Two years ago my entire Channel started on a one block series that gained me 1 million subscribers basically overnight and was the star to the cookie Empire but over the past year I haven’t uploaded a single one block video and I was only focused on the hardcore series

Well that changes today because this is the return of the one block series we are back on one block the cookie Army’s stronger than ever let’s mine the first ever block all right it’s just dirt like usual oh we got some wood and if I remember correctly some friend named

Douglas would come back and give us a surprise visit we got ourselves an apple and egg this will be pretty helpful for a chicken oh no I didn’t mean to throw that well we had a chicken and all the blocks I’m mining right now should be tutorial blocks I’m just waiting for our

One friend I’m pretty sure a pig spawns right it’s been a while since I’ve played um like like a glass I knew you’d come back for me you have one toenail keeping you alive so all right I see how it is turn your butt to me let’s just put some blocks

Underneath you so you don’t die there you go since we have wood let’s craft some tools and start modding the one block oh we got our water bucket that is a big milestone here’s some water Douglas drink up what oh we’re losing a lot of gravel let’s

Put our water down and just put a block underneath like that that should save our gravel and we got the Bedrock I think we’re done with the tutorial so far so good Douglas is still alive so that’s good news and we are starting off with the planes phase and during this

Phase all the blocks I will mine from the one block will be dirt and wood oh my God Douglas has a friend what should we name Douglas’s friend here maybe douglida or techno Pig just please don’t fall off the mat that will be uh very appreciated thanks I’m guessing a lot

More animals are gonna spawn so let’s make this platform a little bit bigger let’s be more efficient and use some slabs to save on some blocks here we go and we got ourselves an egg back let’s eat this into the sky and please give me a chicken give me a chicken and while

I’m on in this one block I was hit with a bunch of nostalgia I uploaded my first ever one block video 22 months ago and since then we have gained 3.5 million subscribers or in other words 3.5 million amazing fans who knew all of this could happen and today I am so

Proud and grateful to be back on this is one block with the entire cookie Army by my side and to return with an even bigger bang I’m also releasing some brand new limited edition clothing that includes my famous one block videos you can also pick up some amazing cookie

Army snack break shirts and hoodies everything is on sale for a limited time only so if you’re a part of the cookie Army get yourself some swag click the first link in the description or go to a for pigs this is ridiculous I just wanted one friend

That’s all I asked for and now I got four five oh my I have a pig army now okay I think we have a problem here what is going on my one block world keeps resetting every time I log back in this is like my eighth time getting over the

Tutorial phase my world isn’t saving I guess I’m just duplicating all of my blocks and a bunch of Douglas’s so yeah this is weird please get out the way please make some room this is really weird I also have 21 chests and a ton of water buckets I think I uh officially

Broke one block um but anyways let’s continue mining Another Pig are you I think I have an unlimited supply of bacon oh a pumpkin that’s my first pumpkin of this one block series oh finally some diversity we got a cow hello buddy just trust me you fit into the crowd you don’t look any different at all oh we got a sheep

A chicken oh two chickens okay we seriously don’t need any more pigs is that our first sapling oh wait we have nine so let’s start expanding this one block with some dirt and some wood to build ourselves a tree farm what was that what oh my God one of my

Chicken just suffocated from a tree we have lost a fallen soldier the Beloved chicken we will keep you here in good memory why is there a village over there um okay I don’t think it’s supposed to be there but we should go explore that one day but I finally figured out why I

Was getting a million pigs it was because I was playing on the wrong version so after four stressful hours of trying to figure out how to fix it I didn’t fix it so I went to cook myself dinner which was a pretty good luckily

Sb737 came in to save me and I spent 30 minutes rebuilding to where I once was and we’re back I’ve rebuilt everything and this is a completely different world but guess what stayed the mysterious Village just disappeared okay there it is oh my that is a that is a map oh my there’s

Even another portal yeah we’re gonna explore that Village on a future episode and see if there are any villager survivors but for now let’s plant my saplings perhaps some tools and start mining this one block another Pig oh God the army of pigs are returning but since

We have so many pigs again it’s only fair to do this And by the way there wasn’t a way to turn my one block into hardcore mode so I’m actually cheating and using a hardcore texture pack but I am playing on hard mode which is the same exact thing so if I do actually die I’ll delete the world because that’s only

Fair hey we got some trees growing let’s mine these guys up and let’s pray to get some saplings back that’s one oh that’s two we have broke even I see one up here and that’s six saplings enough to replan every single tree but I don’t want another mob to suffocate to a tree

Because that’s a pretty dumb way to die so let’s collect a bunch of wood turn them into slabs and let’s start making an animal farm and getting enough wood for this project was pretty difficult I eventually broke all of my tools and didn’t have enough

Wood to craft new ones so I have to start fisting the ground and fisting trees it was pretty sad that was a moment when we lost our first animal no we have our first victim to the tree Killers the saplings are evil and there’s so many of them Among Us which

One is the Imposter and the next killer I guess we will never know and now we just need to move all the animals over to their new home and this is gonna be really really painful come on piggy oh who’s a good boy no oh no no no no oh no

No ah I got two more and you go it’s your turn Mr sheepy which I’ll live right beside Mr Beef Wellington over here Why is the smallest animal the hardest to move get up with your with your small feet and you go let’s go Mr move let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go Hey are you hungry there you go hey yo what is going on here hey yo what is all right this is not I’ve seen enough and there we go no animals are harmed in the making of This Farm trust me bro and don’t ask me why we’re missing fences on

These edges here and why I don’t have fences over here I’m just rationing wood hey egg oh my God I almost knocked your mother right off the cliff oh I got another one I got oh my God I got two I got three I got four what are

The chances of that I just searched it up and that is a one out of 256 chance of getting four chickens from one egg I’m gonna go buy a lottery ticket and that marks the first objective complete which is the animal farm and my other two objections will be to get some food

Farms going because I’m kind of starving here and build myself a base it’s pretty basic but I mean we’re on a new series this is one block so let’s just take things slow and enjoy oh my did I get another four chickens oh this is two

Okay I love me some KFC enjoying the fried chicken farm at this point of the series The only food form I can build is a melon farm and I don’t even have enough materials to build that so I spent the next little while collecting some wood and Mining the one block until

I was ready hey yo I got an upgrade cool I wonder what it is I really hope it’s the Stone Age because I’m really sick of using these boring wooden tools please please please don’t yes we’re on phase two the underground this is a huge step let’s collect three pieces of

Cobblestone grab some sticks and craft a stone pickaxe yes in the Stone Age just throw away this garbage and continue mining for Cobblestone to upgrade everything and with these upgraded tools I can mine a millisecond fast iron iron iron iron iron iron yes yes yes yes

Please give me more iron we got some coal oh my what are you okay um we got ourselves a mushroom cow let’s pushed you over to the farms and you can live beside the normal cows oh another piece of iron you just need one more piece until we can make an arm

Oh every time this guy scares me okay it looks like you have a friend get in there let’s name this guy sand and this guy SB you guys know for who and now let’s start the operation iron to find iron I thought that was sounding cooler

But it isn’t okay let’s go come on I need one piece of iron all this stupid and the sights go away Watchers so much okay that’s not hard okay that’s just one zombie that’s our first ever mob um should we keep them my God he does a lot of damage

Wait I could have used him for a potato that wasn’t very educated and smart of me anyways operation iron oh his brother’s back to avenge him okay this time let’s kill him maybe he’ll drop something special like a potato or iron or nothing like life is great oh my God

We got some bunnies wait I have some bad memories about these guys for some reason I remember they like to hop off the edge and fall to their own death okay no no no no no no no no no please please okay do not do anything stupid

I’ll just move you over there to the pen so you’ll be saved don’t no no no yeah you’re getting way too close to the edge there Mr rabbit let me push you over here and trap you inside a box there we go the oh no I’m not the smartest cookie in

The room I forgot gravel Falls yes yes yes yes yes yes yes give me that yes okay we got three pieces of raw iron let’s turn this Cobblestone into a furnace let’s put it right here and let’s match up this iron we are making huge strides right now this is great

That’s one two and three let’s craft the iron pickaxe throw this garbage away and now we can mine two milliseconds faster oh no okay this wait what the two bunny just came out of one we don’t get a lot of animals around this one block though so I’m gonna try

My best to preserve every animal that we get and this time I’m not gonna use any gravel here we go they’re trapped hopefully they don’t need sunlight to stay alive now that we have a bunch of wood and dirt we can finally start working on a food farm let’s extend the

One block over on this side and build a circle and now we’re gonna fill in each side of dirt but I’m gonna be careful with this because we only have a limited supply of dirt so let’s put a water bucket down and actually build a oh no

No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no this is not good this is not good it’s not good it’s not good it’s not good this is not good this is not good oh no

This is not good what do I do oh no okay I’m safe oh my God I almost lost it I almost lost everything I’m drooling right now oh my that scared me well I said I didn’t want to lose a lot of dirt um I I just wasted an entire stack it’s

Trying to save my own life luckily I have a bunch of wood so let’s just build up and replace all the dirt that I placed down with some wood that was actually really scary I I was actually so scared I thought I lost everything oh god build my

I hate Minecraft if that zombie touched me I would have been long gone but hey at least I could build the platform now I’m literally shaking right now and now we can just place down all of the dirt and come back and collect it if I ever

Need to remove the farm later in the future there’s all the dirt let’s craft a hoe well I uh Bamboozled myself I can’t even grow the melons because I don’t have water okay let’s collect these back up and I can’t even collect them back up nice okay um I collected

Two I guess what I could do is make a cauldron to collect the rain water I think that works but I don’t have enough irons so could I just throw this out and have water pour into it please please okay I guess not well after a near-death

Experience losing my bucket of water and that ugly thing below my Island I failed the objective to build a food farm so right now the only logical thing I could do is continue mining the one block until either I get a chest with a water bucket or I get enough iron to craft

Myself a cauldron to collect some rain water oh that is not a cauldron um please give me a potato please make my day better I got a helmet that’s cool and your meat okay I don’t want your meat um I’ll take your helmet with two durability though I mean that would help

A lot oh another piece of iron nice oh my God a spider jockey how is this even fair why is it moving so fast please go away Spiderman oh this spider is really friendly let me just uh enjoy and there goes on my helmet nice

With a giant arrow in my head oh it’s it’s gone now oh yes another piece of iron well there’s another bunny let’s just uh shove them into this corner as well and no no no no you know what you’re on the edge okay I guess he wants to live wow

That’s crazy Owen to this corner please there we go oh nice nice nice nice they’re more than halfway to a cauldron why Minecraft why why oh no I’m not too scared of zombies now I just want a potato from you please please give me a potato well it stopped

Raining which means I can’t collect rain water anymore so um my farm is just gonna dry up I really failed an objective huh don’t worry about the end of this episode I’m gonna finish this food farm in the meantime let’s continue mining this one block oh I got a potato and some mushrooms

Wait wait wait wait wait wait mushrooms mushrooms are food and these are mushrooms wait wait wait wait wait hold up wait a minute mooshrooms are also food yeah everybody gets to eat oh wait don’t eat that you’re gonna be eating yourself that’s that’s weird um forget

That I said that yes we got ourselves food and no please go away well now that I’ve unlocked the mushroom stew I’m still gonna finish that food what the what the okay I need some shelter okay as I was saying I’m still gonna finish that food farm I’m just gonna

Hide in here overnight because I’m a baby and I’m scared of mobs All right is it daytime yet all right nice nice um Coast seems to be clear let’s see oh God why a worst nightmares came true creepers and spiders okay please don’t blow anything up I really need everything here everything is quite important to me oh God Ring Around the Rosie you’re supposed to

Spin around bro learn how to play the game and spiders are usually pretty friendly so uh wait I should probably use them for string so I can make a bed I’m really not good at using resources I do have three pieces here and some cobwebs which

Will get me four more pieces that’s it I’m only one piece of string away for making a bed wait a second I have sheep let’s just Mount this craft shears and there we go I didn’t think of this sooner I’m pretty brain dead but since we failed the farm objective for now

Let’s move on to the next objective which would be building a survival base I’ll have a chest room inside to store all of these items so let’s Harvest all of these trees oh hello seems like you’ve made yourself a home I’m sorry for bothering I I’ll leave are you lucky

And let’s build my base over on this side I totally didn’t take me six tries to say and let’s build this and let’s build my Unless my but why can’t you do it and let’s I am professional YouTuber Thank you and now let’s take some logs and start designing this house it’s probably not a good idea to use logs because um I’m gonna run out any second already but it’s gonna be a pretty rad house okay I already ran out of wood it’s not looking

Too bad though so I spent the next little bit mining the one block and collecting even more wood so I can continue working on my base bruh way humans are so freaking annoying oh okay we are upgrading the one block now I managed to collect a bunch of iron

I got nine pieces some Spruce saplings and Cobblestone which would be good for the house but now let’s see what the next phase is oh and the next phase is the icy Tundra phase what does it give me it’s not it’s not all snow blocks is that cool block okay that that’s really

Helpful and some gold but snowballs are kind of useless and after looking at this house frame for a while it’s it’s pretty ugly why didn’t anybody tell me this so I’m gonna tear it all down increase the platform size start working on a brand new design okay so far it

Seems like nothing and a bunch of random wood sticks sticking out of the ground but trust me I have a vision I have a dream and that dream actually includes the Snowballs could I get snow come on the only time I need snow I don’t get any snow we’re in the icy

Tundra phase where’s all the snow oh we got a wolf do I have any bones please please I don’t okay you stay safe soon we’re gonna have a best friend and we’re gonna travel the one block journey together first I’m gonna eat some snow finally we got our first snow block and

That was it wow do I have a pumpkin okay never mind let’s craft some snow blocks do something like this and make my own snow and now with the snow blocks I’m actually gonna use it to make some walls I feel like this is a good alternative

For quartz because you know it’s white and it looks like quartz so it’s basically the uh the Walmart budget version because I’m poor and I can’t afford ports yet so I think it’ll look pretty good and I think I just wasted all this because I placed it on the

Wrong side of the wall nice it’s not a cookie video without cookie making a huge mistake and wasting all of his time it should be on this side nice nice all of it is wrong And the walls are done it’s starting to come together you might see the shapes I’m going for now I actually need some Spruce with the finish up this roof design so let’s whip out my ax collect some more wood and use it to expand the tree farm

So while I was rebuilding this tree farm I realized something really stupid of me I’m gonna stand right here and look up and just tell me what looks wrong here just just tell me I’m a terrible Builder because all of this is unsymmetrical this is so embarrassing yeah I’m a

Failure I’ma fix that later while I wait for these spruce trees to grow let’s start working on the roof let’s craft some Cobblestone stairs and let’s do something like oh no it’s such a pain getting back up there let’s just do a simple stair design like

This and hopefully that looks good oh I should probably use slabs instead oh no I don’t even have enough Cobblestone oh okay yeah it’s time to get back to grinding materials oh God what is this the homo skeleton oh my God there’s a lot of these guys oh

No oh my god oh no no no no no no no no no oh oh my God no my recording was frozen oh my I almost died too I just lost the best clip of me almost dying I was at one and a half hearts and I was fighting a

Skeleton ah yes OBS OBS why why why why why why why why why why why whoa what are these they’re stealing my wood I need why do you take the thing I need the most these guys be pets because I’m gonna kill them I’m sorry but I need those logs

Whoa calm down I don’t have a name for you and you’re attacking animals all right um You Do you Oh no not these these guys almost killed me last oh oh thank God I have a dog I didn’t have him I literally would have died I need some oh I do have bones I have two bones first try first try we got a pet okay let’s name him everybody

Drop some names in the comments and I’ll pick the most like the name and he’s gonna be our first pet of the series holy smokes that is not a dog I got a giant polar bear what do I do with them this could be your new home you have one

Piece of snow to work with so it should feel like home good luck oh I got another guy drop two names in the comments bonus points if you match their names with the same letter oh yeah bonus points if you come off similar names that are cute they’ve grown the

Trees have grown okay let’s come over here and mine up the Spruce Wood oh we have a visitor surprise I’m gonna beat you what’s happening whoa that was a close one and now I should have enough to replant almost every single pod of grass I’m just missing two while we wait let’s Harvest

More wood and collect more blocks oh this is not good this is not good it’s not good I am not prepared for this what do I do what do I do okay I’m hiding I’m being I’m being a loser in my Hiding I am not ready for

This I have no armor I have no weapons I forgot monster parties even exist okay I’m just worried about the archery guy these guys I could deal with pretty easily I have a plan I’m gonna run down here I’m gonna oh God I’m activating my dogs hopefully they can save me oh no

This is not good I have slowness please don’t die dogs I’ll help you out okay nice where’d you guys come from no don’t kill my dogs no no no no no I’ll hit my own dog I’m gonna die oh my God we did it are you guys okay oh that

Was so sad I don’t have anything to feed them what can I feed them do you guys eat melons I feed them rotten flesh is that bad okay there you go I can’t believe we survived that monster party hey at least we got some armor out of that fight so

Now that I have all the materials that I need let’s finish up this house And this is the reveal of my house this is the shape this little slant is kinda odd but so far I’m liking it it’s just it’s just unique you know it adds a bit of flair it catches your eye now let’s start adding some detail to the house

But there’s one more thing I want to add to this house and I’m sure you guys know it it’s missing a specific color let’s grab my foreign Baby and I’m gonna take this and just put it generously around the house to add a little bit of greenery because it is a little Bland also because I don’t have any other blocks because I’m limited on resources on this one block so um this is the only other decoration

Block I have the last thing I need is a door bam maybe just a little support thing like that yeah that looks way better and now I based on my one block island is complete and I really like how it looks so now let’s finish the interior of the house And the only thing I’m missing now for this house are windows and now that the house is complete let’s continue mining until we get to the next phase oh I get scared every time something pops I think it’s a mob like we got another cow what we got another dog I

Really need some sleep let’s grab some bones let’s increase the dog Army let’s go and now let’s come right back here and sleep oh no these guys do so much damage please please please go away go away go away I really need to make myself some armor

I’m living off of scraps right now oh why okay they’re fighting each other which idiot’s gonna win they’re both gonna walk off the edge oh that guy what hello he just gave up he looked at the skeleton said nope not for me and walked away and just died all right

Oh my why I was gonna try to get some gold armor but there oh my pants I worked hard for those oh God I need to be more careful bro and there goes my shovel okay nice this is going amazing I can finally upgrade to an iron shovel

Though and now I have all iron tools except my sword but nobody cares about a sword oh my God another dog we’re gonna have an entire Army oh my God thank God they keep fighting each other what why does one just start give he just walks away what is

Happening they’re having a a stair what these guys are really stupid Oh my God every time something spawns I gasp there’s another dog that makes a total of what five dogs now I will never be able to tell them apart like who’s who oh my brain went idle for a second I’m mining stone with an ax what am I ever gonna reach this third

Phase oh my god oh there we go we have gone upgrade I really hope is nothing bad but it could be the desert phase and I could get the glass that I need which would be really nice but please don’t be a monster party please don’t be a

Monster party please don’t be a monster party please don’t be a monster oh why why on this first episode we have completed a lot on this one block but there are just so much more to come in this series stay tuned for next episode when I reveal the new phase and click

The first link in the description or go to a cookie get yourself some brand new swag make some memories and I’ll see you guys on episode two no

The BEST START EVER on ONE BLOCK in Minecraft Hardcore



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》All music by Kevin Macleod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.
Link to Artist:

This MINECRAFT HARDCORE ONE BLOCK SERIES is inspired by Wadzee, MumboJumbo, Grian, and sandiction! Instead of being the Hermitcraft SMP, this series is similar to a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE video because it is HARDCORE MINECRAFT on only ONE BLOCK! This is similar to my 100 DAYS in MINECRAFT HARDCORE but better! 🙂



#minecraft #hardcore #but


  1. Sorry, wrong letters I typed something wrong and I accidentally send it but you should name the third one Hairy and name the fourth one Charles, and then name the fifth one Eloise It’s be Because Brianna is my favorite YouTuber, And her merch has a chicken named Eloise😊

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