The START Of *NEW* SQUID ISLAND! (Minecraft)

Well well well Yep this is a Minecraft Squid Island well it it was I might have just destabilized the entire Island okay yeah let me bring you up the scratch jelly our May decided to become a dictator he extended his term also getting a little bit rude with the

Things he was asking us to do you’re getting at so I decided to hatch a plan that plan was to set a trap that would remove the dictator once and for all and so if you watched the end of the last episode and then basically this happened

Minimum what but the Smart Ones watching will have noticed that I also dropped down here and grabbed two very important items the May helmet which designates who is the May and also the book of floors which for some reason doesn’t have the law that jelly was writing when

He exploded oh yeah uh yeah he exploded by the way I didn’t didn’t even have to set it off like he just did it himself that was yeah anyway which I don’t know kind of feels like we’re in control right now although jelly and Karina have

Played since I was last on and while my house is covered in lava Karina’s boat is just disappeared uh the the town hall has a massive hole in it and I’m guessing that’s just the beginning so before we discuss what our next steps are going to be let’s investigate what

Is going on so what happened over here yeah we got some signage hey message to soo this is not a drill if you see this I managed to escape jelly has gone completely off the rails again this is not a drill so I think jelly has responded by causing some damage some

Damage and I also realized jelly has no idea that we did this so I guess he took it out on crina well as well as us I mean I’m guessing he’s the reason that there’s lava so let’s go and check that out now we did get this awesome pickaxe

By the way pretty good oh I’ve just realized the special uh King squid items in that chest okay we we’ll head back there later on and make sure that those items are secure uh speaking of secure wow okay um oh we’ve got signs here okay let me they’re kind of covered

In lava ow ow ow ow ow ow ow oh my okay ow ow ow ow ow this is going terribly all right let’s just get our horse out of the way you just chill over here please I’m this is this is really overly complicated way of trying to read

Signs all right now we can read the signs uh I can’t read the signs okay now we can it’s gone your house is gone this is what you and cran deserve for plotting against me the May of Squid Island okay so jelly clearly thinks both of us did this oh wait my secret

Chest okay we still got our items okay did we have anything else inside I don’t know he’s really just he’s really gone crazy this this may I mean I guess he has lost all of his power um all right anything that we need let’s just kind of

Grab some resources from here uh I mean we’ve pretty much got everything valuable guess right what what what what okay let’s go check on Jelly’s house to see if there’s any evidence as to what’s you know going on cuz to me it just seems like the world has just ended I

Mean I don’t know where Craner is and I think you know the laws have gone out of out of wait actually let me just fix this real quick um you know I mean look I want to be somewhat within the realm of the law here trespassing on Town property member is legal all

Right um anything good I’m sure he’s got something some secrets in here oh some netherite scrap I mean we don’t really need that oh got netherite inot though I’ll take that um I would say everything is pretty much fair game now I mean it’s literally the

End of the world and you know what people do at the end of the world they start you know hoarding uh toilet paper and stuff like that oh interesting what is this I mean I know what this is but is there anything good in here it doesn’t look like it what about

This oh what is here o o oh yes all right well we could actually just use this opportunity I mean I was about to say we could frame Craner for this but it feels like we don’t need to frame anyone I mean literally just going to put a sign

That says thanks I mean we’re going to need everything that we can get also should we make the lava just randomly fall on the house again just for funsies and just for some effect we can add some water on it oh oh my this is great I mean this really is

Is is chaos isn’t it it is I mean yeah well now that pretty much everyone’s house is been destroyed we are have experienced true Chaos on Squid Island um oh actually one thing we do need to do is quickly have a look and make sure we can secure King glowey and

All of the items wonder where Craner went by the way he wouldn’t be hiding somewhere no he’s not in here wait wait a second have we found Jelly’s Hideout or is this this is crane is Hideout what what is this what is oh this is is this just a mine

Or something why is it so dark it just keeps going okay this must be just a mine or something right what is this oh jelly has gone mad this is my emergency bunker no one is welcome only Craner and Anton oh wait where did he get that from

Okay wow he’s actually got a surp surprising amount of stuff do we take craner’s stuff as well H honestly I mean look Squid Island has fallen to pieces and we’re going to need everything we can to start it new all right just said hi gr this is

The worst hidden base I’ve ever seen anyway I’m going to restore Squid Island to its former glory I have borrowed some resources to help out um which is basically just taking his diamonds uh but they go to a good cause yeah anyway let’s get out of this thing

It’s going to take forever now let’s get over to where the special items are king glowy is there don’t worry we’ll be we’ll be sorting you out soon my guy now has all of this been basically stolen no it’s safe okay okay that’s good that’s good okay these are all very important

Items that we don’t really use but they’re important so let me I’ve got too much stuff just put a sign saying temply relocated for safety slogo oh I might need those signs and now we just need to go and get King glowy and then we need to get off of

This island for now this is a bit too dangerous but don’t worry look Island we will be back we will be back we just look while things are a bit crazy we just need to lie low for a bit all right let’s use the first squid ship okay come

On buddy we need to get you in here um no no how do we how do we get you in no you need to get in the boat can can you actually put squids in boats I’m assuming you can all right King glowy is now out and I’m going to try

To use a hey where you going where you going where you go hey he no no that’s the wrong way trying to use a lead while in a boat to try to bring him with me and yeah I think it’s working yes okay we did it all right let’s let’s get away

From here and figure out where we are going we’ve got all of the important things that we need right God are you did you disconnect from me okay it’s clearly I have to go very slow with this thing but it is working now don’t worry I do have a plan okay just

Over here is an island which we are going to be calling new Squid Island now look it might not be you know forever that we’re here but it’s going to be where we temporarily live while we sort out this mess and yes new Squid Island is the legit Squid Island because we

Have the book of laws we have the M helmet we have everything we need to be legitimate um Okay you Okay o how are we going to do this I’m very afraid that we’re going to get a dead King glowy right now I need to build like a I guess like this

We need to turn into an area to keep him in look King Glory can you just King Glory King Glory King Glory oh King GL I thought you thought you got lost for a second okay just just please just try to stay alive while I do this

Okay all right that will work just fine now we just need to get King glow in here King glowy a I did something real bad I did something real oh oh I’m in big trouble well um the only thing left to do I guess is

Uh declare myself the the new May and I guess acting king of new Squid Island oh boy

If you’ve been keeping up with our #minecraft survival series, Squid Island, you’ll know that the island has seen better days! This episode I will assess the situation and start the NEW Squid Island!


  1. Like fr slogo crainer is just making a bunker just in case jelly will do something bad and u just take the good resources, i never see u in any of ur vid being nice to crainer or jelly ofc crainer u always gets crainer introuble or blame him what u did to jelly "i hope u change slogo"

  2. The fact that he says “Where is Crainer now that his boat is gone?” And then he find crainers trapdoor in the adoption center has to be scripted. Especially when digs down on the exact block jelly’s chest where diamonds are in.

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