Spring Y1, Day 15 – 16 • Stardew Valley • 2 Year Perfection

Natural futuristic approach to farming I’ll be honest I haven’t looked at it for like since I saw it announced I believe E3 so I don’t know like I haven’t been keeping up to date with all the the announcements of it welcome to living off the land we’re

Back again with another tip for y’all now listen up it’s salmon Berry season all across the countryside bushes are teaming with Juicy little berries and they’re for the taking harvesting them is a great way to earn some extra cash what a miserable miserable idea we’re going to eat them oh Goodness hello dear I know you’re just getting started as a gardener so I wanted to give you a little tip most crops only grow in one season when summer arrives your spring crops will all die out so plan ahead granny Ely wonderful all right let’s get watering

Now we got full energy let’s see how long this well let’s see how long this takes us and how much energy we have at the end of it I’m uncomfy that is welcome to dazzabound making you uncomfortable since 2019 Chris Farley I don’t even know who that Is hello Melanie hope you’re Well yo what’s up Sierra how you doing dazzy dazzy don’t know if I approve of this nickname of my Nickname I feel violated what that’s a bit far don’t you think you’ve been here since the start you you’d know that voice it’s always been your Nickname oh my mouse is getting in the way welcome back lav you missed the granny Evelyn voice you either feel blessed or cursed cuz it gets me every time oh dear ah shars can’t tell if that’s sarcastic or not maybe it’s better that way he’s never noticed oh trust me I noticed when

People call me names I notice maybe sometimes all right so that takes about 3 hours and nearly all of our Energy all righty let’s take our Scythe with us just in oh no let’s take our hoe as well and let’s go look for salmon berries salmon berries are going to be super important they give us 25 energy so we need to get as many of

These as we can cuz for the next couple of days they’re going to be a lifesaver especially if we have to go into the mines and after using all of our energy watering granny Carol Carol Channing it’s kind of who I’m trying to fun enough Channel all right where are the salmon

Berry bush thank you okay what’s up lus these berries are mine okay they don’t belong to you these are mine no no out the way thank you hello oami how you doing still eating the candy bar I’m not a big fan of maple syrup maybe it’s

Because Canada is very far away so we get bad maple syrup over here but it always just tastes like artificial sweetener to me I’ve only had it a few times and it’s never tasted good I think it’s just because we don’t get like proper good maple syrup over here

Here how are you I’m doing good thank you very much for asking like I said yesterday uh was the first day where I didn’t feel like complete utter trash and I had the day to myself as well which was very very nice give GL one he likes food no these

Are for me these are important these are these are dazzer berries that it doesn’t share have you learned any useful productivity hacks lately absolutely not thank you very much for the Redemption have I learned any productivity hacks recently no I’ve been doing pretty good with sleep though I’ve actually been sleeping

During the E uh during the nights rather than during the mornings for like a week now I think I’ve been a morning person for a week chat mornings are boring hey no worries Del enjoy the dog walk uh I don’t really care about that cuz I don’t think we get any friendship

Boost there’s a meanie wait what do you mean I’m not mean yeah look if he wants the berries he can pick them off the bush himself all right this sucks how have I only got 14 berries that’s seven Bushes 5 years I mean maybe you at one point will feel like having a refresh happens all the time I think this is like my seventh farm at this Point see for me I’m quite goal oriented so once I get so far in a game or so far in a farm that there’s nothing really for me to progress in anymore I I tend to end up giving up on that farm and feel like starting a new

One a couple of sprung down here but we’ve always said it with Stu this is an absolutely wonderful game that can be played so many different ways Mr radish yeah I know uh I’m focusing on the salmon berries I think I missed like a couple of other things as well yes still the

Switch no I’m not on PC Sierra huh you answered incorrectly I’ve only ever played Stu Valley once on the PC maybe twice actually that’s yeah that’s a lie I’ve played it twice on the PC yes I’m on Nintendo switch see I can prove it light theme

Haha you know what we are going to pick up the rest of the forage Ables for the Experience hi bring coins good sell Hats you know I just realized is very close to Jar Binks hats oh I’ve just ruined hat Mouse light mode offends you that’s fine that’s okay in fact that makes me more happy with my choice of mode I’ll be honest specifically offending Whitney I’ll take it you’ve improved charger I’ll take

That give me a rash I beg your pardon just blinded you oh you’ll live you’ll live Okami you’re part of the Supreme switch users no light allowed do you own a Wii U Ali uh-oh to go through this way oh we can’t go through this way uh let’s go through this um

Okay no no we you okay uh see Kilgore sorry it’s your boy thank you very much for the 22 months how you doing Callum uh I’m actually stuck I can’t get through my farm leaves where’s the other un sub button how you doing gum hope you’re having a good

Day I was lking on your stream yesterday and re-watching some of your VOD I tuned back in just at the moment where Bookworm typed in chat quick kill it before dazer comes at the cloud ey yeah I see what happens I see what’s happening here thank you for the

Follow went from Wii to 3DS to switch when it come Nintendo devices yeah I I feel like a lot of people skip down the Wii U which to be fair to them I I don’t blame them kill what the clire hello Bergie the Claire Okami they were fighting a

Claire in the raid dens and Bookworm goes quick kill it before dazzer arrives and I’m just like ah my baby oh no give me back the fiber ynk the better really B claim bgy bold claim all right it’s 6:00 p.m. we got a little bit of energy I’m going to try getting down

Five levels in the mines uh we’ll take our spring onions with us but I don’t think we’re going to do too good I’ll be honest it’s not going to stop me though B and brave parents kept saying no you have a Wii uh I uh I bought the only one in

Town and the store that I bought it from which was Blockbuster before they shut down get told me that they were worried I’d get mugged carrying it through town so they gave it to me in a black bin bag rather than a um rather than letting

Me carry it around for all the world to see that I own a a precious and Priceless Nintendo Wii U cuz they ordered it in especially for me cuz I pre-ordered it little did they know that no one gave a damn well actually apparently they had like three people

Coming that day ask about getting a Wii U and they could see it in the back back office they’re like no that’s a that’s a pre-order that’s someone’s already paid for that te oh my goodness it’s the the one and only lovely TSH that we never say

Anything bad about ever right thank you very much for the 32 month resub we all know about Murphy’s Law anything that can go wrong will go wrong but have you heard of Cole’s law it’s thinly sliced cabbage da a gasp why didn’t Han Solo enjoy his steak dinner it was chewy da a

Love da a Hype hello TSH how you doing how’s uh how’s the shift going have you made anyone else cry yet today also those were absolute bangers no no more smack talk I promise you know me if there was smack talk I’d tell you about it yeah yeah yeah yeah okay uh we are

Probably not going to get five levels down also we did get a crab for the Crab Pot bundle don’t think I didn’t see that hey black beanie how you doing let’s hope that we get some uh some staircases with these mini bombs sad oh we’re we’re we’re close to

Hitting level 30 as well a my least favorite leave me alone sir now she keeps complimenting me on how lovely I am are you reeving in that or is it making you annoyed cuz that would get annoying to me just oh guys if you want to know one

Way to annoy me it’s just absolutely showering me with compliments and you know just telling me how how awesome I am oh that gets old so quick you know just just don’t annoy me okay not buying Netflix when I had a chance was giving the offer mail order rentals was Netflix early on

H laughing cuz I’m writing really nice on her note what daer you’re beautiful and so masculine with the beard and the hat yeah you know one of the primary reasons for going bold is too much testosterone apparently I blame genetics all right come on we just need a staircase just one

Staircase we got an hour and a half to go down one more floor I think out of everything I’m behind on the mines I’d like to be further ahead on the mines than I am right now if anything I’d like to be at iron level at this point don’t make me quit

On on this floor again last time we quit on floor 24 hello Bookworm we just talked about you you’re so good at this game and makeing me want to whip out my switch at work do it whip it out context context is important we can find one more

Staircase we we can’t find one more staircase there’s too many rocks oh it’s so annoying no we have to leave it’s too late leave me alone bug that’s so annoying am I even going to get home in time no we’re not going to have any energy to water the crops

Uh-oh Colton wants me to move Rooney out no oh Rodney Rodney is my little baby Rodney hello Crockett how you doing yeah I I should have stayed and passed out but I’m so low on energy I’ll be able to get home in time it’s going to be could be close no

I’m not I’m going to fall asleep on the staircase again um hello uh oh God okay oh no oh copper I fell asleep on the staircase again oh well at least time the Harvey can’t steal that much money from me right what comfy stairs teach that’s the second time today

That’s the second time I’ve done that today rain ooh oh wait we’ve got full energy why do we have full Energy hope you’re feeling settled in your new home I’m writing to let you know that P store is now selling fertilizers no thanks thanks dear Mr dazzer Last Night A Jojo team member found you incapacitated a medical team was dispatched to bring you home safely we’re glad you’re okay

You’ve been build 37 Gold for this service moris they found me on my doorstep again Chadwick is moving villager hunt next Thursday nice level up you get full energy oh thank you lizo I I planned it clearly I planned it you was the yeah it was all part of the

Plan trust me there’s a Plan yeah right Ramen bro leave me leave me alone it’s my home all right this will take us up to about 8:40 Again look this is all going to be for not if we don’t have enough um resources for sprinklers also I feel like I got really unlucky with the salmon berries oh I only got like 40 I think I got 44 salmon berries yesterday so they’re not going to be

That great for energy we got like two more days left it’s the wait is the 18th the last day or is the 18th the day that they don’t appear Anymore I saw a video thumbnail or something suggested to me about Animal Crossing hard mode and I ignored it it’s like people trying to make fetch happen you know what I mean stop trying to make fetch happen fetch is never going to Happen was foiled by chure employ is acnh hard mode honestly I I didn’t look at the video because I just don’t care about anal Crossing that much anymore but it seemed like it was you can’t use certain ways of making money or you can’t use Bells I actually have no

Idea never click the videos yeah I just I just don’t care enough like I said they’re trying to make fetch happen fragnant it’s a it’s a movie reference it’s from Mean Girls of all films What’s the end game of that in a game which you kind of have to set the objectives true it’s like how long do you follow this hard mode life for all right we go get spring onions and we hope we get more salmon berries and then we go mining again

I’m really bummed out that I missed the the last floor by four levels again that’s that’s annoyed me oh Coal thank you for the follow appreciate it I feel old now why cuz I cuz I mentioned Mean Girls I bet there’s like something that you guys you know maybe some of the new followers out there coming into a stream seeing a a bearded fella but none of them Rec uh none of

Them expected him to start talking about mean girls I mean sometimes it’s not a case of um not getting the reference sometimes it’s or or or not being old enough to get the reference sometimes it’s just a case of forgetting or just not knowing you know uh Okami salmon berries are great

For extra energy so each Berry gives an extra 25 energy which doesn’t sound like a lot but if you can collect you know 200 of them over the course of a few days that’s an extra thousand energy no that’s way more than that that’s 5,000 energy that’s a lot more than I

Thought what bound do you want fetch to happen haha no yeah if you can spend a little bit of time collecting the salmon berries for the few days that they’re available they can be worth so much no it’s yeah it is 5,000 energy isn’t it if you collect 200 of them that’s huge

Let’s aim for let’s aim for 5,000 and it’s free energy as well it’s just sitting on bushes it doesn’t take anything to harvest them you just click on them and they fall off same with the spring onions you’ll be good to Blackberry Seasons I mean with the amount of

Strawberries that I’ve got maybe not cuz I’ve got a lot of strawberries I may be regretting that Yeah I thought 40 wasn’t that many but 25 energy per I missed one shoot why Hospital’s cold wait Whitney you’re in hospital hope you’re okay is the bush yeah Neo mentioned um one Bush isn’t that bad I it’s like at this point it’s it’s too far away for me

To go back and and go go look for It didn’t realize that uh Louis had one in his uh his House I’m kind of making a loop up to the um up to the mines so that I can go straight into the mines after harvesting the berries a quick question what’s the best strategy to have the most money available for strawberries um Um so the way I did it how did I do it chat how did I do it did I just I um I saved all of my money up until the 6th and on the 6th I bought and planted as many potatoes as I could and that meant

That on the 12th the day before the the Strawberry Festival the egg Festival on the 12th I had a big crop of strawberries I think like 48 strawberries no sorry I had 48 potatoes ready to harvest and sell you know what since we’re here we might as well just give this to

Haley um and that that gave me a good chunk of money for strawberries we were kind of spitballing with an idea earlier about the friending Caroline and getting Caroline to two hearts and unlocking the tea sapling recipe from her uh because you can turn two wild seeds

Into a tea sapling and sell it for 500 gold so we were kind of spitballing with maybe trying to figure out a way of doing that before the um before the Strawberry Festival but I don’t think it’s possible or it’s going to be very very close welcome back sub did you get pay Rise that’s fine boram no worries no worries rest your broken hand it’s all good I wasn’t I wasn’t saying it was chat’s fault that I missed it it’s my fault for missing it um at the end of the day One Missed bush is not going to to be a massive detriment to us

Definitely seems like there’s more on the second day than the first although looking at the total it’s roughly the same what’s up carbon Jen how you doing small one last week at the end of year review well done proud of you what does that mean does that mean

More chocolate in the week does it mean extra day of spa day you go on vacation all right we’re here 2 hours earlier today let’s make it to floor 25 oh we need some quartz as well oh that’s huge okay early staircase extra money in the house fund Fair all

Right infested floor I’m actually not too mad about because these bugs will give us bug guts ready for bug steak which is more Energy very nice the rice shoots not so much we have a crab rock over here so the infested floor means that you know we don’t get the staircase until we kill all the enemies but it also means that yeah it’s pretty easy to to find the staircase your end gold is

Obvious stupid flying Bug I think oh thank goodness take a b one out of three if he has to quit on the 24 again I hope not I hope not cuz that will be the third time we actually um oh in our last stream we have to quit on the 24th floor

Again so I tend to ignore the silver rocks because they take two hits with the regular axe to destroy oh my goodness we did it oh but word pug meat makes you shiver uh expert yeah I’d agree yeah I think it’s just because you can um you can roll certain

Floors and you can kind of like almost Farm it rather than um killing enemies for it oh the scapula I think you did I think you did sub it took you a minute though but you got it cuz yeah wasn’t it no I might be thinking of someone

Else but someone else had like a bugged um Walnut they couldn’t find all of them for completion I think was it not [Applause] you I do need the copper so I will take it 413 is good for farming dirt not a sentence I thought I’d hear or or read

Even all right you know what we’re going to take the Earth crystal so we’re going to throw away the rice shoot we are going to have to plant rice at some point is rice price seasonal or is that a year round crop y if we could make it to floor 30

Today that would be huge I doubt it but we got pretty lucky with the floors so far uh I will take that though um I’ll eat the horseradish yeah yeah bug meat since we can turn into steak I think that’s going to be important nice spring only okay so we are going to

Have to uh plant some then thank you Neo this is stue expect everything okay floor 30 is a possibility floor 30 is definitely a possibility we’ve got okay we got floor 30 4 35 not not happening oh here we go I hate these floors these floors suck Butt at this point floor 30 isn’t going to oh well floor 30 has happened floor 35 isn’t going to happen so I’m just going to go farming for iron or copper even yeah you can set up next to water that’s very true it’s very okay floor 35 might

Happen we’re getting so lucky with staircases today how have we gone down almost 15 Floors oh dwarf scroll um yeah we we’ll take that come on give me a good good Sword must be a lucky day yeah must be a very lucky day I’m definitely not complaining cuz floors 30 through 40 are my least favorite if we can get through these that’ be awesome yeah luck means more staircases Yeah okay we can Into The Adventurous Guild terrible without glow ring yeah it’s the enemies as well the the stupid little Golems or whatever they’re called I don’t know what they actually are but I I despise them just because they take so long to kill I don’t want to eat the salmon berries

Yet uh I don’t have I don’t have enough Stone to craft one we need 99 TV said it was a very lucky day that’s why ah thank you Rachel yeah I honestly forgot what my TV said which reminds me of real life because the TV just says nonsense nowadays it’s like Twitter trending is that geod I don’t really want that well oh we got

It we got 30 5 I’m heading home I’m heading home damn that was a good day that was a really good day for mining we only got one bit of coal though what’s up M uh mman hope you’re doing well was that 20 floors in a single day

That was that was 15 no it wasn’t it was 20 through to 35 so it was 15 floors but it was close yeah cuz I kept getting stuck on floor 2 four so we we we started on 20 run forest run you know what I didn’t see that film

Until I well actually I think it was last year was 29 when I first saw Forest Gump pretty good film I almost shed a Tear right food goes in this one those away I guess we Could let’s make another chest real quick ah I don’t need torches I’m fine I can see in the dark I eat my carrots uh this is going to be for com well this will be our gifting chest and then this will be our completion chest it would be nice for stream don’t

Don’t get me wrong I I do recognize that we are going to need one of those each um can put those away oh a pass niip as well oh that’s right I should probably buy some crops I can’t it’s it’s going to be Wednesday okay uh well these are all going in completion

Because we we only need well there’s nothing there for gifts good boy fault forgot his name then

In January of 2023, I embarked on a challenge to try and complete Stardew Valley 100% Perfection as fast as the game possibly allows it. I went in with a loose plan, and intended on honing it over multiple attempts. I did not expect to complete the challenge on my first run, however I did! And this is that run.
These are VOD reuploads from my livestreams on Twitch.

~ Watch Me LIVE ~
🕹Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/DazzaBound
Originally streamed Jan-Feb 2023

👕 PINS & Merch – https://shop.dazzabound.tv/

#LiveStream #StardewValley #Perfection #Challenge #Twitch


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