I Built The PERFECT XP FARM In Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 [5]

I’m not a real hardcore player let me explain you see every hardcore YouTuber seems to have hundreds or even thousands of XP levels and I have just 69 which is not a very impressive number for a hardcore world I’ve been working on for 6 months so today we are going to build

The perfect XP farm to help me catch up with everybody Else all right now here’s how this is going to work our first order of business will be to get a super smelter we are once again going to need a few hundred th000 blocks of stained glass and I’m not mining that by hand again and after we

Are done with the super smelter we are going to repair the sand duper I made in episode 2 as I said repair because I broke it and I’ll explain that later then we are going to whip up a cactus farm for the green dye we will need and

Then we’ll do some mining to get the remainder of the needed blocks I really need to start doing smaller projects good God but anyways let’s get this dirt Down that was a completely unnecessary thing to do but I like having flat area to work on so I did it anyways I also need to light up these walls real quick now we need to just take out a few of these dogs that are crawling on the

Walls and get our items crafted up that should be everything so let’s get this super smelter [Applause] built all right so with that Fiasco out of the way we need to go repair the sand duper now if you’ve been here a while you’ll remember I built this thing back in episode 2 and if you know how sand dupers work you’ll know that they use a

Chunk loader in order to operate well basically back between episode 3 and 4 I made the mistake of not only leaving the chunk loader on but I also left the machine itself running and when I went into the end I was met with millions of

Blocks of sand all over the place and a whole lot of lag needless to say the game crashed and the state of the world became so unstable that I almost lost it to a corrupted file again fortunately I made a backup and intentionally hurried up and broke the duper to save the world

From being corrupted by blocks but I learned a valuable lesson don’t be stupid so let’s do the smart thing and repair the machine so we aren’t spending another 10 hours shoveling sand Super smelter is built and sand duper is fixed so now we take this sand and see just how quickly we can get glass smelted what does every episode I make include so much sand maybe I need to make a glass factory that would be pretty cool actually episode 6 anyone

Now as I mentioned before sand isn’t the only thing that’s going to need smelted today I need lots of green dye and I originally thought that I would be able to just grab a bunch of cactus by hand but then I realized I was going to need

More than 200 chests full of diee so cactus farm it is and I actually decided to live stream a good portion of this build so make sure you tune into my streams to get early access to hardcore content I go live most Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays at 5:00 p.m.

Eastern Standard Time time and speaking of Early Access I also launched a patreon this week and there you can get behind the scenes Minecraft hardcore Vlogs which are pretty cool oh and if you want the schematics for all my major builds including the ones in this

Episode they can be found on my patreon as well it’s only a couple bucks and it really helps out the channel a lot so quick shout out to all my current channel members and patreons your support does not go unnoticed anyways green bean Time Oh yeah this is a lot better so much easier not only do we collect a good amount of cactus but we also seem to have picked up a respectable amount of dogs along the way also grab some yellow dye from some sun from some sun from some sun from some sunflowers from some

Sunflowers yeah say that 10 times real fast anyways we didn’t need a lot of this we need just about 5,000 pieces of yellow stained glass which isn’t a lot I mean that is a lot but compared to the build we’re making in the 104,000 blocks of lime green glass we need that’s not

Much at all but now that some of the more tedious stuff is done we can move on to something I’ve really been looking forward to now back in the last episode we made this set of netherite armor that lets us instamine blocks we normally wouldn’t be able to and that’s thanks to

A mod called better armor trims so we are headed down to bedrock to instamine some deep slate for the exterior of the build I am very excited about This God have I missed finding diamonds that easily I mean that was just chef’s kiss man oh my God thank you iron trimmed netherite armor and to address some of the comments I’ve getting about this oh you call yourself a hardcore YouTuber you use mods get off your high

Horse you’re not him you’re cheating and making the game easier with mods to that I say I know right how dare I play this open World sandbox game the way I enjoy playing it it’s so wrong that I went against the imaginary set of rules that some completely random person on the

Internet have set for themselves in their own heads and expect me to follow because God forbid anybody should have fun in a children’s block game I should just ignore the hundreds of hours of building and scripting and editing and creating and delete the whole world because my series is Tainted by the

Egregious presence of uniqueness and individuality I can insta mind Stone without a beacon stay mad had to get that one off my chest anyway we should have all the Deep slate we’ll need so now all that’s left to do is AFK by the cobblestone generator for a while to get

The final blocks we need I went to build a giant Obelisk of some kind and I want there to be a gradient go from Stone to deep slate I think that would be pretty cool like a gray to Black pattern and you guys will see what all the glass is

For in the time lapse so don’t worry your Square little heads all will be revealed in time oh shoot I’m also going to need to grab some sea lanterns from the guardian Farm I completely forgot about that now I I I’ve been using sea lanterns a lot more frequently and I

Have to say this Farm needs fixed ASAP I face death every single time I come here but no we aren’t fixing that today I have more important things to do like building a completely overthe toop and unnecessary Mega structure to house what is ultimately just going to be a regular

Enderman Farm I haven’t slept in a week all right everything in these chests needs to get into the end which means I am going to have to make more than a few trips let’s be very careful boating out like this and making a platform that probably looks like heaven to all the

Endermen that can’t spawn anywhere cuz I deleted their home dear God the end never gets any less terrifying the void is the one thing all hardcore players fear and for good reason there is no coming back from literal nothingness good thing I have my star whales to keep

Me company they can watch from a distance while we build this Mega Structure [Applause] Oh All right this looks sick I don’t even care that there’s a lot of unutilized space it looks insane now we do need to slab off a good portion of this build because the Endermen are wanting to spawn on the outside and not at the actual killing

Chamber and we need to make it darker in here as well okay that should be good for now the rates still aren’t perfect cuz I haven’t slabbed off the outside entirely I also have to add some additional light sources outside now we just got to remove our walkway and get a good look

At this thing with shaders oh my God this is this is why I’m the best is there any debating it at this point no I’m I’m kidding but I really do think this looks gorgeous I wanted to make it look like there was a bunch of experien

Particles falling out of the bottom of the structure you know because it is an XP farm and I I think I nailed that look pretty well I’m very happy with this and I know the interior is not done but I’m saving that for another episode and you

Guys will see why when that episode airs but to be honest it’s probably not going to happen for a few more months but anyways thank you guys so much for watching yet another episode of Hardcore Minecraft the series is going really well and I’m having a lot of fun and we

Are approaching 40,000 subscribers which is absolutely insane so I want to thank you all so much for coming along with me on this journey and as always I hope you all have a great day but I’m going to have to head out because I got more work to do

I Built The PERFECT XP FARM In Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 [5]
My Patreon – https://patreon.com/IncyPLUS?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link
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Music in order of appearance:
Restless Sea – Letra
all that glitters-aaron paul low main version
Premiere – Adrián Berenguer
Water Walking – C.K. Martin
Forzisimo – Adrián Berenguer
– timestamps –
00:00 – Game Plan
01:05 – Burn It All
02:15 – I’ll Never Escape Sand
03:32 – Incy +
04:24 – Pricked To Death
05:24 – Press X To Consume
07:20 – Stay Mad
08:15 – Final Prep
09:40 – Lost To Time…
I Built The PERFECT XP FARM In Minecraft Hardcore 1.20 [5],minecraft hardcore xp farm,minecraft xp farm 1.20,minecraft xp farm java,minecraft hardcore 100 days,minecraft hardcore series,minecraft hardcore survival,minecraft hardcore 1.20,minecraft enderman farm,minecraft enderman farm 1.20,minecraft hardcore enderman farm,100 days minecraft,perfect start minecraft,perfect start,minecraft hardcore perfect start,incy,incy minecraft


  1. I don't think you should use the word hardcore, when you have 7 totems in your hand. I like your content, and for me it's the same if you play survival or hardcore. Clickbait and cheating is not nice, though.

  2. I did not want to hate, I was just wondering why you putted mods in the middle of the series (tourns out it had mods since the beginning) I did not have hate intentions, I really love the series and I did not call you cheater

  3. Look man, you probably won’t see this comment, but I’ve been REALLY wanting to make Minecraft videos but I’ve been worried it won’t be accepted by the community cause I use mods like you do (trim effects, that kind of thing) however seeing this series has made me realize that it doesn’t matter how I play the game, so long as I’m having fun doing it. And if people want to watch something like that then they can. So thank you❤️

  4. all fun and games but this isn’t hardcore its survival (nothing wrong about that itself but you’re kinda fooling everyone new to the chanel, i watch the series from day one and you weren’t up front about all the mods)

  5. Hey Incy the farm looked so cool! Amazing video btw! I really like your voice and the editing style! Can you link the resourcepacks and mods you use in the next vid? I would love to try them out!

  6. "This is why im jsut the best, no debating that" true so true, but thats my opinion, anyway!

    1: The editing is crazy, i need lessons!

    2: The little animations, like, how do you do it, they look crazy, and the way you do your videos just makes it all 100% better

    3: you get them haters, if they dknt think your cool, or if they dont like you, they shouldnt have to watch in the first place, they can all go suck it! Sorry…


    5: You are crazy, i cant tell if the build was the hardest part, or getting the stuff 😅, but you go crazy with this!

    6: Thank you for continuing and for being here to give us content, and we will be here to watch as you grow! 😊

    7: make sure to get more sleep, drink water, and touch grass, i mean i know you already touch grass, but just a reminder! 😊😊

  7. how did you get the mods on ur server?i tried to get them but i didn’t notice a difference on my server besides lower fps.can you send me links to the mods?im also using forge optifine 1.20.1

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