10 hour terraform Project in Hardcore Minecraft! (1.20 Survival)

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen to another hardcore episode previously we built this in the end one of our most insane builds ever I’m pretty sure let alone in this world and I’m not going to lie I built this and I didn’t log in for 2 weeks this project took so much of my

Energy that I just didn’t want to have to enter this world again for a while however we’re back and today we’re going to be building a l of stuff but this time a lot of different stuff as I have some big plans for the future involving some more huge builds like the ones

You’re seeing behind me and today is going to help us with those future plans we’re going to be building a lot of automated Farms also YouTube took away polls so I can’t poll this but leave a comment and let me know do you prefer the UI being this size right here with

The inventure being kind of small like this or do you prefer it a little bigger like like this with the inventory being considerably bigger on the screen not for playing Just for watching my videos please let me know in the comments down below anyway it’s time we got to work

And I mean business today baby I’m not addressing you as Baby by the way uh that’s weird the I don’t call anyone baby not even my wife although I do call her babe anyway moving on the first thing we’re building today is long overdue and it is of course a slime farm

Now like every Farm I build I’m following a tutorial because I’m stupid and can’t come up with these ideas myself and this one is by someone called day six and we need a lot of materials they are glass fence gates scaffolding campfires fences iron blocks cved pumpkins pressure plates torches Hoppers

Trap doors a load of chests a load of building blocks some stairs a load of slabs some dirt SL grass and that is everything except for one material I need 19 and half stacks of brown mushrooms oh my gosh I have 42 right I need an axe with fortune on

It so let’s make a diamond axe and let’s see if we can get Fortune Silk Touch won’t do no luck but I can buy two Fortune two bcks here put on a mending an efficiency and a fortune and voila hopefully this works lovely now I tried to grow loads of these at

Once but it wouldn’t work so here’s me bone mealing the same mushroom over and over and over and 30 minutes of chopping mushrooms later there we go and that is everything you probably don’t care but another thing I’ve just done is rearrange all of my ender chest and put

Everything into some shulkers that I need but let’s head to the swamp where we will be building this Farm weirdly there’s still slimes here from when I was painting them before the slime farm is working so first we got to clear some space mainly we’ve just got to get rid

Of all these trees and some dirt and grass and now I’ll build the rest of the farm and won’t explain anything to you cuz I’m following a tutorial it’ll be in the description and this thing took quite a while to build mainly because I had to clear out quite a lot of space

Again I used a beacon to speed it up of course but it still took a decent amount of time you can see the basics are we’re making these four killing Chambers with some Iron Golems to lure them in and then inside we’re placing mushrooms so only slimes can spawn cuz slimes can

Spawn on mushrooms apparently and then at the top we’re making an AFK chamber and lighting up the area around it and we also afked and oh my gosh I didn’t even realize what day we are ending this on let’s have a look at that F3 menu day

2,000 2,000 days on this world that’s kind of crazy that’s my new record for any single player by a long shot but anyway how’s the slime farm getting on ooh let me gather it all so we’re are in 15 minutes of AFK we’ got nearly 17 Stacks which equates to oh boy nearly

Two stacks of blocks that is so good oh and wait oh and I actually missed some what the heck there’s so much actually well over two stacks lovely and I’ve actually collected all the grass and the dirt we got from clearing out that hole there as we will be using that very

Shortly but let’s head home on Day 2000 I can’t believe it’s Day 2000 I keep pressing F3 and looking at the number it makes me so happy and as fun as it is to look at all the stuff we’ve built in these 2000 days we’re not going to waste

Day 2000 just doing nothing oh no no we’re going to get started with our next big project which requires a lot of terraforming a lot of terraforming a lot okay and we’ve got all this grass and dirt here and a little bit more in the chest over there let’s see how far it

Gets us shall we as we’re going to go straight into a day 2000 time lapse now I have a love and hate relationship with terraforming I love how it looks it can really make builds look so much better but I hate placing grass oh my gosh it’s

So boring our grass and dirt supply is getting rather low as you can see see we’re all out of grass and we’ve got a little bit of dirt left and quite a bit more to do so I guess we need to go get some grass shock surprise it’s a time

Lapse of me getting grass except it’s raining and now it’s not raining hopefully we can finish it with all this stuff sometimes Minecraft is weird isn’t it I’ve just gone and collected a load of grass and dirt to then Place instantly a load of grass and dirt I

Have fun I hope you have fun as well watching it let’s see this next time lapse oh yeah baby look at him place that grass ooh it’s so grassy I don’t know what I’m saying anymore we really had to fix this landscape as it was truly quite horrible especially with all

That sand that I’ve been clearing out before but we got there in the end and we started making this thing look pretty even cleaned up some of the water and just added in some layers and stuff and on day 2023 which is the year we were recording

This of course it is not done still as you can see over there we’ve got some l of where we want to terraform but we have once again ran out of blocks look at all this stuff we’ve managed to dig up so far oh my gosh this is taking ages

Let’s go get some more grass this time in a fun Montage guys you are not going to believe believe what has happened again look at this look at this guess you had another power cut this is the latest backup I have by the way yay there was a bit of a storm the other night in the UK and I was

Recording that last clip at about 1 p.m. UK time and I actually logged out of the world but for some reason it was still mid saving the world and then the power cut like bam which by the way it didn’t come back on for nearly 20 hours it

Didn’t come back on till 10:00 a.m. the next day so yeah we’re going to have to try and recover as much as we can let’s see what we can do I’m sick of this how does this keep happening to me so once again we’ve managed to save the world as

You can see we’ve done a bit more terraforming since you last saw me uh but of course all our stuff like our things in our Ender Chest have gone back so far so all the stuff I just organized oh I am so annoyed basically what keeps happening during these power

Cuts is my player data gets corrupted here on the left is a normal player data and here on the right is my player data as you can see everything is missing but everything in the world itself like our grass blocks Etc are still here we did

Lose quite a few grass blocks from our inventory but I’m not going to cheat those in instead I’m just going to use use up these ones we have left I am very annoyed though I am very annoyed that this has happened again since we’ve moved to our new house we haven’t had a

Single power cut in two years and now we’ve had two in two months and both have been well I’ve had my hardcore World open what are the chances I hate it so much oh well hopefully this time lapse works and I don’t get another power cut if I do I’m quitting Minecraft

Forever and just so you all know I’ve bought a mini backup generator to plug my PC into so this should never happen again if we have a power cut that should kick in I’ve just finished collecting this grass and I’ve just realized the statistics are still all wrong it says

40,000 grass I’m pretty sure this was up to like 70,000 I’ve lost so many again why is it always after I farm a load of stuff oh dear anyway let’s go finish this stupid terraforming in this stupid video in the stupid world which is making me angry because of how stupid it

Is that the power keeps stupidly cutting out I’m not angry I am angry why am I saying I’m not angry I am anyway I’m going to play grass angrily hear some angry music while I place his grass angrily Huff puff Huff puff I’m so angry I’m going to

Show up now I’m not actually that angry but I am just a little bit annoyed I’m actually recording this voice over days later as you can see my voice is really gone now we’ve spent around 50 days on this which doesn’t look like a lot to be

Honest but this is tricky work I don’t know why but placing grass and dirt and organizing all this has taken a very long time it’s a lot of blocks and at the moment it kind of doesn’t make sense there’s a lot of holes everywhere there’s just random stuff it will all

Make sense shortly okay it’s going to be beautiful as this will all be leading up to something over here which we’re not going to build today instead that’ll be for next video where we’re going to do something massive once again today though we’re working on this which is

Some Farmland I’m going to spoil it I don’t know why I’ve been trying not to spoil it we’re going to have a house we’re going to have some fields of wheat as we do have some fields of wheat over there but I just think fields of Wheat

And flowers look so nice and this flowers over here look amazing and I think if this whole area was just wheat fields that would look so cool so we’re going to start with the fields as we have some other stuff we’re going to build around here but the fields of

Wheat will be the first thing and for the fields of wheat we need a lot of stuff also I’ve said fields of wheat way too many times so uh yeah let’s go go get the stuff we need for the fields of wheat fields of wheat fields of wheat

Fields of wheat fields of wheat I’ll show up now 11 minutes into the episode and this is our first material Gathering Montage Joel what the heck is wrong with you you’re rubbish you can’t even gather materials as much as you just do anymore why am I saying this I don’t know what

I’m saying anyway here I go placing all those Birch leaves I just gathered to make some outlines for these fields of wheat but there’s also other fields in there as well oh is there there is okay that was the easy part now we’ve got to actually hoe all these fields

Okay we probably going to have to fix this at some point but let’s get Hing placing those bushes was a blast I actually really enjoyed placing the Birch bushes hoing all this ground oh my gosh it takes so long look at this here the days are passing by actually it’s

Still only been one day it’s not actually taken as long as I thought but I had to place so much water H so much land and it did actually end up taking about an hour or so to do all this and we still haven’t planted the wheat this

Is literally just hoing all the grass which yeah it’s a lot of grass it’s a lot of hoing but I’m happy of it it it it looks cool on the time lapse at least that is a lot of fields guess we’re going to need a lot of seeds and there

Is a reason for this by the way and that is because I like to build with packed mud and of course with packed mud you need wheat so I’m making sure I have plenty of wheat for Gathering all this wheat I use my fortune hoe to get the

Most seeds possible I think that’s the how that works I don’t know though we got two Shar boxes of seeds plus some EXT ra will it fill all these fields oh gosh and how can I make this time lapse different to the other time lapses of me

Just hoing the fields well let me tell you right now jel you’re about to come up with something really creative you’re going to do this what are you going to do please tell me cuz I’ve not really thought of it yet future Joel’s problem I’m going to unplanned rhyme every word

Because that is the curd of the way that makes cheese in the head hey Bales I am terrible at this oh my gosh two shulker boxes didn’t finish it off we’ve still got so much more to do what that’s 54 stacks of seeds it wasn’t enough let’s

Go get more and this one here is going to be way more fun so cue the music let’s go oh yeah I’m just going to do some adlibs just throw them in there oh yeah baby Ooh DJ smallish bead get it oh we’re done okay that’s the end cool oh yes we are done with our fields of Wheats oh my gosh some of it starting to grow as well now I would go Frolic through these fields of wheat but I don’t want to accidentally stand on

Some also fun fact wheat is now my third most used block meaning I’ve planted 25,000 seeds seeds but I’m really happy with these I think these’re going to look really cool but we’re going to move on really quickly to something completely different and no we’re not

Done with that yet okay we’re not done but so far I’ve got two Wood Farms in this world we’ve got this one which can do spruce Oak and Birch and we’ve got this one here which can do dark oak but one of the woods we use the most is

Mangr look there’s some over there there’s some over there there’s some there and Mangrove is one of the most annoying blocks to farm in the game so I’m going to make make a mangrove wood Farm today a lot of farms are very ugly so I like to cover them up with

Buildings and this one is massive so we’re going to have to dig it into the ground and I was thinking just over here would be quite good because it’s where I like chop some wood anyway and it’s quite close to the bone meal Farm which

I can hopefully run at the same time so yeah let’s build it just over here so I’ve marked out a square here and we are currently at y 101 we need to get down to Y 53 oh dear this is going to be a lot of digging so to make this entertaining I’m

Going to think of many whole related puns and we’re going to throw them in right now good luck Joel because I can only think of one right now and it’s praying to the holy Lord okay let’s get started oh as a Minecraft Crater of content I have a bit

Of a pit in my stomach as I’m trying to get out the trenches and think of some whole related p p ponds PS ah okay let’s ditch the puns now as they’re getting pretty Hollow no I’m just kidding but we do need to build the rest of the farm

Right now which we need a lot of materials for do we have them all Mr chess system turns out the answer is yes look at all this lovely stuff very nice and we’re going to be following a shulker craft tutorial today for this thing uh and we’re not going to be

Decorating the outside today either I just want to get get this thing up and running so we can build some more stuff over there let’s see if we can get it to work I’m scared as I think this Farm can mess up anything with TNT cannons scares

Me but while we build Joel will tell you his favorite facts about mangrove trees won’t you Joel you have you now I’ve said it in the video and I’m not going to re-record this clip good luck yes Joel here are seven fascinating facts about mangroves that I am bringing out

Of my brain and definitely not reading off Google such as mangr are some of the most important carbon sinks on Planet wow and uh mangroves are found in salty water ooh salty and mangroves can help mitigate Coral bleaching what does that mean and mangr contribute back to the

Economy and Society what do they like pay taxes or something what all right all that afking done let’s load this thing up with some bone meal gosh I hope this works four shulkers of bone Mill in here roughly let’s get some Mangrove propal and I’ve just remember remembered

I forgot to build the collection system/ bone Mill making thing which we’re going to do now it won’t take long in fact let me walk into this wall here and when we turn around and it is done oh isn’t that great what a lovely transition so this

Is a basic dispenser it’ll dispense out all the stuff into this water stream and then we collect ourselves some sticks or Mangrove logs and all the other stuff will go into these comp imposters here but I think we’re finally ready to start this Farm let’s turn it on TNT should

Start falling from the top now it is good okay let’s get in position which I believe is we stand here and then we aim at this stair like this there we go we planted our first sapling now we just hold right click and it should there look it’s blowing stuff

Up it looks like the logs land on us so once our invent fills up it’ll go into the sorting system let’s AK for like 10 minutes see what happens all right that is 10 minutes up does seem to leave a little bit of stuff so one problem I’ve

Noticed is I started with what was it like 48 mangra PS I’ve got 20 left which is not good also I’m pretty sure I picked up pretty much everything we’ve got nine in there although those have filled up with 41 now well one of them

Has we got some sticks we got no bone meal but our inventory is full of stuff let’s put it all in here so 10 minutes for over five stacks of Mangrove that’s pretty good also a load of sticks but like I said the propal thing is going to

Be an issue but at least it works so there we go we have a mangrove wood Farm now very nice I think that is definitely going to be quicker in the long run also it gave us a load of stone and other goodies to play with but it’s time to

Head back to the main project of today and on this spot right here we’re going to be building a lovely Farmhouse ooh but before we can build a farmhouse we need materials baby yeah listen to the pumping music playing I’m hyped and I’m definitely not still sick and feeling

Terrible and that’s why my voice sounds weird but let’s get all these materials in Minecraft because it’s what I love to do I actually do like doing this it’s quite fun and quite nice because I just watch a movie I was watching Cars the movie during this one here’s a fun thing

Fact is it the medication going to my head and I’m getting a bit weird I don’t know but anyway let’s build this Farmhouse ooh look at it it’s a farmhouse I I don’t know what this was modeled after I just sort of made it up

And I thought it looked kind of cool I made sure to use Mangrove though and there’s day 2,100 comes to a close we are done let’s have a sleep in one of these beds here as yes I have decorated the inside a little bit as you can see the plan is

We’re going to have one two three four five six 7 eight villagers in this place we put eight composters as well as you can see scattered around all we have to do is make sure that they can’t get out which they can’t and we’ll have eight Farmers to trade with very nice indeed

Functional as well as looking pretty cool and also look the wheat fields are pretty much all Grown Apart from a few that were just out of render distance over here but they’re magnificent look at those woohoo but let’s give a chance for these to grow in

Shall we by building a big old barn right here quickly Joel go get those materials starting out with some dark oak wood as we had ran out dark oak saplings to use our dark oak wood Farm we also got some mud bricks and then we went back to our Mangrove farm for a

Little bit until this happened what on Earth there’s a bee blocking my farm how did even get down here stupid be anyway that should hope for be enough anyway we got stripping our Mangrove wood and then we also collected some oak leaves and then we got building our barn as you can

See it’s made out of Mangrove that’s the kind of theme of this episode it’s why I built the mangrove farm so that I could have loads of Mangrove builds in the future and not have to worry about chopping down those stupid trees I also added a field in the background lovely

Ah lovely it is done a very nice Barn where we are of course going to have some animals by the way if my voice sounds different SL weird for all these clips it’s because I’ve been ill and I’ve been recording this over like 4 weeks now it’s taking a long time anyway

Because my voice is being weird we’re just going to finish everything else off I think I have pretty much every material I need so let’s go get them and let’s do one final massive time lapse I actually lied to you right there it’s two time lapses you gullible idiots

Thought that was only going do one time lapse you idiots you morons I’m sorry I don’t know where where this is coming from I just like calling people idiots sometimes I don’t think any of you are idiots maybe you are idiots let me know how you do in your exams do you have

Exams this time of year I’m 30 years old I don’t know where exams are anymore anyway look I added some animals to the fields that took a long time cuz they take ages to breed up the stupid idiots I’m doing it again oh my voice is going

I’m really like ill and stuff guys anyway look here’s me placing some Grass at the end here as we had to get some villagers into that house like I said earlier I went and destroyed all this wheat field which I fix later by the way don’t worry I’m not a blumin anti Wheat

Field person I don’t know what I’m saying again but villagers my gosh are these annoying I needed some farming villagers so I could start breeding them up in my house and I went for these two guys because they were the nearest by and I don’t really use them they were

Just there for decoration whereas I will use these ones but look we got them in the house and now we got the other one in the house as well completely destroying my wheat field by the way oh my gosh it took quite a while to fix but

After that we managed to break all the blocks and collect all our rails again traded some bread with one of them and got breeding them up as we’re going to have all our Farmers for trading our golden carrots in this building right here lovely well would you look at this

This place is looking so good look at it look at me walking through these fields of wheat these fields of sheep speaking of which come here my lovelies breed up breed up for me thank you I think from above this place looks kind of cool but

I think it’s when you’re coming in down low like from over here where it just looks amazing I’m really really happy this area this is meant to just be like a sort of mainly aesthetic fun area where it just looks nice and you can just walk through and it’s just

Minecraft it just makes you feel happy it’s meant to be somewhere that takes you to here which is where it’ll be working next time on probably our biggest project yet ah gosh I’m going to go start planning that right now make sure to leave a like and comment

Subscribe if you’re new and I shall see you another time for another hardcore Minecraft video goodbye

Terraforming takes so long.. we spent about 150 days on this!!


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  1. So during the 1000 (actually 1077) days tour with Lizzie you said you'd do another tour at 2000 days. If we double 1077 that'd be day 2154… Sooo…is it still happening?? Would love to see another one showing all the progress!

  2. Edit( ah you did, smart man)
    I know how to fix ur power outage world corruption problems.. Buy a "c.u.p.s." computer uninteruptable power supply. They go from anywhere between 50 to 500+ dollars. Im sure theyre based on whatever wattage ur pcs power supply is, but if you dont wanna lose ur world get one. Maybe one also for ur monitor so you can easily shutdown ur pc properly, as in be able to see what ur doing since power will be out.

  3. joel you could instead put a dark oak/spruce slab in the top half of all the water in your farms. hay bales are good as well, but these could work as well

    also R.I.P. statistics

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