we do not speak of the fishcident 【STARDEW VALLEY MULTIPLAYER】

W I just sneezed help we got a free you free Snee you got to free knees don’t expect it nobody expects the freeze knees I think just what free SES the way I unpa do I just do pause again I think you can there we go hello everybody

Hello welcome with report it’s going to rain tomorrow hell yeah oh whoops what’s our luck like today doesn’t really matter but Spirits are very happy today good good tidings for the egg Festival welcome back to I’ve completely forgotten how to play the game it’s been a week guess

What G her back welcome back to the best performing live stream on my channel oh yes kicha did I say that already I don’t remember you you actually did not it’s a very rare kicha no no you did you did you you Saida I always forget I was not paying

Attention I can literally never remember if I said it uh say something funny cisa says okay yeah um ff14 is for losers I mean it’s funny because it’s it’s it’s true but also it’s funny cuz we’re playing it so we are the losers dude dude got him so um [ __ ] got him nomia

Uh who are we what are we doing today that’s such a great question I’m nomia Vixie my pronouns are they she I’m the inter dienal Angel and this is my channel welcome and now let’s continue chips who are you hello I’m I’m I’m chips also known as chippies um chippies many things

M my pronouns are uh I like catfish today I’m feeling catfish MH catfish cat slish we love to see it all right Kitty Dallas asks is this halfway through the first month it is halfway through the first month yes star I accidentally harvested a cauliflower where should I

Do we have cauliflowers anyway I’m Kitty pronounce sh I have aifl put it in the dark green chest egg Festival everyone who’s this [ __ ] you you my love who’s this [ __ ] what about who are you oh [ __ ] hi there the name is Maxi pronouns are they them hello I’m I’m I’m

A writer of sorts and uh I also stream on YouTube Look At Me check me out on the description I don’t know you do you for time youtube.com/ mcaren Mr camon actually oh we’re here strob who’s buying all theob you haven’t talk to everyone talk to everybody oh crap you’re so right

Yeah oh yeah talk to everybody you got to talk to everybody talk to everybody I got to I got to scout my route oh you’re scouting you’re I forget where all the eggs are Scout I’m like where’s my the one day we unlock PVP yep there’s only one day of

PVP I mean there’s also the the fishing Festival in Winter oh that’s true also chips and I don’t have the exact same haircut chips has a head yeah yeah that’s it’s different slightly different actually I have like little I think I have a little flip on the side

View yeah yeah you have a little a little less volume in the back cuz you have a little flip on your shoulder oh it’s very important I think I did it I think I I think I introduced myself to everybody I got a little I got a little Journal

Update then yeah you probably did I can’t open my journal here though so I’m just going to assume did we did we buy uh that was going to say sunflowers not the season uh straws oh do we even have money yeah we got like five ,000 we saved all our

Money yeah we have 5,000 uh go get some STS and the the the rare Crow I think the rare Crow is next one yeah there’s no rarecrow yet we can get a past at the at the flower festival we can also get a pink flamingo talk to everyone but I didn’t

Get a notification do we want a flamingo is everybody here I would like a flamingo I love a flamingo I’ll get us a flamingo it’ll be our little okay I’m going to spend the rest of our money on strawberries you ready strobes let’s go dude it’s going to be like 54 Stobs wait I hope you are ready to just what’s 54is no me just buy all of Them 49 I did not know that Mary 46 4 46 56 is 8 by8 5 by it’s 5 by 10 is 5050 and then just just by whatever I love cisa is laying down the math um um a DND uh dungeon master spot thank you Cisa I needed someone to justify getting 54 okay thank you oh my God hang on like chips in me facing off I’m gonna hey guys check it out I’m a rabbit hang hang on wait there I am what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] look I’m a little rabbit it’s funny

Because you can actually start out wearing uh a yellow shirt and blue overall so I like the idea that like I’m a bunny and then you walk off and you’re wearing the same clothes dude I’m a little bunny okay okay CH oh oh no I’ve usurped

You oh no bunny oh no kitty come over here and be bunny bu I’m the bunny vtuber I should be the Bunny come over and be a bunny come over and be a bunny hold on I have to put everything else down yeah go be a

Bunny uh Dallas I think that war is still ongoing also please don’t ask me about the fish event no fish theon’s the last fish ENT [ __ ] more like Dace as in the fish since the last where is where is where is it that’s actually really good I’m mad by I

Was about to say I was like that’s a banger Kitty get behind me dud get behind me get behind me get behind me I didn’t know chips was tanking dude CH I have my basket of vegetables again I play gun Lance I got a shield yeah you’re you’re a tank

Yeah all right is everyone PP I think I think we’re good should we establish the you know the the lay of the land the the rules of battle The Rules of Engagement I think we just go for it right we just get yeah I think start killing each

Other get and then we we push we push the children over too absolutely so you all got a a gun with one bullet in it right yeah yeah yeah I I’ll I’m still deciding what I’m going to do fine that’s fair that’s fair I actually have

A gun with with five bullets in it and one is that allowed Kida said it was allowed I can’t believe I made a Kida reference I’m sorry you a Kida reference the year of Our Lord 2024 we can’t let the NPCs defeat us okay we weren’t it doesn’t matter who wins what

Matters is Abigail loses oh chips you fool yeah you forgot behind the house oh you yell behind the house oh [ __ ] one of is to get more than than seven by the way otherwise Abigail wins hold on I’m going to get I’m going to get eight right now watch no where’s the last

Ones you took all the eggs dude this is so pay to win damn it I’m pissed I’m pissed I’m pissed chips if I had got to that egg first it was 100% chips and I bir at seven and we running for the same egg dude I got eight I’m pretty sure I can’t come on well let’s go I thought it was I told you no I was doing really bad oh I was I must have been looking at the wrong character I had seven got the Hat Kitty gets the free hat if you let me get that one then I

Would have got an eight too I’m soor okay the way it takes us back to our we have to right oh yeah right okay everybody get get get get your get your hose ready getting my hose no n n you plant n you plant I I ho ho

Ho I’ll get my water I just wanted to have a and I just wanted to have a square okay okay I think this is enough we’ve got got enough hose just start watering now it’s time for watering all of us going so fast I’m still

So oh I missed one spot God damn it it’s fine yeah it happens n don’t worry about it it’s fine it’s fine I’m not angry about it fine it’s fine you’re not mad at all I’m fine I’m fine you’re Serene you’re calm we have also we have we have a new

Mascot new mascot yes my friend I love I love them um I think want to put him on the porch I the porch put on the porch can you go there can you go oh can go over here go over here let’s go Flamingo dude cat on the bed oh Balu

Good night good night everybody good night good night Owen ke’s wearing hat already my we get our own hat I’ll had it up no money I could actually had it up on a Monday night dude rain oh it’s raining oh queen of sauce queen of sauce we could go mining today if you

Guys we should actually if if uh if the luck is not terrible the spirits are very displeased today oh okay [ __ ] well I’m going back to my catfish ways are there oh beans beans beans want me to go get the beans I’ve got beans did we need beans for um one of

The community chest I don’t know hold on let me figure out how they I believe I believe beans are yes we do we need it we need it for spring crops spring crops oh and the cauliflower we got oh yeah yeah I got the cauliflower it’s in that

Chest oh hell yeah so we’re could to so I can go and I can finish spring crops bundle I’ll sell can we all claim the Rewards or should I just check this only one I don’t know you guys would have to check should I just Chuck this one one

Gold star green bean into the shipping bin yeah if we don’t need it just Chuck it just like we don’t need money today for any reason oh some I have to give someone a gift too uh yeah I might be I might actually be we got lot we’ve got lots of pass

So Pam I’ll do that pam pam can be your best friend she loves a pnip loves a good pnip in the morning or in the evening or in the evening or anytime truly all right I’m going to follow behind you to to see if we can both claim the

Bundle yes yes yes I think also Gunther has stuff as well for anyone who wants to swing by oh yes yeah the spirits are very displeased today but oh and it’s also um it’s also uh uh uh traveling Merchant whatever is I I’ll go I’ll go

Grab her after I’m done checking TR it’s only we’ve only got 500 0 g though yeah we probably can’t afford anything but just in case we can go check also for anyone who wonder what I’m doing I’m I’m I’m cleaning up the farm okay here we go bundle complete

No trash we got 20 speed grow o o o and I think we’re going to unlock another I think maybe the building bundle if we haven’t unlocked that the Boiler Room yeah I think that’s the building the or bundle yeah that’s the one that like you get stuff from the mines for

That one I think uh may I make a request please uh uh supreme leader yes yes uh we should build a silo you’re we should we should do that okay blacksmith bundle um oh sa save your slimes we need 99 slimes we need a quartz and Earth

Crystal of Frozen tear and a Fire Quartz we might have some of those I believe we might think we have some of those I’m going to go check on Gunther as well I’m going to see if I can claim the reward also I canot okay only one person it’s only one

Person that’s fair Quest at pi oh a bream a bream for Harvey for all my fishermen yay oh it’s Haley’s birthday today ah [ __ ] mhm does she like just any flower other than sunflowers I know I married her but I forget I think she she likes a lot of stuff

Um check I got watch chips catch this yeah thank you thank you for supporting me support support support let’s go f baby let’s Go okay got to find Pam could one of the lovely viewers of so or someone on the stream um look up for me how much it costs to build a silo is it just isn’t 100 I think it’s 100 and like some wooden clay clay is the factor we have some

Clay okay oh hi Sebastian oh Sebastian’s going out to the Sebastian’s going out to the beach to be em emo and the Rainy Beach thank you Mar and thank you Ron yeah it’s very cheap for Ayer I know meia um okay 500 a c thinking we do have that um anom would

You like to be the one who places it or would you like me to run and put that up um I could place it does anyone also know what Haley likes um she likes flowers she likes Gems do you mind if I spend a flower that’s fine okay I I’ll spin one of the ones we have more of I might also get her a flower get her the flower I’ll give her a flower yeah anyone who needs the like gift achievement it’s Haley’s birthday and we’ve got

Flowers we have enough flowers for everyone okay no did you check the trash by Gunther uh no we didn’t okay also we have all the stuff we need for the silo we should let you should yeah yeah we go we should go grab that I’ll go do that I’m getting it now

It’s 10 clay and five copper B all right first yeah I got it I fig since you’re the grand architect uh you would want to I’m the grand architect o a leak nomia has the the Grand Master plans in in their brain 100% I definitely do yeah you know how

Like in fire em protagon s in the tactician well that’s that’s n that’s Noms yeah and this tactician okay what what would be your Fire Emblem character class go ah I have to think about it Nomes you’re tactician but you probably multiclass into being like a range spell spellcaster you can’t multi

Class and Fire Emblem you have one class okay you change job out of being tactician later on okay okay you start tactician and then this because it’s monk too monk again uh I am I am a gay [ __ ] so I am a pegasus Knight Pegasus KN you’re so gay

Yes they’re so weak to bows though but they’re so gay they are very gay G they’re cute that one’s for thees this one for the gayes Pegasus nights off for the girls Pegasus night let’s go oh my God I’m a weave so I’ll a meridon probably because I’m a

Goddamn We There are Samurai in fire B Fates dude I think I would prob what game are you talking about I would be a fire emblem she but wanted to be a pegasus night a baby oh oh my god um I’m probably I’m probably a Cavalier of sorts because I

Have no energy to run all the time so I’m probably that’s fair I’m some kind of cavalier maybe a Holy Knight why do you think I have a pegasus I just fly everywhere oh no I’m not good enough friends yes haly come out come out no Haley come out I have a flower

For you Haley please Haley please meia haly yes no come on h i the faint feeling nomia is not going to be able to buy The Silo today I did yeah yeah know me I already did I did it up H sorry I I was too busy down the Fire Emblem

Mine uh there’s nothing nothing good at the lady so Haley come on come on Haley I have a flower Her Like She’s a cat I was say that she’s a little cat fine Haley good girl come here come here I’ll do a little fishing hi chip

Trying to trying to give Haley a flower and she won’t come out of her room damn that [ __ ] y’all this Farm is getting so clean I love them Maxi came to my Animal Crossing Island cleaned up all the weeds and ever since Maxi’s gone all of the weeds are gr

Back I try to clean it up rip I try but they come back and I’m like I don’t have time to pick up all these weeds dude I cannot stand a single weed to exist on my farm I think they look nice Island whatever I think they’re

Cute there’s like some mods too that make them look like really pretty too that’s true wow some algae no I like how almost be perfectly clean andat look at chips and my fishing line next to each other oh my God you know just Bros being Bros this gu being

D it’s not a dick measuring cont just okay it’s fine M it doesn’t matter this the length of the fishing rod is how you oh a bream I can give that to jav yeah yeah rooms in the in the river at night you Haley’s out okay Haley here you go happy birthday

Beautiful fantastic happy birth a three houses is so good I love three houses I wish it wasn’t so [ __ ] long but I might have finished it I love that it’s really long because then I can play it forever and ever and ever that’s fair Different Different Strokes different folks

Etc where are you babe uh I’m by the boxes ah I’m went the other way I was helping you clean golden de TW and cuz weenie yeah I’ve done every I’ve done every route including silver snar the first route I ever did did was adal Gods rout because I’m a

S I definitely don’t have an adal God tattoo I would never have an adal God tattoo that’d be so lame haha yay why is only one of our house separate why have our other houses down here uh you know what I’m not going to question it it’s because there wasn’t

Enough there wasn’t enough space that’s fa TI was the choice of the architect as was the style at the time there was not enough space so I had to I had to just figure it out sh sh shy B Mish my favorite Final Fantasy 14 character the Silo’s up

Here hell yeah we can start cutting down the grass I forgot it isn’t instantaneous so it’s just like cutting grass and I’m like why is nothing happening Maxi don’t cut the grass she has to build it let the grass keep the grass we need that is that a weed I’m

Calling the sickle calling the police 911 911 what’s your emergency 911 what are you smoking it’s excuse me it’s 420 what are you smoking fake F fan okay I think I’m done for today dude same I I did nothing and I’m done she’s don’t don’t wake her she’s sleeping I’m sleeping I’m [ __ ]

Asleep dude can you can you imagine once we get a double bed oh hell yeah oh my God then then only two of us will be stacked on top of each other instead of all four stacked on top of each other when we get a double bed we can truly we

Can truly Grandpa Joe it dude okay I will and now and now we wait for chips I know I’m always up late everybody’s asking me chips why are you replying to my message at 3:00 a.m. your time and I’m like listen oh it’s a catfish boys okay I lost it okay I’m coming

Home there was a dream of a catfish and it’s gone oh no it’s getting late chippy you got to get back you got to hurry home I’m almost there hurry home chippy yeah but no Maxi were you saying something and you just did you just not oh my God

Sorry I forgot to press the button I’m so stupid okay sorry I heard you with the background of I was I I I was just like like chips did the thing that like dads do where they’re like like I’m on my way but they’re not out of the shower

Yet yeah mhm chippy is home all all Ds do that every dad every single D or my dad who will be like um oh are you guys ready hold on I have to pee the thing about me is that I’m I’m both dad coded and Mom coded I do it all

Dude get yourself a jellyfish you can do both M that’s a jellyfish for you they can do they can do everything anomia it will happen to you too fantastic it’s going to rain all day tomorrow baby let’s go Spirits are in Good Humor today also there’s mail in everybody’s house

Oh it’s salmon Berry season oh yeah if somebody has a good good foraging level you can get extra check I think I might like we things together I’m at one you got things together yep yep yep I’ll going I’m just at two yeah that’s okay they’re still good harvest these potatoes so many

Potatoes no one no one tell anyone what I just did what’ you do was it a fish cream no there was no no fish at in fish the so many parsnip and Robin’s hard work on The Silo when when should we start dividing the the the harvesting load uh one’s Nomi hits

Level 10 fair cuz like at this point literally like you know especially if like if n is the one who like sells like the the stuffs I think I’m going to go to PS and get some more seeds today uh does anybody want to go engineering with me since we have oh was

It good luck y I’ll go yeah I I’ll go dungeon earing with you guys after I get seeds and have them planted actually is there someone who can stay with me on the farm and plant things with me in case I need to H up some more ground and

I need energy and water uh I can stick behind all right yeah yeah me and Max will go ahead and then you guys can join us all right I’m going to sell this stuff up pi and then get some more seeds and then I’ll come back to the

Farm pnip I keep calling them p dippies in my head they keep being I don’t know why that would be me if IPP if you were a farmer you would be P nippes let’s go let me grab some food real quick oh yeah yeah grab some food doink

Okay I have like no inventory space so oh same same we left the swords back there didn’t we yeah yeah they’re all there magnific oh no we have a freaking bug level don’t worte yeah that’s why we want to get through this as quick as we can yeah be careful down

There if I go quiet I’m fighting yes I can do these These are 12 days y so we can do one more cauliflower round and we’re good on bar Snips I think but we can keep dude someone bar I [ __ ] love seven Beret Season also I’m saying this with all the love in the world I love how clicky chips’s keyboard is it’s very satisfying it’s so cute I love it I I do love this keyboard it’s really great I hear and I just think uh chips is Def is doing some work I’m

Working I have a this jellyfish has a job all right I’ve got a lot of seeds okay I’ve I’ve done a little preemptive hoing of like some of the old areas I’ve got a lot of seeds to plant let’s go baby I’ve got I’ve got some stuff for

The parsnip field and then I’ve got a bunch of everything else except beans oh Demitrius hello I didn’t know this oh there’s multiple guys oh I mean I we don’t want bats do we we want mushrooms I like mushrooms mushrooms is better 100% I always like fruit but I’m I’m the I know

I’m the odd one out it’s the freaking bugs mushies okay here we go hello where we Dr okay okay we got a lot of we got a lot of parsnips over here so I will plant these parsnips eight that’s fine it’s fine I’m not thinking about how how off cented they

Are it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine I’m doing fine let me just got this you’re being so normal right now mhm mhm mhm oh I’m a little low on energy so I’m gonna grab a little snack um dude I got two crabs dude let’s go go quick Kitty the exit quick into the

Chunnel quick out of the channel I counted these wrong I counted them with thinking about sprinklers damn it I always do I do always do multiples of eight but they’re multiples of nine without sprinklers damn it it’s fine that’s okay we’ll we’ll get we’ll get to Sprinklers and then we won’t have

To do all this one two three four five six seven eight okay across here this is going to be our little flower field ooh okay we got some jazz these are objectively the worst levels in the entire mines found it okay again if I’m quiet I’m fighting be strong

Two three four five six Kitty R slime R slime get him get him get him I have one I’m going to rest in the bed for a second with my the Ring of light Kitty equip it okay hold on hold on hold on I’m glowing

[ __ ] oh my God you’re the light of my life now it’s just water and Time woo okay uh do you have any food I do oh yeah have salmon berries eat those eat those I have one okay that’s a fair point I mean I’ll live I have energy I just don’t have health wait hold up come back I can always deliver POS Snips to you

Guys sweet that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s good that’s enough slices that’s enough spring onions does anybody have food actually no don’t feed me okay okay well listen only it only it only heals five Health one more person you would rather have no Health by the

Way okay okay I shut up okay let’s go elevat we made it oh no this is the worst part oh no oh no no I’m going to go hunting for some salmon berries yeah don’t don’t activate them sorry I meow at B you I thought you were meowing at us no

I real why would you meow at us why you never meow at me yeah what’s up with that you never meow at me anymore oh my God you haven’t no me what’s wrong you haven’t meowed in a while I’m getting all this copper ore kitty go without me go without me I

Found I went I went I went you’re good I don’t have space Oh no I’m out of here HED level uh yeah the the level got all green meaning that it’s going to spawn a bunch of bugs and it started spawning bugs get the bugs get those bugs away from my face

I have a cherry bomb wellow no one cares for my drag race reference okay I have one too I don’t I’ve never watched what I didn’t realize I was in a cool with a bunch of homophobes okay [Laughter] Kendra wait oh hold hold up oh wow I had

No idea I was call with a bunch of trans fobes oh my God I’m sorry my brain has been nothing but but drag queens lately I don’t know why I’ve just been watching a lot of because you’re gay as hell yes obviously hi goof Kendra could never

Kendra would be like I’m a cisgender heterosexual woman that’s why I watch rol’s drag race for sure do you have room for quartz babe you know it up here I can some stuff up I’m just fishing n is fishing yeah I’m fishing I thought y’all were coming to

Help us yeah but I got distracted cuz I wanted to fish oh I went on a hunt for salmon berries D okay I’m coming um do you have room or for this Crystal I just love for you thank you kind funnyit us down we the ones with no back space hang

On okay I’m coming what level are you guys at 17 17 all right I’m on my way oh bugs bugs bugs I found bugs up I’m find a lot of bugs yeah yeah there’s a lot of bugs ooh amethyst ah uh protect me from this this thing and I’ll pick up the

Amethyst oh there we go okay I’m here I picked I picked it up I’m here hi hi I’m almost dead but you know I can like the do you want to do you want to retreat if you’re almost dead we we should make it to 20 yeah

Yeah yeah we’re almost to 20 so is 10 up top Al also make I pick up all this coal a second I’m going to kill these guys before they turn into bugs okay there we go I’ll pick up the call I’m I’m almost there with some berries if you guys need

Any oh found the l oh let’s go I mean I could actually use some uh some healing but you may want to just go home oh there’s a ladder already here these levels suck dude let’s go here we go level 20 [ __ ] dude better sword let’s go do we all get the

Better sword I also helped chips also helped chips also helped and no chips we’re going we’re leaving oh okay well you know I’ll grab a let me just let me just grab a little this little copper right here I love chips chip showing up right as we hit the 20th

Level being like hi guys wow guys great job yeah Chip’s walking up behind us wrapping their arms around our shoulders guys we did great we did we worked so hard dude and I caught two fish yo I caught a carp and a chub pale chub yeah and no just a regular

Chub and Robin’s still hammering away a God knows what the The Silo she oh my God Kitty you’re the light of my life he Earth crystal we should actually yeah where does the Earth crystal go yeah we should do this that this this tomorrow yeah do it tomorrow cuz you

Know what you’re so right we got to go to bed you guys have 50 seconds to like get out of there yeah I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming chips walking behind like a crab chips chips getting out of the shower it’s all five of us in of

Us chips really makes it chips really living life on the edge this is how I play stardew Valley I love that I don’t know why Noms thought this was going to be like a nice chill Co let’s go let’s go I think we need iron for that but we’re getting closer

Yeah we’re going to get we need gold as well all right is this another IR gold refined quartz oh no no this is a bad day for d for Delvin I accidentally changed very displeased good morning we could still go I have to fix this sign it’s just

Going to be dangerous cuz all the stupid bug think so by the way there’s a finger buddy over here between the chests I’m on it clay know me I did it I is one of us doing those in particular oh sy’s ready we can start Harting we can cut the

Grass your ass is grass okay cauliflower am I good to I can take this uh topaza Gunther uh yes have we given Gunther an earth quartz an Earth crystal and a quartz yes I’m pretty sure yes we have these need for something all right

So what do you guys want to do we we could just dungeon ear anyway I I’m kind of in the mood to Jung engineer could live life on the [ __ ] put this away all right well uh I’m heading over there if anybody wants to join me uh I’m

Going to take some of our our bug Meats with us so cuz I can make bug steaks that’s smart cuz yeah there’s not a lot of food yeah also grab all the salmon berries on the way yeah yeah you should do that yeah I also have salmon berries

For you guys I’ll do it I’m actually going to go hope nobody took the salmon berries I’m going to go away by way of the Town cuz I’m going to chat with some people and grab salmon berries Che so while while we’re working the day

Away oh we can’t get those cuz they’re I put them by the chest it’s fine it’s fine I can you get the Bush on the right I’ll get the Bush on the left just going to do a little bit of also got our first batch of mushrooms

Mushies it might be a good idea to just put a chest outside of the mushroom cave you could do that oh there’s some salmon berries over here too that that way especially for making like potions and stuff like that or just you know when you want like they can go in the

Light green chest and then you can just do um potion crafting from the same crafting area okay oh I just got that damn Mario was like I need a dandelion after I just picked one up nice she read your mind go see Maru I will say that as soon as we’re

Able to uh as soon as we have 5,000 we should upgrade one of our tools oh yeah yeah one of our are you already down yeah I am and I already found the the com we should do one of our axes because we need hardwood

For the um the yeah that’s what we were going to do yeah and my plan is to do the the the glitch oh yeah ladder ladder ladder all right we’re zooming I’m on my way to the mines oh we’re assuming oh my God this m are so

Old by the way I still need to kill slimes so if you see slimes let me know cuz I got to kill those there’s there do be slimes down here n they’re Dooby slimes among other things oh we should kill this this Dig Dug hello hello okay come I think he was chasing

You come back here oh I already got him he died he okay okay never mind oh hi guys hey oh hi oh hey guys oh hi Mark Kitty do you want to explain that Meme for noia cuz it’s actually slightly Australia related kind of an Australian meme kind

Of over here by the way bottom bottom left bottom left okay I love how you say over here as if we have directional Hearing in this game okay zoom in oh wait this is l over there don’t go down there nomia there’s a slime over there yeah there was a

Bunch of bugs we already left you yeah I can kill the bugs you guys you guys area no n if you want slimes come down here quick yeah n get get down to area okay I’m coming I’m coming okay slime I’m here I’m here hello slimes

My name is Dr slime good morning not a real doctor but I am a real worm I am a worm all right good job wow this is so much easier with four players I know we just [ __ ] mow through these levels oh hi bug I hate that sound

Bug also am I good at killing bugs or are you guys just babies I got one I hate um I have an easier time with bugs on single player I don’t know why on multiplayer they don’t have the same like push back effect on your little sword

There’s also some desyncing by the way sometimes uh like they’re already in Shell mode for me and no me can still kill them oh okay know me being like actually I think I’m just good actually you have server side advantage that’s a good point I didn’t consider that I always forget cuz

I’m so used to Australia having the worst ping that I’m like all right I’m the host this is my city oh my God guys get good my city now honestly the Ping wasn’t that bad when we were playing FF 14 it wasn’t bug murder bug no what if I also became a monk

Though oh ladder top middle path along the yeah it’s along the road can you get this coal I’m out of I’m out of you got you got it beautiful thank you o amethyst yeah my bug should I be responsible for bug killing because I have paying Advantage yes yeah you are

The bug killer I’m bug killer Nomi bu killer oh my God is is that bethesa camax reaching out to know me viig please kill all our all of our bugs oo hardwood let’s go and I got a little I got a little dagger oh and some cave CET chips chips

Chips do you have room for this yeah thank go don’t have any room lad oh to Lad to Lad oh it’s this area bugs actually I’m going to go and drop some stuff on the chest because we reached an elevator grab my torch so you guys can see cuz

I’m all out of every anyways I mean if yall follow me yeah Kitty does have a light effect on them yeah oh okay well I’ll take my torch anyways okay um I’m coming yeah I can’t [ __ ] see oh wait I I can also make bug Stakes you can

Also I’m pretty sure you can pick these ones up and place them in new places uh Kitty over here please coming dude it’s so [ __ ] dark oh ladder ladder over over this way chippy I down down to the right down to the right yeah down to the right KY you went

Down yeah I know I realized that after if you can see if you can see me it’s here chiy down to the I’m behind don’t wait for me come here over here here thankfully this area only lasts like five levels okay that’s a dead end uh can I get through here okay I’m

My God it’s so dark Okay I love just finding seeing chips Kitty with the torch and it’s like a light at the end of the tunnel o ladder o ladder that’s me over here over here ladder on the right person I got him I got him get get gone why they take so much

Damage just four people swinging guy oh iron let’s go much of copper on the right way get gone there’s down this way there we go got [ __ ] hate these guys why do they take so much damage it’s cuz we’re a baby I love just four people I got a

Ladder oh there’s some I’m taking you guys go ahead for you oh another ladder right away oh let’s go also elevator also you guys know that you can drop off your stuff in the chest at the mine every elevator right yeah but that takes time yeah it takes like two

Seconds and then you have a full inventory you have a free inventory you guys real estate no we’re trying to go faster right here yeah you go faster if you could pick up more stuff and you weren’t it literally takes one second s sus you guys and your P oh

Ladder you guys in your oh [Laughter] bladder for a bad Lu l no we to get the coal for bad luck day just like l I can pick up these torches and move them around here L lad up here uh Ice Area we’re at the iron levels iron let’s go

Can we get a slingshot that I just put it in the trash just put in just put in the just put in the trash the slingshot that actually useless useless you guys go down we should go back up it’s the sling shot is actually good but it’s I always forget about it

And so I never use it it’s good when you get um explosive ammo and you could just kind of like rush through the uh I’m pretty sure you can use Cherry Bomb can oh we should we should go we should we should let’s let’s I could kill I could kill a

Little bat also we we actually do need bat wings for the community center okay okay yeah will take a little peek deeper sh shwin there we go beautiful yes yeah uh CH pick up all this it’s almost it’s almost time forid oh yeah so after after this level

Yeah this this the person here by the way someone should grab that no I don’t have room let’s get out of here let go I’m fully leaving I mean I feel like 20 plus levels is good I’ll this slim I’m taking whatever I can carry okay okay good good trip Gamers fantastic now

Let’s race home you know what maybe I’ll just store my sword at the box at home so we don’t have to all like wait in line yeah I I’m just going to keep mine in my inventory we can all have our own we can all have our own M mining

Chest maybe we can just have multiple chests oh I was running into a you didn’t see that kitty I didn’t see that at all don’t worry no one saw that see nothing say nothing if you saw it no you et the slingshot gets used on speed runs yeah

On the island I’ve never actually d prob oh Ginger Island’s fun yeah we got like right at the end of our last playr it was cute okay I’ll I’ll do my organization in the morning got a lot of stuff okay I’ll finish this up later good night just saying good night just like

Glowing glowing light I was trying to pet the cat but I guess I already pet the cat joint no it’s just it’s just us just us sturdy ring go delicious 288 gold okay weather report let’s go clear and sunny all day uh Spirits are very displeased the spirits [ __ ] hate us

The spirits are extremely displeased guys they can’t stop us though oop male oh oh yes Robin’s just letting us know that Wells exist well well well well [ __ ] [ __ ] thank you Maxi oh I should grab the Frozen tear for the go box um ah yes yes yes yes

Yes also no no we have beans by the way beans I’ll attend to these beans back be dude the wild is already go also we should probably start working on uh cheekies I will literally never be able to unhe Tom the way Tom cotti says baked

Beans but we also got a um upgrade a tool so I feel like that’s where our money should go first m o foraging level who wants foraging oh I’ll take foraging I’m pretty I’m level two so I’ll take it but yeah Tom cotti has a song called

Big breakfast and the way he says baked beans in that song I Will Never un hear he says baked beans I say it now sausage toast hash brown another hash brown Tom cotti he really be out here that’s the he’s the embodiment of the Australian P into that God damn it I

Was going to say that oh my God you guys are the same person yeah we’re married yeah as we all know married people are the same person yeah yeah because we the marriage contract see chips gets it mhm I understand do you do the Dragon Ball Z Fusion Dance we

Do that was that was instead of the kiss at the wedding you just did the Dragon Ball Z Fusion Dance yeah it’s true if if we ever showed you our wedding video that’s exactly what you would see the funniest thing is we we cuz our the wedding was like just in um Max’s

Parents like kitchen so we don’t have any photos we just have a wedding video so when we had to send that to the lawyer it was just screenshots from the video cuz we didn’t Ronnie I know exactly what we talking about by the way I’m shaking your

Hand and also the the US government would not accept files so we we had to take photos it’s great everything’s great the US perfect I love the US uh I I love the US government like asking for proof that kitty and I are a relationship and then I’m like well

There is like 500,000 hours of us doing let’s plays together on YouTube and then they’re like no no YouTube links no multimedia links I’m sorry then what do they want what do they want do they want to see like your text messages what do they want to see do

They want to see make out like a fan fiction they did actually ask for our um oh the word has escaped me our social medias to see if we like posted about each other so I did send screenshots of that oh it’s medicine time medicine

Time chips did you take a bunch of stuff to go to town or no uh I took the Frozen Frozen tiar because I think we need that for something in the community center perfect I’ll take some of these geod just just you know spend their money we do have a bunch of them

Yeah Micon should we start planning our summer our summer crup layout do you guys even worry about that do you guys even care about Aesthetics wow not not until like you’re like three not even until year three yeah year one is just about just [ __ ] get out there and do it and year

Two I’m like I’m too busy working on getting married [ __ ] you guys are crazy I cannot fa H what the [ __ ] I’m like you can’t you can’t fathom us just having fun around way I don’t know why I’ve never been good about decorating like I try really

Hard and I just I can’t get it he tries so hard that’s super fair I I I do want to apologize that was actually very very aggro uh why so AG no I’m sorry it’s just like it’s strangely enough like I feel like I burned out all of my all of my desire

For like aesthetically pleasing Farms I burned that out in all the years that I played Harvest Moon that’s super fair then let me do it my Farms were not as nobody’s stopping you yeah I just I just I just want to I just want I just want

To let everyone know that I will be planning out the layout of our farm okay walk me through it boss what’s the plan okay so we’re nearly at we got to really we got to really go through it the mines I think we got to work on getting

Sprinklers that’s the number one thing sprinklers Sprinklers sprinkers and I’m going to so we go to the m yeah I’ll probably make just a small iron trip today I’m doing someing but then okay I I promise I promise to you here if I make a vow iron swor style to

Uh gather as much iron I can five six seven eight okay right here okay I’m going to start placing scarecrows where they need to go also if you want to uh for further planning you could just lay down like a stone flooring if you want

That’s what I’m going to do oh I don’t have storing I only have Cobblestone path grael all already spend all my money also I’m I’m I’m just wild but like I think the Cobblestone flooring is the best one Sumi it’s cute it is cute it’s

Cute later the game is like o do you want Crystal pathing and I’m like no I like the crystal one too but I the crystals cute I like I like M mix matching the Crystal and the cobblestone St new reward a new big ass painting we don’t

Have room for cuz our walls are full of other paintings we could put it in the other houses Ah that’s true we should just have our Gallery room yeah it’s just a whole house this just full of paintings okay this scarecrow actually needs to be

One up from where it is right now but for now that’s where it’s going just to Dallas thank you Dallas say I rolled a two on the action die and a seven on the end on the challenge die I think that’s a Miss thank you so it looks like my quest my

Quest will begin with a some sort of U um uh a trouble at the beginning dud a complication I’m going to go Harvest a [ __ ] ton of salmon berries BRB did you go to spring onions already babe I did not go to spring onions I got some Sal

Berry stuff I’m going to spring onions baby also I have made myself a chest for the mines the mines of Moria everyone have your own and they called it a mine a mine thank oh my God two where’re the same person so uh in in in the shortlived uh MOA Heroes of

The Storm there was like character called choal which was a big old ogre with two heads that was actually piloted by two players oh I remember him he was fun he was like a a a melee SL Caster it was a fun time I remember playing that with play

Rip actually fun fact the chest the the chest is yearning to be destroyed mine yeah um in like nine days it’s gonna be just let’s [ __ ] go so I do want to say by the way um uh a week from today I’ll be doing a fundraiser to uh raise funds for my

Wife’s uh surgery uh yes uh we’ll be playing uh Dead or Alive extreme beach volleyball um and doing a bunch of other like U punishment game style like hilarities so uh there’s also going to be like a little campaign every time you donate um a a picture will be revealed

Uh and you will not want to miss these pictures oh my God I’m excited yeah it’s going to be fun it’s going to be fun it’s it’s titty reveal yeah I’m just going to show my breasts live on don’t miss this it’s titty reveal don’t miss this they ain’t going to be here

Tomorrow okay I believe that the stream will be called boobs be gone though oh Kitty’s here what I’m here hello wait no that’s chips never mind same ha you would know I’m I’m glowing you would know if it’s me it’s true you know what I’m like

Who’s this false kid yeah sorry I’m not as radiant as kitty it’s okay I forgive you no I mean who can be as rent as my wife very true very real when does the uh salmonberry Quest l just ask for his basket or is that in Fall that’s on BlackBerry season I think

Oh okay I couldn’t remember I was like that’s on Black Friday really oh ladder oh thank you thank you okay energy so I’ll take care of these guys hell yeah I love them they drop coal yeah I always grind these guys I might have to yeah yeah you put

Them in in your coffee uh grinder and you just just press I just I just go to town on him one two three one two three Here hang on how is the playform okay that’s five oh dear we may have a problem with these ancient seeds what’s up we may need to move them once they’re grown and we have more of them because the layout won’t be correct okay leave me alone by the way chips the

Ladder uh where I was that or I’ll it’s probably just better for me to remove the scarecrows but then I have to think but then that’s more math for me to do it’s probably just better if I’m with the scarecrows more math it’s better if I’m with the scarecrows okay

Okay one two three and then okay okay no that can work okay that can work okay I have an idea we can make it work and I might actually make it work o the rare Omni geode let’s go oh I love the Omni geode I love that crazy

[ __ ] oh uh uh uh chips ladder uh up up uhhuh oh it’s getting late we should probably getting late Gamers yeah we’ll kill these guys okay don’t mind me going quiet as I do math in my head you’re doing maed I think it’s time

For us to go yeah you know baby I was just doing a quick Scout noia dreams of math I do honestly I have specifically gotten into Hobbies because I felt like there wasn’t enough math in my life that’s a real thing about me that’s valid you should get into Fiber Arts

Then the the thing about Fiber Arts is that my um uh I can’t hold a needle very well cuz my finger joints hurt that’s fair um but I did get into sewing specifically because of that let’s go I want to get into sewing next now that I’ve now that I’m

Mastering crochet it’s time to get into sewing I love that kitty kitty tackling all these Fiber Arts like they are like classes in 14 I really am whoops I dropped all my medicine on the FL K is like all right I’ve maxed out barred I think it’s time for me to start doing

Dark Knight y it’s true M wow so you’re telling me that crochetting really was a gateway drug yep babe get in crochet really is the Gateway hobby I have a couple little like C sh kits that my mama got me for Christmas and I’m like so excited for them oh

They’re so fun good luck if you need any tips let me know yeah also I have apparently ERS does anyone have um stone flooring not the Cobblestone flooring but the actual stone flooring I think you get that from Robin yeah I think so yeah okay then I might drop by Rob buy

It from her Ronnie says me trying struggling to understand D rols yes math very displeased spirits come on why do what’s wrong with the spirits lately the spirits are displeased for reasons I do not know got all this rice though oh yeah chips what what crochet

Kits did you get oh um so they’re like uh I’m trying to remember what they’re called it was like a specific company but the thing with them is that they have it’s wles I think it’s yeah they start with the ones that like start with like the circle already that’s the

Hardest part truly the magic circle yeah I have um a little penguin and I believe a little turtle and a couple of accessories for them and I’m like this so oh hell yeah they’re so fun that’s that’s how Kendra and I both learned so you’ll you’re in

Good I I love kandra trying to explain to Kitty how to do the magic loop and and then they did a video and then they’re like actually I’m left-handed so just imagine this reversed it’s true all of us forgot that Kendra was left-handed until I’m asking questions and Kendra’s like

Um I’m doing can I be real usually the way I do my stud VI is I made an Excel I make an Excel spreadsheet or I like I draw it out on gri paper this is these are true facts about me I’m sorry uh could you could you make uh

Room in your layout for a well yes I will do so yes please magnific I’m thinking of actually oh yes asking questions like why are you a lefty what’s wrong with you that’s me my dad are any of you lefties no no is your dad a lefty n yeah papa

Vixie is a lefty oh my dad’s a lefty too what’s with dads and being lefties and then they’ll never let you forget it like my dad makes the joke of like oh this is a left-handed spatula I can use it I’m going to make another friend that feeling when you have one

Joke listen yeah this is I’m amedex and a communist so good for you any leftists on this stream all of us yeah I hold a radical belief that corporations are not people no I can’t reach these salmon berries cuz our fish chests are in the way yep I know oh no

Don’t worry about it it’s fine okay says my dad’s a lefty but he went to Catholic school so the N made him learn rightand it yeah yeah my my my dad too it didn’t stick by the way it did not stick he’s a lefty well actually he’s kind of ambidextrous just because

Of he worked at the post office for like 30 years and they’re set up to be right-handed so he’s he kind of had to get used to it but we’re getting an awful lot of in in lore keep forgetting what’s the that button okay it’s like a combination of

Buttons to just pick up half of a stack and I keep for getting what it is shift click eight I’m on controller so I don’t know [ __ ] oh whoops that’s one I don’t know on controll on controller you just press uh square or X there’s well one button picks up one

Yeah I just mashed that button oh back into the Min go the mines of good luck in the mines I’m going to fish I need to go back to my roots I was going to try to make a a fish joke you’re you’re lured by the fish the children they they yearn for

The fish the children is out here being a master what was that mean that like the children yearn for the mines what was that was that a was that a was that something it’s a thing about like how kids love Minecraft I think they the joke for the mind that’s basically it forgot About yeah do you ever just hear a thing and you just repeat it non-stop yeah like beged B I had begged be once and it changed my personality okay Australian vtu emerges from one song with a completely different personality this is this is true okay okay I’m just going to be real

Simple these ancient seeds are my anchor point I’m just going to smelt as much copper as I can into Coppa B by the way do it we’ll need them damn it Dallas D say the kits are down at y1 and I’m pissed it isn’t Z 11

Like oh my [ __ ] god that joke that goes so [ __ ] hard congrats on getting on getting freaking uh quot dude love that we killed nomia D let’s go put it in the top 10 this never happens this never happens I don’t know why that got me kids beat out at y [Laughter]

11 [ __ ] them [Laughter] kids sorry okay I’m fine never apologize someone explain the joke to it’s fine don’t worry about it okay okay so so so Zed is the is depth so they should be at they should be underground mining cuz they yearn from the mines there you

Go it’s fine don’t even worry about it it’s fine Ser dude I’m I’m getting like like like secondhand Euphoria from how much N I love that joke right it never happens no no nomia Instinct this it’s a sandbag there’s just something about the fact there was something about the fact that none of

You laughed at the jerk that really good they really like Amplified the fact that I like cuz I often I often start laughing at something when I realize that I’m laughing at something and it’s so stupid that I start laughing at the fact that I’m laughing at

It this is what happened to cisa on the 14 stream oh my God good has the best laugh sisa full on cackles like full full it gives me so much like serotonin yeah I I I I rewatched that clip from my stream like 20 times that day I’ll be

Fully real I was completely like zoned out and so like when I zoned back in Cisco was cackling and I was like what happened what happened I don’t know what’s happening what’s going on so if I seem really underwhelmed during that PO calcul it’s fully because I was like I

Was fully like in the Final Fantasy 14 start and I came back and Cisco was cackling and I was like I missed a jerk act normal act normal I got a br Trident oh what’s wrong my jib I could have just for you my

Jib you don’t like the cut of my jib you don’t likey VY and you keep throwing my cat into the BG by the way I’m going to do I’m going to make that a short and I’m going to have a a clip where it shows the Final Fantasy 14 Wii and I’m

Going to edit it so it say vti and then you should have one of the casts from Final Fantasy 14 like getting thrown into the bog dude I should do that I was no it’s got to be one of the final it’s going be is or whatever her name is

No no do the the fat cat or whatever it name is yeah the fat cat fat cat okay even better good thinking y y is my queen I would die for yo she’s so cute two three four five I I I will say though what’s the name of the

Of the Final Fantasy 11 potato girl uh which one 11 the the the mascot oh I don’t know anything about 11 because like CU I I only know like 11 and 14 from like the cidia and the athm so I’m like what’s the what’s the freaking potato girl oh yeah I have no

Idea that potato [ __ ] what’s her name yeah that potato [ __ ] cuz like to me is just literally like like catg girl from 14 the stereotypical catg Girl you know like know like like 8 16 17 17 uh can you please really quickly just do the numbers from Lost please 4 8 15 16 23 42 thank you just rattled those off damn dude it’s imprinted in my brain I will die knowing the the loss numbers and the

Login for my first job do I remember the logins for my next two jobs that were retail no but I will die remembering the login for my first job don’t ask yeah what’s the login for your first job real quick I mean the the company’s [ __ ] gone so it probably matter

Believe it was a asman one two 3 4 five yeah [ __ ] not ass man it’s true I was the assman oh I should do KY Lyn the ass man the ass man the ass man I should do it so it’s like makes so much no no we can’t [ __ ] happen there was no

[ __ ] delay it was literally the same like neuron Babee we’re the same person you are younger than me so you should have a quick quicker reaction time I’m only like two years younger than you and also no no yeah you’re like three years younger than me whatever two three whatever I have spent time this entire

St day organizing the layout of this place and y’all don’t even know that’s okay I just went foraging and donated I’ve been watching w i fish dude I’m looking over you for above I keep forgetting I’m streaming you guys can see my you guys can screen peek

Me yeah y’all screen PE camp you and start oh there’s there’s dude okay I I want to play up a an FPS with you guys that would be really fun oh my God I’ll be terrible I was about to say I was play with me but then I remembered that’s not first

Person also I’m bad at Splatoon H chips go to weapon and Splatoon go oh uh heavy edit slat Ling yeah I had a feel yeah chips loves a big gun I love big gun I love range uh I love killing but also supporting chips to they attack but they

Also protect exactly like you know sometimes I put down my tactic cooler and like nobody else but me drinks it and I’m like I feel like paa made like four burgers for four grandchildren and only one showed up wow so sad I know cry every time indeed okay there’s you activated a

Something in me that I’m like that is so [ __ ] sad Facebook post you see my vision kitty yeah sorry we just so somebody made the joke no it was cisa so cisa made the joke that I’m a freaking Pisces empath and I’m like no I’m not then I’m

Like I watch a child cry and I’m like I want to cry too what do what was it that you watched you were like I’m dying help okay we should talk about what we saw the other day as well but um it it I forget what it I forget what it was oh

No uh we were walking this’s another thing we were walking on our date and I saw a girl spill her drink and I felt like physic physically ill yeah one time one time I was wearing really tall he heels and I slipped and dropped a crepe and it was the worst

Experience of my life oh I don’t remember the other one that killed me okay the other one that killed me is that we we we we we went to do shopping at TR Joe’s and outside so this is going to um a true warning for visit

Descriptions um a guy who an older guy on a skateboard literally tripped in front of us and broke his finger oh my gosh yeah that happened and he didn’t set it back in he just went back he just went shopping and I’m like could you please think about me put your finger

Back my my thing is like um if I ever see like a a lost toy somewhere I get like physical like pains I get like viscerally upset for both the child and the toy for real especially or a car okay everyone tell the story of yesterday

Okay so yesterday Kitt and I we’re going on a little work date it’s a Max I’m coming Max come home Maxi come home get on the top get on top you get to be on top for once yeah Maxi oh no I’m On Top still so Kitty and I we went to Target

You know we we we we we worked on the RPG by the way we we came up with the three bonus uh boss fights and and then we decid to go some shopping at Target so we’re walking on Target and we of course we we went to the fun section the

Board game section of course because we’re fck n you’re nerds and I also got fish selling upgrade yo I’m I’m I’m going to ask you all to like prepare your but holes cuz this is going to get bad okay so there is a straight couple

Looking at the board games in one of the N caps straight couple it’s going to rain all day tomorrow hell yeah let’s go there’s a straight oh Spirits in good spirits in Good Humor as well okay continue the story I I need you to understand okay kitty and I we

Were pushing our cart and we’re taking the corner past them on the ant cap this is very important okay so the the the the young the young woman picks up a um oh my God the young woman make uh picks up a a uh like a party board game and

Says oh we could play this one together and the guy without missing a beat says if you learn how to play my battle Mech game we wouldn’t have to buy that game and I ducked I physically ducked yeah we both had to just stop and like got to go got to go

And I’m I’m like I’m like the the earlier that day we were shopping for clothes and kitty and I kept stopping by this outfit that had dump him on the chest and the butt you want you want to run back to Ross and pick that up and walk in front of that

Girl so many par snip snip snip snip so many par snip it hurt it was painful give me was really bad parsnip delicious parsnip parip I think there’s cauliflowers too maybe yes yeah I think don’t worry I’m I’m harvesting red.com Ida um I don’t know why my girlfriend broke up with

Me [ __ ] I just told her to play my BattleTech games all I told her was that she was a piece of [ __ ] and I hated her am I the [ __ ] no dude there was so much bitterness in that guy’s voice and I’m just like I’m

Like this is not going to last man y’all getting divorced man I am not quick to tell people to divorce their their boyfriends but I’m like this does anyone no I’m quick does anyone need money does anyone need money today or can I just Chuck this in the shipping

Bin not today no I don’t think okay um we need we need to save money for an axe but uh other than that no okay then I’m going to healthy relationships look cool Mech yeah yeah see get get yourself like like Max and I where we we looked at a

Gundam when we were like that’s trans colors we got to get it my God we need to build her all I wish is might I have two couples who are relationship goals one of you is YouTube ill gross and then the other one is um Jacob and Julia dhy oh

Absolutely they’re married yeah they’re married I I don’t know any Dy don’t I do know that Jacob one said that Mario has aoy and I’m like yeah yes he did say that recently he said that quite recently and he was and he just put his

Head in his hands I I mean dude why is he catching Flack for saying the truth though it’s true me why are you booing I’m right what are you what are you people doing what’s wrong what’s happening stabbing me are you guys okay they’re just I’m going get you back I’m you back

Chip Chips just had chips just had the big energy of like I’m not touching you I’m not touching you we’re fighting that’s what I heard chips aren you’re the middle sibling I’m the youngest of course you’re the youngest you little sh Max Max’s like I [ __ ] know what you

Are know what you are I know who you are say it out loud youngest the baby the baby dude I found like 17 iron or notes by the way oh let’s go y the mother load [ __ ] Sam is standing right here I was going to trash loot but he’s right

Here kitty you’re never going to become friends with him just go through the trash no Maxi iron Valley Creator [ __ ] everyone in St Valley go through the trash people are complex oh this weapon so good chip just love stabing hey you want to see want to see what I was showing Kitty

Earlier CH your killing me just a little bit okay okay that’s all I can put down for now I think the layout of my sprink clo is pretty obvious once you see it Sis Sis says that Julia said Venusaur looks like a pervert excuse me oh my god

Oh Julia did say that he stries me as a pervert he strikes me as a pervert [Laughter] such disrespect to the odd and bewilderment of everybody else in the room and then and then Nathan absolutely loses it and I believe Karina says um sir that’s a dog that’s a

Dog oh lad you ever look at a dog and think man that dog’s a goddamn pervert ladder to your left Maxi thank you friendo oh I I got a ladder for myself I love everyone being F I guess my lad was for you I’m back at home I’m I’m truly like

I’m like I’m like I’m like the white mother who’s like I never get any help around the harm but it’s but it’s truly that I I just have to do I just do everything myself because I want to but then I’ll complain about no one helping me oh Catholic

Mother yeah damn n me I only there was some sort of way some sort of mechanism you could use to like audibly ask for assistance absolutely not oh my God I want this piece of furniture I will not be doing oh my God Mary I love that

Someone tell me not to buy this bookcase uh buy the bookcase do do do it coward it won’t even fit in our house we we’ll just get rid of the fireplace we can’t can we yeah yeah we can yeah the mother Lo guys should I get the bookcase

It’s purple oh purple bookcase yeah I get a purple bookcase get a purple a cute little purple bookcase okay I’m getting somebody help me balance my B my checkbook I I bought like thank you I’ll grab the iron and they’ll be out of here does anyone know how many from the inating these

Guys can you pick up this amethyst please on the bottom right uh I’m just trying to think how many how many away from the pond do the rice can the rice shoots be I think it’s three that’s a guess I think it’s three it’s either two or three I

Think well it’s going to be some so we W need to worry about that oh uh by the way there’s a reward in level 50 of the mines by the way for all the little for all the little Maxi Maniacs for all the freaks all the little

Freaks oh yeah new boots by the way they look like boots with the fur with the fur with the fur once we get a r I’ll redo this by the way I L I have like 60 iron ore in my pocket right now hell yeah and I help we’re going to have sprinklers

Baby do you ever just eat a salmon Berry in front of someone and you in front of me who has who has zero energy right now yeah crazy that you would do that only there was some sort of way you could tell me you oh there next by the way

Over here although I’m going to pece out after I get all this put it there I’m just grabbing some stuff if only there was a way you could ask for help there is not disgusting unfortunately of funny how that happens yeah uh uh white man voice what

Am I going to do ask for help that would be gay that be what are you gay asking for help ble I would rather die then perish then perish isn’t that that’s the that’s um that’s the Simpsons isn’t it that’s a t no it’s just it’s it’s it’s

It’s from an Obama it’s from people doing like an Obama that’s right ah dude ghosts all right chips I’m out of here I’ll see I’ll see you later okay I’m going to kill everything I I I I got um I got to probably U Turn All These Bars that’s the wrong

Spot oh [ __ ] this booket kind of ugly but oh well it’s a status symbol um have you guys ever been to Ikea yes I’ve never been inside of one what how Ikea is there’s it’s kind of far away uh Ikea is literally a dark souls level this is

True it even has shortcuts it’s crazy it does also um Everybody check your mail jod wants a cauliflower yes yeah well who the hell is who the hell is Jody you talk to everyone already all right and uh for the next literally three days I’ll just be making a bunch of iron

Bars how many one two three one one two three four five six all right have we Marine uh I don’t think so I also have some geot if somebody if you if you click if you hover over it it’ll say oh we have not perfect magn wait how

Do you tell if it’s how do you know I’ve never it says gun gun some something about Gunther if you haven’t downloaded it really I’ve never noticed that before okay you’ll pretty much be able to tell where sprinkl car by the way there we go did you just hold the Earth

Or what did you do to mark them hm oh that’s it’s a gravel path ah smart smart the gravel path I don’t know if it’s a gravel path but it also means that when you get the hor that can hor multiple pieces of land at once it

Should mean that you could it does it without digging up the scarecrows if you have like something down underneath the sprinklers and under the scarecrows um how many iron bars do we need for sprinkler uh just one we have four baby I’m just doing the I’m doing the baby sprinkles first cuz

We don’t have gold yet but once we have gold we’ll up all of them mean the baby sprinkles only do um at Cal directions yeah but they’re better than nothing it will automate some amount of work but yeah basically anywhere that there’s a little gravel path you put aink sprinkle it down

There also everyone should check out my bookcase before they go to bed oh yes I will do so I I also somehow made it down to 55 because I’m I’m crazy I guess dud wait are you a gold crazy H me and my little me and my little Fork we we’re like

Besties wait are you a gold I’m not at Gold yet like a little more do you want to you want just go straight to a quality sprink um once we start getting gold then we’ll move to Quality sprinkles cuz don’t quality sprinkles also require iron or am I crazy quality

Sprinklers are iron gold and refined quartz uh I got to be making that too crap we can make more uh yeah furnaces once we we don’t need to worry about it until we have have gold though I mean the thing is that like once you once you go down the the

Dungeon like you get to gold really quickly like bronze end up being a problem cuz uh you you know it’s hard to get back to that okay I’m on my way home with My Little Fork my God chips always cuts it so close honestly I think it’s fine cuz he

Gives me a chance to eat a snack yeah true it’s snack we will not be on this is your chips mandated break everybody have a snack it’s snack time oops should I should I tell them should I tell them what you do what does Maxi do go go go ahead go

You if you want to roast me live on this stream I will roast you live on stream because if you teach your children this I swear to God I won’t Maxi opens things with their teeth all the time and I’m I’m too no chips I don’t chips no I don’t my my

Teeth are too bad to do that I can’t do it chips and I both have the little um the anime like little tooth the Fang yeah dude are you sure level two mining let’s go by the way I think I told Chas this before stream but I don’t

Think I told Maxine Kitty this but right before right before stream I [ __ ] slammed my knee against my window cell oh no and I’m I’m now bleeding from my knee excuse me yeah oh yeah also Spirits are in good humor and it’s raining so it’s a good mind day okay oh I I

Can me and my Fork I’ll kill everything also D makes a good point next at the end of of today we should actually take a break yes we’ll take a little break yeah I’m going to go give this CIF to jod and I’ll join youall with the

Min oh no I accidentally put a picture of my Fork go I love my Fork look at my Fork I do love I look at my Fork everyone check out my f is amazing look at it where are you come here stab him stab him get him

Get him by the way um I’ll cave there’s some finger buddies oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I’ll give you a bean as a peace offering hang on hang on stand still okay okay bean I got beaned get bean dude get [ __ ] beaned we’re getting

Beaned to put beans on them I got mushies too do this this baked baked bind them bed beon beon you say it a bit like Beyonce just a little bit just just like little bit not like a lot but like a little bit I’m also going to take some of our bug meat

Burger King food binds godamn it it’s combining too many things oh I wasn’t on talk that reminds me of the kid who’s like biking is good for me oh how dare you how dare you reference the kid from W from Wife Swap yep that’s him I’m sorry what all right

So Wife Swap was an American TV show where um a a a wife would swap families and in one episode yeah which which I get can we talk about like top 10 sexually sounding titles that are not sexual right so real so in one episode there’s this kid he doesn’t like to eat

Healthy and the new moment when to get him to eat healthy and the kid says and he he’s like 5 years old bikon is good for me I mean that’s that’s it that’s it go off little King go off King I’ll protect you K thank you for coming in saying

Hi are yall already at the mine put down sprink yeah oh ladder to your left I’m coming I’ll come to the mine to the left to the left does anyone want any snacks I’ll bring some snacks to the mine okay people in chat what’s what’s your go-to sandwich for being on a road

I can kill these way faster oh please do yeah road trip sandwich yes I don’t know 7-Eleven sandwich there we go what the hell is a 7-Eleven sandwich 7 Sandwich you get from 7-Eleven oh uh Ladder near the entrance thank you I I’ll check for ore and then

I’ll head out you guys don’t have 7-Eleven sandwiches oh the 7-Eleven sandwiches suck here uh we’re we’re in uh 57 they’re not great in Australia but they’re made every morning and so when you get there in the morning you get like a fresh egg and lettuce sandwich and it’s like nice

It’s not like the best it’s not like the greatest quality but it’s like H sandwich you know how do we feel about a PB andj for a PBJ um there’s Co in the B I have opinions right CU like I used to be down

For the PB&J but there was a point in my life where it was like all I was having uh ladder to the left uh than all I was having so now it’s like if I have a PB&J it like gags me I understand but not like Kendra

Gagging Kendra says gagging is like when you like POG out I guess yeah gagging genuine all of you all of you without your drag queen Linger absolutely W wig Etc work I like that um it’s like reminds me that one post where it’s like a gay guy was watching like drag race with his friends and he’s like oh I’m not this kind of gay yeah so he just every now and then he looks up and says

Work say the line token friend can I can I be real on how I know about that post mhm so every Saturday or Sunday or whatever cuz I think I think it’s Sunday for me but um I watched smash and they do uh they do like uh reading

Reddit stories that’s like become like my like it’s like my stories you know like you put on in the morning it’s like it’s it’s the weekend and you’re like oh I got to watch my stories and so I watch you got watch your show it’s the

Modern version of of like soaps yeah and it’s like I have to I have to listen to Shane top from smos read me Reddit stories that’s fair and he and he does the best delivery of the of that story because he just goes work and ever ever since that every now

And then in videos he’ll just say that he’ll just be like work like whenever he’s trying to indicate that he’s an ally he’ll just say you know I know work and it’s so good so Ronnie said earlier regarding the S question butter and ham can I go Sal ham and cheese is that

Actually sounds so nice butter and ham Crystal dagger Crystal dagger my Fork is stronger now we can stab chips back now we can chip a good fight oh it also makes you move forward a little bit oh ladder ladder the fact that you guys don’t dump all your stuff at every

Level level is like astonishing to me just free up your and yet we’re going at the same speed isn’t that hilarious yeah so why don’t you do it I have I’m the one we’re going at the same speed and yet I have a free inventory intriguing there is a there is a frozen

Grard stuck on this ladder yeah I’ve had a couple things get stuck this run it’s just there don’t worry about it going hard EG cheese lettuce pesto that sounds delicious my favorite sandwich not necessarily like road trip I don’t really go the thing about road trips

Next for me is I just go to 7-Eleven and I get either a sausage roll or like an eggan lce sandwich nice sausage rolls from 7-Eleven that’s the good [ __ ] I whenever we do we do road trips um babe we just go to like Starbucks and

Get whatever yeah or or or my brother and I we like to play the game of uh buy buying a perpetually spinning hot dog from 7-Eleven oh those are those are great I’ve never seen a perpetually spinning hot dog and I don’t know I see them on like cartoons from America and

I’m like what the [ __ ] is that why is it like that it’s a perpetually spinning hot dog ladder bottom left for for for why for why does it spin uh to be cooked so thoroughly oh it’s Lucy’s number we’re at Lucy’s we’re at Lucy’s floor Lucy

This is the floor for Lucy shout outs to Lucy shout out to Lucy screams she always screams when we need her the most shout outs to our toxic Queen when we needed her the most she’s scrim and I respect her for that this morning she was being very cute and sweet I must

Say suspicious Behavior extremely sometimes I wake up oh sorry sorry sorry sorry I’ll take you salmon ber thank you want you canceled your request I I was trying to eat it I gave chip a bean earlier yeah and never going to let it go k hey Kitty do you want a

Parsnip I don’t have any room you don’t have any room give me some stuff then drop some stuff I’ve got a free inventory oh god oh no wait we got two I’ll I’ll take care bunch of boxes this away I got oh Coffee Bean but yeah you can drop I found them

I’ve got a free inventory so drop some stuff on the floor if you want me to pick it up I don’t like the daggers this does more damage technically but I like my sweepy sword it’s better my sweepy sword speaking of daggers swe I started

Leveling up a rogue and uh in uh oh yeah it’s very flashy that all the all the way right okay oh another oh ghost ghost hang on I’m going to kill this ghost I’ll be right there there’s there’s there’s a ladder all the way to the left

Bab ghost I got chippy will you help me kill this ghost yeah I can yeah I can can kill ghosts really fast yeah you got the stabby little there you go oh ghost fish the Ghostbuster I’m going to put myself St away I am the Ghostbuster I just love me every level

Being like okay I’m just going to put my stuff away and everyone being like what why would I and then I and then everyone’s like my inventory is full no can you pick this up no one has not me kitty Kitty’s inventory was full I tried to give her a

P snip she I it though but it was it was a gift can’t accept my gift I couldn’t have it also I just remember that I’m the only one with the backpack upgrade you guys have been doing this without the backpack upgrade I have the upgrade

Oh you do yeah chips got it too it’s me and being and Maxi without we should actually just go get new backpacks actually also sis is asking me if I made a new character remember I’m one of the free trial so I can’t make a new character also I I’m

Not dumb I know that in 14 you can have a character who does everything yep yep I also started fishing by the way why because I’m a crazy [ __ ] oh I’m running on energy oh ladder to the right to the right I have room for a parsnip now noia

Oh here have a parsnip oh I ate it hang on just kidding no I’m trying to give it to you there we go I had to be closer than I thought I had to really get was just out here eating a parsnip in front of me no B yeah I was

Trying to give you a parsnip and I just ate it dude also why are we yelling at Cisco cisa says I’m not saying you’re a dumb is concerned because you’re ancient excuse me wow I got to go now yeah that’s right run run cisa I’m coming I’m coming for

You anyways love you gang we’re so close to level 69 okay oh there’s a backpack over here oh uh ladder top uh right I know my less and right to right and uh backpack is bottom right yeah but this we’re out of time oh we got to go we got

To get to 70 there’s also a ghost here level 70 with a free trial of Final Fantasy 14 on the PC ghost ghost chips could you take care of ghost y I got him chips is fascinated with ghost who are they zeu I I am fascinated by ghosts I’m I

Grew up in a weird ass house you guys know this you were at the Halloween stream oh can we get to 7 your house is so haunted chips oh it’s it’s [ __ ] up in there l l letter boom lad to the right another String Shot A String Shot of course and

Now we leave was like on the right thank you okay that okay usess bring as much stuff back as I can okay here you go I’m going to share your chest babe we could each get our own little chest I think it’d be fun to each have

Our own little chest I probably won’t use mine so don’t bother making me I know but it’d be fun it’d be cute I think it’d be cute to have our little colorcoded chest it would look nice M okay okay I’ll have the aesthetic of a

Chest it’ll be and I will put like three things in there also I never noticed that the minerals change the description text after you donate them to the museum I’ve literally never no that used to be that way to be fair but uh yeah they added it

At some point uh ghostfish is in a bundle I think also we all got to get theed get to bed [ __ ] no time for organization get to sleep get to sleep guys guys guys quick quick [Applause] quick dead you can see Kitty at the doorway just me you only the bed was

Right next to the entrance shut the [ __ ] up it looks help also I’m level seven I’m level seven farming now yo if only if only there was some sort of way in which we could it looks stupid when it’s right next to the door Maxi it looks

Stupid also by the way do you want do you want to build a CP let’s oh yes we do have the money now radish salad recipe on TV come outside come outside n come outside come outside oh [ __ ] he go where is it where is it

Where is it oh no I DED myself hell yeah it’s so big you have to actually use an axe hell yeah [ __ ] all right Harvest this cauliflower [ __ ] my inventory is full oh really also we yeah cuz I I picked up everything that I could from

The mines from the mine chest unless you guys really want that instead of the ax oh wow we have so much stuff to harvest 20 cauliflower [ __ ] let’s go it should still be nums though yeah yeah yeah I got it don’t worry I got it [ __ ]

Okay I just got to put all my [ __ ] away cuz I didn’t have time last night CU I had to go to bed okay I might go back in yeah it’s uh Spirits are feeling neutral today that’s all right or yeah I’ll go back in oh I always Harvest

Mushrooms okay I guess I should also cook the quartz I guess okay do you want me to go upgrade a tool uh we need 5,000 for that is it 5,000 okay actually it’s it’s only 2,000 uh no I haven’t it’s only 2000 it was we we checked last time it was 5,000 it’s

5,000 upgrade a a tool I thought it only 2,000 camera swimming in on my face uh with the curvier en enthusiasm theme playing by the way I mean I mean I’m going that way I haven’t everything yet okay yeah once you harvest everything and sell it um I’ll I’ll bring it I’ll

Bring it to I’ll bring it to piia do we have any other geod or is it just um I put all my GE in the G chest in the FL chest I also put some in the go chest oh let’s go the fling G chest it makes so much

Sense it’s the flamingo chest Flamingo oh my god dude it makes so much sense I planned this from the beginning it’s almost like you’re a master organizer oh my God I am I can’t help it I can’t help but be a [ __ ] genius I almost said something else a master I would never

Chips uh is it is it five copper yes I’m going to go stand over there what are you upgrading I’m upgrading an axe okay perfect magn oh you’re not smelting you’re upgrading okay okay I’m upgrading I’m I’ll be I’m just harvesting these last stobs and then I’m going to go to peer wor

Got I’m going to put all the basic [ __ ] in here all the no stars all the rejects go in here everything else gets all to Pierre all right let’s go baby I’m going to Pierre see you later [ __ ] Maxi’s on smelting Duty yep okay I have doubled our furnace production and it’s still

Not enough oh Lucy has something to say about that actually what if we played Factoria oh my god I’ve never played it but kind of interested also we missed everyone’s play cut scene I’m skipping it me when I’m in the mines and I’m thinking about my friend n okay here we

Go 4 four 4 four 56 let’s see how much we get oh let’s go oh let’s go baby oh my God we should buy back let go baby yeah I’m I’m I’m get back get packed get packed baby yeah we’re going to Disneyland yeah yeah yeah yeah make a

Packed with that with a demon warlock style I think I’ll get some more stuff um stuff that can stuff that can still grow yeah leave leave uh how much are the backpacks 2,000 the pop me yeah so leave 9,000 uh wait uh yeah yeah 9,000 yeah

Cuz I haven’t I haven’t uh I got to smel these geod first but then I was going to go get my backpack so I have more room for I’m not getting I’m not getting a lot of stuff don’t worry okay that’s all I’m getting finally just let’s go there you

Go all right now I’m going to smell GE and then I’ll upgrade the axe and then we’ll have an axe in like two days and then we can go to the secret forest and then we can get hardwood and then we can build more [ __ ] everything’s coming up

Us I just bought one sprinkles set of each seed remaining that can still grow in the time limit just just for funsies just for funsies okay Maxi I’m assuming you understand my spring wall layout because I’m putting little gravel paths where they need to go oh and I can move this when does

Clint close uh 4 p.m. cool thank you also the scarecrows will get a little platform around them but I don’t have the floors that I want yet to put them down just awkwardly waiting oh we didn’t take a break between da oh crap all right we were G to do

That it’s fine it’s fine okay one two Okay one two okay got some more iron ore coming in boys okay my love yes you’re wrong it’s 2,000 no way I thought it was 2,000 I knew it I knew it in my heart and my soul 5,000 for the next one yeah I think

It’s 5,000 for the next one I think that might have been what you were thinking of uh does the lady come in on Sundays she does go go check her I’m going we actually have money to pay for things for her okay oh it feels so good to have

Sprinklers oh I love a Sprinkle I love a sprinkly dinkly no one C what I just said oh more more more decorations oh no the the wedding ring recipes in here it is yeah how much is it 500 then get it [ __ ] what are you going to do not marry your wife

Cringe did we all get it or is it just you maybe I think I think um res are individual yeah yeah only you got it wait chips are we still are we still trying to raise mexian Kitty just see you can get married first we can do that

I the thing is that I don’t know how to do it you just have to like make that and give it to the other person I’m sure yeah it’s really easy I mean kitty and I we’re the best to have ever done it really so it’s true well we’re sharing

Resources so it might not be a very interesting race it’s fine okay I’ve got stuff planted Ronnie it’s the one ring to rule them all one rain to find them it might actually be a decent one ring to B them hang on and in the darkness uh oh in the dark

Them crops animal bundle okay Boiler Room okay wait a minute I know what I should do o we have enough for gold or oh but we’re out of coal oh Maxi are you holding all the coal or did we run out uh I’m holding all the coal you’re holding all of it

That’s why interesting yeah weird how that happens huh anyway could somebody at take attention away from me while I do something completely fine what the [ __ ] are you doing what are you doing over there are you being normal right now I’m being so normal today are you being really [ __ ] normal over there

Normy oh I love that mayor says that I met Mama vixi because of the lur of the Rings I love that that’s that’s that is true okay I’m coming back with all of the all of the the coal also oh I have a surprise I could

We have a if we could have a brave member of chat look up how much it costs to buy the first Coupe please I it’s it’s 4,000 it’s 4,000 G yeah but what about the the res the or is it 100 of each we got to get all the energy resources immediately

Find I need to pee anyway oh yeah you girl oh wait but I need to no I I’ll do it in a second cuz I got some stuff to go to the community center also there’s a surprise by all the fish chest whenever anybody comes home oh a

Surprise I just walked right past it but I did not but I was not I was I was so [ __ ] focused on my mission I was so tot Mission not being right now yeah I’m literally about to be right this second but I have to do this

Where did you get that hat from what hat Maxi did you spend money on a hat I’m not wearing a hat Maxi spent money on a hat that’s what you were doing that was that was your Mischief your Mischief you got a hat I would never Maxi was all mischievous and got a

Hat mom Maxi got a hat I can’t believe Maxi got a hat without us uh it’s that post that’s she her they them ni hat Max’s a nice hat noing fall foraging there go I don’t know what you guys are talking about you’re all being so weird you’re all being so weird right

Now I don’t even know what you guys are talking about I don’t even know what you guys are talking about I’ve never want to have my life this said does the thing where like the back of it looks like it’s blending into my hair like I’m joro let’s go

We got a in the CH Penny wise oh no it activated all of us oh bundle complete bundle complete bundle complete yeah let’s go let’s go oh I got a I got a small magnet ring small magnet ring baby and we’re one gold bar away and one

Oh we’re one gold bar and one Fire Quartz away from getting the mine carts repaired one gold bar one gold bar and one Fire Quartz away from getting the mine cart repaired oh also I already have a magnet ring I already have a magnet ring who

Wants a small magnet ring I got one too so I’m good have one you want a small do you want a small magnet ring I I’ll take a small magnet ring oh my God proposal we Ru oh my God that doesn’t count it counts it counts it totally counts have a

Ceremony yeah we’re going to have a ceremony don’t wor about it ceremony like tomorrow okay I’m in the mines right now I’m almost we all know that mer doesn’t count unless it’s a ring made of five irium bars and a prismatic Shard yep you’re so right

Wow anything we made it to level 80 which means we can get gold Now ladies anything else than five Rainbow Fire Walker boots for you guys is not okay dump him we’ll start making quality Sprinklers and once we fill out all the spots that don’t have sprinklers

In them then we can start replacing the shitty sprinkl okay okay I’ll keep this ring I’ll keep this ring for you chips thank you all right all right I’m going to beb and I’m going to pee see you go piss girl okay I’ll I’ll I’ll be home

Soon but chips will you be home for Christmas um I have to check oh okay are you ever seen that [ __ ] song yeah I hate that song I’ll Be Home For Christmas no no there’s there’s there’s one song that is like a six minute story

Oh yes I showed you that one yeah like it makes it seem as though like the dad died in a bus accident and then the children and the mom were having to come to turn with their father being dead and then he just shows up and he was like oh

I missed the bus I missed my usual bus because I was buying all you guys Christmas presents and then the song ends did we need a uh single gold bar for anything for the bundle oh I I think we have enough now I got a little bit before I left oh

Uh you better yeah you better you better get get your asses in bed yeah yeah CH not going to make it CH is not making I’m literally on the farm don’t oh my God you have no faith in me you’d never walking out of you don’t

Even like me I’m GNA shut the [ __ ] up we [ __ ] love you love you chippy I’m about to propose youing yeah level biting if you care if you even care WOW chips really is practicing their fishing for for compliments toxic relationships level level three fishing for compliments level three fishing parenthesis for

Compliments I will tell you it’s rain all day tomorrow every time that I ask chat to be nice to me it feels wrong I’m like please don’t be nice to me yeah we have exactly enough uh gold for one ore now one are good humor

Today also chippy um uh meet me by the the tree in the woods let’s go down here yeah let’s go you guys what is this so makeing memorial for the yeah we’re toking making mem Maring okay we’re going to beet the big tree that jazz skips right under yeah I

Hope JZ isn’t there right now yeah she’s not she’s not it’s fine yeah it’s too early for her okay all right chippy hold on let me get hang uh [ __ ] you didn’t do your chor today shut up chippy water in the plans right now dude shut up chippy

Chippy I felt this way for so long for about 22 days ever since we moved up to this Farm together and I feel really deeply about this I really love you chippy will you I can’t give this to you how do I get this to you I guess you

Have to drop it on the floor yeah there you go will you marry me oh my God yeah oh my God this really is like an MMO Wedding by the way this is an MMO wedding here hold on beautiful I want to I wanted to give you a gift in return

For this and I just like got some like um I mean oh you you took the gift already oh hold on wa I need to give you something else I need to give you something else here hang on I’ll give you this oh there okay it kind of okay yep yep yep

Yep my void Essence I will accept it thank you so much here I’ll give you yeah I have something I need to tell you yeah I ate your bean last night well we were all sleeping I I ate it while I was in the M it helped me get to level 80 there’s

Bean crumbs over here yeah covered in Bean crumbs beum beg beg is everything all watered yeah nothing’s have some we we were busy yeah we little mine okay I’m going to the mine I’m going to the mines everyone shut up also can anyone pick up the axe once it’s

Done or do I have to go pick it up tomorrow uh we’ll get a little notification when it’s done I think I think you might have to pick it up I don’t know okay I’ve never played multiplayer before so I don’t know how it works I’m going to also I’m moving these

Furnaces over because I feel like it I say hi where you at babe are you I’m in the mines I’m coming I’m coming to something we do have good fortune today so it’s a good M day all right I don’t think do we need money for anything today or can I just

Chuck everything in the shipping bin Chuck it okay perfect oh hang on hang on a second dude dwarf squirrel number three oh wait what level are you at babe all right we have I’m literally I’m literally next to you we have the die bundle now2 oh sorry you don’t have the camera

Zoomed out oh I did Zoom it save oh hi move everything for a second just so I can see what the [ __ ] is going on fly you fools oh [ __ ] keep get God damn it Flamingo get over here we need the Flamingo back I think I’m going to put the flamingo close to

The Rock boy Rock boy all right let’s stab him put it here that’s nice so I never so these rice shoes for some reason okay so hang on all right we’re so weak I’m just do I’m just doing some organizing stuff don’t worry about me it’s going to take 10 years to defeat

This guy let’s go I love being the prv character and yet I’m the one who’s doing the most boring tasks I I was have ready for you to be like and yet I’m doing all the hard work and I’m like okay now I’m now and yeah it’s just me on the hi hi

Dubby hi hiby I’m just being a little [ __ ] just like just like at home looking out like like organizing our chests meanwhile you’re all like adventurous in the mines don’t wor I’m just fing you could be in the mines with us you know yeah but but I could but I have

Stuff I have I I I but oh Shadow Man 198 please and the 99 of these what’s your health I’m good I’m at like half health I am not yo I got a totem I got a totem for home o I’ll put it in the go chest once we

Get home dude just use it no I’m telling you right now I have never use them I always save them just [ __ ] use it that’s fair one way I use them in the skull Cavern oh that’s so me too especially since you can’t like uh cancel out with the old um request trick Anymore when you’re about to fall asleep ah rip chibs do you remember the old trick where you could basically um stop time when you were uh fishing well I mean that was just regular play no no no no no but there was a way to make it so like time just

Would not pass at all oh I don’t I don’t think I know that one it was a great time it’s gone I I was a classic Fisher we are so underprepared for this section of the game I know it’s taking me like 10 minutes to mine a single [ __ ]

Thing it’s fine it’s fine we’re all fine also I’m going to drop off and stuff at the community the community center shadow man okay I got it are there any more fish we need for the bundles um I don’t know I’ll double check did you get a sunfish sunfist a

Sunfist a sunfist I have a bag full of sunfish right now if we need one okay yeah I’ve got a sunfish I’m donating it now tiger trout is full I believe yeah um night fish Wy eel sturgeon I don’t remember uh tilapia red snappa tuna I don’t remember what what times those

Are sh Bundle D bundle one of these one of these Bund you ready to fight this shadow man babe let’s go let’s do this this this enchanters bundle okay that’s that all right black SMI bundle okay there we go oh another furnace fantastic oh and now we he did head come off we’ve unlocked

The Vault bundles for whenever we to spend the money on that that unlocks the buzz doesn’t it yes and I can go see my other wife Sandy oh yes we can go see Sandy construction dude the mother Lo winter there we go okay perfect dud it takes so

Long okay oh I can’t darate this aqu Marine to gun up because it’s closed H Quest onp bulletin board extra green algae for Evelyn she just goes like that for the pun I know I love Sandy you should you should are you out of food uh this is my last thing okay um can we make it two more levels I don’t think so yeah I’m I’m going to piece out sorry by oh

Ievels there’s a diamond uh there’s a diamond oh crap I got to go there’s a diamond and or and gold to your right by the way I’ll come down and see if I can help Okay what was I doing I was going to do something and I forgot what it was oh

No what was I doing oh dear yeah I’m on level 88 okay I’m on my way I don’t remember what I was doing right I was going to how many chests are in the mine right now it’s just two right two two okay that’ll make still wood is there another bundle that wants

Wood what guys are trying to attack me when you come to 88 I’m on the right fighting a rock okay oh I see you almost [ __ ] died that’s why I ran away get get that diamond I got it and then there was a box on this other side

But I’m going to [ __ ] die J that’s a nice hat you’ve got there uh do you want some fish some spring onions okay wait how much your signs 25 wait where are I got a I got a um you got a ladder stairs yeah ladder

That’s what it is yeah get that gold and then and then I’ll meet you beautiful I’m a good level I’m going to see if I can make it to the mines in time I’m going to make it it’s so late but if you guys are still

In there I’m going to believe that I can make it yeah there’s just there’s one one one ladder left we got to get I believe in you guys okay got the ladder I’m coming I’m coming yeah you can go grab the elevator and I’ll clear this out dude the obsidian

Edge okay I got to go got to go home oh hello I’m not even going to look at all my junk I’m just going to go okay I got to go what there bone fragments used for again I believe it is uh fertilizer cool I got

Some I also got the fire quartz that we needed okay I’ve colorcoded our chests we’ve got chests now in the mines and we all have and we all have a sign also that we can we can decide what our what our key it give your money give me your

Money what item represents us as a person all right come on hurry home babes I’m on my way I’m coming I’m just strolling my way back home I’m just holding this quartz and in bed that’s your that that’s your sleeping quartz it’s my sleepy quartz daddy actually has a has a quartz

Cluster on this little blanket that she likes to sleep on and sometimes she rest stabing us in our sleep Maxi no stabbing Maxi no stabing kind of Massage it’s it’s mostly stabbing come on chippy come on I can make it 10 seconds come on chippy come

On chippy come on come on come on come on come on come on come on chippy oh chippy made it to unbelievable just in time never punished never punished ooh level eight farming recipe keg recipe oil maker let’s go let’s go let’s go I also got Deluxe speed grow but I never

Use that [ __ ] okay raining again weather report it’s going to be clear and sunny tomorrow for the flower dance and the spirits are Whispering Spirits are very displeased aren’t they always they’re always displeased can we can we pair up with each other for the flower dance or do we have to ask yo

Oh also no one has seen my my friend my surprise yeah oh I said I saw it I don’t I don’t know why I didn’t comment on it I think where is it he’s he’s my good friend I don’t know why I didn’t comment on it I saw it can get some

Too I think I just always assumed that he he’s been there all along he’s been here this whole time I’ve been to it this whole time all right we need the kitchen so bad we really do that’s 10,000 G we could get there yeah we definitely

Could also uh someone should pick up the the Axe by the way I’m going to do that and then I’m going to go donate some [ __ ] uh cuz I think we’re going to get mining or the the the carts I’m going to yes once we get a Fire Quartz what’s we

Get I think it’s just a fireart I got a fire quarts baby yeah then we get then we get the mines I think we get the mine CS yep only need is the five qus and then we have mine CS which will make our lives so much easier

Also do we want to build a coupe we can oh wait no it’s Tuesday Rob no Robin’s at [ __ ] Pilates or whatever ah okay maybe maybe on Thursday then toys day toys day ain’t it inin it in it in it here we go okay what shall I do today I kind of

Want to fish I haven’t been fishing much you can join me in the catfish lands where are you uh I’m I’m down by the river which’s house down by river yeah and uh after once it turns six I’m going to try and catch an eel because I think I’m strong

Enough I am probably not strong enough you could still join me yeah I want to get my fishing level up y ready for I’m a Fisher I just never do it oh yes [ __ ] mine carts mine carts oh I got uh chip and I are going to compare our fishing rod length

Again it’s not about size actually should I get the fishing rod upgrade like the next fishing rod I don’t have the upgrade that yet wouldn’t that be good old nepotism if nomia gets the upgrade before we do I mean you guys probably I thought you guys did but you don’t oh I haven’t

Asked yet cuz it’s kind of expensive I think it’s IDE uh I can grab it it’s it’s 1,800 I think oh that’s not too bad I’m pretty sure it’s 1,00 yeah you should go get it yeah I’ll go grab it cuz I’m gonna I’m going to try and catch that eel today

Yeah do definitely do that for the eel do you want me to bring you some bait yeah I’ll go I I’ll also bring a chest is there a chest down by Will by Wily’s Place uh no then I’ll go get a chest from Will’s place and I’ll put the bait

And fishing extra fishing rods in there trying so hard not to make joke Maxi what’s wrong being a good Bader everything good over there Maxi everything good sure everything’s Good oh does anyone need these tunder boots no cuzz we have better boots awesome then I I don’t keep putting my junk in there I don’t have better boots I also don’t have a better than got to go the M then I usually keep all the swords and

Like mine stuff like actually in the mines just so we don’t have to keep it on our farm whatever I just keep forgetting I bring it I bring it home and then I forget I’ll I’ll bring it to the mines okay go sell the crap that you don’t use

But I could hoard it instead did you ever consider this Ronnie I could hoard it I’ll I’ll sell the old swords see the thing is Ronnie is that the obsidian don’t sell the obsidian Edge no I’m putting that in the in a chest thank you whose obsidian Edge is

It is it someone’s in particular that one’s mine I think now put it in your chest thank you it might actually be a system cuz we have the signs up above our chest maybe we should put like the weapon that we’re using above that so everyone knows what

Level everyone’s at I don’t know does that make sense Maybe but then then it’s going to be just four obsidian edges I mean I might still use my Fork no the look better I like my Fork it has a high crit rate boys go to gunthers we got rare crows boys oh let’s

Go and also pumpkins I got time I’ll go checke there’s there’s two two people are missing their slingshots I’m not going to worry about whose it is I’m just going to divide all our stuff up equally should I just sell the old rusty swords yeah we’ve got a lot can’t tell the

Slingshots can you no I don’t think so rip I will never use do a wind spire keeping one of each thing n me if you’re GNA bring me bait later could you also perhaps bring a snack yes or something I can do this my lunch I can bring you the spring onions

That you have in your mind chest oh my God you you two are so cute you two are so cute oh my God I also have a wild horse radish mhm that wild horse has a radish yeah he has a radish ju just drink this entire

Bottle of hot sauce I’m going to sell the doubles of swords that we have horish always makes my nose like tickle too much to like it just clear I haven’t killed 10 slimes yet yeah I haven’t killed 10 slimes yet so I can’t to be fair I don’t know if I have either

Okay yeah Charlie is so correct what does Charlie say I can’t I don’t have I like how this is Fe en the stream it’s so real Charlie Drew Charlie Drew my vampire the Master Grade character D I don’t I don’t know how much I’m allowed to talk about that I

Don’t know how much has been shared oh uh um uh Ronnie could you reach out to me cuz like everyone’s doing this and I haven’t I haven’t started please reach out to me I feel up you you reach out Ronnie there’s a thread yeah secret Club you have to join it

Yeah oh no I have to join it oh no yeah I only just joined it today because I was I want to be in Ronnie’s campaign yeah I’m I’m be Ronnie’s eventually going to have all of us all of us there everyone but me cuz I’m going to be drugged out of my

Mind uh no where where would you like um the the rare crow that I got um put it in the dark green chest for now yeah okay here are all of our extra fishing rods and the bait and Chippy I have oh oh you’re busy oh yeah yo I got

I got three aridium ore from the Omni geodes oh go chiy nice flounder have a have a wild Fe Mary say vampire the Masquerade is great no I’m dead Maxi oh no Maxi Maxi [ __ ] died what happened Maxi you died why did you die oh we also need 300 pieces of wood

For that bridge I didn’t want to be alone maybe maybe you guys should have been out there with me I’m trying to catch an eel we’ve been we’ve been doing other things we’ve been attending to other business I see how it is I just don’t know SW I had to go get

My axe otherwise I would have Jo deal vampire the masade is so horny and I’m it’s like I created a character and I realized halfway through creating it that like this is a horny character and I have to play it as an asexual person

And I just have to like I just have to embody what it is to be horny yeah just channel that one vtuber man the one vtuber man oh yes yeah yeah for a second I didn’t know who the [ __ ] you were talking about I was like oh the you the

Horny one I know I know spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti yeah the spaghetti maybe that should be a safe word for the for R spaghetti things get too horny you just yell spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti spaghet spaghetti but yeah my my guy my guy is gonna he’s not only horny but

He’s also murder horny you know that the kind of horny that’s like into like murder you know got my E I don’t know why this feels like a know a character actually yeah I don’t think we even need the eel for anything do we I just wanted

No we need it for we need it for a community chest thing oh okay oh yeah it’s night fishing I think Bo I’m breaking the I’m breaking the stumps dude we don’t have stumps in our way anymore no more stumps yes F get these stumps out of my

Sight also I I defeated one of the Doom enemies and they drop a sque ink so it’s in the chest uh with the flamingo oh that’s a rare drop squink squink s s you got the squonk the squink we got squonk got squank the squonk get [ __ ]

Squonk dude the save word is ring light ring fed Adventures the safe word the safe word is uh I was going to have I had a I didn’t have a joke I’m sorry I thought halfway I thought by the time I finished that like subscribe and I didn’t have a

Joke oh if you get 10 hardwood then we can finish that Community bundle thing in the the uh we’re going to have yeah we’re probably already there baby let’s go let’s go baby baby oh and we have the um we have a mahogany seed I’m going to plant this

Mahogany seed I’m going to plant it right over B aly’s little little little spot beautiful I got 12 in my inventory right now I’ll put it in the go the go box all right I got like three eels there’s something about eel success eel success I think about

Squink I’m really sorry I missed you saying chips voice Maxi you’re [ __ ] dead Maxi Maxi you’re [ __ ] dead Maxi Maxi your hus will be your DF Maxi all right the hardwoods ready in the go chest fastic I love that Maxi sleeps sleeps in their backwards baseball cap okay let’s actually take a break

This time yeah because we keep forgetting 20 minutes left on the stream yeah we keep forgetting you know yeah we’re going to take a break just a little something something just a little a little a little oh I do need to stretch this hand yeah we need to

Stretch by the way if you enjoy the stream please consider supporting nomia exclamation marink tells you uh that you can support nomia on coffee that com SE n and big sh m oh my Goda poked a hole in this shirt I’m so mad I’m also only 60 subscribers

Away from being able to monetize my stuff dud let’s [ __ ] go mine carts Mine Cart mine cart I love to have a mine cart I’m going to stand up and I’m going to make my vtuber model go weird for a second go wonky I’m just sleeping bab I’m going to

Have to fix my extra fancy potato shirt cuz yanto poked a hole in it freaking yanto and kick his butt yeah yo always be always be up to some [ __ ] yento always be on top of my chest he knows what’s going way not for long [ __ ] he knows [ __ ] like eight

Days he’s on borrowed time K does it feel real no not real yet K’s gonna be literally about to go under I’m gonna I’m gonna come out of the surgery be like dude did that just happened dude what the [ __ ] also yeah so while n is going to the

Bathroom uh let’s all I’m not going to the bathroom I just I just stretched Maxi why did you think to the bathroom let’s let’s let’s pretend Nom’s not in the room everybody say something you like about nomia say something [ __ ] they’re very funny and I think they have a good streaming personality

And they like a tell here tell them that I’m here I can hear oh my God if they were here I would be like so embarrassing they so embarrassing oh my God and it was so fun working with them and designs and stuff yeah chips hey chips

Chips there’s someone in the room with us how come when I ask you to be gay on my stream you see CH was like suck my dick happy anniversary no iight you think I can like try and be savy right after n is like yeah you mean a

Lot to me because you guys are my first friends and I’m like I can’t [ __ ] talk to that nobody’s here not a cont sweet and I’m like I don’t know how to be affectionate sometimes but that doesn’t mean I don’t care I love you also I love Charlie

Chadam is the only straight man I support uh have you reminded uh the people on the stream that you’re actually you’re actually taking standup lessons I’m not doing stand lesson I’m doing improv thank you oh yeah sorry sorry woof I’m I’m I’m starting improv classes thank you very

Much because I’m a straight man do you do the thumbnail where it’s just used slowly morphing into brand and Lee Mulligan no cuz the wouldn’t let me I tried and the website wouldn’t let me rud I don’t know why but it was everyone Des sign your your brly Mulligan

Persona Mulligan SAA oh it’s queen of sa Charlie allette just tipped $3 oh Charlie thank you thank you Charlie my impro funs yeah I can’t wait to do improv oh we’re only 86 we’re 6 86% of the way to being to opening commissions isn’t that exciting

Yes dude if I get like commissions and I I get to 500 subscribers I might like actually be able to consider it a job that I do wouldn’t that be wild that’d be so good like if this was a job that I that I had dude can you

Imagine can you imagine having a job I wonder what that’s it’s flower festival day yeah oh fire Festival day it’s fire Festival it’s fire Festival it is not fire Festival so fun fact uh back in the day in World of Warcraft there was an event called like it was like the Sumer fire

Festival so no and that event does not exist anymore and that was like you know 10 years before the fire Festival so like I’m I’m walking around with the the unique fire Festival Halo item fire Festival tabard that’s so [ __ ] funny I guess them to dance huh yeah we

Got to dance dance [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah you want to dance [ __ ] dance a chance thank you chips thank you chips thank you thank you that’s a baby metal song Thank you thank you thank you mm I love baby metal me too everyone shut up I love baby metal so

Much Kitty come over here and and work work these logs you want me to work it hey yeah let me see you let me see you break that stump oh yeah damn that would sure be hard huh don’t be horny in my chat no more horny we got to go we got

To go we got to go we got to go dance we got to go dance make some I’m about to make some quality sprinklers also I have never been horny on this chat never you’ve never once been horny here I cannot think of a single time that something like that would have occurred

No no like legitim I just I say the horny thing but I’m not horny I join you come in come in come in I can’t wait to see see it’s a metaphor you put the in your mouth but you don’t let it kill you is

True I can’t wait to play as Dion My Hony V vampire and everyone n describe your vampire visually for me please my vampire is taller from slow damage H okay all right which means a lot of things which means that you don’t know how to goddamn like sip your pants

Tippy oh okay yes yes did we buy the rare did someone buy the rare cor already I need to tell before all this I was courting Haley and I was going to the the joke was going to be that I wasy oh my God committed to the bit of mar

No it’s okay she’s she’s our wife nomia she’s our wife no yeah yeah honestly relatable content we can be Polly with Bailey dude I wonder if you can be Polly with um uh the [ __ ] four player [ __ ] probably not but you everybody can fourway you can’t like marry each other

And then marry a villager but we do all get to marry a villager and they just like stand on our like little cabin porch dude we can just have four little guys standing out there yeah I’m sorry chips that I ruined you a bit I just I just

Okay I just I I did it without thinking but now we get to dance together yeah you know friendship is more important than a bit even say that friendship is Magic than you kitty what is this like face off see the see the thing is is that like bits are

Not as good as friendship with your friendship’s bits now there you go me also this is hats versus no hats versus no hat sorry what wasn’t today I was going to go buy a hat dude yeah I should go buy a hat too we should get hats yeah we should

Get hats also I have to go see the I have to go see the Hat Mouse so I can do my um so I can do my hat hat hat Mouse voice yeah yeah but we should all have different hats yeah yeah yeah definitely let’s dance let’s [ __ ] dance dance

[ __ ] I’ve never done four player co-op so I’ve never actually seen more than two people dude let’s go oh look at us oh my god oh who’s sitting out penny is sitting out sitting out okay so uh chips how do you feel about getting gendered in the situation I you know

We’re all getting gendered right now man I was like man I hope they like gender me differently than I feel like I I feel like is it I wonder like how does it how wait wait I think it’s whoever asked oh it might be usang the man always makes the first

Move I think it’s main player no I asked because you’re the main player and you’re probably using the female model it just like automatically puts you there we all go home to our separate houses disgusting this [ __ ] scarecrow can get the [ __ ] out of here because

We’ve got fem SC now there’s also a pumpkin Scarecrow in there ooh the the this one the the this one you know the one that looks like this we all know the the one that looks like this that guy beautiful put this Scarecrow in the bin

We love to see it Bartholomew is is is on the bed Bartholomew meow know like you know like meow uh let’s go I finally have a I made myself like a a glow light oh o also I need to check be glowing I need to check

Charlie’s did charliie draw also I I are we done for today we could do one more day probably we could do one more day so they takes about 23 minutes by the way just so that we all aware of that that’s okay it seems fine yeah a little

Over as a treat it has completely flown by by the way I know I know it went so fast also I’m level four foraging boys I can’t see the chat because my [ __ ] Discord is covering it I can’t see it yet Chie okay weather report beautiful sunny day tomorrow Fortune Spirits are somewhat

Annoyed today of course they are they off the land for trees all right did you get the beans babe I did not but I will beans oh we got stobs NS stubs I’m getting the straubs oh I accidentally picked up a stob bye Mary that’s all right bye Mary we see you

Mary I saw that hey you want to talk about it you want to talk about it what what happened what happened what happened huh what’s going on what’ did you do what’ you do get over here get over here get over here I I okay so I I don’t know what

Chip’s talking about legitimately like you know I I I I I like to go with the bed but I I don’t know what Chip’s going on about anyway I got to go oh you got to gox yeah I’m the have something to give you I have something to give

You fingeri I have something for you oh it t to gr I got to go I’m sorry I got to go no just told still for a second hold still no one can even see what your bit is no one can even see this are here today that’s so weird any got go

Back what are you [ __ ] doing just me strong they shrub a you [ __ ] are up to something never never huh I didn’t have energy I’m I’m chips you gave me sustenance thank you I’m all full now now the secret is safe there was a strawberry there wasn’t there because I couldn’t place a

Sprinkler over here before but now there is space for a sprinkler here intriguing oh well intriguing so the do we want to go to the dungeon today or what the spirits are slightly annoyed but when is that not the case a my hat doesn’t look good

With my hair because of my hair band did you go for a fishing fishing hat no I I got the watermelon hat oh the watermelon I if you want I can buy I’ll have a watermelon hat and I can buy something the watermelon kind of goes with my aesthetic I have the red

Eyes and the green hair yeah oh Charlie same I’ll take a watermelon hat if you want to get something else here I have a really cute animal crossing beanie and like I never wear it cuz I’m just like my hair looks dumb I should steal your

Beanie can I steal your beanie babe I guess you can some yeah did you get it I’ll wear this yes look at oh it’s cute it kind of Blends in but it’s okay hang on I got to go say hi I’ll get I’ll get you a hat

We’re going to each other hats they because we’re married disgusting yeah and and I can go see the Mouse so I can do my mouse voice cuz we all want to hear my mouse voice okay here we go here I’ll surprise you with a hat book did you co co Mr a

Hat oh no there’s only one there’s only one hat I can get that isn’t the one that Maxi has yeah I don’t want it seeing I don’t want that you don’t want you don’t want I’ll just is it the [ __ ] Bonnet yeah chips where the Bonnet

No I think you would look cute in a bonnet I would but I don’t want it I I like on like Lolita gear that’s so fair you want to say though a Bonet is basically a jellyfish hat no no I mean it isn’t it is isn’t the hardwood

Supposed to go in a bundle somewh oh it’s in the craft room okay also I’m about to sell a bunch of stobs and and some and some snippies all right bundle complete bundle complete there we go baby oh we got a charcoal Kil all right I care I care little for

The charcoal Kil same but but we got it oh anyone who catches three hering gets 90g wow oh um my love are you already in the mines uh I de said against going to the mines I’m fishing what’s up okay yo we got that means that’s cowboy hat cowboy

Hat cowboy hat oh hat chipp do you want Cowboy hatboy yeah yeah yeah yeah chippy gets to be a cowboy cowboy chippy has chippy has D on cowboy hat yeah okay I’ll go get it for you um babe do you know how to do the the trick where I can

Get into the secret Woods okay you you need a chair need to bring your own chair from home B chair oh my god oh hi Leah a [ __ ] my [ __ ] my sword’s at the damn place I got to go get my sword first oh we have the mine cards now

Remember yeah it’ll be quick but I got to go get it I always I keep forgetting yeah I never get it this early so I’m like I’m like oh we have it yeah I got to go get that my fishing rod right as the bubbles went away a

Rip oh and I got a broken CD fantastic okay Lov having a l fishing level okay oh it’s the lucky bow oh yeah um the uh the chest you put by the docks it got destroyed because it was on a villager path God damn it yeah I got everything though okay

I’ll put it somewhere else did you bring I’m going to borrow a chair from house chip do you want a lucky bow oh it’s a lucky bow never mind I’ll take a lucky bow here you going to have a lucky bow Cowboy I’ll come I’ll come meet you

Cuz I want to get my fishing level up too yeah I’m down by the dock yeah I want to level up my fishing I want to go fishing are spring onions still still growing around here I picked them today oh you picked them today yeah you know NS well we’re well we’re

Still finishing our final day uh you should let people know uh how uh when you’re streaming this week that’s such a good point I need to open my [ __ ] oh my God oh my God sorry I I know you’re streaming your Saturday you’re doing drawing requests tomorrow aren’t you yes I’m doing drawing

Requests tomorrow so come by and tell me what to draw it’ll be so much fun and to this after that you’re doing Final Fantasy 14 yeah and the day after that it’s Final Fantasy 14 why do you nor my schedule better than I do I I look I looked at it

Today you you just know it up by heart G I don’t know my own schedule up by heart and and then uh on nomia Sunday or an our Saturday uh we’re doing a uh a collab ham ham ham ham we’re doing hamham collab babe where do I put this

Chair put chair next to the big old log sit on it and then try to um move yourself so you hop over the log oh no you want need to take the chair with you though otherwise you’ll be stuck chip come over here cuz I don’t want to drop this into the sea

Yeah here for you thank you a little bow so cute it’s so cute it looks like little green Mouse ears also do you have the the chest do you want me to put the chest down somewhere oh um I mean I have enough I I have the I

Have everybody’s bamboo poles though I did the did the chest get destroyed or did you pick up the chest as well it got destroyed okay then I’ll make another one later so there’s a passibility might hatched where on where next to the log do you put it is it like right below the

Log I’m not 100% sure here I’ll show you my screen that should work no I just keep hopping back and forth finally a fish got my fishing level is so low I’ve just been leaving all the fishing up to you guys that my I haven’t fished that much dude I’ve never

We fished in this game in my life you just leave all up tox that’s lie yeah yeah when we play co-op I leave it all to Max come on also I do actually find it easier on a controller so when I was playing on PC it was really bad but but

Now I’m actually slightly better I just get frustrated really easy oh oh yeah I just want to let uh chips know that in that hat description that boat is made of solid gold apparently oh my God just it’s heavy you want to know I have brain damage now it’s just crushing

You slowly it’s making you shorter RIP just like my old glasses it’s leaving an indent in my skull oh no oh my God that was me whenever when I wore wig glasses since like middle school for a while and uh after I got a new pair I stopped having as many

Migraines wow weird interesting how that happens when I grew out of them when I wigs every day for cosplay and just for fashion um yeah I mean I don’t want glasses I’ve never want glasses don’t worry about it me n Vixie you can see annoing glasses you can’t see glasses why I have

Glasses it’d be crazy if n Vixie work glasses just doing some fishing I love how slow I am and how [ __ ] my fish I’m so not I’m so not used to being this low level in fishing I’ve just been organizing my little farm your little farm oh I got so much

Don’t worry about it it’s it’s it’s mine but it’s it’s not it’s not just mine it can be mine and also yours sus eyebrow raise mine is an exclusive no no it is kind of is I’m polyamor I’m polyamorous I don’t know I don’t po I like no playing out the poly

Card by the way yeah you can’t be mad at me I slide I slide I slide a card across the table it says I’m poly shut up don’t be mean to me that’s homophobic okay come on fish come on okay just one more fish please please sorry I had a war

Flashback telling you the story about the guy in his battle Mech board game and I’m just like it was so bad it was so bad I I I I ducked and I they kept talking and I literally tuned it out cuz I’m like I cannot engage with this I will start crying

Yep and then we made fun of them for the whole rest of the day the whole rest of the day oh line is cut scene by the way people have to start going home by the way yep that’s what ex chip because chip lives on the edge I do that’s what I sayless

I’m still fishing one last I I I know I just do it by feel you don’t know yakos you just play by feel there we go I actually do know yaku Yak can you [ __ ] believe I got 13 orphans twice 26 orphans 26 orph fog I can’t believe you

Would get away with murder twice how at least at least I’m the only one that can count I can count in maang numbers uro she q did I get that right I don’t think I got that right I don’t know how to count in real life let alone in

Maang I just love how Japanese is like yeah we’re just going to count this in Chinese for no reason just for funsies Japanese do be like that Japanese [ __ ] loves to have a different set of numbers for literally anything literally anything literally anything they’ll be like m is it flat

Let’s use a different word what if it’s long and skinny I think that’s a different set of numbers actually I feel like I feel like do you think there some sort of like in joke in Japanese or like how you count someone you know what probably but also how many of those do

You have well you you no the joke would be that like the clearly in this in this skit in this the Japanese version of SNL within the skit you know you know like they’re counting a thin small U uh things and then like you know it’s like

A a blank and then you know someone’s blank I see I understand do you like my big Goofy bow it’s pretty good oh I didn’t get to see it we can sit at the round table to yeah we’ll sit at the round table fing I I got level one fishing you could say

Maxi shut shut up Charlie oh I got the old green yaku guys did you see that I got the all green yaku yaku yaku yaku yaku okay let’s all gather around and I’ll pause fantastic love to see it oh my God what a great what a great stream

Today not even any fish sents sorry n it looks like you have highlights in your head with a strawberry and I didn’t CH Maxi across the map for it strawberries happened I will not be reviewing the footage yeah I did committed no crimes today no crimes I kind of carried kind of

Carried I mean in the mines I did kind of carry I did I did I bugs what like super like dark bookshelf by the way yeah I love it a great bookshelf it’s like a little evil it’s a little evil it’s a little bit of an evil

Bookshelf but I do stand it it’s from the dungeon collection yeah yeah and it’s good it totally matches the rest of our house it matches two identical are two identical rugs are two identical plants identical plants two two identical painting and another two identical smaller Plains yeah and there

Two windows that are identical of course you know what you’re right I should bring my TV in here so we can have two identical TV two identical TVs and then I’ll bring in another geode yeah yeah yeah yeah we we had three Gs in here before we could have four for the book

Bookcase all right well thank you so much for joining me today thank you thank you it is getting warm for having us we have to rap those stre I can turn on the fan valid yeah no me you can turn on the fan now no yeah shut the [ __ ]

Up you don’t tell me what to do okay don’t turnia no noia I’ll do what I want I’ll sit here and I’ll melt yeah shut up anyway thanks so much for joining me today thank you so much to you three for joining me too it’s so much fun

To it’s also I don’t think I mentioned this on top but uh our last time stream is my first ever stream to hit over a thousand views let yeah crazy hell yeah we’re that’s the only stream to ever beat to us slow slow damage dude we beat

Slow damage you beat slow damage W let’s go slow damage L stud Valley slow damage L common slow damage L but I have so much fun I’m going to like comment and subscribe it helps me out so much guys what’s the secret word of the

Day uh hat hat hat hat if is this cozy to watch thank you saren thank you s thank you thank you yeah if I have 60 more subscribers I can monetize my stuff so tell all your friends subscribe your so cool tell your friends you can help support the stream for

Donating to my coffee it’s first link in the description I have a Tumblr and I also have a Discord server that you can join and hang out in and and you should also like the video like and comment hat comment hat comment hat and you can also

Find these three guys links in the description Maxi’s a streamer too Max will be tomorrow yeah we’re working tomorrow I was like what streaming tomorrow work I’m working on my role play game I’m going to be doing 3 hours of writing uh the actual uh campaign for it so

Exciting and so I also have actually chips you’re you’re you’re you’re kind of flooded with commissions right now I don’t need to plug your commissions I mean you know you can still look at them you can still follow me on Ven and you will know uh when I

Open them uh you know working my way through my queue uh you know I finished some big projects recently so things are clearing up yeah yeah go follow chips and stand outside in the cold looking longingly through the window until you’re finally able to let in think

About how much you want me to draw your OC’s cussing and I will cussing someday put your hands up on the window like to in the Heart Attack music video looking in at herself and Eve being gay eating strawberries Chips please draw my character like a huge [ __ ] please please

Request me drawing your character like a huge [ __ ] there we go I should actually commission you to draw hosi I feel like hosi to draw hosi I really want to draw hoosi if you want to see more [ __ ] being drawn come to my stream tomorrow and tell me to draw SLS I’ll do

It oh my god let’s go I will I think that’s the end of stream we’ll wrap it up here thank you so much for coming I will see you tomorrow and thank you do three for joining me OTA bye bye bye bye bye great veget

SUPPORT THE STREAM ~ https://ko-fi.com/nomiavixiii
Follow me on Tumblr! ~ https://www.tumblr.com/nomiavixiii
Join my Discord? ~ https://discord.gg/n4En6zvJ (link lasts 7 days from upload!)

Maxi: https://www.youtube.com/@mistrekirin
Kitty: https://twitter.com/LadyKittyLynn
Chips: https://vgen.co/Chipadees



1️⃣ This is a fundamentally queer space and it is welcoming to any and all races, cultures, identities and backgrounds. No form of bigotry or otherwise hateful rhetoric will be tolerated.

2️⃣ Minors are heavily discouraged from interacting with the stream. For the safety and comfort of everyone here, anyone found to be under the age of 18 will be banned.

3️⃣ No spamming of any kind. Use common sense for when enough is enough.

4️⃣ Unless brought up by Nomia first, do not discuss any potentially “bummer” topics in chat. This is not the place to vent your feelings and trauma-dumping in particular may result in a ban.

5️⃣ No use of slurs (even reclaimed ones) is permitted, as it is impossible to moderate.

6️⃣ Stay on topic and try not to derail the stream.

7️⃣ You are not entitled to any information regarding Nomia’s private life.

8️⃣ No back-seating. Nomia will ask for help if they want it, but otherwise, just let them do what they want.

If you feel safe and comfortable in my streams, that makes me extremely happy, and if you form an attachment to me, that’s perfectly fine. However, I trust you to know that we are not actually friends or dating or anything beyond just “streamer” and “chat”. Parasocial relationships are not inherently bad, so long as both parties can acknowledge it as such, so I am trusting you to uphold your end of the deal and to take responsibility for your own health and safety online.



Live2D Rigging: https://www.youtube.com/@mistrekirin
Costume Design: https://twitter.com/chipadees
Mascot design/illustration: https://twitter.com/kiyuubuns

Loading Screen: https://kasiasu.booth.pm/
Chatting Screen: https://sozaino.site/
Gameplay Overlay: https://nononnon.booth.pm/

Daryl Barnes – Electric Lily (http://darylbarnes.moe)
Stream Cafe: https://www.youtube.com/@streamcafemusic

+++ If you notice something uncredited in this stream that should be, please let me know in the comments and I will fix it as soon as I can!


#vtuber #envtuber #stardewvalley


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