Songs of War: FULL MOVIE (Minecraft Animation)

They called him Deathsinger. Our world, Ardonia, is a vast land home to many diverse people strange creatures and dangerous monsters. Hidden among the shadows of dense forests beneath the sands of treacherous deserts and frozen within the ancient mountains of the north are secrets and mysteries which have eluded our comprehension throughout the ages.

Few of these mysteries, however have attracted such fascination as the Ardoni species for which the land shares its name. The Ardoni possess the unique ability to wield great powers known as Songs. The strongest of these powers were referred to as Prime Songs and were deemed too powerful for the Ardoni to wield freely.

Thus they were given to the masters of the four Ardoni clans as a sign of peace and unity. Because of this the clans were blinded to a great danger. From within the fires of the Nether realm an army set out to conquer the Overworld. They vanquished the kingdoms and people of Ardonia

As they spread across the land. But they were not to remain unchallenged. The Enderknights returned during these dark times long having been guardians of the Overworld. The two opposing realms clashed with a fury of inconceivable power. Yet the Nether had prepared well for this invasion

And even the legendary Enderknights could not stop them. With no hope of victory the kingdoms called upon the Ardoni to wield the Prime Songs. Reluctantly, the clans agreed and held a tournament to determine which Ardoni would become their champion and wield all four Prime Songs. One rose above the rest persistent cunning

And powerful. The champion had been found. When presented with the Prime Songs however he revealed himself as Ingressus leader of the long-forgotten and dreaded Voltaris clan. Outraged the masters refused to give Ingressus the Prime Songs for it was due to their misuse of such power that they had been banished long ago.

That night while the clans debated their next course of action Ingressus set out alone to reclaim the Prime Songs. One by one he slayed the masters of the Kaltaris Sendaris and Mendoris clan. Through these dark deeds he became known as the Deathsinger. The fourth and final master Aegus Nestoris survived the massacre

Thus protecting the last and most powerful Prime Song. The Ardoni mourned the tragedy. They vowed to hunt down the Deathsinger and to prevent him from obtaining the final Prime Song. It was at this time that the Voltaris clan returned from exile. However even with their support he knew that he was outmatched.

With all of Ardonia now his enemy… there was only one place to turn. The Deathsinger met with King Chronos of the Nether and formed the most powerful alliance ever known. And thus began the Great War. The Enderknights rallied under King Rendor and fought the Nether head on. The humans reassembled their armies

The Ardoni clans wielded their Songs of old. The Magnorites came from the south- the Felinas from the west. Some even say… …He was there. But despite everything… the Deathsinger and the Nether armies could not be stopped. The tides of this conflict turned after a young Ardoni joined the fight. Skilled with the Songs

Achillean Nestoris was able to unite and lead the armies to victory which earned him the name Tidesinger. With his leadership and the Enderknight forces the nether army was forced to retreat back into the Nether. With no allies the remaining Voltaris fell back to Mount Velgrin. Here the Tidesinger fought the Deathsinger alone

And both… were defeated. The Prime Songs were recovered and distributed amongst the clans once more signaling an end to the Great War. Peace was restored to Ardonia and a time for rebuilding and healing began. The wounds caused by the Deathsinger, however will be felt forever. The Great War, 11th Wall of Time

Hmm… well, Hawken I fail to see- Hawken…?! U-uh ah y-yes exactly! So you see what this means Thalleous? Hawken… were you sleeping through- Look here! Where do the Walls of Time say the final duel took place? Mount Velgrin… Indubitably! Most legends, including these bungled Walls of Time, fail to state

That the final duel took place on the mountain’s peak. Alright… so… what does this mean? I’ve heard rumors of a presence on the peak of Mount Velgrin. Being the naturally curious scholar that I am I sent a few scouts to transform those rumors into facts. That was two weeks ago. And…

What was their report? There was no report! None ever returned! Why do you think that is? I’m not- I’m not entirely sure- The Voltaris, Thalleous, the Voltaris! You think the Voltaris are at Mount Velgrin? Indubitably! I’m aware you’ve been hunting Voltaris ever since the Great War ended

So I brought you here to inform you of this lead. It has been years since I lost the trail of the Voltaris. I should ride to Mount Velgrin and see for myself. A-a-a-a. Hold up there Thalleous. Although I’m no Chronicler I feel it my duty to accompany you

And record what information we find. I would… also like to discover the fate of those I sent to investigate. There’s a chance we’ll encounter the Voltaris and who knows what other perils. Fear not Thalleous for I am prepared to fight! Wait w-wait somewhere around here I have a weapon unless I lost it

Ah! Here it is! Very well. Come on then. Most likely this was all just a misunderstanding. This is where I sent the scouts right here Thalleous. Someone was here… recently. I found their supplies. How peculiar. Why would they leave their belongings where others might find them? Because they are still here…

You must be Thalleous Sendaris. I’ve heard many things about you. And I have heard nothing about you. Oh I know, I’ve made quite sure of that. So allow me to introduce myself. My name is Tygren Voltaris. As for you Thalleous Sendaris, I know who you are Champion

And I know what you’ve done to my clan. Your sword has slain many of my brothers and once I kill you I will take it and slay twice as many of yours! So many years have we prepared for this and you… are not about to interfere. There it is Grim.

If we pull this off I’m about to become a very wealthy man. Hand me the schematics- come on come on hurry up. According to these schematics- Grim what is all this? I asked for schematics- I specifically asked for schematics of Etherea! How are we supposed to steal the stone

When we don’t even know which tower it’s in?! Alright you don’t have to shout! You’re going to get us caught. We’ll just have to do what I do best: improvise. Stick behind me and don’t do anything stupid. Oh what are you doing now?! Grim… you don’t buy from the people you’re stealing from!

Now let’s keep moving! Watch the entrance would ya Grim? It was redstone wired it’s- IT WAS WIRED, RUN! We did it Grim… I’m gonna be rich- Oh… Grim… YOU IDIOT! Now we have to find it again before someone else does! The energy trail pointed north… towards Underwood.

You’re right, it is heading away from Etherea, so let’s get moving. Oh! Are you alright Senn? Yeah… yeah I’m fine. Ha ha! That’s not fair… Do you think the undead fight fair, or the Nether, or the many other dangers out in the world? And how are we going to get out there?

One day we will… somehow. Ria Sendaris? Yes…? I made you something. It’s not the most beautiful weapon in Sendaria but… Senn, this is incredible, I love it! If father sees this he’s going to take it away. Then I’ll make you another one. Wanna try it out? Of course…

But now I’m going to destroy you with a weapon like this. Thalleous!? Our strength comes from not the power of our weapons, but rather how we choose to wield what power we have been given. Is this weapon your handiwork, Senn? Yes… yes it is. Your arrival is most welcome Ky’Thalleous…

But unexpected all the same. It was unexpected events which have lead me here. It’s good to see you both. Is Ria still besting you? No. Yes. It is a fine blade, Senn. Thank you. Hello Timber. Your father would not approve of this training. I know…

And he definitely would not want you to have… what I am about to give you. Also, you cannot tell anyone about this. What’d you bring us? Songs?! For us? In the old days it was common for Ardoni of your age to wield Songs. It is our unique ability to harness their power.

To deny their usage is to deny the very thing that makes us Ardoni. Will you teach us how to use them? Patience, young ones. First I have some important business to take care of. Now remember, you cannot let Osivian know about- Thalleous?! Is that you? O- osivian! Apologies for arriving uninvited.

Thalleous! Sendaria is your home. You are always welcome here. But you two! I specifically told you to stay away from each other. Ria, you have too many responsibilities to go gallivanting off seeking danger! I know, because “I’m one of few surviving female Ardoni.” You’ve told me before.

And Senn, I wish you would respect my wishes. I raised you as a member of this clan, even though by blood you are not. Alright Osivian I think they’ve heard enough for today. I have matters of great urgency to discuss with you. Then best we head indoors. You two,

Go back to your rooms and remain there until I summon you. Alright Lucan, since you continue to show good behavior, and your crimes were… once again minor, we’re going to accelerate your release. So that explains the cake! A celebration- Don’t touch my cake. There is one condition:

You’re being assigned to mining duty near the Basalt Coast. Mining duty? You sure that paper doesn’t read milling duty? Guess not. So mining duty huh? You mean… underground, where the undead are? You’ll be protected by a guard like every other miner. There’s no need to worry.

I’m feeling much safer here in jail actually. Say… what about road repair duty? Or home animal domestica- This isn’t a request, it’s an assignment. You know how things are- mines running dry, resources gettin’ scarce. We’re being forced to mine deeper into the dangers that lie below. If you wanted to kill me

We could have just gone with an execution! Ria, what are you doing? What? Nothing. What are you doing here? Nothing. Senn… Osivian is right about some things… What do you mean? I’m one of the few remaining female Ardoni… and you’re clanless. We’ll never be going on crazy adventures like the stories Thalleous tells.

Here, you’ll probably want this back. It was meant for you, Ria. Keep it. They were Voltaris, at least seven of them. I have reported this to the masters but they refuse to take action. And why would they listen? You have spoken about the Voltaris and their return for the last hundred years.

Without evidence, your words can only fall on deaf ears. I understand, which is why I am not here to raise an army. If I cannot convince you, all I can do is prepare. Someone is listening. Thalleous! Senn! This is the second time today you’ve disobeyed me. How much did you overhear?

Nothing, I was just passing by. You were supposed to stay in your room. I believe a stricter punishment is in order. No that will not be necessary Osivian. I will take him with me on my journey, and discipline him myself. I expect an improvement in your attitude when you return, Senn.

Take him back to his room… and make sure he gets there this time. I’m really going to travel with you? How far are we going? What should I bring? Do I need a sword- Ria would have wanted to come… Perhaps another time.

Now get some sleep, we have a long journey ahead of us. Ardonia is a large world, and full of surprises. What is it Sam? I hope it’s better than tomorrow’s breakfast, because you just- A miner… a miner! Of course they need more miners. There’s no shortage of quilters or bakers

Nope! Nope… just miners. Typical. Hello! Another legally obligated miner here to do service! You’ve gotta be kidding me… Anyone awake around here? Hey! Hm? What? I’m here for mining duty. I’m looking for my guard, Eddy. That’s me! Eddy at your service… I prepared some beverages but I- drank most of them. Potato?

Er, no thanks… I ate on the way here. Oh, the name’s Lucan by the way. Nice to meet ya Lucan, my name’s Eddy, let’s get started! I’ve been a guard here at the Basalt Mines all my life and boy I’ll tell you I have guarded like you’ve never seen…

…my father was a guard, my brother was a guard, my sister was a guard- wait I don’t have a sister… …and I’m telling him “No, you shouldn’t eat spider eyes, they’re poison in one bite,” but he eats it anyway… …uncle was riding a pig off a-

Wait, stop- would you be quiet for a second! Oh… you get used to hearing strange sounds down here, Lucan! I hear them all the time now. I’ve got a bad feeling about this. We’ll be working over there on our left- I mean uhh… right. I got it!

Zombies! I’ll- I need to… hold them off! Go raise the alarm! Eddy! What is this thing…? Sam, shush! See? Nothing happened. Come on. Let’s take it back with us. Abbigail?! Were you out hunting again?! Mr. Finch! Sam and I went out early to catch something for dinner.

Did you at least harvest the sugar cane before you left? Yeah I got it- I’m sorry Mr. Finch… I was going to get it this morning. Alright… so did you catch anything? Well we would have got a pig if it weren’t for someone. Well I imagine you both are hungry.

See that pack over there? It’s full of fresh meat, fruit, bread, and all other sorts of food. Bought it all in Oakendale during my last trip- didn’t need to hunt for it. On top of that, we’ve got a whole season of crops of our own ready for harvest.

We’re farmers Abbigail, just like your parents were. Now you go get that sugar cane before it gets dark. I’ll be enjoying a nice dinner in the meantime. And what’s this you were rolling up to the house? Oh, that? Nothing much. It was just a big… purple stone. “Nothing much?”

This is a dragon stone Abbigail. Hey you keep that animal away from me! Sam! Cut it out! Things like this are beyond you, Abbigail. Safe travels to you both. Thalleous, I shall await your return so that we may have ourselves a proper reunion. Senn!

I expect more from you when I next see you. I will do better, I promise. Farewell Osivian. Climb on up Senn. Come on Timber, we ride south with all haste. Are the undead out every night? Not every night… not anymore. Their presence has diminished greatly over the past few generations.

But you can never be too careful. Thalleous, what brought you back to Sendaria? Events long passed, forgotten by many. The Great War? Yes, the Great War… I came back to Sendaria for this. A Prime Song! One of the four. Osivian had it all this time? But, he isn’t a master…

After the masters were targeted by the Deathsinger before The Great War, it was decided the Songs were too dangerous to remain with the masters. Osivian’s family has kept the Mobilium Prime secure… ever since. So where are we taking it? I have… reason to believe that the Voltaris clan will return,

And when they do… they will hunt down the Prime Songs and destroy everything in their path. I can’t let that happen- not to the Ardoni… not to you. I’m moving the Song to a safer place. Get some sleep Senn, our destination is close now. This is… some grave news you’ve brought us.

Can you describe in detail what happened in the mines? First… I saw this. And then they came from the tunnels. Undead… using weapons and wearing armor. There have been rumors of… Necromancers who seek to control the undead and use them as an army. I’ve heard similar stories.

The undead have been attacking strategically and in greater numbers. Lucan, you owe the Kingdom of Felden further service, so I am tasking you to investigate the situation. What? Me?! I can’t, I’m not… I just got lucky… you want me to fight Necromancers now? Investigate. You will report back to us with your findings.

Excuse me sir! We’re on the lookout for two thieves, last reported heading this way. Haven’t seen no one in these parts but yourself. What did they steal? A relic from Etherea: the dragon stone, one of the few remaining in all of Ardonia. Ooh… sounds valuable. Well it’s been all quiet here, as usual.

I’ll be sure to let you know if I see anything. Abbigail! What are you doing? They were coming for the stone. I know. What- you think I would hand it over like that? I can sell it for a lot more than what they’ll offer. Now hand me the stone. Abbigail…

Abbigail! Careful with that! Everything was fine until you came in here and messed with it. It was through reckless actions like this that your parents got themselves killed! Now listen here, you thieves! I’m going to report you straight to the Etherea Guard and they’re- Oh shut it you old goat!

Go back inside, girl. There’s no need to hurt yourself with that knife. Put the stone down and leave. Try not to lose it again. I’m going to give you one last chance girl. Not bad kid, but I don’t have time for this. You’ve gotta be the worst Necromancer I’ve ever seen.

Sorry to disappoint you but… this was just a trap! And what were you trying to catch?! Necromancers… like yourself! I’m not a Necromancer you idiot, I’m hunting them! So am I! A felina? A human… that would explain the poor eyesight. Oh my eyesight is bad? You attacked me first!

Only because you had all this- this stuff! What is all this?! I was hoping to draw out the Necromancers. The Necromancers aren’t interested in rotten flesh… you’ll just attract the undead. I think I may have attracted both… See, my plan wor- wait a minute, where’d you go?!

Well this night’s just a ton of fun… climbin’ trees, chased by zombies… What’s next? Hey where’d you go- Quiet! Why’d you follow me? Other than fleeing for my life… I need your help. I can tell. Come on inside. What is all this stuff? Don’t touch anything. So… why were you after Necromancers?

Ever since I survived the attack on the Basalt Mines, I’ve- Wait so you’re the survivor from the Basalt Mines? You must be Lucan. What happened- what was their attack strategy like? Woah hey look lady. I don’t know anything about attack strategies, or Necromancer plots, I just got forced into this.

I’m not a warrior, or a hero. I’m just someone trying to get by in life… and right now that means hunting Necromancers. I’m surprised the leaders of Felden finally acknowledged their existence. I’ve been after them for years. Perhaps… we could work together? I… work better alone.

You can stay the night, but tomorrow you’re on your own. Yeah… I’m probably better off alone as well. Lucan? Where did I put my map?! You mean this old thing? Hey, gimme that! I told you that I’m hunting the Necromancers alone. Hunting with this bow…?

Look, we both might be more of the lone-wolf type, but right now we have a common goal. We might as well use that and work together. Fine. But once we locate the Necromancer base, you’re out of here. Deal… uh? What was your name again? Niika. Don’t slow me down, Lucan.

Look Senn, we are approaching Oakendale. Oakendale? Where’s that? We are in Conchord, the nearest kingdom to Sendaria. What are they? Those are Magnorites. Do not make eye contact, Senn. Stay close behind me, even capital cities can be rough. We are cleared for travel to Crown Peak. Wait, so we’re traveling further?

We must be at the end of the world by now… Senn, we have barely crossed a fifth of Ardonia. We have not even left the North. What is this place? Thalleous, where are we going? To the other side of the world, beyond the Heart of Ardonia. Hold on Senn,

Things might get a little bright… and- and loud… Oh you’ll see. Welcome to Crown Peak, Senn. Back when the Enderknights used to rule Ardonia, Crown Peak was the Enderking’s seat of power. But the last king, Rendor, split the world into six kingdoms after the people rebelled. Why is one flag missing?

That would be K’arthen. Not so long ago, they attacked their neighboring kingdom, Cydonia, and withdrew from the union. I can tell you all about it later- now keep up Senn! We are almost there. Thalleous Sendaris? Sulliman. What do you want Thalleous?! That is a conversation best held in private.

Thalleous, what kind of trouble are you brewing my old friend? Well quit standing around with a dumb look on your face and come on in. The mines are running dry, the undead have been increasing in numbers, and there is even word of a Necromancer group on the rise.

Out of all this madness, you’re worried about an army that disappeared 150 years ago? Sulliman… if you fought the Voltaris as I once did, you would know that they are more dangerous than all these other threats combined. Yeah yeah, the “Great War.” The war’s over Thalleous. Keep your nose out of trouble kid.

This here is the greatest house in Crown Peak- most expensive too. Frankly I deserve it, considering all I’ve had to deal with keeping my business alive. Only thing is… you gotta mind the drop… 25 meters straight down. There was a time… when Enderknights ruled the land, and their dragons soared the skies.

The Nether clashed in battles of unimaginable force. The undead were a menacing threat to be feared, and even the Ardoni clans wielded great Songs of power. That time is over… I believe that time is coming again. I need you to safeguard… a Prime Song. Can you do that for me Sulliman?

Can you safeguard this- Yes yes! I’ve got it. Will that be all Thalleous? That will be all Sulliman. Thank you for your help. Yes that’s what I do. I don’t trust this guy Thalleous, not one bit. He may seem difficult, but he is good at what he does.

Nearly all his life he has run a black market potion business without being discovered, a skill which I am counting on. Come on Senn, we have another long journey back home. I was about to send for a doctor. You’ve been out all day.

Easy there Abbigail, you’re in no condition to be moving about just yet. The dragon stone? Those thieves made off with it. Don’t let it trouble you, this is what happens when we meddle with affairs that don’t concern us. We’re farmers after all. No! What’d you just say?! I’m not a farmer!

I’m going after that stone. If we try to alert Etherea it will be too late, but Sam and I can track them while their trail is fresh. Abbigail, I forbid you to do this! I know you do, and I’m sorry. Come on Sam! Abbigail!

The Felina female who was with you the other night… where is she now? Which night are we talkin’ about? I get my Felina girls mixed up. Don’t fool with me, scum. I want to know where- Looking for me? As a matter of fact, I was. Well here I am.

Now it’s my turn to ask questions. I’m not telling you anything! The Necromancers will soon rise and cover the world in darkne- What- Niika! What? You heard him. He said he wasn’t going to tell us anything. Or were you enjoying his little speech? Well what’s the plan now then…?

I can disguise myself with his robes… maybe follow their tunnels back to their base. Uh yeah, one problem. That was a human male. Might be a bit strange if a Felina female returns in his place. I’m a human male by the way. Fine. Just put on the robes. Obsidian.

Where would there be obsidian in this area? The only volcano around… Mount Tempus. It’s hot and itchy… It’s only going to get worse inside the volcano. Great. Take our prisoner back to the Riverstead prison while I’m away, alright? I didn’t know Riverstead has a prison… Well… it does. Are you sure? Pretty darn.

How do you know? What? Nothing- it just does. I should go. Hey! Good luck. Try not to die. I’m going to need more than luck… You should be asleep, Senn. So should you. If only. A lifetime of wielding Songs has had certain… adverse effects on my health.

Thalleous, what was the Great War like? They call it the Great War… but few things about it were great. Many lives were lost, and the Ardoni- the Ardoni were nearly brought to extinction. Did you ever meet the Tidesinger? Oh yes, we fought together on occasions. His true name was Achillean Nestoris,

And he was the greatest Song wielder I have ever known. His true power, however, lay in his ability to unite and lead so many diverse people and factions. And he was killed by the Deathsinger? Nobody really knows who killed who, but yes, both were killed.

When an Ardoni dies, their Songs are left behind. After the battle, the Songs of both the Tidesinger and Deathsinger were found. Some people questioned what really happened, but most were just glad the war was finally over. Thalleous, do you know where I’m from? Your… parents were both killed by the Voltaris,

And you were the only one of your brothers and sisters I could save. I could not raise you myself with all the traveling I did, so uh, I looked for someone who would be willing to take in a child. But no one would accept a clanless child… apart from Osivian.

He raised you and cared for you, and even though you may not have been Sendaris, he named you after the clan… Senn so you would always have a place to return to. I know this is not what you wanted to hear… but perhaps the truth will help you one day find peace.

I understand… thank you for being honest. Hurry up Grim! These beasts are blowing our cover. Oh not this girl again! I told you we got lost in those woods on the way out! Some shortcut you had… This time you deal with the girl, I’ll get the horses. Come on Grim! Quit rollin’ around!

Not on my horse you idiot, get your own! Cloud, here girl! Forget the horses Grim, run! Abbigail? What’s this all about? Hey Darlene. Sorry for the trouble. I was hoping to catch them before they left the woods. It’s alright Abbi. Nobody’s hurt, and those thieves didn’t make off with one of my horses.

Over here Cloud! It’s been so long since you’ve come by Abbi. Why don’t you stay for a bit. After you’ve rested we can catch up to them on horseback. Thanks Darlene, that’d be much appreciated. Apparently they stole some “dragon stone” from Etherea. When I found it in the woods, they came for it.

That’s not just a dragon stone Abbigail, it’s an Enderdragon egg. No wonder they were so determined. It’s an egg? Come on, you know the stories. The Enderknights used to protect the land alongside their dragons. That was years ago… both the Enderknights and their dragons have vanished.

So how did you persuade Mr. Finch to let you go on this hunt? I didn’t… I just… left. About time. I don’t know how you manage to live with him. He may be a strict old grouch… but he has looked out for me ever since my parents died. I can’t just forget that…

Tabora Crags. They’re going to use the ravine to stay out of Conchord’s borders. This is as far as I can take you Abbi. Thanks for your help Darlene. I’ll have to pay you back some day. You already helped save my horses from being stolen Abbi, this is the least I could do.

Be safe on your hunt. I recognize these trees. We’re near Sendaria, right Thalleous? That is correct. Your home is just ahead. This was quite an adventure Thalleous, thank you for having me along. I would hardly call this trip an adventure, but you are most welcome. Senn, wait!

We were beginning to think you had backed out on our arrangement, Jalkar. Yea… we had a few… delays along the way. I was informed that you were to come alone. Your companion was not part of this agreement. Neither was the amount of trouble we ran into. I think compensation is in order.

After all, this is a dragon egg we’re talking about. Have it your way mercenary. We’ll compensate for your extra… “trouble,” but your companion is not part of the deal, the Voltaris will not pay a second share. Don’t worry your glowing little head about it, Grim is my problem. So, how much we talkin’?

I’m sure you’ll find the amount sufficient. Now… hand over the egg. I don’t think so. We’ll be collecting the reward first, thank you. Or… we could just kill you, and forget the reward. This could be unwise Zinaida. The mute one… I believe he is the Reaper. Shut it, Lucidius! Smart man, your second.

The Reaper’s with me. Has a debt to pay off. By my calculations, you’re outmatched. Outmatched? Kill them! I’ve always hated Ardoni and their blasted Songs. They do sell for a lot though. Well quit lookin’ so happy! Now we need to find a new buyer for this egg.

Come on, someone in the Unyielding Legion should be able to find us one. The two thieves, where were they heading? I don’t know… we were just sent to intercept them. Are you an Ardoni? Never seen an Ardoni before? Well go on then, finish the job, girl. I’m not here to kill you.

I just want that dragon egg back. They are heading north-east. Just follow the border of Conchord. Oh great! Wait a second. Yeah… that’s right. I expected you would have learned by now. I presume you’re the new rookie. And I imagine you haven’t killed the Felina girl.

What happened to the undead under your control? There’s no need to be embarrassed about failing the mission- at least you survived. However, the Felina is more dangerous and resourceful than we anticipated. We’ll have to report this to his Lordship. You, up there! Come with us. We have a new mission. Senn, wait!

Let go of me! Whoever did this could still be here! Wait here Senn. I will check for survivors. We have to leave- now! We will go to Ataraxia- you will be safer there. Run Senn, now! Thalleous Sendaris! We meet again. I noticed you moved the Prime Songs. I need them!

Can you not see? Look…. look what you made me do. I have fought against your kind for two hundred years Tygren. Whatever the Voltaris are planning… I will stop it. You won’t escape this time old man. Time to put an end to this nuisance. Burn it. Oh… would you look at that.

My flint and steel appears to be broken. Here, take mine. What is your problem rookie?! Or should I say- traitor! I knew it! I knew there was something wrong about you the moment I found you. I should have let the undead kill you right then! But… perhaps this death will be more ceremonious.

You will watch helplessly as everything you fought for is destroyed and burned. And after we finish, we will find the Felina… and we will kill her. Perhaps we’ll feed her to the spiders- they have quite the appetite. Wait Niika it’s me! Lucan?! All of my information is up there!

There’s no time, we have to get across the river! Hey! Lucan wait, I can’t- You’re not afraid of heights but you’re scared of jumping in the water?! I can’t swim! Felinas hate water, Lucan, we hate- Ow, watch the claws! Don’t you ever throw me in the water again! Yeah, yeah.

Sorry about your tree fort. I’m not worried about the tree fort. We lost all that information though. All my records, my maps, my notes… everything I’ve learned about the Necromancers. We didn’t lose all of it. That information is still with you… and with me. I found the Necrobase Niika. You were there?

Where is it? Directly under Mount Tempus. Of course! No miner would ever go near there because of all the lava! It’s the perfect place for a hiding spot. I need to report this to Felden. I guess this is um… where we part ways… I… I should accompany you to Felora.

They might want some of my information as well. Not to mention you might need my help again. We have to keep going- we need to get help. Slow down you moron! Help! Somebody- My village was attacked, it’s not far! We need to look for survivors! Yeah we don’t sell that here.

You can buy a drink or get out. Anyone…? Please… Watch where you’re goin’! They’re all gone… We’re not going back to Sendaria… there’s nothing left for us. Thalleous spoke of Ataraxia… our mission now is to find the place and figure out why he wanted us to go there. What’s going on?

One of them Magnorites is on the edge of our town. Been stirrin’ up trouble with the local folk− absolute menace I tell you, the lot of ‘em. Well, have you tried asking it to leave? Like anyone’s dumb enough to go near that thing! I don’t think you belong here either.

Why don’t you get that Magnorite to leave with you? Fine. I will. Oh hello there! I hope you don’t mind if I read here. It’s a nice bit of shade- not that I need any shade or anything, you know. Uh… well I don’t mind…

But I think the people here want you to leave. Ah… pity. It’s difficult to find a place to catch up on my reading. Been forced to travel my whole life. Hang on… would you, by chance, know where Ataraxia is? Never heard of it. It appears you need a map!

But you’ll never find one here… this town is too small, and rather lacking in the educational department if I might add. Did you- isn’t that bothering you? Oh no- I’m used to it. Hey, you know what, why don’t we travel to Biggerton?

It’s just up the road. Surely they have a map available for purchase, right? Yeah, getting out of here sounds like a good idea. I’ll grab my horse. Oh you have a horse! I can’t ride horses because I’m too heavy. But wait! We haven’t been introduced. My name’s Igneous… and you? Senn.

It’ll be great to have some company on the road, Senn! You see, I’ve been alone for a while and have had no one to talk to so I mostly just read books or descant with animals but that’s rarely an enjoyable experience because the animals don’t actually talk back

So the conversation’s often very one-sided… Get down! An enderman. Don’t look at it, Grim. Come on! Grim! This job has already become far more trouble than it was worth. Let’s hurry and get out of here. Oh come on Grim! Put your back into it!

Sorry mate, but I can’t be slowed down any more. It’s really convenient that we don’t need to eat or sleep, but our life goes by so quickly! I’m 14… so even though I’m still a child by most standards I’m already about half way through my life!

I’d love to experience everything I can, but being a Magnorite born outside of K’arthen is tough. That reminds me… where are you from Senn? What’s that? Where are you from? Why aren’t you with the rest of your family? My family is… no longer around, Igneous. Oh… I’m sorry…

There’s nothing you can do to alter the past, so it’s best not to dwell on it. What’s important is moving forward and making the most of your current situation. But I don’t need to tell you! Here we are journeying to- Give me the horse, now!

Excuse me sir, but this horse belongs to my friend Senn over here. W-wait! I didn’t mean to hurt you! I really don’t know what came over me. I hope I didn’t hurt him too much- Oh look! We’ve arrived at Biggerton! Come on Senn! You are absolutely sure of this, Lucan?

Yes. The Necromancers are living beneath Mount Tempus. They appear to be preparing for a large-scale invasion. If the Necromancers are raising an army we must strike them now. I agree. Lucan, take this directive to Fort Zuka. We will send the armies of Felden to eradicate this threat before it has time to spread.

What’d they say? Well they’ve officially declared war on the Necromancers. We have orders to deliver a message to Fort Zuka. They actually said for both of us? Uh… yep, looks like we’re stuck together for just a bit longer. So… after we deliver the orders… what then? Any plans for what comes next?

Oh I uh… I haven’t given it much thought… how about yourself? I don’t know either… this is what I’ve been doing for years. I can’t imagine it coming to an end, let alone what comes after. Maybe we can locate a map in here.

Back in the old days, taverns were filled with tales of heroes and villains. People sang songs of war, adventure, and magic. And those same people used to worry about legends such as Herobrine. Don’t say his name! It’s bad luck. Sorry to interrupt, but do you know where we might find a map?

Well Marshall’s map shop is across the street. You should find what yer’ lookin’ for there. I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. could we stop here and eat first? Oh Magnorites don’t eat, remember when I told you that? Ah… yes I must have… missed that part. I’ll just take some bread please.

Got money to pay for it? Stupid Ardoni… No money, no service. Here Senn, I have some gold you can borrow. Let’s get your food and go. That’s right you better leave. What was that all about? No one really trusts Magnorites.

Most of us tend to be aggressive… and the whole “attacking our neighbor” fiasco hasn’t helped our reputation. But now is not the time to digress, let’s go find that map! Welcome! What can I help you with today? Hi, we’d like to purchase a map of Ardonia. Alright, that’ll be 50 gold.

Uh… this is a map of Conchord… If you want all of Ardonia it’s going to cost you double. Yes we want all of Ardonia, that’s what we asked for. Alright, that’ll be 200 gold. I thought you said it’d be double? It’s 200 gold pal. Welcome to Marshall’s Map Shop,

We’ve got maps of Ardonia for the price of 50 gold. Wait I thought you just said it was 200 gold. For you and your friend it’s 200. Now do you want to buy it or not?! Well Senn, I’m truly sorry about that. It might have been better if you’d gone in without me.

People tend to act like that once they see a Magnorite. This is ridiculous. And how are we ever going to get to Ataraxia without a map? You can borrow mine for a moment. Really? Thank you! We appreciate it. Merchants like to take advantage of young travelers. Are you a traveler? For the moment.

I’m tracking someone. He stole an Enderdragon egg from Etherea. An Enderdragon egg? I believe we ran into someone earlier today who had one. You did? Where?! Not far. Just northeast of Biggerton. He tried to steal our horse. That’s him! Oh… Sorry, but I’ll need my map back.

Did you find the place you were looking for? I did, fortunately it’s close by. Thanks for your help. You as well. What a nice person, shame we didn’t even catch her name. Oh well! Off to Ataraxia! I’ve always wanted to see the inside of Fort Zuka. You must be Lucan!

A messenger bird flew in yesterday and alerted us of your arrival. Yeah uh, that’s me. I have a directive for the Captain. Right this way. Kiyoshi?! Fancy seeing you here, Lucan. And it’s Captain Kiyoshi now. Well it’s good to see Felden is willing to promote anyone with the right father.

The realm is much safer in your capable hands. And how about you then? You talk big for someone who’s been to prison more times than claws on my hands. You’ve been to prison? It was nothing. Oh I’m sure he knows most of the local prisons quite well by now.

But enough of these pointless insults, hand over the orders from Felora. Come on Niika, let’s go. Hold it! It says here, Lucan… you’re to accompany me in the attack. Wait… what?! Let’s try to be professional about this.

I don’t want a criminal in my ranks any more than you want to be under my command, but orders are orders. So let’s get this mission over quickly for both of our sakes. Try not to mess things up. According to the map, Ataraxia should be on the other side of that mountain.

I didn’t notice this river though… not quite sure how to cross. Huh, that’s funny, there’s no road leading to the city. Uh Senn, another thing about Magnorites, just a little something… um… I don’t think we can swim… Oh look at that! A Guardian! Are they friendly? I think so… Igneous!

I’ve got you Senn! I guess they’re not so friendly after all. It’s going to take more than that to take my friend! Senn! Senn? S- Senn? I wish you wouldn’t sit so close to the edge. Is that better? Much better. So… you never told me you’ve been to prison.

Yeah… it’s not something I share often. What’d you do? Ehh it was… I mean it wasn’t really anything. Did you kill someone? What? No! I just have a tendency to… get into trouble alright? I’m not like Kiyoshi, who knew exactly what he wanted to be all his life.

I just can’t see myself working a normal job… the same routine every single day. I… I’m probably not making any sense… No, I know what you mean! Even before I hunted the Necromancers… I never really fit in with society. I think- Hurry it up, Lucan! We’re ready to sail, unless you’d rather swim.

Well… I guess this is it. It was nice getting to know you Niika. Yeah… likewise. Alright, well… goodbye. Be safe. Captain Kiyoshi, sir! At ease, soldier. As a Felina, I can understand being fearful of the oceans, but I suspect this is not what troubles you, Alec. No sir. It’s just…

Defending against undead and rooting out bandits is one thing, but this… This is greater. These undead are coordinated, armed, and ruled by that dangerous psychopath they call the Necrolord. I’ve been serving Felden ever since my grandfather was Captain of the Guard.

I was half your age and expected to become the next Captain after… my father. How long have you been in the military? Only three years, sir. In those three years you’ve had more training than any of these Necromancer scum. When we find this Necrolord, I’ll kill him myself and the rest will falter.

If you obey my orders and remember your training, we will sail to victory today. Yes, sir. Unbelievable! This is unprecedented! All four Ardoni clans were attacked- one village each, all dead. Slaughtered. Not just any villages either… they were after the Prime Songs. Many times has Thalleous Sendaris warned of this,

And because of his efforts the Prime Songs are safe from the Voltaris… for now. Do not be so hasty Galadar, we are not certain this tragedy was the work of the Voltaris. It may have been bandits… or the Unyielding Legion. I have also heard about a Necromancer group rising in the west.

Then what will we do? As much as it pains me, I must concede with our previous judgement. We are too weak to attack, and we risk too much. Long has it been an honor for us masters to light the graves of our dead… so that their markings may shine forever.

But the stones we lit today did not signify the passage of elders concluding long life. Today we buried innocents− massacred by an enemy we no longer have the strength or courage to repel. Master Aurelius speaks wisely. I will go forth against the Voltaris.

Thalleous warned us of a Voltaris attack on the Prime Songs… and the attack came. Before moving them, he told me that the Voltaris were on Mount Velgrin where they killed a companion of his- Hawken. I am no master, and I have no partner in life.

I will do what I must to eliminate the Voltaris once and for all! What you propose would bring our clans to war. Master Siderian… we face an even greater danger if we allow the Voltaris to grow in strength. I will go with you Zulius Kaltaris. As will I, brother.

The only way to end this threat is to face it. The Ardoni will go to war once again. We will send word to the other clans and gather all Ardoni warriors who are willing to fight. Many years has it been since we last wielded the Songs of war.

Let us hope… we remember how to use them. Senn! Senn are you alright? Yeah I’m fine. What happened? I… I don’t know… they just suddenly let me go. I guess we’re clear to pass! Come on. Wait! We don’t know if it’s safe! This is the last one Sam.

Well we’re just going to have to go hunting then! Sam! I’ve had enough of you, girl! Sam! Sam? Come on boy. Don’t leave me… don’t leave, Sam… please… No… I once read in a book that Guardians are some of the oldest species in Ardonia- older than even the Glacians.

What were they doing though? They nearly drowned me! They were probably trying to figure out which Ardoni clan you’re from. As their name implies, they guard some of the most ancient and treasured locations from unwanted intrusion. Ataraxia must be important if it has Guardians defending it. Well, I guess this is Ataraxia.

It’s a bit smaller than I expected, but nice to see an Ardoni city for once. So… what is it we should be looking for again? Oh my… It’s incredible! Come on. Let’s find a place for Timber and go check it out. Their attacks were just the beginning.

The Voltaris are indeed returning and we need an army to face them. Did you not hear? We have been gathering Ardoni and are attacking the Voltaris within a fortnight. They will threaten the clans no longer. This is bigger than that! We need to be ready to defend all of Ardonia. Hmph, you exaggerate.

I am disappointed you will not join us. Let us go, Hadion. I agree with what you said. My village was destroyed by the Voltaris, and I know what they’re capable of. Interesting, I’ve never met an Ardoni without a clan before. I am Hubris Nestoris. Your turn. I’m Senn, this is my companion Igneous.

Greetings! A clanless Ardoni and a Magnorite. You two could work. I’m recruiting for a new resistance group known as the Knights of Ardonia. We could certainly use a Magnorite in our ranks. That’s a tempting offer… but I have some things to take care of first. The Knights of Ardonia will always be recruiting.

Seek us out if the opportunity presents itself. And uh… good day. What a strange fellow. So! Where to next, Senn? Well, I’m not quite sure what we’re looking for… or why- Igneous wait up! Have you come for fresh tools, or do you require repairs of your own? Thalleous…? Thalleous is my brother.

I am Galleous… although… most in this city should know that… I didn’t know Thalleous had any surviving brothers. Yes… I get that a lot. He never spoke about me, nor I him. While he is out there adventuring and exploring- I just live the “mundane” life. Galleous, sir. Your brother- Thalleous is dead.

He was killed in a Voltaris ambush. Was he…? I always told him to stay away from the Voltaris. But no… why listen to Galleous… Galleous who never leaves his workshop? And now I am the last of my family! I… have not seen him in many years. My brother and I never…

Agreed on much, but despite our differences…. I am going to miss him. You must be Senn, the clanless Ardoni whom Thalleous rescued. And who might you be? Hello sir, my name’s Igneous! He’s a friend. Let us take this conversation to the lower level, we will be more comfortable there. Oh, lava, thank goodness!

Thalleous never gave me any final words, but he did speak of this place, of Ataraxia, just before the ambush. I know what he would have wanted. There is a war coming… that much is certain. We must prepare for it as best we can.

We will not get any help from the Kingdoms, with Cydonia and K’arthen locked in their conflict. I’ve actually… always wanted to visit K’arthen. Perhaps I can help with that issue? Igneous? But, we’ve only just arrived. I’m a traveler, Senn,

And if I can end this conflict I may end the oppression of Magnorites everywhere. Cydonia and K’arthen have the two largest armies of Ardonia. Uniting them is a necessity, and who better than a Magnorite to do it? Sounds good to me. It really was nice meeting you Senn,

I’m going to miss the only friend I’ve ever had. Wait Igneous? You’re going to leave just like that? Hey, I have a short lifespan remember? There’s not a moment to waste. A bit of patience may save you even more time, my young friend. The borders of K’arthen are closed and the people suspicious.

However, I have a contact in Cydonia who can aid you. Take this gold, sail to Meridian, and find Aren the Fletcher. Be cautious, though, Magnorites are not welcome in Cydonia. Thank you Galleous. I hope we’ll see each other again Senn. I think we will. Goodbye Igneous, and good luck! I’m sorry Sam.

What happened? No wait, wait come back! Oh no… we’re too late. I see you have quite the appetite. I haven’t had much to eat since… well… since everything happened. You may feast and rest easy now. As long as you are here you will be under our protection. Thank you. Galleous…

If the Voltaris were nearly wiped out in the Great War, why do you believe such drastic preparations are necessary? Times are changing, and Thalleous knew it before the rest of us. I myself may not get around much, but acquiring information has been somewhat of a specialty of mine. At this very moment:

The armies of Felden have begun their war against the Necromancers. A dark shroud will soon spread across the kingdom of Felden. The Ardoni clans have called many warriors south to exact revenge on the Voltaris and destroy them once and for all.

Your friend Igneous travels to K’arthen to settle a civil war between kingdoms. And, most exciting of all, there have even been reports that the first Enderdragon has been hatched in over a hundred years. If we are to prevent a Second Great War, we are going to need everyone. I will gladly fight.

What must I do? I will train you Senn, as Thalleous would have. Now come with me, there is something I must show you. Even though I avoided the battles and ignored my brother’s warnings… part of me believed in him. I do not just make tools Senn.

I have been preparing for the Voltaris in my own way. How long has it been…? One and a half centuries? Well what are you all gawking at?! Stand firm. Our days of hiding in the shadows are at an end, my brothers. Voltaris… even after all this time…

You do not know when to admit defeat. You traveled all this way for us… I’m flattered. However, you should have come better prepared. On second thought, you should have come sooner! Even your combined forces are too late to stop the coming doom! We will soon see which of us is doomed.

They call me… Deathsinger, yet it was they who slaughtered my people and denied me the Prime Songs which were rightfully mine. Why, Achillean, do they call you Tidesinger? Because… I have united the people of Ardonia against this nightmare you have created. You certainly have improved your ability to wield the Songs. I wonder…

What you would have done had you been given the Primes. The Prime Songs have always been your desire, not mine. I would have refused them, for no one should wield their combined power. That is what they all say… until you have felt them for yourself. What are you doing here Ingressus?

What sort of magic are you attempting to unleash? You have already lost. You are right… I have lost this war… but you have not defeated me. You are my greatest adversary, Achillean. You united the clans, allied with the Enderknights, and brought together an army which I could never have hoped to destroy.

And you- you Achillean, stood between me and the Prime Songs. Do you remember who it was− who suggested I enter the tournament in the first place? I cannot win this war- not now. But I will return… long after this battle is over and I have been forgotten- when Ardonia has grown weak

And my enemies are gone, and when you are no longer there TO STOP ME!

The full Songs of War Minecraft animation series put into one big epic Minecraft movie!

Years after the Great War, the Voltaris are threatening to return to the world of Ardonia, and only Thalleous is preparing for an attack. He brings the clanless Senn on his journey, who gets a much different adventure than he ever could have planned for.

Meanwhile, two thieves, Jalkar and Grim, have stolen the Enderdragon egg from Etherea. Abbigail, a nearby farmer, tracks down and hunts these two thieves.

And in the forests of Felden, Lucan investigates a Necromancer army with the help of an unexpected ally, Niika, as they fight zombies and undead.

Enjoy this Minecraft story full of fantasy action, adventure, from within the fires of the Nether to the End realm full of dragons, from zombies to magical powers, full of battles, characters, drama, and much more!






– Watch animations early!
– Have your name in the credits!
– And much more!


#BlackPlasmaStudios #MinecraftAnimation #Minecraft


  1. 3 damn years…

    When I heard that Season 2 was cancelled, it felt like my childhood was snatched away…
    I dont blame you guys ofc, but damn…


    But still… so many years have passed and i recently got to know you guys have become SquaredMedia Animations. I still cant believe its been so long since i watched this absolute masterpiece. I love you guys for making my childhood. KEEP MAKING GREAT ANIMATIONS!!!


  2. masterpiece i for real cried when i found out this project got canclled i still remembere waiting everytime for a new episode to release i had better expirience watching this then watching other movies or series big shoutout for every one working on the team even small things like the designers of the skins or designing the weapons yall did a great job yyou really made every day i watched this stunning story the 2 h of the full movie are just flying by and i cant stop hoping for this project being brought back to life in some days which i think will stay just a hope sadly

  3. Its almost 4 years old and i still cant believe how good and emotional it is. Some of the scenes still hit hard and break while other scenes are so cinematic stunning that I forget its based on a game that has been released over ten years ago. Thank you so much for this insane movie (or series).
    Still wished thalleous would have survived or that someone would release a thalleous series someday xD

  4. La historia de ingressus me hizo llorar el realmente no era un Villano cómo nos hicieron creer él era un héroe luchó para proteger y salvar a su Clan del exilio y la masacre aquí los verdaderos villanos serán de los tres clanes todos excepto uno él también quería sanar las heridas entre los otros clanes me refiero al maestro Aegus Nestoris el único que fue bueno con ingressus a pesar de todo lo malo que él hizo no era realmente malo tenía intenciones nobles y hizo todo eso por una razón por proteger y salvar a su gente😭🤧😭🤧😭🤧

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