Having an ANIMAL FAMILY in Minecraft!

Today we’re going to be starting an animal family in Minecraft guys check it out we’re all animals uh why am I a cow ew she’s a cow she smells like poop ew you pooped yourself Daisy I did not and you’re like 100,000 lb you’re so fat debie don’t say

That wait daddy where are you oink oink what Daddy you’re not a pig you’re a turtle how you know I’m a turtle I could be a I could be a fish yeah I could be a fish daddy turtles are fish no they’re not they’re reptiles you dummy Daddy I’m

Surprised you’re not like a big pig or a cow because you know you are fat in real life you know what turtles are they’re really old so that’s why it makes sense that I’m a turtle oh wait who’s this up here obviously it’s me Skye wait what

Sky what animal are you um an axel an axel I literally wear an axel hat every day Jeffy how do you not know wow that’s really cool I like that animal wait guys what am I Jeffy you have three guesses you’re orange you’re giraff you’re like

A dog and you smell like Vines Daddy I’m a giraffe no you’re you’re not a giraffe wait let me see wa I’m a fox let’s go this is awesome but guys we’re stuck here an island wait what we’re stuck on an island let me see oh my goodness so

Fat there’s a bunch of animals everywhere wait a second is there any animals on this island yeah D look it’s a froggy beat them up stupid frog guys what if that was our friend well now that we’re animals we can kill other animals it only makes sense it’s the

Animal kingdom um guys stop arguing there’s a chest over here wait what a chest wao what’s in the chest book of pumpkin Warden what the heck does that mean wa guys it looks like there’s a bunch of writing in here all right I’m going to read it sorry to alarm you

Travelers but you have been placed on this island of misery because of the all Almighty pumpkin Warden unfortunately you have been chosen to get eaten by him but all is not lost guys we’re going to get eaten by a warden this is not good and it’s a pumpkin that’s really scary

You have very little time but there is a way to defeat the pumpkin Warden you must collect the four bucket animals that are hidden in this crazy animal world and put them on the wall wait four pumpkin animals that sounds easy oh yeah right behind you Jeffrey there’s a

Little place to put them what even is a bucket animal it’s an animal inside of a bucket duh well why don’t we just go inside of a bucket and then it’ll be all over wait let me continue reading maybe there’s a reason after you have completed that you and your friends need

To make strong houses to withstand the pumpkin warden’s Powers once you have completed these few steps he will come and try and eat you trying not to become pumpkin pie from Joe the guy that wrote this letter wait who’s Joe guy that wrote the letter obviously or it’s Joe

Mama oh God don’t make a Joe mama joke wait there’s a PS PS there should be some structures with weapons that could help Oo we can find weapons wait there’s another PPS that bald guy smells horrible haha daddy’s talking about you how Joe know I’m balding

Ppss use the potion in the chest to convert back to people wait there’s a potion in the chest wa guys if we use this potion then it’ll turn us back to humans that means I don’t have to be a cow anymore oh my goodness we definitely should use this

Are you guys ready I’m ready let’s do it all right everyone huddle up over here okay Jeffy throw that potion down so I don’t have to smell like reptile bot all right here we go everyone I’m about to throw it in three two one here it comes ah

Wa guys look we’re humans but wait what we’re still wearing like a costume of our animal hey I’m fine with that as long as I don’t smell like reptile butt any anymore I’m happy well Daddy you still smell like regular butt no I don’t guys it’s like we pajamas these are so

Comfy yeah I look so awesome oh yeah I’m a fox ow I’m a turtle stop it I’ll bite you Daddy foxes eat turtles for breakfast no they don’t you can’t penetrate through my scaly skin have you ever heard of turtle soup Marvin guys stop trying to eat each other I want to

Get off this island so I can make more Tik toks yeah guys Sky’s right we cannot eat each other we need to work together because the pumpkin Warden is going to try to destroy us Jeffy you’re right we need to find those four bucket animals

But we need to figure out where they are well it looks like we need to explore all these different Islands ooh that one looks scary over there there’s a lot of cactus ooh guys what about this island over here it’s all blue I don’t know about that obviously that Island was

Made for me so no you’re not allowed to go there he just because it’s blue doesn’t mean it’s your Island Skye um my favorite color is blue it’s blue it’s my Island Island what about this water is this your water obviously oh my goodness all right well how about we go to this

Island over here oo it looks like a jungle here Daddy I’m going to jump on these Vines yes you did it all right now let’s go to this Vine and what the heck daddy did you fall maybe um I’m not cheating anything yet oh God oh God there’s a tiger

There’s a tiger I need help there’s a tiger in here I just died from a tiger wait so I Kitty oh my goodness the most meanest kitty in the world I love kitties we’re in the canopy guys go all the way to the top oh no we’re going to

Need wood oh my goodness this jungle is infested with scary creatures I know I didn’t know there’d be Tigers oh guys what what there’s a lot of tigers I’m looking at them right now where are you uh I’m on the trees oh I’m not I’m

Making a tree base up here a tree base really daddy well we need wood how are you going to get on those other Islands yeah you’re right we should probably break some wood all right I’m going to start getting a bunch of pieces oo this Wood’s pink what the heck yeah it’s pink

So maybe this is like Daisy section I love pink daisy I see you there’s a tiger right next to you uh where right in front of you I just saw him I don’t see him I’m coming down they haven’t killed me yet oh my God I see them I see

Them I see them I see them oh my gosh is there any loot on this island or no not that I’ve seen okay I’m being attacked I’m being actually mauled to death and I’m dead Daddy stop laughing at me that’s funny Jeffy do you have a sword yet no you

Want a sword yeah I have one for you well me and Daisy are going to the next Island so we’ll see you later well I ran out of wood I got enough pieces I could do it all right guys well the Tiger Island had nothing on it so let’s go to

This island hopefully it doesn’t have anything scary I want to die ow okay go nice and easy stupid Vines need to be quiet what the heck is that what is that it’s a gorilla um Jeffy it’s a gorilla those things are going to beat you up oh

My gosh I need to run I need to run I need to run where’s the loot where’s the loot oh I found something I found something what’ you find what’ you find it’s a bunker coming down wa wa there’s a sword oh my goodness and there’s cave

Leggings oo and there’s cake I’m taking it all since I found it it’s all mine hey I want cake check out this sword it looks so cool does anyone need cake no I don’t I’m not hungry yet no it’s mine well I’ll only eat that cake if it’s

Vegan well Sky it’s actually a meat cake and it’s all for me ew that is so disgusting all right guys everyone stay behind me I’ll protect us with this sword okay oh God oh God there’s gorillas everywhere well kill them Jeffy I just set them on fire get them all oh

No Jeffy I got your back all right there we go take that oh God God they’re beating their chest uh-oh that must be the male he’s going to attack us and kill us I got to eat these glowberries oh yeah they’re so good oh no oh God oh God don’t worry

Daddy I got him hi little baby I’m not going to attack you don’t worry I’ll attack them je don’t do it they weren’t hurting me oh God I only have two hearts this isn’t good we need more wood hurry we need to make some axes we need

Weapons Jeff I died what gorilla got me Daddy you’re strong well guys did we find any animals in buckets cuzz that’s what we’re trying to find oh no didn’t find anything yet well dang it okay guys does everyone have resources is everyone collecting wood yeah okay I have 42

Slabs I have 48 slabs oh I got six planks Jeffy that’s horrible all right guys well I think we have enough resources to go to the next Island so let’s go let’s do it 1 2 3 4 5 6 up I need more slabs go thank you Jeffy just

Build a little faster I want to find a bucket animal all right let’s just go this way you guys see any scary animals on the island uh not yet I might have lied I saw a tiger there’s a tiger wait what not more Tigers no no no all right

Everyone just run everyone just run no just walk quietly wait walk quietly yeah they won’t bother you they’re sleeping oh it’s cuz they’re sleeping seep seep I’m going to go build build somewhere else wait what if there’s Loot on this island I don’t know we got to look

Around maybe in the trees M I’m not seeing anything yet oh God I’m being attacked I’m killing them ow what the heck oh my gosh if it wasn’t for this short I’d be dead right now guys follow me I’m building guys he’s swiping at me he’s swiping at me help Jeffy hurry just

Come over here I can’t he’s like attached on to me we got to help him we got to help him ow what the heck oh my gosh what is happening guys I’m floating I’m floating you’re climbing the wall it’s the leggings oh my God the leggings just

Saved me there’s no way I need to eat cake you must be able to climb oh I just fell are you kidding me dang it all that for me just to fall you ate the cake and wasted it sorry Danny I slipped all right guys I made it back let’s make it

To the next Island come on all right Jeffy just build over really really fast and slowly I made no sense but just go just go you know what I mean do want me to go fast or slow Daddy pick one shut up and go all right what do we got in

This island uhoh more gorillas more gorillas just don’t look at them and they’ll not mess with us there’s a chest where to your left oh right here what’s in it we got a bucket of puffer fish guys we did it we found a bucket let’s

Go must be one of the animals let’s go that’s one out of the four that we need to collect that puffer fish is so gross they’re like so spiky D you want to get a closer look of it come here Sky come here no no no no stay away all right

Guys well let’s go explore some other islands and try to get some more buckets of animals let’s do it but hopefully we don’t die trying to get back oh God I forgot about that let’s just run really fast go go go go bye gorillas ah they’re

After me they’re after me jimy run jimy run wait hold on quick cake break no cake the cake just run there we go I got the cake the gorillas are after us oh my gosh there’s tigers and gorillas chasing us get out of here oh I fell oh my

Goodness Daisy how’d you fall I slipped all right almost there come on Daddy run I’m running lot stuff in my way yeah the jungles are really hard there tigers there’s Tigers they’re not liking me they’re not liking me go get the Tigers go get him it’s got me his claw I died

No no no this Tiger’s on me Jeffy just turn around and run did it let’s go all right guys which island do you want to go to next well let’s go to the desert island but first put down the puffer fish oh you’re right all right um I’m

Going to put it right there there we go there’s one out of the four okay what are we waiting for let’s go okay let’s go uh do you guys see what I see oh my goodness there’s a bunch more animals okay we have to be careful guys to go

Over there and we just need to be friendly with them yeah let’s just try not to die we just have to blend in we are animals all right daddy you go first you’ll be bait me yep Daddy go first I’m a turtle so give him the cow everything

Likes cow nobody likes cows I like eating hamburgers Marvin you can’t eat here we go we made it to the island where are the animals at ah watch out for the cactus what the heck ow ow okay there’s literally Cactus all on the floor ow what the heck that doesn’t even

Look like cactus this what sky you’re on fire what are you doing I accidentally touched the lava don’t worry about it all right wa daddy there’s animals on this island what the heck are those guys there looks like there’s some type of some type of rats on the island of rats

Guys they’re beavers they’re friendly heyo Beaver beavers yes it is oh not friendly oh God oh God daddy they’re attacking you you had to hit them run everyone run they’re rabid daddy we got to hit you off no tell why would you do that because daddy you made made them

Angry they’re Tasmanian devils what that’s what they’re called that’s what it popped up on my screen they look like little rats to me yeah Daddy they’re kind of cute wait guys is there any loot in this island everyone look around uh no that’s a lot of cactus ow yeah it’s

Just a bunch of cactus and sand uh guys what it’s over there where I see a cave oh there is a cave over there all right who’s got blocks I do I got three all right Daisy everyone start building over keep it going you’re almost there oh

Guys watch out the sakes and parkour what that’s a snake the snake ow ow ow oh my gosh I love snakes they’re so cute I want to do that Sky I just bit you ow oh no you literally just got poisoned with this fangs you’re going to die it’s

Only because you screamed and you scared it thought snake was going to love me no it thought it was endangered and it bit you idiot oh my goodness literally we can’t go to the cave because there’s so many snakes we’re going to have to kill them well you kill him I’m staying up

Here you got this Jeffy oh Jeffy watch out behind you daddy I’m going I’m the snake killer Marvin go help him ow I’m not going to go help him he’s got a he’s got the armor and the sword I got this guys don’t worry ah yeah wo yeah I got

Him I got them guys wo dad you’re not doing anything look at this I got some snake skin rattlesnakes rattles all right guys it’s time to go into the cave wao ow I called dibs hey I called dibs wait what o ooh Spike turtle shell and a

Rock shell chest oh that’s perfect for me and I have the pickaxe and the fish yeah sure you can take the pickaxe a ghostly pickaxe that seems pretty good it’s a ghost oh and mushroom stew this is so vegan well guys that chest was really

Good we got so much awesome loot but we didn’t get another bucket with animals in it yeah you’re right we probably have to keep going all right well let’s see what islands are around us all right so it looks like oh God snake it looks like there’s more sand

Islands over in this direction okay does anyone have blocks I only have seven uh-oh we need more wood I have 25 wooden blocks oh can I have that let’s make those into slabs and maybe we’ll have enough to get over to the islands I got 64 we got enough Let’s Go Daddy give

Them to me you want to do it yeah I want to do it all right fine you want to be a big boy go be a big boy all right here we go everyone follow me all right we’re just going to build over in this Direction let me know if there’s a scary

Animal that’s going to kill me um no promises oh God oh it’s those Tasmanian devils again all right almost there and boom all right well Daddy if you just don’t go near them then they won’t mess with us look I’ll give them some cake to distract them there you go guys everyone

To come over here real quick I just discovered a new ability I have for wearing this cool chest plate all right daddy do it am I doing it no no you’re just going up and down I think I need a running start waa oh my gosh I’m like a

Turtle that’s insane okay that is the coolest thing I’ve ever seen in Minecraft cool right that you’re like a real turtle ew you look like a wet seal on a slip and slide that’s so gross are you kidding me right now you did not just say that to me SC that was hurtful

Well I said it well morvin I thought it was really cool and I wish I could do that thank you well guys come on we need to get to the last Island there definitely has to be an animal bucket on this island oh Jeffy all right almost

There what I’d be careful why there’s a really big lizard what where to your left I don’t see daddy oh my gosh oh my gosh that thing is huge I’m going to roll him what the heck daddy oh my goodness what are you doing that’s what sky looks like in the

Morning daddy you just died oh gosh there’s another one I’m killing him I’m killing them any more um not that I can see all right I think we’re safe we only lost my daddy we don’t need him anyways but Jeffy there’s a chest right here let’s go we got a bucket of lobster

Let’s go that’s our second bucket of animals all right let’s go back and put it on the wall uh-oh guys what’s happening on this island they’re fighting animals are fighting this is not good I just saw them spawn in oh my gosh there’s more lizards I’ll kill it

Okay let’s go back hey Daddy wait for us uh oh the snakes oh gosh what the heck I’m dodging him oh my gosh oh my gosh just get out get out get out run run run run run ow what the heck you just hit me Daddy hie Jeffy no I did not you

Definitely just hit me there’s no way yes I made it back to the island guys where are you slowpokes the wall all right here we go the bucket of lobster is now on the wall we need to find two more buckets of animals so which way

Should we go now which way have we been we’ve been this way we’ve been that way so let’s just go to the Blue Island now yeah let’s go to the Blue Island wo wo wo not so fast that’s the Blue Island and it’s my Island and you are not

Allowed to go over there but Sky we need to go over there to get the other buckets okay so if we do go over there any anything you find belongs to me deal oh my gosh all right fine deal Sky anything we find we’ll give you first

And I get to go first so give me the blocks oh my goodness all right here there you go there’s all the blocks now go oh gosh um guys what the heck is that they’re aliens Skye I would be careful um anything blue is not going to hurt me

I think these guys are going to hurt you Skye you just don’t want me to go first no you can go first trust me I don’t want to go first oh God what is happening what is happening my friends oh no oh that’s why you just fell over

Bye um they’re coming after us everyone back up everyone back up I just killed him I got a screecher soul ew what is that I want to touch it ow hey Daddy sorry I’ll go first I’m spiky let me take let me take the hits I’m a turtle

All right Daddy I see some more of them jumping the heck I killed it oh there’s another one over here kill them all kill them all kill them do you guys have any blocks to build with I have five all right I’m going to to chop some trees

Down I cannot believe you guys killed all of my friends that is so ridiculous but Sky they were trying to kill us so we had to kill them um they were not trying to kill you they were trying to save me they were not trying to save you

That’s why they shoved you off right they didn’t shove me off they accidentally nudged me off all right well I got a bunch of wood I’m ready to go oh my goodness there’s three more blue Islands which one should we go to First the left one or the right one

Obviously I’m going to the right one oh I forgot that you go first oh do you guys see those those weird creatures over there you’re right Dad they look like hippos they’re blue hippos they don’t have any faces what yeah they said butth holes as faces I think so let me

Guess Skye these your friends too obviously oh my goodness you have a lot of weird friends well I’m friends with you guys aren’t I hiy oh gosh ow Daddy what the heck stop doing that I’m sorry every time I run I roll Marvin you’re going to end up killing me I’m sorry

What the heck are these things they are so weird ew e we farted that’s so gross wa what e okay they’re farting hippos if we just don’t hit them they won’t attack us well I’m hitting it it’s not doing anything Marvin stop hitting my friends or I’m

Going to have to hit you I will kill you right now Sky you wish you could guys stop it did anyone find any loot on this island or no no I didn’t see anything all right next Island Skye get the building patience all right guys we did

It we made it to the next Island okay what’s on this island oh God it’s more faceless hippos man they really love this place obviously they love this place it’s blue guys I think me and Sky accidentally found the cave wao Sky what’s in the chest it’s some flying

Fish boots oh my gosh that battle ax looks so good I’m taking it what I want it um Jeffy remember when I said anything you find in these islands belongs to me no I don’t remember that I said it it’s blue hand it over oh my

Goodness but I don’t want to hand it over I want want it do it Jeffy it’s mine okay fine Skye just turn around so I can give it to you I’m not turning around um uh oh what’s that over there get back here it’s mine it’s mine

You’re not getting it oh yeah I got the battle axe let’s go oh God I can climb you cannot get away from me yes I can I can climb get down from here h no Sky I’m not coming down give me the Battle Axe n don’t have to Jeffy you can’t have

Two of them just give her the other sword that you have how about that okay yeah do you want the skull sword no that’s not vegan it’s made out of Bones how about I just kill you with your own battle axe you like that take that sky

Hey Jeffy you killed me um yeah that was kind of the goal all right guys let’s go to the next Island now Sky’s not here so I’m going to build okay all right whatever you say all right let’s build over to this one that we went over we

Still have two more blue Islands to go um did that one have any blocks I have a lot all right I’ll take all these thank you very much all right let’s build this direction let’s see if there’s any loot on this island that we missed um it

Looks kind of empty there’s no animals no chests yeah I don’t see anything either this is poop next Island yeah next Island let’s go to the last and final one in the back all right guys let’s start building wait a minute what the heck are those those don’t look like

Nice things they look like red Bears they look evil it’s like a koala my gosh in one it’s walking upside down Jey wait what wait wait whoa whoo W sword the battle axe I did it I did it I killed it okay okay they are very

Hostile and they want to kill us they’re walking upside down the trees they’re they’re all over the place oh yeah I can climb trees too a take that oh gosh they are walking upside down what the heck je I think they just want you I lied it’s

Trying to kill me I think they’re called drop aars cuz they drop on you and they try to attack you in the air oh God you’re right daddyy they’re climbing on the trees someone kill them I got a drop bear claw Marvin go kill them all what

Why me cuz you got armor okay I’m going to go rolling like a rly poly guys I killed like five of them already I need help drop bear die well I don’t have anything to kill him with here do you want my old sword I have this pickaxe

Okay that’s terrible I killed it the ones in the sky aren’t attacking us so I think we’re good daddy they’re going to fall on our face holes kill them okay you got that one take that drop AAR wait what the heck okay that one’s really

High I got to climb up and get it Jeffy don’t do that come here I can’t reach this one I’ll get it Jeffy you need to climb oh never mind nice oh yeah I’m the best at killing drop bears but I only have two and a half hearts it’s okay but looky

Here looks like we found the third bucket of animals okay let’s see what animal it is it’s a bucket of flying fish Let’s Go Fish can’t fly well these ones can they have wings on them and they fly in the sky so it’s like a butterfly exactly but just in the water

It’s a butterfly fish all right guys well let’s go back and let’s put this on the wall of bucket of animals come on oh no it’s Skye hello losers Skye what do you want from us I want my blue battle axe and you’re not going to cross this

Bridge unless I did it back but Skye it’s my blue battle axe I found it first remember when I said anything you find on the blue Islands blah blah blah blah blah it’s my battle axe all right get out of my way Jeffy give me the blue

Battle axe now uh the thing is I didn’t yes you do didn’t you do ah no you killed me Skye and that’s what you get oh my goodness well I’m at the main island and I still got the battle axe so whatever loser I’m still a winner let’s

Go all right guys let’s put the third bucket on the wall now we got the puffer fish the lobster and the lying fish we’re only missing one more bucket ooh we’re so close let’s go to the last Islands okay what island do we not go to

That one wait this one over here yeah this one oh my goodness wait what the heck I see buffalos ooh I love buffalo I’m going to try jumping this with my new special boots what okay okay Skye that was terrible never do that again well I’m going to try it again oh my

Goodness you just keep dying that was horrible to watch ow ow what the heck it’s got poison ivy oh my God all the tree stumps are covered in it oh gosh guys this is not good this is actually not good we can break it we can break it

What the heck is that there’s a bear there’s a what there’s a bear oh my God a crazy bear I one tapped it oh God I’m going to die from poison ivy though ow Poison Ivy sucks we need to find the next Island quick this way this way what

Is this way wait was there any loot on this island or no I didn’t see anything no oh my goodness I’m on a half a literally anyone can kill me right now oh Jeffrey there’s some weird other Fox looking things what the heck wait those are my friends there’s my family is it

Your family is this your family yes guys I’m a fox hello fellow Fox what are you doing there think he wants to bite oh I fed him a chicken what you fed him chicken yeah I just fed him a chicken on accident guys look they’re friendly oh

Gosh chicken what is happening they want the chicken Skye’s holding it Sky put the chicken away um no I’m going to feed it to them oh okay well you’re attracting every single one of them on the island to you yeah they just left me hey you killed one you killed another

One they’re pushing each other off I would never kill an animal I’m vegan um the thing is you just killed like three of them that was not me they jumped off on their own all right well let’s check this island out and see if there’s any

Loot a Jeffy we went to the wrong Island what do you mean I see a cave on the one across it looks like there’s raccoons and bison over there oh my goodness all right well everyone follow me then oh oh I hate poison ivy it’s so itchy my butt

Hurts yeah Daddy I’m itching a lot too all right almost there oh my goodness there’s literally a raccoon there’s a raccoon here he’s so cute what about this guy is he cute oh I just one tapped him oh they’re all eating the meat here

You go hey I want meat give me it I’m hungry look he wants the meat look at him he’s he’s asking for it oh there you go that is actually really cute oh I I just killed the raccoon come here raccoon you want that you want the food

I’ll give you the food there you go it’s running see guys we’re the best animal family ever we’re feeding all of our babies everything is our baby um guys there’s a chest in the cave oh no what is it wa there’s a sword and there’s armor wait who doesn’t have armor I’m

Taking it I’ll take all the apples cuz I need food do I look cool um yeah you look pretty cool you got cool pants yeah they look really awesome don’t show them the food yeah everyone keep your food out of your inventory because they will actually want to eat us

I don’t even have food ow I’m poisoned again ow ow ow we need to start building to the other Islands so we can get the last bucket of animal all right everyone follow me all right almost there and boom We Made It uh-oh what the heck’s on

This island it’s more of your friends I like these islands they don’t attack us at all it’s just a poison ivy uhoh I only have six more blocks who has more blocks I do I have some all right pass him over thank you here you go oh my

Goodness what’s on this island oh got more raccoons hey fellow raccoons oh there’s a baby raccoon what are you doing wait there’s a baby yeah there’s a chest yes I got it I got a bucket of oxal I did it we did it oh my gosh it’s

So cute but that bucket should be mine because you know Axel no just because you’re an axel doesn’t mean it’s your bucket we need to do it together and put it on the wall if I give it to you you’re probably going to run away with it or something whatever all right guys

Come on let’s head back now morvin you killed me that was an accident Daddy really I didn’t mean to I forgot I roll we’re all on a half a heart because of this Poison Ivy and you had to do that it was an accident I actually helped her

Out all right we made it back to the main island now let’s put the last bucket on the wall oh yeah now we got all the buckets let’s go guys that’s only step one wait what read the book again I think it said something about making a strong base or something oh

You’re right Daddy it’s says after you have completed that you and your friends need to make strong houses to withstand the pumpkin warden’s Powers well looks like we got to go make a base all right well I’m going to pick the island where I want my base to be well I think

There’s actually islands for us to build on wait Jeffy they’re colorcoded yours is over here oh God there’s a big buffalo on mine well just eat it what you’re Fox just eat the Buffalo yeah I’ll just kill it and feed it to the raccoons all right well I’m going to My

Island and I’m about to build the best base in the world nuh-uh Jeffy I’m going to build a better base guys I already built to My Island I’m just going to start way ahead of you guys Daddy I’m on my Island too and I killed the Buffalo

Well I got no buffalos all right well since I’m a fox it’s only right that I make a fox house oh my gosh that’s going to be perfect all right so let’s start by making an outline of my house so we’re just going to start over here all

Right this is looking pretty good now we’ll go eight this way now we’re just going to make this a box just like this okay this is going to be the head of my fox and now over here we’re going to make a little tail and then finally back

Here is going to be the body all right I know it doesn’t look like much now but trust me when I start building it it’ll look amazing let me just clear some more of this grass my God it’s so annoying all right so let’s start building over

Here so let’s go up by six blocks just like this pretty much around the whole entire head we need to make this one giant box all right there we go this is looking pretty good now we’ll do this wall and then we’ll do the front just

Like this and done oh yeah that looks amazing all right now let’s make the roof oh God all right we’re just going to fill all this in with some more orange concrete and boom we got a box all right now it’s time to add the big snout all right we’ll do something like

This okay this is looking pretty good now we got to start adding some white accents we’re going to do something like this going all the way around the front and then we’ll go this way and then we’ll go this way wow that’s starting to look like a big scary fox all right now

We need some black for the nose all right we’ll take that stick that there and then we’re going to get some carpet there we go we’ll just put some carpet up here so it looks nice and then we’ll add the eyes on the face H we need a

Different shade of orange what if we use terra cotta oh heck yeah that looks amazing all right now it’s time to add the ear so we’re going to do something like this then put white terracotta in the middle and then for the top we’re going to do black carpet wow that’s

Actually looking like a fox oh my goodness all right now let’s start working on the body so we’re going to go up by four blocks around the whole entire body just like this all right there we go just got to do this side now this is like a paw right here just feet

And boom perfect now let’s just fill it in and make the roof all right done I think back here I’m going to add a giant window oh yeah that looks really cool there we go now we got a window and now over here we’re going to make his tail

Our Fox is going to be sleeping and this is also going to be the doorway into our base all right there we go that looks pretty cool now we’ll just outline this with white just like that and then we’ll add some of the tail okay this is coming

Together amazingly but now we need to connect the tail tail into the body so we’ll just do something like this there we go that’s good enough oo I have a really good idea all right I need some string what I’m going to do is put some string down here and then put carpet

Above it I’m actually a freaking genius that looks so good all right now let’s add a door in the front so let’s get an iron door and then we need a button I’m going to go with an orange button boom there we go and I think for the floor

We’ll make everything white this will look so freaking good all right we’re just going to break all this and put white everywhere ooh we also need to make the doorway going into the big head all right we can do something like this then fill all this up with some more

White there we go wow look how good this looks all right this looks really good ooh what if in here we did a cool pattern something like this and then we do something like this wow that looks really good all right it’s time to start decorating my home all right so right

Here we’re going to add some something all right I’m going to make some shelves right here and then I put a button on it and then up here I put a flower pot with the dandelion that looks so good all right now what do I put here ooh maybe I

Put like a table all right we’ll just put this here and then an orange carpet on top ooh that looks like a table ooh I just thought of a really good idea all right this is going to get really complicated we need a white banner and

Then a bunch of different dyes okay we need white dye and then we need orange dye and then we need this light blue d all right so I’m going to stick the banner in and let’s start by adding some white we’re going to get this one all

Right this is looking really good now we’ll add some of this gradient onto it like that all right and now we need some blue all right we’re going to go with this one and then finally we need to get an outline on our Banner boom check it

Out okay that looks so freaking good it literally looks like a mirror all right what should we put in this corner um let’s see let’s add some paintings there we go we’ll add a painting there maybe another painting here and then finally this is going to

Be my bedroom all right over here I think I’m going to put a bunch of cabinets so we’ll do something like this all right we’re going to place down a bell um we’ll put a flower here that looks pretty good and then maybe we’ll add some shelves like this and then

Another big shelf over here and then we’re just going to place down some of these shle boxes all right we need another banner I have another idea all right let’s take our orange Banner in and then we’ll get some white all right so we’re going to start by getting this

Orange Banner with the white on the bottom all right then we’ll put in the orange Dy and then we’ll get this one okay it’s slowly coming together okay so we’re trying to make cabinets so I need one in like this and then I we one like

This there we go all right let’s see how they look so this one’s going to go on this way and that one’s going to go there wow look at that that actually looks like cabinets I’m a freaking God all right now over here we’re going to put down some more Shuler boxes just

Like this and then we need some armor stands cuz we’re going to put cool armor in here so we’ll just put them on an angle like this and then up here we’re going to put another higher shelf just like that all right this is looking pretty good all right now we need some

Cool armor ooh this armor looks really cool we definitely want this one and let’s see what else we got maybe we just do netherite armor it’s still probably the best armor in the game so we definitely should put it up here all right now we’re just going to put down

Some item frames and then we’re going to put some trap doors in here I’m basically making more cabinets and then behind it we’re going to put an orange Banner like that wow look how good that looks oh my gosh that looks amazing okay finally we’re going to add the orange

Bed so we’re going to put a bed right there bed right there there we go oh we need a new Banner have a new idea don’t worry this one’s way more simple boom that’s all I needed all right we’re going to place that there place that

There and then we’re going to place down a paint painting all right something like this looks good or maybe we get that one yeah that one looks really awesome and then finally for the last and final thing I need to spawn in a bunch of foxes I mean they are my family

So I need them everywhere there we go now we got foxes everywhere and just like that my fox house is completed let’s just add some gravel in the front like this need a nice walkway going up to my fox house and then also we need to

Make this bridge look way better let me just delete all of this wood and we’ll actually make a good Bridge all right we’ll do something like this and then we’ll just use a bunch of quartz slabs to go all the way across oh yeah this is

Looking really good boom now we got a bridge all right guys my house is completed are all your houses completed yet mine’s finished I just finished my egg house what about you Skye yeah mine’s finished too all right so whose house do we want to see first everyone

Come in the middle all right guys whose house should we go check out first mine mine all right I already know mine’s the best so I guess we’ll check out all of yours first since they’re the worst Jeffy there’s no way yours is better than mine all right well take us to your

House well follow me this way all right wait is it the house over here to the right wao oh my goodness what is this supposed to be it’s my house it’s like a barn oh because you’re a cow you live in Barns exactly so if you come in the

Bottom floor it’s my family wow it’s a bunch of disgusting smelly cows smells really bad je be nice stupid cows and then if you come upstairs ooh a nice little staircase this is cool my room wo wo um it’s very pink I know it’s awesome oh my goodness this is actually

Crazy this is actually a really nice house thanks I worked really hard but compared to mine it’s poop I bet your house stinks Marvin we’re going to see mine next all right everyone follow sky her house this way losers you guys better be ready to go swimming wait what

Swimming I am not getting in water right now well you have to oh my goodness what is this this is my axelent temple there’s so many axelos obviously they’re my family oh my goodness they’re swimming everywhere and they’re really slimy and disgusting wait I have a question what uh where do they

Go to the bathroom um lles don’t go to the bathroom they’re magical that’s a lie everything needs to pee and poop daddy they pee and poop in the water she lied to you that’s disgusting whatever losers just come into my house wait there’s still more um yeah wait we have

To swim down oh my goodness get out of my way you stupid axelos it’s kind of cool wa wow this is cool yeah this is my room it’s amazing this is pretty cool it’s like an underground bunker wait what’s in this chest what a heart of golden apples okay that’s cringe it’s

Kind of small in here yeah it’s very cramped I literally could hit my head on the ceiling yeah and it’s leaky well Daisy we’re not all cows like you and axel are only one black tall damn Daisy you going to take that heat you know what sky you smell like rotten fish all

Right girls calm down stop fighting okay everyone let’s just follow me to my house my house is going to beat all your houses all right fine Dad let’s see your house now guys I know my building’s going to be really realistic okay but it’s not actually real okay what the

Heck is this it’s an egg house what am I looking at turtle eggs turtle eggs these are not turtle eggs God I have to actually spawn this in turtle egg what the heck those are turtle egg turtle eggs let me just crush them real quick are you kidding me well Daddy what’s

Inside the turtle eggs kind of small I’m not going to lie but that’s my little chest room Daddy this is even smaller than Sky’s house how do you fit in here what what the heck this is actually impossible to live in no it’s not this is the coolest part guys relax this is

Only meant for one person one Turtle like me Turtles are huge they can’t even fit in here I fit in there if you transformed back into a turtle you wouldn’t fit in there yeah Daddy this thing is so big he can fit in there everyone help me push dadd no you’re

Going to hurt the turtle stop it jump on him get he’s not going in he’s not going in daddy the get in the hle okay he’s not going in daddy we’re just going to push him off now great look what you did now we can swim in the water guys I

Don’t know why you’re making your houses so small mine is huge my house was big yeah Daisy’s probably going to have the biggest house but mine’s still pretty big everyone follow me all right just look out for some tigers you know since mine’s attached to the Tiger Island oo

Nice little orange bridge and boom check it out it’s a fox wo that’s actually really good that doesn’t look exactly like a fox it’s so cute it looks just like you yep daddy exactly it’s literally me all right right so now we go through this door right here ooh okay

We’re in the tail okay watch out for all of my family they’re just you know everywhere yeah there’s a lot of family oh my gosh Jeffy you have a mirror I can see myself this is amazing yep I have a mirror this is kind of like you know the

Living room/ storage space and then over here is my room check it out Jeffy this house is small W Jeffy you even have pink armor yeah it’s kind of like orange pank and then I got a bunch of room in these cabinets and I got my bed here and I got my whole

Family Jeffy I’m not going to lie to you this house is not that much bigger than my house daddy yes it is look how much head space I have well if you add all that space up I think it equals this space uh no did that uh guys I think we

Forgot something why what I forget um weren’t we supposed to build houses to defend ourselves from the pumpkin Warden you’re right everyone quick get back to your bases we have to prepare go go go I’m going to get my armor on okay give me this give me this give me this

Time to put all this armor on get my axe out what else do I need ooh golden apples I’m definitely going to need golden apples and maybe a bow bow and arrows are super overpowered so I’m definitely going to use some of these I need to protect my fox house all right

Guys do you all have armors and swords on you I do I’m ready go will everyone meet in the middle go go go all right I don’t see any pumpkin w yet what about you guys um I see them where they’re on the center Island what the heck are

Those things I don’t see anything wait why are they so small I thought it was going to be a big scary Warden ew I just shot one with a bow and arrow this is what was going to turn us into pumpkin pie I guess so oh my goodness

These things are so terrible we just killed all of them all that for nothing wow what a big waste of time well at least we all have really cool houses we can live in obviously since we completed all of the steps that was so easy we did

It guys let’s go we survive the pumpkin wardens we’re the best animal family ever heck yeah well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone

Today, Jeffy, Marvin and Daisy are having an ANIMAL FAMILY in Minecraft! Who will be the BEST animal? Watch to find out!

#jeffy #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. jeffy thats kinda rude i mean that was skys island and she said everything belongs to her on that island but u took it so that kinda rude u think u can get everything u want which means ur kinda greedy and also u think ur suppose to be a winner all the time but no so stop

  2. do you know your dress as just a tiny animals but big ones are the ones they can beat because only wild can beat and you’re not a wild animal. You are just an animal not a wild animal in the woods are medium and tiny. They are not the wild, but in the big ones they are the wild, the king and the queens. 1:50

  3. But sky you know you are an animal animals don’t need cell phones and you must be animals because you’re wearing an animals suit no humans are gonna see we’re gonna watch it human food and phones

  4. You are amazing and I love your videos you are the best and your daddy is super fat and sky is so mean and Disy is so nice you and disy is my favor people in your youtube vids 😊

  5. hi I'm Jeffy if you want to play with me and my friend like this video and go on Minecraft and go to friends and tip here's Jeffy and all uf my friends ok love you guys we or so close to hide 5000000 subs love you guys ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  6. Jeffy I can’t believe you turn into a animal that so cool and also jeffy you have to marry daisy cause she is a cow and your a fox and cows and fox’s like each other so you have to marry daisy in the next video

  7. Jeffy what's the video I'm so funny I was so funny I love that the best😀😀😃😂😂❤️❤️🧡🧡💛💛💛💛💛💚💙💙💙💜💜🤎🤎🖤💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛😮🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💵💸💵💸💴💸💵💵💸💷💶💴💵💸💵💴💴💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛🐢🐯🦄🦥🐫

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