variants of frog light was a three hour process first i traveled 5 000 blocks to the mangrove swamp bred a bunch of frogs and stole their babies

Then i took those babies to three different locations of the map and raised them as my own once i had all three variants of the frogs i gathered my children together took them to the basalt delta and the nether where i fed them to baby magma cubes let me just place these down

Cool and the final block is the beacon itself for some reason the audio for this recording went missing but i’ve recreated it to the best of my abilities i used the skulls to fight two withers crafted the beacon and here we have it the final blocks i’ll place the

Shrieker down first it’s not like you guys can hear it anyways now the beacon and the glass block on top of it i think this actually lined up perfectly above where my mine is so haste 2 would be perfect totally planned that and i really like how this build turned out

I guess the only thing left to do now is just you

I built a beacon using every full block in minecraft hardcore.
In this video, I collect 362 different blocks, including the new 1.19 blocks, to build a beacon. This is Episode 3 of my Hardcore Series. In episode 1 I survived 100 days and in episode 2, I transformed the end into the deep dark.

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♪ Music provided by Artlist ♪
Video Inspired by Sandiction
Series Inspiration:
Loony, NotNotBrock, Sandiction
#minecraft #but #hardcore


  1. I love your content. You are one of the few good Minecraft youtubers and you dont have that "accent" that Minecraft youtubers talk in most of the time. You also dont scream constantly. Thank you for your amazing content.

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