lightly modded stardew valley

Live button and then open Minecraft and we are ready to go yo yo yo what’s up chat and by chat I mean Haley not even me I’m eating pizza chat it’s not very good Winnie you chunky little man hi Maya hi um wolf pack please don’t call me a loser not kind

I’m okay Maya how are you we’re traveling back from a long a long trip I tried to look for a Pillager Tower and I couldn’t find one cuz I wanted to do a raid on a village thank you Maya hey hey watch it wolf pack thank you Maya it’s very

Nice see what pack you need to take a page out of Maya’s book Maya said I looked good you called me a loser that’s not very nice is is the same world where you got Boom boomed by creep creeper and rage quit yeah yeah it is she bounced back she bounced back I

Did I did I got lots of [ __ ] now Maya I’m not interested in any art right now I thought we talked about this I really appreciate you sending it to me though I don’t have the money right now I’m a broke college student chill wolf pack I can appreciate the hustle

Though grind if you will Fu what the [ __ ] my dude I really just wanted a Pillager Tower like really bad raid yeah L you’re just starting to recover from last time what recover from what you got beat up whenn all Day that’s beta Behavior CH but mubot is officially dead well on YouTube maybe on Twitch mubot is Alive and Well if you will huh alive and popping if you will how was your weekend muot not muot how was your weekend talk um you know it was a

Weekend every day is kind of a weekend for me that’s real actually terrible but I’d be losing my mind I am losing my mind well P still hasn’t responded to the the behavior I’m scared I’m lying in scared of what’s brewing oh no jackly I just came in to say hi I’m

Kind of busy so have a nice stream bye have a nice night some response I bullied him too hard P yes I’m better I’m an alpha I’m Alpha him and sigma okay that’s something the beta would say Bet Squad also I can’t hear Too Well I don’t have headphones right now good probably a good thing that you can’t hear me to be honest did you just call yourself a beta Hawk No all I said is beta Squad I was not implying anything implies that

You’re in the squad no no no a little bit it does just a little MH at least just a tiny bit if that’s your interpretation of events I wouldn’t necessarily agree with that I’m being gaslit if you think so maybe I know so you’re gaslighting me I’m gaslighting you yeah but what is

Gaslighting what is well what is gas lighting if not truth persevering um huh do you feel H mm why not I feel the opposite of her I’m feeling a little menaced right now why can’t I approach this [ __ ] Dolphin I lost the dolphin I don’t know where she went no well there goes my chop she was going to me that’s okay ah [ __ ] I got mining fatigue sh annoying leave me Alone what’s your favorite kind of P correct answers only or no answers what’ you say I said what’s your favorite kind of pizza correct answers only s asked um a question yesterday uh to us at game night and he asked if you could only have one food for the rest of your life

What would it be and my immediate answer was pizza and then he immediately realized that he had to add a quantifier to the answer pizza because you could literally just put anything on the pizza and then I said okay quesadilla and he said okay that

Works and then like I I knew and Jim knew that like you can put anything in a quesadilla and then Jim speaks up he goes bro you could put anything in a quesadilla too s and then I was found out why you trying to find loot Poes

Weirdo well even even if it was just a pepperoni pizza or just a plain cheese quesadilla I’d be okay with eating that for the rest of my life nothing else the [ __ ] what do you mean the [ __ ] cheese pizza forever I said pepperoni pizza or cheese quesadilla but is is the Restriction

Like pepperoni from a specific place no no he said he said well this this is where got tricky because he was like okay well you you got to choose one one type of pizza then and I was like well pepperoni and he goes okay but like from a specific place and I was

Like um yeah that’s the thing is is that like everybody there’s different types of pizzas like there’s different styles of making pizza and there’s different top you can put on said pizza and then on top of that there’s like different places that make different styles of pizza differently

And they use different types of ingredients for their different types of like there’s just so many quantifiers to Pizza that it just becomes almost asinine to try and reduce it down to a single like thing to eat you know yeah you’d have to say I want a New York

Style pizza from Dominos with only pepperoni red sauce domos does not do New York style pizza freak I bet you they do New York style pizza I bet you they have an option for it weirdo I I don’t know I don’t eat Domino’s we’d be knowing this who’s

Trying to get a New York style pizza from Domino’s who the [ __ ] trying to get a pizza from Domino’s me not Me you’re destroying my chances at a domino sponsorship no actually I might be reinforcing your chances at a Domino’s sponsorship it’s so good so Yummy you’re just me you’re just picky as [ __ ] it’s not even true like I I like if I’m hungry and I’m given the only option to eat Domino’s Pizza I will happily accept Domino’s Pizza because pizza is pizza and also if I have the choice for literally any other type of

Pizza I’m going to Simply Um say hey what about this type of pizza I just think routinely Domino’s makes the most economic um my argument is for Little Caesars on that aspect yeah but it’s like a step up like and even then like the $20 deal that’s two medium pizzas two medium two topping

Pizzas the bread stick the like the bread bites and the sentiment twists and a 2 L for $20 that’s fair that’s fair um I raise you Pizza Hut’s Big Dinner Box deal now Al be it it does not come with um soda and I think that’s the quantifier that really that sets

Dominoes up ahead of them but Pizza Hut also has a similar deal like $22 and it’s got two large pizzas uh some cheese sticks and cinnamon sticks or a different side like fast food Pizza is pretty pretty close together when you talk about like the the Pizza Hut

Domino’s Papa John’s block and then Little Caesars is in a category all of its own it’s like the [ __ ] McDonald’s of pizza I mean clearly we all agree that anywhere that has their own local pizza chain is likely to be the best unless you live in the Ohio River Valley in

Which case you don’t know what pizza is I’m highly considering switching my game uh stard have you have I told you what Ohio River Valley Pizza is um I had to have I have um no okay so they cook at a pizza with very very light cheese and

When I say very light cheese I mean the pizza is red you got your you got like the pizza is cooked with just sauce and pepperoni and maybe like three sprinkles of cheese and then what they do when the pizza is done being cooked they cut it

And then they put cold cheese on it I saw your reaction in live time that is disgusting that is not the way to eat pizza I will admit that that is not not a good way to go about not at all when I was staying at trix’s last

Summer we watched a regional pizza video where a guy covered all the different types of regional Pizza in the US and he ranked them too and very clearly that is on the bottom of the [ __ ] list yeah real would be on the bottom that Mak sense it’s like it’s

It’s like I didn’t know that there was a wrong way to make pizza real it’s gross I can admit that I’ll admit it I’m really cold right now are you with the dogs I just came upstairs of course are you are you switching your game uhuh that’s

Lame maybe maybe don’t play stardo and get back on the server too late it it already happened that’s literally a crime you should be ashamed of yourself you could have told me I said I was just down with the dogs for a couple minutes yeah well it was

Kind of a long couple minutes it was like 10 I got bored Winnie just needs a little extra attention he’s a big Softy interesting Interesting h h H interesting Melle What I’m feeling kind of bored under stimulated if you are at will what if I shut off the stream and watch TV T what are you going to watch I don’t know you The Originals maybe the OG’s yeah sounds nice doesn’t it yeah that sounds very pleasant sounds it sounds like it could

Be a whole vibe a lot better than this than what I’m experiencing right now what what is it that you’re experiencing right now tiredness boredness you know exhaustion yeah you you get the vibe it’s just not great The Vibes but get them yeah yeah yeah sometimes The

Vibes don’t always have to be be Immaculate sometimes The Vibes can just be you know I wish they were so true I wish it was just Immaculate Vibes 24/7 don’t get me wrong nice I have five star hearts with someone imagine though imagine what Immaculate VI I don’t have an imagination so

That’s not true you’re an artist no I’m not oh the dogs are [ __ ] barking again no I’m still here no bad haul why are we barking for bad don’t yell at me bad badad Evil all right you want to poop up who the [ __ ] are these people I who Hector is

Bro I know who George is though Oh Boo boo tomato knock knock no I don’t want to just right now honestly mood sometimes I just feel like I just want to like sleep for a couple years right yeah just let some things pass actually I feel like I feel that the most during like winter I mean yeah

When it’s winter I just want to hibernate true I’m GNA be honest guys I’m GNA shut the stream off by chat I love you guys I know it’s been approximately 10 minutes oh it’s actually been 27 minutes that was a good trial I tried I thought it was a good

Idea it’s not feeling like such a great idea and I’m supposed to do this for fun now so yeah if if the Vibes aren’t there The Vibes aren’t there and you just leave you know I’ll see you guys soon oh why is Minecraft open too see you

Thanks for watching 🙂

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