Minecraft but From WAR to PEACE…

This is Minecraft but from war to peace today I’m stuck in the middle of this Minecraft war and I need a rise in power to bring peace from being just a regular kid on the red side to being hired as a secret agent to even getting promoted to

Be General my goals become powerful enough to hit the peace button but I only have 1 hour before the battle commences so what happens if I run out of time and what side am I even on stay tuned to find out so today the war is against the blue side versus the red

Side and as you can see both armies are ready oh my goodness our goal today is to stop this war and in 1 hour they’re going to be getting closer and battling oh gosh they’re already getting closer oh okay they stopped okay my frames are dying but if you see right there it’s

Missing a general spot where I can decide war or peace so let’s hop down to the water real quick and please guys don’t fight wait low key can I do this yet peace or War become the missing General to choose oh and as you can tell

I can’t click the peace button yet and to become a general we need to attend military school all right good luck to all the armies but let’s now make our way into the red town so we can stop this war oh and as you can see there’s already War propaganda bring your

Friends to war oh my goodness I’m going to follow the signs bring your pets to War what oh my goodness here’s a picture of my cat that that they’re not ready for war there’s so many signs we want you for war but there’s also say no to

War that that there’s a mixed messaging right here anyways though it looks like military school is over there oh and there’s some red villagers here hello guys as you can tell from my hat I’m really not for one side but I guess this is the easiest way in cuz military score

Was here and that’s how we’re going to become General that being said look at the clock guys at 0 minutes war begins and I might become too late all right wait the gates closed oh I need to get an application in okay so I got to be

This tall which I clearly am not I have to have proof of being strong which I don’t really have any strength potion here and have a volunteers voucher I guess we can start from the bottom what’s a volunteers voucher volunteer voucher help people around the town oh

All right so that’s how I get to military school to become a general maybe I can help stores like this oh this might be the spot it says help needed and I’m ready to help okay we are already about to hit the 57-minute mark

But Mr Sor clerk how can I help you oh he gave us a list of thanks he gave us a shears and a to-do list the first thing we got to do is remove cobwebs from the shelves oh gosh you have no customers B let me help you out real quick all right

I’m going to real quick grab all these cobwebs low key if we do have to go to war we can use the cobwebs in combat should be easy enough and low key I need to borrow some wood so I can make some tools is that a milk thing that’s sick

Okay almost done with the cobwebs and that should be good all right with that being done now that’s the cobwebs cleared now we got to move cash the Vault all right sir I’m going to assume the cash is in here oh there we go one

Bag of cash and um we won’t taking this for ourselves but probably putting it down in this Vault down here I think this is the Vault oh what the heck oh okay and low key I’m going to take some AB BS cuz this is going to be food for

Later oh my goodness what type of Vault is this hey yo they got me going around bars I mean low key this is kind of like the training oh gosh okay okay let’s make it quick oh okay we got the jumps I can’t lolly gag for too long though cuz

The longer we wait the longer the clock goes down okay we’re still in the 50s though we got lots of time I just got to become a general in 1 hour literally in Minecraft and then we’ll be good all right that should be good let me break

This real quick oh and this must be the Vault all right let’s make it up okay so do I just put the money in here oh we did it money deposited now the next task is to refill the milk EG okay we’re running out of time we got to put milk

Into the milk thing do you have milk oh I gave us buckets six yes and there’s like purple cow out there huh all right you know what I’m not going to question it hello Ender cow oh they teleport so literally every time I milk them they’re

Going to teleport away the heck is this wait are they getting dinner huh it’s a thin cow another one look how thin they are what okay what last one where’ they go oh did they get too thin oh gosh this tragic where’s the Ender cow oh they’re

All the way up there they’re so thin all right I’m coming we just got to do some parkour and this should be the last task before we get one thing to get into the military school all right let’s real quick right click you and oh what the

Cow ran out of milk what all right you know what I’m going take it anyways though let’s real quick go back now we got all the milk buckets for you let’s put the milk buckets in here and we’re good now I got to distribute the posters

Oh oh wait so I just got to grab these oh I like this okay so we got to grab all the anti-war posters but them everywhere let me real quick grab all these 10 should be enough and I have a great idea see this poster right here

We’re going to say no to war with it by putting two of them right there beautiful the dog is not going to the war say no to war probably should get some wood real quick there we go this should be a lot better okay it’s really lot you right

Here but putting this right there that should be good right here too and right here all right you right there read this people in the shoe store read this and also the gym say no to war and finally this guy right there say no to war and I

Think that should be all of them oh Bower’s place and now we get the volunteer voucher hold on does that mean we get a check mark here oh we do okay so we only need two things we got to be a bit taller which uh you know it

Happens sometimes and proof of being strong I’m going to guess that makes us strong and this makes us taller let’s go into the taller place oh what the heck is this machine huh hello sir totally not a mad scientist how’s it going fix the stretch nator find the missing parts

Oh so we got a hammer and a part locator okay so I’m going to gu this thing right here is a part nice okay we got one missing part right there another one here Perfect all right located nator take me to where I need to go all right

Another piece here oh wait how do we do this jump you know what quick thinking guys I don’t think this guy will mind if we just go ahead and get around that’s how we get it perfect also there’s only 48 minutes left guys time is going quick

We need to hurry up before this war begins another one right here that’s five oh it looks like all of them are pretty much up here another one there and there and it looks like we only have one left oh on the tree how did it get

On the tree no idea but now that’s all 10 Pizza done all right sir I got all the pieces you need let’s put them into the machine real quick there we go oh it’s closed stretch inator working whack it with the hammer okay well we got the

Hammer all right watch this let’s give it a hit uh maybe another hit oh it’s working yes and I grew legs yo Mr scientist thank you so much cuz now with these legs we can go back to the required application and now we should be tall enough oh yeah we kind of missed

It but I think they’re being nice okay only thing left is must have proof of being strong God I guess that’s the what the gym is for all right I guess it’s time for the gym gym complete the warm-up parkour there a warm-up parkour oh my goodness they’re doing situps this

Is insane all right uh warm-up parkour time let’s do a quick little circle on this there we go and that’s the nice warm up done next land 30 punches on The Punchy bag oh where’s that oh this is The Punchy bag let me get my fist out

You guys can see I got very big muscles watch this buddy boom Oh it literally rag dolls let’s punch it go on my muscles are doing all the work oh it’s crazy I’m combo it I’m CM wing it oh no no sorry about that sorry about that

Please don’t snitch okay thank you thank you anyways halfway done let’s get the seven left ones oh my goodness I’m even getting the crits it’s crazy one more and we did it oh now we’re doing squats huh uh where where are the squats done oh wait this is the coach all right I

Guess I got a squat in front of this guy I did get a squat key though I don’t think it’s crouching but instead it is the squat we’re squatting this is so goofy we’re literally just squatting in Minecraft lots of sweat lots of squats

Come on I can even move in squat this is amazing oh and that should be done now do 30 jumps oh all right yeah simple enough all right doing some jumps yep yep yep oh wait I’m jumping higher oh we’re getting better at jumping let’s go

How high can I jump oh my goodness I’m going to make it all the way up wait there’s a guy doing push-ups up there I didn’t even know I could get this High what happens if we hit the top uh roof ow ow ow okay yep maybe we can jump too

Much now is this going to be permanent oh gosh we’re jumping so high nice and now that’s trading finished apparently and we got to buy a protein shake got to guess from this guy hello Chef I would like one protein shake oh I trade for it

Oh I got a golden from the Shar clerk I didn’t even realize that’s nice anyway so I guess we can trade for the next broing Jake which is for a stronger body and mind thank you sir oh and time may have stopped for a little bit interesting maybe doing task gives me

More time anyways let’s drink up now oh and we got stronger yo wait defeat the coach prove your might oh wait wait wait wait when did he get that many muscles hey yo no no no I I am so sorry coach okay okay well you know what we got some

Strike potion let’s take this guy down oh and oh wow uh L the coach is gone but we get the coach’s blessing use me to verify your strength okay we’re down to 46 minutes guys let’s just real quick go back and this is the last thing to prove

That we’re strong oh wow we’ve come a long way and we’re definitely tall enough now let’s right click you and now that’s all three done so is that enough now oh military school started we are in oh we got our outfit now that we can

Blend in let’s go in and make our way to peace okay so what do we do first oh combat training defeat the enemies oh we got a trusty iron sword for six damage oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh okay okay this is actually pretty intense training

Good thing I brought my own bread okay what do we have down here spikes okay so maybe I can throw them into the spiking pit oh gosh wait this does good damage all right let’s take the guys out and this is only wave one oh that’s done oh

Gosh oh gosh okay okay okay okay the timer is back to going down let’s just try to make as much time saved as we can oh gosh get back get back okay just one left now where are they oh the spikes didn’t get them well that’s kind of

Useless let’s take you out now there’s 20 yo all right all right all right I’m going to get them all in one area and I’m going to do super slices here we go get them all oh gosh oh gosh okay let’s take them all out and that’s done that’s

Training completed and now on to the next course up ahead all right what do we do here is it like archery oh Marksman train training hit 10 targets oh we got a bow oh do I got to hit the little XP things that makes sense and they it looks like they disappear after

A little bit let’s be a little bit quick get some shot hims in four more to go oh it’s actually pretty simple very nice and there we go and now we can finally attend the base course what is this going to be oh and I got some steak nice

And a shield oh wow they gave me everything for this but this looks to be military school finally all right let’s go inside and all my fellow students are here how’s it going oh this guy’s crying defend the nerdy kid why are they laughing at him they’re buling the kid

All right no that’s not okay let’s bring out the trusty iron sword no bullying all right there we go defend it oh another my best friend amazing we’re buddies now good stuff and so I guess with that being done I’m going to guess we can now go to classroom one let’s go

In oh this is intelligence class win the memory game oh he’s coming with me how’s it going buddy okay how do we do this this is kind of cool do I like right click it oh wait so each of is a different one and we got to remember so

Purple goes with purple okay wait black and black this is blue and blue green oh my gosh I’m starting to guess these this is crazy oh wow I’m crazy okay yellow yellow that’s actually really cool and now that’s glass over all right thank you teacher looks like we’re going

Pretty well with glass Mr best friend come with me onto the first aid class what do we got going on in here oh wo I guess it’s a dummy teacher what do we do here Band-Aid the mannequin oh that should be easy we got stack of Band-Aids

My goodness all right do I just like right click it oh what where are we now oh I guess we’re in this together best friend oh my goodness we got to clear the wounds oh wait the health is going down all right we got to be quick then

The Bandaids are wool oh gosh oh gosh okay let’s just get all this done put your crafting table there sorry okay let’s get these things out of the way how’s his health oh gosh he’s already losing Health all right 12 what the heck hurt this guy all right it looks like we

Only have six more left to go and they’re at the very end there how’s his health okay I think we’re doing great in time okay let me just fill this in right here and now he should be healed amazing all right me and my best friend we did a

Pretty good job how’s that now busy work clean the toilets huh where’s the toilets are the toilets down here oh yes they are and this is how we’re going to clean the toilets a toothbrush huh looks like my best friend ditched me when it comes to cleaning the toilets all right

We have four dirty toil toilet how’s it going guys um I am here to clean it up all right do we just go in here oh my gosh this disgusting the toilet paper’s right there all right that’s one toilet clean all right another one and I guess

It’s the last one there we go okay did not like that class next up is the EDC course who what does EDC stand for is that like educational curriculum I don’t even know is this like PE all right what’s this all of them are just like chilling around here are these no blocks

Oh these are no blocks hold on is this like a dance room cuz I do have a dance button oh wait is this instructor hello sir okay I’m ready to learn dance moves are a perfect diversion in an emergency okay that’s why it’s relevant okay so we

Did get some dance moves which we’re going to come out with this oh we’re going crazy amazing and now that’s the course is completed and now what’s left is just the exit to I guess the next stage of our training oh gosh we’re now down to 39 minutes guys time is running

Out all right is this graduation hello everyone looks like everyone’s just chatting it up and clapping oh yo nice and this is the Headmaster Headmaster what do I get we graduated amazing and now we get the military access card which is to the base right there all right complete three jobs for a

Promotion is this a job right here oh this is a job there’s an ex Point all right what do we got to do here oh find the Spy I mean they all look pretty much the same oh um I I I think the Spy is really obvious how did you guys not see

The Spy I think it’s the only one that might be wearing a mask you are the Spy oh my goodness it was just one tap and they’re out of there all right that’s one’s has done nice one more to get our promotion and this is the weapon design

What is this there’s a pig and there’s another scientist hello what do you want us to do design a new weapon oh yo wait I got a coder item that’s sick so if you guys don’t know what the coder item is pretty much when I right click this guy

We get to use block bench and code things so for example let me right click this guy right here okay so we’re going to be in block bench and let’s start by first giving our pigy friend a helmet let’s give them both hold some upgrades

I have in mind and arm to them up of course and now let’s add a weapon and I’m thinking two giant cannons I know we’re promoting pce and everything but I mean we got to do a good job for this task now let’s give him some colors

Obviously we’re on the red side so let’s do red for his helmet and now use Brown for his belt okay this is actually looking pretty cool we’ll make the mountain the cannon metal yep that should be good next two spaces for the missiles to shoot out of and finally

Some more red accents to make it look very polished this is looking nice I’m very proud of it and now what we do is Click confirm in 3 2 1 and now it’s on to the code guys cuz we do have the coder item we’re going to call this the

Turret pig or the type is pig turret and his name is going to be the pig mounted turret with a nice health of 50 because of the giant cannons it would make sense to make this guy slow hopefully the scientists approves of this and the skills are going to be to throw rockets

At the Target in a missile storm hopefully it doesn’t need to get used we’re literally just doing this to get by anyway so let’s go and click confirm and 3 2 1 oh and it’s alive yo what’s up buddy um I guess I can’t Rite him or

Anything but I think that’s the job well done that’s two now done before we get the promotion what else can we do around here maybe there’s something around here oh right here okay what do we got going on here oh my gosh who left all the

Swords in the dirt huh maybe I got to organize all these chests oh wait we got a cleaning rag here too okay so this is how we clean it oh and my best friend joined me hey welcome back it looks like we both graduated anyways so now we can

Real quick right click all these guys here and clean them clean you clean you and clean you come on let’s get all the easy ones perfect and all the swords should go in here now it’s a matter of just getting all this stuff oh we got

Some arrows too I might take those from myself anyways so let’s grab all these all the armor all the tools all the junk pretty much and now let’s finish with all the swords not the bows this will be all the helmets let’s put all these guys

In there and the chest plates which will go here I guess no pants and boots and finally the bows and arrows we have a lot of them I guess I’ll put maybe that many arrows there yep that should be good nice there we go I think we might

Be done oh and promotion obtained it’s select promotion in the base all right thank you guys again it looks like now we can go into the base over here we’re at 35 minutes left and new recruits this way which I guess we’ll do this first

Right here all right uh what do we got going on in here we get to pick the position we want oh yo looks like we have the options of a soldier Okay a secret agent yo is that humus oh my goodness a driver which actually sounds pretty cool and a messenger huh all

Right I don’t really want to be a messenger doesn’t sound that much fun driver me we got to remember our goal here is to promote peace and become General so honestly if we can get into Enemy Lines maybe that’ll be the most fun story that we can pick let’s go with

The secret agent best friend come with me we’re becoming secret agents now our mission is to infiltrate the enemy and gather information oh I get Shades in a longer tie I am now a cool Nester all right now that the position is picked I

Guess we got to go over here and get our gear okay what gear are we going to pick we got iron armor do we pick that is there something the chest oh yo a disguise a parachute and speed 10 oh man okay wait first let’s put on the

Disguise oh and I am now part of the blue side nice okay and a parachute to deploy when we need it and speed 10 I’m going to save this for a little bit later but the parachute might come in handy uh where is this taking me though

Oh wait were these TNT cannons oh my gosh I guess this is how I get into Enemy Lines they’re all the way over there yo this is actually sick so we got planes and then we got cannons oh man okay so how does this work uh stand in

Here oh my gosh okay so I’m going to light this and here goes something launch me oh this is sick okay okay let me put on the parachute oh we’re slowly falling down oh my gosh we’ made it onto Enemy Lines I think okay let’s just be

Careful let’s make it all the way down and act normal oh bring coffee to the generals hello how’s it going guys it looks like they have their own posters bring your pets to war us on this side and bring your friends to war it looks like we’re the same people on both sides

Why are we fighting anyways coffee bar let me just hide normal and bring the coffee how do I get the coffee do I just bring these coffees oh I got one all right let me grab this coffee real quick cuz I am a coffee Barista right now and

Just uh totally not a spy very nice very nice let’s real quick talk to the generals which uh where are the generals are they downstairs let’s go all the way down and see if they’re down here any generals around oh these are the generals hello oh wait and Herby is

Leading the Army yo what is this okay in the back it says the war or peace and hold up can I control everything from here could I just bring peace now we have 30 minutes remaining okay let me just talk to the G General all right you

Right there General that’s one and I’m not going to give it to Herobine I’m going just give it to these guys now cause a distraction Choice peace oh wait how do I cause a distraction oh wait is this my best friend he’s dis SK too wait

What what’s he doing um oh yo he’s dancing yo is that a distraction I guess we did learn that military school I can click peace wait war canceled inform the soldiers huh how do I inform the soldiers where do I go oh wait there’s a trail okay maybe the soldiers are still

There let me check yep the war is still happening okay we got to really inform everyone let’s go into hanger 2 which I think think is where I’m supposed to go uh what is this song why is there Minecraft music playing okay it’s still playing but I muted it what are you guys

Doing here the war is over guys uh we should be good maybe do I change songs it looks like we have a music disc here for stale all right this is the better music some nice low calm jams oh they’re dancing now we got to broadcast a giant

Pizza party and they’re dropping their swords amazing work guys let me go ahead and pick up all the swords for you guys no no one needs these no one needs these and we’re just going to throw them all the way out there we go all right enjoy

Everyone I I am now going to walk out and where exactly do we go after this there’s a little area right here do we just grab something here oh wait what’s in here fireworks and dispensers oh cool oh and it’s the blue cap guys hello this

I’m going to guess is the tower where we do things so I got to distract these guys to get inside of here and broadcast that we are doing peace what’s that over there though sabotage step one repaint and step two recode all right let me get them distracted real quick before I do

Anything so if I just throw some firework Rockets right here are they going to come here oh guards distracted okay okay okay while they’re distracted I can either do that again later but the door is open now before we do that though let’s make sure to sabotage this

So step one is to repaint and step to recode all right no one is looking don’t mind me I am just going to be doing some fan art real quick with the red pencil so do I just right click with this oh it became red oh this is kind of already

Red so it doesn’t matter this one became red too and this one doesn’t even really have a color so I guess it doesn’t really matter but that should be the first step done and now the great thing oh oh uh is this guy kind of looking at

It don’t don’t mind me they literally have a tank some mines a blimp in a cannon we had none of that we do have Amber though and the best part A coder so what I can do then is right click this and we can change what it is so

Let’s get some magic done by real quick right clicking and now it’s time for blockbench again okay so we’re trying to make everything into a pizza version so let’s see what we can do about this tank first let’s go ahead and just write what we’re going to use for it on the right

Side by putting in Pizza p i z Za a I’m not kidding guys every single weapon is going to become a pizza party I I am dedicated to this now let’s add some friendly decorations like green tracks and let’s cover the whole thing in melted cheese oh doesn’t love cheese I’m

I’m I’m a great mozzarella pepper jack all the great cheeses can’t forget the pepperoni on top of it too and next let’s change this lid up top and I have this pizza box laying around so let’s use that yeah that looks really good lastly let’s change the barrel of this

To be white since we’re shooting love not worn out there we go and just like that we have a pizza in all right let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and now let’s actually do the code this is the pizza uncore tank where the type is going to

Be tank with a health of 25,000 it’s going to be very sturdy but don’t worry the only responsibilities it has is to shoot forward it’s going to be shooting pizzas and a pizza thrower I like it a lot let’s go with it in 3 2 1 let’s cck

Confirm in 3 2 1 and we got it the pizza tank yo look at buddy go all right we got three things to go guys and I think next up we got the landmines let’s not walk on these that’s how we explode or let’s go and give it a right click and

This time we’re going to be making a pizza yep literally we we we’ve been talking about all this pizza party stuff but we need the pizza first so let’s start off with our pizza we’ll take this mine and start cover BR in cheese first you got to start with the cheese and of

Course you can’t have a pizza with a bit of crust the bread is important let’s get rid of the big red button right there and finally one of the greatest toppings pepperoni and now finally we just need some shading there we go let’s click confirm in 3 2 1 and now this is

The pizza landmine where it skills AR to8 if nearby enemy but it will only make it so they get pizza by being converted into Pizza cuz there’s just never enough Pizza anyways though I think this is good let’s cck confirm in 3 2 1 and it worked we now have four

Pizzas oh uh looks like the pizza tank is far away now and doing its thing anyways so now we have two things left which is the blimp and the cannon oh my gosh guys so look at the time we are running out of time okay we got to hurry

Up time for the Blimp let’s right click you and the coating never ends cuz it’s time for the blimp where we’re going to have this double cannon blimp here and we’re going to keep it this way but let’s make sure it shoots out some delicious slices for everyone instead of

Pain let’s start by covering in some cheese because you can never have enough cheese and next up pepperoni another favorite of mine and we got to actually advertise what we’re all about since the blimp is going to be very big and all over the place so we’re going to put in

The w pizza and like what I’m going to do with a cannon I’m going to have some slices hanging out in the front of it ready for delivery yeah look at that and just like that we’re finished the pizza baking is done with this one let’s click

Confirm and for the code it’ll just be a slow Pizza blimp with a ton of Health cuz it’s a big old blimp the skills being to floats and drop Pizza to everywhere let’s CL confirm in 3 2 1 and I may have kind of broken this one I

Think I did the code a little bit wrong but this is the pizza blimp are the pizzas still there at least yes the pizzas are there but as you can tell I may have missed up this texture you know what it’s good enough hopefully I don’t

Get fired oh my gosh it’s already firing pizzas uh I guess they’re not being suspicious at all oh anyways we have one thing left to do and that is the cannon all right Canon let’s get the coder out and this time let’s try not the best

Things up okay so let’s start again by first covering this thing with cheese by adding it to the end of it cuz you can never have enough cheese this is all cheese cheese cheese next up let’s get some toppings and let’s go ahead and scribble on the side what for which it’s

Pizza and lastly add a slice of pizza to the end of the cannon like I mentioned earlier to really blast that pizza anywhere we need to be and we’re all set last’s click confirm that’s one pizza Cannon ready for delivery and this is going to be a simple one the health and

Infinite this is going to be the immortal Pizza Cannon no no one can destroy it the skills are to launch Force super fast and to launch beats of course I think all the soldiers will be very happy with this let’s go confirm in 3 2 1 and there it is the pizza Cannon

Oh my goodness I really just sabotaged all their weapons anyways though now we should be able to go inside okay we have under 20 minutes left and there’s a way down and a way up let’s go up real quick don’t know if those explosions are from my pizzas or from something else all

Right what do we have up here uh nothing maybe we got to go down here oh I completely missed and this is literally a staircase right here anyways let’s go up real quick oh and there’s more propaganda here and it looks like this might be a planning area oh wait what is

This cancel pizza party and to do War oh yeah we got to stop this okay wait is there anything in here no there’s just dieses and stuff okay this is what we’re going to do I think this is what my ultimate mission was guys from the beginning we’re going to put the pizza

Party as the to-do thing and we’re going to cancel the to-do I I I don’t I don’t know if that makes sense but I think we’re good there and so what that being done are we good to go down can I just go back to my base oh my gosh wait I’m

Surrounded okay maybe we got to find a way out hold on there was a tunnel straight down there no way I’m going out there let’s maybe take our secret spy Nester all the way down here and see if we have something to do oh wait is this

A tunnel straight over there okay you know what good thing this place is lit up but they have it looks like a tunnel straight to the other side oh wo there’s a fallen system which way do I go all right I’m booking it oh gosh the time

We’re starting again oh my goodness I thought we ended the war or maybe I still got to press the piece button oh wait there’s a ladder okay okay okay okay okay this better be a way out oh my gosh oh wait and it’s my side there was

A tunnel from Blue all the way to Red this whole time oh hello they were waiting for me I guess that’s a mission complete all right high rank your villager I kind of did all that you asked me to do so are we good oh mission complete go to the general spot I’ve

Been promoted I am now with the General’s medal oh yo and so we’re putting this on I am General exoro oh my goodness they are still going to do War guys my frames holy cow we need get to the general spot quake and end this okay

So in the beginning we decorated this to say no to war and it didn’t let us end the war but now we can pick peace or War all right everyone we’re not going to go into battle I did this in pretty much in record time but let’s go ah and click

Peace and slap it oh it worked yo and now they’re going in okay you guys aren’t going to battle right it’s the pizzas oh my goodness this is a happy ending to a great story and I think that’s the world saved we have all come together to eat together amazing well

Hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and here’s a video just like this one bye guys

WAR to PEACE in Minecraft…
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#Minecraft #But


  1. Finally Nestor Ended the WW3

    B̴̢̠̋̊͑̈̾̑̊͒͗̽u̴̢̠͎̲̗̮̤̥̪̖̦͈͕͛̈́̀̒̒̄̚͠t̵̏͛̃̍́̈̚͜͝ i̵̢̢̡͚̩̞̥͕̜̻̫̩̐̈͘͜t̵̏͛̃̍́̈̚͜͝'️ş̵̛̳̍̃̏͆̏̂̎͌͘͝͝͝͝ ️ṉ̵͓̬͈̞̥̭̥̇̓̔͋o̶̯͎̱͐̇͋̅̃̈́͋̽̊̀̓͊̃́͋̓t̵̏͛̃̍́̈̚͜͝ t̵̏͛̃̍́̈̚͜͝ȟ̸̨̯̲̝̳͓͎̭͖͊̄̔̽̓̂̋̇̋̀̕̚͜ẹ̷͓̺̰̽̍͛̉̐̔͋̓̚͜ ẹ̷͓̺̰̽̍͛̉̐̔͋̓̚͜️ṉ̵͓̬͈̞̥̭̥̇̓̔͋d̴̨̢̤̗̦͚̺̭̤͙̹̃̕…

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