Terraria Skyblock but it’s JUST Shimmer?? | Shimmering Skies Part 1

Sky Block the most popular Minecraft challenge gives you a world of nothing and asks you to create everything the satisfaction of looking back at the world knowing that you placed every block that’s what drew me in and it drew me in hard my first time playing a Sky

Block map I stayed up so late playing that I slept through a final exam and failed the course that was over a decade ago and though the popularity of Sky Block Maps has persisted I’ve been out of the game for a while but here I am drawn back in

But this time to Terraria see Sky Blocks always need some unorthodox mechanics to progress beyond that starting Island and the puzzle of figuring out that progression is what got me to try this particular map where we find ourselves on an icy platform with only a pool of

Shimmer next to us but I have to confess I’m kind of a new despite my 500 hours of playtime I have never beaten the moon Lord or used the Shimmer or played any of the Challenge seeds that are rolled up into this map despite these disadvantages I’m taking this Challenge

On and I plan land to defeat the moon lord of the shimmering Skies all right so here we are ice bricks lizard alter for lighter one torch and the all-important pool of Shimmer and so the first question is what do we do to start here well before I get to that I should give you a spoiler alert like I said in the intro

This map is a puzzle as I progress I will be revealing the solutions I’ll try to say what I’m aiming toward before I give the an so you can try to figure it out yourself but if you decide you want to play the map then there’s a link in

The description below try it and maybe don’t spoil it for yourself if you do get stuck you can come back here or freebot the maps creator has a Discord where you can get advice and now back to the solution to the first puzzle we can mine these ice bricks at least the ones

That aren’t vital to keeping the Shimmer in place and Shimmer them down into two ice blocks and since each ice block can also make two ice platforms we can go around here replacing all our bricks with blocks and once we finish carefully getting all our bricks we can Shimmer

Them into blocks giving US 29 Frozen platforms to work with so what now well pretty much all of these challenges involve farming enemies to get more blocks but since Mobs Can Only spawn beyond the edges of the player screen we need to use these 29 platforms to make

An area beyond that edge so that they can spawn if you’re familiar with this challenge you may be face paling right now but first an unrelated face pal if the player enters the Shimmer you face through the ground and I had to save an exit to avoid falling to my death okay

But why the first face P well it’s because I built this platform sideways I’ll let you think about why that’s a mistake for a minute but for now I’ll tell you it was intentional and I am looking for zombies wow I in six hours of the last

Attempt I had not gone hit by a single Fallen star are you kidding me that’s our there’s our first zombie let’s go oh my oh here we go this is what we want okay maybe that’s not what we want I mean that is what we want we want

Torches but uh looks like I screwed this up well while torches are nice that’s not why I’m here see with the don’t dig up seed it’s permanently night time the only enemies that spawn are zombies and demon eyes neither of which drop any kind of blocks and whenever I see a

Demon ey we save an exit I ain’t dealing with that despite our pitiful damage our first Improvement comes in the form of snow pants giving us three defense and then shortly after a snow Hood giving us a total of six defense okay with two demon eyes here I don’t

Really want to be fighting this but this kill is super important because we just got the zombie banner and the banner gives us a huge increase in damage and defense against the zombies so killing them is a lot faster now and I can sometimes even kill the long armed ones

That I’ve been avoiding this whole time okay it’s time to answer the question why am I killing zombies well in my stupidity I decided that I didn’t want to farm the real enemies for progression with this dinky little copper short sword so I decided to farm the

0.4% chance of a zombie dropping a zombie arm which is a significantly better melee weapon and yes that was a mistake 6 hours later let’s go finally holy we got it and it’s like legendary no way oh my God oh my God all right maybe a bit too excited but can

You blame me after over 400 zombie kills now I’m set for life on torches and it’s time to progress in the intended way you’ve probably figured out by now that the right direction to go is down so I dismantled my zombie arena and began platforming deeper now in this seed the

Cavern layer is above the underground layer so once we’re behind the dirt Cavern enemies can spawn there’s a certain enemy that can spawn underground that will allow us to progress but what is progression here we Dove right into my zombie blunder and never really went over it well an obvious step is that

We’re going to need more blocks to build with but beyond that what we really need is a house with a house we can get NPCs and the NPCs will open up a lot more options for our progression but we have no wood and to make furniture for that

House we’re going to need a workbench so getting that workbench well that’s what I spent the next 10 hours working towards but before I say more I’ll give you some time to think about how we’re going to get there if you’re confused to see a mimic

Here well in this seed they’re a prehard mode enemy that drop accessories found in underground gold chests in a normal World anyways after that our next Stroke of Luck was the skeleton Merchant from M here we were able to buy a magic dagger which was also changed to preh hard mode

In the seed an obscene amount of rope and a decent number of bombs which are huge for progression with that I made a long rope through the center of the world all the way to the bottom of hell and I once again dismantled our Arena now that we

Have the magic dagger I decided to move my Arena to the underground layer which in this seed is kind of a pseudo surface as you can see with the rain here because of this we can get daytime surface mobs here slimes which are also very useful for our progression

Going back to our earlier question of progress there are exactly two enemies we can kill to move forward slimes and mimics so we’re going to focus on killing those no or maybe not are you serious yeah past me was a bit upset in any case the strategy was sound and it

Wasn’t long until we finally got our first mimic kill netting us a band of regeneration unfortunately not the item we need for progression however while I stacked my money I noticed that I missed recording an important moment you see it there’s a copper wardrop there a slime

Has given us our first real piece of progression I quickly grabbed it once I noticed and made my way up to the Shimmer where we could throw it in and turn it into stone as I use that stone to expand our Arena let’s talk about the Slime progression slimes have a one in

20 chance of containing a bonus item while not all those drops are useful of particular importance here are stars potions and ores Stars being inside slimes is special to this seed since the ones from above just kind of kill us I’m going to be using these to get my Mana

Up to Max for my magic dagger which we’re using a lot like here where we get our second mimic kill which gives us shoe spikes still not what we’re looking for but shortly after that luck strikes again and we get more Ores from a slime 12 lead this time and that number is

Important as you’re seeing now ores can be shimmered down into stone and stone can be shimmered down into dirt you remember those bombs we bought from the skeleton Merchant with 25 dirt and a bomb you can craft the aptly named dirt bomb which explodes in a puff of

Dirt leaving at best around 56 dirt behind now if you’re doing quick math you can see that this completely solves the block problem one dirt bomb gives you more than enough dirt for two dirt bombs so as long as we have 25 dirt we will always have a supply of more blocks

To build with now while I was talking we got that third ore drop and so over 10 hours into the challenge we are able to collect up our Stone Shimmer 25 it down into dirt and craft our very first dirt bomb and now it’s time to M Place

Street and just like that in what seems like an instant we’ve gone from 29 Frozen platforms plus a little extra up to almost 700 blocks with this it feels like I can do anything and I waste no time getting to work building a new slime trap and Arena up in the cavern

Layer again we meet the merchant again and I stock up on bombs for more dirt later then we get to our first mimic in the new Arena before a star interrupts us and makes it a really sketchy fight Hermes boots still not the drop we need

We meet the merchant again and get an artisan loaf which increases our block placement range kind of useful at this point I’ve basically gotten everything I can from Cavern enemies so I decide to head down to Hell and begin building a new slime trap down here because the

Camera can’t go lower than the bottom of the world you can position yourself in such a way that you can see mobs spawn and then despawn making it very AFK to wait for mimics while we build this let’s talk about the solution to this part of the

Puzzle you may have figured out that the drop where after is the magic mirror unlike the other accessories dropped by the mimic the magic mirror can be crafted as of 1.4.4 this confused me for a while I played a lot of this map without knowing exactly which drop I was aiming for but

Since the Mir mirror can be crafted it can be decra with the Shimmer and one of the components is 10 glass which we can further Shimmer into 20 sand and there it is finally the drop we need we can use this go home and throw it into the Shimmer eventually getting

Ourselves that 20 sand but sand alone doesn’t solve our problem we’re trying to get a work bench remember so now that we’ve got sand it’s time to build a nice Sandy area and wait for cactus to grow that’s the answer we’ve been looking for the one and only material we

Have access to that can be turned into a workbench and other Furniture which will get us NPC housing and move us to the next stage of progression but now we have to wait for cactus which could take a while so I went back to the cavern layer and

Continued farming getting myself the KO Cannon which is a pretty awesome weapon and then we continued to hunt mimics putting my incredible gaming skills on full display thankfully since this is pretty close to spawn those two mimics didn’t despawn and I was able to proceed to kill

Them and then we had another lucky break with the third mimic we’ve killed since making our little Cactus growing area we got a second magic mirror and this changed my strategy we decided to stop waiting for Cactus and collected all our sand bringing it down to the underground

Layer here at the fake surface we can use all 40 sand for one specific purpose to get an ant lion to spawn ant lions shoot sand at you creating a sand block block from nothing if we could get one to spawn we’ll essentially have an unlimited amount of

Sand ah there he is my savior that actually took quite a while but now that he’s here we can place some torches and AFK on the Rope to get a whole bunch of sand which I used to make a more respectable Cactus area but once again

While we were waiting for cactus I came back and ended up getting super lucky with a double sand lion spawn getting these to spawn was harder than I expected so I decided not to waste the opportunity and afked until I had over 1,500 sand the amount of blocks you need

To create the desert biome and with that I was able to make a pretty large Cactus growing area and then it was just a matter of waiting for the cactus to grow and here it is almost 17 hours in I have finally grown enough C cacus to make that all important item the

Workbench as we chop these cacti down and close out the first chapter of this adventure I’d like to thank you for watching this far if you’ve looked at my channel you’ve probably noticed that this content is very different from my usual vtuber singing activities so if

You want me to keep making more videos like this please leave a comment and let me know and like the video and consider subscribing I really need to know if there’s actually people that want to watch watch more videos like this otherwise I’ll be focusing on My Singing

Despite my mistakes and general nobless here I am having a ton of fun with this challenge so in the next episode we’re going to take this workbench make NPC housing find out all the fun stuff that unlocks and we’ll even be facing our first boss so stay tuned for that I’m

Leo Roswell and I will see you next time

Shimming Skies: a Skyblock map where I took 17 hours to get what most players get in the first 30 seconds.

As a noob who’s barely played since 2014, I’m really excited to dive back into Terraria again with this crazy challenge. I may not know much, but with the Terraria wiki as my new best friend, I’m hoping we’ll get to find out just what it takes to beat the Moonlord in this Skyblock challenge.

If you want to check out the map yourself, here’s the links to where you can download Shimmering Skies:
Steam: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2870893457
Curseforge: https://www.curseforge.com/terraria/maps/shimmering-skies

#terraria #skyblock

0:00 Intro
1:17 Spoiler Alert
1:38 Starting Off
2:37 Hunting Zombies
5:04 What is Progression?
7:07 First New Blocks
8:49 Unlimited Dirt Works
9:45 “Boss” Fight
10:36 The Drop I Need
12:26 Change of Plans
13:53 Workbench + Outro


  1. I'mma tell it to you straight doc, I'll only be in it for this series, so here's my interaction to bait you into making more, cuz I'm lazy and watching you play this sounds better than playing it myself

  2. Genuinely one of the best videos I’ve seen in a while, especially since I know how long stuff like this can take to make, but I’d definitely watch more.

  3. I got sent your way by a mutual friend, and speaking as someone who's watched an almost embarrassing amount of youtube LP content, I'm really impressed with this. Highly edited content about a niche of a niche of gaming is always a welcome sight, and you strike a great balance of being funny, informative, and concise. Plus it probably goes without saying, but you've got a fantastic voice for this sort of thing.

    Hope you enjoyed making it as much as I enjoyed watching it.

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