【Stardew Valley】4 – Stardew Sundays – Diving into the mines

Uh going e you wa what what’s going on where am I hello quite Chi hello give me just a minute try need to figure out what’s going on here what wait heit what’s going on is there like a filter on top of what’s going on what filters no there’s no filters what wait

Hello uh hello wait what’s going on wait where am I I’m supposed to be down in the bottom right hand corner what hello hello chat uh what on Earth is going on hello Chad so um yeah I have no idea what’s going on here oh my God

Ah not like this not like this oh there we I think that was it was that the issue I think that was the issue what what hello are we back okay there we go hello chat are weell hello uh I have no idea what’s happening are we are we

Live it’s been dying like constantly so I have no idea if it’s live or not we back we back for long for how long I can’t say hello chat qu so back oh my God I’m so sorry I have no idea why even though I’m crunchy like is it the Wi-Fi

Like is that the reason why yeah like I feel crunchy like e cuz like the phone uses Wi-Fi to connect so it’s got to be something with the Wi-Fi going on here especially if it’s like the interior like internet’s going on no here’s the thing the phone is on Wi-Fi

To connect to my PC and then my PC is hard lined but I think it’s like an ISP issue entirely because like if even my phone is having like look at that little stutter right there so yeah the phone’s connected to the router through Wi-Fi and then it’s connected to my PC through

Hardline but I I don’t know Chad I feel like are we oh my God maybe I can at least pull it up on my phone that way I can at least say hello to where is it why does YouTube have like two apps for this is it on the studio app or is

It on the regular app well I don’t see it on the studio app so is it are you bu hello chat hi hi sorry I was trying to look up my own phone or sorry I was trying to look up my own um stream on YouTube that way I can like

Chat with you all because my phone is connected um my my personal phone I mean my personal phone is connected to like data so it’s not Wi-Fi so that should be consistent um I was trying to pull that up on my on my phone but I don’t know

Why I can’t find my own stream with this this is weird where is it oh there it is okay hang on I want to test something I want to see I want to send a message hello chat hello chat Hy Ray thank you for the super can

You not see us normally well when my internet dies like all of it dies so I can’t like I can’t see chat um that was me saying hello on my phone right now so that one’s connected via data and not my the the apartment’s like internet so if

We die again at least I’ll be able to connect with my phone and say hello in chat and keep you guys updated on whatever is happening I’m so tired oh my God G thank you you for the super someone go get the cute ghost another one get the summoning Circle

We’ll meet back in 15 summon a better ISP I wish it were that easy I wish it were that easy green thank you for the super though thank you thank you all right well it seems to be it seems to be surviving so far so I guess we’ll just

Go and see how far we can get in into the game why why hello thank you so much thank you so much for beinging the membership for three months all right CH let’s go okay if it we’re going to keep going and hopefully it doesn’t die but we’ll

See if it gets bad enough then we’ll we’ll take a pause on it so Oh are you back hello hello are we back okay oh my God Uh uh I hate this I hate this chat wait excuse me oh my God okay well look at that Chad the spirits are somewhat annoyed today and luck will not be on your side I very very very poignant today all right let’s go I remember that

We have like this is the only thing keeping me happy right now the fact that we have the entirety of our farm completely automated here like I like this little hurricane spal thing going on it looks really cool yeah all right so today chat uh hold up we got to

Go got to get some I don’t even know what we’re going to be doing today because I [Laughter] just I’m just a little bit frazzled because of this um so give me a minute chat hello everybody it’s one of those nights well the thing is it’s none of

These nights like every winter for me and I just get tired of having to deal with this it’s just like so constant you know ah okay so today’s plan was actually supposed to be going into the mines oh oh cute so today’s plan was to go into the

Mines and then hopefully get some iron so that we can upgrade all of our tools I have no idea haard this mixy thank you for VF the membership here’s a contribution better ISP also woo yeah 11 months let me at the IP I don’t buy thank thank

You okay we going to take that we’re to take the algae cuz we’re going to need some energy uh the rest of this seems like just garbage so we’ll go all right oh wait hold up hold up hold up I got to go ahead and make more of these

Furnaces copper ore and stone cuz I think we’re going to be focusing a lot on iron and it’s going to take a long time to cook if we don’t have them any furnaces tushka thank you so much for the sua thank you thank you is your experience of summoning circles but all

Volunteers tribute if we you to sacrifice about to enter my [Laughter] ghost a thank you thank you thank you for the super and no it’s just it’s just the ISP I appreciate it chat though by the ISP is going to be the ISP no real way about it and the thing

Is like because of the way it’s all set up here there’s no real way to like get away from it like you just kind of have to deal with it until until I move ah okay when you get some Stone culu oh my goodness give with the V give to memberships thank

You can we get some hearts and CHF for cthulu and the get to memberships thank you thank you so much if you received one please enjoy the channel badge and the E all right let’s go ahead and place another one of these this way we can go ahead and cook all of the

Iron is it me or do I smell do or not smell do I hear like a whole bunch of flies and I’m not sure where the Flies are coming from po hello thank you so much wel come back for 5 months thank you good morning should be

In the qu also what do you commit when you break up a tons of geod geoide thank you for this thank you for re the membership we do have a whole bunch of GEOS that we got to break open right 11 of these and then do we still have our like Omni

Geode no I don’t think we have our is it working I can’t tell actually OBS say what why why is it s that what that weird wait what why is it doing that the symbol’s missing but it’s on what hello wait chat wait chat’s Frozen okay let

Me okay wait let me pop out chat hello Coy chiwa question mark uh see if I can just refresh it no then refresh oh there it goes all right I you that’s working OBS is telling me that we’re offline though um the symbol is shows disconnected uh

Here let me just tweet I’ll just tweet it out uh Twitter’s not working we’re not connected but but live somehow okay all right I think I think we’re good is it I don’t know why OBS is telling me that it’s why why is it like this what the heck oh my God

What’s hello Chad are we are we back hello chat I what is happening oh my God ch hi how’s it going how are you ready you what are you up to I’m so tired CH I’m tired how are we doing you haven’t moved moved on i’ I’ve

Left us here for the whole time um oh Wow that was really loud sorry about that trap this on and off thing such a toxic relationship eating Sukiyaki well that sounds nice talking about cookies and taaki on and Off what is why is it Man talking about sweets and cookies nice I want to eat a taro cake got some went to the mall and got some beef jerkey nice B’s jump scare sorry microwaving some lasagna making everyone hungry let’s go I want to yeah I want to eat a taro

Cake it’s like a cake but instead of like sweet potatoes or yams it’s made out of Taro so it’s like the same root vegetable but it’s like got a nice muted sweetness to it that’s kind of what I want just made some tea let’s go yeah let’s

Go are we good I’m like I’m afraid to continue moving Ki you can put the supera I just to catch these fits I wish I wish CH uh why is it always during the winter like at least in the summer I can understand everyone’s using their AC’s that’s why there’s power rages but like in the winter like I don’t know what goes on like what what specifically about the winter makes the internet so bad here I have no

Idea have you’re out of UB cake purple yam I’ve heard of Ube cake and Ube ice cream yeah Emily thank you so much for the 11 months offer shortbread cookies to Pap and qu they’ll be done in 25 minutes combo withv thank you thank you cookies sound really

Nice A little rat in the internet boxes ah everyone using the heaters see everyone using the heaters would would be understandable if it was power rages but it’s not power rages it’s Internet it’s like my network it’s the ISP that’s having issues and I don’t know why the

ISP has so many issues like it shouldn’t even use the same infrastructure you know thank you so much for the seven of BS welcome back welcome back move to Korea they have good internet connection also you understand Korea so you’ll be fine man I wish I could move to Korea I

Wish I could move anywhere actually just like at this point I will [Applause] take are we Back hello Chad thank you for the Super I was saying I just need power and internet that’s like the only two things I need that’s what I was saying I just need some place that has consistent power consistent Internet it’s all I need that’s that’s all I need oh my God I like the music though it’s really

Nice Soo thank you for the six SM so welcome back welcome Back uh I think the better thing would just be to do like a stard do Valley zatu because I don’t know if we’ll be able cuz I hang on a minute CH I’m going to go open my let going open my window real Quick all right so uh that was a fun thing my neighbors moved Teddy thank you for the 11 mons come thank you I’ll try I’ll try uh so my neighbors moved they the ones that did the hor stuff yeah the the weird Galloping in the backyard yeah

They they moved so they’re gone um a new neighbor moved in but they’re doing the same thing that the other previous neighbor did they um it’s not the Galloping thing but they’re like Leaf blowing their concrete backyard and I don’t know why like are you Serious oh my God I’ll be back why oh my God okay so real quick I don’t know where I don’t know where I left off I don’t know where I cut out Mickey your you talking smack give it the soup okay so I have no idea where I left out so just tell the whole thing again

Okay so basically tldr I used to have neighbors they used to be Galloping in the backyard right so remon thank you so much for the super little contribution moving out and is replacement jar at this point um moving is more realistic than ISP replacement because of the regional circumstances here there’s only

One ISP that really services this area um no other isps really compete so it’s just them so basically tldr uh I had a neighbor who has a backyard and the backyard is completely filled with concrete like there’s no grass there’s no dirt there’s nothing right it’s just

All concrete right and for like all of last year for some reason what they would do is they would just Gallop in the backyard I’m not even like they would wear flipflops and like it’s not even just walking right but they would just like literally Gallop so you’d hear

Like the like that kind of like um pattern right so they would just be Galloping in the backyard on with like flipflops on the concrete and it was just so loud and every single time I would try to go record for something they would start Galloping like in the

Middle of my best take every single time right and I was like what is going on right they moved out they like they left right so there are new uh new neighbors in this area right but the weird thing is like they’re doing the same thing that the previous neighbors did right

They’re not Galloping yet but I’m pretty sure they will however one thing that they did carry over from the previous neighbors was that the previous neighbors would take leaf blowers and what they would do is they would go and leaf blow the concrete and I would look

At it and like from where I’m looking they don’t have stuff on there like there’s nothing on there it’s just concrete you know like they don’t have dirt so there’s no dirt to like pile up on the concrete there’s no like leaves cuz they don’t have trees they cut them

All down right it’s just like a sterile concrete backyard JoJo thank you so much for the sua like to think stard is haunted o even better I’m sure there’s a deep star Dore that I haven’t gotten to yet but yeah um so they did the same thing now they they

Have a leaf blower and like it’s not even the same leaf blower because last year when my previous neighbors were like Leaf blowing the uh concrete I would be like why are they Leaf blowing like what’s going on right so I took a peek at them and they have like this

Black and orange uh leaf blower the new group the new people have a black and yellow uh leaf blower so I know it’s a different vacuum or like a different leaf blower like it’s a different machine altogether they went out and bought their own leaf leaf blower to

Like Leaf blow the concrete there’s no leaves there you know I have no idea what they’re doing but I see them like methodically and meticulously walking through their backyard just like you know like power watch simulators how they’ll like power wash in like straight lines instead of

Going all over the place they they want to keep it like nice and like uniform that’s what they’ll do they’ll go and just like walk back and forth in straight lines on the concrete and leaf blow the concrete and it’s not like maybe at most it’s like some dust that

Gets kicked up from the but it’s like regular outdoor dust you Know Here we back hello Chad are we back oh my God hello chat I don’t know if we’re even going like here let me show you this is this is what it looks like right now that’s what it looks like right now I can’t even stay connected for more

Than like 5 minutes like this is what I get at the moment it’s just almost 60% drop frames oh my God like it just keeps getting worse oh my God are we back though is it working hello Chad V time for you to follow B’s foot stuff and become a VSS

Spacer I don’t know if I can do that about maybe to just Vspace should just do Twitter space chat H yeah I think we’ll just do a Twitter space instead okay with the waiting room we’ll just use the schedule we’ll just use the schedule waiting room the the regular waiting room okay Chad all right we’ll go we’ll go switch over to to uh Twitter

Space I’ll be I’ll be right back chat I’ll make a tweet about it oh my God I’m so tired okay see you all soon Chad um we’ll be over by you know what here I’m just going to while I have connection right now oh my God this looks

Terrible oh my God hang on I want to tweet out how bad the internet is an thank you for 11 mons thank you thank you really appreciate it okay I’m going to send you over to hakas again like a proper redirect while I still have the internet and then I’ll

Start uh Twitter space see you all soon Chad see you all soon thank for the superp don’t stop to read this lot to keep tell your story a deep breath it’s okay for here you’re okay thank you thank you all right chat have fun over R hakas I think he just announced

Something really cool but uh I didn’t get to see it because my internet just died but see you soon Chad Aria great thank you for Ving which is almost up hopefully this result soon thank you thank you I hope so too I hope so too okay bye Chad see you all soon I’ll

Put out a tweet for Twitter space

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– – – Art Credits – – –
Thumbnail Art: poppi_nadi

Intro Splash Image: Art: aaadennnt | Animation: _skycompass

Outro Pixel Image: BeastyN

Cowboy Assets: Mikki_P0817

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Landing Page

– – – Game Permissions – – –
This game is being streamed and monetized in accordance to the policies laid out by the rights holder.


– – – Special Message from Shinri – – –
the idea of taking a break still scares me, hahaha

Request from Hololive Productions to underage viewers
Please search for [Request To Minors] or click on the link below, to read it and enjoy the video


  1. So sorry that your isp is having these issues Shinri it’s not your fault and hope that things get better soon ahhh thank you for the space also!! Koiyasumi

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