Terraria’s Snowball Cannon, but it shoots boulders

So, earlier today I was scrolling Reddit when I came across this post by u/Shalapai4201, which suggested the idea of an “upgraded snowball cannon that shoots boulders”. Now, normally, I’m rather brainless when I scroll Reddit. However, after reading this, I got a strong urge to actually bring this into reality – so, I did.

Now, of course, I am no star modder. Don’t expect anything magnificent or novel from someone who only knows how to follow tutorials. However, I do know enough to work with existing mechanics, and I believe my interpretation of this particular idea is at least decent. So, that being said, this is the Boulderball Cannon.

I know, very creative name. It’s a Snowball Cannon that shoots boulders! It is crafted from a Snowball Cannon and 199 Boulders, making it relatively cheap, though its requirement to be crafted at a Mythril or Orichalcum Anvil locks it behind Hardmode. This was done for balance reasons, as you’ll see in a minute.

After crafting the Boulderball Cannon, you’ll notice a few quicks of the weapon. First, the immunity. Boulders, by nature, are incredibly dangerous to players – after all, that’s their claim to fame in this game! Unfortunately though, a boulder gun that causes its user to immediately commit suicide wouldn’t

Be very useful, so the gun comes with protections built in. As long as you are holding the Boulderball Cannon – that is, you have it selected in your hotbar or cursor – boulders become completely harmless to players. This is an effect that applies globally.

You are free to run into any and all boulders with impunity – and you will be completely unscathed. However, the moment you mouse off the Boulderball Cannon, you will lose this immunity. All boulders become hostile again, including the ones you just spawned, so be careful – or

You might meet a rather quick demise. As for the second quirk, you probably already noticed it. When holding the Boulderball Cannon, boulders gain glowing tracers that make them much easier to see and track onscreen. Given boulders’ tendency to move however they like, this is invaluable for keeping tabs on your projectiles.

But, just like the immunity, this effect disappears as soon as you stop holding the weapon. The third and last quirk is in the weapon itself. You’ll notice that the cannon doesn’t actually have any intrinsic damage value. So, just like the Coin Gun, the damage and crit power of the Boulderball Cannon comes

Solely from its ammunition, not the gun itself. Speaking of ammunition, boulders! Boulders are now a class of ammunition for this weapon, and they are the most important variable for the cannon. There are four options, representing the four boulders you can find in Terraria: the standard

Boulder, the Bouncy Boulder, the Life Crystal Boulder, and the Rolling Cactus. The standard boulder is a… boulder. To be like typical, standard vanilla boulders, I set them to deal 70 base damage to enemies – though as ammunition, you can increase this through ranged damage buffs too.

Crafted for 6 stone each, they roll long and fast, but are relatively brittle and don’t bounce well. When held, the Boulderball Cannon highlights them with a cloudy grey tracer. Of the four, the Bouncy Boulder is possibly the best ammunition for this weapon.

They are like vanilla boulders, dealing 70 base damage, but have far, far superior bouncing abilities. This allows them to stay on screen much longer. However, their drawback is their exorbitant price, costing an extra 5 Pink Gel per Boulder, which is still ludicrously expensive even with a 90% ammo conservation bonus. Yikes.

When shot, these boulders behind a fluffy pink tracer when powered by the Boulderball Cannon. The Life Crystal Boulder is probably the weirdest boulder in the entire game. These generate naturally in GetFixedBoi worlds, and can also be crafted with a Life Crystal.

They act pretty much identically to a standard boulder, but they’re a life crystal! That being said, there isn’t really a reason to use these, on account of their stupidly expensive crafting recipe, though I guess since they drop a life crystal on death they are recraftable? I dunno.

Leaving behind a jittery red-blue trail, these boulders are not affected by ammo conservation. And lastly, we have the Rolling Cacti. Unlike the other three boulders, cacti are naturally weaker, dealing just 35 damage to non-player entities – though they do release spikes every time they bounce.

Despite this, they are the weakest of the bunch, and are generally not worth using. The Boulderball Cannon makes these boulders and their spikes glow a bright green color. So, that’s the gun itself and the ammunition it fires. Given that, how does it actually feel like to use then? Well, surprisingly responsive.

The Snowball Cannon actually has quite a decent firing velocity, which transfers over to our Boulderball Cannon, meaning it is quite easy to use over a medium distance. The Boulders themselves also retain their natural ability to accelerate over flat surfaces and climb slopes, meaning they are exceptionally fast and effective over these flat surfaces.

All boulders also have infinite piercing and extremely strong knockback as well. Through this, we can reasonably conclude that our Boulderball Cannon will be absolutely godlike for crowd and invasion control. And indeed, it is. The boulders absolutely decimate the Pirate Invasion and Stage 2 Old One’s Army over a flat arena.

The boulders can stall the oncoming ground enemies while dealing heavy damage, and the Cannon itself has enough velocity to hit flying enemies decently high up as well. Unsurprisingly, an infinitely-piercing boulder cannon also works wonders against the Destroyer, but then again, basically everything with piercing does.

With what we’ve seen so far, the crowd-control capabilities of the Boulderball Cannon would definiely already be A to S tier for early Hardmode. It’d definitely be a powerful weapon in this state – but the Boulderball Cannon still has two more tricks up its sleeve – Bouncy Boulders and For the Worthy.

Both of these cases amplify the power of boulders by a even more extreme margin. With Bouncy Boulders, we can bounce boulders off the edges of a container, like this, and they will keep ricocheting back and forth – decimating anything in their path.

As long as you can afford these bubblegum blobs from hell, you can hold your own against pretty much any swarm. Meanwhile, For the Worthy boulders work in a similar but different fashion. You see, in For the Worthy, standard Boulders split into three mini-boulders upon destruction.

So, for grounded attacks, each boulder is essentially like 4 boulders in the same package, which leads to some… funny consequences. However, despite this insane (yet still unsurprising) crowd-control performance, the Boulderball Cannon has a few notable drawbacks – it is no panacea.

Those drawbacks are its lack of versatility, immunity frame issues, and poor single-target performance. The lack of versatility is a minor but pertinent issue. Remember, as soon as you mouse off the Boulderball Cannon, you become vulnerable to the Boulders you just fired.

And, you ARE vulnerable – while boulders deal 70 base damage to enemies, they deal much, more damage to players, meaning that you’ll often get one-shot by your own boulders if you mouse off. Without the ability to freely switch between your hotbar, you’re limited in your ability

To use support or secondary items like the Golden Shower, Rod of Discord, or Nimbus Rod, without worrying about a sudden death, limiting your combat versatility somewhat. Oh, and of course, remember it could be a disaster in multiplayer if you die!

Then, immunity frames present another secondary issue, as Boulders use the older and inferior “global” i-frames. So, when a boulder hits an enemy and triggers immunity frames, that enemy becomes immune to all forms of damage, not just damage from that boulder or boulders in general.

Due to this, only one boulder may hit a target at once, which means only up to 6 hits per second on a single enemy in ideal conditions – no matter the amount of boulders. Those boulder hits will also block other unrelated hits from registering – like those from another

Player or even your own minions. The difference is quite stark – here’s a fight versus Plantera using “global” i-frames versus that with “local”. You can see that the difference in letting every individual boulder hit is… quite significant. You’re missing out on a lot.

Most modern weapons have transferred to “static” or “local” immunity frame systems that prevent this issue from coming up, but Re-Logic didn’t bother with updating traps. This is why Boulders and Bees still use “global” i-frames – their origin is in natural traps.

Thus, when they are weaponized – either by me or even by the vanilla game itself – this issue persists. It’s simply unfortunate. And lastly, we have the weapon’s mediocre single-target performance. You’d think that a weapon shooting a 100+ damage boulder three times per second would do decent single-target damage, but no.

Other weapons like the Onyx Blaster, Uzi, Dart Pistol, and even Titanium Repeater just deal more single-target damage. They benefit from ammunition bonuses that the Boulderball Cannon just doesn’t get, and they simply get more lead downrange than the comparatively slow firerate of the Boulderball can.

Compound this with the “global” i-frame issue, and you get a pretty crummy single-target weapon. So, in summary, the Boulderball Cannon is pretty much what you expect. In a way, it’s kind of like a weirder Star Cannon – god tier crowd control and multi

Target for bosses like the Destroyer, but poor-to-mediocre damage for single target. It’s a bit situational, but I figure that if it existed, it would probably find a way to worm itself into the meta. If Re-Logic actually decided to add this into the game, then they would probably find a

Better way to balance it than me. I mean, hell, I just copied the Snowball Cannon’s stats, slapped some vanilla boulder damages on it, added some protections and called it a day! Not much on my end. Re-Logic would probably find a way to make the weapon a bit less broken for crowd control,

And add variety by making sure the Life Crystal Boulder and Rolling Cacti have a use beyond… sucking. And, of course, if they did this, they would also fix the i-frame issue. Now, how do you think this weapon would turn out if it was added into the game, and how would you balance it?

Let me know in the comments below. If you enjoyed this video, consider subscribing, as it supports the channel. Things like this take quite an amount of time to make, after all. Similar videos are on the left and right. Either way though, thank you for watching, and good day and good bye.

See you next week.

What if Terraria’s Snowball Cannon shot boulders?
a bit of a stupid this time
100% pointless discord: https://discord.com/invite/yJrCt9YFz5

mod download (note: my coding is crappy and compatibility is not tested!): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1mMkmHrnz1cqU4Y1oZ2al-d8SeDzqm9B-/view?usp=sharing

0:00 Introduction
0:35 My interpretation – this is the Boulderball Cannon
2:14 Meet the Boulders: your new ammunition
4:11 The positives of our Boulderball Cannon – crowd control!
6:13 The negatives of our Boulderball Cannon – a few things
8:43 Closer


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Mods and Packs:
Foundry & Alchemy (Pack) – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2440505684
Fancy Lighting [Ultra Preset] (Mod) – https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2822950837
Stanberry Font (Pack) –
Stormdark UI (Pack) –
DragonLens (Cheat Mod) –
Better Zoom (QoL) –
Character Stats (QoL) –
What if Terraria’s Snowball Cannon shot boulders?


  1. Alright so what if the cactus boulders spawn spikes on hit and life crystal boulders heal allies by 20 if they get hit I mean I really don’t expect you to update the mod as it seems like a one off thing but it could be cool

  2. Cool mod
    Just wish the gun didn't give everyone boulder immunity and instead just disabled the launched boulders hitbox so it wouldnt insta kill you although i assume you did it the other way because you couldnt get it to work

  3. First of all it would be way more funny if you weren't immune to the boulders (outside of when you spawn them). Perhaps an inventory item or accessory could make you immune to cannon-spawned boulders though.

    As for the gun itself I think it could do with a slow fire rate toake it a bit more fair against crowds, make the splitting boulder a separate ammo item so it's not exclusive to for the worthy, and make the rolling cactus create a spike shower on the first enemy hit so it's better at single target.

    No idea what to do with life crystals

  4. wouldn't be surprised if we got something like a boulder launcher that deals the full 400 dmg rather the normal 100 dmg to enemies as a ranged version of the Zenith just for kicks and giggles

  5. Perhaps a large spiked boulder ammo type could be something? 20 spike balls, 5 chains and 1 boulder per spiked boulder, with the Spiked Boulder acting as the upgraded ammo type with more damage overall

  6. A way to make it better for single target and a little less busted in aoe could be to increase first hit damage, and reduce subsequent bounce hits. Not sure how easy that'd be to do though.

  7. My idea for life crystal boulders: lifesteal. It would work pretty well if the cost of those boulders will be reduced. And the bouncy boulders could have reduced damage for the cost of being very bouncy (and once again, be cheaper to craft). Cactus boulders should get a damage buff and thats it. Overall, I love this.

  8. Instead of using actual trap boulders, use a separate projectile that looks like a boulder and acts like a boulder. Now you're free to make changes:
    – No self damage
    – All boulders disappear after hitting 10 enemies
    – Life boulders have lifesteal, 95% ammo reservation, and no longer drop life crystals when they hit the ground
    – Cactus boulders ignore some armour, and their spikes let you hit more enemies than the 10 pierce limit normally would allow. Keep the low damage to balance this.
    – Bouncy boulders can only hit 3 times.
    – And most importantly, boulders now have static immunity, with bouncing boulders and cactus spikes having local immunity.

    Now we have a weapon that by default packs a punch for crowd control. Cactus boulders allow for huge crowd control and their defence piercing makes them ideal for the dungeon. Life boulders make a good boss option if you can afford the price, similar to the star cannon. And bouncing boulders allow you to fill a room with boulders, knowing that even if you miss at first, every single one you fire will eventually connect.

    Also I'd add the terra boulder, which has homing (only horizontal, not vertical), divides in half with every hit or bounce, and has huge damage even on the small ones. Local immunity obviously. It cannot be reserved through any kind of ammo reservation potion or armor set bonus, you throw it and functions like a screen clear, seeking out and destroying everything within bouncing distance of the ground.

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