I Played 112 Days of Stardew Valley on Easy Mode – Full Movie

All right hello how are you getting on this time last year I uploaded a video called 100 days of stardo Valley on easy mode this is still the most popular video on my channel which got me thinking what if I do it again but better that is exactly what this play

Through is I will be playing through not 100 days but 112 days AKA an entire year the goal here is to achieve Perfection that’s it we either do that or we fail this challenge there are a few things I need to cover before we actually get into the play through the short version

Is easy mode is not an official mode in the game as in you can’t do it without using mods I wanted to start off with that one because I know it is bad news for some people who don’t have access to these mods I start with iridium tools

The Iridium fishing rod the tractor from the tractor mod both backpack upgrades and Elliot’s pencil I will also be using the automate mod basically what this does is it takes items from a chest puts them into a machine and puts the item produced by that machine back into the

Chest I do have the shop overhaul mod installed which adds more items to the various shops in pelicant town but I don’t know if I will actually use it that is something that will be decided during spring finally I will be starting on the first day of spring in year 2 so

I can get access to all of the cooking recipes by the end of winter and I will be able to meet Kent and get him to maximum friendship basically this makes it possible for us to actually achieve perfection in 112 days that basically covers everything I will be going into

More detail in regards to most of these things right after this but if you would like to skip ahead to the actual gameplay then feel free to go to the time shown on the screen now all right let’s get started with preparing for the play through the first

Step is to use the cjb items menu mod to give us a ridium 2 tools and the idium fishing rod and Elliot’s pencil of course this doesn’t actually help us at all I just kind of added it in for the meme the next step is to use the cjb

Cheats menu mod to give us enough gold to purchase the two backpack upgrades in regards to the Tractor I don’t need to get Robin to build it for us I can just press the backspace key and it will appear beside me here are the settings I

Will be using for the tractor just in case anybody is interested I was having problems with willly shop the first few times I tried to get everything set up it seems like if you skip straight to year two you will be locked out of his

Shop so to get around this I head to Willies and watch the cuts scene where he gives us the fishing rod now his shop is open the final step is to use the cheats menu to set the date to the final day of winter in year 1 when we wake up

Tomorrow it will be the first day of spring in year 2 and that covers everything I think so let’s get started Day one begins with a visit from Kent he introduces himself to us but more importantly he adds himself to the list of villagers we can give gifts to Mary drops by next accompanied by a dog she wants to know if we will adopt the dog

The day I reject her offer is the day I realize I am no longer capable of having emotions of course I adopt the dog I lovingly name it cheese in honor of the world famous cheese expert James may also known for his time on a show called

Top gear but his work in the world of cheese is more important in my opinion I grabbed the box of parsnip seeds mayor Lewis also kindly left for us and get to work on clearing the farm surprisingly enough I don’t use the tractor immediately no you see I want to be able

To say that I at least planted something without using the tractor granted I am using iridium tools so that isn’t exactly something to brag about but look it’s nearly Christmas all right so if you all let me have this one small victory then I will consider it a

Collective present from all of you to me do we have a deal I use the tractor to chop down some trees and I make a chest where I deposit the goods I’ve acquired along with some tools because we are starting in year 2 we have some mail to

Read the first letter notifies us that the cost of raw materials at Robin and Clint’s shops have increased that is not exactly the best news for us to get on our first day but we have the tractor so I think we’ll be okay in this area next up is a load of

Gibberish quite frankly from the Georgia Corporation long story short the mine is now open that’s it that’s the entire letter that’s all they should have said I watch a cut scene where Lewis shows us the community center once a hive of hustle Andor bustle it is now but a mere

Reminder of what the town once was if only somebody could repair the community center maybe a cent of solidarity could be brought back to the residence of pelicant town once again we shall return to the community center later and see what we can do the special orders board

Has been built in the Town Center just in case anybody does not know what this is It’s a board and you can use it to accept special orders I visit the bulletin board not to be confused with the aforementioned special orders board where I see that Marie is looking to

Receive a flounder I’m going to accept this Quest because I want to help mie oh okay no it’s actually because completing quests gives us friendship points for the Villager we help all right all right no I’m lying it’s really because we get money for completing these quests and to

Quote CM Punk I’m not here to make friends I’m here to make money at the special orders board not to be confused with the bulletin board Robin has two special orders for us I choose her order to collect 1,000 pieces of stone in one week there are a couple

Of reason reasons for this number one the reward for completing this special order is a crafting recipe for a stone chest number two we get to keep the stone We Gather and number three the tractor will make it laughably easy to complete this one I head to the mines

Where Marilyn gives us the rusty sword I head into the mines and magically pull the tractor out of my pocket I am immediately reminded of why I had so much fun during the original easy mode playthrough it is so incredibly satisf Ying breaking rocks this way it’s almost

Like going up to a vending machine that dispenses dopamine every single time you press the button and the best part about it it’s free another fantastic benefit of the tractor is the effect it has on Floors that are full of monsters normally going through one of these

Floors with the rusty sword takes all of the neurons in my body away and replaces them with sad face emojis but the tractor trivializes this whole process and turns those sad faces into Happy faces not only are we collecting a ton of stone we’re also getting copper ore

Geodes coal and various gems I open a chest on floor 20 and receive the steel small sword this is a very nice upgrade I almost feel bad for the monsters we will encounter now that I’m equipped with this sword one of the monsters I defeat drops an ancient seed at this

Point one of the slimes could drag me off the tractor steal it and use it to destroy my house and I would not mind at all I would still be way too happy about getting the ancient seed to even care about that I make it to floor 40 at

Around 8:00 p.m. the goal is to reach floor 80 by the end of the day I’m sure other people could make it to floor 120 aka the bottom of the mines by the end of the first day with the tractor but uh I’m yeah I’m not good enough to do that

That reminds me actually a YouTuber and streamer called habo made a 100 days video where they started on day one of year 2 and achieved Perfection on the final day of year 2 I would highly recommend checking that video out if you get the chance not only is it

Interesting and entertaining but it’s also very impressive that habo managed to do that I will have the link to that video in the description of this one I obtain the bone sword from a skeleton which increases our power even more I managed to make it to floor 79 but

Unfortunately I passed out before I can make it to floor 80 I missed out on my goal by one single floor you know what I’m happy with that I think that’s pretty good all things considered I managed to level up my Mining and combat skills a bit today

To Clint pays us a visit on the morning of day two he gives us the crafting recipe for the furnace I make 10 furnaces place them down beside my house place a chest beside them and toss my coal copper and iron ores into the chest

Like I said I am using the automate mod so the furnaces will smelt the ores by themselves Robin sends us the crafting recipe for the stone chest as a way of rewarding us for completing her challenge to collect 1,000 pieces of stone I don’t think she knows I used a

Tractor to do this and I would like to keep it that way I would be so upset if she took the crafting recipe away from me after finding out I used a bit of a scallywag method to obtain the stone I head to the beach where I do a bit of

Fishing I catch a flounder and give it to Marie to complete the quest she gave us I buy a deluxe speed grow donate some items to the music and collect the three rewards available to me an ancient seed the crafting recipe for ancient seeds and nine cauliflower seeds I go into

Clint’s shop throw my items into a chest and ask him to break open the various geod I obtained yesterday I donate the items I received from this to the museum then I return to the general store to buy one of each spring seed that I don’t

Have yet just to clarify we can buy garlic seeds and Deluxe speed grow because we started in year 2 I plant my seeds then I return to the mines to continue our mission to reach floor 120 right now I’m not too concerned with collecting things like gold ore and

Breaking every Rock I just want to get through the mines as fast as I can I received the obsidian edge sword on floor 90 followed by a star drop on floor 100 while the Boost it gives to our maximum energy is very nice the only thing that will actually require us to

Use energy is fishing because of a beautiful vehicle known as the tractor at around 1:00 a.m. I uncover a ladder and make it down to the final floor I obtain the skull key this key is used to open the door to the skull caverns and area we will hopefully reach in the very

Near future we need to defeat 10 green slimes to gain access to Maryland shop so I spend the short remainder of the night working on this I reach level five in mining and I choose the perk that gives us extra ores mother has decided

To send us 500 gold on day three what an absolutely marvelous gift to receive I am feeling tremendously lazy today so I decide to use the tractor to water my seeds next I decide to do a bit of Landscaping on the farm and by Landscaping I mean I completely

Destroyed every tree and stone on the farm if there is one thing I cannot stand it is feeling like my farm is cluttered I simply do not like the vibe that it produces also chopping down trees gives you foraging XP so this was a win-win

Here is a look at Robin’s shop with the shop overhaul mod in installed like I said in the intro I’m not going to buy anything that is added by this mod yet I will wait and see how spring goes before I make a decision I want to do I do

However ask Robin to add a silo to the farm this way when I get rid of the grass on my farm it will add hay to The Silo also look at chees sleeping by the furnaces he’s such a sleepy boy I do a little foraging run and already we’re

Getting gold star daffodil these will be excellent gifts for the villagers Clint would like us to bring him 30 5 copper ores we get to keep the ores after he inspects them which is very good for us the general store is closed on Wednesdays thank you for

Inconveniencing me sir I talk to Elliot on the beach and pick up some clams I make my way to the forest where I use the tractor to decimate the local tree population the log that blocks the entrance to the secret Woods has been removed so we now have access to this

Area too I genuinely cannot even begin to describe how satisfying this is and like I said we also get foraging XP for doing this as well as things like wood mixed seeds and fiber I make sure to replant some trees after my escapades I also plant some tree seeds on the farm I

Want to make sure I have a steady supply of wood throughout the entire year I plant a rice chot beside the Little Pond and toss a few items into the shipping bin I’m going to be making a very conscious effort to ship every item as soon as possible it’s off to the mins

For the rest of the night where I utilize my trusty tractor to get the copper or Clint asked for I’ve got a little bit of time left at the end of the night so I quickly plant the mixed seeds I have I reach level five in

Foraging so I choose the perk that gives us a chance to get two of any forage item we pick up Mr William would like us to catch three carp on day four that’s not a bad Quest at all I will happily accept that one it is Ken’s birthday so

I give him a gold star daffodil you know what Kenny I will now be referring to Kent as Kenny for no reason other than Kent reminds me of Kenny from The Walking Dead games I present the copper or to Clint completing his quest I have been very productive so far I am feeling

Pretty proud of myself I must say I buy as many potato seeds as I can then I spend the rest of the day fishing some bubbles pop up which is very fortunate because bubbles make fish appear quicker I think I’m not entirely sure I don’t really know the whole bubbles lore if

I’m being honest I don’t know how these work day five begins with the harvesting of parsnips while I may not be the biggest parsnip fan in the world carrots are infinitely Superior in my humble opinion I still hold them in high regard as they were the first crop I ever harvested in

This beautiful little game the rest of the day spent fishing it is raining which means we have the opportunity to get catfish and Shad I want to get both for the fishing collection of course but I am primarily focusing on Catfish as they sell for a pretty

Penny I make a scarecrow on day six and plop it down in front of the ancient seed I planted not only will this ensure the safety of the seed it also prevents a scenario in which I have to throw hands with a crow who has decided that

My ancient seed would make for a tasty snack now that the silo has been built I can safely convert the grass on the farm to Hay William wants us to catch four anvy as much as it pains me to do this I’m going to pass on this Quest I have

Big plans for the very near future and they do not involve fishing they involve the mines I spend the rest of the day in this location collecting gold ore gems and overall just working on increasing my mining skill I watch the queen of sauce TV show on day seven and learned

How to make pizza also I forgot to mention reruns of the queen of sauce TV show play every Wednesday we missed out on every cooking recipe in year 1 so these reruns are how we will learn the recipes we missed I’m also going to be completely honest here I don’t know if

By watching every rerun in year 2 we will be guaranteed to learn all the recipes we missed in year 1 I hope that’s how it works but there could very well be a possibility that we will get to the final day of year two and be missing a cooking recipe if that happens

Then we have failed this Challenge and that would not be very cash money I consider buying a rare seed and a coffee bean at the traveling cart but I decide against it I will be making big money moves very soon so I don’t want to be making any purchases right now that and

I also can’t afford these two items item so you know there you go I head to the community center and read the golden scroll if I’m being honest read is a bit of an exaggeration because I have no idea what it says I cannot read the

Language it is written in not yet anyway you see that that’s a little bit of foreshadowing I don’t know if I’m making a YouTube video or an Mite shamalan movie at this point once again it is off to the minds for the rest of the day I

Am fully aware that I’m spending quite a bit of time in this location but this is all part of my master plan all shall be revealed in due time the wizard sends us a letter on day eight he is aware that we went into the community center and

Found the golden scroll he wants us to pay him a visit in his Tower if I got a letter from somebody called M rasmodius telling me that their sources let him know that we’ve been exploring a local building and told me to meet him in his Tower in the forest I would immediately

Leave town and never look back some potatoes and parsnips are ready for Harvest not enough to be excited about but I’m still grateful for these crops I visit the wizard and he teaches me how to read the scroll in the community center it seems like the wizard is under

The impression that I’m going to rebuild the community center the wizard thinks too highly of me that’s not me saying I’m going to go for the Georgia route though actually no that’s that’s exactly what I’m saying I’m doing the Geer route I figure I might as well let you all

Know now so you can click off the video if you don’t want to watch a playr where somebody doesn’t repair the community center I understand if that’s what you decide to do I do not blame you at all the reason why I’m doing this is it’s a

Lot easier to complete the geia route and unlock Ginger Island than it is to complete the community center and the sooner we get to Ginger Island the more likely we are to achieve Perfection by the end of the year once again it is back to our home away from home the

Mines using the tractor and the mines gives me the same sense of happiness I felt watching Cody rhods make his return at WrestleMania 38 for any of you who don’t watch wrestling I am basically very happy right now I reach level 10 in mining and choose the perk that gives a

50% bonus to the money we earn from selling metal bars like Triple H putting on a new outfit the game has changed I earn almost 40,000 gold mainly because of the gold bars I sold Demetrius blesses us with his presence on day nine he has a proposition for us we can

Either choose to have mushrooms grow in the cave on the farm or we can have fruit show up in the cave ordinarily I would go with the fruit because it makes it easier to get the fruit I need for the shipping collection but I want to challenge myself just a teeny bit

Considering how easy I’ve made things already so I go for the mushrooms instead a bunch of potatoes have grown so I collect them are there enough potatoes for me to be excited about yes absolutely yes especially because it’s all potatoes potatoes are Sensational I will will be honest I do

Feel like my laziness has reached New Heights as I use my tractor to water the few seeds that are still growing also I have not forgotten about working on my friendship with the Villagers I’m making sure to give marvelous gifts to all of them the one thing I don’t want to

Happen is to fall behind on our friendships it is very easy for me to forget about talking to the villagers and giving them some nice items so I’m making sure I stay on top of it I also want to make somewhat of a good impression on these people before I put

The final nail in the coffin of the the community center speaking of which it is time to do exactly that I head to Georgia Martin and by a Georgia membership the Georgia route has now officially begun but make no mistake about it I did not sell out I

Bought in I did this for all of the villagers okay no I did this for a few of the villagers I did this to make sure I can get to Ginger Island really quickly all right I I did it because I like the color blue and Georgia Martis blue the

Wizard has a special order for us he would like us to defeat a prismatic slime collect the Prismatic jelly it drops and bring it to him I will get around to this eventually but for now I want to catch the fish that show up in

The mines I go to floor 20 because I want to start with the stone fish I catch a ghostfish followed by another ghostfish next we have a third ghost fish fourth one does pop up and I do catch it but this one is iridium quality as opposed to gold quality so I’m not

Too annoyed about this one of course next we have a fifth ghostfish followed by a sixth ghostfish yeah this this isn’t working I swap the floor 60 so I can get the ice pip I catch a ghostfish then I pass out on day 10 I watch a

Queen of saucer run and learned how to make hlaw Demetrius wants a cave carrot I have plenty of these so I will happily accept this Quest I make my way to Georgia Mart where I spend 40,000 gold to unlock the bus to the desert part one

Of my master plan has just been achieved I give a carrot to Demetrius as he requested I am such a good person then I return to the mines to continue our fishing Adventure will I have better luck today than I did yesterday no no not at all the same

Thing happened I kept getting ghostfish at this point the playthrough might as well be called I played 102 days of stardew Valley and was haunted by the ghostfish once again I opt for a change of scenery I do some fishing on floor 100 where something not that chill

Happened I got a bunch of trash I did not catch the lava eel that is it that is the entire day I’m going to cry day 11 let’s just forget about yesterday it’s not Cannon all right yesterday never happened I impatiently await Pam’s arrival at the bus stop purchase a bus

Ticket and arrive at the desert I immediately enter the skull caverns and of course I call upon my ly Steed AKA the tractor I pick up crystal shoes on floor 22 I love these shoes this skull Cavern run is already a massive success anything that happens after this

Is just a lovely bonus I’m not too concerned about breaking every Rock I find on the early floors the main priority is getting to around level 100 as fast as possible that is when we will start getting quite a bit of aridium order thanks to the perk I picked at

Mining level 10 a rium bars sell for 1,500 gold as soon as we start throwing the idium ore into furnaces there won’t be enough yeast in the world for the amount of bread we’ll be making on top of this we’re also picking up a lot of really

Good items we can get dinosaur eggs from the pepper Rex monsters as well as a decent amount of copper iron and gold ore diamonds emeralds and pretty much every other gem we can give these gems to the villagers Omni geod are also easy to get now so that will help us with the

Museum collection there are also chests in the skull Cavern that will give us some valuable items I make it to floor 134 at 7: p.m. floor 134 is not significant or important in any way shape or form I do not know why I specifically mentioned it here anyway at

This point I’ve got over 300 aridium ore a couple hundred copper iron and gold ore various gems and even a prismatic Shard I get a crystarium from a chest and pick up another Prismatic Shard on floor 159 it turns out it’s pretty easy to get Prismatic shard s when you can break

Every rock on a floor in like 10 seconds who would have th at around midnight I make the executive decision to leave the skull Cavern I am very happy with the loot I have acquired here today I exchange a prismatic Shard for the Galaxy sword make 21 furnaces pop them

Beside the existing furnaces and toss my ores and coal into the chest attached to them I did have a bit of a silly goose moment though I wanted to put a diamond into the crystarium I picked up today but I passed out before I could Mr key

Sends us a letter on day 12 he has challenged us to make it the floor 25 of the skull Caverns already done brochacho give me my money when I opened the chest beside my furnaces my eyes were blessed with a beautiful sight 31 iridium bars are ready I make a sizable donation to

The museum sell my purple gold to Clint and start the process of opening up all of the geodes I have this was a gargantuan task and took up many many many many many minutes of my time as I went from cracking open geod to donating the items I received to cracking open

More geod and so on and so forth despite donating a small percentage of my lifespan to this task I do have to admit that it was absolutely worth it as we get multiple Prismatic shards and the museum is quickly filling up I am strong enough also to admit when I have made a

Mistake and this is unfortunately one of those moments basically I realized after I was done with all of this that it would have been more worthwhile while to go through the magma geodes and normal geodes first as opposed to the Omni geodes the reason for this being we can

Trade our Omni geodes for artifact troves in the desert actually you know what mistake isn’t the right word for it as the great Bob Ross one said there are no mistakes just happy accidents speaking of happy accidents I go into the Joo Mart and purchase the minecart

Upgrade yeah look I’m not proud of the fact that I’m doing the joer route ignore everything I said previously ly I’m actually very ashamed of it it is time now for us to work on the special order the wizard gave us just to refresh your memory in case you have forgotten

He wants us to find a prismatic slime collect the Prismatic jelly at drops and deliver it to him this whole process of obtaining Prismatic jelly has always been very Hit or Miss for me and make no mistake about it today was a Miss of seismic proportions my frustration levels Rose

Higher and higher as a prismatic slime simply refused to show up dare I even say that my frustration was so strong that it registered on the RoR scale I’m exaggerating for comedic purposes of course only slightly though I was truly a bit miffed about this whole Kur fuffle

The end result of this whole ordeal was I did not obtain the Prismatic jelly this was an upsetting end to a good day long story short 9 out of 10 gther pays us a visit on day 133 he thanks us for our contributions to the museum and

Gives us the key to the Sewer as a thank you sweet now we can meet kobus and work on our friendship with him Mr key has given us our 10,000 gold reward for reaching floor 25 of the skull Caverns all right listen I need everybody right

Now to agree that we won’t tell Mr key that I used a tractor to go through the skull Caverns I don’t think he would be too pleased with me if this information was revealed to him moving on quickly now some cauliflower is ready for Harvest today is already a fantastic day this is

Making me feel a lot better about the Prismatic jelly incident I tossed some gold and idium bars into the shipping bin I’m already starting to feel like a bit of an entrepreneur and I do a quick forage run at the bus stop I probably did not have to mention that but it’s

Something small that brings me happiness so I want to share that the good news train continues to roll steadily along the tracks as the egg Festival takes place today I buy 985 strawberry seeds which honestly caught me off guard I did not think I would be able to buy that

Many this is going to put us in a very good position later in Spring next up is the egg hunt I’m not going to sugarcoat it I absolutely steamrolled the competition here I collected egg after egg after egg with a completely unparalleled amount of speed and efficiency I almost felt bad for the

Villagers competing against me almost so much so that I made myself believe that every one of these villagers was given the option of adopting the dog Marney brought to her Farm on day one and they all said no that is the only reason why I will be able to sleep tonight without constantly

Thinking about how I took a friendly competition this seriously also planting all of these strawberry seeds I bought has led to a significant increase in the production of serotonin in my body I also earn over 100,000 gold from the sale of aridium and gold bars I love this game I love

This game so much when it goes well it just goes well mother has sent us a pink cake on day 14 I learn how to make hash browns which by the way hash browns are incredible hash browns and a nice cup of tea is always a phenomenal way to start

The day I head to the beach and used 300 pieces of wood to rebuild the broken bridge now we can access the tide pool area this is a wonderful little area I am always very happy when I unlock it I enter the sewer for the first time and

Introduce myself to kobis I buy two crafting recipes and a star drop from him our shopping spree continues as I pay 35,000 gold to unlock the greenhouse next stop is Robins where I ask her to build a coupe on the farm again I also buy multiple crafting recipes from

Her finally I head to the mines where I ruined my day once again I failed to obtain Prismatic jelly I am the opposite of happy right now Evelyn shows up on day 15 to brighten up our day she gives us the garden pot this allows us to grow

A crop inside it assuming the garden pot is indoors we can grow a seed from any season in it for example starfruit seeds can only be planted during summer on the farm but if I was to go to Sandy shop in the desert and purchase a starfruit seed

I could plant it in the garden pot I’m not going to do that though I don’t know why I even said all of that moving on very quickly now I harvest some spring forage that has grown make some spring seeds and plant them I felt like our smelting situation was not as efficient

As it could be so to rectify that dilemma I made some more furnaces now we will be producing dozens if not millions of bars every day it is salmon Berry season which normally would be a very good thing for us as salmon berries are a decent source of energy during

Spring however we have something better than salmon berries at our disposable complete unlimited share willpower and a tractor I give Pam a par snip as a thank you for being our personal bus driver and I give a pink cake to Marne just because I feel bad for the way Lewis

Treats her if you are not aware of the whole situation Marne wants to be in a relationship with Lewis he does not want to be in a relationship with her but still strings her along that is diabolical Behavior I know I normally use words like diabolical in like a

Comedic sense this is not one of those moments I’m being seriously right now I purchased the bridge upgrade Pam has a special order for us she wants some potato juice we don’t have any kegs right now but I feel like this special order will give us the motivation we

Need to start producing kegs so I accept it there is one small problem though you unlock the crafting recipe for kegs when you reach level eight in farming yeah we need to hustle with this one we have 14 days to do all of the following reach level eight in farming make tappers

Attach them to oak trees wait 7 days for them to produce Oak resin make kegs put potatoes into the kegs wait 4 days for them to produce potato juice and give it the Pam yeah that’s not happening I will not be able to do that I’m just going to

Give up before I even get started on this one also I have decided that I will not be using the shop overhaul mod it is simply too good to use alongside an easy mode playthrough to make myself feel better about not utilizing the shop overhaul mod I decide to purchase 25 of

Each spring seed along with an extra 25 parsnip seeds our farm is looking splendiferous with all of the strawberry seeds we have planted but I believe it could look even more Splendid with the planting of even more seeds of various types so that is exactly what I do we

Now have over 1,200 seeds planted on the farm and you know what that’s still isn’t enough I want to get to the point where the entire Farm is covered with seeds then and only then will my appetite for seeds be satiated in rather Dreadful news however

I am too late to purchase a ticket to the desert but even if I had not been late I still wouldn’t even have enough gold to afford a ticket wo is me and me is wo and we is Mo in lie of a skull Cavern Adventure I

Opt to go through the mines the primary goal here is to collect copper ore which will be used for the production of more furnaces and copper bar day 16 begins with the most satisfying watering session of all time I could feel my right arm begin to shake

Slightly out of excitement as the ground turned from light brown to dark brown this is what easy mode is all about having the power to water over a th000 crops in the space of 30 seconds I sell some cave carrots to Caroline’s husband and use the money to fund my trip to the

Desert where I enter the skull Caverns I have begun incorporating the spicy eel dish into my Cavern Sky loocking sessions the spicy eel dish gives a plus one to our speed when we eat it this speed bonus also affects the speed of the tractor which is just gravy I get a

Rain totem in a chest on floor 128 which is a very nice pickup I am very happy about that one I end up completing the pepper Rex monster eradication goal tonight which I was not expecting but I will gracefully accept just after 1:00 a.m. the satisfaction I feel regarding

The state of my inventory is so high high that I decide to use a warp totem to get back home I toss every ore I have into my furnaces except of course for the copper ore these are used to make more furnaces all of which I manage to

Place before the night is over it is day 17 and the script for this video is already over 6,000 words spring is going to be like 50 minutes long I hope you’ve all got a nice drink and maybe even some snacks with you because I’m only just

Getting started I will be so happy if I can start every morning off by watering a field of seeds I do not know why but it is a feeling I can only describe as a purification of the soul I sell some idium bars the Clint then I fulfill the

Prophecy and buy the final upgrade in Georgia mer what prophecy is that you may ask I don’t know it’s sort of a plot hole really any HS I visit Haley and Emily’s house where they are arguing Haley does not want to clean under the cushions unfortunately for them I am not here to

Resolve their argument or to help them Reach a compromise no you see I am here on very important business I combine a piece of cloth with a field snack to make a denim jacket that is the important business which I am sure we can all agree is a far more

Valuable use of time than helping Emily and Haley with their carfuffle I asked Robin to upgrade the coupe on her Farm then it is off to the Quarry where I continue the tradition of eradicating the nature Vibe of every location I visit I plant many tree saplings here though

So technically I’m actually making the place more environmentally friendly I spend quite a bit of time in the skull Caverns I find some idium sprinklers in a chest on floor 63 while I won’t need these for the main Farm they could be useful in the greenhouse I also find a cowboy hat on

Floor 135 which means it is officially time to retire the straw hat I received for winning the egg hunt I remain here until around 1:00 a.m. at which point I head to the desert Trader and exchange my Omni geod for artifact troves I also exchanged diamonds for

Triple shot espressos and rues for spicy eels if we consume both of these items at the same time we will get plus two speed boost I deposit the ores I collected into the furnaces chest save for the copper ores which I use to make more

Furnaces I would like to begin day 18 by showing you what a typical hardwood collection run looks like I literally just drive the tractor through the secret Woods I break all six tree stumps here which gives us 12 hardwood every time I also catch the wood skip while I’m here next

Up is a very special cut scene Morris the manager of the local Georg Mar has thrown a little celebration for us you know what I may not be the biggest fan of Georgia but it’s nice to feel appreciated and that is exactly how the members of Georgia have made me feel

They also gave me a soda machine so I no longer feel bad for taking the Georgia approach I wanted to give kobus a horse radish but I can’t as I’ve already given him two gifts this week that is deeply upsetting I sell 111 irar the Clint earning us a tasty 160,000 gold I

Immediately purchased 250 coal before starting the process of having all of our artifact troves broken open we are getting some nice things like a pearl a treasure chest and various artifacts I donate said artifacts to the museum then I check how much progress we have made

It turns out we have made quite a bit of progress I only have to donate one more mineral which is marble I can get this from Frozen geodes and Omni geodes I still have to donate 16 artifacts which honestly isn’t too bad I can get most of

Them from artifact troves and I can use the tractor to easily dig up the ground to get the others so overall I would say things are looking pretty nice for us in this area I finally introduced myself to Sandy the owner of the shop in the desert I should could have done this

Sooner my bad I buy 25 rhubarb and beet seeds along with a full stack of deluxe speed grow 100 starfruit seeds are also acquired during this little shopping spree I give Pamela a prismatic Shard as a birthday present she responds by telling me to go away you know what I’ve

Heard worse from people who I respect a lot more so this didn’t bother me the wizard has requested a cave carrot I love getting handy quests like this one I buy 25 garlic seeds and one of each fruit tree sapling I then spend 5,000 gold on sugar I don’t know why I did

That a nice blue wallpaper and flooring is on sale so I decide to scoop them up I plant the garlic and rhubarb seeds I bought plant the fruit tree saplings and get my Greenhouse set up I have four iridium sprinklers thanks to the time I spent in the skull Cavern so I don’t

Have to worry about coming in here and watering the seeds every day the seeds in question being starfruit seeds and beet seeds I also sprinkled Deluxe speed grow on them I do have some unfortunate news though it seems like my very being has been infected with the Georgia Gene

Without even realizing what I was doing I converted my house from a cozy cottage to a shrine dedicated to Georgia I even turned off the fireplace perhaps a metaphor for the manner in which my heart has been turned cold after allowing the community center to be destroyed I decide that a moment of

Peace is needed not only because of my conversion to a fully-fledged Georgia remember but also because the last 18 days have been nothing short of hectic I sit on a chair on my porch and do nothing for the rest of the night this was absolutely therapeutic I listened to

The hum of the furnaces the smooth crackling tickling my ears and observe the natural beauty of the farm my soul once again feels at peace the beating of my heart has slowed and I feel absolutely Sterling I needed this reset I needed it so much but enough Dilly dallying let’s

Get back to business William sends us a letter on day 19 he wants us to come to his shop when we get the chance he also said something a bit weird at the end P.S I have noticed that my left hand shakes when I eat dirt this is the first

Time it’s happened during my 25e streak of eating dirt every day do you know anything about this I am starting to get a bit concerned uh no no sor sorry wiie I I don’t know anything about that moving on now from that uh situation I toss a

Dinosaur egg into the incubator in the coupe a lizard will hatch from it in 12 days many parsnips are ready for Harvest after collecting those I head to the Quarry where I entered the mines I make it to the end where I obtained the golden Scythe this was an absolutely grueling

Task one which I almost failed many times it took every ounce of passion and dedication of my body to obtain this wonderful tool and I am not being serious at all it took like maybe 20 seconds at the most to do this which makes sense of course because I’m using

The tractor I ask Robin to upgrade the coupe no I don’t actually I can’t afford it that’s kind of embarrassing uh I sell so I really embarrassed the Clint then I return to robins and actually have the coupe upgraded this time I head to the shop owned by Abigail’s father where I

Purchase 50 of each spring seed I plant all of these seeds then I do my regular hardwood collection run in the secret Woods it is time now to begin a very special Mission given to us by the wizard I meet him at the mountain area where he instructs us to head to the

Mutant bugler an area that can be found in the sewers our good acquaintance kobus gives us a hand as he opens the door to the mutant bugler before I head in however I decide that now is the perfect time to do a bit of fishing a legendary fish called the mutant carp

Can be caught here in the sewers in what has become a bit of a trend when it comes to fishing the fish I wanted in this case the mutant carp did not show up with a heavy heart I enter the mutant bug layer where I attempt to catch

Another new fish called the Slime Jack thankfully this fish actually does appear and I catch it I meticulously maneuver my way through the area and collect the dark Talisman at the end in what would end up being a terrible decision I spend the rest of the night

Fishing in the sewers trying to catch the elusive mutant carp I failed I am awoken on day 20 by the sound of cheese snoring loudly he’s such a GAA dog do do do you get it like like like good dog but like GAA because of GAA I’m

Sorry I harvest some kale then I collect some more hardwood I’m going to stop mentioning the hardwood collecting thing from now on you can just assume I collect hardwood pretty much every day I make nine lightning rods and place them a bit haphazardly on the farm I’m not too concerned with the visualist

Aesthetic of the farm right now though I’m all about the productivity side of it I Venture into the skull caverns and at this point there’s not much to say about the skull Cavern runs that I haven’t said before we’re getting a ton of omni geodes ores and gems every

Single time it’s also a lot less stressful than normal skull Cavern runs I said it before I will say it again it is so incredibly satisfying doing this with the tractor I get another crystarium on floor 84 followed by two rain totems on floor 86 and one more on

Floor 100 I trade my Omni GEOS for artifact troves then I spend the rest of the day in the mines with a heavy focus on collecting artifacts using the hoe to dig up the ground here yields significant results as I get multiple artifacts I still need to donate to the

Museum I reach level five in farming so I choose the perk that gives us a 10% bonus to the gold we get from selling crops I learn how to make a complete breakfast on day 21 and a beautiful site awaits me when I leave the house all of

The strawberries have fully grown which means it is time for our first strawberry Harvest blue Jazz two lips and potatoes are also ready for collection also also if you use a rain totem on a stormy day there will be a storm on the following day two so that

Is exactly what I do here I’m going to do this a couple more times so we can get more battery packs speaking of battery packs the lightning rods I created yesterday have produced some so I collect them a battery pack is a very valuable item for multiple reasons they

Are needed for a couple of crafting recipes and we need them to repair the boat that will take us to Ginger Island our bank account is looking pretty miserable right now so I sell some iridian bars to Clint I sell my strawberries ask Robin to build a barn

For us and buy some chickens ducks and rabbits for a coupe the following animals have joined the family Ria Finn and JD the chickens Dominic Damian J Jimmy Jay and solo the Ducks and Paul Roman Sammy and horn swaggle the rabbits I buy two Auto Grabbers from Marney I

Have given her a ton of money today along with a rare seed and a coffee bean from the traveling cart I put an autog Grabber into the coupe and say hello to her new animals then I plant a coffee bean right in front of a scarecrow to

Keep it safy wafy I spend the rest of the day fishing I want to get to fishing level 9 at least before the end of spring days 22 to 26 are also spent fishing some other things happened during that period of time that I would also like to talk about however I

Reached level 10 in farming so I choose the perk that makes crops grow 10% faster an ancient fruit appeared along with some spring forage I created a seed maker along with some more spring seeds I did some frolicking through my little lightning rod area collecting battery packs as I did before planting the

Spring seeds I made I used another rain totem tossed an ancient fruit into a seed maker harvested beets and planted two ancient seeds and a rear seed Sebastian wanted a sardine lovely I was able to get that for him very easily I decided to give a prismatic Shard to

Abigail and her father then I bought all of the fruit tree saplings a second time I didn’t want to run the risk of the ones I planted on the farm not growing properly so these were thrown into the greenhouse very soon after I made this purchase kobus was next up on our list

Of gift recipients followed by the aforementioned planting of fruit trees in the greenhouse I attended the flower Dance Festival where I purchased the tub of flowers crafting recipe along with a rare Crow I decided to ask nobody to dance with me here quite frankly I am not comfortable with any of them dancing

With me or even being near me in any capacity I do not want that nothing against the villagers I simply do not wish to partake in any of that back to the present day now as we begin day 27 with our second and Final strawberry Harvest of spring many other crops and

Forage items grew During the period I spent fishing but I decided I would wait until now to harvest them so that we could all enjoy it together I collect the battery packs that I’ve accumulated in the chest Harvest a tantalizing amount of starf fruit in the greenhouse

And toss all of the starf fruit into the shipping bin I do not toss all of my other crops in there however only one or two of them each so they’ll be crossed off the list of items I need to ship as part of the shipping collection I’m

Going to show me collecting hardwood here just because this was the moment when I got enough hardwood to repair the boat in willly shop I grab a piece of wool from the autog Grabber make some tree fertilizer and plant some mahogany tree seeds in the Quarry I’m going to

Need a significant amount of hardwood in the future so these mahogany seeds will be a lifesaver I sprinkle fertilizer on all of the seeds I have planted here and ask Robin to upgrade the barn I give Emily a piece of wool for her birthday I am actually really surprised I’m still

Making good progress on our friendships and I checked the special orders board the wizard is giving us a second chance to acquire the Prismatic jelly that is tremendously kind of him but I’m going to have to decline you see I just won’t have enough time to go to the mines

Today or tomorrow I have other things in mind so instead I accept demetrius’s order to catch 20 ocean fish hopefully rasmodius has enough kindness in his heart to give us another opportunity in the future I enter Wily’s shop where the big man himself Mr William shows us his

Dilapidated boat he says he needs 200 hardwood 5 rum bars and five battery packs to repair it well Mr Will I Am have I got news for you I have all of those things with me right now how did I know you would require all of these

Materials I’m actually a sidekick not a sidekick no but a sidekick you see my partner in crime told me that I would need all of these things to repair the boat hence me being here with these items in other news Willie wants us to catch a sardine okay now he’s just being

Greedy I have done way too much for him today already I’m going to pass on that Quest as I predicted we are going to fail Pam special order to bring her potato juice it’s not all bad though it did motivate me to plant oak trees in the Quarry and unlock the crafting

Recipe for kegs so I think I’m going to consider this a yeah well you know I’ll call it a win despite not actually the order some good did come out of it I use a rain totem then I spend the rest of the day at the beach working on

Demetrius’s order I’m also going to use this as an opportunity to talk about my plan for tomorrow in short I have two options option number one focus on catching the legend fish the legend only shows up in spring on a rainy day when you have reached level 10 in fishing I

Used a rain totem to make sure it rains tomorrow and I’m currently level 9 in fishing so I can buy a trout soup which will bump me up to level 10 the problem is I’ve pretty much always struggled with catching the Legend So if I go with

This option it’s almost a guarantee that I will be spending the entire day fishing there is also a decent chance that I won’t catch the fish at all which would end spring on a bit of a sad note and I don’t really want that option

Number two is I spend the entire day on Ginger Island I already like the sound of that and the thing is too tomorrow isn’t my last chance to catch the legend there’s an item called magic bait this type of bait allows you to catch any fish in any season which means I can

Still catch the legend in summer or fall or winter yeah I’m going to go to Ginger Island tomorrow I’ve just convinced myself uh all right let’s uh let’s move on to the final day of spring on day 28 I check the progress I have made on this

Special order I only have to catch six more fish to complete it nice here is an up update on how our friendships have been going you can tell straight away which villagers had a birthday in Spring Pam and Emily are on five hearts a couple of villages are on four Hearts

Most villagers are on three or two hearts and a small amount are only on one heart I’m not concerned about those villagers by the time their birthdays come around I’ll be able to give them a gold star items that they love which will give us a bonus three hearts of

Friendship with them so overall I am very happy with how this whole thing is going of course it without saying that we had easy access to gifts thanks to the Tractor we used it to get gems in the mines and it also boosted our foraging level which resulted in us

Picking up silver and gold star Forge items which also make great gifts for the villagers the final Harvest of the season comes in the form of cauliflower I kind of wish it was potatoes or even better another strawberry Harvest for even more gold but this is still nice I spend some time

Fishing at the beach to complete the special order Demetrius gave us I immediately receive a reward of 1,500 gold but I will also receive the crafting recipe for the computer in the mail tomorrow I buy 15 crab pots and set them up along the boardwalk making sure

To fill them up with bait as I do I pay 1,000 gold to be able to purchase a ticket to Ginger Island considering I single-handedly retrieved all of the items that were used to repair this boat I don’t think it’s necessarily fair that

I have to pay to be able to use it but I mean at least that money is going to William so I will let this one slide I finally set foot upon the Sandy Shores of Ginger Island and I immediately get to work collecting golden walnuts in the

Forest area I collect a second Walnut from a bush then I obtain a third one by using an axe on a tree in Leo’s treeh house I watch a Cuts scene where I introduce myself to Leo or at least I try to introduce myself to Leo I have to

Collect a total of 10 walnuts before he’ll speak to me the good thing about using the tractor is it makes finding golden walnuts a lot easier or at least it would but I forgot to bring my hole with me I feel very foolish right now I

Run home and grab my hoe and the copper pan I kind of panicked and decided to bring that with me too just in case I spend another 1,000 gold on a ticket I’m not mad I just think I should get some sort of discount on the ticket at least

Then as I was saying the good thing about using the tractor is it makes finding golden walnuts a lot easier I can just equip my hole while I’m on the tractor and it will dig up a big patch of land in like 3 seconds so finding all

Of the walnuts that are hidden in the sand is a walk in the park I make sure to collect every Walnut I have access to in this area at this very moment before I enter the volcano dungeon the first thing I do here is use my watering can

To create a path leading to the left side of the entrance I go through a door here and collect two golden walnuts on the other side the rest of the day is spent going through the volcano dungeon I obtained quite a few golden walnuts here by defeating monsters and breaking

Rocks I am also getting some valuable items like a dragon tooth pineapple seeds Cinder shards and journal scraps some of these Journal scraps will reveal the locations of hidden golden walnuts when I read them just to very quickly give my thoughts on Spring I feel like the first 28 days went pretty well

Comparing this play through to the original easy mode playthrough I am already making far more progress in this one I repaired the community center the last time I did this so I didn’t get to Ginger Island until the start of winter in that one but in this playthrough not

Only have I made it to Ginger Island already I also collected around 20 golden walnuts on the last day of spring I hope you have all enjoyed watching my escapades during this season and again I do want to emphasize that the point of this whole easy mode playthrough isn’t a

Showcase of skill or anything like that it’s more so just trying to have as much fun as possible with the upgraded tools and the tractor I understand a playthrough like this isn’t everybody’s cup of tea so if you’ve made it to this point and you’re still 50/50 on the

Whole easy mode concept then that’s completely understandable I just hope you found it entertaining up to this point any H I will not waste any more of your time I wasn’t able to make it to the end of the volcano dungeon before I passed out unfortunately but that’s okay

I can come back here tomorrow and avenge myself and with that I will see you all in summer day 29 the first day of summer I say goodbye to the remnants of the spring crops which is always a Bittersweet moment I hate seeing all of these wilted

Remains but there are many more crops we can plant this season that will continue the Legacy that was started by last season’s crops I decide to make five idium sprinklers these shall be used on the ginger Island Farm William has sent me a letter in which he tells me about

How he had to drag me back to the boat last night after I passed out on Ginger Island okay what what do do you want a metal or even a cookie because I can give you both of those things that was very kind of you William thank you we

Also receive the crafting recipe for the computer as a reward for completing the special order Demetrius gave us it is time for the routine chopping down of trees if there is one thing I never want to be short of during this playthrough it is wood that that would be a dire

Situation just in case you don’t know what a dire situation is it is like a normal situation but it is dire I buy 450 starfruit seeds from Sandy a purchase which I’m sure I will repeat many times during summer and I accept a Quest from Maru she wants Jade I have

Jade she has money I want money as a professional businessman and part-time entrepreneur I can sense when a deal can be made and this is one of those moments I purchased 25 of most of the summer seeds along with 50 of a couple of the summer seeds I also buy 100 of my

Favorite item Deluxe speed grow we are truly being blessed today as Lady Luck herself has decided to shine a light upon us we have been given a third opportunity to get Prismatic jelly the unfortunate aspect of this is both of these special orders have a crafting

Recipe attached to them in a per world I would be able to accept both of these right now but as we can only choose one I decide to choose the Prismatic jelly order I head to Robins where I do not have enough money to upgrade the barn so

I asked her to upgrade her house instead back on the farm I plant all of the seeds I bought today I am already very excited to see everything grow especially the starfruit seeds it is going to feel cathartic harvesting all of this star fruit and seeing the effect

It has on our bank account I toss a garlic into a seed maker so I can get garlic seeds then I head to the boardwalk at the tide poool area we have a very important mission to complete here that mission is to catch our first legendary fish the Crimson fish I catch

A super cucumber followed by a super cucumber next up is a lingot and a halibut for a second there I thought we were going to keep getting super cucumbers I did get to a point where I felt like the Crimson fish was not going to show up tonight but thankfully it

Eventually did it also isn’t a particular ly difficult fish to catch so all in all this was a rather enjoyable experience I was feeling pretty good about myself and wanted to keep the fishing train going so I head to the sewers where the mutant carp does not

Show up and I pass out I buy a melon seed a wheat seed and theux speed grow on the morning of day 30 next up on our list of super duper important things to do is to use 10 golden walnuts to unlock the west side of Ginger Island as always

Using the tractor to clear out the farm is nothing short of a phenomenal experience I wish I could do it over and over again but alas I am a very busy bee I plant the wheat melon and garlic seeds I have that I take a moment to absolutely annihilate the natural beauty

Of the beach in my defense I got a golden Walnut by doing this I collect a walnut in the Shipwreck pour some water on an innocent creature I apologize but that was a necessary evil I need this golden Walnut and I used the tractor to make the process of finding the walnuts

That are hidden in the ground a lot easier and by easier I mean I kind of just do nothing I just drive around and let the golden walnuts come to me I defeat a group of tiger slimes and dig up a patch of dirt which Nets us a further two

Walnuts I find one in a bush followed by another in a bush and long story short I collect almost every golden Walnut you can find on this side of the island I will however make sure to specifically mention any future walnuts I find in this area I make my way to the volcano

Dungeon where I used the slingshot to obtain a walnut before unlocking the Dig side area I do a bit of landscaping shall we say which provides us with bone fragments and artifacts I utilize the tractor and my brain I know I know I’m also surprised that I’m using my brain

It took a while for the cogs to start turning and for the cobwebs to be cleaned up but believe me my brain is and has been working at 101% power during this entire run so far I do not want to fail this challenge that would be just a little bit embarrassing

Considering how easy it is The Farmhouse here on Ginger island has been repaired which means I can now sleep on the island on day 31 I remember I never made it to the end of the volcano dungeon when I came here at the end of spring that is a miscarriage of Justice I

Cannot allow things to remain this way I steamroll my way through the volcano dungeon collecting copious amounts of goodies and golden walnuts along the way I reached the shop on level five where I realize I cannot not buy anything from the dwarf here because I haven’t donated

All of the dwarf Scrolls to the museum there is one scroll absent from the collection I’m sure I have it lying in a chest somewhere so this is just me being lacad isical and forgetting to donate it I really do need to take it to the museum soon though we will receive the

Dwarfish translation guide for doing so which will not only allow us to buy things from this shop but we will also be able to become friends with the dwarf in the mines and the sooner we do that the better okay now that I’ve said that out loud I

Really should have donated that scroll sooner that could be a problem in the future and a big problem at that any H our journey through the dungeon went very well I acquired many more walnuts and made it to the end here I obtain a further two golden walnuts as well as a

Prismatic Shard changing course completely now I have found a Rainbow Shell at the beach what an absolutely marvelous piece of forage also I really wish we could go to more locations with the Minecarts they make getting around the area so much faster it is time now

To water our massive field full of seeds this is something that will have to be done daily as I refuse to use iridium sprinklers on this farm for some reason I don’t really know why I mean I know I have the tractor but they would still be

Useful so I don’t know like maybe somewhere deep down inside of me some little part of me is just completely opposed to the idea of using sprinklers on this Farm I don’t know how to explain it I don’t even why I’m saying this I’m off topic again this is going to happen

Quite a bit I’m sorry uh but just to go back to the whole sprinkler thing again I am using in them in the greenhouse because I’m too lazy to go in there every day it is time now to end the day on a good note it is time to get the

Prismatic jelly you will notice I did not say I’m going to attempt to get the Jelly or we have the chance to end the day on a good note no there is no maybe there isn’t just a chance I am manifesting the appearance of her Prismatic slime I will get the Jelly and

This day will end on a positive note sure enough the Prismatic slime does appear I defeat it and obtain The elusive jelly I kind of want to spread this jelly on some toast and see what it tastes like I run to the mountain area and use the dark Talisman to open up the

Entrance to the witch’s swamp I do a bit of fishing to obtain the void mayonnaise and give it to the single best character in the entire game the Goblin henchmen and that isn’t just my opinion by the way the goblin henchman is objectively the best character in the entire game I

Mean just think of all of the moments that involve the goblin henchmen we have this moment here I return to the wizard and present him with his Magic ink we have now unlocked his shop which means we can buy junam Mo Huts the four obelisks and the

Golden clock we need to obtain all four obelisks and the golden clock to achieve Perfection so so that is going to be a really easy thing for me to do and will not be timec consuming stressful heartbreaking and just overall a soul crushing experience for me no I’m absolutely going to thoroughly enjoy

Earning enough gold to buy all of those items I finally give the Prismatic jelly to the wizard completing a special order I received 5,000 gold from the wizard on day 32 the crafting recipe for Monster musk has also been added to our repertoire a little harvesting session

Takes place next followed by a trip to the store owned by I I can’t think of anything else to describe this man as but I just I don’t want to say his name I don’t like him I buy 125 radish seeds gave a prismatic Shard to Jazz for her

Birthday and donate a couple of items to the museum the dwarf scroll was not one of these items I forgot about it again Clint cracks open a golden coconut for us which yields a golden Walnut I received marble from a frozen geode along with a few more new artifacts from

AR artifact troves all of these items are of course donated gother better give me a very nice Christmas present this year I have been working overtime on basically making his museum look very nice I think I deserve a hot chocolate or a hash brown or even both as a thank

You I make a cherry bomb plant all of my radish seeds and spend a bit of time digging up the ground on the beach we can get golden coconuts and artifacts that can be donated to an office on the island by doing this so I will make sure

I do it as often as I can I talk to birdie who has a quest for us she gives us a momento which we will have to use to obtain a pirates locket basically we give the momento to someone they give us an item in return we give that item to

Someone else rinse and repeat until somebody gives us the Pirates locket unfortunately for birdie however my schedule has already been filled and so she will have to wait a while before I get around to doing that I use the Cherry Bomb I made to free Professor

Snail from the cave if he was trapped in so I can begin donating items to the little Museum he has in his office I answered two questions related to the island in record time to obtain two golden walnuts then I dig up another Walnut and an ostrich egg I toss this

Egg into the shipping bin I could have saved it and used it to get an ostrich in the barn on our farm but this egg is required for the shipping collection so I wanted to get it out of the way now day 33 begins with the crafting of 70

Tappers I head to the Quarry area where I Cho down just a couple of maple trees then I place tappers on the oak trees here I give the momento to Kent who gives us Gourmet tomato salt Gus is thrilled to receive this salt and in return gives us a stardo valley

Rose I decide to have an early night got to make sure we keep our sleeping pattern intact that is very important some radishes are ready for Harvest on day 34 the rest of the day spent going through the skull Caverns our skull Cavern escapades continue on days 35 through

38 I won’t lie I may be becoming slightly attached to the thrill of breaking rocks breaking more rocks and breaking even more rocks in all seriousness though seeing little pieces of iridium ore and Prismatic shots fly towards my Farmer causes the dopamine receptors in my brain to light up every

Single time but make no mistake about it these skull Cavern runs aren’t being done just to prevent the production of sad Vibes in my body no they’re keeping the dream of achieving Perfection by the end of the year alive I will forever be grateful to both the skull Cavern and

The tractor for this some important things did happen outside of the skull Caverns during this period of time that I also want to mention William had a delicious special order for us he wants us to fetch 100 pieces of bug meat for him I gave Gus a diamond for his

Birthday then I decided to keep spreading the Good Vibes as I give presents to everybody in the carpenter SL scientist SL Sebastian family it was maru’s birthday but I can’t leave the rest of her family out can I I mean I could actually I absolutely could but I decided to be

Nice here many different crops are ready for Harvest on day 39 melons starf fruit blueberries Tower Roots peppers tomatoes and hops are all added to her inventory some of these crops grew During the period I spent in the skull Caverns but again I wanted us all to be

Able to share this wonderful experience together I toss all of my starf fruit into the shipping bin along with one each of the other crops before throwing everything else into a chest I want to make sure I’ve got everything I need for the cooking recipes in the future so I’m

Going to keep around 90% of my crops in a chesty Westy I harvest a sweet gem bery in the greenhouse and give it to my old pal the old Master canoli statue in the secret Woods I receive a star drop in return as a part-time businessman and

A former entrepreneur or I know a good deal when I see one and this was a good deal dare I even say it was a very good deal moving on now to the luau I toss a gold star melon into the soup I spend some time talking to the villagers then

The governor tries the soup made by the entire town the melon I added gets the best reaction from the governor earning us half a friendship heart with the Villagers moving on to day 48 the remaining starf fruit are ready for Harvest I plant summer seeds because I

Want to make a Monumental amount of progress this season when it comes to my foraging skill I I want to make a Monumental amount of progress in general actually now that I think about it but like you know what I mean I have maneuvered the crab pots from the beach

To the town river so I can continue getting sea creatures that are needed for the fishing collection I sell around 75 maybe 80% of the Iridium bars I have to Clint which pushes our bank account up to over 1.1 million gold we are finally the opposite of broke it took a

While but we are officially a millionaire our bank account goes from tasty to tantalizing as I sell my crops I have big plans some may even call them really big plans that require two stacks of deluxe speed grow this is quite expensive but it will absolutely be

Worth it I also purchased 50 red cabbage seeds because for some reason I forgot to buy them at the start of summer oops I grabed the wallpaper catalog while I’m here too then it’s off to the desert where I buy two full stacks of starfruit

Seeds I do a little foraging run this is something I will be doing as often as I can to make sure I have a plentiful supply of coconuts and cactus fruit I reach an entirely new level of farming as I plant my starf fruit seeds sprinkling Deluxe speed grow on them as

I do this is the moment where I was no longer a humble planter of seeds nay I became a shining Beacon of hard work passion and hope not just for the residents of Pelican town but for every citizen in the region of stardo Valley as I planted my seeds and I chopped down

Trees an old Irish saying popped into my mind it is a long one but I would like to share it with you all that translates in English to where there is hatred let me so love where there is injury pardon where there is doubt Faith where there is despair hope

Where there is Darkness light where there is sadness joy that might be too much for a sturdy Valley video but I will take any opportunity I get yet to practice my Irish with today’s Irish lesson out of the way let us progress now to the mines where I gallivant around the area

Collecting bug meat for William I was not able to collect all 100 I needed so I shall return in the very near future to continue working on this I decide to expand my range of seeds on day 41 so I tossed Taro Roots ancient fruit and a

Pineapple into a seed maker up next on the agenda is a visit to Sandy so I can give her the stardy valley Rose I receive the advanced TV remote in return I also buy 100 beat seeds while I’m here Shane wants a coconut I can take care of

That very easily I give a prismatic Shard to Alex for his birthday and I give the advanced TV remote to George he gives us the Arctic shard in return I need to pay a visit to the wizard but I make a quick stop in Mary’s first please

Give a warm welcome to four new goats yeah nah perhaps and certainly as well as this tranquility and turbulence the cows have also joined the family I have made what I believe is the single best business deal of my entire life I gave the Arctic Shard to

The wizard and he gave me a wiggling worm he got absolutely swindled in this one what can I say when you’re good you’re good and I am a good Tradesman I collect the seeds produced by the seed maker then I watch a cut scene involving Abigail she is playing the flute in the

Rain I have no time for Dilly dallying so I skip this Cuts scene avoiding a scenario in which my Farmer joins her instead I ask Robin to upgrade the barn it is at this point I noticed the time I want to go to Ginger Island but Wily

Shop closes at 5:00 p.m. I make a beine for the beach I was listening to The Final Countdown during this and it really got me in the zone I felt it deep down in my soul I knew that I would make an time unfortunately I arrived too late

So that was very humbling I must say the good news is I ran into Willie so I was able to give him the worm I received the Pirates locket for doing this now all I have to do is present this locket to birdie and her Mission will be

Completed but that will not be taking place tonight as I have rather important business to tend to I must return to the mines and continue collecting bug meat floors 15 and 16 are very lucrative areas in terms of bugs so I just farmed these two floors over and over again I

Eventually reached the first goal of collecting 100 bug meat I Dro this off at willly shop before the night ends completing gold two you may notice I had over 100 bug meat in my inventory that is because I didn’t collect all 100 today so I went back to my farm and

Collected a bunch of meat from a chest to make sure I would have enough when I dropped them off at Willies we are halfway through summer now as we have made it to day 42 as I am watering my field of seeds I can’t help but notice

There is a patch of land in the bottom right of the farm which is completely Barren this will have to be rectified soon I plant pineapple and ancient fruit seeds along with tarot tubers in the greenhouse then I clean up the desert some absolute scallywag must have dug up

All of the ground here so I use my pickaxe to make it go back to normal I do not know who dug up the ground here that is a mystery I exchang a lot of omni gelds for artifact troves and I ask Clint to crack them all open I make a

Few donations to the museum and I am very happy to announce that this time I actually remembered to bring the final dwarf scroll with me also here is a progress update on the museum collection I have but three items left to donate two of them can be found by digging up

The ground the third one can be obtained during winter we will receive the magnifying glass during that season which will allow us to collect and read read secret notes one of these notes reveals the location of the third artifact I head to the mins where I don’t introduce myself to the dwarf

Because I forgot to collect the dwarfish translation guide from the museum I’ll be honest at this point I have one brain cell left and it is just playing a video of Subway Surfers on a loop nevertheless I collect the translation guide then I finally actually introduce myself to the

Dwarf I purchase a crafting recipe from him and I give him the first of many many many gifts the dwarf loves gems so amethyst emeralds aquamarine those kind of things this will make getting him to maximum Hearts pretty easy I reckon William is having a bit of fun at the

Beach he has taken the bug meat I gave him and he’s using it for fishing purposes he gives us the crafting recipe for the quality bobber thank you so much you are a star William I use a rain totem as soon as I step foot on the

Island of Ginger I head into the cave on her Farm where I talk to to the Frog inside I show him the melon wheat and garlic I grew which earns us 15 gold and walnuts I take back what I said about the goblin henchman being the best

Character in the game uh the goblin henchmen did not give us 15 golden walnuts so the frog has officially taken his place I harvest the crops here which rewards us with more golden walnuts you can get a total of five by doing this and truth be told I was not keeping

Count of how many I harvested here so I don’t know how many I got I give the Pirates lock it to birdie who rewards us with more walnuts and the crafting recipe for fairy dust I am very curious as to how many walnuts I have obtained

At this point so I check and I have collected 80 of them I am very pleasantly surprised I must say I was expecting to see a total of 40 maybe 50 at the most this has rejuvenated my spirits I am now more motivated than ever to complete this challenge I obtain

A golden coconut by digging up the ground at the beach then I unlocked the Island Resort I go a step further and spend even more walnuts to unlock the island Trader I buy a crafting recipe and a banana tree Appling here I find one of the three

Artifacts I need at the Dig side very nice then I make a donation to the island field office this field office should be very easy to complete thanks to the Tractor I returned to the island Trader where I purchased another crafting recipe dig up a walnut collect another by fishing and earn another

Three by playing games of dark S I dig up another Walnut then I do some fishing we can collect five by fishing so I would like to get that out of the way as soon as I can I catch a super cucumber followed by a super cucumber I’m getting

A bit of deja vu here thankfully I secure a lion fish then 1 2 3 four golden walnuts not bad not bad at all the harvesting of some radishes on day 43 yields another Walnut and just like the previous two series I have done on this channel the word Walnut has now

Lost all meaning for me I use a rain to him again the reason why will be revealed shortly and by shortly I mean right now I head to the north of the island where I find a bird that drops an amethyst I bring it to the forest where

I put it on a Podium when it’s raining on Ginger Island a bird will spawn in one of four locations the north south east or west of the island each bird will drop a gem and each gem must be placed on the corresponding Podium so because the bird spawned in the north

Today we put the amethyst on the top Podium collecting all four gems will give us five walnuts I donate a mummified frog to the field office earning two more golden walnuts despite all that has happened today is not a good day you see the two special orders this week are useless to

Me completing Willy’s order won’t give us a crafting recipe and I already got the recipe from Demetrius with a heart full of sadness I ask Clint to crack open a golden coconut I really wanted to get the fossilized skull because I need a fur the field office but I received a banana tree

Sapling instead I do replenish some happiness however as I water my starfruit seeds I decide to work on the fishing collection for a while I am not going to acknowledge the first fish I caught I do catch a red mlet though and I buy some coffees in the saloon I also

Buy some salads pizzas and spaghetti which I can and have been using as gifts for the villagers the fishing Expedition continues as I catch a pike then I realize all of the fish I need stop appearing after 7:00 p.m. so that was pretty heartbreaking I had pretty bad

Luck today I’m going to go watch sea of the Dead to cheer myself up Summer seeds have been planted on day 44 that is very important information and will absolutely absolutely change the trajectory of this playthrough so I wanted to mention that I return to the

River where I catch a rainbow trout then I head to the beach where an octopus a tilapia a puffer fish and a tuna are added to our collection as always I start my Ginger eyelid experience with a rain totem a bird in the forest aka the

East side of the island drops a ruby which I place on the corresponding Podium I trade muscles for a mango tree sapling and plant it beside my banana tree sapling with this I have pretty much guaranteed that I will complete the shipping collection before the year ends

Normally the final four items I need are a mango a banana a radioactive ore and a radioactive bar here’s hoping I get access to Radioactive ore before the end of winter we now have a grand total of 93 golden walnuts I was very happy about this so I

Celebrate by going to sleep the fourth and final rain totem has been used on day 45 the final rent totem for now I should say I will be using one more on this island at some point I will be sure to point out when that moment is but

What I can say is that it will probably occur during fall the third bird drops an emerald for us which is promptly placed on the podium there has been a lot of alliteration in this playthrough which I kind of regret because I’ve had to record so many lines multiple times

And that’s because what I was saying was basically a tongue twister I struggled so much reading this script like like that line right there promptly placed it took me like seven attempts to say it properly and I don’t even think I said it right there properly I don’t I I like

To complain about small things anyway I catch a red snapper at the beach lovely I am glad that one has been taken care of red snappers only appear when it is raining so I may have forgotten about that one if I hadn’t caught it today I

Make a donation to the museum then I travel to the desert where I catch a sandfish and a scorpion carp I plant some coffee beans in the greenhouse I would even eventually like to be able to make hundreds of coffee instead of spending money in the saloon my recent

Victories in the field of fishing have inspired me to return to an area that previously defeated me the mines I catch the stone fish pretty much straight away which motivates me even further so I head to floor 60 where I catch an ice pip I cannot believe how well this is

Going I’m going to park the fishing here for today though I do not want to push my luck and try to catch the lava eel I have Sensational news though I have finally reached level 10 in fishing day 46 starts in a very productive manner I’ve decided to make a keg a preserve

Jar a mayonnaise machine my voice is going and a cheese press I plac chest beside these machines and fill them with all the items needed to make one each of wine juice Jam pickles pale ale cheese and mayonnaise this was done for shipping collection purposes I head to the river

In the forest because I need to catch a Dorado this takes a bit of time but the fish finally shows up and I catch it one more added to the collection I use my tractor to dig up the ground on the farm so I can try to get a snake vertebrae I

Have no luck with this today but rest assured I will obtain two snake vertebrae the final bird has appeared it drops an aquamarine it is time now for me to take on my mortal enemy the Simon Says game it takes me around 4 minutes but I

Channel my inner Cody roads and I finish the story that’s not actually the best comparison now that I think about it considering he hasn’t actually finished his story if if you don’t know what I’m talking about basically Cody rhods is a wrestler and for months he was saying

That beating Roman Reigns the current champion was something he had to do so he wins the Royal Rumble faces Roman Reigns at WrestleMania and loses so he he didn’t finish the story but hopefully he can do it at next year’s WrestleMania I mean if I’m capable of finishing my story I have

Faith that he or indeed anybody else can finish their story I head to the area with the podiums where for some reason I completely forgot that I picked up the amethyst earlier I do not know how to explain this but I was convinced I did

Not see a bird today let us move on to tomorrow so we can see what I did to overcome this self-imposed roadblock I have placed in front of me day 47 begins with some fishing at the mountain lake where I catch a sturgeon this can be a

Tricky one so I definitely got lucky here with how easy it was to catch over on Ginger Island I performed what I believed was a big brain move at the time the final two possible gems that could be placed on the podium are a

Topaz and an aam aquar oh no I can do it are a topaz and an aqua marine there we go I collected both of these from a chest and placed the aqua marine on the final Podium earning five walnuts I now realized this was completely unnecessary

As I saw the bird drop the blue blue Gem and I picked it up so I didn’t actually have to guess whether it was the blue gem or a topaz you remember how I said my one brain cell just plays videos of Subway Surfers on the loop well that has

Been upgraded or maybe downgraded depending on the way you see it there is now audio playing in my brain and that audio is somebody reading a story from Reddit something fantastic happened though that made me feel a lot better about that whole carfuffle I have collected over 100 walnuts and unlocked

Mr Key’s Walnut Room I can now accept special orders from Mr keyi earn key gems and use them to purchase things in this room the first of what I assume will be many orders requires us to bring 100 each of different colored items to

Mr key this is always a fun one for me honestly it’s one of my favorite special orders for sure in terms of perfection I am at 25% I was slightly disappointed by this but then I realized summer isn’t even over I think we’re doing pretty well when you take that into consideration

But again I am using the tractor and I started with the best tools so in no way is this me saying that I’m a great started Valley player or anything like that what I will say is that this is the most fun I’ve had with a playthrough in

A long time and I’m including the playthrough with the loot boxes in that that one was fun don’t get me wrong but this one is just on a whole another level of satisfying in other news I have quickly grown to love the digite area mainly because it is just another excuse

For for me to dig up large amounts of dirt I donate an item to the field office then I returned to Pelican town where I purchased two lead Bobbers and two trap Bobbers I give a strawberry to Demetrius for his birthday then I hit the floor 100 of the mines long story

Short I was defeated by the lava eel once again here is a look at the fishing collection to begin day 48 I believe I have caught every fish that is exclusive to Summer at this point in terms of the fish I still need to catch and can catch right now we have

The lava eel of course I am quite frankly terrified of my next encounter with that one there are two fish on Ginger Island which I’m sure I will get around to at some point the void salmon can be caught in the witch’s swamp the mutant carp can be caught in the sewer

And I can buy magic bait in Mr Key’s Walnut Room and use it to catch the legend I think that covers all of them actually there are fish that are exclusive to fall and winter that can be caught on Ginger Island right now but I’m I’m too lazy to get so phenomenal

News now is all of the starf fruit seeds I planted have grown I am running out of ways to describe my happiness in a convoluted way so what I will say is that the Vibes are very good right now we are about to make so much money from

This I cannot wait to go to the store owned by the bootleg version of Matthew MCC actually that’s an insult to Matthew I I very much enjoyed the role he played in a movie called The Gentleman so I I take that one back I’m talking about

Pier all right I’ll just I’ll say he name just this one time anyway I make more summer seeds which I plant Pamela catches me going through a trash can that was unfortunate and I sell all of my starf fruit I now have over 2 million gold at my disposal as a retired

Businessman and a freelance philanthropist I know that the smartest thing to do with this money is to invest it so I do into three full stacks of deluxe speed grow and four stacks of starfruit seeds as I plant these seeds I am already incredibly excited at the

Thought of harvesting them all in the future I plant some more in the greenhouse and harvest some ancient fruit and Tower Roots while I’m at it I do the same thing over on Ginger Island as I fill the entire farm with even more starfruit seeds day 49 begins in a

Rather disappointing way as none of the muscle nodes I break give us a golden Walnut not to worry though as I accidentally dug up a walnut to make up for it I gallivant around the beach on my tractor before harvesting some forage that has grown up on the farm I make

Sure to replace the forage with more seeds sell some iridium bars the Clint as her bank account was in shambles then I watch a cut scene with Sebastian he offers to take us on a motorcycle ride some night no thank you I feel like I’m the first person in the

History of stardo Valley to actually say no to that at the beginning of this year I would have said yes but I am a completely different person now I asked Robin to build a shed for us and buy four mini fridges along with a workbench a calendar and a telephone I deliver

Some items to Mr key completing his special order and earning 35 key gems I make the executive decision to not purchase anything with my gems it costs 140 gems to buy every crafting recipe that is being sold here so I’m going to save my gems until I can get all of them

After that I’m going to aim for the key to the town and peer as missing stock list I just said his name by accident and of course I will buy some magic beta at some point so I can catch the legend I spent some time going through the

Volcano dungeon of course it is nice getting items like a dragon tooth and Cinder shards but the priority here was making it to level five I buy a crafting and a cooking recipe from the dwarf here then I keep pushing forward I might as well I’m glad I did because I get a

Golden Walnut near the end I do some magic forging stuff with my Galaxy sword and an emerald to give it more speed I hunt for Co Coconuts on the morning of day 50 I still need to get the fossilized skull from a golden coconut and we can trade 10 coconuts for a

Golden coconut at the island Trader we can of course also get golden coconuts by shaking these trees our farm is looking splendiferous I must say I donate an item to the office go fishing to get another artifact and donate that too all I need is the fossilized skull

And two snake vertebrae at the special orders board The Vibes are in limbo shall we say Clint and lonus have decided to offer a special orders we can only accept one the problem is both of these orders have a crafting recipe as a reward I need both of these recipes this

Is a very difficult Choice it’s like asking me to choose between water and Cherry Pepsi I want both of them in the end I choose Linus’s order I just hope Clint doesn’t hold this against me and will give me that special order again in the future

Speaking of Clint he cracks open the two golden coconuts and I don’t get the fossilized skull I feel like this is going to become a trend which I am not looking forward to at all I place my fridges calendar and telephone in the house and collect fruit for my trees in

The greenhouse I give an amethyst to the dwarf for his birthday I feel like this just saved us I don’t know if I would have been able to max out his friendship by the end of the year if I didn’t get the three bonus friendship Hearts from

Doing this I mean I mean we still could fail like let’s be honest uh but we have a higher chance of succeeding now after purchasing a rare Crow from the dwarf I had to floor 100 of the mines thankfully I’m just here to get trash for Linus’s special order I make some decent

Progress but I don’t get all the trash I need before the night is over I finally visit the tree farm in the Quarry area on day 51 a lot of Oak resin has gathered in the chest here along with some maple syrup and pine toar I’m not

Entirely sure if I mentioned this before so I’ll just say it now the automate mod allows you to use flooring and Pathways to connect things to a chest in this instance I used wood Pathways to connect all of the trees with tappers on them to the chest which means all of the oak

Resin pinear and maple syrup automatically goes into the chest while I was collecting trash for linus’ order I unexpectedly hooked the lava eel even more unexpectedly I was able to catch it I’m still surprised that this happened but I certainly will not complain I am very glad that the lava eel has finally

Been added to the collection I wanted to ask Robin to upgrade the house but she isn’t here so I give Prismatic shouts to everybody in her family besides her was that spiteful of me to do absolutely yeah it was and I’ll do it again my Farmer does not take kindly to that kind

Of disrespect scandalous behavior from Robin here I throw the trash I collected into the humpster for lonus finishing his order also here is a look at the mushroom cave Demetrius set up for us I have done the same thing here as I did at the Quarry so all of the mushrooms

Automatically go into the chest it is time now for us to obtain the casino membership card I put a battery pack into a box in the tunnel beside the bus stop and a Rainbow Shell goes into the box at the train tracks I can’t do the

Next step right now because of the time so instead I go into the witch’s swamp where I catch a c catfish and a second catfish and another one I see where this is going thankfully after five catfish I finally managed to secure a void salmon

I buy two void eggs from kobus and as has become tradition I pass out without catching the mutant carp I am greeted by the sight of some lovely forage on day 52 what a beautiful start to the day I toss a void egg into the Mayo machine

Toss another egg and jam into the shipping bin and read a letter from l he has sent us the crafting recipe for fiber seeds this is a Bittersweet moment I’m glad we got this recipe but it’s also a reminder of Clint’s special order that I couldn’t do I give William a

Catfish for his birthday then I watch a Cuts scene involving the proprietor of the local fishing shop himself crabs have invaded the shop but thankfully Gus shows up and helps Willie get rid of them I always get so happy when I watch this cut scene because it means crab

Cakes will be sold in the saloon for for the rest of the week it’s worth buying at least a few of them when this happens it is time now to get back to our mission of obtaining the Cino membership card I put 10 beats in luc’s fridge and

Put a solar Essence into the mouth of the dragon skeleton in the desert I find the casino card hidden just outside our house I ask Robin to upgrade the shed I will ask her to upgrade our house another time I enter The Adventurous Guild and take a look at the monster

Eradication goals I have a bit of work to do with quite a few of them which isn’t too surprising considering I focused exclusively on getting through the mines as fast as I could and it has been pretty much the same with the skull Caverns at some point during fall or

Winter I will dedicate a few days to doing all of these we can’t use the boat to get to Ginger Island as the shop is closed so I make a warp totem and use it to teleport to the island I harvest a few Tower Roots while watering my

Starfruit seeds shake the trees to get some coconuts and enter the Walnut Room some fantastic news now is the danger in the Deep special order is available the mines have been given a makeover for lack of a better term if we reach the bottom we will receive 50 key gems which

Is delightful we can also Find Radioactive ore in this new mine system which we of course need for the shipping collection I exchang my coconuts for two golden walnuts and then I make a deeply upsetting Discovery I never introduce myself to Leo this is the first time I’m

Watching the cut scene where we actually become his friend this isn’t just bad this is very bad I don’t know when his birthday is I hope it hasn’t happened yet because if it has I could be in a lot of trouble when it comes to maxing

Out his friendship I had a feeling I would forget something important during this playthrough so in a way I’m not really surprised this happened but it still sucks but as always we shall push forward these things happen you know that’s life it is what it is what can

You do in fact no let’s go a step further I’m going to use this as motivation to work even harder for the rest of this playthrough a conglomerate of Summer forage has appeared on day 53 I head to Clint where I crack open three golden coconuts and I don’t receive the

Fossilized skull wow I’m not going to give up yet though after collecting some coconuts from a chest I return to town then I make my way to the boat so I can reach Ginger Island the entire time all I was thinking to myself was I’m very hungry

I collect more coconuts and buy a single golden coconut I give Leo a duck feather there can be no Dilly ding with the process of increasing his friendship and crack open the golden coconut I get the fossilized skull n just kidding no I don’t I head to the mines to get started

On Mr Key’s special order I was having fun a lot of fun there I even say an infinite amount of fun until I reached floor 30 floors 30 to 40 are dark it is very difficult to see see and I am straight up not having a good time

Nevertheless I persevere and make it through this difficult time is what I wish I could say the dark floors continue even after floor 40 I am suffering I’m not actually suffering I’m just being dramatic I pass out on floor 52 I finally decide to make some kegs on

Day 54 I have made 66 and while I do have everything I need to make 51 more I’m trying to decide if I want to sacrifice that much wood right now while I am placing these kegs in the shed I make up my mind that I absolutely want

To make more it simply does not feel right having this much empty space in this shed I craft the aforementioned 51 kegs and add them to the shed this feels so much better I do want to fill it up entirely though so I will get to work on

That pretty soon Gus is on Ginger Island so I buy the tropical curry cooking recipe from him I give Leo a duck feather and it turns out today is his birthday all right cards on the table here full transparency I got really lucky I was really nervous about Leo’s friendship

But this may have saved it I said the same thing about the dwarf we’ve gotten very lucky twice now that does not Bard well for the future we may have used all of our luck but anyway I head to the island Trader with what I believe is the

Last of my coconut reserves and get one golden coconut I am too late to go into Clint shop so I return to the mines instead I get some radioactive ore which I’m very happy about by the end of the night I will definitely have enough to

Make a radioactive bar as well as some extra ore for future crafting recipes I make it down to floor 84 before I pass out not bad we’re basically 2/3 of the way there it’s straight back to the mines on day 55 there’s not much to say about this one other than it was

Actually a lot of fun I really enjoyed the look of this mind system it is very aesthetically pleasing in my humble opinion I make it down to floor 120 at around 2 p.m. securing my 50 key gems I also obtained an extra Three Gems during the last 3 days from Monsters dropping

Them in the mines I head into clinch with my golden coconut and I receive pineapple seeds I might cry to cheer myself up I buy some new animals for the barn say hello to hi hello bye pig Piggy and Fernando the pigs I spend five walnuts to unlock the mailbox beside the

House on Ginger Island then I spend a further 20 walnuts to unlock the warp tower that will take us back to the farm in Pelican town I get a golden coconut by shaking a tree ordinarily I would be very happy about this but these golden coconuts have brought me nothing but

Misery and disappointment so far I head to the saloon at the end of the day this is one of the ways I have been consistently improving my friendships I go in here when I can and give gifts to everybody it works like a charm I buy

200 crab cakes I said earlier it’s worth picking up some of these when they go on sale so of course I’m going to ensure that my actions reflect my words day 56 the final day of summer has arrived I am already loving the speed boost I get

From eating a crab cake and drinking a coffee simultaneously I really do not want to go back to the normal walking speed After experiencing this I harvest all of the star fruit that has grown and this is without a doubt the single best moment in this entire playthrough so far

I feel more and more content with every star fruit I pick up I collect some Oak resin Pine toar and maple syrup from the Quarry area ask Robin to upgrade the house and sell my gold and silver star quality starf fruit I’m keeping the normal starfruit for the kegs I buy 50

Of each cooking item ask Clint to crack open a golden coconut I do not want to talk about what I got from it and visit Robins once more I decided to go on a bit of a spending spree here and buy seven stacks of wood

I used the oak resin I collected to make 87 kegs which I place in The Keg shed it is now officially full I throw star fruit into a chest in front of the kegs so they will automatically be placed into the kegs I donate two artifacts to

The museum I thought I donated the skull earlier so I’m glad I remember to bring it with me here but the good news is all I have left to donate is the artifact I can find after reading a secret note in Winter also uh that skull isn’t the same

One I need for the field office on Ginger Island unfortunately it’s a completely different one I trade 10 idium bars for the desert warp totem crafting recipe collect some coconuts and clear out some space at the bottom of the desert I plant around 50 Acorn seeds and sprinkle tree fertilizer on

Them I need to expand my Oak resin Empire so I will be placing tappers on these trees when they have grown I do the smart smart thing place wooden Pathways beside the acorn seeds and connect the Pats to a chest this way I don’t have to deal with the hassle of

Doing this when they’re fully grown I head to the beach where I enjoy the dance of the Moonlight jellies festival and that is the end of summer just like spring a lot of things happened during this season a lot of that was good some was bad but that’s okay not every day is

Going to be a winner but overall I feel like we had a very productive 28 day I am cautiously optimistic when it comes to fall day 57 the first day of fall my personal favorite season I plant some ancient seeds then I head to the special orders board where my day is ruined

Before it even begins unfortunately I have been offered to orders that are of very little use to me there are no crafting recipes attached to either of these two orders so I’m just not going to bother with either of them that is a deeply upsetting start to this season

Okay I’m I’m being a little dramatic right now I will admit this isn’t actually a big deal I just I just like to complain it’s fun a visit to the general stor is on the table now is I buy 50 of each fall seed along with two

Full stacks of pumpkin seeds just like the previous two seasons I want to make sure I have access to all of the crops I can get during fall I also get three stacks of theux speed GR while I’m here I return to the farm where I begin

Planting every seed I bought I make sure to sprinkles speed grow on them and water them as I do I plant some pineapple seeds in the greenhouse then I teleport to good old Ginger Island I give a duck feather to Leo I really do not want to forget about him for the

Rest of this playthrough before watering the starfruit seeds on our Ginger Island Farm I replant some seeds and crack open muscle nodes on the beach I still need a couple of golden walnuts for from these things I am not looking forward to trying to get them I dig up an artifact

Spot and I finally do not receive a snake vertebrae I shake the trees here to obtain a golden coconut and a few normal coconuts the danger in the Deep special order has been offered to us in Mr Key’s Walnut Room I’m going to go ahead and accept this one I will never

Turn down an opportunity to receive 50 key gems our starf fruit is ready for Harvest on day 58 what a wonderful start to the day of course I replant the seeds got to keep the money train rolling I give a gold star melon to Penny as a birthday present this just earned us

Around three hearts of Friendship with her I make my way to Ginger Island where I take a few steps turn around and immediately leave the island I don’t know what was going through my mind here this was a certified lacad descal moment for sure it’s off to the minds for the

Rest of the day the last time I was in this version of the mines I struggled quite a bit when I reached the dark floors but this time I came prepared I brought a glow ring with me as I push further and further through the mines I

Am reminded of the speech Captain Price gave during the final mission of Modern Warfare 2 out of all our vast array of nightmares this is the one we choose for ourselves we go forward like a breath exhaled from the earth with Vigor in our hearts and one goal in sight we will

Finish this special order the glow ring proves to be invaluable as I make it down to floor 105 before the day ends I learned how to make a pumpkin pie on day 59 I also Harvest some bck choice and wheat I drop by the Quarry area to

Collect some goods from the chest there and ask Robin to build a chest for us it is back to the mines where I managed to reach floor 120 and complete Mr Key’s order at around midday this earns us a delicious 50 gems bringing us up to

139 We Are One More gem away from being able ble to afford all of the crafting recipes in the Walnut Room I’m also starting to get just a little bit nervous at this point when it comes to earning all of the gold I need to buy the golden clock and the four

Obelisks I’m going to have to make sure I keep harvesting and planting starfruit here on Ginger Island I have a couple other ideas when it comes to making money but still that golden clock is definitely the biggest obstacle on the road to achieving Perfection I get a

Golden Walnut from a muscle node which is very nice then I teleport back to Pelican town I I am very glad I bought that little teleportation station there it has proven to be very useful it is off to the skull Caverns for the rest of the day I won’t say anything about my

Escapades here this time instead I will let you listen to the soothing sounds of the tractor breaking rocks our farm is looking Bea you full on day 60 I am very excited about the future harvesting sessions that will take place here I give Shane a prismatic Shard normally I would be hesitant to

Hand out as many of these as I have but at this point I have so many Prismatic shards that I literally do not know what to do with them I could sell them but I’m going to be nice it is Christmas time after all I continue my giftgiving

Adventure as I provide the residents of pelicant town with items they love this totally isn’t me trying to make up for doing the Geo route nope not at all I am absolutely positively absolutely proud of the choice I made I’m lying I head to the sun room in the general store where

I finally watch Caroline’s two- heart cut scene tomorrow morning we will receive the crafting recipe for tea saplings I would like to formally apologize to gamer gar for taking so long to unlock tea saplings I will not let it happen again now it is time to do something I have quite frankly been

Putting off for a while it is time to spend a few days exclusively in the skull Cavern like I said I really need to earn a lot of gold this season so I want to get a ton of aridium ores which I can turn into iridium

Bars this also will not be the last time I do this I can’t say for certain but I would be willing to bet I’m going to do this again during winter so with all of that being said days 61 through 67 are also spent in the skull

Cavarinos of course I also make time to give gifts and water my seeds during this period of time our pumpkin seeds are tantalizingly close to being fully grown on the 68 I will also be completely honest and say I did forget to feed my animals during the last

Couple of days so they’re not exactly too pleased with me right now I did however Harvest quite a few crops and flowers during that period of time too I put everything I harvested into the chest you will notice the plentiful amount of pumpkins and star fruit I also

Made sure to replant those seeds when I harvested those crops I would be quite the silly goose if I did not do that dare I even say I would be such a silly goose Bo that I would have to live in a pond I asked Robin to upgrade the last

Shed I built and I got started on filling it with kegs as well as this I asked Robin to build another shed for us this is without a doubt the busiest I have been during a playthrough this entire year we have a cut scene featuring Penny Vincent and Jazz now

Vincent tells us how he saw Sam lift Penny off the ground last night when they were climbing into a tree I think I speak for all of us when I say I wish Penny and Sam the absolute best in their future love life they will make a very

Nice couple I do some fishing at the Forest River where I catch a tiger trout I catch a sea cucumber at the beach become reacquainted with the trees on Ginger Island and crack open some muscle nodes which earns me another Walnut I catch a blue discus a golden

Walnut and a stingray I return to the beach and get an albore then I finish the Night by catching the midnight carp except I don’t finish the day that way no you see there is still one more thing I must do do I head to the area

Above Georgia Mart and I catch the anglerfish admittedly this is the easiest legendary fish to catch but still this was a feel-good moment for me I asked Robin to build a pond for us on a 69 I sell some grapes and a metric ton of pumpkins to the local shopkeeper

Making sure to save a few gold star pumpkins for kobis I head into Georgia Mart and spend half a million gold to have the Theater built we can start going there tomorrow this is going to be very benef icial when it comes to improving starting friendships I make 87

Kegs which I place in the second keg shed I head to Clint where I ask him to crack open a golden coconut and I receive a mango tree sapling that is exactly what I wanted thank you so much Clint I give a gold star pumpkin to

Kobis these will give a nice boost to her friendship with him and give on to Abigail too as it is her birthday I have lost count of how many duck feathers I’ve given to Leo at this point I get three golden coconuts from the island Trader and watch a cut scene where the

Theater is constructed I make a tea sapling on Day 70 which I plant in the greenhouse this won’t be ready until the 22nd day of winter so I need to come back here on that day and toss some tea leaves into a keg so I can make green tea for the shipping

Collection at this point I fully believe I am being sabotaged when it comes to the golden coconuts there is no way I can be this unlucky maybe this is The Game’s way of getting back at me for playing on easy mode I head to the theater except I don’t really because I

Forgot that the geia Mart is still here it’s going to take quite a while for me to get used to the theater being where the community center once was I give a ticket to Leo by 350 coffees in the saloon accidentally go to Geor Mart again and enter the theater I don’t know

How I feel about this I mean I like the color blue I also love the color purple but I do not like the vibe in this theater I have never seen the Georgia version of this theater so this just kind of feels wrong to me after watching

A movie with Leo I return home and toss all of the ingredients I need for cooking recipes into the fridges in the kitchen I am now almost fully prepared for the making of every dish in the future some ancient fruit are ready for Harvest on day 71 this is always a

Wonderful start to any day in any series I have done I take all of the idium and copper bars in my smelting chest buy 10 stacks of wood from Robin ask her to add a Sellar to the house and check the special orders board gother has blessed

Us with a lovely request he would like to receive 100 pieces of bone the best part about this is we will receive a crafting recipe for completing it so I of course accept his order I buy 300 coal from Clint attach tappers to the oak trees that have grown in the desert

And place a chest beside them the oak resin Empire has just expanded substantially I give a sweet pee to Sandy for her birthday sell my able embarrassed the Clint and give a rabbit’s foot to Leo our banana tree has fully grown so I can start collecting

Bananas from it I have no luck with the muscle notes today but I do have some absolutely amazing news like unironically amazing news what you are about to witness is the single greatest moment I have experienced playing stard Valley I dug up an artifact spot and got a snake vertebrae immediately after this

I dug up another artifact spot and got the second snake vertebrae I need I am so happy right now I could actually Cry tears of joy but let’s not dilly dally for too long I accept the Prismatic Grange order from Mr key throw a sturgeon into the pond so I can collect

Its row and turn it into caviar and I make 37 preserve jars I will be tossing all of my pumpkins into these I will say 37 jars is nowhere near enough I’m going to need a lot more coal I plop these preserved jars down on the road but rest

Assured I will be back to add more in the very near future the stardy Valley Fair takes place on Day 72 I set up my grin display and I must say I am content with how it looks Mir Lewis seems to agree with me as he Awards me first

Place in the Grange display competition and gives me 1,000 star tokens I could bet all 1,000 of these tokens on Green in the Spin the Wheel game but quite frankly I do not trust that game at all I truly do believe that I would lose all

Of my tokens if I did that so instead I spend a ludicrous amount of time playing the fishing game physically mentally emotionally and psychologically exhausted I trade my star tokens for a rare crow and a star drop then I leave the festival that’s literally all I wanted to do I do not

Have the energy to talk to anyone here day 73 is a massive pumpkin harvest day we have multiple joint pumpkins which is always a welcome addition to the farm the general store is closed on Wednesdays ah yes the consequences of my actions it would be open right now if I

Had rebuilt the community center but I didn’t so you know I head to a place that has become more and more reliable during the last few weeks Georgia mer I buy two stacks of pumpkin seeds toss my pumpkins into a chest to keep them safy

Wy and give a rabbit’s foot to Robin as a thank you for making our house look absolutely Sterling I buy two full stacks of coal from Clint that cost me half a million gold I’m beginning to realize I make bad financial decisions I use this coal to

Make 161 preserve jars so I think this was worth it maybe it wasn’t but I’m going to tell myself it was so I can feel better about my spending habits a lovely little cut scene plays next where lonus and Willie invite Leo to live in pelicant town that was a very

Nice thing for them to do this is one of my personal favorite cut scenes I collect two bananas and two mangoes from a tree and toss one of each into the shipping bin I placed a banana on a Podium and received three golden walnuts for doing so I donate the two snake

Vertebrae to the field office and breathe a massive sigh of relief as I collect another three walnuts as a reward the only item I have left to donate is the fossilized skull I for one look forward to getting it from the 749 golden coconut I crack open in the

Future I spend 10 walnuts to have the island fast travel system unlocked then I return to pelicant town where I cover the farm and pumpkin seeds also one thing I want to mention is that some of the oak trees in the Quarry grew later than the rest which means I don’t get

All of the oak resin on the same day that is not a big deal at all I just like to complain about things that don’t actually matter like I said I watch a movie with Leo in the theater out of all of the villagers Leo and the dwarf are

The ones I’m most worried about the theater will really help us with Leo’s friendship but we can’t invite the dwarf to the theater so I’m pretty much relying on myself to give him two gifts every week and talk to him as often as I can I’m putting a lot of faith in myself

But that is something I’ve grown to be okay with during this last year and I hope that’s something all of you can be okay with too having faith in yourselves betting on yourself believing in yourself I mean this time last year I almost stopped uploading videos to

YouTube I had this idea in my mind that I would post the 100 days of stardy Valley on easy mode video and that would be it fast forward a year and I’m still here making silly videos that people actually seem to enjoy and that’s pretty cool in my opinion I don’t think I’ve

Ever talked about this in a video before so I want to take this opportunity to say this whole experience has been a dream come true for me never in a million years that I ever think I would be in this position this year has easily

Been the best year of my life and I hope it was at least a good year for all of you too I’m very grateful for everybody that has ever even watched any of my videos it’s still surreal honestly and slightly terrifying too knowing that people watch the stuff I make but it’s

Also an amazing feeling at the same time anyway I’m going to get back into character now so to speak I add just a teeny amount of preserve jars to the road and tunnel and fill them up with pumpkins just in case anybody’s curious the chest at the end of the tunnel

Contains the starting tools I did not think I would come into this tunnel at any point during this playthrough but I have so I wanted to address that just in case anybody was wondering Robin gives us two crafting recipes on day 74 we can now make the flute block and the drum

Block wonderful I buy 10 stacks of wood from Robin that was another half a million gold again I really don’t know why I spent all of this money on wood and coal when I could have just gone through the skull caverns and chopped down trees I think my one brain cell has

Officially gone on vacation I sell starfruit pumpkins and starfruit wine to revitalize my bank account I make 57 kegs which I use to fill the remaining spaces in the second keg shed I place the other 30 in the third shed I warp to the desert where I spend the rest of the

Day in the skull Caverns on day 75 I asked the wizard to add the Earth and ocean obelisks to the farm two down two to go I buy a full stack of starfruit seeds show my Casino membership card to the bouncer spend 100,000 gold and 10,000 key coins and

Used them to buy the alien rarecrow I make five flute blocks the reason why shall be revealed shortly I harvest the star fruit that has grown on Ginger Island planting more starfruit seeds as I do truth be told it was at this point that I began to grow increasingly

Nervous about having to earn another 12 million gold for the two opis and the golden clock but I’m going to remain calm and simply hope for the best I use a rain totem you remember back in summer when I said I would be using a rain

Totem one more time on this island this is that one more time I use the tractor to break rocks at the dig site I collected around 20 or so bones when I was in the skull Cavern so this was enough to get us up to the 100 bone Mark

For gther special order I had some bones lying in a chest here so I collected those to make sure I would have enough on me to give to gther then I did exactly that day 76 this season is flying by I cannot believe we only have

Eight more days left I complete Mr Key’s Prismatic range order and finally buy every crafting recipe he has for sale I also grab 120 magic bait I use the five flute blocks I made to earn another five golden walnuts and uh yeah that’s that’s

It for today on the morning of day 77 I collect a walnut from a bush and another from a bush I return home and enter the kitchen where I check how many dishes I can cook basically all I need is a squid a void mayonnaise which is currently being made

In a mayonnaise machine and a winter route also the pigs have not found any truffles which is weird because they should have done so by now I think it’s because the area in front of the barn is covered with seeds so I take away a few

Of them I give Robin a birthday present looking back on this I wish i’ had given her a plate of sputies instead sputies for anybody who doesn’t know is of course spaghetti bnise which is a fantastic dish I make my way to the volcano dungeon where I spend five

Golden walnuts to have a bridge constructed after doing so I drink a Monster musk and make my way through the area based on the research I have done AKA a complete guess I believe I only need two more walnuts in this area one for breaking open the I I I don’t

Actually know what they’re called but I’ll point it out when I see it and the other can be found in a rare chest I collect the first Walnut from the thingy I was talking about but I was not able to find a rare chest I found normal

Chests but not the one I actually needed but I’m happy we’re getting just the one Walnut today I gave a ticket to Leo on day 78 then I return to the volcano dungeon once again I have much better luck today as I not only find a rare

Chest but it contains the Walnut I was looking for now all I have to do is donate a fossilized skull to the field office to earn six walnuts and obtain one more Walnut from a muscle Noe on the beach I’m tired of doing the Prismatic range special order and I don’t want to

Play Juna cart so I’m not going to do either of these sorry Mr key I break quite a few muscle nodes but I don’t receive a walnut H we have plenty of time it’s okay I give a mango to Leo get one golden coconut from the island

Trader and take a look at the special orders board Clint has decided to do us a massive favor as you may have guessed we get a crafting recipe for completing this one so I will grateful accepted Clint shop is closed so I can’t crack open my golden coconuts I’m going

To assume Clint is some sort of Clairvoyant and knows that I won’t get the fossilized skull from either of my coconuts today and wanted to save me from being disappointed I am being way too nice to Clint why am I doing that I warp to the desert where I collect some Oak resin

Buy 10 coconuts from Sandy she sells coconuts on Mondays and collect more Oak resin from the Quarry I make 85 Kegs and try to go to the theater but I’m too late I believe that means I have wasted a ticket by giving one to Leo this

Morning and that is exactly why I bought 30 tickets as soon as the theater was rebuilt I actually planned ahead I know I’m surprised to I plac the kegs I made in the third shed to finish off the day I gave another ticket to Leo on day 79

And I watched the same movie for a third time I believe with him this has got to be a really good movie if Leo does not mind watching it this many times sure enough was indeed trying to save us from disappointment yesterday as the golden coconuts yield nothing but pineapple

Seeds with tears in my eyes I grabbed yet another two golden coconuts from the island Trader I search the trees for more coconuts like my life depends on it trade my walnuts for key gems and buy 10 key seasoning and 20 more magic bait I buy a couple of lead Bobbers and trap

Bobbers and do a bit of fishing at the beach I was hoping to catch the fish that appear in the submarine at the night market but I did not get them I I think it was because I was standing in the wrong spot though so I’ll come back

Soon and try again in the meantime I finally obtained the fossilized skull all right fall is now officially a success every other good thing that happened is exactly that good this however is not just good it is very good I’m underselling it this is phenomenal breathtaking Sensational and other

Adjectives of that nature I use my key seasoning to make two gold star C on PUD these give a plus five to our fishing skill which means we are temporarily level 15 this is good because I need all the help I can get for what I’m about to do

And what I am about to do is catch every remaining fish I begin with the glacer fish I once considered this fish to be a massive Thorn on my side the mere idea of even attempting to catch it send shivers down my spine but now now my

Spine is shivering for like a different reason it’s like it’s shivering because I’m laughing and I’m like I’m laughing because of how easy this fish was to to catch and you know I’m laughing pretty hard in like in fact I’m I’m I’m like doubled over and clutching my stomach

That that is how hard I’m what I’m trying to say here is like this was a really easy fish to catch next up is the mutant carp once again the seafoam pudding makes this pretty easy the legend my old rival this one was also a walk in the park if you’re struggling

With this fish or any fish really make a gold star seon pudding if you can the green bar takes up almost half of the meter it gets a lot easier I swap my magic bait out for a normal bait now as I want to catch a walleye which I do I

Equip my magic bait again and use it to catch a squid at the beach followed by a blobfish the blob fish is one of the three fish that can be caught in the submarine this has really opened up the door for us to complete the fishing

Collection before the end of fall I take the sturgeon out of the pond on day 80 and replace it with a tilapia I I catch a perch at the river in the forest along with a lingard those are the only two fish I needed in this location I drink a

Monster musk then I spend the rest of the day in the mines Clint wants us to defeat 50 bats so that is exactly what I do I managed to complete his order at 150 a.m. literally seconds to spare the farm has been painted a lovely shade of

Orange on day 81 as all of the pumpkin seeds I planted have grown a pig has produced a truffle I assume this is because a ton of space was freed up when I harvested the pumpkins a second truffle appears which is exactly what I was hoping for I toss one truffle into

An oil maker to make truffle oil and toss the other into the shipping bin I make 15 preserve jars and I have seemingly managed to get myself trapped in my preserve jars I sadly have to break a couple of them to free myself a necessary sacrifice in my eyes I remove

The chest with the starter tools as I need all of the space I can get in this tunnel for the placement of preserve jars I toss the starter tools into the chest beside the bee house immortalizing them forever though I did not use them at all during this play through I still

See their value I place my remaining jars at the bus stop they are absolutely going to get destroyed by the bus in the future I reckon but that is a risk I am willing to take although I will complain about it when it happens I return to the

Beach where I catch a spook fish and a midnight squid the fishing collection has officially been completed that is such a weight off my shoulders and we will get a star drop tomorrow too you know what I’m going to say this in a way I rarely say it in my videos I am

Simply happy sure enough we received the star drop for catching every fish on the morning of day 82 I collect three bananas from a tree that’s good I will need 10 of these when I buy the island Obelisk I donate the fossilized skull completing the field office collection I

Reed six of the seven seven remaining walnuts for doing so I have also decided to set up a little crafting station in the cellar similar to what I did for the cooking recipes I gather all of the items that will be needed for the crafting recipes and toss them into chests beside a

Workbench the workbench allows you to craft items using ingredients stored in a chest beside it I toss a tulip Jazz Poppy and summer spangle into a seed maker to get the seeds associated with each flour I need these for a crafting recipe and at at this point I cannot be

Bothered getting enough key gems to buy the missing stock list which would result in the general store selling all of these seeds in any season I know this was a very lazy way to get these seeds but hey it worked the only items I cannot craft right now are the desert

Warp totem and spring summer and winter seeds but I have already made all of those items except for the winter seeds so I’m all right I decide to cook every dish I can on day 83 I got a winter route while I was going going through

The mines and the feating bats so I can cook everything I’ve unlocked up to this point a quick look at the dishes section confirms this if the color of a dish is faded it means we haven’t cooked it and none of them are like that I do the same

Thing for the crafting recipes except for the winter seeds of course I have to wait until winter to be able to craft those also Clint literally just sent me the recipe for the Bean hot pot so I cooked that too the spirits e Festival is being set up today so there’s not

Much I can do so so here is footage of me giving the dwarf a gift I collect the goods from the Quarry do some foraging in the desert and spend most of the day in the skull Caverns I’m running dangerously low on idium bars and I need

30 for the two obelisks so I stay here until I have obtained 150 idium or I toss pickled pumpkins starfruit wine and some truffles into the shipping bin then I attend the spears e festival for about 20 seconds I buy a rarecrow and the Jackal Lantern crafting recipe then I

Leave and craft the Jacko Lantern I earn almost 2 million gold from the items I shipped it is day 84 which means it is also the final day of fall I begin by watching the queen of sauce TV show I cook a fiddlehead risorto collect two bananas and partake in a mini starfruit

Harvesting session I give Leo a mango I probably didn’t have to mention me giving a gift to Leo as often as I have but I have no excuse that was just poor script writing on my part if I’m being honest it honestly makes me so upset watching

The footage of me spending hundreds of thousands if not millions of gold on wood while I write a script for this video I wish I had not done that I collect two rare crows from the museum by the desert Obelisk make 36 kegs and toss them into the shed and I’m going to

Call it here for fall I feel like this was the most productive season so far and I’m cautiously optimistic when it comes to Winter and the overall goal of achieving Perfection by the end of it will I be able to to do it there’s only

One way to find out I will see you all in winter day 85 we are officially in the end game portion now I meet the shadow guy at the bus stop and track him down to the community center I find him in a bush and he gives me the magnifying

Glass like I mentioned previously this allows us to obtain secret notes at the special Ord board I’ve received too much of a good thing the wizard and Caroline are both offering special orders each of these gives a crafting recipe as a reward these are two of the final three

Crafting recipes I need to unlock I wish I really wish I could accept both of these right now but I have to make a choice I go with Caroline’s order I hope the wizard will give us that one again before the end of winter he gave us three opportunities to get Prismatic

Jelly so I have faith I think we’ll be okay I head to the sewers and give a gold star pumpkin to kobis as has become somewhat of a bi-weekly tradition I head to Leo treehouse on Ginger Island and I don’t know how to describe what you are seeing right now this has happened

Before in a previous playthrough and I am still just as confused by it I give a theater ticket to Leo along with a mango and harvest star fruit I toss this starfruit into the Kake sheds after grabbing some pineapple seeds I had in a chest I make my way to the Wizard’s

Tower and buy the Island Obelisk and with that all four obelisks have been obtained I do a bit of foraging SL digging at the bus stop collect Oak resin from a chest and buy 625 starfruit seeds I plant my pineapple seeds along with the star fruit seeds I break a few

Muscle nodes on the beach and receive a golden Walnut from one that was the final Walnut I needed to get I watch a movie with Leo these theater trips have been an absolute Lifesaver when it comes to improving my friendship with him I participate in a bit of a scallywag

Activity at the beach in the form of digging up the ground to get some winter forage I take some Crystal fruit out of the smelting chest please ignore the state of it I got lazy and tossed random items into it and make winter seeds I plant these seeds along with some Deluxe

Speed grow I didn’t have to do this at all I really only needed to make the seeds but I might as well plant them I received the crafting recipe for the deluxe Scarecrow on the morning of day 86 now the only two crafting recipes I need are the two crafting recipes from

The special orders I mentioned yesterday I decided to spend the rest of the day in the skull Caverns working on the monster eradication goals on day 87 I exchanged 200 void Essence for the void ghost pendant at the desert Traer I give this to kobis which is basically another

Way of asking him to move in with us and be our roommate I spend the rest of the day in the mines working on the monster eradication goals again I end up getting the skeleton goal completed along with the void SP Spirit goal this inspired me

To go all in on the master eradication goals so days 87 through 94 are spent completing almost all of these goals on day 95 I collect some Oak resin from the desert tree farm and dig up the final artifact I need for the museum I donate

It and receive a star drop I would like to personally thank the shadow guy for giving us the magnifying glass as that allowed me to obtain the final artifact I needed I spend the rest of the day in the volcano dungeon the final monster eradication goal I

Need to complete is the magma Sprite goal I was able to do this before the night is over that is all of the Monster goals taken care of I make 103 kegs on a96 and put them in the third keg shed filling it up to the brim I harvest some

Pineapples in the greenhouse nice this will help us with Caroline special order which I throw into the shipping bin in terms of perfection I have some very good news for the most part anyway all I have to do is buy the golden clock max out a few more friendships get kobus to

12 and 1 half hearts to obtain the final star drop cook two more dishes and craft two more items I am slightly nervous when it comes to buying the golden clock and unlocking the crafting recipe associated with the wizard special order I won’t say any more about this whole

Perfection thing because I’m going to get very anxious if I do the point is there isn’t much left for me to do so I won’t be able to say as much as I normally do about the remaining days on day 97 I harvest all of the pineapples

And starfruit that have grown I tossed the pineapples into the shipping bin and put the starf fruit into the three cake sheds it is now cleanup time literally everything I have is getting tossed into the shipping bin the only exceptions to this are the items I need for the last

Two cooking and crafting recipes star fruit star fruit wine pumpkins and pickle pumpkins oh and a few items that can be used as gifts for the villagers everything else from ancient fruit forage items coffee beans and every crop I’ve grown during the previous three seasons to fish gems artifacts ores and

Bars is getting shipped today I was hoping to earn around 2 million gold from this massive sale which is actually what I ended up getting Caroline sends us the crafting recipe for the solar panel on day 98 I give a gift to the wizard then gifts to Vincent and Kent

Followed by a gift of Harvey then Lewis then Clint then the dwarf yeah this is basically my way of showing whose friendships I still have to work on luckily all of them have like maybe one or two hearts left except for Clint who has three so I’ll keep giving them gifts

And we will be good oh and Leo too I need to max out his friendship and Sebastian but that’s it I give kobis a pumpkin on day 99 and receive the final star drop in return the special orders board is offering nothing but heartbreak misery and more heartbreak today as I am

Offered two special orders I do not need on going to accept Pier’s oh I said his name uh I’m going to accept his order just because we have 14 days to do it which means it’s guaranteed to not show up next week considering next week is my

Final chance to receive the order from The Wizard I need all the help I can get with this one the rest of the day as well as days 100 through 105 are spent in the skull Caverns this is my insurance policy we’ll call it if I

Don’t get enough gold to afford the gold clock from selling starfruit wine and pickled pumpkins then I’m going to take all of the idium bars I get from the skull Cavern Adventure period and sell those too on day 106 I continue giving pumpkins to kobis I need to max out his

Friendship too I can’t forget about him it is the Moment of Truth at the special orders board will we get a special order from The Wizard yes yes we actually do we just got insanely lucky I am so happy right now I reset my farming skills then

I spent some time going through the icy floors in the mines the ectoplasm we need to get for the wizard drops from a ghost so I need to defeat them over and over again until one of them drops the item after a few minutes a ghost drops the ectoplasm I

Deliver it to the wizard completing his special order I choose the perk that gives a 40% bonus when we sell Artisan Goods like the starfruit wine and pickled pumpkins I received the crafting recipe for the mini Obelisk on day 107 I make that along with the solar panel and

That is the final two items crafted marvelous I grab the starfruit wine from the tree ceg sheds along with the Pickled pumpkins and sell them this bumps us up to over 10 million gold not wasting any time I immediately buy the golden clock I harvest a tea leaf toss it into a keg

To make green tea and spend the rest of the day sitting on a chair outside my house I harvest another Tea Leaf on day 108 collect my green tea and throw both of these items into the shipping bin I spend the rest of the day sitting on a

Chair here outside my house on day 109 a notification pops up letting us know we have completed the shipping collection I celebrate by sitting on a chair outside my house Clint’s birthday is on day 110 so I give him an amethyst and I give the dwarf an amethyst 2o maxing out both of

Their friendships that means I have achieved Max friendship with everybody I celebrate by sitting on a chair outside my house day 111 is spent sitting on a chair outside my house I learn how to make a shrimp cocktail on day 112 aka the final day of our journey

I cook it and unlock the achievement for making every dish in the Walnut Room the Perfection tracker reveals we have reached 100% completion AKA Perfection on the final day of this playthrough we have achieved the one goal we set for it and with that it is

Time to bid AO to easy mode once again as always all of the music used in this video as well as the mods used can be found in the description thank you all so much for watching I hope you enjoyed have a good one

Hello! This is all 112 Days of Stardew Valley on Easy mode, compiled in one video for your viewing pleasure.

TheHaboo’s video || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVrmIdFlHaM&t=188s
Tooshi’s series || https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbkdgzAWeU_pMQ4bi7ZAWuFctZ9YZzYge&si=A5FtmQCSuGkYsvw5

Easy Mode
CJB Items Spawner (Iridium tools, iridium fishing rod, and Elliot’s pencil) || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/93
CJB Cheats Menu (Get gold for 2 backpack upgrades and set the date to Winter 28, Year 1) || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/4
Tractor || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1401
Automate || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/1063

Quality of Life Mods
Seasonal Outfits || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/5450
Vibrant Pastoral Recolor || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/6367
Lookup Anything || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/541

Mentioned but not used
Shop Overhaul Compilation || https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/10598

Twitter || https://twitter.com/NeonAriesYT

Original Easy Mode Playthrough
100 Days || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s1fB0Idd38&t=80s
Full Movie || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vvy6w9sWBt0

Music Used (In order of appearance)
– Intro –
Borderlands 2 – The Raid On Digistruct Peak

– Spring –
Stardew Valley – Settling In
Stardew Valley – Spring (It’s A Big World Outside)
Stardew Valley – Spring (The Valley Comes Alive)
Stardew Valley – Spring (Wild Horseradish Jam)
Stardew Valley – Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies
Stardew Valley – Fall (The Smell Of Mushroom)
Stardew Valley – Fall (Raven’s Descent)
Stardew Valley – Winter (The Wind Can Be Still)
Stardew Valley – Winter (Ancient)
Stardew Valley – Calico Desert
Stardew Valley – Starwatcher (Maru’s Theme)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Crystal Bells)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Icicles)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Marimba Of Frozen Bone)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Cloth)
Stardew Valley – Mines (The Lava Dwellers)
Stardew Valley – In The Deep Woods
Stardew Valley – Night Market
Stardew Valley – Submarine Theme

– Summer –
Stardew Valley – Summer (The Sun Can Bend An Orange Sky)
Stardew Valley – Spring (It’s A Big World Outside)
Stardew Valley – Spring (The Valley Comes Alive)
Stardew Valley – Spring (Wild Horseradish Jam)
Stardew Valley – Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies
Stardew Valley – Fall (The Smell Of Mushroom)
Stardew Valley – Fall (Raven’s Descent)
Stardew Valley – Winter (The Wind Can Be Still)
Stardew Valley – Winter (Ancient)
Stardew Valley – Calico Desert
Stardew Valley – Starwatcher (Maru’s Theme)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Crystal Bells)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Icicles)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Marimba Of Frozen Bone)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Cloth)
Stardew Valley – Mines (The Lava Dwellers)
Stardew Valley – In The Deep Woods
Stardew Valley – Night Market

– Fall –
Stardew Valley – Spring (It’s A Big World Outside)
Stardew Valley – Spring (The Valley Comes Alive)
Stardew Valley – Summer (The Sun Can Bend An Orange Sky)
Stardew Valley – Summer (Tropicala)
Stardew Valley – Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies
Stardew Valley – Fall (The Smell Of Mushroom)
Stardew Valley – Fall (Ghost Synth)
Stardew Valley – Fall (Raven’s Descent)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Star Lumpy)
Stardew Valley – Mines (Icicles)

– Winter –
Stardew Valley – Dance Of The Moonlight Jellies
Stardew Valley – Fall (The Smell Of Mushroom)
Stardew Valley – A Stillness In The Rain (Abigail’s Melody)
Stardew Valley – Starwatcher (Maru’s Theme)
Stardew Valley – In The Deep Woods

Thank you for watching!

Intro 00:00
Prep Work 01:51
Spring 03:01
Summer 55:26
Fall 1:44:28
Winter 2:12:55


  1. hi
    Just a few quick notes regarding this video and the next series I'll be doing on this channel:
    1 – Like the last few "Full Movie" videos, this is every episode in this series combined into one video. Feel free to use this as background noise while you study, work, play Stardew Valley, etc. Or, if you haven't watched this series before, grab a snack and enjoy all 112 days!
    2 – All of the mods and what they are used for can be found in the description, I hope you have fun if you decide to give "Easy Mode" a try yourself!
    3 – This is the last video I ever made using my old setup, it served me well but I did start having problems with audio and video more and more frequently. The audio and video in this one should be good, but please do let me know if there are any issues, I would really appreciate it!
    4 – I've started getting footage for the first video in a brand new series. I won't say too much about it but it's going to be the biggest series I've ever done by far in terms of the amount of content involved. I won't give an estimated release date for the first video as I'm not sure myself when it'll be out but hopefully you enjoy this video in the meantime.
    5 – I mention in the video that Haboo did a 112 days video where he achieved perfection without using "Easy Mode", that video is linked in the description. But I also found a series by Tooshi where he also achieved perfection in 1 year while also doing the Community Center route. I'll have a link to this series in the description too!

    Have a good one!

  2. I just want to say, I could listen to you 'practice your Irish' all day and you should do it more often in your videos. Also, your voice is very soothing to me. Thank you for another great Easy Mode movie.

  3. Hey i really like ur Videos, but can u maybe Do a challenge like the lootbox one but only try to finish the community Center with it. That means, that u cant plant things

  4. Being half Irish myself, I adore your dry sense of humour!! I can't wait for you to release your videos and see what shenanigans you get up to! Long Live King William!

  5. Still loving the content, but still missing the way you used to open with "Alright. Let me talk to ya". I always felt like that was such a great signature. 🙂

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