How To Build a Modern Secret Base in Minecraft

My family is in big trouble because this huge meteor is about to hit our village can me and my brother Milo build a secure modern base to keep our family safe that meteor is about to hit any second chip our families are totally not safe you’re right Milo we have no time

To waste let’s get building our secure modern base we need to find the perfect spot to start and I think this wishing world will be perfectly secure really why is the Wishing Well Secura oh I’m really nervous don’t be nervous Milo the wishing well has water in it and

Everybody knows that water helps stop explosions so we can build our base under the wishing well wow that’s a really secure idea and we’re also kind of behind a mountain wow this is going to be epic yeah I’m just placing a trapo down here now we can dig underneath it

To make a super deep secure bunker base oh yeah this is going to be awesome we’re going to make make the coolest bunker ever oh no the water drips down I don’t think I dug down deep enough let me go a little bit further than that

Okay I’m going to help you dig cuz everyone knows I’m the speediest Digger in the world yeah I guess you are but only behind me I’m so quick at digging look how fast we made this hole Milo yeah we did a good job except we made a

Bit of a mess a little bit but not too much now we need to dig in this direction to clear the space we will need to make all of about rooms this underground bunker is totally going to protect us from this little meteor what a loser um Milo there’s just one thing

It is not a little meteor it only looked small because it was so far away it’s going to get a lot bigger the closer it gets to us wait what I didn’t know that oh my gosh maybe we won’t be okay we better build the most secure base the

World has ever seen definitely we need multiple levels of our secret base if the meteor is big enough it’ll drill all the way to the Earth’s core so we have to make sure our base goes really far deep down I wonder how long we’re going

To be down in this FN car I have no idea we have to assume that it will be a while though so we need to build as many cool rooms as we can that we want to spend all our time in I better have an awesome Running Room because one thing

About me is I love to run in circles yeah it’s kind of silly I see you doing it all the time especially in the morning how do you have so much energy when you wake up well because I get really bored when I’m sleeping and all I

Want to do is play with my friends so when I wake up I like to go for a worm I guess the early bird really does get the worm Milo but now we need to build a kitchen so that we both have lots of stuff to eat a kitchen but I don’t even

Know how to cook really oh that’s okay Milo the kitchen will have a fridge full of stuff inside that you don’t even have to cook like bu seeds yeah and look we even found emeralds uh-oh that is a cave look it goes for a really long while we

Need to block off this cave so that the meteor can’t blow up through the tunnel and get us yeah and maybe sometimes there’s monsters in the cave I don’t want to get eaten by monsters no definitely not I say the kitchen can be through this wall right underneath the

Mountain and next to the emerald we found I want the kitchen to be blue because that’s my favorite color Milo it can’t just be blue we both need to be happy inside well you don’t even go into the kitchen you’re always baking cookies in your bedroom what that’s not true

Milo I always bake my cookies in the kitchen if I baked cookies in the bedroom I would be hungry forever and I would never sleep yeah well you barely sleep cuz you’re always yapping if I’m yapping Milo that’s cuz the food I cook is always slapping I think our kitchen

Needs Bells what Milo no if we have any bells in our kitchen it’s going to be a dinner bell from all the amazing food we cook oh wow okay I guess so wait who are we cooking food for again for us and our families Milo we all have to survive in

Here together and we’re not going to be able to do that on an empty stomach I totally forgot that we need to bring our wives and our children down here yeah we really do so we don’t have a lot of time I’m going to make the floor of this

Kitchen out of andesite and I’m going to make the walls out of white terra cotta yuck andesite is so ugly no it’s not Milo it’s a really beautiful block look it looks just like Stone but it’s way smoother and nicer I don’t like it at

All but I guess I’ll help you build the kitchen thanks Milo I need all the help I can get if we both build this kitchen together we’ll have it done in no time I’m going to make the ceiling out of crimson planks what is this color game

You’re such a bad designer no I’m not Milo it’s going to look really beautiful you just have to trust me when it’s all done it’ll look so perfect fine I’ll Trust the process but it better be Tip Top Nots for my kid and my wife hey my

Kid and my wife are going to be here too so it definitely will now we need to get a bunch of inside cabinets and I know exactly the furniture I’m going to get first let’s grab a purple cooler I think purple is a great color for our kitchen

To have and I’m also going to get some more Crimson kitchen counters I think we definitely need a sink as well because we need to wash our hands espe actually if we’re going to be living here forever and I’m also going to grab a fridge and

What else do we need in a kitchen well we need lots of storage which is why I’m going to put some barrels over here let’s place the kitchen counters all the way over here just like this yeah I’m liking the positioning of that good job

Chip while you do all of that I’m going to fill these barrels full of P seies okay but remember to add food that me and my family can have as well I don’t want to go hungry down here just because you wanted some bird seeds well I might

Accidentally forget and that would be really funny no it wouldn’t it would be really bad so I’m adding a bunch of kitchen cabinets up the back wall here I’m going to fill them with delicious things like cookies and also some cooked salmon as well cooked salmon that sounds

Really yucky well it kind of is but only if you mix it with the cookies that’s why I’m separating them into different cabinets you can’t store fish and cookies in the same one that’s just gross I’m going to add a furnace so we can cook things and then we’ll be

Basically done yeah that’s awesome our kitchen’s looking good I guess I did trust the process and it turned out really nice thanks Milo I’m also just going to put coverings on these furnaces because you know how clumsy our family can be they’ll probably run in and try

To touch it and I don’t want my kid burning his fingers yeah I’ve never burned my fingers before cuz I’m not clumsy you definitely are clumsy Milo and I think it’s time that we decorate this inside room it’s going to be the main entrance so we need to make it look

Really lovely hey if you’re going to call me clumsy I’m not helping you decorate what Milo you have to help me if you don’t help me we’ll run out of time and the meteor will destroy both our families whatever fine I’ll help you but you have to stop calling me name I

Will sorry Milo I didn’t realize it upset you this much for the floor we need to grab some stone bricks and for the walls I’m thinking we use quartz what this is a pretty fancy secure house I’m liking this a lot thanks Milo I really like it too the fanciness is on

Purpose if we make this really fancy our families will be happy to stay down here and my wife loves fancy things yeah me too I’m a pretty fancy guy what a pretty fancy taste yeah you definitely are I remember seeing one day that you would only eat bird seeds covered in Gold yeah

Because I have sand it I’m not going to have any yucky silver but seats of course yeah that would be kind of weird I’m also going to make this wall have a big big entrance way through it it’s going to lead somewhere important but I’m not going to build that just yet

What’s it going to lead to it’s going to lead to a bunch more important parts of this secure underground base like farms and other survival things like my playroom uh yeah Milo like your playroom it’s going to be a bit more important than that but sure we can build a place

For you and both of our kids to play around in yeah this is going to be awesome it definitely will now that I’ve added this last bit of quartz we’re totally done with the walls and we just need to make the ceiling here what are we going to use for the ceiling here

That’s a really good question Milo I think I have the right idea I say we use stone bricks as well we did the same thing for the floor and it’s a pretty tough block so if we use it for the ceiling too we’ll have better defense against the meteor see Milo is really

Smart you should be asking him for advice on everything Milo why are you talking about yourself like that well I wanted it in a book and it said that if you talk about yourself in the third person it makes you seem way cooler and way smarter uh okay good luck with that

Milo I really hope it stops making you sound so silly Milo disagrees with you Milo is going to walk away now okay Milo you keep being silly like that but now I think it is time to make the living room this is where we’re going to spend so

Much of our time with our amilies well I’m not going to go in there I don’t like the living room what you don’t like the living room Milo what kind of room do you like I like epic Gaming rooms and rooms that I can do the Zoomies in the

Zoomies in well then I guess we’ll just have to make this living room really big especially if we want all of our survival Farms to Branch off of it yeah all right let’s make a big zoomi living roomm yeah we need to make this one really huge if it’s going to have enough

Space for you to zoom around in and my kid K is pretty energetic as well so it needs enough space for him too oh goodness I keep forgetting there’s a real meteor that’s going to come hit us it’s making me Shake in my shoes yeah me

Too I think I’m going to build a ladder up to our secret entrance so that I can check on my family hopefully they’re okay yeah hopefully they are well I guess I’m going to find out and okay I don’t see them Milo I think something might be wrong but okay here’s my kid

Here that is really good and hey my wife’s taking a swim in the wishing well what that’s awesome she’s having real fun but you know what’s not fun what is it Milo I can’t find my family oh gosh you’re right we better get looking for them before we continue building this

Bunker we don’t want to build it for four people if two of them have run away oh where are they but here chip I found them W oh that is such a relief you guys can’t be hiding like that this is Bad Milo and uh-oh look the meteor is so

Much bigger now what the I can’t believe it’s so much closer quickly we got to build this bunker in no time yeah we really don’t have much more time now we can finish making this living room as quick as possible quickly oh goodness we’re going to have to put so many

Safety measures in here you’re right Milo we can’t have any of the explosion from this meteor destroying our way of life and hurting our families that would be horrible I wish I could just go punch the meteor it’s making me grumpy and annoyed don’t do that Milo if you punch

The meteor it could break into a thousand tiny little meteors and we’d have a big problem on our hands oh I guess that’s true but I’m just mad why did this have to happen to us today I don’t know Milo but I’m grabbing a bunch of materials to build our living room

Out of we don’t have a lot of time so I say we hurry I’m going to add in the oak planks we’ve done a really good job placing the stripped oak logs all the way around yeah they’re all facing upwards and it’s a really cool design

Thanks Milo I’m really proud of it I worked super hard on thinking of it chap I have a funny thought what’s the funny thought Milo this secure bunker is actually almost nicer than our normal houses maybe we should just move down here forever but Milo think about it the

Sun is what we’re going to miss so much if we stay down here forever maybe we should build a little gloss looking thing that goes all the way up to the surface an observatory that’s a great idea Milo it’ll also help us keep track of the meteor I won’t place it just here

Though we’ll need to build it far away from the main part of the base because gloss breaks really easily and it’ll totally let the meteor in yeah Myer’s really smart for that idea yeah I guess you are but I’m really smart for Designing this floor we’re going to

Build it just like this out of dark oak wood it has to look really nice and cozy and warm if it’s going to be the living room where we spend all our time chip don’t you think the wood call is kind of clash um it does at the moment Milo but

Once we add all the Furniture inside this living room it’ll look really nice all right I guess I’ll just trust you again thanks Milo you can definitely trust me now let’s start adding in the dark oak planks inside here dark oak planks they’re not my most favorite yeah

I don’t like them that much either I definitely prefer the brighter wood colors but hey we need to use what we have in order to survive and build this base now that I finished the floor it is time to make the ceiling I say we make

The ceiling out of quartz as well but not just any quartz I’m going to make it out of smooth quartz blocks doesn’t this look so nice Milo yeah it looks really good I’m actually liking all of your design decisions thanks Milo I’m really starting to get better at picking

Designs for things my designs always used to be orange concrete and then quartz but I’m branching out a lot yuck orange is the worst color in the rainbow hey no it’s not it’s so beautiful I’m going to add more stripped oak logs right there and perfect now we can start with the furniture

I think adding an orange and a blue sofa is perfect yeah then we have a color for both of us yuck I hate this orange one I don’t want to n my blue one okay fine Milo we can have different sides of the living room an orange side and a blue

Side that’s much better now I get to decorate my blue side I’m going to decorate it better than you no way I’m going to decorate my orange side better than you if you decorate your blue side worse than I decorate my orange side your family will probably leave and I

Don’t think you want that Milo hey that’s mean this is going to look really good and you’re totally going to be jealous I don’t know Milo I’m pretty confident in my design I’m going to do a really good job here I’m a professional designer thank you very much yeah we’ll

See about that Milo your side is already looking ridiculous and while you’ve been rushing I’ve been picking the perfect materials to build my orange side out of just like this wow that looks so beautiful already I’m also going to have some tables over here and I’ll put some

Lamps on the tables look you can even click them on enough and I think we also need a flower pot on this table it’s going to be an orange tulip but uh-oh Milo I can already hear the sounds of the emergency helicopters trying to stop the meteor we need to hurry it’s getting

Closer oh we’ve been spending all this time on this silly burn but we forgot what we were really doing yeah you’re right Milo I’m just going to add the carpet and then will be totally done with this thing I’m going to make a heart and I’m going to make it blue and

Orange Because deep down we really do love each other wow that’s a bit of a joke hey no it’s not Milo there is no joke about family love okay perfect look it’s a heart going right down the middle and your side’s looking a little messy

But you know what it’s what we need to do if putting up with your mess will help me survive this meteor then I’ll do it Milo all right then let’s move on before I punch you or something hey don’t do that that that’s really bad but

Now it is time to make the bedrooms we need to have a really big bedroom that can fit both of our families inside at the same time at the same time I don’t want to share a bedroom with you hey that’s really mean Milo but we have to

We can’t have too much space otherwise we w’t have time to build this whole underground secret base but this meteor is going to destroy everything does that mean I have to sleep in the same room as you forever uh I don’t know Milo we better hope that we can build this base

Well enough that it won’t even matter we’ll be happy to sleep in the same room if we build it cool well you read me story books every night yes I will but only cuz you can’t read them yourself I know how difficult reading is for you yeah most of the time I’m just

Pretending to read I didn’t actually read that book that I told you about before I just looked at the squiggly line what you’ve never read Harry Potter but you said that was your favorite yeah but I just pretended to read it and I

Made up the St St in my head oh wow Milo that’s crazy but I’m going to get the concrete colors that we need in order to build this bedroom I’m also going to grab some stairs and I know the exact perfect thing to make them out of I’m

Going to use quartz stairs oh there’s lots of quartz in this house I guess it is really strong to protect us against the meteor yeah exactly and it’s really really pretty it’s also my wife’s favorite blocks so I definitely have to build with it otherwise she gets mad at

Me hey what about my wife’s favorite block what’s your wife’s favorite block Milo it’s wax exposed cut copper what Milo that’s so long and complicated are you sure that’s your wife’s favorite block yeah it really is and I like to put it everywhere so I better use it in

The little bedro my guess okay uh I guess that’s fine your floor can be made out of waxed exposed cut copper and my Flo is going to be made out of something a little nicer than that what do you mean wax six First Co is super nice yeah

But it’s a little weird you’re working on beeswax basically it’s going to get all slippery and sticky and gross no it’s nice and sticky on my feet it feels awesome ugh Milo you’re disgusting I don’t want sticky on my feet at all that’s why I’m going to build my bedroom

Out of spruce or something nice like that well you better not come over to my side of the bedroom then buddy how am I going to read you your bedtime stories then Milo you can just shout it to me from the the side of the room that’s not

Very relaxing but okay I’ll totally do that I’m going to build my side out of some Spruce planks yeah that’s going to look way nicer e boring boring hey it’s not boring it’s nice and cozy and I also have a really cool idea for the ceiling

I’m going to build it out of skull and I know that’s weird cuz it’s where the warden comes from but if you look at it closely it looks like a starry night sky I know that both of our families are going to miss sleeping above ground so this will hopefully make us less

Homesick wow it does look really pretty and I’m going to put a little thing here for the moon yeah that does look nice but Milo why don’t we use endstone for the moon see how it looks just like the real moon does yeah it does it looks really good apparently the moon’s made

Out of cheese uh I don’t know about that Milo that seems pretty weird what if you take a bite and it turns out to just be made out of rocks but I watched the documentary that told told me that it’s made out of cheese and that’s where all

The cheese comes from okay that’s kind of weird I didn’t know that but I guess if a documentary says it it must be true I’m going to place beds on both sides these can be our beds and we’ll also make some for our wife and our kid yeah

They have to have the most comfortable beds in the world yeah except mine’s definitely the most comfortable I’ve given myself a double bed well I have a double bed as well I guess now we need to grab some trap doors and and I think I know exactly why instead of just

Having our babies on regular beds we need to build them carts so that they can’t just run around and Escape everywhere that is so true I need a good night’s sleep and I do not need my baby jumping all over me yeah that would be really annoying now I’m going to place

Some bedside cabinets right here mine’s orange and yours is blue we’ll also give some for our wives right here actually ew I accidentally placed the blue one on my side yeah keep blue it here buddy you don’t deserve such a beautiful color hey blue is not that beautiful I think the

Best color is still definitely orange but because you like blue I’ve given you a blue orchid on your side hi that’s really pretty I like it a lot thanks chip you’re welcome Milo but look our bedrooms are already done this is looking so cool now we need to make

Bathrooms so that we can actually go to the toilet yeah because one thing about me is I need to go to the toilet a lot and when I get nervous about meteors I need to go extra a lot yeah definitely I say we build the bathrooms at the end of

The living room right here the bathroom can be a lot smaller than the other rooms because I don’t think bathrooms are meant to be very big I’m just building the ceiling up like this and I think I know exactly what we can build this bathroom out of let’s build this

Bathroom out of mossy cobblestone bathrooms are pretty gross so nobody wants to spend time in it and this fits the look pretty well do we really want to have a moldy B bath for are you sure yep I’m pretty sure I think it looks a lot nicer than regular Cobblestone

Regular Cobblestone just looks yucky Yu this is even worse it looks like it has slime everywhere I’m going to feel sick when I go to the bathroom okay well then you can replace some of the blocks with other blocks if you like Milo it doesn’t have to be mossy cobblestone okay I’m

Going to use some strip jungle log strip jungle log ew okay I’m just going to add a door here so I don’t have to see that let me grab a toilet so that I can put it in and then get out of there before I have to see what it looks like after

You’re done what do you think about this chip I’m really liking it uh it looks terrible but I don’t have time to argue with you on this Milo I only have time to add a bathroom sink let’s grab one that’s I think lime is perfect it looks

Just like the walls perfect now we can wash our hands after we’re done with the bathroom wait you meant to wash your hands after the B one wait a second you don’t wash your hands ew that’s it’s gross Milo hey it’s not my fault nobody

Ever told me I needed to wash my hands I bet nobody else told your family either wait speaking of your family we better check on them Milo and my family too we need to make sure that they’re okay with the meteor getting closer oh my gosh chip it’s still getting closer you’re

Right Milo it’s even closer to hitting us than last time and uh-oh I think my kid’s still having fun playing in that cave but where’s my wife oh no where’s my family family oh thank goodness they’re just right here sweetie come back to me please oh no if my wife stays

For too long out here with all that meteor coming towards us she’s going to be in big trouble if she’s out here while it hits she’s not going to make it and I’ll be alone forever oh goodness this is terrible y we really got to finish that bungle so I have a safe

Place to stay not until I find my wife Milo I do not want to leave her behind she’s the most important thing to me okay okay you find her and I’m going to go back to the secret base okay Milo I’ll be there in a second I really hope

Nothing bad happens while I’m out here excuse me have you guys seen my wife at all uh they’re not being helpful to me at all right now wait a second that’s a bee and I think he might be trying to lead me somewhere maybe my wife went

Back over to our old house there are so many happy memories there and I know she misses it living in this underground base is not going to be the same Milo wait I found them oh my wife was just hiding in the cave taking taking care of

Our baby that is perfect all right it is time to head back down here and start making some more epic designs the first order of business is to get rid of this crazy ugly starting area it needs to look way nicer and it’s going to be the

First thing our families see we do not want them to see our base for the first time and think it’s ugly so I’m going to add a bunch of quartz here I’m going to add more quartz pillars just like this wo this entrance room looks so fancy

Already and I’m also going to change the blocks behind the ladder I do not want dirt and Cobblestone peeking through that is gross and no normal Stone either this whole thing needs to look really neat and well made perfect now I can place back that ladder I don’t want to

Forget to do this otherwise we’ll be stuck down here forever I think the farming area needs to be over here yeah this is perfect all right it’s going to lead in the direction of where our first houses that we ever made were wait a second it’s a whole cave system this is

Pretty bad but it could be kind of a good thing hey Milo get in here we need to place blocks all throughout this cave to block it up and I know the exact right one let’s get some obsidian I think this is exactly what we need if we

Leave some of these cave entrances open the meteor will be able to blow us up through the cave and that is not what we want at all let’s continue doing this obsidian for all entrances to this cave we can’t miss a single spot perfect now that we’ve done this we’ve officially

Secured off this cave environment we can now start turning it into a farming area in order to do this we need to add a bunch of spruce stairs right along here I’m going to start placing them as the floor just like this while I do this

Milo you just need to help me break the roof a little bit to make this whole way a bit wider all right I’ll break the roof I’m on to it perfect now we just have to keep placing all of these planks along the floor here once it reaches the

End though it’s time to get out some Spruce staircases I’m going to place them so that it leads right down into the floor of this cave wow I’m really excited to see what this ends up looking like right look I’ve placed the bottom of these stairs and now I think it’s

Time to place the farming area right on top of the obsidian let’s get some farmland and I think we also need some water buckets it’s also important to pick what seeds we want to grow we can grow some torch flowers for some light and some beetroot too let’s also get

Some melon and pumpkin as well as some regular seeds I’m also going to grow some carrots no plant is getting left behind here that’s for sure I’m going to place the Farmland just like this but it’s really important that we add water in the middle if we don’t add water all

Of the Farmland will dry up and we will have nowhere to grow any of our crops see the Farmland is already getting hydrated and Milo why are you taking a bath in the farm that’s gross I thought this was a bath no Milo that’s crazy it

Is not a bath it’s where we are going to grow all of the food that will keep us our wives and our babies alive we’re going to have every crop that there could be we’re never going to go hungry down here no we’re definitely not if you

Keep making the floor like you have out of those Spruce planks I’ll keep making planter boxes all around this farming area let’s have some more over here you got it I think this is perfect I just need to add some more trap doors like this and uh-oh the Farmland is already

Starting to dry up let’s add some water here I’m going to replace this dirt with more Farmland before it’s too late all right this is looking great I need to grab some torches to put around everywhere before we place any of these plants down without torches it is too

Dark for any of these plants to grow and I can’t put them anywhere but if we go right next to the torch light boom we can grow them properly let’s put the torch flowers on the left and then some beetro followed by regular wheat and then carrots over here we need to place

Our melon and pumpkin in a really weird pattern this way they each have a block to grow on if we didn’t do this they would grow into each other and the melons and pumpkins would never actually grow it would be really embarrassing and we’d probably starve I’m going to place

More torches on this wall and this farming box can be a mix of carrot and regular seeds wow that looks awesome I’m loving this so far but there is one part of this farm that is definitely missing and that is a tree farm a tree farm what

Business the trees have down here well trees are going to help us have an endless supply of wood imagine we have a crafting table and we need to make a pickaxe to mine out of here but all we have is a bunch of stone and no sticks

We’d be stuck down here forever and I’m not going to let that happen that’s why we need to dig right up here so that we can have a growing area for our trees trees need sunlight to grow so it’s important we let the sunlight reach them in order to reach the sunlight from

Somewhere so deep we really do have to mine really far up into the mountain perfect uh-oh I can see the meteor and it is getting so close right now I hope it misses us but I don’t know I have a bad feeling that it might go right

Towards us and get our families in our babies we don’t have much time Milo we have to go quicker than I thought even quicker than we already have we’ve been zooming yeah we have but I think we need to go faster come on help me mine out

These blocks Milo I don’t want to do this on my own it goes way slower that way sorry I’ve been building a sitting area what the what’s going on over here well Milo this is going to be one of the parts of our base that go all the way to

The surface we’ll block it off to make sure it’s safe but we need light for our trees to grow that is so true we better get light installed right now yeah I’m just going to make sure that there’s an obsidian wall right at the top if there

Isn’t then when the meteor hits it’ll totally blow up our base through this exposed section I’m not going to let that happen that would be really bad at least the exposed section is kind of far away from our bedroom exactly that’s why I designed it to be down a really long

Hallway if it was next to all of our other things we’d be toast if it blew up now I’m going to grab some glass and I think white glass is perfect let’s place it just like this right at the top I need to make sure I place the final one

While I’m inside and boom look now we just have to get rid of the dirt on the walls the more dirt we have in these walls the more the explosion will do damage to the sides of our base that would be terrible so I’m not going to

Let it happen I think we’ve done a good job but I’m just going to extend the obsidian a little bit down it’s going to be like pillars reaching to the ground a CH I just thought of something what is it Milo trees can’t grow on obsidian silly that’s a really good point and

That’s why instead of of obsidian I am going to build the tree its very own grass platform it needs to be in the center of this obsidian thing so I need to make sure it’s a nice square right over here perfect now we need to place

Trap doors on the edges just like this we don’t need any of the dirt spilling out and by placing trap doors we also make it a little stronger this means the meteor will have a harder time blowing it up I’m going to remove some of the

Obsidian so that the tree has room to grow and once we place the final obsidian bits here we’ll be be able to place down our first sapling what kind of tree are you going to plant well the first tree is going to be an oak sapling

But I think we need to have some chests over here it’s important that we build these properly because they are going to store every single kind of tree that we could ever need we’re going to have a big storage room here as well that’s a great idea thanks Milo I’m really proud

Of it this will allow us to never run out of wood ever yeah and I’m also going to put lots of birad seeds in there so I never go hungry good idea that will also mean that we have infinite seeds to use on the wheat farm which will definitely

Help us make infinite cookies no no no these are not for the wheat farm these are for Milo’s dinner plates what okay Milo as long as you keep it on that side of the chest so that the saplings are not ruined or messy I’m okay with that

I’m going to add one of every single kind of sapling so that no matter what wood type we need to use we have enough and there are also some other types of saplings the crimson and warped fungus can also turn into trees and not to mention the mangrove propagules can also

Become trees I’m not forgetting those because we’ve already used crimson and warped wood in this base let’s add some more obsidian to the floor you can never be too fortified and I’ll also add it to this wall over here perfect wow that’s looking way better I’m going to link

That obsidian up to the obsidian that protects us from the meteor and not to mention filling in this wall as well if there’s not enough obsidian the meteor will get through I wonder if I could turn all of this obsidian into a nether portal Milo if you do that then that

Would be a really bad idea the nether portal can spawn piglins and gusts and Blaze can get through that’s so true I guess we really don’t need that when there’s a huge meteor coming for us that’s right Milo having gusts and Blaze coming through a portal would be Doom

For our families it would be really really bad very very bad indeed once I place these final blocks of obsidian we’ll be done with the tree farm and we we can get started on my next thing that will help us survive well what’s that going to be champ it’s going to be a

Bunch of redstone rooms that will keep us entertained this base needs to be secret so they can’t be too loud but it’ll definitely be fun otherwise we’ll lose our minds from boredom Redstone worms that doesn’t sound very fun to me it will Milo the Redstone is going to

Form puzzles and games and I know you love games no Redstone is confusing and it makes me angry don’t worry Milo that’s why I’ll build it for us you don’t even have to think about it I know how badly it confuses you all right but

If I see one bit of redstone I’m going to freak out what Milo just because I’m building using Redstone does not mean you need to attack it well we’ll see about that Milo if you attack my Redstone and it gets totally destroyed because of you I’m going to be so mad

Wow I’ll try not to attack it Milo you’re such a cheeky guy well what can I say I want it from the best what who did you learn it from not you that’s for sure hey that’s mean now that we’ve done that I think I need to make

This whole way look a little bit nicer because it’s

Today Milo and Chip are building a Modern Secret base in Minecraft! But what happens when someone finds out their secret?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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