I Survived 100 Days as a WITHER in Minecraft

What is the most terrifying mob in all of minecraft some would say it’s the ender dragon while others would say it’s simply the skeleton but those people are all wrong the wither is by far the worst mob in all of minecraft and so today i’m going to prove it by surviving 100 days

As the wither and did i mention my two friends are gonna try and murder me within those hundred days just so they can prove that the wither isn’t the strongest so anyway without further ado let the game begin so i am the wither and these two are gonna hunt me down

Because for whatever reason they don’t think the wither is the scariest mob in the game with her well i’m gonna prove it this time trust me the second i step off this platform you guys are allowed to start chasing me and murdering me and trying to do whatever you want but obviously i

Start with my cool witherstone sword uh boo boo okay here’s what’s gonna happen i’m gonna leave the discord call and go to a new one and you guys are gonna stay in yours once i step over this platform go understood okay leave bye okay so i’m in my own call now alone but

It’s okay because we’re gonna be surviving 100 days i also got this cool vibrant skies resource pack looks pretty good i’m just going for it here we go and we’re gone we’re going right for this forest they’re right behind me oh he’s going oh he’s going here’s the

Problem he’s a wither so he probably has a lot of health already okay but i have this stone sword so i want them to chase me here so here we go ready oh it’s hard to hit them because my range can i hit them it’s okay they

Can’t hit me oh yeah i can oh yeah they’re done one’s dead there we go he’s dead i’m running i’m gone i gotta get some space in between us the fact that i took that much damage from people punching is sad in itself these trees are annoying also as a

Wither i’m really big like really really big why am i running i forgot i can fly as a wither why was i running i literally forgot i forgot i could fly okay i’m gonna go make fun of them real quick because i forgot i could fly

Dude this is so fun already i love the fact that i can fly anyway i’m gonna get far away from them for a sec so i can start getting my basic resources food and everything else and then we’re gonna go ahead and start going because by the

Way as a wither i have a massive advantage i can upgrade my wither over time into the wither storm if you’re familiar with it in minecraft story mode there is a thing called the wither storm and i can now turn myself into it yeah now there’s several different layers of upgrades over time

Did i do a falling tree only four logs for that really let’s just get our basic stone tools then real quick the problem with the wither is i’m only like too wide i believe so i can fit in two wide holes however i’m like five blocks tall like if i do this

I can’t get past that let me see if the mobs attack me do you guys attack me no they don’t okay cool that’s good to know so i can work at night where they can’t now here we go i have a little cheat sheet on how i can upgrade my wither now

It says i can morph into the wither storm stage one by getting nine wither skeleton heads and throwing them into blue fire in the nether you can light fire on soil i think it’s called and if you light fire on soul soil it turns blue and if i throw a nine wither

Skeleton heads in there apparently i should turn into a wither storm version one and i can upgrade all the way to a wither storm level five which is insanely powerful i’m not gonna worry about that for a minute i’m actually gonna cross this ocean we’re in a desert

That’s a good sign what is that what did i just find ancient room that is gold blocks oh my god this is cool i don’t think i can mine these yet no i can’t so we’re gonna come back to this in a sec we need to find iron okay i

Need to find a village i need to get iron asap oh my god speaking you shall receive what a weird village it’s in between two biomes this is good though as long as these guards aren’t aggroed on me here we go we got some hay i got

Also got some of these okay grab this for food now we have a food source nice very nice okay that should be enough what is this scene this seat is absolutely crazy there’s a desert temple here too now i’m going to have to be very careful luckily i can fly so we’re

Going to break these two blocks here while flying we’re going to break this and let’s grab this we oh there’s the iron we needed get some emeralds i need emeralds later for some of the upgrades oh my god i got three diamonds already i did not expect to have three diamonds

That fast this is such an op start because for the second upgrade i need nine additional wither skull heads three diamonds and three gas tiers and i just got the three diamonds i needed i’m in a really good spot now let’s make ourselves an iron pickaxe and go get

Those gold blocks cause that’ll come in handy a lot later when i get to the nether to not get attacked by the hoglands but or piglets or whatever they are um everyone tried to correct me last time i still don’t remember what they’re called actually let me let me talk about

Ever made fun of me for saying the wrong thing like hogland piglin look i don’t know i’ve been playing minecraft since there were only piglens so them adding stuff i don’t know the new stuff very well there we go gold blocks this will come in handy when we try and just level

Up in the nether we won’t have to go to like a bastion or whatever anyway we’ve gotten everything in this area that we can possibly get for the minute uh and we have iron so at this point i think it’s probably safe we start getting some armor mining in this

Size is gonna be way too difficult unless i can find like a big ravine or cave i can clear it like this so i can go in here and i can see there’s copper there’s coal i’ll take the coal i could also totally hold on i gotta try

This not that i’m gonna stick with this but i could totally get a horse as a wither okay which one do i want no you have a baby i’m not gonna take you uh you come on oh my god be my friend this is awful

There we go there we go okay we’re gonna go in we’re gonna put your armor on and now the wither who rides a horse [Laughter] okay anyway let’s start making our way back to zero to see how well they’re doing because they were all the way

Across this ocean i believe so horse you stay here if they find you i’ll be sad but i don’t think they will come here horse get in this hole that is your new home i will screenshot your coordinates and i will be back okay so now that we’ve put our horse in

Timeout let’s start heading back and go check this one out see if we can somehow find a way in if i start breaking this with this iron pick these guys should leave me alone right no you jerk giving me mining fatigue is there a way to combat that or

Do you just need milk buckets you probably just need milk buckets maybe that’s what i should do is go get milk buckets hold up hold up that gives me a plan we got some pigs over here and there we go cows booyah excuse me did i just pick up the whole cow

Instead of milking it i want to milk you there we go that was annoying to deal with hold up no that’s great that’s helpful i can bring the whole cow to the fortress with me come on cow you’re now my battle buddy okay you go there and now give me milk

Now you wait there oh i found the elder guardian he’s literally right here okay he gave it to me oh yeah i still got my milk bucket but i’ll wait till i need to break something hello let’s break it from a different side let’s go underneath and break in maybe from underneath

Oh you jerk there’s gonna be a long process to do this but it’s gonna hopefully it pans out okay the jerk’s back he did it to me twice what maybe i do just kill them do i just try it but then they all attack me i think

And i don’t want to deal with that actually so no let me let me go ahead and break them this time oh you jerk there’s two of them there’s gotta be two of you i feel like i’m so far into this i’ve gotta solve this soon i’ve gotta be getting close right

Oh my god dude i’m taking the cow i’ve decided the cow’s coming with uh where’d the cow go the cow disappear my cow’s gone oh can i only do it a little bit a number of times that’s ridiculous though i heard it i hear you where’s my cow look cow i can’t do

Anything without you okay well cow’s gone um okay this has taken several days just to do and i’ve gotten nothing for it i’m gonna stop here that’s so annoying oh am i really not gonna get the payoff for that because now i have to fly all the way back just to find a

Cow do i just get a bunch of buckets and a bunch of cows like what am i supposed to do here i need more resources to do it that’s it let’s go back in mind we’re finishing the job i can’t just leave it be so let’s look around for a sec just

To get us some more iron here we go okay we got another cow there we go and three cows and i believe there’s a mine that’s right there that i think may have some iron in it so we’re gonna go try that out in a sec

Okay so let’s go over here down here there was iron down here okay oh yeah we got it oh there’s more iron right here perfect oh and over there perfect perfect there we go we got a lot of iron now we’re actually really good on iron cool that’s enough to make ourselves another

Iron pickaxe and another bucket so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna pick up one cow and the rest of your milk there we go bring it on dude i’m back and i got a lot of milk Three maybe i just have to wait in between doing it you come here give me my milk all right so we’ll go this way oh the gold room oh it’s literally right there i can see it it’s literally through this wall i’m not stopping till these are mine

Gold for days there we go we literally have 20 gold blocks already finally got through that let’s grab some milk drink it fast we are leaving this place and not coming back and with that we should probably start seeing where they’re at because uh i i have no idea

Okay now i saw in chat that they found ancient remains like i did so i’m gonna check these ancient remains out i can’t tell i can’t tell if it was changed up or not there was the village nearby with the temple i’ll go check that out maybe

Okay i don’t see any players oh this would be a good area to mine in oh wait no no way we need to go deeper and there’s another portal right there that i think i just saw them flash out of oh my god i could trap their nether portal

I’m 100 gonna trap their nether portal no way oh my god they’re gonna burn to death on the way out of this place oh my god i gotta surround this in blocks i have to okay now it needs a roof ready oh what do i use damn i’m out of blocks i’ll

Grab this one oh if they’re burning they’re here they’re gonna burn yep there it is he died oh no he killed him to make him reset i think you know i’m gonna use my nether gold ore there we go oh i got him trapped good is he gonna die yes he is

I’m dying i’m perishing yeah baby i love when traps just work we got him oh that was great after trapping the hunters inside of their nether portal i decided it was time to work on getting my first wither upgrade the level one witherstorm this upgrade should give me the ability to shoot out

Explosives fly faster and even break blocks at a much faster rate so with the upgrades in mind i started building a nether portal however this was kind of short-lived because the hunters came and took over my portal almost instantly so now i have to go make another one

Collect the nine wither skeleton heads and then i can finally upgrade into my next wither upgrade let’s go ahead and let’s start finding a new plot of land for our new nether portal let’s go over here and let’s find a lava pool and let’s make ourselves a nether portal

Real quick here we go oh i haven’t done this in so long um put water here now we want to do like something like this but i think that could also be very wrong find out very wrong i was very wrong there we go now we got it that’s what i messed up

Oh my god i’m too tall to fit in nether portals is this some kind of joke i don’t fit so i’m just gonna cover in lava there we go let’s go find another one let’s try again what is this a mayan temple wait this is a sacrifice

Pit that i bet you i can turn into another portal we’re gonna put water right here cool i didn’t screw it up this time now we just take the lava and we go bada-bing so i have to do this right here we go put a

Water here boom we did it once now we shoot one more water bucket okay will this work i fit yes yes i can make a super tall one that i fit in oh oh okay but i don’t fit oh how do i get back through oh i didn’t think this through

Oh wait i can shift into them oh i’m an idiot i could have shifted in the last one either way let’s save the chords this is tricky already good thing i have fly i’m gonna pop a god apple so i can just get out of this i hope i can get back i

Got five minutes five minutes to find another fortress not a great start i’ll tell you that there is nothing here that i can see let’s go this way maybe here we go here we go here we go boom we got one yes now oh the blazes oh i did not think the

Blazers would attack me dodge nice any skulls no no skulls okay we found one let me take these coordinates down now i have another god apple to get back from here i’m probably just going to grind out actually the wither skeleton skulls because i need a total

Of nine to upgrade into my first wither upgrade let’s go and let’s do that let’s upgrade let’s just i’m gonna grind these out for a while and uh i don’t know how long this is gonna take this is probably gonna take a bit of time oh that’s spicy

Drop a skull drop the skull please drop this one i know i don’t want bones i don’t want a coal oh my god still it’s not here i’ve killed so many i’m gonna do it i’m gonna do it i’m using the god apple i just i want to ignore the blazes they’re

Annoying i don’t have to worry about them wait i got it i got the ninth i think i just got it yeah i have it i’ve nine oh my god are you kidding me right when i use the god apple okay hold on let’s upgrade it to the level one while we

Have the ability to okay here’s some safe blue fire i think so i get to take these nine wither skeleton skulls throw them in this fire and then step in the fire myself and i should turn into it am i did i transform i feel small i definitely transformed i’m small now oh

I’m a whip little wither with a command block for those that don’t know that’s how the wither storm starts is the wither accidentally combines with a command block and that’s how the wither storm begins but okay i’ll take the height shrink i think i fly faster okay

So let me show you a little bit about my new power so one i fly really fast like look at this this is insane speeds of flight oh wow i can’t believe i found it i did okay let’s go and boom we are back to the wither skull

Stage one and we are look how fast we are this is ridiculous this almost seems unfair okay so i kept the flight speed still increased but i’ve lowered it a little bit so it is a little less broken let’s see what we can do let’s go actually

Let’s go find a desert temple real quick because there’s another ability that i get with the first level of wither i want to show you guys oh wait here’s the village there was a temple in this village wasn’t there oh yeah right here okay let’s grab this and now let me show

Off what this does so now if i take tnt and put it in my main hand and put flint and steel in my off hand i can now throw tnt so let me give you an example here let’s throw it in the village and i chucked tnt

Yeah i only have eight shots and i have to craft any tnt i want to use i’ll have to get more gunpowder and sand but i’ll be able to throw tnt at them as the wither storm so uh we just need to figure out where they went and when we

Figure out where they are we can mess with them with this tnt oh another desert perfect let’s find another temple whoa what is this building oh my god their name’s in there are they in there i think they’re in that building that’s definitely them there we go

There we go i can look at this i can hit him with tnt like mad he’s surrounded i’m out now they got some good gear oh they do a lot oh they do a decent bit okay they do a lot of damage i need to get

Guns oh my god okay i don’t think i can fight them but i’m really fast so they can’t hit me much and back around the mountain okay we need to quickly find some more teams i can search in the desert way faster than they can come on there’s got to be a

Temple somewhere here yeah we got this village and that’s really it in this biome i don’t see a temple for tnt so i guess i’m gonna have to just do it the old-fashioned way come on i don’t want that creeper to die except by my hand

We have two more we can shoot we’re probably gonna save up for now we’re not gonna use these yet unless they want to just destroy their base which i could do in fact let me where’d they go great i heard them neither hit do i have lava buckets i do

They even notice the lava they’re running oh he got me pretty good there but not enough i’m making him take pain dude he’s taking some pain oh i’m on half hp i’m gonna be really careful here oh i burned him i killed him the lava and everything

Killed him yes it’s okay we did kill one of them let’s see if they left anything behind here at this place oh he spawned here oh my god look at all their stuff oh i can’t grab it all right i don’t see them dave tnt i’ll rob

Their tnt they have a tnt minecart i think i get tnt out of that i can blow up their chests now okay we’re getting a little low on hp here for my likings i’m getting sniped by luke from the distance he thinks i don’t see him but i do watch this ready

Oh he’s shooting me good okay we’re low on hp so let’s back off for now i think we need more upgrades because their their guns are ridiculously strong so we’re gonna back off for the minute let them think we’re still around but we’re gonna back off and try to find a desert

Temple get a bunch of tnt so i’m basically gonna go around everywhere i can to get a bunch of tnt then i’m gonna go ahead and work on grinding out some more wither skulls this is gonna be a pretty grindy part so uh what we’re gonna do is i’m gonna start by actually

Getting the wither skulls getting the next upgrade which should give us some extra hp and then on top after we get the wither skulls and get to the next upgrade because we already have the diamonds we need then all we have to do is look at our new upgrade itself get

The heck on out of wherever we were uh and go from there so first things first let’s make another nether portal put the water next to the basalts break the basalt put the water down well that didn’t work there we go okay this should this nether portal is definitely big enough for me

To fit in okay let’s go grind out some wither skulls and then we’re gonna be all set to go oh here we go another fortress okay with their skeletons we gotta start killing them okay murder some of these guys now we just gotta get nine of these heads

And we’ll be good and this is gonna be grindy again so i’m probably gonna have to narrate this away again because who wants to watch me just murder skeletons for hours i i wouldn’t oh there’s a bunch in here hold up oh we got chest in there too oh god there’s so many

Did i get any i didn’t even get one out of that what bedrock oh my god i could use that to trap someone so long as they don’t have ender pearls oh that gives me a new plan okay i’m gonna grind out these skulls upgrade to level two find them again and

Try and trap someone in bedrock if i can do that oh my god would that be so broken but first i gotta obviously get the uh get this taken care of we’re just gonna make another iron sword but okay weather skeleton farming here we come after days of grinding more wither

Skeleton skulls i finally had nine more to upgrade my wither so after tossing the nine skeleton skulls into the fire along with three diamonds and three gas tiers i finally made it to wither storm level two now on top of the high flying speed i also now have a strength upgrade

So i hit way harder and just a reminder this is just level two there are still three more tiers to go well hey look at me i’m a big black blob with a command block still okay we just literally need like five this should be enough here and

Then my traps gonna be complete now i need to lead them back i’m right on the edge of their desert still if they’re still here i’m gonna go back through the desert find them wherever they might be in and around the area and then we’re gonna go ahead and lead them down here

And trap one of them or that’s the goal anyway down here they’re gonna chase me right i’m gonna lead them down this hallway take this turn jump down this hole they should water bucket i’m gonna try and punch them in this hole and if i

Get them in the hole i just cover it up and they are trapped there’s no guarantee this works but i think it should work by pulling on zach i don’t know if that would work on luke okay i didn’t find them anywhere in the desert so they’ve got to be somewhere over in

This jungle would be my guess in this river oh yeah yeah look there he is there he is there he is i whacked him where’s my tnt there we go they’re underwater so it’s not gonna do anything right now got him three times i can get around that oh zach’s here

Oh his does the most oh he didn’t see the dnt i blew him up he’s chasing he’s chasing hard okay how far away from the desert pretty far okay he’s chasing though oh he’s fast oh he’s really fast okay i see him i see him i see him

Oh we got him four times killed him baby come on luke come on luke come on luke oh yeah they’re spawning here they’re even closer now killing them was a good idea come on get the edge oh no he’s in the water oh he’s under me that doesn’t do much

Get him spider get him he’s running yes okay we got him we got him got him got him we got a good whack we got a good whack bait him down here we go down here we gotta make sure he sees us oh he’s close we’re big so he’s

Gonna get some hits in here okay here we go pretend we’re hurt pretend we’re hurt where’s my bedrock got it i got it okay he’s gonna come down here nice get him in that hole get him in that hole yes he’s in did i do it

Hold on i don’t think i did i might haven’t tried no he can jump he can jump and jump that’s bad there we go now he’s trapped he’s trapped oh my god i think i have a booby trap okay we just need to fill this in now

Fill this in with mad blocks here we go i think it worked how did you get bedrock modded spawns baby fine i’m out of here that literally could not have worked out better in my favor like that is insane that is insane that that worked as well

As it did so for the next weather upgrade i’m gonna need the same stuff as last time so i need nine wither skulls i’m also going to need additionally six diamonds six gas tiers and six emeralds just to get this upgrade and then it’s gonna double from here on out and i’m

Almost tempted to grind all the way to three three shouldn’t be too hard but four and five are where it’s gonna get really difficult so i may do four and five all in one swoop we’ll see but as far as three is concerned i think we start getting the diamonds now because

We we only have four left we had the seven we lowered it down to four now we need to get rid of these four we need to get five more diamonds on top of what we already have to get the next upgrade and we’ll go from there let’s go find some

Diamonds we can get already now the fastest way to get diamonds is definitely going to be dungeons mining for diamonds especially while i’m this wide is going to be near impossible so my best bet is to fly around and look for these dungeons wherever they might be and loot them for diamonds because

We’ve had pretty good luck in our dungeons so far so i’m gonna keep looking around to find more and i bet you i’m gonna be able to oh oh i didn’t even notice per more joint oh he got a new if he got a new hunter what he literally got another hunter

I mean i guess that’s fair because zach rage quit after i trapped him but oof that’s gonna be a pain to deal with like burma is really good in this game did i loot these bubbles already oh we got some fresh bubbles okay we got one we are one short come on

Boo yeah dude 10 diamonds that’s all the diamonds we need for the next upgrade oh my goodness yes let’s head to the nether and start working on getting the wither skulls and then we could literally do the next upgrade i think hold on let me

Double check oh no we also need the gas tiers are easy but the emeralds i need six emeralds as well so i’m gonna have to find emeralds i haven’t seen emeralds oh i’ll have to do some trades in a village that’s my best bet let’s quickly

Go do some trades in a village okay there should be a village around here somewhere i’m sure this is a pretty massive okay yes there is i’ve i’ve been here it should be village like right over here okay let’s check these villagers for their trades and emeralds

For 16 arrows okay that’s not terrible seven birch saplings and i’ll get that okay that’s not that’s pretty doable 24 lily pads is definitely doable then my friend this is your honorary honorary new gun at least in my are to reload what’s so funny your skin just holding a gun is my favorite

This is my gun this is my red rider bb gun nice oh my god are we having a gathering over here guys are we having a town meeting what’s going on this is irregular something’s going on i’m so scared right now i i just got really i got hit with a

Wave of paranoid you think he’s nearby i don’t i don’t know but this has never happened before and you got to watch out for any of these things i’m going to top side real quick so we have our first of our first emerald now we need to get a

Total of nine emeralds did i read it wrong i read this wrong i thought i needed nine diamonds i need six diamonds six gas tiers and six emeralds so we got extra diamonds for no reason but that only means i need three more emeralds so that’s actually not too shabby i’ll take

That but that does mean to get these next three i need 72 of these lily pads so when i have that i can trade and get the rest of the emeralds i need but this is not gonna be an effective strategy going forward so they’re asking for my chords already so they’re already

Planning an attack which makes me nervous seeing as per more is really good at this game so i’m gonna go ahead and start coming up with my game plan here on what to do so from here i’m gonna work on getting my next wither upgrade so i need just nine skulls and

I’ll be able to do that upgrade right the next one’s where i need 18. okay now we should define a lava pool of some kind we find a lava pool we are set let’s go back into the nether here we go what’s our why 73 we’re actually not that

We’re not deep there’s a glitch with the upgrades i can re-pick up the items the second i threw them in the fire and still get them picked up and get the upgrade i didn’t lose my last wither skeleton skulls is that cheating though okay i’m gonna you know i’m gonna let

Our creative director make the call mousey you’re you’re joining a video for once come say hi hi you get to make the executive call do i get to keep the skulls or not no i think that’s cheating no i was afraid i knew you were gonna say

That okay go away mousey mouse is the camera by the way that follows me around okay i’ve been to this fortress already obviously but we got look at all the wither skeletons yes come here my friends okay none yet we’re just gonna grind this out until we get

Them how was the ever everlasting journey to find ryan well um i’m positive oh god i gotta go negative oh man i’m still negative three thousand nice get there buddy finally collected the nine wither skeleton skulls after several days of grinding and after that i simply killed a few guests and it was

Time for the next upgrade if i throw the nine skulls in here the seven diamonds and not the seven not the seven six diamonds six emeralds and six gas tiers then i step in the fire i should get the upgrade now this time i have to actually

Let them burn i can’t pick them up right after i throw them in that’s cheating but let’s throw in one two i do seven well i guess i’m paying extra for this one there’s better work or i’m gonna be really angry here we go oh whoa i’m huge

Oh my god i can’t even like see my face because there’s so many hearts so check this out not only am i slightly faster i also have a strength buff i have speed to haste whatever fire resistance whatever and saturation so this is gonna be good so now when i hit a blaze

Dead when i hit a blaze dead when i hit a wither skeleton dead i’m one tapping everything that i wasn’t tapping before so for now let’s go ahead let’s get back to where we were now there’s several ways out of here i can go through this route or i can go

Through my other route they’re back in the overworld i don’t fit out oh i do fit out nice okay now we need to go find them wherever they are i see someone how many arrows do i got 27 i definitely see someone what is that thing wait a second

Don’t tell me that’s him oh did you find him wait is he like this big black like uh object yeah oh my god no i knew there was someone around there i don’t know where he’s gonna spawn but i’ll be far away that gives me plenty of

Time to collect the emeralds i’m gonna need for this next upgrade dude i spent days getting out there what literal minecraft weeks getting oh my god taken out in like the span of 10 seconds i’m almost tempted to just collect all the lily pads i need now get

All the emeralds i need now and then just focus on getting the diamonds in fact that’s probably what i’m gonna do so i don’t have to do this because this is like really boring and redundant okay let’s trade this villager with the three we got let’s just empty our inventory a

Little bit okay that gives us eight out of 12. we need four more oh we have four that’s all we need we have the emeralds we need for this next upgrade so now let’s put him back in a bucket where he’s safe and not gonna be murdered and

Now we just need to get enough for the final upgrade which is going to take 24 emeralds so i’m getting 576 lily pads for this final upgrade i need nine full stacks of lily pads i don’t even think i have nine slots for it but we’re gonna

Do it all now not only do i think i can do it all now uh if i do it now i don’t have to worry about them coming back because they definitely have these cords okay we’re gonna get all these now get all these lily pads finished i don’t

Care how many days this takes so yeah i regretted getting all the lily pads in one go it took three whole days just to collect them all but luckily i got them all meaning i don’t have to grind for emeralds anymore so at least that’s something good that came of it okay

Let’s put down our villager let’s trade him and now i should he he gives me a sale now that i’m friends with him he won’t give me anymore i can’t do the trade anymore i did it too much okay we’re doing okay on emeralds we got 16

But we need a lot more uh because that villager just gave up on us we need to go find a village find someone who’s willing to trade lily pads for emeralds again yeah thank you oh you don’t even trade are they fighting each other so i’ve i’ve got 22 missiles correct so that’s

22 rows of hell i can land on my shots with a missile hunter dang it’s a lot of damage yeah plus extra why don’t you take a practice shot on me uh yeah that’s probably a good idea oh i’m moving [Laughter] that’s 20 that’s 20. we literally need

Four more which we can do with either potatoes or we can do with the other one let’s grab some potatoes there we go 14 yeah that’s enough boom grab them trade boom bam bop boom boom yes we’re done okay cool we don’t need you anymore we don’t need you anymore

Perfect we can pretty much go to four straight to five we can skip over a full step possibly the hard part is still we still need 24 diamonds to do that and 24 gas tiers we’re also gonna need a total of uh 38 wither skulls there might still

Be some spacing but we don’t have to look for the emeralds anymore the main thing is going to be grinding wither skulls so we’re at least making some progress in that regard but for now here’s what we’re gonna do now that we’re done with the emeralds let’s focus

On simply getting some more we’re doing okay on food like we have plenty of uh hay left but we we could definitely use some more armor our iron armor’s broken so we definitely need some upgraded armor we’re also most certainly going to need some upgraded some upgraded weapons

As well so let’s go focus on that for a second let’s find some caves where we can dive in just swoop in real quick and grab whatever’s inside grab as much iron as we possibly can get get ourselves iron armor we don’t need diamond or anything fancy we’ll just stick with to

The iron armor and we should be good to go there we go we got it we got all the iron okay i still see more but that that’s 19 oh i don’t want to that little bit i have to squeeze out so much just to get

It’s not worth it yeah let’s get a little more iron let’s go down here maybe what are you a shark you definitely don’t look friendly nope definitely not friendly he crashed my game when he attacked so i’m back at the game uh the crash is over it definitely was a little funky but

Apparently don’t let the fish touch you it’ll crash your entire game noted we still need to go ahead and find some iron here we go we got a little right here if i can if i can get in here i barely squeeze through 27 that is enough

That’s all i need for the full set so let’s go to this little island here yeah we got the full this is just bonus from here they courted me so they should be on their way would be my guess okay so now that we’re fully upgraded we just

Need to go ahead and we need to upgrade again so we’re gonna look for a lava pool and we’re going to kind of go from there was over here i’m getting close to the negative 4 000 and did they see me i just saw them did he shoot me with something that’s

Giving me wither yeah wither three for six seconds oh that sword’s got the wither that sword’s got the wither noted that does a brutal amount i want that tnt to get him no yeah we’re out of tnt officially okay we’re still our weapons still aren’t strong enough to really

Fight they got all these like fancy umbrellas and stuff hold on i got no idea let me get some lava i gotta have a bucket i can burn him to death better than i can fight him to death Oh my god we gotta run we gotta run let’s go let’s go oh my god i’m on fire oh my god no oh look oh my god no he tried to blow me up that way blew himself up though that didn’t work out for you he pulled i think

Oh we killed him in time yes let’s go i’m going to purling a magic pearly oh jeez oh my god whoa he just two shot me we won that battle and there’s a lava pool here so i would say this is a good place to build our nether portals and start making our

Way to the nether honestly and boom we have our nether portal set up now we just need to go ahead and locate some diamonds we got these cord set so i’m gonna go fly around for a bit find some dungeons get ourselves some diamonds and then we’re gonna make our way to the

Nether to get our level oh they’re back i just said in my nether portal too okay we have to kill him here i got an idea he’s gonna try and rocket me but it doesn’t do enough yeah he’s already running off the one they’re going through my another portal

That’s stupid why would they do that oh we got him in the back okay we need to go we need to go find diamonds well then we’re gonna be so quick about this you know what i think i’m just gonna upgrade to the final form let’s get all the

Diamonds we’re gonna need right now instead let’s get this all done with and let’s wrap this up because this is gonna this is gonna take a while i spent the next 12 days going from dungeon to dungeon getting diamonds emeralds and anything else i could truly get my hands

On i also looked around for different weapon upgrades but so far i haven’t found any of the cool weapons that the hunters have it’s unfortunate but i think it’s time to put them in their place so i made a whole new funnel system to take care of these wither

Skeletons and it is making it so much easier to get these skulls in just a few days i’ve already gotten 26 of these skulls which is way quicker than before it definitely helps that i have a sharpness four diamond sword but it’s not like because like i can one tap i’m like see

You’re dead so that’s not doing anything with my fire resistance but this is great news because they can shoot at me all they want and as any skulls oh yeah there’s a skull in there there’s actually two skulls in there so it’s going to be 12 skulls for the level 4

Upgrade and then we need an additional then we need an additional 26 for the final upgrade so we have enough for that we just need literally like 10 more to go and we will be good so we’re gonna keep grinding these skeletons for once again ever and waiting till we get the

Uh right amount here oh my god wait i can make my quarters negative six six with another one okay that’s what we have negative six six six seven nine seven negative seventy-five i may have to find a new one if they if they actually make their way over here okay

We got four more 30 so we’re at 32 now not quite where i want to be where are all the wither skeletons there have been so many up till now okay we’ve completed the tears why did everything stop spawning here one two three how was my armor breaking yeah i

Assumed as much it’s been going for a few days now so not overly surprised this is definitely gonna be one of the tougher ones to find i need to find a new dungeon i also don’t want to get too far away and lose my way back to the old nether portal i

Mean i guess i got the chords yeah i got the chords what am i saying we’ll be fine found a fortress look at this it’s right through this wall actually okay so i found one but getting through it is gonna be difficult i could switch down hold on let’s morph down to

A regular weather size and see if i can get through it with that okay we’re now a regular wither so we have less hp but i can fit through one wide gaps again not leaving my base what are they at different locations are they not together man getting these skel skulls is brutal

Okay he’s here he’s here he’s here i got an idea oh that’s doing a lot of damage that’s doing a lot of damage he’s gonna come around this corner ready and whoop oh he’s inside don’t don’t fight him inside that’s like the worst idea i could do honestly this place ain’t spawning that

Many withers either they must mostly be spawning inside would be my guess nice he’s dead there we go okay we’re finally on our own again where we can just collect these things okay so this one’s not spawning okay it’s spawning a lot but it’s not spawning a ton so we’re just

Gonna keep grinding him here we only need six it shouldn’t take that much longer let’s just grind out the six get the remaining six and we’ll be good to go so it took around another two days to get the remaining four skulls i needed for the upgrade and now with all the

Diamonds emeralds gas tiers and wither skeleton skulls i need i can finally upgrade my wither into its final form no way there it is 38 let’s go there it is finally we’re done okay that gives us everything we need we just need to exit the nether now and then we are

Going to be good to go so let me just pull up my nether coordinates here okay and let’s switch back to a regular weather real quick so we can fit through this portal okay so perfect we’re in a good spot we’re back in the overworld

Now we just need to go ahead and do our upgrade so i’m gonna do our upgrade to level four first so i’m gonna grab the sole soil let me grab the flint’s steel and let’s go ahead and let’s do it so we’re gonna put down one we’re gonna light it

And now we just have to throw all the materials in so uh so i don’t miss because i’m so big i can miss easy i’m going to go ahead and actually put a little backing we’re going to take the 14 skeleton wait 16 skeleton heads we

Need there we go should we get 20. the last one it’s 18 and 20. there we go so we take the 18 heads we need and we’re gonna go ahead and throw in the 18 skulls and then all nine of these and then step in the fire

And we’re in and boom i’m apparently stage four what does this look like i can’t see so i’m on fire let me go step in some water oh my god wait what is the i have a laser does it do anything why can’t i see my laser can i shoot it in

The sky okay we can still light another one an upgrade try to make sure i have all the stuff i need so for this last one 16 16 missing a gas tier there we go yeah 16 we got 16 gas tiers perfect now we go back to our nether

Portal we can already do the final upgrade we’re not gonna do it right now we’re gonna fight them first a little bit with what we got and then we’re gonna get into this whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i found them that’s not natural oh oh there he is there he

Is he’s got a laser sticking out of him where is he where is he he’s that way he’s where i’m looking i’m gonna let him know i’m here okay i killed a unicorn i killed unicorn oh oh oh what did he kill you already they’ve got no beds no beds oh okay keep

Shooting me you keep shooting me i’ll take your arrows thank you oh is this their beds yeah he spawned down there he’s around me he’s around me get away dang it i fell no oh it does a lot that says a lot where it set us on fire actually

Okay more’s dead do i do the final upgrade up here i could do the final upgrade right now i’m gonna do it i’m gonna do it up here in fact just to make sure they don’t get us let’s go all the way up here okay that’s not gonna work

They’re gonna kill me the second i do that okay hold on here we go we’re gonna do the final upgrade over here on this hill ready we throw in 20 wither skulls 20 diamonds 16 emeralds 16 of these i missed yeah we gotta fly we can fly hold

Up hold up we need to build a wall where’s our 64 cobbles over here okay luke’s dead nice they’re both dead they’re both this is my chance to upgrade this is my chance to upgrade now what we need to do is we need to put oh i’m a regular

Wither right now no wonder my health isn’t as high throw in our 16 diamonds throw in the 16 tiers now we just step in the fire and we should be good to transform into the final version oh my god look at my health oh i can’t even go

In that five how big am i okay i’m in my final form i literally look at this i’m so big when i hit e i can’t even see okay let’s see can they even hurt me they can’t even hurt me is this their power oh this is nothing

Okay that’s it i’m activating the final form has one command i can activate look at this they’re not even touching me so as you can see once i type in slash tnt i start spawning tnt everywhere below me and i can choose to watch if i do this

It’s now raining tnt on their base oh everything’s blowing up oh my god no i gotta get down i gotta get down oh stay in the water luke it’s raining and i’m literally just spitting out tnt at this point but that’s okay let’s put this in our hotbar we can literally

Throw tnt like this everywhere where’d jose go he’s trying to run here we go throw a bunch of tnt on him i can’t even hit him oh my god he’s right on top of me oh no i’m gonna get to the poker he’s done he’s toast he’s literally toast we got

Him we got him dude this is so broken we surrendered yo what are we supposed to do against that there’s there’s nothing we can do no we give up me and luke give up duty it’s like 9 00 p.m you’re 10 million feet tall it’s over we’re in the nether we

Just blew up our base and we just dumped it to the nether i blew up your nether portal i was wondering where you guys went yeah we had to play i had to play a b in place where if things got so big uh i had a

Lever to blow up our entire base while we uh went through the portal well you’ve gotten away um i i agree your bullets don’t even hurt me anymore we could fight the remaining like 30 or so days that are left if you want uh no i’m going home okay

Okay i’ll see you later so it turns out that this is way too broken and we there’s no need to play the remaining 30 days out there is no reason at all to play the remaining 30 days out because this thing is broken the wither storm is

The most broken thing ever added to minecraft even if it is through a mod so that means i technically win in probably the most broken fashion i’ve ever won yet so thanks for watching we’ll see you all later

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►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a WITHER in Minecraft


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  1. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😂😂😂😂😂😂😮😮😮😮😮😮😅😅😅😅😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😮😅😮😮😮😅😂😅😅😅🎉😅🎉😮🎉😅🎉😅😮😮🎉😢😂😮😅🎉😅🎉😅😅😅😅😅😂😅❤😅❤❤😅😅🎉😮😮😅🎉😅🎉😮😂😅😅🎉😮😢😮😢😮😅😂😊❤😊😊❤😊❤😅😂😅🎉😅🎉😮😮😮😮🎉😮😅😊❤🎉😅😅 23:34 😮😮😂😊❤😅😂😅😂😅😅😂😊❤😊❤😅😂😅😂😊😂

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