Minecraft Manhunt, But There Are Legendary Weapons

I can craft a variety of legendary weapons that all serve different purposes like the mitas sword which gains sharpness levels with kills or the puffer fish cannon that shoots an explosive poisonous blast on the hunters there’s tons more so stick around to see which ones help against my Hunters the

Most and of course I hope you enjoy the video yo yo bad blue I insist you tell me the twist I’mma punch you my fist little man and then I’m going to take F’s hand and give him a little kiss yes yes looking at do what the hell I don’t

Know I don’t know what that was that wasn’t me that wasn’t me that was the evil B kiss me kiss me kiss me what American God Talent what is that dude I could have popped off though no do I have a feature in singing guys no dog ow stop hitting

Me hey BS GG’s G oh my God that was actually nuts Village down there oh my God part of the village is down here I you missed this SC you missed buddy you missed what the this scene dog it’s a trees chill guys chill oh my God

Insane 10 zombies off me I don’t even want to like kill you right now I want to go back and see that Scene Stop relax come here okay okay Y how are you alive you can stand one heart in this cave how about that my name is AEL

The B I’m really old look at you I’m about to fold yo this game is big as hell oh my gosh oh hey oh my God oh my God you me yes no way we got that in recording that’s insane even if I missed the horse

There was like water this is just like the most insane cave generation of all time I don’t have food though oh my God someone’s going to have to eat Ros and flashh I actually am that’s the best part but I have a Defender down here he’s kind of helping Stone axe stone

Pickaxe and I get this I’m going God there’s so many mobs fighting this Golem I’m about to get hey oh God f is here I got your kill Boblo okay if I if I use this I get this for oh that’s so nice what kind of is this a

Twist like a little fact he has effect he has a effect he I don’t have a effects dude he effects what effects wait wait what Str what effects what effects what effects what they oh my pink yeah he just got by by the Golem you know what I’m going to Ste his he

Has pink effect wait what is pink in Minecraft I haven’t played this since like 2012 I don’t think there is an effect that’s pink I don’t know I know that’s R Pi effects Pi effects I’m not used to these man Huns I stole theem I stole the goem I’m getting iron I’m

Going to spell some I’m going to get us all Shields okay B you’re not running away little mank into yo relax yo keep look up for him bro bro don’t even let him leave the cave I’m us to like like just diamond and stuff like

This bro what is this like okay bro like what is a Survival PVP dog like this is some ass give that prob I’m going a bite my burrito yes bro dude the baby zombie isn’t oh my God I’m still smelting this I might be able to

Just kill him all he has the iron now so he’s proba going to make an axe oh my goodness gracious um make this there’s no way you still all the way over there fence dude this cave went deep buddy okay F where are you I’m still in the

Cave you good oh my God come on I’m I’m running from him okay he’s you’re one hit buddy you’re one hit you’re one hit I’m fine I have an ax I have an axe yes no okay bro you’re not oh there a door y use the door as as a

Distraction I’ll take a shield oh yeah yeah okay okay so we’re trolling okay yeah my axe just went in y relax okay I’m dead AJ up to yo relax theill okay well okay so like what’s servers are these like what is the servers both in the servers that’s

Crazy have you guys noticed one of the twists so far that has like been prevalent like one of the you’re like pink particle twist that does nothing I’m surprised you haven’t noticed what I’ve been using to get that like I’m surprised you haven’t seen that drop or

Seen me use itans have you seen anything as uhuh I’ve not seen anything B Yo No what the jump scare yo you just rush me with wooden tools you bot what are you doing Bob was like like trying to leave the cave I think can we get a lunch break like you’ve been eating already’ been eating nonstop right now he’s on his he’s on his third

Burrito nowo I I wanted to just like scalp for the video and find out the twist for the for the viewers wait is he wearing something on his feet is he wearing something on his feet uh he’s wearing leather boots that are gray by I have full iron on and I’m

On him where okay yeah bro I don’t have any you’re not taking this 2v one what are you smoking I got rid of lava wait why is why is Bo concrete dude they’re not that’s what I’m saying bro I need food please I need food bro I’m going to

Look like a quick drop AJ AJ AJ AJ AJ I need help AJ I need help AJ I need help bro give me food bro I don’t have any food I run [Applause] flash AJ yes you yes bro I just lost iron armor move out the

Way you fat skin is in the way dog stop bab bab stop stop bro wait my head drops I just noticed that no no it didn’t free head okay I think I can almost do something I can do something cool okay I have AJ’s head I have AJ’s

Head I just right clicked it I got regeneration oh that’s that’s UHD that’s UHD well if it was UHD I would be wouldn’t I have no health regen yeah so you’re wrong thatst there’s another ever do that nope yeah hopl that’s UHC that’s UHC that’s literally

UHC bro can you come out the cave um so he came out the cave he’s out the Cave Dog he’s going to already op like true we see we’ll see if he gets a weapon if he gets a weapon then we’ll see I’m not I’m not going to get a

Weapon dude what do you think this is yo yo yo yo yo I think it’s just it’s this it’s this that oh my God I made it he made something guys give him a round of applause yo what does that say bro it says it says bobl is getting geared up

Mor code Grable don’t be a bullock what is it what is it what is it AR he has the Aris bow no watch out you know it’s homing arrows like it will Target you every like I don’t know how you shut up and you’re dead right I’m I

Died instant oh my God why is this thing not that good oh yeah oh yeah baby oh yeah baby oh yeah n he has he has his own custom way of crafting it bro for sure how do you know that’s actually cringe Buble you’re freaking cringe

Stupid guys I got 35 raw iron anyone need a full iron please I’m coming back yo I just saw you jump off a tower AJ bro scra lock in bro lock in lock in buddy I’m looking in wait you have concrete shoes as well bro yeah I took

His concrete shoes off of him they’re not concrete dude I’m going slap my beat just oh my God yo what’s up you called so uh Square apple squ Apple’s just going off on his own adventure he needs to cooperate with you guys yeah it looks like we should go as a group squ

Apple well I guys I told you I was at the second village and all I heard was I’m going to fist you what bro full he has full hop like gear full enchanted sword the size of my he’s got say he lives in loting BO for brexit can give

Me a wood can you give me a a a wood give me a wood okay let’s just uh let’s let make fun of people uh Square apple keep breaching the database oh you understand you can’t say bro yo P why’ you disappear here what do

You mean two golden app fre thing yo yo let me hit you with a motivational quote real quick you sometimes think you want to disappear but all you really want is to be found when I say modification yes Sam so when I say a motiv look guys oh

My God shut the [ __ ] up when I say a motivational quot I need you guys to say m after her okay okay you know sometimes we don’t want to heal because the pain it’s the closest thing we have to what we Lost yeah say it again what what I’ve been walking for so long I just forgot to even look at chat I’m not going to lie the nether what the hell what’s up th his hammer he made th his hammer he made th his hammer why did you in the nether

He’s not in the nether we’re coming back I mean no we’re not oh I and I don’t want to I don’t want to play anymore bro I’m getting off relax B this isn’t you this isn’t you Bab is wait he’s like he’s like green as well oh my

Go he’s in the ne now he’s in the ne bow did like seven Hearts I’m like don’t go to the another don’t go into the ne just wait he’s holding it he’s holding it fat ass br oh there you Go that not that is not what bro that is not we had to make some adjustments we have to make some adjustments what is that no okay the the weapons are overpowered they’re not even like I can’t do anything I I took my time I made full iron I got three golden

Apples two heads if this bambo guy blocked up the portal I think I think we know if I need I don’t know oh my God take a while gu guys coming coming BR all there is isine is swords and shields righto you should be insane at this BR yeah why yeah why

You just get depressed yeah you’re right I’m stupid what every time scrable dies a lightning Bol Just Hits him from the sky what it’s like B kills you it’s Like sound like I need so much of this damn it oh my God what the hell okay I what did he just get message from Satan what are you he got a message he got a message missile heading towards your location you know I I took I just walked

In the nether took one look and just went back in the over the nether is not even bad the nether is actually it’s a good nether I can’t even lie it’s a good NE yeah maybe if you have the sword of Griffin War got Stone ax with one

HP where’ you come from I got diamonds yo I just spent my years like my entire life Legacy to get to the nether bro what the hell here you finally made it okay that’s enough bobl ah there’s so many wither skeletons dude oh AJ I don’t know where you are above you

Oh my god oh oh my goodness I can’t shoot him he’s here let go back bro where are you I’m getting Lo ayj come here oh my God’s messing up are you here okay bro he just up St chair what the how okay oh my God I think I just I

Think I actually survived that how my gosh I don’t know how you live that but two golden apples and oh my God where’s B where’s B I don’t know but we’re going to have to get on him and kill him he’s this guyy such a sweat bro no way

You have trims dog guys I’m literally alone on him come on got Buble Buble those side effects are crazy lightning oh my God bro guys come on I’m trying to blend in the background oh oh my god there goes our uh key player yes AJ

Come on you got to watch out with the bone we just right there he’s right there he’s right there he’s right there no no no I’m chasing chasing watch out when he turns he has th and fish and aremis watch out or I think it’s just far fish and AR he

Building I’m going to flank him from left side little bad blue is for making me run 10,000 miles he’s in the I I see him he’s he up he’s up Chase him chase him chase him no no this ba this Ba got it watch out watch out for the buge

Watch out for The Bu get him get him he’s briding he’s jump please oh my God he crutched oh we’re screwed he’s he he escaped oh that’s so stressful dude we were on the Hot Pursuit how do we how do we we had

Him uh so if I do I think this and then squ yes oh my God okay well you definitely just got another legendary weapon oh my God what dude so Bad relax okay he has do not die okay this guy is such a little scrambling yes oh and that one work bro what is this Oceanic server bro what the what the deuce there’s another one what oh I needed this my stepmom fell down the stairs so Um where put this P guys he’s through by the way he’s through how do you know what is that bro here come here you like how I come you like I come do you know what we got to do everyone just use your thing yeah yeah use your thing stero

Those are strength potions oh bubble I just fell from the sky I just fell from the sky why did you have a why did you have a stupid what is that I don’t know what you built up there oh my god let’s get him

Jump oh he’s low y I’m going try to Bow him oh I missed I missed so bad oh I’m going to oh yeah yeah go what the we have this for 8 minutes you can’t hide what it’s a rocket launch you don’t know what 12 days in another does to a

Man you don’t know what 12 days in prison does to a man yeah I would I’d know come here little B I can sniff his little feet right now oh they smell so cheesy they smell what he’s a Reaper yes my my strength’s gone he has strength he

Has strength wait what where oh get relax I can’t Aim so that’s nice ground you put you in the drop off yes drop off drop this was broke I’m getting my own boat get myat get my boat get my boat get my boat okay good what the hell oh my

God come here come here oh that does so much damage bre come on oh my oh my God no no I’m dead I’m dead come here little bad oh my God this hey yeah AJ why did you just kill him he was standing still yeah you idiot what do you mean oh nice

Beinged okay well I’m dead a boat hey why did you take the boat how did that throw two why did you throw two BO you double clicking dumbass if he goes in the water again I’m I’m Hing side oh it’s call ah don’t worry little B how long is the

Strength 8 minutes you have it too oh yeah I do oh my God I need hunger I need hunger I need H I need food bro he’s using it again oh my God bro Booka okay it literally is a bazooka bro your name has an apple in it you have to have like

Some okay so fence is dead and all of it GL is burned up sugar I’m dead how did that one You you what’s up now I have steroids steroids I’m a ro get away you’re a freak bro come here your roids aren’t going to last much longer you can’t out run the roids running gun running gun oh my God just kind of me up AJ you more potions on

You nine is enough so we don’t need that anymore and now I need wait so guys what’s the twist then what’s the twist what’s the twist isight Minecraft Manon but I beat the game before my hun is quit that’s that’s the twist hey fans am I pink and is my name

B no shut upop killing me oh my god dude it took 10 years to Find y he got enchanter bble you’re cheating how’d you know these okay I need one more thing and I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get it that is one of a few so how you guys doing shut up I’m in the end right now

We’re gearing up I know you are okay so let us uh this is probably a bad idea actually but screw it please be good oh my God what a waste of time dude what an actual waste nothing don’t worry about it don’t worry about it don’t

Worry about it that sucks well okay I have one of these at least for that that’s so annoying I wasted 10 minutes on that and you we’re going to kill B you guys are so demotivated I can tell and it makes me very happy cuz this is just

A free win for me you’re oh it makes me very happy cuz it’s a free win for me it is a free win oh let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go [ __ ] I actually don’t know what you guys have or where you are

So let’s go baby okay no no no no AJ is going to donate $100 to charity but every single time you hit him with any of your weapons he puts a dollar down okay I’m going in screw you guys so I cannot see anything guys guys oh my God oh my God

Oh my God on everything this is for everything you’ve done dog I see him what the fu what was that from the charity I’m being serious speak for the kids I don’t have com guys behind us hello oh my God what is happening oh okay that’s $1 so now it’s 99 come

Here watch he’s going for the pistol oh my gosh that noise is insane okay bro like I got you don’t worry I’m going to take some of your C up though okay no oh my God the thing shoots the Dragon no no no no no

No okay ow how did I even get hit by an arrow he didn’t even shoot anything run run no relax sful get your EU over here yeah all your stuff exploded by the way too so he’s to please determination we can’t lose the bad give me stuff give me stuff give me

Cop all I need is cop I don’t god dude we’re feeding him we’re feeding his might sword right now it’s probably like sharp 10 now I don’t have shoes I don’t I don’t have a sh you would actually think so right well tell me why it’s

Sharpness 2 right now yo what is AJ doing oh my God I have to clutch with water no I missed the clutch squel please lock in bro I have no item punch him punch him punch him please don’t let him win go go go go go distract him believe believe freak

Bro yes he’s so low he’s actually so low Come On Come On Let’s Go Gang let’s go how is he still bro how do he have any HP left I got him right here no I broke his shield no oh my god dude you guys ready he’s brought my stuff he’s my

Stuff the most OP gear in the game Never Back Down never one okay bro I get it AJ Never Back Down never one here make an a make an ax there wood in the just go just go just go lock in it’s going to die punch him punch him

Yes oh my God even with all these op tools you guys are too good at the game bro you guys are destroying me

Minecraft Manhunt, But There Are Legendary Weapons, This was so funny!

All Weapons are taken directly from Hoplite, with full permission from SpeedSilver to use in this Manhunt. (P.S Go play Hoplite it’s super fun)

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In this video my friends @Fantst @AJTHEBOLD and @SquareApple try to hunt me down and stop me from beating Minecraft, But I could secretly craft legendary weapons from Hoplite Battle Royale such as the Midas Sword and Artemis Bow which helped me beat the hunters. This was super intense and really funny.

Edited by https://twitter.com/SquareAppleMC

#Minecraft #MinecraftManhunt #Manhunt #Baablu


  1. Subscribe if you enjoyed!

    and yes as mentioned in the Description these are all from Hoplite, with SpeedSilvers permission I used the items and textures from Hoplite, the reason the title isn't just "Manhunt But Its Hoplite" is because a lot of people don't know what Hoplite is and I try to appeal to as many people as I can 😀

  2. love the unscripted beginning.
    not like he could have gone for any of the massive water pools or the one right next to the horse, he had to go for the horse clutch.
    10/10 real moment

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