Do Stardew Valley Characters Match Their Star Signs? – Bachelorettes (Pt. 1)

Stardew Valley is an impressively substantial Farm simulation game with a cast of some pretty amazing characters except Clint that all have wonderfully fleshed out backstories in fact these Town folks personalities seem so carefully crafted that I couldn’t help but Wonder exactly how much thought got put into making them even bad ones like

Clint and when you’ve got birthdays on a calendar and unique personalities I want know if their Zodiacs match up so today we’re going to be taking a look at how well each Bachelorette matches up with their star sign I’m only doing some of the bachelorettes in this video for time

Purposes but if this does well there could definitely be more in the future and before anyone races down to the comments to spat on about how star signs are BS and one yes videos for fun the characters in it also aren’t real it’s all just pixels and I’m not even a

Horoscope girly I see star signs a lot like how I see tarot cards their value lies not in them being cold hard facts but in what you take from them and how you apply that to your life so save your angry typing finger strength all that being said you might have spotted one

Problem right off the bat the end-game calendar does not match up with a real world calendar and yeah that did make my job a lot harder thanks for noticing but not impossible the stardew calendar is divided into the Four Seasons and thankfully those Seasons match up with

Ours however when each Real World season starts depends on if you’re looking at meteorological Seasons or astrological Seasons meteorological seasons are divided into three whole months based on the weather in the northern hemisphere spring starts March 1st summer is June 1st Autumn is September 1st and winter is December 1st astronomical seasons are

Based on the position of the Earth to the Sun and in such the exact start of each season shifts from year to year and is marked by solstices and equinoxes but it makes all the sense in the world to me to use meteorological Seasons because they have the same calendrical

Consistency as the in-game calendar the in-game weather changes with the changing of the season and because a farmer would likely have more use for a weather-based season system so that they would know what crops to plant when and I just use centrical in a sentence so

Please leave a like great we have our Seasons so the next problem is that there’re 28 days in each one which is hard to divide by three for the 3 months in each season but but when you consider that each month has a different number of days in it it actually divides up

Pretty cleanly you can see the months labeled here with the number of days in each one in parenthesis admittedly spring is the roughest but the rest makes sense March and may both have 31 days so they get 9 and a half spaces while April has 30 days and gets nine

Spaces July and August get 9 and 1/2 days where June gets nine October gets 10 days where the shorter September and November get nine and the ratio for winter even works out since the much longer December and January get 10 days where the shortest month but February

Gets eight from there we divide each month into roughly thirds it’s a lot I know you just have to trust that I poured a lot of time into this and since these lines and texts are about to be replaced I’m going to make each segment a slightly different color to keep them

Distinct so from here I just match up the dates to the real world zodiac dates and Bing Bang Boom stter Valley Zodiacs if I didn’t get that like for using calendrical in a sentence can I get it now please so let’s start with our resident school teacher and Cinderella

Stand in Penny penny according to the calendar would be a Virgo but let’s let’s see if that adds up viros are Earth signs so let’s look at Earth sign qualities first and we’ll see how she does fit the bill first and then move on to Shak your ground Earth signs are

Dependable and hardworking Foster everything slowly and delicately and often believe that they have a responsibility to support those within their spheres this definitely feels like Penny who works hard cleaning paying the bills and taking care of the house for her mom as well as taking great care to

Make sure that the children of the town have a good education and helping out residents where she can Virgo Earth signs in particular often fall victim to overburdening themselves which definitely has Penny written all over it as she has a hard time letting go of worrying about her mom though she gets

Better at releasing herself from feeling like she has to take care of her as her character develops Earth signs are also practical and realistic which I would classify Penny as as I think she’s acutely aware of her situation and even when she dreams big it’s for like house

Which is pretty practical all things considered one of the earth sign qualities I’m less convinced about is responding well to things that they can clearly touch and see this I have a hard time even understanding what this this means but while Penny definitely doesn’t not appreciate tangible things she seems

To have an affinity for Concepts like she likes the Escape of stories and making a difference and the importance of a good education I don’t know this one’s just weaker for me Earth signs are also supposed to be attracted to other Earth signs and I figur this one out I

Looked at Sam since she’ll dance with him at the flower festival if you’re not courting her and he’s not an earth sign but also spoiler alert none of the bachelor at corresponding Bachelors were the sign they were supposed to be compatible with so it doesn’t go that

Deep would have been cool though but to specifically Virgo Traits service oriented check teacher helps people researchers and pretty much a students teacher great door is working hard to make the end result of any Pursuit just right I would say so she’s been hard at work practicing a new recipe for a sixth

Heart event and in her 14 heart event she redecorates your room and comments on how she hands stitched the quilt so she clearly cares about working hard for a good end result even if the end result isn’t necessarily that good she tries bends themselves into knots to help and

Be of service to their nearest and Dearest definitely with her mom but also there are secret notes you can find around the village and most of them are from people who are writing about their own favorite things but the one from penny has five other people’s favorite

Things and says she wants to get everyone something they will love again proving how she’ll go out of her way to make the one she loves happy organized and has a strong focus on keeping things aesthetic she cares about keeping the trailer clean and I don’t know it’s more

Focused on keeping things aesthetic than these wild themed room she decorates that look like they came straight out of Extreme Home Makeover humble definitely she has a whole spiel without appreciating what she has patient you got to be if you’re a teacher continually seeking knowledge yeah she loves to learn outwardly perfect but

Inwardly full of angst and turmoil which they try to bottle up also sounds pretty dang accurate to me while she starts small with admissions like enjoying taking a break from reality by reading the closer you get to Penny the more you learn about how much she’s conflicted

About abandoning her mom and her dad leaving the family so as much as she tries to keep it together and do what you can to protect her image in others eyes she’s clearly struggling with her situation and for the zodia cherry on top one of the ideal careers for Virgos

Listed is teaching so she’s on the right path lot of matches right there but the qualities that are a little more are being healthc conscious which maybe she doesn’t drink which you can tell from all the alcohol items being in her hated gift list which also makes sense because

Her mother’s an alcoholic and she has lines about wanting to eat wholesome and good food though that doesn’t necessarily equate to healthy food Virgos are also supposed to be hard on themselves and she does apologize a lot but a lot of times she recognizes that her problems come from outside sources

And doesn’t really talk badly about herself and then another quality I’m not sure about is lover of lists spreadsheets and blank journals and like yes she’s a teacher but she never really puts an emphasis on like writing in an organized way and enjoys taking the kids

Out to study outside for more of a practical or nature learning approach the Virgo qualities that are a Miss for me are being detail focused and a control freak which I think gets disproven by her wanting to clean the trailer but not needing for it to be

Perfect demonstrated by this book on the ground it’s harsh but I got to look at the details and her allowing you to help her clean show she’s not a control freak in that regard either another is liking material Indulgence such as food drink Sex and shopping she doesn’t drink isn’t

That great of a cook and doesn’t mention loving food and sex and shopping don’t exactly scream Penny and caring about status is the last one which again I think penny is totally fine and grateful for what they have and just appreciates being farther along than she started I

Can already practically hear the Zodiac head screaming but Anna she’s a September Virgo I know and she’s a deacon too Virgo as well yeah I did my research I’m getting there okay I’m there so each zodiac sign is divied up into three deacons depending on what

Date range you’re born in so every sign is ruled by a planet right Virgo’s ruling planet for instance is Mercury and the first Deacon of every sign doesn’t have a sub ruler and therefore the people in Deacon one are the most likely to demonstrate the purest form of

Their signs traits so Deacon one Virgos are only ruled by Mercury and are therefore going to be the most Virgo viros that ever done Virgo good but the second and third deacons have sub ruling planets and thus have influence from that ruler SL sign for example as I said

Penny is a Virgo ruled by Mercury but because her birthday falls within September 2nd to the 11th she is a deacon 2 the Capricorn Deacon and thus sub ruled by Saturn which is Capricorn’s ruler and so supposedly she might also demonstrate some Capricorn traits to anyone uninterested in star signs that

Was probably just a bunch of white noise but that’s okay cuz I’m just going to tell you what those traits are I just need to do my due diligence This Time by explaining what iric I’m talking about but Penny actually fits the second Deacon pretty well according to stylecaster Second Deacon Virgos are

Hardworking resilient determined and Innovative doing whatever it takes to reach their goals then yeah as we covered Penny weathers a lot of Storms and works hard to achieve a better life for herself and a lot of times this pays off either via you marrying her or through the community building her a new

Home so all in all I think Penny’s pretty dang Virgo I’ve also decided to assign everyone a meme related to their star sign so this is Penny’s Virgo meme wow very good next up we have asexuals favorite Maru all jok aside We Stand women and stem but boy it really is a

Lot like living with a friend a friend with not a lot of Personality for being honest which isn’t her fault but it does make her a little bit tough to categorize but let’s try Maru falls under the zodiac sign of Cancer which is a water sign I keep wanting to say water

Type like a Pokémon this is Maru she’s a water type traits that she has in common with water signs she doesn’t shy away from Deep conversations and ideas which we can especially see in her ten heart scene when she builds a Senti robot named Milda and discusses what constitutes a Consciousness worthwhile

Of existence this is the same game that you become a bare secret maple syrup dealer in it’s all over the place water signs are also supposed to be sensitive which I would say Maru is both in the fact that she is sensitive to others plights again see the morala situation

And in that quite a few of your dialogue options and scenes rubber the wrong way like a water sign she forges close connections to her Origins at home living with her parents and clearly being super close to them and even though she doesn’t get on with her

Brother she does does want a connection with him because he is her brother tied into that water signs value the act of care and cherish their given and chosen families we see Maru bring up how she values Community multiple times and after your married she even says that

She’s glad she didn’t give up her nursing job because it helps out the community however unlike water signs she’s not highly intuitive or perceptive she can’t tell something’s weird when she comes back after a tense moment you have with her dad she doesn’t understand her brother at all she can’t tell if you

Like her or not and she also isn’t very nurturing like water are supposed to be I’m kind of on the fence about that one because she’s a nurse so that’s kind of inherently nurturing but once you’re married she kind of does her own thing on the farm which is fine and she reads

Scientific data to figure out the best way to raise your kids which is also fine but I also think it implies that nurturing isn’t intuitive to her it’s not like a core value so want to just cancer traits she is compassionate and giving she likes to give back to the

Community and is always trying to think of inventions that can help make your life easier we see her protectiveness and loyalty with her tight-knit relationship with her dad espe especially always worrying about him she does appear to at least be a bit sentimental wondering what Matilda is up

To and recalling memories with her mom as an inventor she is a creative spirit and since she’s always trying to think of ways to optimize the farm and make life easier I’d say she also ticks the box of prioritizing achieving a lasting sense of security since her main friends

Are her parents you and Penny she seems to thrive in small groups and intimate relationships as far as socializing goes and Cancers having the sign of the crab are known to go into their self-protective shells and require time away from others when frustrated which matches up with how she chooses to walk

Away when she’s upset opting to forget the whole thing ever happened and see you another time instead one I’m eh about are them being home bodies because maru’s not a huge partyer but she doesn’t seem to mind going to the events she likes to go out and explore and look

For minerals and she goes about stargazing so yeah maybe another is that they never forget a grudge who can hate hard and while Maru can get a little upset at your dialogue options it’s nothing compared to say penny where some of your bad dialogue choices can can lead to you losing 1,500 friendship

Points as opposed to 50 there’s someone who can hold a grudge finally cancers are secretive which I guess she keeps liking you a secret but that’s more shyness than anything and the only other thing is the robot she keeps downstairs that her dad doesn’t know about but even

That wasn’t really a secret secret she just wanted you to see it first Maru totally misses the mark on a lot of cancer traits though again cancers are known to have an uncanny level of intuition and understand people really well and there are lots of people in situations she can’t seem to read

They’re also supposed to be super cuddly even to the point of being clingy Mario looks around nervously before even giving you a peck on the cheek at 10 hearts and even after you’re married she’s not really lovey-dovey cancers are also supposed to exude flirtatiousness and sexiness and I I don’t know about

That unless I misread this moment cancers are also emotional with their moods going all over the place and while Maru has her Moody days I would hardly call her emotionally unstable she’s usually just chilling doing her science thing she’s also not really funny I can think of exactly one joke that she makes

And it kind of Falls flat and I’m not even sure it actually is a joke and finally caners are known to be great listeners and I think Mario’s kind of the opposite of this actually she’s never had a heart-to- heart with her brother to try to listen and understand

Him and often she presumes things about you and the farm which you can see quite a bit of in her dialogue so I’d say she’s good at conversing but she’s usually talking about herself born between July 1st and 10th she’s a deacon 2 cancer which is the Scorpio Deacon who

Are known for having possessive of obessive dark and brooding traits being more introspective and leaning into their Solitude more frequently and being more ambitious and focused on achieving their desires so X check check honestly I think Maru would probably fit a different star sign better especially after looking at Cancer zodiac memes

Because this was the best one I could find and the rest did not fit at all so if you think you know which sign Maru fits into please leave a comment cuz cancer can’t be right now we have the artist Leia otherwise known as penny

With a wig this is the same person but a different personality in different star signs so here we go Leia is an aquarius which is an air sign air signs are known for being creative free-spirited and having non-conformist attitudes Le whole things that she’s a starving artist who

Moved out of the big city with all the sheep and just wants to sculpt gnomes and Forge for wild mushrooms mom she also takes the air sign boxes of being curious and open-minded as her surroundings constantly make her want to try new things and she is interested and generally respectful of people’s

Perspectives and opinions she even prefers that you don’t bash her ex since she can understand that their breakup was a result of different priorities she’s also clearly intellectual especially regarding the art world as you can witness firsthand in her e heart event however there are a few air sign

Traits that Leia absolutely does not fit one is that air signs are outgoing and social and Leia is one of the most antisocial and introverted bachelorettes she says on several occasions that she’s not great with people and prefers to be friends with trees Leia will cancel your

Lunch plans for an afternoon with a cedar and that should hurt air signs also might seem cold and emotionless at first but not Leia she wears her heart on her sleeve right off the bat can you imagine like going to the bus stop and seeing someone you’ve run into there

Once or twice before and as you’re waiting for the bus they lean over to you and say this morning I accidentally stepped on a bug sometimes I think it’s impossible to live without destroying nature in some way you’d be like yeah man that’s Leia finally air

Signs are noted to be disciplined in the way they handle serious matters like money and love and Le makes it so super clear that she could care less about money and is pretty dang independent upon getting a divorce a good portion of the stardo women will say some variation

Of don’t talk to me or something but Leia actually says I’ve realized I’m happier by myself so just leave me be she’s good she also socks her ex when they’re encroaching on her space which is a little hypocritical since if you punch them she’s like oh that was

Violent but hey still a strong independent woman that will have many on their feet screaming mother so some matches and misses for air signs but what about purely Aquarius traits the Aquarius traits that Leia’s got going for are that she’s individualistic eccentric and quirky she has no interest

In being like everybody else and actively chooses not to fulfill her ex’s desire for her to live a quote unquote normal life aquarians are also generally Progressive and want the best for the planet and Leia is not only generally Progressive in her beliefs but also has lines stressing the importance of

Respecting nature she’s clever Innovative and original which can all be seen in her art and how she talks about her art she’s also strong and self-sufficient remember when she punched that person but seriously I think she’s totally fine on her own and when you get engaged she’s even a little

Nervous and I think that’s because she was never Twitter pated with thoughts of marriage traits her I’m like maybe humanitarian she does care about people but I would argue that she cares about nature and Earth much more than Humanity skeptical she does go along with whatever you suggest she do but she does

Take the time to think about it she doesn’t fully trust her ex but she doesn’t question the Mr K who is the same initial as her ex that keeps buying all her art aquarians are also said to gravitate to to more platonic relationships than deeply intimate entanglements and might even opt for

Non-traditional Arrangements again Leia’s not super gun-ho about marriage but she did want a farm life and had a dream of being with you since you moved here she does seem like the type who could have also stayed happy at girlfriend status for like 10 years though so kind of bances out aquarians

Love people but absolutely need their own space and really rather prefer to do things solo no to the first part yes to the second part are assertive and confident in their own opinions but can seem aloof or disinterested in those of others eh she asks for other people’s

Opinions all the time but definitely has her own opinions as well unpredictable is Leia unpredictable she she likes art she likes nature she did punch her ex though which was unexpected and how much more unpredictable can you get than getting mad at you for doing the exact

Same thing for Mrs I would say she’s not analytical she tends to go with her gut and she moved out of the city without much of a plan aside from do art she’s not techsavvy and science-minded she doesn’t even own a laptop unless you suggest she sells her Art online and

While I admit she picks it up pretty quickly I would still say Maru is some someone I would describe as techsavvy science minded much more than Leia and then again one of the big things with aquarians are how social they are and no Leia’s birthday makes it hard to tell

Whether she should fall into the second or third Aquarius Deacon but I think she leans more towards the second one since they’re supposed to be great in group dynamics where they can sell present or host and Leia seems to hold her own while hosting her art show and while

Being capable of concocting brilliant game-changing ideas and regaling everyone with them is a bit of a stretch she does at the very least have unique and creative ideas ultimately is like an aquarius I’m not sure because here’s the thing everything says that aquarians are supposed to be super social but then

When I went to look for memes I found stuff like this and don’t get me wrong these are her Aquarius memes they’re perfect but so many times the memes do not match the descriptions at all which is super confusing I feel like I got book smart on Zodiacs but not Street

Smart what is she unfortunately that’s all the ladies I have time for in this video but do let me know if you dug this in the comments and also feel free to wait in on what star signs you think these gals should be got open ears it’s

One of my Scorpio treeses I don’t know if that’s true also before I head out I stream on Twitch I don’t really mention that often but I do and if you want to come hang out come on over to on that note I’ll leave you with one of my favorite stardo Valley

Clips from stream adios make me a lot of money what are we collecting pickled green beans I’ll pickle anything on my farm I’m about to pickle my wife and kid like it pays the bills G is the wonder why she didn’t come to play gaming bits that’ll make laughing thinking put them

On rep play intelligent kind of funny her community is number one stick around and kick your feet up has just

“How well does every Stardew Valley villager match up with their star sign” – The question on literally no one’s lips except mine. But fans and non-fans of astrology and the zodiac rejoice, because I’ve found both the answer and a way to make it entertaining. We’re looking at the heart events and all of the dialogue of the bachelorettes- Penny, Maru, and Leah for this video- and seeing if they truly align with their star sign traits ⭐

Also shoutout to the Stardew Valley Fandom Wiki page for all of the quotes!! 🙏

🔮 Listed star sign traits sources: 🔮

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All rights to “Goombanna’s Outro Song” belong exclusively to Anna Vanston

00:00 – Intro
00:56 – Calendar
02:53 – Bachelorettes
18:48 – Outro


  1. I dig this, im not too aware of zodiac signs but it was fun to see the characteristics of three signs (one being mine) with three Bachelorettes. Awesomely in depth, fun and informative, great work Miss Vanston! Looking forward to Pt.2!

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