Build Your Own Tavern Craft & Farm In This Stardew Valley Like – Travellers Rest – #01 – Gameplay

Hello I’m Jordan pin and welcome to Travelers Rest which is a stu Valley like is probably the best way to describe this so that or graveyard keeper if you ever played any of those kind of farming life Sim games uh it’s kind of like one of those but instead of

Running a farm or in graveyard uh we are running a Tavern we are an inkeeper so we have to set up a farm go and mine resources do all the usual stuff that you have to do in there which is the end goal of producing products to put in our

In whether that’s means we’re going to be crafting shelves or whether we’re going to be making food Brewing our own beers that sort of thing and then there’s tons of different recipes that you can make so you can make a beer but then you might want to add a bit of

Citrus to flavor to it which might the punters might like a little bit more and also pay you a bit more and obviously we can upgrade our Tavern hire employees all the usual sort of stuff uh this one is in Early Access I’ll leave it linked

In the description if you like the look of it and want to check it out for yourself and wish list it uh but let’s just kind of jump into this one and we’ll set up our character that’s the name of us and then we’ve got to name

Our Tavern which we won’t call it that we’ll do something else but uh yeah there’s a bunch of customization we just kind of hit random a couple of times I could be here all day so I think what I’ll do is I’ll just cut away and make a

Character I think that’s probably the best thing to do because um yeah I could be here all day so uh yeah just just give me a minute okay so there we go I’ve set up my character and I’ve also renamed it to the steel rabbit is going to be the name

Of our in so there we are we’ll just keep ourselves as drawing pin um so let’s kind of get into this one and click accept here we go uh we will activate the tutorial because to be honest I don’t exactly remember what to do so uh it’s been a while I think I

Only played about 10 hours of it or something like that so the game is currently in Early Access yada yada that’s fine so we’re sad uh this does also have um full Gamepad support so if you want to play on a Gamepad you are more than welcome to I’ll switch over to

That in a minute and we’ll uh play we’ll play them both just going to show you guys so we just got to move about was sad we got to shift and run and then we’ve got to Ender B decorating mode uh while in decorating mode you can place

Items so select the item there we go so we want to move that can move it and then press e to place okay so we’re obviously going to want to move that so that patrons can get in customers need to a place to sit place the benches so that they

Face aha there we go yes so you can see which way it’s got to rotate so let’s do that there we go uh customers also expect their table to be well lit in the evenings try placing a candle candles are consumed over the course of day so

You will need to replace them in the future okay let’s grab that and we’ll kind of put that there there we go exit decoration mode H get closer to the book in the bar and press e to open your stock so that’s going to be B to close

If we run over here I’ve got to go up to our book uh stowing food here we’ll add it to your bar stock so yeah if we Brew beers or make porridges or soups or whatever um those will be added to here so BS in stock you will serve gr gr only

Award a small amount of money and reputation uh yeah so there is a whole level up system as well um press o to open the tavern and serve some GRL okay let’s go let’s open you have a quest press h to view it okay so uh first customers serve six

Customers and I get a table stool and some candles and then we do have various other things as well but it looks like it’s locked behind yeah we need Tav reputation that’s a kind of whole Brewing area and stats and skills and that’s the same with that one as well

But it’s kind of all locked away at the moment that’s fine so we just got to serve six customers so I pressed H to view it yeah there we go that’s fine we got another one no all right let’s go so we’re just waiting for some customers now there we go here’s

The first one right mate hang on serve you some gr there we go and we got 71 uh bronze coins or copper coins either way copper isn’t it and then that 100 of those equates to one silver and so on and then 100 of those is one gold Etc uh

A lot of those do use that so that’s good gives us a little reputation so we’ve got a mop which we are going to need because uh customers are mcky people so there we go great place there we go we’ve leveled up or we’ve done

That one and we’ve got a reward which is great close up the tavern so you can place the new items uh call last orders by pressing a this will prevent new customers from entering the tavern so let’s do that uh pressing it once again will force but you will lose

Reputation instead wait for your customers to leave yeah so I could just boot them out but um obviously we don’t want to do that we want to kind of just let them finish their meals and then we’ll kind of go on our way it will show

Us there is a whole outside world as well there’s a little level down there as we slowly leveled up um there we go the nicer we make it and the more well lit and obviously in the evenings and so on we will need to light a fire to keep

This place a little bit warmer set up a table using new items y there we go let’s go into B mode and then we’ve got to put that down so uh let’s place that thing uh we’ll put that like there cuz we’ve only got a couple of stools little

Bit of a walkway between the two yeah let’s do that and then we’ll go oh that goes there okay all right I thought that was going to going to go the other side never mind that’s fine once your Tavern is open and our service customers complete more quests to unlock

New upgrades okay that’s cool all right I’ve done that oh I need to put a candle on it as well don’t I yeah yeah put that in as well do you want me to put all of those candles down I kind of want to hang on to

Them let’s go there that’s good as you can see they’re slowly burning down as well uh let’s open up the uh let’s open up though hopefully that’ll just disappear there we go let’s get rid of that I don’t want to put too many of those down we have got a little just

Quickly open up and show you oh that’s not open yet H the craft crafting room fair enough we got a little crafting room back there where we can Brew up our various beers and so on um but let’s just keep on serving gro we have the best Gro in the land so

Enjoy finally give me a chance to rest was there a way to zoom out a little bit as well so you can see all the dirt when customers has dirted the floor clean it okay so we’re got to get the mop out serve everybody we’re going to come over here and sweep the

Floor but eventually you can get like a magic broom that does it so uh do you have anywhere to sit oh there we go ah so we’ve just got porridge and we’ve also got some buckets of water so we’ll be able to make that that might have

Opened up the uh crafting room there you now serve porridge press e on your book and put it in your inventory yeah there we go so if we put that there uh do you not want to go up there oh I have to click it all

Up oh there we go right click does it that’s good uh customers who also order drinks drinks can be served in the T stor Taps yeah there we go k can only be filled with carbonated uh drinks like beer well K can be filled with any drink

Oh tap sorry but kegs can yeah there we go okay uh in order to to serve you must uh water must be stored in one of the drinks dispensers approach the K press C to refill it a table is dirty oh great y that table’s dirty over there let’s come over

Here and clean it get that clear a customers asked for a glass of water oh that’s new you never did water before approach The Keg and press and pour a glass approach the customer and press e oh remember that the color can be assigned to each drink and a drinks

Dispenser to make it easier to identify I just started selling beer before huh interesting so q that there we go okay all right uh pour a drink uh now the drink has been added to your tray you are able to see the drinks on your tray and action bar

Uh you can return the drinks from your tray to the dispenser by holding down the AR key okay you see the beverage it yeah all right that sounds pretty good so I just got to put that there oh you want a drink so I got to

Take it to you serve yeah that’s new don’t remember doing that so I got to serve five bowls of porridge and uh We’ve also got to serve glasses of water as well I wonder if we could put that into the hang on oh no you don’t want that

Okay serve that to you wow a silver well I guess it is clean water isn’t it oh wow they all want drinks oh they’ve come to the bar for it interesting yeah it was just it wasn’t that I think he just jumped straight into serving beer before either way that’s good this place

Ain’t so bad no it’s not everyone just wants water well oh copper axe there we go that’s great you obtain a copper axe close your Tavern and go outside and chop down trees in order to advance your quest and new technologies yeah I kind of want to Sol serve some

Bowls of porridge if we can obvious we got to keep this place clean let’s do that got to go over there man the water is going down great isn’t it everyone wants water can I serve two drinks oh yeah I can oh nice okay that’s good let’s get another one let’s go

There the table is gross well stop dropping your food everywhere there we go clean it up uh as well these more places like this thank you very much uh so we need to clo close down chop down some trees all right well let’s call last orders someone does want to drink so

We’ll kind of go for that yeah there was no um that’s interesting that’s new 23 silver that’s looking good there is obviously a day night cycle as well and we do have a bed back here as well right yeah we got a bed and a storage

And all that sort of stuff so that’s good uh there should be a reputation somewhere as well oh I think the rep is my uh level isn’t it yeah yeah let’s clear that up it’s great let’s go outside now and we’ll cut some trees

Down so it wants me to chop down a bunch of trees let’s do this it’s like five trees to cut down there we go and then yeah there is a whole world to explore as well but as I say Early Access so uh you know they’re adding things slowly

I think when it first came out it was just the um it was just the tavern there wasn’t any outside or anything like that if I remember rightly all right we got to see and then there’s like nodes copper nodes and things like that as well but you know we’ll get introduced to

That chop down another tree do a bit of crafting let’s cut that one down El Sprout one more down to make a little farm somewhere hopefully that’s kind of what it’s leading me towards yeah there we go so we’ve got a copper scthe and we’ve now got a sawmill

Which is great uh so you have timed your first work area The Sawmill build it outside the Tavel using the decoration mode uh select the copper sickle and clear the weeds remember if you if it won’t be able to use the decoration mode uh is enabled yeah okay that’s cool

Let’s grab all of that so so let’s like stard Valley let’s just chop down some of this stuff I mean where are we going to put this kind of just clear out some of this stuff uh but yeah there is a bit of a world to explore but we’ll just go

Through the tutorial I think today and kind of get that going um I mean I think here is fine let’s just kind of get this uh thing down so let’s enter o oh sorry B I don’t want to open the tavern cuz um yeah I’m not uh not

There I got to clear some more stuff out of the way fair enough yeah that’s fine I need to just clear a few things dude still got a few bits and Bobs there to clear oh I’m still in build mode there we go getting used to it all

Again oh wow cut a thousand weeds all right fair enough that obviously was not it when I played last time but obviously cut down a load of weeds there’s no way I cut down a thousand weeds there we are that’s good let’s go build mode again then we’ll go back to there

And we press F then we drop that in say there there we go brilliant and then what it want me to do uh serve that fabricate 20 wooden planks okay each crafter has its own recipes uh these show their ingredients Fuel and time click the recipe and begin

Crafting so that’s going to require uh all right let’s start doing that each recipe has time once the timer is full uh move closer and press e to collect the items so it wants 20 so let’s do that that’s fine I’m pretty sure I have to fuel this thing as well

Right have to fuel this thing I thought you did there we go it’s going so that’s going to take some time so let’s go back and we’ll open up the tavern and just see if we can get those bowls served uh there is also this little notice board

Here which has uh orders special orders higher Staff stuff like that but I don’t have any of that stuff open yeah same with that one as well obviously you can see the calendar and uh see events and so on but um that’s fine for the moment and then I

Think this unless it’s yeah we can order things from here um but we won’t worry about that now get things mail order let’s just kind of open up the tavern again see we can serve these bowls I think that’s the make way to go yeah I’ve got no booze or anything at the

Moment you have was it five porridge that’s good and then we’ll just leave that kind of cooking in the background okay here we go bunch of people coming in hey there we go well that’s two bowls of porridge oh then you want a glass of water

Boo there we are got one more Bowl left oh that table’s dirty as well let’s clear that one up and then the bowls of porridge damn they’re going well there we are we got a door mat okay but it does add some comfort so guess that’s

Something and we just got to wait for those wooden planks so we may as well uh so if I put that there no not sure about what that is so oh can I do that there that’s good let’s cllean that as well just kind of go

There okay so I’ve switched over to the game pad just to see to show that one off but um yeah let’s go there so we got to pour out a drink got to run over here and we got to serve it to you there we go someone else wants water but I

Know there we go that’s good serve that as well jobs are good in there we go but yeah I played it on both and it all it worked absolutely fine uh the water is definitely the most popular thing isn’t it by like a mile everyone’s just chugging down water but hey

Um oh oh hello hang on oh no sorry I don’t want to do that how do I get out there we go I wanted to clean about that there we go yeah I got to wipe down the table try and keep up let’s get that going let’s serve you

Let’s serve you someone else wants water yeah I like this game I say I do like Stu Valley games so if you do like those type of games then uh this one will be right at home with you now looks like someone else wants some let’s going to serve you serve you

As well think I can just serve here right yeah there we go oh and then we’ve got a spillage going need to go there and clean that up it’s good I what a lovely Journey it’s been it’s good and then yeah hopefully the fabricator is doing its thing and I got

It right right let’s go back out to here drop you off that’s perfect timing you made a mess let’s clear up that table and then yeah you know you can just expand out and make this a lot bigger and add like a bunch of tables in here and you can make the tables

Yourself obviously you mine up the resources and you can buy them as well so uh you know whichever way you want to go let’s do this yeah water Wonder we get to do beer pretty sure it just started off with beer pretty quickly last time I uh played it but um yeah we

Definitely need some more seating because we haven’t got much in the way way of room have we there we go but little baby steps that’s the way it goes and then we’ll see cuz I could run outside and just go and check but I’m not going to do that on the boards I

Think they take a little bit of time hopefully I feel like I’ve set those off wrong but uh who knows let’s get the porridge down here let’s get the cleaning on the go here someone wants water run backwards and forward WS so once you get some

Employees and that you can kind of focus a little bit more on uh you know farming and that sort of thing getting better resources and crafting much better meals and that sort of thing but these early games you kind of running around a little bit oh damn another one that’s

Good let’s go here we’re making it good the Town been cold use the fire oh oh boy okay um open forestry waste let’s kind of just do that burns very fast uh light there we go it’s going to get cold so people are not going to like that uh

But we’ll close up shop soon I think because um yeah I just want to go and check on those sawmills this table needs to clean it’s cleaned up now oh yeah I think people get Rowdy as well and you can swpe them with a broom yeah oh you want that think we’ll

Probably think about taking last orders maybe not though oh The Keg is empty dang okay all right we got to open that and we got to put that in there going to be running Out of Water soon damn I got to clean this table oh my god let’s go there I

Think let’s do one more and then I think I’m going to I think I’m going toh close up shop I think all right let see what you want all right we’ll sell you that and then we’ll kind of go last orders how did I do last orders on

The oh there we go we’ve just reached a new reputation each Milestone unlocks a new items and mechanics Brewing Tech Tree O nice there we go that’s cool I think it was there we are down on the d-pad that was it that was good where you want the old door

M there we go we’ll do the build mode in a minute but we’ll just kind of wait for oh hang on no i’ got like a crappy dirty dirty there we go I’m clearing away all the glasses as well okay that’s new yeah I don’t know where the door mat stuck

There right that’s cool um how do we do build mode there we go let’s put this down like at the door it’s a door man isn’t it place that there there we go brilliant great let’s go outside let’s just see whether these uh wood bits have been fabricated or

Not collect there we are now we have got a copper pickaxe but the looks of it you can attain a copper pickaxe you can use the pickaxe to mine nodes and get metals and material and minerals remember the decoration mode must must be disabled in order to

Mine okay there we go and then we should just be able to come over here and mine and these do resawn as well there we go there should be some others around about mine four metal nodes okay let’s have a look obviously that’s coal we probably

Want to m is that was that coal or was that iron I think that was coal right oh no it was iron got to mine the copper but still we’ll mine up the we’ll mine up the iron as well here we go yeah I think this stuff respawns

Every day in this area um but I think the other areas um it don’t think I think it respawns it takes like a week or something if I remember rightly uh there we go uh you have obtained the smelter and the Anvil uh when you uh build a smelter a new working area

Dedicated to Metals will be created this area cannot overlap any other working area some objects can only be placed in certain working areas dville can only be placed in the metal working area okay cool well I might as well just grab up the rest of this I there’s only reason

Not to got to craft iron Nails yeah but you told me to craft to get copper all right well never mind just thinking you told me to get copper right so never mind we can get water out of there so we’ll be okay for our water

Let’s come over here cuz I think this was coal then yeah that’s coal let’s grab that go there and then let’s go to build mode and we want to place that down but I’m going to have to clear an area I think yeah let’s clear an

Area I think that’s what we’re going to have to do there we go uh let’s chop this down I got to rearrange some of these as well C down some of these trees let’s just get rid of that the war on trees continues there we

Go and I got to rearrange my hot bar as well but so yeah it works perfectly fine on the pad that’s what I’m using at the moment so you know you have one you want to use they all work so there we go and then say place the smelter and the Anvil

Down oh is that cuz I’m standing in the way oh is the tree in the way all right okay fair enough let’s go back and get rid of this one then should really go to bed but that’s what it’s saved just try and get this down though it’s getting late last orders uh

To give your customers last chance of their drinks P yeah I know kind of pushing it a little bit oh seriously come on game okay all right got to get rid of that now as well bloody hell all right let’s just go to bed screw it let’s just

Go to bed and we’ll do the crafting tomorrow let’s just go let’s hit the sack and then yeah there’s a whole Kitchen in the back and that as well so uh oh make bed this is your bedroom sleep in your bed save the game if you stay up too late

You’ll pass out yeah it’s kind of usual with these games isn’t it sleep there we are and there we go let’s try and make some Nails H well let’s make the bed damn we got to make the bed right let’s go and make some nails at least

Set that off anyway before opening the time consider stocking up the day you’ll need uh logs for crafting and the fireplace visit the postp outside uh your Tavern to order more supplies okay yeah we’re doing all right at the moment but let’s go this way I just want to set

Up this thing if I can yeah those respawn again as I say every day so might as well mine there let’s go there I we could set it up this side actually yeah let’s do that kind of want to keep all the crafting in you know one area

So let’s do it over here I think break that one there just one single one let’s go there build mode again put that down get that closer to that one there we are brilliant and then we’ve got that one down and then if we get the Anvil down as

Well Ah that’s got to be placed there I mean there any reason not to put it next to it I think for now cuz we can pick it up so yeah that’s fine and then if we go here and open uh what do we need so I’m assuming we need to make

Iron we need iron bars okay but I need to add fuel so let’s add some fuel to that sucker I mean we’ll add coal that’s probably going to be the best one isn’t it let’s go to the smelter smelt off those that’s great and then let’s go and just mine up

All these resources again cuz as I say they’re here every day uh let’s also pick up and move that there we’ll put that there we’ll put that there oh we’ve got a is that a wood shopping area as well let’s put that there as well uh but

Anyway yeah we’ve got a wood cutting area I think so we’ll put that in the wood working area but for now let’s just kind of mine up all of this stuff that’s good then yeah there is a whole map as well to explore uh but we’ll we’ll get to that I

Think for now we just got to grind up some more of these resources as we’ve got to make iron Nails there we go yeah told me to mine copper though it’s kind of a bit stump me but never mind let’s go for that yeah really good game this

Absolutely brilliant um I say if you like these staru Valley games I’ve got like dink them as well I’ve just thought about that got better graphics I’ve never really played that I should play that just thought about it never mind um yeah that’s good but let’s just kind of

Mine up this one I just thought it was a different change of pace from killing zombies and aliens and all the rest of it that we usually do on the channel let’s kind of change it up and see what you guys thought to it anyway let’s go there

Yeah we need to get rid of that um oh let’s get rid of that as well kind of run around and just grab I think those are just yeah we can mine up the stone but for now I’m just going to go with this although probably yeah I

Should mine it I know I’m going to need it so it’s there for a reason isn’t it so we should just mine everything let’s go for that and then let’s collect those we need to open and craft just craft as many as we can oh okay let’s go

To fuel cuz we’re out of fuel there we are that’s great let’s open that I mean is there any reason not to make more of those probably going to need them for something so let’s just kind of make those uh but let’s make what we can so

We’re going to need to oh we need to fuel this thing as well all right oh well that’s just two ingots is enough that’ll make the 10 that we need brilliant that’s great I think if we go yeah these are some of the areas as

Well that you can kind of go to it’s like flowers and things that you can pick and various other bits of Bobs that you can collect as well so forestry waste and yeah there’s like lemon trees and things about and characters to meet and so on so you know yeah bunch of

Miners and stuff over there but it’s going to stay on task for the moment and we’ll kind of worry about that later uh we just got to wait for those oh wow they all done oh that’s good we got those and then yeah just like um again um a

Graveyard keeper that I’m familiar with that has uh those sort of colored points uh that you can then use to upgrade so we have been given a blueprint bench by the looks of it is that new it’s new right H okay craft a small workbench uh craft

A small table using the workbench okay let’s put that down I put that anywhere yes I can yeah I think this bit might be a little bit easier on the keyboard or Mouse though might it let’s switch back to that I switch back to that no I don’t want to do

That let me pick that up again let’s grab that there there we go um I mean I think for the moment it’ll just kind of go there yeah we’ll just put it there it’s a bit messy at the moment but we can kind of work on that later oh sorry I

Don’t want to do that oh I put it away never mind there we go and then we got to come out build mode and then I’ve got to craft a small what did it say small table using the workbench individual table small table so I need some more nails and I need

Some poles I was kind of thinking I might need poles let go there we’ll make a few of those we do need boards for those and then we need some more bows and we need some more of those that’s good we just kind of set those

Off yeah cool little game I say I really like this one so um yeah hope you guys do two and then we’re probably going to want a b small table individual table we’re probably going to want some small benches as well right I would

Assume um how do we there we go I that was it so I think yeah there we go uh Tory learn new recipes so there we go and then yeah you get the various uh points I think it was like metal working and that was like

Sort of farming and stuff like that and yeah the more you did of those uh the more you got those points and like graveyard keeper and that and then you use those to kind of upgrade these various things we need reputation two coming soon those aren in the game but

We have a mild ale there we go it’s in a bottle as well it was like in a huh yeah it was in like a um let’s collect cuz we might just be able to make those now yeah those do we need I know I still need some more poles

Fair enough just wait for those to be done uh we might want to make like a little storage bench or something out there just because yeah let’s set more of those off plank stock pile we might want that Coal stock pile log stock firewood stockpile Brewing Barrel

Blacksmith’s keg aging Barrel yes so we want to age our Liquors and all that sort of stuff as well let’s collect that let me shoot should be able to make this thing there we go and then that’s being produced slowly as well okay all right well I’m just going

To chop down some trees or something like that whil I kind of wait for this uh to finish okay here we are so I’ve collected that and I’ve got four paper coasters okay there we are you can now make you can now unlock your crafting room when you’re ready uh close up and

Head to the northern side of the tavern there we go so if we go back inside uh we need to make one small bench oh okay all right let’s just have a look at what we need for that CU I’m probably going to need to set some stuff off so

Small small bench I just need some Nails okay that shouldn’t be too difficult to do yeah we just probably need to fuel this thing let’s put some of that let’s go to the Anvil let’s put those there that’s good and then we should be able to make that as

Well um found on the Northern side of the tavern that should be over here right oh so I’ve got to unlock it for 40 okay well there we go and then I’ve got hops unlock the crafting room found on the nor side of the tavern there we go it’s

Got to make a small bench uh this is your crafting room let’s you uh let’s make some porridge there we go and and so we can make various recipes but we need the porridge so that’s the one we need but we need to fuel this thing up first yeah

Fuel is going to be an issue to say the least let’s make that some recipes can be modified this allows extra ingredients to be added some recipes have mandatory modifiers so uh porridge oh modifier required uh porridge requires grain try dragging The Barley from your inventory into the slots this will create barley

Porridge yeah I didn’t pressing space uh you have not yet uh met the mandatory requirements for example porridge requires grain try dragging that yeah I’m going to do that so let’s put that into there is that that I think so wait for the porridge to be cooked

There we are so again another crafting station so yeah really cool game I am digging this one hope you guys are liking this one too I think though for now I think this where I’m going to call it and I’ll end the episode and we’ll just get this thing going soon as well

And we’ll try and make those and I’ll probably just do a bit of uh grinding in between the episodes and just get some more of these things built some iron and that sort of thing but um yeah there we go we need to make that um but as say I

Think for now I think this is where we will call it and we will end the episode so if you want to see more of this let me know in the comments and smash that like button and all that sort of stuff does help me out and let’s me know that

You want to make more uh but as I say I think for now this is where we’ll call it and we’ll end the episode so if you like that one please give me a thumbs up comment your thoughts down below subscribe for more I really do appreciate it stay safe out there

Everyone and I’ll catch you next time

Craft, farm, build and cook! In Travellers Rest you will have to use all the available tools to become the best tavern keeper in the realm. Create unique dishes and drinks to please your customers as you discover the world and its colorful characters.

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PC System:
Ryzen 7 5800x
Nvidia RTX 3070ti 8Gb Graphics Card
64GB DDR4 Ram

#travellersrest #rpg #openworld #lifesim #farmingsim #gaming


  1. I think that instead of running every time someone wants water, you need to set the water on that white table where they show a glass of water.

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