🦸 HEARTBREAK HERO! | Stardew Valley 1.6 Coming Soon!

So how’s her shift coming along it’s fine thanks for asking Shane do you have any chicken stories for me I’m doomed oh looks like Clint likes Emily oh hello friends snack here and welcome back to hello Farm as you can see today is going to be the first day of winter and

Although our crops are you know already gone it’s just part of it kind of sad but I’m so happy this is actually one of the my most favorite season IRL unfortunately we fainted last night and we’ve paid joa 800 gold and our Coupe has been upgraded awesome so now time to

Repair no not repair but it’s going to be an awesome uh opportunity for us to mine fish Forge upgrade some uh tools maybe upgrade our building in preparation for spring but now we’ll enjoy the things that we can do in winter so I’m I’m can’t wait to do

Fishing cuz I haven’t really fished a lot hello chicken yeah I always want to talk to my farm friends oh wait should I set them free if it’s winter uh I’m not sure maybe it’s fine right hello cow friends so what was I saying again I forgot man this reminds me of looking

For my car key for almost a whole day only to end up that it’s already in my pocket looks like they don’t like outside chickens chicken are not going out let’s just close them and uh at least we have two eggs in our Mayo machine and uh yes we’re going to buy a

Lot of chickens man a lot of them so like I said there are a lot of fun things that we can do but uh more importantly aside from uh those things we need to prepare for spring so um hoping that we could upgrade all our the hole and the scythe and also the

Watering can to at least Couer and if you look at the upper left hand uh Corner we have a goal which is to expand a coupe which we already done uh next is the barn we’re going to be expanding it and hopefully we could expand a kitchen

And uh build a stable and unfortunately guys if you look at this we haven’t really worked much in our community center so the greenhouse going to wait but I’m glad we still have these mushrooms up and running one of our money makers for a winter look at that

I’ve stored all our mushrooms I haven’t sold them yet so if you look at the lower right hand corner um we already only 30% health or stamina which is not that great so in this case uh we’ll have to prioritize we’re going to go fishing

Here by the river and for that uh we’ll see if we could do some foraging hey bird oh look at this cupus this going to go straight in our uh winter foraging bundle we have a book found awesome and the main reason why I like uh winter is

The if you hear now the sound the music it really uh brings me to a to this happy place where it’s only me doing some fishing enjoying my time without any worries okay we have a bait for a bite by the way guys again thank you so

Much for hanging out and uh if you are new here feel free to like And subscribe to help our community grow also for more um videos like this cuz I’m also planning to uh play this new game that just exploded man yeah you guess it right I think you’ve heard about it it’s

Power world it’s kind of it’s kind of a controversial game cuz you know it’s like Pokemon with guns and all those um stuff however I played it and there are elements that you know that does that however um it’s balanced like for example you let your pile work for you

But you have to provide bed for them give them a nice hot hot spring so they can rest and uh it’s not really in slavery oh wait this uh this uh okay okay let me just focus on this fish so again it’s not actually oh wait

Wait I can’t I can’t talk for this no Bloss it again for me as in my own opinion it’s not ens slavery if you let someone rest and take their time to go back to work so uh I would like to try it out in this channel guys in fact I

Already have a video uploaded one video about it was just you know to test it out oh I think this is the same fish hold on no this is so hard man this fish is so unpredictable okay we’ll just let it go it’s a waste of time and by the

Way guys I would like just to share um some cool things about what I just read this early morning is I was actually struggling uh at work cuz there are things there are some elements oh my gosh just like this we’re struggling right now so ourl there are elements

That you know that is really not within our control so what I learned is that um we don’t have to resist those elements we just have to do good things that’s how we conquer them so that’s what I’m going to test in my life starting now hopefully I won’t forget and uh I’ll

Have to meditate on that and pray to the Lord Jesus Christ to remind me and give me the power to execute it properly oh jeez it’s 3:30 or almost 400 p.m. one more fish and then after this we’re going to go forage and say hi to the ton

Folks and uh yeah we have a book but uh the library is going to be closed oh I don’t think so we can get it this is I think this is going to be the same fish hold on hold on oh we got it man it’s oh

Tiger trout okay okay uh maybe uh last two fish okay last one now we’re exhausted all right we have a hit mhm awesome a perge all right thank you Valley for these fresh delicious fish so we got a golden perch a CH another perch and a tiger trout and a silver chub okay

Hey guys look at these fish right here they’re so happy swimming we also have a wormly and we found an ornamental fan awesome if you look at the lower leftand corner we almost fainted I forgot we don’t have stamina left oh well it’s 6:00 p.m. could say hi to our friends at

The saloon oh hold on Leia we need to say hi to her hey no it’s close it’s close hey we have here an awesome Christmas tree nice perfect for winter hey we have a cut scene here it’s it’s cleansed cut scene all right let’s see

Mhm hello snu care to join me sure Clint let me just go ahead and tell you what’s on my mind he kind of annoyed I think I feel terrible luck with a woman snaku saai oh I don’t think if I’m the right person to be asked any I’ll try my best

I’m a nice guy if you get to know me I swear the girls all seem to like you well I don’t think that way got any tips impress woman with your strength and charm this actually uh Clint’s strength CU he’s a blacksmith but the charm I

Don’t know uh the best advice I could give you is to act natural and be yourself cuz that’s the only way you’ll find a someone that who will accept you for who you are and grow with that person for a life lifetime that’s the problem I do act natural but I never

Have any success okay looks like uh we have Emily barging and hi Clint what can I get for you tonight yes or I mean I’ll have the big and cheesy with extra sauce please hi siku hello Emily thanks Emily for taking my order Emily I was I was

Wondering yes Clint never mind looks like Clint don’t have the courage yet to you know to be himself in front of the person he likes and we have here Shane hi Shane here’s your beverage thank you Emily to how’s her shift coming along it’s fine thanks for asking Shane do you

Have any chicken stories for me I’m doomed oh looks like Clint likes Emily no we’re not letting Shane have Emily let me correct myself cuz we need to help our buddy here Clint so we’ll just give everyone this gift Blackberry seems Everyone likes it so much except for

Children I guess even Shane likes blackberries all right done with that now let’s head straight to where it’s like uh 900 p.m. now we don’t have stamina left if you look at the lower right hand corner let’s just check out the bulletin board oh it’s going to be

L’s birthday 2 days from now all right we have a holy what does this do oh it it the leaves and bright red berries make a popular winter decoration it’s not food it’s a decoration oh awesome guys look at this our Blackberry jelly is totally prepared let’s refill these

Reserve jars and also two of our mayonnaise is ready awesome we have now 50 25 black bar jelly cost us 2,000 gold so we’re just going to go ahead and sell these stuff ghostfish uh no it’s hard to look for this ghost ghostfish we’re going to keep it all right we are done

With the inventory we’ve already collected our preserve jars and refill them or the Blackberry has been collected and refill The Preserve jars and also the mayonnaise now uh what did I say about the about CLE well I’m tottally not you know a pro when it comes to relationship but what I learned

From my mistakes is that uh yeah you just have to be yourself while you know being uh and not thinking about at the same time not thinking about yourself always think about others all the time CU you can be yourself and not think of others right and that’s going to be a

Disaster so oh we have a wood here nice one wood from the branch so I guess it’s a start be yourself but think first of others before yourself yeah that’s you know be our takeaway for today good night everyone good night and we have leveled up our farming level 9 we now

Finally have a seed maker and radium sprinkler and quality fertilizer and we made like uh five or 700 gold from the first day of winter that’s that’s cool welcome to the second day so tomorrow is going to snow and uh the spirits are annoyed today oh hold on just wanted to

Let you know about a new item I’m carrying it’s called a wood chipper you can use it to break hard wood into several pieces of regular wood oh I see I know what can be hard to come by in the winter so if you supply gets low

Okay sure that’s a very handy tool so Willie has a challenge for us for us to catch a squid so we can fish him from the ocean at night and they only show up in Winter all right cool cool we’ll go ahead and take on that challenge since

We really don’t have that much to do and we’re going to use this wild bit hello thank you how you doing hope you’re not cold hello my friends oh I forgot we need to buy we need to buy chicken from mney we’re just going to store first our

Eggs Hello Myas friends awesome we’re done with the farm chores we have 9,000 gold it’s 700 a.m. we do have full stamina at the lower right hand corner uh since we’re going to be waiting for M to open let’s just head straight and the forest check for some fora bles and

Maybe fish a little until myy opens up at 9 I think 9:00 a.m. yeah I’ll just take a walk and grab this holy say hi to this wriggle stick him up and we found a snow yeah nice we have another one we found a clay and a warp totem to the

Mountains oh winter winter makes me feel happy but at the same time lonely I think we need to find a wife right maybe we’ll we’ll work on that since we’ve already have like a we’re getting close with uh Leah and Abigail we might need to hello Birds yeah we might need to

Expand our family but before doing so at least we’ll we’ll expand our home right at least it we’ll have a kitchen for for us to oh man yeah for us to cook for Leia or Abigail I don’t know whom to choose yet so we have here a crab pot

But you know it’s never working ah I know I know I think we need to put a bait in this Crab Pot let oh yeah there you go I just put a bait it’s a wild bait uh I will just put something here not a wild bait I used the mouse that’s

What I was missing man I was thinking why these crab pots are not working the thing is we need to put a bait crazy huh all right there you go what a newbie mistake that’s the fun of it oh Marney hey where you going oh man you know what

What you’re doing Marne is bad for business you’re always not in your home and looks like we have a new task here let’s choose all right actually since we’re planning of fishing we’ll go ahead with this um for unknown reasons the local population of ocean fish has grown

To an unsustainable level I need a local angler to help reduce yes absolutely I’d be happy to help before we go to the ocean we’ll just uh drop this ornament to gun hello Gunther how you doing I don’t know why Gunter don’t have expression at all and also we cannot say

Hi to him maybe he’s a robot what that’s what I suspect see we can’t go let’s just say hi to everyone here hello I’m looking forward to seeing what your farm looks like in the the spring thank you so much so I’m just taking some screenshots right now that we could use

For a thumbnail in the future and look at that guys we have a lot of books here oh looks like we can build a keg put the vegetable to create juice a wheat to create beer HP for pale ale and uh fruit for wine okay wait hold on dwarves take

What they need from our houses oh it’s kind of weird all right since I’m planning to marry someone looks like we need to buy a bouquet from Perry so we could ask them for for date all right and when you’re ready for the big question you’ll need to give them a

Mermaids pendant okay it’s rumored that on storm days the ghost of an old Mariner appears and started Valley clutching just such pendant so after that your partner will move with you but remember to treat your spouse well they’ll still take gifts even after marriage that’s nice I wonder if we

Could date two ladies at the same time cuz I’m planning to you know date Leia and Abigail okay what not let’s go ahead and buy uh two bouquet at Paris place and uh see what will happen if we buy or date to at the same time it’s going to

Be fun and uh Leia likes JoJo Cola to rub on my sore ear that’s weird what could happen to her we should say hi and check her out make sure she’s doing fine sore ear what happened okay uh oh we can actually upgrade our bag but that’s

Going to be too much 10,000 gold a bouquet there oh 200 let’s buy a two bouet awesome and looks like our lovely ladies here are having fun mney is at it Marney Smiles at you through a mist of sweat all right see you ladies and we

Have need a joa cola maybe we could buy it of course in the JoJo Market it’s going to be the first time we’ll be visiting this place you will your life joa Cola just one for my friend Leia we have one more crocus it’s still 3:00

P.m. but we need to visit the ocean at night so we could catch those squid oh oh almost forgot I need to buy a a fish trout to help us with that and also do some foraging along the way we have this here I will just pick it up after buying

A fish trout before this guy closes hey Willie I’ll just buy three awesome oh this is a strange shell now Tellis shell if you look at the lower left hand corner and we have here some corals now the funny thing is that I don’t have enough space

For our fish uh we might need to sell them as soon as we can hopefully will still open otherwise we’re going to run straight into our farm and ship them and the shipping bin unfortunately Will is close hey Willie I was supposed to sell you something real cool but oh boy this

Holy actually cost 80 gold uh we’ll just sell them and we also sell this shell it’s 150 gold man that’s very profitable and now let’s head straight to uh the ocean to catch some squid CU again Willie has challenged us to catch a squid so we’ll see and I’m also

Interested since squids are only available during winter so we’ll just take advantage of it cuz they could sell expensively at uh Spring right since you know there’s going to be a high demand of squid we’ll see to it we’ll just have to compare the prices all right we here

Oopsie there we go we have a stone okay this going to be a perfect spot look at that we have a squid here right away there’s a squid there’s a squid aha nice I forgot to eat our fish trouts oh there you go we have an halot all right we got

Two fishes looks like the wild bait really works the wild bait that was you know the recipe was given by Lon is the wild bit bait lets us fish there’s a chance of fishing two fishes in one we have a JoJo Cola that reminds me that we

Need to give JoJo Cola to Leia oh boy okay I think this one is a squid hopefully we could catch this awesome and no but an albacore that’s nice oh I’m pretty sure this is a squid man it’s so jumpy but I don’t have that much

Skill looks like we need to drink or to eat up a wait hold on a trout a trout suit all right we they should help us catch that squid okay this is a squid indeed okay I think that the soup is working just one squid man come on just

One just one squid oh was so close all right there you go we got a squid challenge has been conquered looks like it’s getting late it’s going to be our last catch for the night if we can cuz looks like this is going to be another squid and you know squids are very

Squidly they jump all over the place and there you go oh it’s an alore all right let’s head straight to bed I don’t want to you know to be found by JoJo again and pay them a huge amount of money to do a good thing for a person that’s

Crazy right like hey in order for me to save you and to do good I you need to pay me which is totally ridiculous so it looks like we forgot to give Leia JoJo Cola but we still have two days that’s fine so now um we need only like uh

Seven fish to catch to complete a Demitri’s request and we got like an Hala golden hering golden albore these guys here from that uh fishing Adventure we also got this coverer along the way awesome oh man it’s almost like we’re about to faint and uh yes guys for more videos you can

Look at the lower left hand corner thanks again for hanging out and if you’re new again please feel free to like And subscribe don’t forget to be patient and kind to one another it looks like we just fainted be patient to yourself as well be kind to one another

So you won’t so we won’t faint like that see you in the next video

Yes it is…but cheer up! Stardew Valley 1.6 Coming Soon!

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🕊️ Verse of the day!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3 : 16

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