This Minecraft World has a Real G̶h̵o̷s̴t̷ Within It…

Me the terrain he’s in the business of scaring people and recently he constructed a whole Minecraft horror map without using any mods supposedly it’s haunted by some sort of ghost girl so when it came time to play test the map he found up the greatest Minecraft ghost

Hunter he knew me I have a history of dealing with nefarious Minecraft entities so I was confident that I could catch her I’ll take the job oh God hello hi have you never seen my skin um welcome to Spruce Elementary School Minecraft’s Premier Elementary school okay lots of students here except

There’s not Lucy’s mom got out of her car her daughter Lucy is not here she has put you in charge of going and finding Lucy Lucy’s been losing a lot of items and so it’s also your job to go and find those four items so she’s a

Little bit like Slender Man in that regard so there is a hat a textbook a jacket and she likes to get into storage closets and I think that she lost her shoes in one all right so she’s going in storage closets and she lost her shoes there this is not something that you

Should have to worry about um but Lucy has an imaginary friend named Bunny great yeah okay understood so you can go in I’m going to stay out here with Lucy’s mom to comfort her I promise we’re not having an affair creepy School missing child okay let’s go catch a

Ghost oh Janice’s closet doesn’t she love to die in here or something let me review my carefully taken notes shoes not seeing any shoes except for the ones already on my feet room 107 I think I just heard an animatronic or something uh ah Lucy bless you I’ve got your jacket you will

Be Lucy wait come back come back please Lucy wait your mother is very concerned as is your potential stepfather oh Lucy she’s gotten away okay here’s the what is this cocoa beans cocoa melons wait what the hell kind of nurse’s office is this oh the library here we go it’s kind

Of dark in the library what does that sound is there a wind turbine in here oh her book Lucy Lucy your ketchup’s got it all over the book oh what does it say nothing Lucy is wild and nasty with the ketchup reminded me a

Lot of Baldi basics in a in a way I thought I heard something storage haven’t I been in here what was that was that a sound effect in the game oh her shoes found a clompers they’re blue is Lucy not going to be wearing anything when I found her that just occurred to

Me she’s not got a shirt she’s not got any shoes she’s going to be wearing like our minions onesie or something now we just have to find the hat that could be anywhere oh I’m disrespecting your attire Lucy I’m wearing it it’s mine now they will call me the real Lucy unless

You come out and say squido it looks terrible on you put this on my off hand look at that Lucy it’s mine now oh crap luy luy I just saw her I swear I saw her but this classroom is awful what the hell maybe this a what the hell I just

Heard a phantom door Jesus I’m getting out of here I like this bit is it in a trash can I love High School hey Lucy it’s me I’m the cheerleader I’m your favorite cheerleader from high school I love band class and um home I have no idea what

That is oh shoot it’s Lucy’s working let’s go watch let’s I don’t know woman’s restroom I need a flip in rest after the what is that oh wait is she leading me somewh is she guiding Me Maybe she’s like a no she’s not real helpful I want this Cactus oh yeah

A I thought I could make some green dye now I can defend myself from Lucy and this is for Lucy’s Mom oh I found it yay let’s go Lucy’s bow died is that a hint about what happened to Lucy Lucy oh Lucy I’ve collected all of your

Things and I still don’t know what is down there maybe it’s nothing huh I think she heard Me oh that is Absolut that is clever that is CL what is that is that Jesus Christ Lucy turn your exposure down you were as pale as a ghost one would even say well this is all over Lucy’s mom is going to love this beautiful aelia oh wait hold on the elevator right

Yes oh wa what that was Nifty look at that Lucy’s badass elevator oh oh okay terrain you scared me that’s probably terrain’s ghost or something don’t do that Lucy if you do that again I’m going to have a heart attack and then the next poor sod

Playing this game is going to have to be looking for two dead bodies mine and yours Lucy’s piece of flint Lucy’s bunny did Lucy really want this did Lucy remember this what what did Lucy forget this is a really weird second floor for a school hey girl and

In the picture there’s two adults and a child and whoever that is I guess that’s me I really hope that isn’t me there she is it’s Lucy very nice oh you know there we go I’m going to get the good ending now cuz I did that the so oh my God why

Would you have this scary face I thought it was germa Oh What can I read them oh my God I can Whimsy the Lucy she was a forgetful and Scatter brain and fancy to school Lucy went with a skip and a hop but she are missing she heard a plop so

She was just slap slapping on the concrete with a bare feet oh God terrain died when I read that what the she can have it back when I find her oh look at that they’ve got a rotated chair and a wa had a table what what dude ham sandwich leave it by

Lucy’s coat rack I don’t like ham sandwiches when the Imposter is sus leave it by Lucy’s coat rack I guess I guess this is a Lucy your teeth are so white and pearly where do you get them done where where are in the world right now okay this is a super flat Minecraft

World one of the earliest types of world added to Minecraft but what you didn’t know is that there’s a grave Lucy is lonely chat what is that is that the devil oh my God it was the devil oh what the hell the train hi what’s what’s going on in there I think

I saw the devil or something where is she did you get her I went to some sort of house Dimension and a scary face ran at me and it could have been Lucy I just thought she would I didn’t think she would look like that she’s in a rough

State is what I’m saying squid I don’t think there’s a house dimension in this school I think you’re just crazy squid how didd you not get Lucy she should have called the police Lucy can I go back in do you want to I don’t know you

Ran out of the school screaming did I oh it’s been a rough night yeah one too many moldy school lunches has really starting to affect me oh I hear you I hear you I think she might be in there today I have to save her oh crap hey Lucy hey girl that was

The little map that I made that was awesome that was so cool this guy in here this is Travis Scott it’s Travis Scott why would you have a scary picture of Travis Scott in closet why not it kind of looks like me as a child that would be insane if you actually got

A picture of me and put it in the game that would be insane catwalk boom boom I think this might just oh my God she’s STP she’s just stood there she looks like an Among Us character she looks yeah hey girl now it just looks weird cuz I’m wearing I’m

Wearing the outfit why are you wearing Lucy’s Among Us cosplay oh wo i in my mom’s car and then we go up oh this was the best that I could do without mods very impressive thank you for playing consider me spooked thank you everybody so much for watching and

Thank you to the terrain for inviting me to this horrifying experience if you enjoyed make sure to like And subscribe and I will see you guys next time Bye-bye

There’s a ghost running around this Minecraft world, and who better to deal with this spooky situation™ than ME!? I’ve hunted many terrifying Minecraft entities like Herobrine and Error 422, so I knew that this “haunted school with a potentially possessed evil ghost girl” would be nothing to me. All I had to do was find a lost little girl called Lucy, which should be easy, right…?! But…well… all is not as it seems….

Map was made by TheTerrain, check out his channel!



  1. Reminds me of old Minecraft horror map videos that I was actually just thinking of looking up and watching for a good scare. Though Squiddo makes it almost not scary with how funny she is.

  2. 0:00 Squiddo: Meet TheTerrain, He's in the business of scaring people. And he constructed this school horror WITHOUT using any mods.
    Meanwhile the mods: Clearly exist in the footage
    Did anybody see the monster looming over Squiddo at 3:41?????

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