My First Stardew Valley Solo playthourgh continues! (With lots of mods)

Spe e That N E Hello it is me earlier than normal but not too early I guess you could say how’s everyone doing if anyone’s here I think no one’s here yet but you know that’s okay I’m just chilling I’ve don’t have much um I need left to Do this song is really cool um no not that right now I’m just kind of waiting or maybe not so waiting I don’t Know oh I got an idea wait um what’s in the world is that no I’m not going to do that one and I think I’ll skip this song um is this some this might it takes a bit to heat up which one’s this one again oh no um is this some

Good it doesn’t really matter cuz I’m going to be oh that’s already pretty what if I use this one I’m looking at images right now so that’s that’s what I’m talking About we could do this One no not that one what the science I think this one’s made by AI so no not that One okay that’s perfect for now no let’s do small I’ll skip this song for now uh skip this one no no no yeah this one works so how’s how’s everyone doing um I know no one’s here but I’m going to ask anyway because there might be some people watching the VOD and you

Know if you are watching the VOD say hi in the chat not chat in the comments there’s no chat for VOD viewers um if that was a high quality picture that so cool wa what this one it’s really hard to find regular images on Google Images nowadays because it’s all just AI it’s

Crazy I don’t know how people managed to ruin such a cool Idea not that one um Wait where is that cool image I saw disappeared why didn’t I save that one oh I should have saved it when I saw it I didn’t think anyone’s going to be showing up for a while because um this is like 3 hours earlier than I

Nor me stream you sure you don’t want to join the RPG yeah I’m okay for now super octo Bros for the time being I mean I wasn’t even talking much in the Discord I don’t use Discord much honestly I use it more to read messages from other people than send messages

Um is it this picture no no this is not the same picture but it is pretty Cool uh um no not this one I could use this one I didn’t think I will I will start the stream soon by the way guys I might cut this you know I should I should really be cutting out things from vods you know I kind of just leave them all there

Even the beginning part but I should really just you know cut out cuz there’s no point of it being there I mean who’s watching this even cuz I’m I’m not actually doing much at all I’m just looking through images and you can’t even see the images I’m looking

Through but I didn’t expect this to take so long to be honest I kind of just got Distracted okay I want something kind of like this but bigger let’s see hope I can find it um I’ll open this just in case no not this one not this one not this one we have 20 spaces open that’s cool I think I don’t know Um this one’s AI if it was an AI it would be really cool I co of these Ones I’ll save this one just in case oh this is the one I liked okay let’s look through these all oh my Goodness oh it was made in AI oh that sucks I’m pretty sure my background currently was made in Ai and that’s why I’m looking for a new one I can’t find one so I I noticed all the symbols in the background don’t really make much sense honestly These all made what about this one oh yeah that does make sense close close close close close oh I know how to do this I read it online if I do this then it’ll take away all the ones I don’t like And you could be reals made a Tik Tok for it what it’s like stting better wait that’s a green screen it’s not a green screen per se actually there is no green on the screen so it’s not a green screen um um let’s see this as looking for a new

House um that one’s cool I guess that one’s way too realistic that one’s way too unrealistic go with that one but there’s no bit where am I going to sleep and there’s a person there can’t go to another person’s H Room wait what there is no screen yep that’s true I speak the truth as you obviously know but hey um I could use that one for now I guess it’s better than what I currently have and then I can change it later how do I do this

Again I just found this on Google so hopefully no one Minds me using it for the time being and do I have to save the image it’s saving as web P can can this read webp hopefully I can put in picture and then Brows um what it be cool pictures I don’t think it I don’t think I can read where it be h what if I save as a JPEG open save image as jpg now can it read it oh wait it can read webp oh this is way bigger one second let me shrink it

Down whoop I can’t actually see the sides wait I hope I’m not squashing it by doing it like this oh here’s the is the corner I can grab the corner now which part do I want to be in front of I like this part there you go you

Guys get to be um in front of the clouds there you go I have a new background I hope you guys like it because it it looks nice to me wait let me I need to shrink on the shorts one as well uh you guys can’t even see this one

But I have a little vertical profile where I can save shorts but I never use it really but you know um shows a more efficient way of doing this oops no no no no no okay kind of messed up there but oh well let me maximize this there you

Go okay so I move this down shrink shrink shrink it this image is massive that means it has a lot of Pixels okay there we go I can stretch out bit there we go that should do oops I accidentally oh no I I hope that pops back up again I don’t know where I put it where did I put my vertical thing I accidentally closed it um

It it would be in tools right Source copy no it’s not in Source copy um I don’t remember what it’s called G release notes it’s not in stream elements is it docks custom docks no it’s not in the docks why is words my Lord help me hello

James the cat boy what’s wrong what do you need help With no um preview scaling scale the window there you go nightmare King Grim St my sanity I don’t know what you’re referring to who’s nightmare nightmare King Grim um okay I’ll do I’ll just do this later honestly I don’t know why I’m I’m I am procrastinating so

Much okay so wait let me just prepare everything good 3 2 1 hello everybody of the internet and welcome back to Marsha bomb how’s everyone doing hello hello apparently James the catboy had their sanity stolen so probably not very good hardest boss in h Hollow night I haven’t

Played Hollow night yet but I hope you managed to beat the nightmare King Grim today um I’m going to be playing stard Valley so I’m going to be doing the complete opposite of whatever you’re doing honestly James the cat boy and hopefully everything works

Out I’ve got my sound set up I’ve got my game set up I’ve got my new background set up it’s very pretty sky behind me and a nice big room honestly and wait let me move over here maybe there you go okay so let let’s just get started

Then okay so I’m going to need to open up St there’s there’s no oh there is the music can you hear it let me see yep there is music playing let me turn it down just in case there we go or maybe I should just leave it where

It was before there you go so um I’m going to press play the reason I’m not showing you straightway is because it has my name on the screen and here it is where is it where where is it why is it not showing up it was showing up earlier oh

It’s because I added new mods maybe um where’s the where’s the screen gone I don’t I don’t oh no no no no no oops ah I’m keep on pressing all the wrong buttons okay so St two valy seems to have crashed oh no it didn’t crash it’s it’s

Online now where is it I don’t know why it’s not showing up though on the screen it it was showing up when I was doing test recording when I test recorded it so I don’t know why it’s not showing up now when I need it to show up so um

Hello right let me let me pause the game there oh I got a billboard cool okay let me um okay stardo Valley this one no it’ be this one hello why is it not working did I do something wrong same Tye does that one work there it

Is okay few every everything works now we can finally get started with the proper stream making one piece video right now cool one piece is pretty cool okay so since last time I have downloaded four mods I mean two of them were like background mods so two mods in

Total and I am not and I think I’ve gotten most of the mods I would want so look I have this little thing that tells me when it’s lucky oh wait I have an advancement look cop okay cool got my fire ready and let’s go outside and I’ve got some mail too I

Think I read this at the end of last stream oh yeah killed 10 slimes and it shows up here okay so what was I doing okay so I need to get my H what’s this is that my fishing level I mean my my uh farming level

Oh that sells for 50 so I’ve got I got a new mod that basically wait I should put away my pickaxe I don’t need that for now I’ve got this new mod that basically oh it tells me when everything it’s it’s called the UI um overhaul mod or something it’s giving

Me a bunch of information like these plants only will be ready in two days apparently which is very good to know was it no it does tell me anything about you is anything down it there is I need I think I need to chop down that tree over there so that I can

Um see clearly wait where’s my axe chop chop Chop this is taking water awesome uh sweet okay let’s let’s keep watering I really need a sprinkler soon though this takes a while I wonder why there’s a spot left open I don’t really remember much from last time I’m going to refill my water and then do these five day

Plants what were in what were those plants I don’t really remember but let’s see Okay plant seeds this is the most exhilarating part of the stream watering I don’t really remember what I was planning on doing today okay so I’ve got in the community center over here do I have any um cauliflower beans I don’t think I have any beans I don’t have any cauliflowers either

What I could do is I could go around befriending the Villages a bit more wait let me move this thing I think yeah I do have a oh it’s in the perfect place can I place it over here no I can’t it’ll be just one off okay I’ll just leave you in the

Center for now cuz you seem to be in a very good place I’m quite a while away from refreshing that but I’ll re fill out my my watering can and put everything away for now let’s see what what am I going to do today I have bad luck today construction bundle

Oh this this this overlays with the the bundle mod I have wait what why is there two prices I don’t know what does a con shell actually do okay I’m going to actually pull up the wiki cuz I I was going to check before the stream started

But I actually forgot to cuz no one knew what it did last stream because obviously it was a modded thing let me let me pull up the the Wikipedia let’s pull up um stardo expanded Wikipedia I think it’ probably be from stardo expanded right let’s search up quch

Conch okay it’s loved by Sandy it’s liked by Elliot Guna Haley Jazz Vincent Willie and it’s neutral with everyone else okay that’s cool to know so it’s just a gift item I guess wait let me check the wiki just one more time is there anything it can do

Or is found year round at the beach and Fable Reef I don’t know what the Fable reef is yeah it doesn’t do anything it’s just a gift item that’s good to know okay let’s let’s just go into town um I should probably talk to NPCs so I’m pretty sure that they have their

Um their like how much they like you goes down wait why my why is my game my game’s it’s not letting me control my character oh no wait it froze okay now I’ve got control again so I need to um remember what I was doing last episode okay so I’ve gotten oh

Squirrel I think that’s a squirrel oh Gus is here hello Gus okay let’s let’s zuu block party has begun zuu City I have this smart called zuu City but I don’t know what I know it add a city but I don’t I know how to get there I think it’s by bus but I don’t have the bus yet which kind of Sucks so it seems like I’m missing a festival go pick up this flower can I can I use the Bus yeah I’m pretty sure you can go that way actually you can walk down the road and you walk this way as well what’s this way nothing what’s down the other way then cuz I’m I think I added a mod that lets you walk down the Road yeah I did wait let me let me get my I don’t know how I don’t know why these things are here okay I can’t see a thing because of this tree but I think I’ve gotten everything let’s see what’s down here little control panel hello it’s a battery powered lock

Box unfortunately there’s no battery in it okay then oh yeah see they they got rid of the barrier oh there’s monsters wait wait wait let me let me get my let me get my weapon uh there you go okay I’ve got my oh what’s this okay um destroy thato

I need to kill slimes whoa what’s that thing is it a zombie ouch whoa what’s it R shoots cool and there’s a pnip too can I pick these up no can I get inside the ooh whoa Rainbow Tree what’s the Rainbow Tree do I feel really

Tempted to chop it down but I don’t think I’m supposed to there’s cherries s and everything wo wo wo wo wo back your feet ouch chop chop chop sweet and let’s keep going then down the road we go there’s more monsters I’m not sure how top these monsters are supposed

To be but I’ve only really ever seen the green slimes before so oh and these little things I’m going to kill this before it’s today okay I’ve got you as well this zombie guy is following me okay which way should I go so up is Highway five to zuu city next is Garden

Village what’s Garden Village I don’t even know I don’t apparently I can’t go that way I don’t I don’t know anything about a garden village several down power lines a fall entry and several emergency vehicles block your path as you try to reach Garden the garden village I can’t

Go to garden village so let’s go up here I guess there’s just more these monsters are coming out of nowhere is this just how life is like in this universe I’m running there the bug the bug turned it’s going to turn into the the flying dude

Whoa that guy is fast ouch the problem is I’m kind of stuck out here now until I reach okay oh no oh no I’m running there’s so many monsters why are there so many okay running whoa there’s even more monsters now maybe I’ve I made a wrong turn

Somewhere okay highway to zuu Glacier Outpost and Calico desert F 1.5 miles to zuu what’s that way I can’t I can’t I can’t oh I’m guessing this is zuu City or five half a mile away hey nice shirt thank you Haley insulted my shirt last time I’m guessing this the desert I thought

The desert was that way okay I don’t know hello are you just all you’re all nameless NPCs look at all these cars whoa I could I want a car fuel up okay what’s this oh hello what’s up this a Joo can you go in joa energy various joer products what can

You buy from here Jo oh Joo s that’s new JoJo fries and jojoa I can get that for um Andy when’s his birthday I think I have a I have a billboard now I can’t see the dates of births though can I oh calendar okay U block party egg Festival Vincent’s

Birthday let’s see um I don’t think I can get any of those things for him honestly let’s see Andy’s birthday is quite a while away so I can I can hold off on buying the geia stuff Hello random unnamed NPC I wonder if there are any named NPCs

Out here it could it could be like one of the people that are on the list that I’ve not met yet like there oh I can see quarter fs and stuff like all these people there there are a ton of single people and CLA i’ I’ve met CLA there’s a

Ton of people down here that I’ve never met before I’ve met you before you were in the adventur kill I guess I just didn’t talk to them I’ve got the hearts with Clint W really it’s probably cuz I got the um the job from him okay let’s see there’s nothing up

Here there’s there’s some run down houses a fireplace G so much stuff how am I going to get home I just realized I have to run past all those monsters again I’m already less than half Health loading is this going to be a really busy zone or something whoa block

Party oh I know this song this is from this is I was playing this song at the beginning of the stream um what’s it called metallic the the sonic one those don’t look very interesting okay they don’t look hello what’s up everyone I know

You no I don’t don’t s hey Mar how’s it going good day flying to come here I don’t know who you are S I guess you’re a pilot okay who are you I don’t know you are you a named NPC that’s um no are you no you’re

Not they’re not oh you’re darkhead Girl Gwen who what’s up Mar isn’t the band great um they are playing sonic songs they’re pretty good what’s this is I don’t know who um well you can kind of guess they kind of stand out don’t they oh I know you it’s Emily hey

Mar wait every year with Sandy she likes visiting zo City and you must be Sandy she’s from the desert ni surprise come to zuu when the shop isn’t busy what just makes it even better I don’t know you yet Sandy but you know fair enough I I have a feeling

I’m not meant to be able to come all the way here oh the music’s stopped the blue chickens are back what um I’m not sure what I meant to do in this Festival normally you’d go to the like the May um I’m stuck I can’t see behind the

Tree let’s go this way I can’t talk o you look unique again I don’t know okay you’re not unique then okay you have a lot to say um this is the most unique guy there you are just a nameless NPC again um and how are you supposed to get

The Stars there’s a shop up here hello I can get a fedora a zuu signature cocktail zuu University Jersey there’s a university in this town cool I like to travel around the the festival okay I think there are a lot of like random NPCs that oh hello Haley couldn’t even see

You let get great photos okay oh there’s the music again it’s AAL from Final Fantasy I like I like party scoper is this the may I guess no hello Kristoff oh good day Marsha I hope you’re enjoying the festival help fun it okay cool um Selena oh you’re in here hey I’d

Love to talk but I’m to do some research right now okay buddy good afternoon Mar nice day for the festival um yeah okay are you the I can’t Dr to you okay there’s just a bunch of people enjoying food I Guess I I I don’t know who the main NPC I have to talk to to start doing festival stuff is and I’m not sure what I would actually spend my stars on anyway I’m pretty sure I can’t leave the festival unless I I um do whatever I have to

Do you look kind of unish these two one of them surely one of them isn’t named NPC hello nope I’ve already talked to them both haven’t I do I have to go to the front of the crowd I can’t go past these two where’s the music on bring back the

Music I can’t click on the sign either um uh what am I supposed to do there’s the shop is there anything this way no the I think these are that’s a building right I thought that was a path but it’s a building okay I think I’ve talked to

Everyone I’m I’m probably missing one really obvious person I guess I just have to exit but it seems it seems like I’m missing out on something I mean I can always just come next year when whenever the block party is you look kind of unique is nope what about

You not very interested in the party I should go that oh I’ve talk to you okay they’re not they just don’t want to party okay um Jo just sucks okay am I am I missing I I have a feeling I’m missing some oh there’s the music

Again I think this mod is still heavily in beta so maybe there just isn’t anything it’s just a little party you look cool um yeah I think wait let me let me check the if if everyone from this town is from my bottom of the list I still don’t

Know these two people but I’ve met Selena um buddy wizard well I know wizard um Kristoff Sandy Gwen s okay Cool Gwen is very goth I think I’ll just leave because I I don’t know what I’m meant to be doing here once you do the Festival end I I I don’t know I’m just going to leave and hopefully I didn’t miss out anything obvious oh I’m back home well that

Answers how I’m going to get back home wait did I forget to do anything I’m just going to look at my farm Qui also I can check if these oh they do go in the bundle sweet lucky me I don’t know how many though because my the two

Mods kind of are clashing which is kind of annoying I can’t see the the bundle mod um you go in the bundle yeah I know that much um bug meat oh yeah from the monsters wait wait there you go leaks rice shoots sweet oh wait I can sell some stuff can’t I fishy

Bundle I could sell two of these three three of them I’ll sell three can I sell any of my plants I could sell this conch cuz but I don’t really know what it does prop I think it’s meant to be a gift but I don’t know I don’t know H okay

Well I’m going to I’m just going to go wait I forgot I need to sell these things okay I’ll sell the fish and hopefully everything works works out for me and maybe I’ll have a good luck day and I’ll go back down to the mines and

Everything or I could I could go back on that road to explore this the desert but I have a feeling I have no reason to go to the desert they then never drink right the the mod tells me when I have um a new queen of source that I haven’t done before sweet

Stuar always I always had a mistake of never doing the queen of SWS it’s going to rain tomorrow that’s good to know oh hello all right it’s my cat day hello this this cat here I do see this cat here I found it sitting outside the

Entrance to your room I think it’s stray poor little Thing okay okay sure I of course I will dudly no I think I will name it after my friend from the past emoi it didn’t take me too much time to come up with a name this time luckily wait is my stream catching everything okay goodi you be a good kidy now

Okay let’s go okay so first off watering time the most fun time of the day all my P Snips are nearly done so let’s get to know one more day and I can mine mine them no pick them all up how much the green beans take 9

Days what about the GL 3 days I I accidentally double watered some of them it’s kind of a waste of Time four days four days for the world Spring the spring seeds Okay water water please have enough water for at least this side of the field oh I missed to ah I missed three okay refill time hello fish it’s kind of nice having the fish in the in the lake you know water

Water water water water okay we’ll draw these guys up to it’s Vincent’s birthday and I’ve never actually given Vincent anything on his birthday I could check the wi pedia to see if I I have anything that he would like um let’s see um let’s search up his

Name there you go and I I’ll continue Watering water water water water water water water I’m not going to need to water tomorrow because it’ll be raining but I will um how I do get from the crap I don’t have a crab pot daffodils he likes daffodils I’ll give him a daffodil for his birthday not a very good gift to

Be honest but it’s a gift let me put this away there you go um and I’m feeling lucky today so maybe I’ll head down to the mines after let’s Go um where o I have a quest what on the quest board I need ill to rub my sore out I need ill too for for the community bundle hello Morris and Claire I believe you want to go home sick of work you haven’t even worked yet you’re heading to

Work oh yeah um p is Clos on Wednesday thank you for reminding me that um where would Vincent be right now Vince oh line us at the quest Susan is up here Willie is down there where’s Vincent Vincent Vincent’s down town Olivia is here let’s say hello got

To make sure I don’t lose any happy Wednesday oh yeah sure happy Wednesday is Wednesday meant to be a happy day oh Taff de level up I don’t think the level pi takes place until I actually sleep but it’s good to know when I have a level up

Hello Jazz she doesn’t want to talk to me yet much because I’m still a stranger which is good on her honestly okay so I don’t think Vincent is here where would he be where am I that’s I think that’s where I am where is v he’s over there

Now he’s run away he he he he sent me approaching is down there I’m catching up on Vincent come on there he is there the birthday boy happy birthday he loves it that is awesome I look for bugs but mom will get mad I’m dirty stuff choice though okay that’s

Cool um no oh I have some I have some do I have some geod yeah I do let’s go and get those JS opened up hello bro BR JS please Donk donk I’m not getting much cool things from here oh that’s cool that’s pretty oh what’s that I’ve never seen that one before that is called a jam bright hello Julian how’s it going Welcome to My Stream and stuff okay let’s hand in all the things that he

Likes okay so um I put this up here for now put you up here I’ll put you down here I’m kind of just putting it in random places for now okay sweet there’s Vincent have I talked to you today I haven’t talked to a girl over here yet penny right that’s Penny I

Forgot it’s kind of hard to recognize with the new outfits okay let’s See little community garden that’s cute Hello Abigail I didn’t get much oh so she’s she’s in a bad mood today good to see that you’re doing good Julian sometime someone’s taking care of the place oh okay he he realizes that I’ve been doing stuff oh I got 999

Money hello um I think is this Sam this is Sam oh wait I I don’t have a TV no I do have a TV I but I didn’t watch the game I don’t really watch BS Jody what did you say it’s 1150 on the door wow my goodness T of work to do

Okay I don’t know where they’re going um okay let’s let’s look through my inventory and see if I have anything that I can put into the community center right now the geologist bundle um construction bundle it’s not ready yet though okay I I need to let’s let’s look

Inside my settings and see if I can move some of the things around so I can have both the mods at the same time let’s see um edible from that’s cool visible fish un children UI info sweet show options ingame menu enables an extra tab in your ingame

Menu where you can configure every option for this mod okay a place okay I guess I can’t change much about that you’re a sleigh Queen am I um where’s the where the community is there no Community bundle thing okay so in the regular options apparently there’s a tab

That I can CH tap on sound Graphics Controls open destination folder no that’s not it oh up here show luck icon of course show exact value what’s That no I’m not going to do that that’s a bit much show level animation experience bar experience birthday Hot Fields an animal needs pet hey Max friend um choke c a build board button okay scarecrow this this is a lot of customization hello spony

B spy spoony but I don’t know how to say your name I’m sorry traveling Merchant shop Harvest prices okay I’m Robbin seasonal foldables uh huh okay so I can’t I can’t hide the the little um Community Center thing well that’s going to annoy me for a bit until I figure how to fix That okay so let’s go Community Center oh hello I guess I can’t use that one yet and I don’t have the fish I need and good morning I don’t know if I said good morning or not wait saying it just say it like spoony B it’s fine it’s a joke spelling okay okay

Bye Julian thanks for stopping by okay let’s see look look for I don’t need the full crops or the summer crops or the artisian bundle o I have a cherry I don’t have anything else there okay let’s let’s get the cherry out Boop okay let’s see what else I don’t have quality crops

Obviously exotic bundle I don’t have any of this stuff don’t have any of I don’t have any construction I don’t I don’t have enough of those either okay hopefully I can get another bundle soonish so that I can um you know get another set of bundles and whatever you know what I

Mean or maybe you don’t I don’t know okay let’s let’s head up to the mines cuz that’s what I want to do now let me let me get out my pickaxe put away my axe um I’ll put you away too and organize hello lonus you’re looking you

Need eels don’t you I don’t know how to get eels I think they spawn at night though hav’t played with mods but I know the base game your knowledge will be very handy cuz I don’t know much about the base game or the mods to be honest

So I’m just I’m double I’m double going in blide with this okay let’s go to the mines so we back in the mines got our pickaxe from side to side have I made it to floor five I did s side okay yeah I remember I was I was

Really tired last time I was in the mines I think hopefully to tomorrow is a really good luck day too so that I can um because it it’s going to rain tomorrow so hopefully I can just spend all day in the mines and then get really far down where are the

Stairs all I know about expanded is spinach grows fast it’s very good energy not money okay that is information I didn’t know so thank you oh there’s there’s the stair ladders or whatever it’s Called come on there must be something there you are there’s an Earth crystal yay copper I need lots of that um there anything else nope now I’m going to have to mine a bunch of rocks to find this ex I mean I do need rocks to be fair

So it’s it’s not that bad that I need to mine them all but still it’s annoying NOP cuz it takes up oh jar sweet watch how was going to be in one of the rocks that I I’d Left Behind no I don’t want to mind the the really big

Rocks I really hit that one though so nope nope come on bugs can drop ancient seeds so you should always kill them oh okay my bad then oh there he is right at the beginning oh hello slime I need to kill you guys for the achievement and there’s the ladder too

Perfect I will now kill every single time I see a bug so I can get one of those ancient CS okay I think this is going to be a secular one oh another one and open up my inventory and pick out a leak n n how much energy not much in the

Bar but it’s enough to Survive energy be careful yeah I don’t want I don’t want to pass out or anything okay so there’s there’s not much in these early levels at All no it’s okay you you’re um the the stream is a few seconds back okay that’s mine mine mine nice so much copper well not that much copper but it looked like a lot I wonder how much o amethyst I know that abig girl likes those and also gun will want them inside

The the Museum okay I got my I got my Escape path I don’t know how much energy swice slicing my sword takes I’m pretty sure it probably take at least a bit of energy sweet oh bug a spoony set I should always okay ooh star that either means they’re hard to be or they’re special

Somehow so of course I’ll kill them maybe it just gives you more experience or something level up cool oh I got a ring wait small magnet Ring cool now I’m magnetic that means I’m cool they dropped special items oh I see so they so they are special I will look forward to killing

My next Starry slime okay ooh is that quartz I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to get something else to eat um you give me 11 energy you give me zero energy that doesn’t have point in eating you 25 energy wow leaks give a

Ton of energy Cherry I kind of want to save my cherry cuz I only have one and I don’t know how to get more I’ll eat two parsnips cuz I’m growing more pnps I don’t really need these Ones there we go chop chop now this is this is the type of thing I want lots of nice collectible ores and whatnot some quarts a nice room full of boxes that might have something cool in them seeds some fertilizer I believe drink okay so I need this for the for

The foraging thing I know that basic retainer soil the soil has a chance to be chance of staying watered overnight oh that’s cool Hello slime I need to kill you for my achievement sorry oop oop maybe I was the sorry one that’s thing kind of messed me up not much

Though looking around hopefully there’s something more there’s like two copper RWS on this level I thought this was going to be a cooler level okay one more level and then I’ll be on 10 and 10 is little oh perfect chest what’s inside the chest a boot the best spring crop is

Strawberries but you can get you can get them at the festival yeah I I I was told that by my friend so I’m looking forward to the Spring Festival I want to save up money for the festival so I can buy tons of strawber and I am

Um wait let me let me see how much I need for the initiation okay I’ve got I’ve got enough I’m out of here leave the mine I’ll just I’ll just head over to The Adventurous oh it’s late I wasn’t expecting that I head to The Adventurous Guild and I got my

Achievement I didn’t get anything for it hello what do you topaz ring what does the topaz ring increase Precision that’s a thing what does amethyst do knock back I don’t think that’s very useful magic Elixir oh that’s a ton of energy and Mana too I don’t know how much Mana it saves

But it apparently gives you Mana I’m I’m guessing it be the same amount is to ring doeses nothing oh okay so I guess Precision isn’t much frog legs that sounds gross mushroom Berry whoo look at that look at all those stats doesn’t look very is that good I don’t know if that’s

Good or not um wooden blade that’s I don’t know if how that compares to mine it doesn’t show it okay I need to talk to you regularly too no come on um didn’t didn’t it say that I havn’t talked to you yet so what’s this why is there a

Lock oh it’s because I’ve already done it today where are you where are you you must be somewhere yeah look it says I haven’t talked to you but you’re right here maybe I have to talk to you outside of the thing who are you Brock you is checking over important documentation

Regarding the okay what’s this I’ve killed two 1,000 slimes that’s that’s a lot 12 cave in sex I need to I need to kill I need to kill 60 Rock CLS that seems like the most doable though I should okay then what are you oh it’s Gil he’s looking at very

Important documents while sleeping it was never implemented and literally does nothing maybe maybe it’ll do something next patch oh can I talk to you now Hello sweet now I’ve how many how many NPCs do I have to talk to now um two more NPCs that I haven’t met yet okay let’s head home because it’s quite late and it’s a long um walk home hello gizo with gun how are you doing okay let’s head home I think um

I’m not sure if I should give them to oh this one wants to go into the oh but I don’t have the Boiler Room unlocked yet I mean I could just give it to gun tomorrow and I can give I’m I’m pretty sure these are pretty common

Gems hello possums I think these are possums oh leak perfect there are a lot of new NPCs yeah there are a lot of new NPCs it’s kind of cool um I did water all my crops right I think I did um is there anything I want to sell uh I don’t think

So I’m going to have to make a rock chest now I’m pretty sure cuz this is kind of full oh hello my new cat you can of in the way bro I forgot I had a new cat that kind of jump scared me what is is used in a

Bundle if you haven’t unlocked the furnace room yet yeah I haven’t unlocked it yet survival burer sturdy ring and Bug steak that’s a very pretty Ring what’s happening now I think because I have so many so many mods it kind of takes a bit to um load hello I’ve got feel unlucky today and it will rain tomorrow as well awesome I got a new letter as well what’s this Robin here I know there’s a

Lot of stone scattered around your farm if you have a surplus you might want build a well you can place just swing by my shop 75 Stone and 1,000 that’s all my money what I lost my favorite axe if you find it please return ASAP have a tough

Time without it there’s 250g and whoever finds the thing okay sure new mail you might need some more space um somay that’s where Robin’s spammed my inbox a ton Jesus the chat the cats are drunker he is um what was it fishing in the lake by

The mines is a good way to make money in Spring okay I’ll do that then and it is a lucky day as well so I’ll get i’ll I might get some fish I really need oh not a single gold one oh a single gold one okay I’m going

To I’m going to make a new chest where’s my wood I don’t have enough wood yet um Let me let me let me make enough wood there we go that’s enough wood let’s make a new chest crafting chest please thank you you shall be um the Woody the Stony chest I think stone

Stone safe and you will be a nice shade of gray okay and then let’s transfer everything over now so the plant one I’ll take out all the stff stuff Stones you are Stony I’ll put you in the stone chest one two three four five and then plant chest C shell that should be in the ocean chest the fishy chest okay what else is Stony clay that’s kind of Stony copper bombs Earth crystals that’s that goes

In here also why why are you below the just why are you below the the shipping container the shipping bin like 100 there go all the way at the bottom please there you go for all of time fishy bin there you go and I guess we’ll be fishing

Today fishing in the lake the two rainy two rainy day only fish or catfish in the river morning and Shad in the river all day I think the ill ocean after catfish I’ve already caught a catfish I’ve actually not caught an eel yet though I think I caught a catfish did I

Catch a catfish being the fishing fish tank ocean River yes no I haven’t actually put up for catfish my bad Jal Robin lost a I wonder where I I’ll probably bump into that eventually I’m going to sell these um these silver Pips actually I can put I can put away

The I can put away these I’ll put you in the I’ll put these guys in the ston chest as well okay now what will I need I’ll bring my ho just in case and my fish I’ll bring my bamboo po cuz I’m pretty sure the the training pole can’t pull up some of

Those raro fish I’ll I’ll store my my plant away just in case I eat it or something dumb um what else do I need I think that’s all for now the chest and shipping anywhere looks great to have it is really handy honestly also I’m going to buy some I’m

Going to buy like 10 nope I’m not going to buy parsnips I have to buy them before Oh when when does he close no you need bamboo better for them okay that’s fair um I don’t know when the I know when he opens but I don’t know when Pier’s closes

So hope has has to be west side of town river for those fish is this a river what’s that is this count as a river it Clos at 500 p.m. okay or is it the or is it the river that’s by the blacksmith’s Place fishy a nice jam-packed day of fishing Today that’s the lake is the one by Mon Mon down all the way South drop it raise it oh this guy’s going crazy what is it oh fisherman large mouth bass I need it for the bundle sweet hello how are you really enjoying broadcast keep it up I have some recommendations for

You um I have a feeling that’s a that’s a bot surely but thank you nonetheless I suppose is this the right um River I can see a catfish in here so I think it’s a good rivering here for a tiny bit too Jane 80 from Ki even says what no the the the

Restream bot is um it it it transfers um messages from the other chat on on my screen it just show shows me the name Jane but no seen human uses emojis like that Shad I need that I do need that awesome oops I didn’t mean to do that did I keep my amethyst

Oh yeah I need to hand that in don’t I come on hello okay come on come on perfect a new Shad record it’s golden sweet okay so I’m going to buy those I’m going to buy those um seeds now before I forget yeah it reads like DM by gra oh I’ve

Gotten C when you of those DMS it’s so annoying they’re always saying oh I love your content can can I can I please do art for you and then it’s just and it’s just the same pictures copied and pasted everywhere guess I need a few pnps I’ll buy

10 cuz I don’t want to spend too much money before the Festival do I need Jazz tulips kale I don’t know if I do uh I might need to I’ll buy one of each just in case k Jazz just in case something pops up and I’ll go actually I’ll go down to

The the clints now before he closes because I know he closes kind of early he closes that about nine there’s so many fish during the rain when it’s raining okay let’s get to Clint with my geode hey bro um break this thing open ooh it looks shiny but it gave me a bad

Sound calite and also if that if that guy knew if that guy wasn’t a b there you could just see my Discord in the description okay let’s see oh wait I forgot I forgot to um new reward I forgot to pull out the other Stones do I need One donate to museum I’ll put you over here for now I’ll put you over here for now I’ll put you over here there you go now let’s see what the reward is oh cauliflower seeds Handy um I can plant them later let’s see let’s fish a bit more then I’m on mobile but is that a drooling emoji wait where oh that is a drooling emoji I don’t know why why the drooling Emoji was used actually that’s huh it it it and the fact that they

Haven’t spoken up since they sent that message kind of gives me a red flag you know but hey hello R I’ve been called Pooky that’s a new one how goes it okay fish she oh some trash yippee just waiting I’m not missing who’s I wonder

If it’s above oh waa that was fast is this I’m guessing this is the jeez what in the world was that I was in the middle of thinking and then it just shot up and disappeared yeah Victory another Shad okay let me let me move these things away um

Trash I’ll I’ll put you in the okay I’m going to have to remember to plant these today but yeah your bar gets bigger as fishing levels up okay that’s good that’s the catfish the catfish does look like it’s a pain to catch just waiting Waiting expecting I’m I’m still expecting the shooting up okay hello small mouth bass some algae there’s a seel there I think that’s a seel hello chest on I can’t I can’t reach a chest though because the fish is all the way down there I don’t it’s really annoying when that

Happens when the when the chest is all right at the top in the fish is all the way at the bottom and you can’t you can’t get them both yay perfect another small enough bass small enough bass is pretty easy to catch I think with the next fish I catch I’ll

Level up to level three fishing but it only really takes effect after I fall asleep let risk yeah you can take the hit to the bar oh do I have to wait a t oh who that even it left me behind it always the catfish always hits

When I’m not expecting anything I’m mid thought I I was thinking about how do I I need to wait for the whole sound effect to play before I can catch it because every time I hit it the second that it pops up I don’t need I don’t get the

Fish okay come on Catfish I can see you there see you bro just just come into my little inventory it’s very nice and cozy um what did I have to do do was it a different fish whoa hello no you can’t just change direction so fast oh I’m facing this way now Hello come on to Mar I like how a just popped into my chat called me Pooky and just stopped talking right after hello chest no I was trying to get perfect oh hello Flower glad to see you in my chat again as well little guy maybe if I can I’m I’m really surprised I haven’t actually pulled up a Joo Cola yet don’t forget eels EAS to catch catfish oh they in at the ocean I’ll head down to the

Ocean after this catch and I need to get two eels because lonus wants one as well okay perfect green nice I’m getting lots of money for today oh the second the money the double money means if I steal all the items right I see way to the beach that way okay

Cool oh look at all these shells sweet oh there’s all the eels look at them all there’s a there’s a ton of them so I better catch at least one hello oops I don’t like it when it rapidly changes in the opposite direction oh hell butt I already got one of these

Um put all the fish away for nowo so that I don’t make a mistake I can sell them all once I get home come on Els I can see there’s tons of them and there’s barely any hell butts so this guy I think I need one of you as

Well I don’t remember what it’s called oh hello I think this is seaweed seaweed um doesn’t move around much yep it was seaweed I think seaweeds um a modded item I don’t know what it does it might be used in a recipe or something maybe a

Sushi oh look a notter I think that’s a notter right look at that little guy I thought ‘s little in rivers maybe they do live in oceans or coasts oh hello is this the eel oh hello whoa whoa whoa whoa nice it’s the eel yeah let’s catch another one for lus

Now oh hello speaking of eels looks like I got a second one already double eel action and two Silvers as well are used to make fish pwns oh so seaweed is in the main game I think this will be my last fishing attempt and then I’ll head

Away who’s this oh hello come on yeah yeah I got an item hearing and some bait and copper I can’t use the bait yet is L so I I he closes that five wiie not lers okay so I’ve gotten oh hello I knew I’d use my hoe today for

Clay very fun it looks like I should be able to go this way oh I can crazy oh this is this is to on the vineyard go to and don’t forget to check which fish are in the bundles yeah I mean it it shows up I I’ll head home to

Plant all the things and then I’ll sell all the fish I don’t need hello Andy I need to be friend Andy he gives you three SE um strawberry seeds we did that before I remember I just need to remember to um get him to like me which way is home again

Um um I’ll just check the sign okay this way is home this is M’s house I think go to was a weird Auto of good luck oh oh you have to head out okay see you later spoony thanks for staying around okay let’s see how much I how much money I make

Today okay so first let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s plant the seeds first okay let’s see boop boop boop boop I need I need to plant all the pnip seeds so that I um have those let plant the kale the Tulip and the Jazz and the

Rest can be um full of flowers I can’t really see the seeds cuz it’s so dark there you go it seems like I planted everything it’s getting late let’s head into my room and then I can do the rest inside here so fishy guys I don’t need a Breen so I’ll sell

This I need a river fish I’ll keep them don’t need AE no the seaweed um I’ll sell one of you I keep I’ll keep you I need one of them I need one of you I don’t need you um small mou bass I don’t need them um

Herrings I don’t know why you’re inside here you should be in the stone bundle boop boop okay so plants do I need to sell I I need to sold this I think oh I don’t need that yes I do um sardines I’ll sell the sardines too

Sunfish um yeah sure why not I think I think now this is all I’m going to sell today very nice um anything else that I can sell without troubling myself I can sell this hellbot okay I’ll sell the rest tomorrow if I need to oh I did I did pet my cat

Today crap pot dish o the sea maybe I should make no I’m not going to make crab pots I think I get given them by someone right so I won’t make a crap pot because I I get given them okay nice and saved hello rain day is in your hands neutral

Luck Merchant is in town and I got mail hi me sell hats OK poke come to the old H old old old house poke key bring Queen’s hat Mouse oh new man now tomorrow we’re holding the egg Festival oh the egg Festival is soon you should arrive at 9:00 a.m. to 9 2

P.m. okay let’s get some eggs you oh the cauliflower already in one day beans are in seven okay cool cool cool I think you’ll buy pots from Willie at some point pots oh crab pots I can make them how much are they actually oh that’s expensive yeah I’m

Not going to be I can’t even make them even if I wanted to okay let’s let’s check what the traveling Merchant has kind of sucks that she’s coming the day before the egg Festival but okay hopefully she doesn’t have anything too important um um another rare seed I already these

Aren’t that rare are they she stld them every single time Autumn bounty Deluxe speed grow lobster albore I don’t think I need any of this stuff if if she was saying red cabage seeds I would have bought them straight away but nope je not well they are indeed cool crap they

Really contain crafts that’s um unfortunate it oh hello Shane the weather’s making me thirsty um um I guess that’s one way of putting it um where would where should I go so let me think oh yeah I can go to the community center and fill in some of the empty

Things I really need to clear out this entire Farm soon but I don’t have enough energy for that normally oh I can go I can go to the what’s it I can go to the mines as well today and hopefully sell a lot of things

For the hello CL I’ll say hello to you as well since you’re in my path need to sell um a lot of things to tomorrow so I can buy tons of seeds tons of strawberry seeds Okay you know what I’m I’m not seeing any other NPCs considering how many NPCs are in the game right now now it’s kind of funny yink okay go this way go down hello folks lot of fogs around here this way okay wait let me let me uh give myself my items

Ston bundle boop boop boop boop I want the sword first please that’s good and yep I’m good let’s go there better be no worms up here because I wow okay fine I’ll get my hoe out again oh last book doesn’t Library okay so you can read books in the library that’s

Nice what are you doing here bro a festival is tomorrow yeah need to drink Gus is preparing no I don’t know floor 10 and floor 11 oops I don’t know how I oh that’s new toaz ding ding hello bu guy very annoying and a slime as well okay cool no

Stop okay oh wood nice okay so I was told to always kill these guys because they might drop ancient seeds no ancient seeds Today oh hello floor you guys for my comat class oh another One sweet nothing much on the floor hopefully hopefully the floors get more busy with ores the further I go down because there’s just a bunch of stone up here honestly just in case there’s something cool inside mine you destroy you how do you make um a

Furnace again I know I need one of those soon I have I have so much iron or furnace 20 copper copper or not iron or what’s a Qi Crystal it’s been in my in my crafting list for since the beginning but I have no clue what that

Is a ke Crystal that should coal nice my friend showed me that that you can click on them and get P out of them I’m going to leave Now swipe swipe pick you up is this topaz it is topaz anything else anything here oh that’s amethyst I think I can give that

To Abigail then nope NOP NOP NOP nope no no no I’ve already given one to gun for the museum okay quartz okay I have to leave here now because I don’t want to fight monsters a come on come on come on come on come on made it this world’s kind of

Purpley the music’s kicking in Nice Nice pick you up wait let me clear out my inventory again I really need to buy the backpack honestly keep monster pot in there you too oh and of this too there you Go it might be a bit cheaty but it’s really handy iig will certainly enjoy having an amethyst to snack on yeah I did hear that she eats rocks it’s really funny okay wait let me check below just in case there’s something down here this is a big

Area okay I’m leaving cuz I don’t want to fight this bug guy okay I’m I’m going hey floor 15 hello bug guy I’m going to kill you before you become a big bug guy two bug guys hello two bug guys and one big bug guy uh There’s two big bug guys now they’re a pain I’m leaving oh quartz why are there so many flying bug guys now I think I need a sword or something honestly uh I can’t I can’t leave this area because there’s there I can see ORS and stuff around okay good there’s so many of

These bug guys the world no where where did they keep on coming from okay this guy is going to turn into a big bger too now sweet okay mine the topaz realize I need need to empty my inventory again oh these guys can hurt you good to

Know I killed all of you no I’m just going to leave honestly this is pain is there anything over here more bug guys the game saw you not liking the bugs and chose violence yeah wait I need I need to eat something before it’s too late plants what plants

Should I eat today I’ll eat a leak cuz they give you lots of energy as well look at my health cheese yes the last time I was in the mines two days ago it was um it was all my health is basically always green the game gave me boots and thought

Hey now now let’s turn up the difficulty a bit one pair of boots all you need okay let’s kill this guy can let’s go I’m I’m trying not to wake those guys up so that oh great there’s More just if I don’t wake them up I don’t have to fight them I have to mine through here there you go there there was nothing up here okay I’m oh no where are you guys coming from I I didn’t I don’t know okay I’m out of here do you see my awesome

Blocking skills oh there’s so much copper over the side that’s awesome swipe swipe and fiber to get all this fiber just in case I need it in the future okay let’s let’s kill these guys I have a feeling I’m not going to catch both of them because that one went off to the

Side okay let’s pull him down here or not where did they even go my there’s so many of them oh he made me an escape I’m going to run this way see if there okay I’ll try and get these while they while they’re small oh no don’t don’t make a shell good good

Good there’s this this so coal go oh okay I’m leaving I was going to go up here and get all the copper and stuff but I’m just I’m not even going to it’s not worth it okay you don’t hit them do they turn the the little the little ones yeah

They if if I don’t kill them in time they they change into the big the the flying ones and I can’t hit them when they’re blue they have a shell they they have a shell On okay this is a very long cave Oh another Bug NOP don’t you there Sweet oh pH I thought I was not going to be allowed past it it’ be really annoying okay done here then oh my goodness look at all of them no I have a feeling no they they they they will change I’ve seen it before I think

Uh there’s another one I want to go to the center of this spiraly thing though I have a feeling there’s something in the middle oh hello crab guy you said that I can take off the the Stone right oh I can I’ve never seen that before that’s Funny cherry bomb what happened to that flying guy I swear he spawned up over there in because I’ll see him later oh there he Is sweet okay I’m going to eat something real quick I’ll eat four of these okay if as long as I don’t get close to the little bugs though they don’t they don’t start changing but the second they start moving it’s already too late right am right you don’t take if

They don’t take enough damage they don’t turn into flies really oh well then I will stop hitting them and I’ll just run away from them there’s two of them [Applause] no sweet I like making them kill themselves on my sword it’s kind of funny look at all those those wooden things in the middle maybe there’s something cool in there 11:12 p.m. oh no it’s quite late you have to start heading home soon okay so if I don’t

Touch them they won’t change oh they went back to sleep cool oh I have I have to oh at this lots of um carrots find fun that the only way to get carrots in this game is by mining okay now I have to run all the way through the spirals again just to

Get back out um let’s see so I need to make it to floor 20 floor 20 is there’s the ladder okay I think one single hit should be fine although no confirmation of that one I’ll just I’ll just play it safe cuz there’s not really a point to

Killing them it just makes things harder the only reason I was hitting them was because I thought they would change if I waited too long okay floor 20 pick up this there a sword sweet I needed that okay now let’s let’s run home now okay Flor zero please why are you still here

Bro oh wow what is this weather it’s so dark am I going to make it find out in the next exciting episode of Dragon Ball Z um oh I need to I at at50 I will just put a bunch of things in the in the storage bin

Okay I I’m not going to make it but I’m going to sell some stuff let’s let’s see and my stone chest I have two amethysts okay so I’m going to sell I don’t know who likes topaz so I’ll keep I’ll keep two topazes and sell three I keep all my geodes get my

Stones um get my copper obviously let’s see I will sell an amethyst what else is there I can sell like uh fishy bundle oh I didn’t go to to the thing yet oh I didn’t talk to lonus okay I’ll sell this amethyst Qui and the to okay let’s go to lus and

Hopefully he’s he’s still here okay wait wait wait a second bro I’ve got an e for you pH wait did that did that Quest end already uh oh I’m going to pass out for the first time let me sleep with you lonus today please rest in peace

Me they don’t give comeback but yeah that’s about it oh they do give combat okay Cherry Bomb I can make cherry bombs now I thought I thought I still have one more day for the for the quest but I forgot I accepted it two days ago no I only accepted it one day Ago at least he doesn’t hate eels okay wait I don’t need to check this maybe I should I have bad luck okay now let’s see let’s see how much money I lost 142 G JoJo team okay Then level up yay I can’t sell these I can’t I can’t go to the community center today I’m pretty sure because of the the festival right so I’ll put these in here for now I’ll put you in the Stony chest for now you as well organize I guess I’ll just mine I I’ll

I’ll mine up some trees today I’ve been I’ve been meaning to you know clear out the area a bit More chop chop chop Chop cuz I’m not going to be using much energy today I’m pretty sure because I’m just going to be in the festival my first Festival on cloud Top Farm well apart from the zuu thingy Mobby but I’m not sure if that counts really let’s find Swipe swipe swipe swipe

Swipe I’m leaving the trumps the stumps for now because I don’t really need to get them or as we passed out in you literally had to go inside the home yeah they did they did have to go inside the tent unless unless lonus literally threw

Me out my threw me out of the tent cuz I was on his sleeping bag to be fair that’s a funny thought is the festival start also wasn’t the festival today doesn’t it doesn’t it pop up on the screen when it’s the festival today I swear it’s a festival today I’m not

Going insane am I if not I’ll go to to the community center oh hello where’s my home and pop bone okay um plants there we go yeah you do want the bone don’t you okay I’m going to organize this because that’s going to me yeah the festival is today it’s it’s

In one more minute or so I’ll head down here for down to my secret Farm area is I really mentioned that I’ve seen this before but yeah here’s I think oh there’s the festival I think this is like called Grandpa’s shed or something I saw it in the

Settings I guess he might not have a private property in which case in America don’t know about the rest of world it’ be sketchy but not I yeah it’s probably this I think this is based in America anyway okay I’ll talk to everyone hello our hens have been

Working over time to prepare for the festival the best night balls yay he seems really happy today is there any more food there’s plenty of food it’s all around you hello Andy food at these vs ain’t so bad hop blah blah blah blah he likes his eggs chocolate eggs Hello Sophia Yeah me too honestly okay pan something nice in the punch o the time is to Cho oh yeah I need I also need to I should also go to the shop I I have to remember to go to the shop we always love the eggs hunt since she was a tiny

Girl I feel harine was a mom is it that strange do eat eggs in a well balance diet hello Willie until summer rolls around I find it funny that they’re using like actual eggs and not chocolate eggs I need I need to make sure I talk

To all the mvcs because I think they like it when you talk to them during a festival or at least I heard that Community um okay so I’m going to go to the shop hello Mr PR really want to buy that but I don’t

Have enough money h i i I wish I could save up more money but I’m just going I’m going to I’m going all in on the strawberries just just I’m going to be poor but I’m going to have 16 strawberry crops so I’m going to be rich in a few

Days Emily it’s been up since Dawn coloring eggs wow that’s like a lot of work vent love this Festival X brw of hands hello there Elliot and let’s talk to the little kids as well cuz why not I think Vincent out of everyone in the town likes me the most cuz I gave

Him a gift on his birthday let me check actually yeah look I have two hearts with him compared to every I still have one heart I don’t even know how I got one heart with Clint honestly yeah you can see who I talked to on the festival and who I didn’t okay new

Abigail Sebastian Victor wait um he put on his best slacks for that oh he has hay fever that’s unfortunate this haey in favor of his follow dance and Alex did I talk to will already I did oh yeah the the the old people I mean okay how many people there’s so many

NPCs some places use plastic eggs filled with candy some use chocolate eggs some use hard boiled eggs huh I’ve never actually had an egg hunt in real life before they do seem nice oh look this is a perfect picture opportunity hello everybody what what happens if I um open

Up this I can take a screenshot I’m pretty sure like a big screenshot well there’s my screenshot um did I did I talk to everyone oh I didn’t talk to you I think that’s every oh did I Andy still have some things to say and oh I still haven’t Dr to me Le

But I know that’s how you start the festival Alex has more things to say wait what are you doing down here bro you don’t not wearing a doctor’s Hat okay I talk oh Morris okay he has a bad leg okay that’s unfortunate oh I think I talk to everyone now so let’s start this festival and hopefully I can win I think you have to C find all the eggs and you get a STW hat I’ve won once

Before okay let’s do this I’ve only done this in Co-op and it’s always hard because the other player also knows where um also is really good at catching eggs so we always split in half and then someone else wins because we always have an even

Amount come Kos I like how Abby was one of the kiddos that jumped even though she’s not a kid anymore okay now every is everyone ready yeah let they can’t begin okay I’m out um let’s see oh there’s an egg down there oh no I got stuck behind the

Bush where where else will there be eggs let’s go down here surely they’ll be oh there’s one down here I have to go all the way around jeez um where else is the eggs There’s one is that an egg that yep that’s an egg let’s grab you am I missing any I feel like I’m missing an obvious one there’s one up there get out of the way bro it’s mine um there’s one up here sweet I got six eggs oh there there’s number seven

Over there no I was so close welcome back Julian Alex can only match a 12th of guston’s power oh you’re talking about the Beauty and the Beast I still think I’ve only watched the first half of that Film but now he’s as large as a barge okay you could um okay please please let we win please please what a the actual kids one how many eggs do they get I couldn’t find enough oh there was one over here that’s sneaky I wonder if you can look around

Before the Festival begins like before you begin the festival I wonder if the eggs are actually already there so you can map out a a thing oh I should have I should have tilled the ground shouldn’t I it’s going to rain tomorrow luckily uh oh hello anywhere else okay let’s let’s start

Tealing it’s so dark I really want that um glow glow ring okay let’s let’s startop chilling one two three Four and then you two as well one two anywhere else I’ve missed a spot potentially oh I did sweet and then I have to I have to water them I don’t know have I even watered my crops today I don’t even know if I watered my crops I don’t think I did so

Let’s let’s do this I have I have enough time to water my crop surely I’ll I’ll start with the strawberries honestly because that is um those those are my money makers H wait it’s kind wait you can pause and take screenshots oh that is kind of

SM oh man it’s so okay well i’ I’ve kind of given up on the getting full energy maybe I can spend tomorrow um befriending NP NPC or go to the community center and all that going to the river I wonder what that fish is I know you can catch things into

Inside that River as well but since it’s a modded one you can’t you don’t really know what’s inside there okay ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop ploop sleepy 1: a.m. okay it’s actually way later than I thought it was the reason I’m watering it now is

Because I think it grows up a stage even though it’s going to be raining tomorrow okay one two I it’s kind of annoying that the earliest you can get the spring seeds to be ready is the day after the day after the um the festival is over hello okay there you

Go okay so oh sweet sprinkler oh oh that’s a lot it’s Haley’s birthday today Co law merchants in town and bad luck queen sauce let’s Lear course yay and then AI oh sweet all my crops are ready I think it’s for I’ll I’ll get foraging levels for this not not actual very satisfying

Sounds I wonder what seeds I should um plant now okay so let let’s see what I should sell um Let me let me put these away first so I have wait let me I’ll go to the I’ll go to the community center first what what does Haley actually like

Actually um she likes expensive things I think is there any any recommendations of what I should give to Haley on her birthday Hello D oh I also I heard that I should sell um I should craft seeds instead of selling the the plain ones by themselves okay um into Community

Center it should have some nice things to sell I’m not sure if I have anything down here yet but let’s check um exotic I don’t have anything exotic no winter nor summer nor fall nor construction highly likes daffodils if I recall correctly but I could be wrong I

See I can give her a golden daffodil then okay let me um get one of these things I think I destroyed my bean so sadly I can’t get the green the the green bean yet what else is there quality crops obviously I don’t have that yet Arian

I’m not going to get that for a while animals summer crops fall crops you have the mod to see what she likes so I check that first yeah that is true but it gives me a bunch of very cool things that I can’t get at the

Moment I can check I’ll check the wiki actually I have the internet I can do that let’s see what’s what does zwiki say on zy Haley the blonde Haley well the the menu this yeah she likes daffodils that’s in it’s it’s one of her liked things okay now where is s she she

Doesn’t love daffodils but it’s a thing she likes and he going to be down there oh there’s a quest let’s see what the quest is actually I need a daffodil well that’s handy it seems like Haley’s in a house hello Shane I can’t tell actually it’s locked so I’ll go down to

Man soz I think the amount of time the amount of time it will take to get toor no I won’t take I wish I could take one of her beans I could fix the community center yeah there’s also locked um Haley’s stuck in a house M’s stuck in a house come

On wait let’s see how many um gold standard I only have one gold stand def de and I think I’ll give it to Haley cuz I am a nice fellow okay PL oh I forgot to put my fish inside the commun center uh that’s annoying there you go I’m go in now hello

Is thank you bye-bye only 90 but it’s better than nothing oh hello oh it’s this it’s this one with the with the scary noise coming from the sewer I really want to know what’s inside there actually I want I I’m excited to find out how to get in there

I know I know the um Museum guy Gunther has a key but I’m not sure how to get the key yet so hopefully I’ll get that soon okay no I don’t want to eat the deod all the down time um where we not good enough friends

Where is she did she run away where’d she go she’s all the way up there now she’s in Penny’s room just donate a lot okay that makes sense to me is she in the salon no wait no she was in there I just couldn’t see her I got confused with

Pam when do when would ha leave her room all I have I have I can just look at a um daily thingy she will wakes up at 10:30 and then moves to her moves to the van okay she leaves at Mid midday so I’ve got 2 hours so I’m going to go to

The community center and fill in the fishy parts and then um and then I can give her the daffodil I think also um Sophia likes stuffs or does she just like FL flowers in general all flowers except for daffodils oh what what flower what are the flowers then sweet peas sunflowers fairy roses

Poppies oh those are the flowers I see okay fishy things may hopefully I can fill out a bundle maybe I I I can’t but you know I can drink stream fish fishy okay I need you I need you I need you need you you do that’s it largemouth

Bass oh no that’s a Shad B um crapt kind of a shame that I have to give away a golden one but hey snail muscle I swear I had I saw a muscle at one point crab I’m surprised I haven’t gotten a crab yet ocean fishing nope I don’t have any of those

Lake fishing large Mouse bass there you go night fishing you a warye I don’t have a warye yet um specialty fish no obviously not uh River fish am I miss what am I missing oh I’m Miss I’m not missing anything I’ve already giv away all my

Fish that oh no construction oh no yeah obvious no I can’t do the construction bundle yet uh B put these away for now and plant put use away for now I’ll put you away as well and stone put you there I can sell this thing okay looking good looking

Good um okay so the nearly 12 I’ll just wait outside her house for her or wait outside her bedroom or maybe by the time I reach her it will be 12 and that’ll be very handy it is 12 handy happy birthday my birthday I’m impress thanks

No problem and I’ll talk to Emily too just so I don’t lose friendship with her or something there you go bye just walk straight through each other um and then I head this way to go to the to the shop there we go I’ve remembered everything and maybe hopefully she will

Have red cabbages on sale or something and for a price I can I can pay cuz I’m kind of poor right now cuz I sold all I bought a ton of strawberry seats come on hello you sell Two Lips Peppers pepper that’s um summer fruit cranberry candy quality sprinkler

That’s kind of cool puffer fish I know that’s a specialty fish rare coffee beans anything that’s worth um anything worth buying or is that kind of useless cuz I’m not sure if Peppers sell regularly in the first year no definitely not today okay cool thank you for the infos let me put up

My qu to you too maybe I should do some River fishing I mean pond fishing cuz I Pond fished where’s my there it is honk this is guy just going to be loud the entire time I have a feeling he’s going to be very loud for a bit Okay and I got a small mouth B maybe I should do some ocean fishing there was that pink fish that I don’t have yet I don’t know oops I didn’t mean to do that I’m looking at the Wikipedia too hello nothing okay this is this is kidding

Me um wait wait wait maybe I can I can find something to give to Andy maybe cuz he’s he gives you I’m pretty sure he gives you one he he’ll give you strawberry seeds I think cuz I I I did a little run of stardew Valley oh hello worms expanded

Before and I and he gave me what was this ancient sword ooh and he um gave me strawberries look look how many strawberries he has oh my goodness I love your P too a thank you welcome welcome to my chat hope you enjoy your stay and um all that

Stuffs okay so okay I’m going to go to gunan actually cuz I just remembered I have a few things to give to him I think I do I have topaz and I have this ancient sword now and um and since Andy wasn’t around I can I can just do that is Sophia

Here she seems like the type of person that stay inside on the rainy day yep thought so hello no you can’t really help me right now wait she sell I know she sell sprinklers because um 3,000 that’s that’s oh it’s five so it’s it’s cheaper than the lady the the

Merchant thank you you it’s a pleasure how are you enjoying your first solo fa it’s been pretty fun um it’s it’s it’s different because I don’t have the my friend helping me um with everything so I have to kind of just look up everything myself and I

Have to do everything myself too but it’s still a fun game anyway and and being able to pause time is very handy I just pause and then remembering that I should go this way when does um the Museum close actually I hope it doesn’t close at 5 or 6 ah come

On I don’t think it’s open anymore is it please be open still it’s open yes that was close okay let’s give you this let’s give you this what else do you want you don’t want anything else let’s donate to the Museum then lost one friend/ body M gained time Powers I am

Unstoppable than oh I can put this near to there can put you up here with other oh new reward and I’ll put you over here what’s the reward um collect melon seeds for summer oh I’ve got a good start to Summer then there’s a book missing here

But oh animals I don’t have any animals yet so that kind of sucks I’m guessing it’s closed now so I can’t go back inside yep I hope I don’t I should have probably checked if I had anyone anything else actually eh it’s okay okay I don’t have the boiler room

Yet quality crops don’t have that yet okay did Pi close out five I think Pi might of close I might I should have probably bought some seeds because I had some empty slots actually I don’t have any money to to buy seeds with so never mind sacrificing a friend for time

Powers I’m sure they I mean wait where where is it oh there it is I mean why why not why why shouldn’t I sacrifice my friend for time that’s so dumb but you know you do what you do um what was I doing I don’t know what I’m doing but

Hey I would plant the melon seeds but I know that you can’t plant some of things in the spring wait let me put that in the shop in here just in case I give I don’t need any more CIF oh I know man likes cifl actually um so I I’ll keep the golden

One and I can sell these two or maybe I can keep the silver one too actually um daffodils dandelion ooh I can where let me go down to the vineyard it’ be round and d and I can give I can give Sophia one of my D not dandelion daffodils no

Not daffodils dandelion yes dandelion she likes dandelion not daffodils I think right it depends on if the game classifies dandelion as a as a flower right surely it would I just checked the Wikipedia and it would seem like dandel light are not counted as flowers and that’s kind of weird yeah yeah what

What wa sure surely they are flowers are the category in addition to other for items and Life Flowers D and D are cized as forage instead of flour oh that’s annoying kind of weird but hey I guess I can’t give her D because it’s classified as a for

Thing I really want to move this guy it’s kind of bugging me honestly being right in the middle of the path wait where’s my there you go Boop I can move him over here and then everything should be the same still actually I’ll move him down like here I move him here

I don’t need to go to bed okay I don’t need to till anything either oh I know what I should do I have I have all of these mix seeds so I can plot these at least and then not melon seeds can’t use those yet dandelions are are you aware of spring

Onions like the in real life I know I’ve heard of them am I aware of them in the game no are they are they in the game I’ve never seen them before Rice sheets when do they grow in the spring oh I should I should plant

These I know rice needs to grow near water at least let me let me drop this all up have a nice little rice Patty oh there goes all my wood I forgot that it can go in the water Boop okay let’s till the ground I can put the little rice things

Here there you go a nice little pretty rice Patty I’ll break this to so I can have there you go rice it’ll take six days and I’m pretty sure rice doesn’t S much so I might need a windmill they have a bottom of the forest and you can make good energy from

Them okay I’ll go if I don’t have anything else to do tomorrow then I’ll um I’ll go check them for them I’m just going to get to bed for for now because honestly today I can’t R do too much and plus it was already 10 day 15 Burger King foot

Lettuce last thing you want on your Burger King Burger is foot fungers but it turns out that might be what you get luck is super bad luck salmon berries it’s salmon Berry day and Olivia’s birthday too I know you’re getting started as Gardener most crops only grow

Once okay I know about that thanks granny really no Golds G okay let me pet you I’m also going to I also found out like yesterday that you meant to actually fill up the water the little water for him for the for the animal wait um

Plant you meant to water the you under water your cat Okay let’s do this one 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight so rice isn’t good for selling but it’s good for cooking okay I’ll I’ll just keep it for now then until I get a Kitchen 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I’m going to have to go and go to Pi and get more Um Pips it’s good thing I watered them I don’t actually see it because of this little sapling yeah I’m I’m going to buy some also I need to know what Olivia likes for her birthdays hello Claire wait I I’m stuck Again hello okay so what I know she has expensive taste cuz she’s a rich person right oops accidentally froze my thing again but she likes she likes also expensive things What what are the universal likes one what’s that I’m looking at the W I should really pause the game when I’m when I’m doing that shouldn’t I um Universal like Universal likes are that I I definitely don’t have any universal loves um life in all flowers except for the

Poppy poppies are usually hated what that’s so confusing um vegetables I I can get her a vegetable I guess I I’ll get her a veget I’ll get her a Vegetable cuz I have I have I have Vegetables Olivia is not on my Wiki yeah it’s on the stardy valley expanded wiy so it’s fair hello um which V Should I give her I’ll give her this pass S I think she’s on yeah it’s closed no Gus lucky let me in let me in thank

You I would like some more P Snips please sir I’m so poor right now I need I need to get those gold golden parsnips I don’t know how I’ve not managed to get any also I’ve never seen zero money before that’s crazy uh there she is she’s doing the

Dishes slightly off from the dishes though hopefully she likes this birday I’m not sure if she liked that or not that seemed kind of negative honestly there are eight bridges in okay very odd thing to say very odd thing to know just off the top of your head but fair

Enough I’m going to go and plant these Now I might go for the other three quality crops if you don’t get the pnps I mean I’m going to have to anyway wait is there only do you do you only need three in total wait um where is it quality crops no you oh you do need only

Three well that’s handy I’ve I’ve got I’m going to get melons and then pumpkins and then corn so if I don’t get the pnps I should be able to get the other ones hopefully because I’ll be rich off my um strawberries which will be ready in 6

Days okay I’m going to put this right here one one over here and one over here and then let me refill my or drink can if you’re trying to complete year one yes I mean it would be nice to complete by year one cuz I’ve never done it before because actually I’ve never

I’ve never done this I’ve never completed this community center before so yeah obviously loopop Loop there you go all nice and Water I think I will actually go to let’s see who who are my friends list do I need to talk more to I got Haley I got M Clint I still need to be friend Sophia and and um what’s his name Andy Moore when’s his birthday

Again it’s in a week okay once that week has passed I should be able to get um and okay let’s see if I can get some I know that um Sophia will give you a single sprinkler which is very nice of her so hopefully I can befriend her and get that sweet sweet

Sprinkler let me pull up the wiki again the the expanded one cuz I know I know she’s on here let’s see she likes flowers she likes the fairy I don’t know how to get fairy Rose I think that’s a what’s this it’s a it’s an Autumn thing

Oh I’m going to plant tons of those in autumnn um Fairy Stone chicken um super me cloth there’s a lot of things I just can’t give her cuz I don’t and flowers um apart from dandelion daffodils and you know all that stuff oh 100 messages thanks she also likes fruit no those are

Neutrals um vegetables and stuff give her um a dandelion the last dandelion of the Shion hang on you can get chicken in this one no it’s like it’s a chicken meal I haven’t added the butchering model whatever it’s called now I could but I I kind of don’t want

To because I’ve I’ve not really ever experimented with the animals in this game either so so adding mods to just change that straight off the just straight up would kind of confuse me honestly what does Andy like I know he likes beer and stuff oh hello hell book sweet

Hello oh I didn’t get the rarecrow oh I forgot to I’ll get it next year okay so I let’s check Andy again Andy Andy Andy actually I know I’m not I’m going to stop looking at the wiki oh salmon Berry hello Haley she likes me the most out of everyone right

Now um salmon berries does she like oh oh she’s taking pictures that’s nice Horish oh yeah you also said there was spring oh foxes look at those you said there was spring onions in near the bottom didn’t you that quick also I heard that a good way to making money is befriending Caroline I don’t I don’t know what she likes either okay sweet sweet sweet hello

House um so Wester I don’t have enough money for that sorry house Spates spring onions where would the spring on oh I guess this is not the forest I’d have to go to the left wouldn’t I tea saplings tea yeah I’ve heard of tea saplings but I don’t know how um

They get her to like me let’s see in the forest oh leaks I know these are kind of useful brings are all the way at the bottom right oh well I’m going to just keep going this way to see what’s um around because I don’t think I’ve ever

Been here before or maybe I have dandelion maybe this is a modded area like the roads from before you miss that part flower when when we went to the city if I tried to go to the city again I’d probably pass out or something oo common mushroom I need that for the

Aurora Vineyard I need that for the community bundle Aurora Vineyard hello Aurora Vineyard hello Andy in Aurora Vineyard a good day to vaging okay then wait why are you here um is there anything I have that he likes let me search up real quick what Andy likes come

On considering he’s literally right here so I might as well check what he likes um Andy Andy he likes a good me or a beer um he likes Jola salmon berries he likes salmon berries and leaks and stuff I’ll give him a salmon Berry because I know he likes those

There you go thank you what in the world is this then ooh ancient doll what’s that for Museum okay um I’ll throw you in there throw some Stone in here there you go some dirty no I don’t want to eat you okay Aurora Vineyard bankrupt I’m guessing that’s bankrupt due to market

Crash THU Valley um what’s the three was the effects okay I’m not going to try and do this I I don’t know what to do with that Doo logo hasn’t been here long oops wait if it hasn’t been here long then that means someone’s crashing here right

Now okay cool spiders and the shelves one waves to you oh hello spiders imagine a world where spiders do that people with ROP phobia would be in shambles sentient spiders okay then this is a kind of odd PL oh what’s this no it’s just nothing yeah ancient dos is the only

Artifact with guaranteed way to get it but it’s extremely evil so don’t use that method oh is it the is it the killing your children one well luckily I have another way of getting it so and it was just going to this random abandoned Vineyard does that imply that a child died

There I’m not going to think too much about it okay let’s wipe D foral okay what’s over here there’s a horse hello horse I wish I could te you you could get around so fast there White Horse Too look at all this horse es oh what’s down here how do I get in

There can I can I get it’s really hard to see through the trees um I’m not sure what I’m bumping into that I can I can destroy and what I can’t destroy let me just pull out my Axe and just stop blasting nothing okay I don’t know how to get over there

Then or if you can even go over there it seems like you can because there’s I could see over there maybe you can’t though I’m not sure if I’m walking into anything or if I’m just wait let me let me move everything back up here I’m

Picking up a lot of things move you move you move you you go in the fishy Bundle there there you go YouTube as well um I’ll keep you on me for now ooh a little lake with black ducks that sounds like a dock to me yep you can get a horse later they are very expensive but fast oh I had a horse

Before this is a really big area you know o whoa look at all these ancient swords Forest sword 8 to 18 oh my goodness yes please look at this thing I’m I’m I’m I’m going hard on this look at that lucky me and two speed as

Well anent swords what can you do do they sell for much they do nice lucky me glad I I decided to explore this area then um I’m kind of lost I must admit but I I can just retread my tracks if anything the walking slowly through the

Long grass is kind of annoying I must admit oh more ancient sword I hope I make it back before it’s before it’s too late I should probably be able to oh what’s that mixed right deod let skunk can I walk that way no I can’t I think I’m stuck down

Here no I can’t go that way oh there’s a path the bushes are kind of annoying what was that sound that’s kind of scary bro hope monsters don’t spawn in this area I don’t think they would but they could oh dandelion um let me move everything up

I’m getting a lot of for oh is that a crow well I have I have um scarecrows so I should be fine nice nice nice um how do I get back home please is it this way it should be this way oh hello I’ll pick you up too I think Yep

This is the right way good I escaped that was that was an interesting area sounds like a bullfrog they’re not you but they are sure allowed oh okay kind of a jump scare oh sandon berries I pick you up too like they’re kind of Handy to have around okay

And I have made it to my farm is nearly this way and then up awesome I I collected a good few things including this awesome sword level three sword compared to my level one sword before and my level zero sword before that that was that was

Interesting okay mix seed I can I can plant this real quick I’ll plant it over here so it’s symmetrical there you go um now let’s see let’s see I have 90 wood but I I really need to save more wood um I’ll sell these leaks I don’t think

I’ll need them well maybe I could I could keep keep them for for Andy I’ll keep them for Andy um dandel lines I don’t need the golden dandelion because I was I was planning on giving it to Sophia but apparently she doesn’t like them that much um I’ll keep the cauliflowers because I

Know Maru likes them and everything else I’ll keep those stones I think I need one for I can’t see the quantity because it’s covered up by the price which is kind of annoying I wish the I wish the construction thing would cover it so I could see

It I could fill up the construction bundle with stones already but I I should really wait for the wood geod okay so I will keep my quartz I can I’m going to save the amethyst for Abigail I believe so I’ll sell these two make sure I don’t sell this I’ll sell all of

These because I you don’t need this for anything else they’re just you can just sell them right cuz I’ve already given one to Gunther I believe and um that should that should be everything oh yeah I I’ll put my this way don’t know probably not okay cool Hello mochi

Sleep considering that was a bad luck day I think I was pretty lucky I don’t make much money but you know it’s it’s infinitely more money than I had Before I kind of also wanted to go and visit zuu City again but I think I need better armor for the trip over honestly dear neighbor hope you’re feeling settled in um fertilizer okay o feeling lucky let’s let’s um water all of these first Though this is so exhilarating watering I’m so I wait until I get sprinkers honestly okay oh out of water so fun maybe I should upgrade actually I should upgrade my pickaxe first 4 days left for these Guys Okay three awesome okay now let’s head over to um put you let’s head over to gun no I shouldn’t head over to gun yet he’s not open um I could explore my little my farm a bit more actually I haven’t gone down this way oh wow let me open this swing swing some

Berries Lovely I got my axe this thank you L welcome to the chat it it doesn’t have the farm is still pretty new though so there’s there’s not much that I’ve made yeah but thank you what’s what’s this cave I’m kind of curious what’s inside there um also I kind of want to know

What’s up these stairs but I can’t mind those big Longs yet so I’m going to I’m just clearing out for now there you go let’s go inside here waa this is big is this going to be my my fruit SL mushroom cave what’s in here whoa actually maybe this will be my

Fruit slm mushroom cage a che what is this place what is this place music Cinema trailer music players oh there’s there’s a there’s a there’s a fishing pond wait what what what do you think um I can get what are those fish are those in are those in the the

Bundle let’s see no idea what this place is I guess I was correct on would show up when you visit the forest this isn’t what I mean but I guess it makes sense did I get onions I didn’t see them oh onion yeah right I I should have picked

That up but yeah onion did show up when I went to the forest yay Jo Cola finally first joj of the game perfect for Andy who likes jojas for some reason I think he likes beer more though Driftwood I want one of these pale fish oh glasses Um it’s crazy how there’s just a random D Cola in this caves Pond does it make much sense but hey uh if I fail with this one as well I’m going to oh there’s there’s there’s a box fish thingies they look like boxes whoa hello a let’s try that

Again I’m going to have to head into town soon though so I can I can open the geod and do the museum stuff come on pick up pick up pick up in thepe come on little fishies please please please please Little Fishies the fish are kind of thinning

Out I wonder if the the length that you shoot it out matters like should I I be aiming to get Max every single time or dot dot dot hit let’s keep let’s keep it in the green bar oh no come on oh come on I was so close to finishing off

Yay what’s this A ghostfish it is needed in the in the bundle do you know if I need um the that boxy one as well for the community center or not actually I can just check can’t I quality no it wouldn’t be in quality crops it’ be in the fish tank specialty

Fish I’ve got the ghost fish oh puffer fish is needed that’s cool um ocean fish no new what does the boxy one look like look boxy okay it’s not needed I don’t even know the fish okay that’s fair then that means it’s definitely not need in the community

Center for now let’s head into town and well once I get out of this cave I’m excited to see what happens with this cave maybe maybe maybe it’s just a storage area really okay let me just mine this so that I can just walk out straight next

Time okay so here are the list of places we’re hitting up we’re hitting up um clints first then we’ll hit up the museum and then we’ll go to the community center and then we can chill out and explore a bit or maybe um I did water my plants I forgot to I

Didn’t put down this mix seed though it’s not much time how much time does the mix seed take uh probably only 7 days which is exactly how long that is okay wait let me let me put stuff away first so that I can have lots of empty Space um I’ll put you in fishy uh and stone what what GE do I have nine geod from the cave hello bro can you um give me something good please Jade no that’s petrified slime I’ve already got one of those jambor rites and jagon is that Jade that’s malachite clay

Copper okay let me empty out my inventory Boop process three more Earth crystal um Granite Stone so fun I guess not all of them can have sparkly sound effects oh hello Vincent hello Penny I don’t even click on Penny is Penny Vincent’s mom or is it or is she just a

Tutor I think she’s just a tutor isn’t she I’ll put you over here um put you over here I I’ll organize this all by color soon oh nice two Lovely what what what’s the rewards Mr gun star fruit for summer and a standing geode awesome and I also got this book no I didn’t get that book never mind oh hello Gus what are you doing out of the thing okay Cool let’s go to the community center I think this is the fastest way up because there’s there’s a bridge right here And then there’s um stairs up Here and then I go this way maybe it’s not technically the fastest way from where I was standing but it works wait what okay so let’s let’s look through everything construction bundle I don’t really need those right now slime I don’t need those right now full foraging exotic

Foraging I didn’t mean to change the color of the plant box okay Stones um construction Earth cryst no I don’t need those yet okay full and exotic foraging I think those are here that’s crops never mind wait what do you have that I I don’t have beans

Yet hopefully I’ll get beans soon though the beans are taking ages honestly put you in here full foraging put you in here I’m excited for getting the other foraging bundles grapes sweet PE spice Berry not sweet pea I think I got I think I read wait I

Think I read this one and this one together and thought this was that okay cool cool cool and then I guess I can I I’ll put away I put away this for now and um I sell this I guess I don’t need it I don’t know what it’s four fishy

Bundle this I need you for the for the specialty fish bundle um specialty fish There It Is Going need a sandfish a wood skip and a puffy fish I can go and try and get a wood skip right now now I think I think there’s a watery

Place in the forest and I’m guessing that’s where the wood skips would be surely right makes the sense to me but I’ll stop by my house to put down this standing Jed maybe I could go to the town again to um to you know I put this inside actually the

Inside of my house is kind of bland there you go place down you you there maybe the worst place I could have placed it but oh well where’s the there is I’ll Water I’ll fill fill you up how long until 4 days he okay and then I’ll put you in the plant

One because I always use you with plants Stone goes in here axe goes in here actually I’ll probably need the axe not going to lie if I’m going through the forest I’ll need the I’ll need these things Okay cool so strawberries have 5 days left until they’re ready the the green beans

Have um three days so everything’s good this one has been this this this this and this have been bugging me for a while cuz they’re right in the path and it’s annoying me so I’m GL I finally got rid of them heading this way to the

Forest I think the forest is this way I mean I was just there Salon ber numy Nummy can I can I just go around the the Wizard’s place to go into the forest or is the is this a different Forest Oops why are you going for the for forceful for the for the wood skip I hope there’s a watery place over there maybe I can no let’s go this way horse Rish yeah in that case it’s behind that log yeah but I I was wondering if I

Could just go from the bottom because I can’t break those logs yet nope it’s seems like oh I guess I guess they thought about it yeah I can’t break those yet it’s way it’s way too late to go exploring this part of the forest I need an iron axe I don’t even

Have a stone speaking of I should really make I should really make a furnace now I’ve been kind of slacking on that okay let’s go up and then let’s make let’s make a furnace if I’m correct my mod will just um automate it all for me so I don’t have to worry about

It I don’t know why I haven’t made a furnace at actually it’s like one of the first things I should really do if I want to make any progress does the chair um it should work the the I don’t actually know what it’s called the chair glitch where you go through things

It probably would work I don’t have a chair though not entirely sure how to get a chair I’m guessing you can make one oh the these guys are in the way too go away thank you you too okay let’s make a furnace then um what do I need for a

Furnace I will need 20 copper and 25 stone let’s go my copper and Stone and plants get rid of them let’s get let’s get a chest as well a chest and a furnace awesome oh was that a oh that was an entire achievement that I’ve just been forgetting about I’ll put the CH the furnace over here I’ll put the furnace chest over here as well so

Let’s um let’s put you in here let’s call you furnace fness and I’ll make you dark gray and I’ll put um Stone in here too I didn’t save the name f nice save there you go look at that it’s cooking itself and it should go through all the copper soon enough hopefully I

Don’t need any more ore for a while if I want to make another furnace then oh well I won’t have any copper or for a bit let’s see um I could sell this actually I won’t sell my first sword I’ll sell my my this one though I

Have to go I have to go to the venturers guild to sell swords don’t I uh I’ll I’ll keep you in here then you’re lucky um I don’t know how many Earth crystals I need for gist um bundle so I’ll keep those um I can get rid of topaz I don’t know

What why sell the better sword because I have an even better sword I will I was going to keep my first sword which is this one and sell this one because it’s not my first sword one or five okay then I’ll just keep I’ll just won’t touch them I can sell this radish

Though and I’ll put away my stone and wood as well this the plant the plant um chest needs some sorting out honestly oh pet my cat and go to sleepy sleepies hope I didn’t need to do anything but oh well day 17 my birthday in this game is 17th of 4 because my birthday is oh tomorrow’s going to be raining sweet ooh flower not a good grades flower but a flower nonetheless kale oh do I need a scythe I haven’t used my Scythe since um well ages ago I don’t know what

K’s needed for but it gives you quite a bit of energy hello how many days into all of you are already they’re all taking the time aren’t they the blue Jazz will be done soon though let’s put you in here and let’s watch the Rest How long does the strawberry take to grow it was 7 days is it 7 days cuz I’m going to need to I’m going to need to go down to Andy’s place if it was 7 days how many hearts do I have with Andy I don’t even I don’t even know how much that

Is okay thank you for checking for Pleas so I do want to get those Um oh come on I also need to water my cat get off my path please ready few days it’s 8 Days 7 + 8 is 2 be 25th yeah that’s good enough or maybe I can keep them for next year honestly yeah I don’t think it’s worth

Um getting Andy to give me those seeds right now two lips okay’s put these away first let me put you in the furnace chest look at that I got I already have seven Copper oh hello speaking about Andy new cut scene oo ah it’s the new farmer how you doing on this fine sunny day you caught me in the middle of 10 make do my crops I don’t I don’t know what voice to give him so I’m just going to keep it as my

Voice but kind of weird I’m spreading some new joa fertilizer on my crop field should really be like a country American voice but I’m shy so I don’t think I don’t think I don’t think we’re going to be doing that today I always use stroia fertilizer it makes my crop stronger and healthier

It’s like the joa version of me the joa farmer see you’re just starting out on cloud Top Farm I have something for you to help you out I have some strawberry seed for you Fair Haven Farm strawberries have a good reputation in gambleton and Chester Chester Valley chestal Chesterville I don’t

Know I’ll be sending them your way once I have the time these are here crops got me occupied and for yourself a nice day Maro go get some dirt on you is American I don’t blame you accent is really greeting in your throat that is fair yeah and honestly I

I’ll probably but butcher it fully as well o I just had a thought of what I should do uh which way should I go I’m going to wait whose birthday is when again just need a reminder Pam’s birthday is tomorrow I think I need to give Pam I’ll

Give Pam some beer cuz I think she gives you batteries sometimes in the mail I heard I he heard that from my friend I heard that from my friend that that that Pam gives you some berries berries I don’t know what voice that is I think my my my accent got all

Weirded out by by Andy oh another cut scene hello Sophia it’s really funny I was talking about wanting the friend both of these people oh she scared oh is she a kitten she’s she’s all hiding behind the post and everything it’s just you I could also go for a girl

Voice but honestly I don’t want to embarrass myself either so yeah sorry I get startled easily I can make my voice softer and then I can I can sound all submissive and soft but I’m not going to do that um hey you’re kind of new to to farming so or

Maybe I’ll do I’ll do it by accident probably like when when I’m reading some character’s lines my voice kind of just slips a tiny bit um I want to give you a device as my way of welcoming you to the valley follow me to my storage chest to the storage

Chest and then this the Batman thing quality sprinkler he is a sprinkler it’s automatically water adjacent crops every day thank you Sophia it is very nice of you um I have an order Ledger in my cosplay room if you need more you can purchase sprinklers for me thank

You I have I have I have retrieved the device ice I have it is so handy I can’t wait to have it in my farm so I don’t have the water eight crops I mean I I’m looking more forwards to when I get to just craft

Them I don’t know why I stuttered so much there no she still doesn’t want to talk to me okay who’s both I I know I just checked this but I forgotten completely bam okay I’ll remember that for tomorrow I mean it’ll tell me in the top anyway hi tax collection Mumble Mumble

Mumble um oh hello yink oh yeah I should I should at least visit um Dusty sometimes Abigail oh I have something for you Abigail I have this here you go bro this you’re the best thank you oh yeah I wondered to give Soph a flower G let me go back I’ll give sopia

Tulip hopefully she’s still here I should have checked the map first yep she’s here I don’t think she leaves the vineyard much probably oh there you are um you like flowers I’ll give you this tulip it’s like it’s not like she loves flowers but she likes them you’re

Welcome um I haven’t tried it yet the sprinkler look there’s two lips she likes them let’s look at my hearts with everyone now lady is still the top so f is nearly a one heart babby girl’s nearly one heart Andy’s nearly one heart and all the other ones are kind of

Everywhere and all the all the people from zuu City are kind of all the way at no hearts and I don’t even know those last two guys yet hopefully I meet them there’s also um I don’t know any I don’t know anything about all these people um

Gwen um yeah SD Yep they’re just they’re just all unknowns for me apart from The Wizard speaking about the wizard I should I should be able to get the wizard The the wizard um the magic mod wait a second I’m going to check something real quick no actually no next

Time next time I go to bed I’ll check if the magic mod actually works I swear I should unless I have to befriend the wizard too then what does the wizard like I’m pretty sure he likes magical things why did The Walking animations break there you go um the walking animation’s kind of

Shorted out there see um check check check check I need to plant this in four so in fall takes all season to grow okay oh yeah it does say so and fall I don’t know how I missed that before um kale cauliflower cauliflower kale Dragon BS he loves void Essence okay I don’t

Have that yet that’s pretty far down in the mines I can go to the mines or maybe I should oh oh maybe I can go visit try and visit the town I I I’ll go down the maybe I can go to the desert there’s no reason for me to

Go to the desert I’m going to explore the the path to newu because last time I um didn’t much because of all the monsters but if I need if hopefully avoid no they don’t like sunlight would they very wish there was a modest a mod

List in the game so you could see what was loading there is kind of mod Options but is there I know magic magic it says magic is editable from the title screen so I know the mod is in the game but I’m not sure if it’s on right now so I’m going to have to look out of the world and then look back

In is the battery thing that I saw earlier but I’m on a journey to newu I want to see more of that City Why does it say horse horse that way but it said no horse the other way oh hello that’s a that’s a new um these are new winter winter foraging sweet and a pnip too wait let me put these all in I’ll put you in here too I

Should have put I should have placed that down in my house Jade winter fruit oh potato too um there’s the rainbow the Rainbow Tree any new fruit for me it seems not that’s where I got my cherries earlier by the way so o I should I should get this I I

Need crab I got another Cherry Bomb okay more salmon berries yummy yummy yummy then anything I don’t want to travel too far off the track but I didn’t I don’t actually think there is much of track anyway so I don’t have to worry more salmon berries I wish you could pick those

Flowers knew it g nice I don’t think I’m going to find any void boys out here sadly I can’t go that way un ride Village oh maybe I should download that mod so that’s what the other Village was that’s another mod Village there’s two mods I I can install and I can visit

Over there that’s cool there’s a little Quarry over here that’s handy let’s see what I it’s a geode obviously wait let me oops wrong button where is the button there it is let me um put up all the stone you here I don’t need you right

Now um axe pickaxe hoe I don’t think I need the hoe and then the plants here go one worm time oh Wow oh there was more what’s that old coins give me the worms clay what in the world is an old Clin probably it has use somewhere cuz it doesn’t sell for much so it probably has a use imagine driving down this road and seeing some guy just mining by the side of the

Road I can put these straight in the furnace chest so they’ll get cooked up for me by the time I get back and then any Stones I can put those in here okay cool let’s keep going oh I forgot this this this was a longer trip than I remembered I think

The desert’s this way let’s see the desert is this way I shouldn’t obviously be able to get here oh coconut I know some NPCs really like coconuts ooh gold star coconut nice what’s this do not enter I can’t you can’t stop me I can’t read or something are they they’re not whoa this

Is like a whole burnt down Village what’s this oh that’s that was this is a very come back later this door looks locked door C this is this is an interesting area it’s like a worn down town it’s a bank Sal Saloon it kind of reminds me of um it looks

Like Pelican Town kind of but not obviously okay then let’s get some more coconuts though where where are you seeing these worms I can’t see the worms did I miss them oh over there thank you for putting them out because I did not see them okay another

Book sweet oh there’s lots of worms here actually yeah you should say there were lots of worms oh ghost spooky does he like solar Essence too I think ghost drops solar Essence oh the ghost come out at night oh no I’m oh ghostfish cool um I’m I’m going

To leave this area like they told me to whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay I’m not going to get these worms there was so many ghosts oh hello yes that’s totally me coming in on the bus yeah I already gotten a ghostfish though in from the cave cuz I got some

Um is there anything here that I need I can I can leave pretty fast now because I have the bus here now may bro oh cool um but let’s see cloth Mega bombs artifact Trove that’s Cool thanks for picking us up yeah oh what’s the wases doing up here I’m pretty sure it’s meant to be at the bottom left H customer hello Sandy hi welcome to s’s Oasis hey you look like your new farmer that em wrote to me about we met in zuu city and the

Bus line it’s not back in service I’m sorry to say I just walked here oh and double cut scene time oh you’re late today you’re out late not that I’m unhappy to see you of course just be careful if you decide to go wander over to by the ghost town yeah

That’s what I schol deserted Sun keeps the ghost underground during the day but after dark they stop coming out in droves yep I saw that just promise you you’ll be careful okay sweetie it’s quite literally a ghost town okay so what what do you have ooh star fruit Cactus rubab beat seasonal

Om mint blouse Jade Hills extended okay so this is where I’m I’m going to come for the monies NE in summer anyway hopefully hopefully my strawberries will give me enough money to be able to buy lots of star fruit will I need to make wine from the star

Fruit or can I just sell the star fruit as star fruit did did pick you up bus line is working but Pam just doesn’t want oh yeah true true true P Pam just doesn’t want to work on the buses for now okay let’s let’s explore a bit more

Then is there is there more this way no that isn’t the entire desert is a different shape than normal I’m pretty sure I think or is it because the Oasis is oh the desert’s way bigger actually whoa it’s like an actual desert now let me get how do you get the cactus

Though that’s a tall Cactus it seems like something there will be a secret or something like if I hit here or here no okay the fact that Clay did pop out is funny though um ooh little monster guy what up guy it’s a more even even in death it yearns for a

Taste a taste of what cactus fruit is a pickup thing oh okay hello another coconut what’s in here then the door is locked okay then I’ll come back once I have the key give it some sun like solar Essence once I get some that’s the warp

Point I’m guessing oh I could get a sand Skipper oh man it’s too late now actually no does the SC sand Skipper come out during the night or is it a date only thing cuz I I will get I will get the sand Skipper if I have time um fishy

Time so oh so I can just go to the ghost town I’m not going to go right there right now though that’s kind of scary I can’t see any fish in the pond that kind of makes me think there are no fish in there but I don’t know cuz

Normally the fish do show Up I wait until 11:50 and then I’ll stop running home okay I’m just going to go home now cuz I have a feeling there’s not much fish in there because I can’t see them in the water there it’s very nice that she can drop me off but she can’t drive me

Here also she came from the right so why is she going to the left okay and it’s like a big loop cuz I I went to the left to go to the desert okay don’t think about it too much hello CLA you are going home oh yeah also CLA

Goes home by a bus so how is the so why can’t I use the bus line normally I don’t think about it too much I guess hello moochi and sleep it’s nice that I can be picked up to go home not the other way around it is Pam’s birthday

Today so let’s go and get here some beer oh thank you I’m going to keep those for next year though cuz honestly with 10 days left it’s not really worth it is it also I’m going to I know I know someone I saw someone loved C coconuts I was thinking how am I

Going to get a coconut I don’t even know where they come from they come from the desert apparently oh you Nam you yeah it’s Moi the cat thank you for the compliment on my naming skills but I named it after my friend who I normally played stardo

With her her real name’s not actually Emoji but that’s that used us to be her name on the internet but now it’s not anymore cuz she changed it so now I’m I’m I’m double secreting exotic foraging I guess it’s kind of exotic considering it’s a

Desert um no I don’t have beans yet it’s crazy how long the beans are taken to grow uh nope nope nope no wor it’s an artisan um hello exotic foraging there you are nice now who’s the one that liked um coconuts let me check real quick oops I

Didn’t mean to do that nope I didn’t mean to do that either okay I swear I saw I’m going to check the wiki real quick see who likes coconuts coconuts who likes a nicer coconut coconut was it Olivia that likes coconuts it’s a really random thing no it’s not

Olivia it surely it must be um Vincent then that likes coconutter Haley loves them haey all right it was her birthday before so that’s why I was looking at the wiki and then I saw that she liked coconuts and then um yeah wait uh okay my game always becomes kind of

Weird when I click off it like it’s I’m not even pressing any buttons right now it’s kind of moving by itself let me pause and hopefully that will fix it yeah that fixed it good okay Pam’s birthday oh wait it did not fix it the game is still kind of

Laggy I wonder what’s causing that oh well um Help Wanted Sandy I guess since I can go see Sandy now I guess I can get a request from Sandy that’s cool I’m going to give Pam a nice cold one though once it’s open right it’s not open right now um I

Could I could St fishy let’s throw the tras with the fish uh where did I get this I got that from mining so I guess I don’t know what they do yet let me actually let me search up on the wiki let’s see old coin oh it’s it’s not a expanded thing

So it must be from the base games sure right or is it or is it from a completely different mod old coin nope it’s not from okay so it’s not from stardo Valley expanded and it’s not from stardew Valley so it must be from a different mod how how

Confusing maybe it’s from downtown zuu where we can visit the town okay I’m just I’m confused but okay maybe it’s it could be an artifact I’m get I’m just checking yep the back the bus is out of service so you know liar and drinking I know CLA comes from outside town as

Well speaking of CLA apparently you have to befriender you have to befriender before um it’s too late or else after after you finish the community center um she she’ll stop coming to stardo uh not stardo Valley that’s the name of the game Pelican town okay wait searching

Up what what okay so apparently one of Caroline’s loved things is green tea but I’m pretty sure the only way to make green tea is by getting the green tree tea tree that’s only from that’s confusing um okay let’s let’s go do I have

Any do I have any um I have some GS I’ll I’ll open up the GS she also likes fish tacos I never I had a fish taco but I probably would like it cuz I like tuna I don’t like any other type of fish though okay let’s open up hey

Bro wait oh wait let me get the GE hey bro geod please I should have emptied out my inventory a bit more old coins are apparently from the walk to desert but I don’t okay so it was it makes sense that they’re from the walk from the desert mod because I found

Them in that area but I I guess it doesn’t have a use it’s kind of weird they all sell for five each which is kind of small if they if the only purpose is to be sold what okay I need to sort out my inventory so bad I need I need a new

Chest definitely let’s put the put these in here I can keep these on me okay process I think I already have one of those Stone very fun uh why am I getting so does it is it affected by luck but I’m I’m feeling lucky today apparently just checking if I have

Sandstone in here or not okay I already do I I’ll just sell them honestly Just sh sell These didn’t say it didn’t have a use said it didn’t know there is zero info on the old coin besides a comment on The Mod page asking if they do anything well that’s very handy that’s a very handy information to have I guess we’ll find out um the salon opens where is Pam

Actually pam pam pam pam pam pam pam is in the trailer so I will what okay I’m going to organize my inventories while I’m waiting actually waiting by having your inventor is open is kind of dumb because the because the game pauses when you oh winter foraging right I can give that

In put that over here put that in here no not St no you going here you go here fish you go here s okay let’s go to the community center and put them window of Forin oh I could go on the road and then kill all the blue slimes because I’m

Pretty sure those give you winter foraging items maybe that’d be kind of cool but then I’d have nothing to do in winter but that’s for that’s for future Mar to deal with hello so many pums okay winter foraging foraging is at the bottom I think yeah winter

Forage nice winter forage in the middle of spring okay now I can go and get beer for Pam and hopefully it’ll raise the hearts a lot um This Way Winter is for mines fishing and all them fishing stuff so it’s for fishing and non fishing I know what you mean but that’s still

Funny I wonder if there was something cheaper I could have gotten there Fish Tacos ah Caroline likes fish tacos oh man I wish I wish I had some more money F yeah um where is I I can make my farm look pretty during that time and stuffs also want to get animals hello

Where is where is she where’s Pam p p p oh she’s in joia on her birthday it’s kind of boring oh cut scene what’s this so tired it’s a clear cut scene can’t get my eyes open it oh that’s not very good she’s awake oh apologies um welcome

To jar how may I help you how may I help you because you’re kind of falling asleep dude you need some help okay well I hope I can help you Claire you seem kind of sleep deprived happy birthday you’re welcome um I like how he’s just gliding around like he’s on

Hees okay where’s a and e f where’s g h right what where where are the missing letters okay or maybe it says a b c d oh no it doesn’t work what do you sell here uh do they sell for cheaper I’m not going to buy anything on here anyway hello leish

Um yeah the river doesn’t have either but it could water my crops um okay so now I’ve given I’m let’s go back down to the desert then why oh to to get the um no wait wait I’m feeling lucky today so I’ll go to the mines instead and try and make some progress

Down there LG was removed off the incident 2 years ago that sounds ominous what was the incident question mark exclamation mark question mark exclamation mark oh hello Sebastian I have a gift for you actually let’s see it was in Stones might as well give him one of the quarts here you

Go got to befriend him wait what I want to see what my friendships look I wish you could do this in real life and look at how how people like you in real life that would be handy oh yeah I can see which of my friends

Actually like me and which of them don’t or how much they like me and stuff like that it’ be so handy bit weird but handy no I don’t want to eat you I was trying to get the sun Beres B those liners like salmon berries I wonder oh yeah it would probably be

Quite devastating but imagine if you could just give your friends things they like and then they they like you more that’ be that’ be weird okay imagine imagine this guy just comes by twice a week gives you gives you an apple or something a day gives

You two apples a week and then you fall in love with them I got to go I got Club duties okay I hope you have fun with your clubs and um thanks for stopping by I hope you had I hope you enjoyed the stream I’m going to be mining a away

Hopefully I find diamonds ooh that’s a l junk in there around M also to be fair I would fall in love with anyone who gave me two apples a week I see keep that in mind oh I got another Forest sword what the chance of That okay so I’m going to get this copper O Level Up furnace in you go I need I need more Co coal probably Nothing down There Copper nothing this way oops wrong tool ow excuse me princess wait um Plant that should really be in the fishy one algae oh nice free ladder love that I’m excited to start seeing some Iron ow come at me bro come at me come at me yeah oh missed yeah oh I’m leaving quartz lovely coer some female slimes go run run run run run run run run run level up combat sweet where is the where’s the ladder wait let me oh I did I give gift good

Um um what okay I’m going to move you to the fishy place because you belong in the fishy Place GRE Ali and um I’m going to have to separate fora bles from non fores I think and Stones I’ll put you in here too and I’ll put you in in the furny

Place also I put I’ll put you guys away too I don’t need this or this where’s the stairs ladders or whatever they’re called there’s some copper I missed earlier nice nice come on there must be ones there it is oh right in this right at the beginning love to see it ooh oh

Iron that was completely random iron too first Iron of the game Omni love to see it ouch some copper love that too okay jump hopefully something good fertilizer hard wood too oh my oh my oh me oh my I think this is a guy no it’s not actually I don’t know why I

Thought he was a guy I was fully prepared to fight him and everything nice and it takes about a few hits to kill them now oh and I’m out of here 75 lovely boy slimes use you in here boom boom boom boom um Stone I’ll put you in here Stone Stones

Away you and then you go to the furnace I’m actually out of copper for once that’s Crazy okay I need those little um black burgly thingies oh man it’s late I’m running home actually I didn’t know it was that late hey guy hey dude okay let’s go so dark running home I’ve got I’ve got a tiny bit of time left go on go

On I’ve got I’ve got an hour in game the fact that it takes so long to run home kind of shows how big this um little village is of town I guess by to pick up little thingies along the way running running running O then I have to run all the way this

Way right just in time and go to bed staircase I thought I already had that life Elixir oo I don’t think I made any money oh I did make money H cool okay I’m going to go use the toilet so I’ll be right back everybody and um yeah just need to use

The toilet kind of holding in for it and there was a merchant in town so I’ll go see that in a bit wait let me let me just exit the game for now okay see you guys in a bit be right back that won’t take long I Promise Hello I’m back hope you didn’t miss me too much I didn’t think I was away for that long probably I’m going to check the magic um Stuff okay so I think I have to go to the Wizard’s House to activate the magic plugin wait let me do something real quick and hopefully this works you guys can hear what’s happening I’ve turned on my light too so I can see my room clearer because my my window

Faces North so it gets really dark fast even though I can see the sun is still blue I mean the sky is still blue I can’t see the Sun and O whoa the game’s crashing why did that why did it it it made me think that the game was ready because it started loading in my room and then it said no so I guess you’ll stuck in my bedroom for now hope you don’t I hope you don’t mind

Too much about my bedroom should I wait for it to respawn or should I restart the game I wonder I’ll close the program I guess since this seems so insistent on doing that maybe it needs a little restart a little refresher what’s this oh it was it was updating the cloud Data okay and in the game we go again starting it up loading it’s loading guys it’s loading guys wait let me play some music then oh um no skip that one n n um nope that’s NOP no okay it doesn’t matter the game’s starting I need to sort out my stream playlist

Better I got to go okay see you later Onan thank you for stopping by remember to like comment subscribe and whatever I don’t know I guess you’ve already commented I I wonder if my um my YouTube thing is ready cuz I haven’t seen anyone subscribing recently but I know people

Have been subscribing so I I think I might need to restart my YouTube thing people’s sub subscriptions pop up on screen Still NE that or no one’s actually subscribed in Ages used to tell me on my phone on I’m Subscribed does it I don’t think it does anymore Though okay sweet um oh wait I need to switch my screen back my bad there it is I I was scared that it was going to have the whole thing where it doesn’t want to oh hello Andy morning Maro just stopped by to warn you about those Crow flying

Around about I woke up and see flu over my crop filled I had to scare a few off it’s a good thing I have a sker h I think your farm is fine I live right by that there Forest so I get a lot I’m roasting in the trees darn crows you

Know a scarecrow bro car car yep there they are darn scavengers but looks like they ain’t nibbling at your crops like they did mine do mine yeah because I have a skate it would be a good idea to build one more them scarecrows if you can

Might not be a bad idea to build a few myself I go get started good luck farming thank you I don’t think scarecrows work on Crows actually funnily enough crows are too smart for that oh here’s the recipe for the little treat my Pap used to make cook it slow cheese

C oh another one farmer Marsha I have a request for you I need a fresh cauliflower for a recipe I want to make could you bring me one yeah Sure okay two more days until the strawberries are already lovely beans finally the bean being ready is so good cuz it’s one of the last things I needed for my um um for the bundle there it is oh yeah I can plant I can put down my oh wait is this ready

To ye Jazz Jazzy I need to water these all now I place down this spring I mean I could just place down the sprinkler randomly for now until it’s ready for the I’ll just place down the sprinkler cuz I forgot to place it down earlier I place it down here for

Now where’s the best place actually put it it actually be here no it’s the same everywhere what about here nope that’s worse that’s pretty bad too yeah no I I’ll just place it here I’ll place it in the corner yeah that’s good then you all the way up here

Cauliflower that has 8 days to go what the other color I have four days to go I guess I just forgot to water that one come on do I have enough for this one yes I do how many scarecrows have you gotten bro one okay that’s good that’s better than none

Hello I need a water to you don’t I here’s your water bro and are you ready oh one more day sweet okay let’s put you in here for now okay you want a cauliflower I’ll give you a silver one Jody oh I also need to give a pnip to

Sandy so I’m guess I’m walking down to s’s today as well so that’s that’s that’s not too bad of a day to go okay so down the path we go first we’ll um we can put that in the spring crops okay so where’s Jody Jody is Jody which one’s Jody again Leah

Emily Penny that’s Penny um where is she actually um she’s not in Jo OT down by the beach the Wizards all the way over There V Jody Jody’s in her house I didn’t know which one was actually her house but her her Sprite was covered up so that’s why I couldn’t find her is this J I think this is J hello J is um I near gave her the be I would have been so

Upset what I wanted perfect for yellow curry sweet money I am really poor I I need those strawberries to be ready please um okay let’s get going whose birthday’s next actually it’s Shane’s birthday soon I know he likes beer too okay then I’ll put the bean in here

Hopefully I’ll finish off the bundle and then I will um plant whatever they I’m I’m sure I think they give you a something I think they give us a um bunch of seeds or something let’s see oh fertilizer I guess I don’t need that for now

Yay is it going to open up the bulletin board and the boiler room so I’ve be needing the Boiler Room to be open for a while now yay okay let’s let’s go check out the the Boer room and see if I have anything available can I finish any bundles off straight away

Okay let’s see adventurous bundle Gerald is and blacksmith one one one one okay so I can give out a quartz and a a crystal pretty easily you you I don’t have a frener or a Fire Quartz um I can give you a bronze I have I have a quite a few of those

Actually oh cool it didn’t count until I took it out I see um here you Go um S I need to give Sandy that pip um construction no adventur is I don’t have nearly enough for that I haven’t even seen a single butt yet what that stone stone yeah I don’t have enough for that at all I put I put you in plant as

Well I’m going to want to have a decent amount of money to start off summer with so I can get bunch of star Fruits okay now time for the long track over to um The Oasis s’s Place hopefully she’s in there in the Oasis hopefully she’s not gone off to zo City or whatever cuz I know she has a new schedule because of that mod CU in regular St Valley I’m pretty

Sure she just stays in her shop apart from on her birthday so much trouble what in the what was that it’s like a a jewel rat I got stuck on the side of the oh hello snowy guy okay that loaded me down a bit I could also pick up some

Um I could also try and kill the US ghost in the ghost town to get some good old what’s it called solar Essence I need that for the wizard no no be friend the wizard of it okay what’s this mod called again let me read that real quick um the garden

Village I’ve never heard of that one before I’m going to have to download that I guess if I want to visit it let’s see Hello crab guy oh oh oh oh oh great accidentally damage that one too much no crab give me that crab nope crab crap nope no crap

Wait did I take a wrong turn I don’t think I did yeah I didn’t I’m not going to bother with the wormies or maybe I should so many of these little zombie guys okay let’s go and get that pass not to Sandy now the ghost town over there

Of course it’s not going to be very ghosty for a few for a bit hey the bus dropped off nice and safe Coconut hello cut scene what’s this about hi sweetie how’s the farm glad to hear it I forgot her her prostrate also got changed by the mod by the way has anyone told you about the story behind The Phantom bus yet the what a lot of people think it’s spooky I

Think it’s kind of funny so anyway during the elemental Wars The Oasis was cursed so that no one could get in or out eventually a foreign wizard dress made a spell that could be cast on vehicles like buses or trains to allow them to cross the boundary but there was

A local wizard that wouldn’t that just couldn’t stand waiting for the bus said they the bus never was never around when he needed it so he made a bus out of pure magic it could cross the boundary any time he want it want he wanted a bad

Idea huh but the locals weren’t ready for that much that much magic the wies is still cursed you know they didn’t want to risk getting trapped in here so after the real broke down nobody nobody’s come to the Oasis except for a few people with warp

Totems sorry for rambling a bit I’m glad you’re brave enough to make the trip I just kind of walked here hello I you wanted a pnip I believe I’ll give you a silver onez I’m here you go you’re welcome let’s see here here’s what are you what do you owe me 105 not

Bad not bad at all how much is the rainbow suit 400 Wow okay let’s um let’s go to zuu town or zuu city until night time where I’ll try and get some ghosts I know the ghosts come out so many ghosts come out all at once though just kind of it’s a bit much wait let me get out the ho as well um furnace

Oh yeah you go in here Stone nice nice nice let me get the hot to cuz I’ve seen some worms out this way I don’t know the Oasis was cursed it also doesn’t really explain how I just walk in and out of it but hey scheman schan

T and oh look at him he’s up there so you can’t even get to him that’s funny what’s up this way actually what’s this way I haven’t been this way yet nothing okay this way it is then hello can I have your crab nope I can’t

Okay so zuu city is that way I’ve been in there what’s up this way ooh you can go this way what is it why is it black why did my game freeze oh hello music Sanctuary what do you sell bro I can’t get to your shop because your your bike’s in the way Then’s try to get some more gold for the I guess he’s a gambling addict whoa hello whole Saloon [Applause] woo or dish what do you have for sell man lots of joa some green tea ooh Caroline would like that L ice cream when’s car is Caroline’s birthday soon I forgot to go to the shop the merchant oh well I know Shane’s birthday

Is coming up do you like beer to you you all three of you like beer huh who’s Bill I haven’t met bill yet um okay I I’ll give I Shane and Andy beers are two beers do be here P you don’t be here like one of the most basic

Thing I think the problem with the zuu mod is the music just kind of stops out of order oh whoa where in the world am I that’s a lot of trash I guess I’m in the sewer right now huh oh hello hey kid I got some crazy stuff the

Kyi QI blade level 20 dagger miss one either zero to 150 what so it’s like a it’s like a massive gamble zero speed okay that’s weird what’s that serpent fragment okay so this is this is argu arguably this is a better weapon obviously than this I don’t know how to get weon

Fragments this is expensive jeez you can just three damn this is just a expensive place man I’m just going to I can’t actually see anything oh there’s the door out okay then cool I guess I’m going to go this way hello is that okay then is anything this way nope there is

Nothing oopsie I just realized I made a mistake where is it okay there you go I fixed the mistake it was it was something off game don’t worry okay so um set down this way then let’s go to the city no wait let’s oh hello Gwen I don’t know what you like at

All Mar sure and you live in the farm that’s pretty cool what’s this area like is it nice to live like okay I don’t know what would what would a goth girl like um not coconuts salmon berries oh give thanks I guess I guess she doesn’t like that what’s this

Place oh it’s a cut Scene it’s a cut scene that you can’t skip that’s this let move my Hand huh am I why am I Scared H despite the scary noises that building does look like it’s has some you should come back sometime what is it there buildings for sale 25 no I don’t I don’t have that much okay so it’s a building for sale little tent up there okay I’m going to leave there’s no

There’s no fish in this in these Waters It’s Just Junk oh okay how far down did I walk jeez where am I there’s a train okay dilapitated train okay where am I cuz I’m kind of lost now oh Hello the train okay so there It I’m kind of lost I don’t know where I am oh hello I’m I’m actually lost how am I going to get back I don’t know I don’t know where I am okay I know where I am now I don’t know why the the cut scene dragged me so

Far away from where I was oh um um um um um ghost for the solar Essence give me your solar Essence okay I don’t whoa whoa whoa whoa oh great I I only noticed how low my health was last second easy now take it easy oh great someone found you unconscious and

Battered I had to perform an emergency okay I will be careful next time what what’s this one my thing 600 that’s all my money no my Forest sword really he took he literally took all my Money G jez oh hello cut scene I’ve already seen this cut I’m just going to skip it honestly it’s it’s one where lus is all um sad and stuff okay I’m just going to go to my bed I the only reason I won’t restart the game is because I I have another for

S I got it in the mine so lucky that huh I’m going to check the um the merchant actually I have enough time o I’m going to take the path okay one more day for something and two more days for my sunflowers I’m looking forward to when I

I mean not sunflowers stuff star strawberries that’s the word okay please have something cool for oh wait I don’t have any money if there’s actually anything good for sale I’ll oh she’s gone to bed never mind never mind then I don’t know if she actually went to Bed let’s head to bed because I am exhausted and nearly dead hello muchi hello okay progress has been saved okay sweet sweet it’s Shane’s birthday I don’t need this I have bad luck I got mail cookies oh it’s from my mom it’s the it’s the motherly cookies Wonderful I’m going to save going to store them nice and safe in the in the in the furnace keep them nice and warm going to need to four of these it’s nice having some parts of get wood though I must Admit oh wait you’re ready to harvest oh so are you beans already in to days strawberries are One wait what happened to all the other Pips I swear I bought a bunch please don’t tell me I left them in my inventory no what happened to them all then I swear I bought a punch and then pled them so I could get did I forget to

Oh I guess I’m not getting that the the the three golden parsnips the season where did my where did they go I swear I had a bunch of them so confusing Stone they would obviously not be in here or here this this is all the par

Snips just no pnip seeds I guess I didn’t get golden I just didn’t realize I suppose it takes five8 days to mature and there 8 days left of the season oh yeah speaking I these guys let’s see yeah and I also will need need my Scythe to Scythe up all this Rice unmilled um 8 days so if I plant one I’ll save six days Oh weird well that’s better than eight days okay shanes bu buff what is this not Working oh it takes five right five copper to make a to make a copper inot I forgot that hello let me give you some water too um put you in here sort you as well okay um going to go and get Shane some beer no beer it’s

Only sold from 12 a.m. I forgot about that I I know I can’t prepare for summer yet let’s get let’s get let’s just drop down some trees today I have bad luck so there’s no there’s not really a point of going to the the woods no not the woods the the online bloop

Bloop oh I could get I could get my um I’m going to go and upgrade my pickax no wait I need money for that never mind because of because of that dumb medical fees wow so American Medical fees imagine having to pay for medicine Okay so let’s see

Chest let’s see over here you will be regular plants so like things I farm not fora bles you you you you oops leave you in here boop boop okay so um things I fall for okay so I’ll take the seeds as well and then um the the and this and this

The rest are fores boop boop boop boop oops my game froze for a second where my my mouse stopped moving did I accidentally click off the game no I didn’t okay there you go and you shall be called the farmed and the other one furnace plant you will be called the

Foraged there you go foraged and farmed and fishy and furnace this is kind of annoying that stone doesn’t start with f okay so oh yeah you you would also be a farmed thing I need to remember to plant you in Autumn okay let’s go and get Shane well actually let’s chop down some trees until it’s it’s time for Shane’s thing got to make sure I’m all prepared for Summer have to make sure no seeds are in the ground or anything going to chop down all the Saplings get rid of all the fiber boop boop boop mine all the stones didn’t see you Therey I’ll like this area too just in cuz I want to put something here and you do chop chop chop safe wood wood I kind of want to make a silo so I can start collecting hay for the for my future animals I need to I need to remember to do That there you go nice and clean okay boop boop no I don’t even C CLE out the stump I don’t have to worry about that anymore for you too furnace you here Stone you go in the stone chest oh the the thing is the bar is

Open so I can go and get some chain some beers yummy Yummy Okay let’s get some beer for Shan sh Sh hello g g no I don’t have money right I can’t buy chain beer oh no wait I can I can sh I can sell um stuff to this guy Clint wants 20 I don’t know that much but I’ll accept the quest just in case I find some hello what’s This welcome to PS how can I help you I’d like to sell things to you oh there’s Morris I have a feeling I know what this this um this cut scene is I think I’ve seen this one as Well come and get it folks okay I’m not going to put in the voice forame cbons for 50% off you purchase at JoJo Mar 50% well any takers everyone would take one even if they don’t want to shop at Trad 100% is pretty good but I can’t match those prices I’d

Be selling at a loss it must be so difficult for you to lose your loyal customers like that but you can’t but can you blame them Jo Corporation is clearly the superior Choice soon the whole town will realize that wow kind of a joke but you know fair

Enough I did um oh yeah I want to sell you things let’s see farmed I’ll sell you 10 of these and hopefully I can afford one beer to give to Shane that’s not enough money is it oh no sell you four of these that should give me enough money H car

Lo do I got okay you like tea what else do you like Caroline let me search up what you like so I can befriend you um you like fish tacos you like summer Spangles those are obviously only from Summer um tea leaves daffodils you like daffodils well wouldn’t you know I have some

Daffodils I have a silver one with your name on it apparently sure yeah I am sure hello Shane let me go get that um beer for you hey D now I am poor again but hopefully tomorrow when my strawberries come in I’ll be rich shamee there he is I like how he

Works for Jojo but he still shops here is this my birthday okay cool now what I’m going to have to do I think is I’m going to have to go fishing because I am ridiculously poor and well yeah I’m Po and fishing that’s how my friend used to give get money they be

Fishing all day I have to I think I follow my friend’s lead and startop fishing I knew went to the wrong side wait I should say hello to Sophia and um what’s his name Andy though or else they they get mad at me for not talking to them

Right and since they these guys never really leave their side of town often watch how this is the one time that she’s not here oh she’s in every room fair enough wait if I have two hearts with her I can I can go into her room can I I

Don’t even have one heart with her oh that sucks wait let me let me search up something real quick okay I got what I wanted to know oh no no no no okay my game’s being weird again um whose birthday Shan yeah obviously it’s Shane’s birthday but um Andy’s birthday’s coming

Up and then the flower dance I won’t have anyone to dance to with in the flower dance if I if I don’t have oh I could dance with Shane but I don’t really want to I could dance with Haley um I see I see interesting

Okay I think oh no my my computer’s got a lot of nonresponding things popping up that’s not very good to see especially when you’re Midstream like when when you’re not Midstream it’s kind of annoying oh no okay my this happens every time I go to the wiki it make my my controls become

Slightly lagged are you here yes you are hello bro oh you’re not going to say anything okay then that today Today hello ediot I haven’t seen you in a while haven’t I you probably wouldn’t like it inside my cabin it’s dark and spiders what like you like go fishing SC okay oh yeah I need to go fishing today that was my plan okay let’s put away everything from

My hoe just in case I need to hoe something and I get my fishing rod and let’s get Fishing let’s go let’s let’s just let’s just spend the day fishing and just [Applause] relax wonder what my fishing L is right now actually it probably said it at the bottom of my screen it’s level three okay I make tons of money today and then tomorrow I’ll get my strawberry Harvest Finally that’s going to be awesome here the ocean wash over here okay oh this is this thing is finicky isn’t it no no come on nice what in what was that a sardine really you were moving like that it’s crazy I think I want one of these

Guys put a SanDisk to I go the desert I can walk over to the desert and get a sand guy yes you aren’t moving [Applause] much perfect a herring [Applause] oo okay nice nice nice a so close to perfect o 25 Ines that’s pretty good oh missed [Applause] It just ch nope [Applause] okay still waiting waiting Did I open up myy I just remembered I have one a you psyched me out bro hering I out of energy I think I’m going to head out um what should I oh I could get this oh I need one of those awesome you in the community center and you too ooh pal

Fancy welcome back onion how was your um I don’t know what you went to do how was your thing that you went to do I don’t think I don’t think she’s going to be out of her room I think she goes to bed about 9:00 doesn’t she oh

Hello Shane cut scene I’ve never had a Shane cut scene before up late huh I suppose so yeah have a cold one I don’t want to but okay slurp B life yes you ever feel like no matter what you do you’re going to fail like you’re stuck in some miserable

Abyss and you’re so deep you can’t even see the light of day that’s very depressing I just feel like no matter how hard I try I’m not strong enough to climb out of that hole but you can climb out shamee I’m pretty sure oh wow I just

Threw that back 50 energy though he f Drinker huh man after my own heart just don’t make it a habit you got a future head off you still considering that I’ve never really drank much before in my life that’ll probably make me drunk you know well my

Li’s begging me to stop better qu her at night see you around Marsha bye-bye left me all drunk and what not oh I am Tipsy that’s funny make me slower for a bit that’s kind of annoying after when I get home but oh well what am I to do no fine thanks no

Problem okay oh this way right right this way and then up is my farm yippee okay one tomorrow is the day that I finally get all of my strawberries and I’m going to be rich um let me sell a bunch of things too cuz I’m so poor right now okay I

Don’t need sardines I don’t need a chovies I don’t need Herring I don’t need elots I don’t need herrings I don’t need these clams I need that one I don’t need this cool um next up fish what fish do I need I don’t need you I don’t need you I

Don’t need you I don’t need you um I’ll keep you for now oh I should have given this to um Andy next up is uh I’ll keep everything in here Stone anything in here anything anything um I’ll sell like three of them next up is so one 2 3 4

5 let’s see what else is there I could sell no I’m not going to sell any of those things what I can do though I just realized is I can take I can take this and put it into here for when I have more or

It um coconuts I could sell some of the Coconuts or the leaks I guess I could but I’m not going to nope nope nope okay that is all and night night nice that’s a decent amount of money I have times my money by 10 in a single

Night it’s going to go even further on when my strawberries are in I watered them yesterday be so disappointed if I didn’t Rish salad queen of s it is I the queen of sauce here to teach you another mouth watering recipe for my secret cookbook this week’s dishh radish salad nice

Okay it’s going to rain tomorrow and the merchants again and I have bad luck yay strawberries okay what’s the H oh Peppa poppers I don’t know how to make peppers I don’t know I don’t have Peppers yet four days ooh have a lot from strawberries love It I like when I get multiple from one strawberry [ __ ] it wasn’t plants because cuz I didn’t move it yet okay there you goop boop Boop oh I don’t need to water these ones because they’re already watered I love the strawberries I wonder how much this is going to S okay one Two okay I am excited to see how much money ooh 1,000 that’s a lot of money um I don’t need any of these I don’t think I’m going to keep some of the red ones as gifts CU I’m pretty sure I mean some of the gold ones I mean as gifts because

I’m pretty sure those are loved items by some people but otherwise yeah I’ll and give you some water there you go foro let’s fill up the water this has 5 days to Go wait hopefully this cifl also only has 6 days to go okay that’s going to be that’s going to be cutting it a bit close honestly but hey Gathering what is this oh right that find Robin’s lost axe I haven’t found that yet funny enough level 40 and right

Build a c Anna heart welcome oh thank thank you um okay let’s go let’s go to uh wait wait I’m going to can I put this in the farmed Place the little watering can be grow 10% faster what should I do that with melons right Melons I’m going

To make tons of melons next season and blueberries oh hello I haven’t seen you in ages um what’s his name I know CLA who’s this guy Martin the yeah I haven’t seen Martin in eons wait what’s my hearts looking like with everyone Shane is the highest Haley is pretty high Sophia Andy

Okay oh cut scene Hello there’s so many cut scene now because there’s so many characters marro hello it’s a lovely day today I dropped by to check on my green beans and they are ready to harvest Gus and Pierre were a little while ago taking care of the crops too yes Pelican Town’s community garden is

Pretty nifty wouldn’t you agree Mara I suppose so it’s cute but my farm is can hold 40x more that’s kind of cringe yes it’s a spect it’s spectacular That kind of sounded like the jingle from Toy to lgic club I’m very thankful for the community garden I don’t have much property to grow my own food but thanks to this little plot of land all we all share I can quite Nice that’s that’s all of them now I need to decide what to cook with these tonight here’s a fresh green bean straight from the vine oh thank you oh I ate it straight away do you can you eat green beans just raw that doesn’t sound like I would be

Very yummy oh well to the community no I’ll go to G no Community sender cuz he’s not open yet and his name is not Gus he’s um Gunther right come Center then G and then Clint actually I have geod to open you see um no you’d be in the crap pot yeah crap poot bundle open up crab poot crab poot there you are okay one more to go I’m so surprised I haven’t found a single crab yet considering how how many of those

Little Rock demons I’ve killed okay let’s go down to where con and cl let me get my Stones ready actually you and you since I don’t have much use for on J I thought I’d open them up I just you’re very short stuffed uh hello do

You need something uh seeds no I don’t need seeds well actually I kind of do but I need money more okay let’s open up these geod real quick dude hello geod Breaker nice I think I already have one of those though okay please something good what’s that aeronite that sounds perfect for me okay let’s put let’s put the copper away wrong button so many buttons to press this one furnace there it is it cooked it straight away okay to the thingy the Museum wait I S I ate it how is it in my inventory the green Bean okay don’t question it and um up here oh no gifts oh I can’t I can move those around that’s Co um awesome awesome bro the guy with the goatee doesn’t talk much oh Gunther yeah I I don’t know whoa so many people are here today what did

What oh he wanted he wanted me to collect 20 copper all I’ve only collected 10 I mean I can go to I don’t I don’t think I should go to mine today oh um maybe hello what should I do I’m I’m going to spoil for choice right

Now maybe I could I could fish but with the bad luck that I’m not sure if I should I could go to the desert and try and get I I don’t know is there anything in my inventory that I’m missing I could give it I could give up

For the stone bundle oh that is true and I could I could Farm a bunch I could I could collect a bunch of woods today that sounds like a good Idea I’ll just I’ll just chop down a bunch of trees I’ll also check out the merchant before I forget maybe maybe she’ll have red cabage well it’s a bit late for red cabbages Now isn’t it Alas what am I to do oh hello little girl is she going to be mute to me again do you want something oh she’s actually talking promise she gives me the dot dot dot crocus oh I swear I’ve never seen this portrait before poppy tulip buggy mushroom backat wings I wonder cloth oat

Chair rare seed thank you okay let’s go where was I can I go chop down trees right chop down trees time in my farm I can I can drop down T and tons of trees I could chop down the ones around here first actually or maybe I should

Chop down the ones where I’m Farming so that I can have a lot of space around my farm okay let’s start Here and I guess you here and then I guess you can go here wonderful no not in here in Here so I can oh I need I need a scythe actually I need my Scythe for the for some of these things we go I can chop and Shop my way down to Victory Yeehaw and that is a well chop chop chop chop chop this down before it gets Big I’m so glad the site doesn’t accidentally destroy my strawberries be so annoyed strawberries I have four days left until they reg let’s jum down this tree well this one’s taking a While it’ be kind of cool if I could just blow them all up but I don’t have bombs I have the cherry bombs but I don’t think that’s enough the I have barms tons of them I can clear out the the all the trees and the other top of the Farms I haven’t

Really visited much okay chop chop chop also I need to upgrade my tools soon I should at least check how much that is yeah I’m going to go check how much the tool upgrades are and if I can I’ll upgrade my um my pickaxe I think

But then I can’t chop down the I can chop down the trees but I won’t be able to chop rocks or mine rocks I guess is that um you know okay so let’s do this running all the way down to Clint’s um place oh I should say hello to my room

Or I can give her a cauliflower I know she like those fun stuff is a cauliflower for you do you have fun yeah I do that is good I know um Emily likes Stony things maybe she likes quartz I don’t know if she likes oh I can give her toad I have two

Toads to here the to yep she loves it wonderful hi do you raise sheep in your barn I don’t have a barn you okay I should say hello to Evelyn too every time I need to go somewhere in town I just get distracted by all the NPCs okay Hello Alex no that’s Sam right Al is the brown head One okay um yeah oh he’s closed now isn’t he no he’s not he closes at five good um upgrade tools how much is it 2,000 well obviously I can’t do that now how much is trash 1,000 okay then well that’s good to know I guess 2,000

Money maybe I’ll have that much I’m not going to have that much today oh Sophie wait I have a gift for you um f she likes flowers So yeah thank you so much you’re welcome okay wonderful hello Haley let what does she like what does haey like

Um I don’t think she’s a Stony kind of person is she maybe she likes coconuts do you like coconuts oh my god this is my favorite thing oh wow she really likes coconuts oops I didn’t mean to open that by her I was trying to talk to

Her I foret you can open trash Cans okay walking all the way back discovering I’m too poor to upgrade my tools okay and chop slice drop Chop Chop it’s not really chopping is it it’s it’s um this is chopping what I was doing was um what mining I guess I don’t know doesn’t mine

Mine mine that doesn’t sound as cool as chop chop chop the saplings mine the rocks make this a very nice and plain place a nice canvas for my future endeavors if you will I’m near out of energy I am starting to feel exhausted that’s not very good I could

Eat something but it seems kind of like a it seems kind of a waste honestly Fus Stone I wish I had a way to just put everything everywhere all at once like a all just send them out out to the chests H um I’m not going to plant anything cuz

There’s only a few days left unless for some reason seeds I don’t know how long they take to to let me see how long does it take 6 days is a potato how about you a potato huh oh I’m going to save the rest of the

Wild seeds for next season I believe um should I go to bed I don’t have anything else to do I think yep everything’s good and got to sleep stretch oh farming level three watering proficiency proficiency be house Farmers launch I know wait how did I need a kitchen really badly whoa

That’s more like it that’s the money we like to see more than about double my money that maybe more how much money did I have it before maybe less maybe more than double man money I think I only had 900 and something hello it’s bad luck day it’s raining nothing

Else but one more day for the cauliflowers and this potatoes ready lovely potatoes strawberries yep everything looking good everything’s looking Ry Farm actually quite a few potatoes I didn’t realize should I just I guess I’m just going to do mining again because honestly I don’t I can’t do much else

Where did it come from stop stop appearing chop chop chop chop oh I can fish no that that could take a bit of um I don’t know if I should fish the bad luck but it could give me good money honestly okay CH chop okay sweet sweet sweet jum

Okay oh coal nice that’s handy how much wood do I have now I have enough to to do the bundle oh wait I also want to check how much the The Silo costs so I’ll get Theo first and then I’ll get the Bund okay let’s let’s go and check how

Much The Silo cost cuz I should I should have enough money for this either by now and then I can get a c afterwards let me just Ming all of this out the way I’m doing a clear up anyway so might as well and chop and Chop Chop nice nice nice

Lovely is there any is there any um vbl oh there are look got you you don’t meant to be here during spring all right d it you are I was not going to the mines I thought I was going to the mines for some reason oh no I am contract Farm

Building Goose please oh the C cost two 4,000 wow um how’s the silo 100 G 100 Stone 10 clay oh 10 clay how much clay do I have right now um Stones oh I have enough okay so let’s see no furnace go here I’ll take you and 100

Stone where is that stone there you go I got scared I thought I threw it away somehow okay construct as Silo please build it I’ll put it over here for now this is why I cleared this area up earlier is it how far down does this go jeez I could clear out this entire area and oh really out the way how out of the way can I put this thing actually cuz I know I know I haven’t actually cleared out a lot of my farm so you know how out of the way can it really be with all this junk

Everywhere oh this Farm is m massive look at that okay I would have put a silo here actually or over there I wish I could speed this up oh I can asking shall be given I suppose far this way does this go It Go pretty far this way too oh that’s the

Mine cart ooh there’s a boat ooh there’s a lot down here oh an entire spring look at that what’s down here further I can’t place down anything down here it would be kind of cool if I could oh hello it’s a quarry I could I could put the Well if I

Knew how to get down here I could put the silos down here since they are quite big I place it there oh there oh I can put it down here though what’s this place I’m going I can place it down here out of really out of the way so no one

Ever knows it’s here I guess I can move it later I don’t know what that place is but you know anything else I want to buy from her before I go pink office calendar that’s kind of Handy but expensive jeez telephone I got a TV already um St Iron Stone

New I don’t need any of this stuff hello bro we in from the rest of the world here in St Valley maybe that’s a good thing I don’t know maybe wait am I good enough friends with any of the children to be able to go into their

Rooms um Mar nope Sebastian nope no oh chest that’s cool let Steve what’s the time I’m going to I can crack open this giod I found and quite a trick oh right I forgot JoJo was in the way so to get around that nice and I go prcess

Geod and what’s that slate oh that’s a lot more boring than I thought it would’ be but it shimmered for me I’m happy oh she’s standing in the out of the way with the rain go inside I just wanted a quiet moment okay okay she’s just saying the same

Thing over and over again there’s quite in here too well apart from Music I’ll put you for Now um furnace I’ll put you in here again Stone here I don’t have enough wood now for the community center oh I do okay let’s do that then I’m going to be poor wood and stone wise but hey it’ll it’ll um it’ll make me feel good having about the community center done again

Honk I think this is the faster way to the community center from the museum just slightly well not really slightly is the construction bundle down here yeah it is oh why right I don’t have hardwood G this is kind of just being a waste of stone and stuff like uh wait Stone goes

In here here furnace no foraged uh this is forged you go in stone um hardwood I only have two of 10 so I’ve I’ve got I’ve got a bit of grinding to do for that honestly thank you oh there’s a quest see what the quest is oops it’s Andy’s birthday

Tomorrow though I’m looking for 20 copper didn’t you already give me this Quest okay did I fail that one I forgot 20 I’m not going into the mines with that luck definitely not I’m going to go back to chopping up stones and and Mining trees apparently that’s what the way it

Goes is mining trees chopping wood I mean chopping stone g this tree is directly in the path of the thing pretty much so it’s a good thing I dropped that down slice slice nice rain sounds it’s really calming hopefully I am coming to R kind of as a bad Jo position isn’t It what’s this tree can I even I can’t even chop that one or that one I can’t chop the bushes I guess that’s just a background tree that you can just never touch ever I’m looking forward to when I can make paths for everything I’ll probably make paths out of stone

Lovely I just have to make sure I get rid of all the possible trees before they become full trees earlier I get them the easier it is for my energy oops didn’t mean to try and hit the big one out of energy so I guess I’ll stop for that for there for now

Um now what I have anything okay let’s see I could prepare for what’s his name um Andy’s birthday I think he likes beer as well so I’ll buy a beer for him I have enough money for that now and then I can I can go down to his farm and wait

Well I’ll wait tomorrow morning obviously it’s funny cuz I won’t actually know when The Silo is completed um because the silo is so far away from me that I don’t actually know how to get there sorry wrong place I could pay for a head don’t that’s strange isn’t it why

Did she give me a dot dot dot okay beer for you is please tell me that tacos aren’t here anymore hash brown recipe onut recipe pancakes bread tortilla Pizza Macky rolls triple shot expresso oppresso I’m going to have to buy the fish ters next time I see it for um Caroline hello Andy

Happy Birthday Eve at the back of my hand okay but Monday is like isn’t Monday the worst day for foraging because there’s no forage left maybe I should cook something new and exciting spicy oo spicy nothing inside the bin I wonder if you can chop this you can’t

Oh I’m out of eny I forgot about that um what can I give out to my friends in the valley strawberries I know Mario likes strawberries but I kind of want to save those for like her birthday or something um yeah I don’t know oh I guess today isn’t the worst day for

Foraging well it still technically is but okay I’ll stop I’ll stop I wonder what’s this way oh yeah right the the the the the the spring that we saw when I was placing down the thing but it has those Big Woods I’m going to need to get I’m

Going to need to upgrade this axe I’m going to upgrade the pickaxe first because logically that will make it easier to upgrade the axe but still I need to just eat food I’m actually kind of low on high energy foods oh in this I forgot about the salmon berries

Actually oh yeah you can’t catch you can’t getat salmon berries anymore that’s so weird I guess it’s for a certain point certain week in Spring okay let’s get back to chopping down trees then oops I kind of just wait I’m just kind of waiting for the season to end oop nice Chop

Chop nice nice nice chop chop chop slice slice slice s how much did the coopa get it was like 2,000 money and um was wasn’t it was more than 2,000 money it’s 4,000 Che Okay Swip swipe chop swipe swipe chop mine is all nice and clear now well from all this I’ll be able to I’ll be able to sight this all up once the once The Silo is completed I think my last I think to maybe tomorrow will be my last day for

The stream cuz I have to I have to go and eat because I’m quite I’m kind of feeling hungry now I’m going to just sleep so I get my energy Pack h oh it’s Andy’s birthday right Robin will finish your building in one day cool what is that picture the cauliflowers ready to harvest woohoo yippee oh they’re all just regular cauliflowers I guess I’ll just sell them there you go and the strawberry there was a strawberry back here I didn’t see it Um and I’ll Water You I’m looking forward to my next sprink CL because I need more of them Honestly oh I have M I didn’t even notice how did I miss that tomorrow we are dancing oh a flower festival okay tomorrow will be my last day then okay um where is Andy as well Andy is in his farm I don’t think he has a

Locked door so I can just go to his farm oh and I also need to I also need to talk to the wizard I forgot all about that the yesterday and the day before in the game I me not knowing what to do and

I just have so many things to do I got decision paralysis okay let me fill up this thank I think I wanted all my crops hope I did okay let’s Go give him a gift the gift I keep on giving alcoholism giving you liver pains and whatever I don’t know Oh he’s gone the did he go he left so fast oh he’s in he’s in the fall oh he’s right there happy birthday bro you remember my birthday I’m impressed thanks no problem yeah we going to we going to the flower festival I have a feeling I’m going to

Have to dance with Haley because she’s the one I have the most RS with I think let’s see let’s see and and Shane and P Vincent Jodie sopia M Emily blah blah blah blah blah blah and then the rest so many still I haven’t met these two don’t know where they

Are they’re probably in zuu City ien probably oh axe I swear I’ve looked at this L Ax better oh these are the spring onions that that um flower was telling me about Awesome return this to Robin Robin’s not in Robin’s not home right now so I can’t return this to Robin for a bit sadly I put you in the farmed area I put you in the forest area I put here foraged I guess I could go to Clint to um under

Lion does she like Coconuts I don’t know not sure if she would I know she doesn’t like alcohol and um fish she doesn’t like fish either and um well she doesn’t I know she likes farmer things she’s okay with wine but I mean she makes wine so why would she really care um I don’t know

Dandelion it would be like an okay gift or let’s give the I give her the Polish raddish or the coconut the coconut what would coconut be um I don’t know let’s see you like coconuts it’s an okay gift you don’t enjoy dancing I’m going to go into for the free cake this free

Cake I didn’t know that was free cake why I given free cake oh oh hello yink oh event Andy as I said before this is on his birthday mind you Andy as I said before you can’t ignore where me no you listen to me what Incarnation is that supposed to be don’t

Come telling me I owe more I’m doing just fine with Fair Haven Farm don’t you go telling me this bad news it’s out of my hands The Fill government just I’m not hearing any of this this will ruin me you here damn this is happening on his birthday I thought this Valley supported

Local farmers oh everyone’s coming out the mayor of drumbl isn’t happy with this either I’m not I’m in no way trying to no the answer there is no leis I can barely afford my seeds for new harvests I can’t afford this at all damn everyone’s here Auntie

Everything will be okay I’m going to divert the friends from the f I don’t need no one’s help I’m I don’t accept handouts I’ll figure something out he’s he’s Andy I’m so glad I don’t have to pay taxes in this game this conversation is over I’m leaving

Dot dot dot oh well that’s um uncomfortable don’t you Think Mara you heard all of that didn’t you I did s The Fill government is introducing a new regulation I don’t think they understand the negative impact it’s having on the small communities like this one I tried negotiating but they wouldn’t listen to me I’m aware Andy is struggling and he

Isn’t doing well financially rest assured Marsha Kendra and I are drafting elaborate purose I don’t know KRA is sound like a Pokémon KRA can you do me a favor and check on Andy I guess Can thank you marsho this is the this is most Appreciated I’m going to start on the draft now have a nice day marro thank You am I going to check on him right now I don’t even I don’t even remember what I was planning on doing honestly oh yeah Clint I can I can talk to him um later Where is Cent Cent press oh another one of these okay goodbye I I put it in the shipping bin kind of look like ear wax I can go check on um Andy where is andyandy Andy yandi Andy should be in his by his home I think yep he is Eha Um where is he he’s inside I think where is he did he did he leave what I was he left while I was in while I was walking to him he down here somewhere he’s trying to Duke Duke me dude chill what’s this he going to drop

Up that he is doing something right for once I have work leave me alone and is now ignoring you no Andy you were supposed to be the chosen one or something I don’t Know oh it’s a it’s a neutral luck day that’s pretty good I was I was having so many bad luck days in a row right I want to visit the the the Wizard’s place now there might be a cut scene cuz I forgot I should at least check on the

Wizard to see if the magic plugin plugin mod Works cuz I haven’t actually gone to see the wizard since I downloaded it and it might might be a thing oh I went right B’s house didn’t I to the H Mouse come on it’s all the way at the

Top left isn’t it there it Is okay and I go oh no cut scene hey bro if you have nothing important to do leave me be I have much work a what’s this what here his bed looks nice okay nothing much is happening I can go downstairs anything going to happen if I go downstairs nope what’s all

This not in use okay first SL Guild Hall nope Castle Village guilt Hall nope Atlantis W atan is West fill Republic Ministry of magic ooh the ministry of magic so what’s This huh I I don’t know what that one could be too many letters are scratched off lightning tone Earth Tone Nemesis D Destiny flame bound where’s the wind tone mastering Mana channels cool crafting TS and totems F your manuscript I’m not allowed to touch this am

I have to befriend him to be able to use that okay so I guess going to his place is not what I need to do to unlock Magics I’m not sure what I’m meant to do but you know I’m sure it’ll happen eventually if not I can search up can I

Search on this no I can’t okay up go up Ander I don’t know why that popped into my mind let’s try this I want to clear out this area too it’s it’s the it’s one of the first um things you see of my farm when you come in from the south so

I might as well make it look nice okay chop down this tree as well this going to go straight into the water isn’t it kind of mean putting a tree around right here oh it didn’t sweet I was expecting it to fully go into the water chop chop chop chop chop

Chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop and then I can leave these two there they’re kind of out of the way there you go nice and pretty I wish I could get rid of that can have to fish it up whoa this is really messy slice

Slice tomorrow is the big day the festival um Stone I can’t um go to Clint now cuz he’s closed farmed no it would been foraged all of this stuff is foraged stuff like you and you wait can I gift things to anyone I can gift things to you guys not anything okay I

See I’ve got this oh I didn’t pet much you today hello oh and I didn’t water you either F remember guys you have to water your cats and dogs um I might as well try and no it’s a bit late isn’t it how long would it take me to go down the

Road to um Zoo to the desert and zuu City and all that any flbl up here no I mean it is Tuesday to be fair Um I think I’m running out of steam because I’ve been streaming for so long how long have I been streaming for o 5 and 1 half hours wa that’s nearly half a day oh quarter of a day half of on awake day I don’t know how long do you guys stay up

Up 12 hours maybe more than 12 hours I’d say I stay up for around 12 hours a day no longer more than 12 hours why am I here I don’t know why I came all the way to the community center I I just zoned out and started walking I might as well

Check what I need um I need fruits and stuff how come I haven’t been asked if I want a fruit cave or a mushroom cave yet I swear that’s a thing that has to happen in spring right right I’m not going crazy am I am I I’m already crazy honestly okay

Um crazy that was crazy once look me a room a rubber room rubber room Rats the rats made me crazy okay so let’s just go home I guess it’s the it’s the flower festival I swear that the blue changed colors there there’s like a r in there

Okay very nice very nice I think I’ll dance with haly because I have no one else to dance with really well apart from Shane but I don’t really want to dance with Shane you probably smells like alcohol at least it would probably smell nice you

Know okay so I’m going to put you in here I’m going to put one of you in here nice and clean inventory for the festival oh wait let me sell stuff just in case do I have anything I want to sell in here no not really you have

Anything I want to Shell in here no I should have given this to him I for got I had that I’ve had that Coda for for Andy for so long now um I can sell some the leaks um I’ll sell this so it’s even I sell five of

These I I maybe I should save these for when I have well I’ll sell the I’ll sell the the stared ones and then I’ll sa the rest for when I have um bu when I have the the the the seeds the seed recipe okay let’s get to

Bed I should have a decent amount of money now just to think a few days ago I had zero money now look at me raking it all in doubled my money once again look at me go from zero money to 4,000 easy peasy it’s the day of the

Fire flower dance it’s going to rain tomorrow and I’m feeling lucky okay I’m sorry for making Robin you know work on my thing I need to water these guys um Farm one more day for the strawberries love to see it also I forgot about the rice that I

Planted not those going to be ready I wonder already in 3 days those guys are already in two R in 2 Days nice nice everything everything is going according to schedule um oops I didn’t mean to change this one yep I’ll put you in here I guess I’ll I’ll mine some wood while I wait for the festival to begin it’s not like I can go into town or anything Thing let’s drop these down got to make sure I get rid of all the seeds for The Season’s turn over or else the trees are just going to sprout out it’s going to be annoying especially when I’m um you know doing the whole what’s It farming and I’m planting all my summer

Crops speaking of I should really I I’m I’m probably going head out to the to the desert before sum one just to get this get star fruit Ready where this tree is going to fall that way interesting hope my my magnet is not strong enough to magnetize it all the way over it’s fire dance time dance in a few minutes love to hear it love to see it potentially okay what do they sell at the S flower

Dance again I forgot I know they have a they have a thingy okay let me put everything away you in here and the forage one put everything else away okay let’s go to the I think it’s go out and then around to where the foresty area is

Or or maybe I could have gone straight down I don’t know oh there’s a dandelion I’m going to pick up that dandelion I not Myself oh there’s three dandel lines look get them level up nice I got flowers for um my flower dance partner I guess I don’t know oh I can go to town during this day I forgot it’s because the flower dance is all the way at the bottom hello Jaz her name Is oh wow this is a wide open area doesn’t it normally like a a um a wall there’s normally a bridge here isn’t it this the first time I’ve done the flower dance with the mods yeah there’s normally like Bunting and everything everywhere oh look at all

Of them in their dresses that’s so nice Okay let’s see what they have for sell tub daffodil D I don’t really regro buying that straight away flower it’s all just really decorations isn’t it wait how much was that regro jeez that was a lot of money

I’m saving the rest for my um thing oh look at that flower my best sht I wish I had a outfit for the flow T good to see you here willly oh look at him he’s combed up for the day I should have brought my fishing

Pole okay Gus frog season is starting to pick up Pam no no this is life AR Kid sweet wine a bumbling brook warm a did I mention why I think she’s alcoholic I know what I’ll admit it I really like those oh that’s nice mind oh look at her

She looks so cute I’m here for freak cake okay what are you he’s coming up too g abig girl I really hate dancing in front of everyone it’s so embarrassing Shane oh Vincent he’s he’s looking dashing as ever strawberry jell is truly remarkable Jody are you going to dance

Today I hope so the spring dances can be traced back to ancient fertility rituals okay n Emoji I’m joking I’m joking Gathering such as this give great opportunity to talk to Caroline Andy ah the air so sweet with all the flowers I wish Pierre would spend this time with

His oh oh yeah Pier’s over there did I talk to her already I think I would who am i o I’m stuffed have you tried the reg yet nope I have not Clint wonder if Emily would dance with me I don’t know maybe if you ask G I’m nervous

Penny Maru she looks nice too she took off her glasses like dancing the all time really love it okay I’m working up the courage to ask someone to dance with me I wonder who he’ll dance with even he’s all D oh look at all the flowers

Hello it’s nice of you to talk to me BR is almost over what a shame um M Love is in the air and I’m still single oh I can’t M looks lovely today ooh does m does he like um money I just enjoyed the scenery look at them more than the

Outfits no I’m talking look at Andy string a walk over this okay even his suit flowers I can L hear them Evelyn look at Evelyn lovely outfit look at look at the little kids somay I’m going to be flower oh cute and him too why can’t I be FL gender equality

Honestly and I’m guessing if someone I know she I know exactly how many hearts I have with this person I think don’t really like to dance yeah I think I have to have exactly two hearts or more and the only person I have with two hearts

Or more is Haley and she has a thorn crown on well I guess it’s it’s like a flower crown that’s what it’s called flower crown practicing my dance meal okay I’ve been flower Queen for 5 years I’m not ready to start of the throne W yeah I’ll ask you to dance you no

Excuse me wait how many hearts do I have with everyone I have two hearts with you uhhuh am I going to be dancing single today are you Sure NP she said no oh I guess I’m going to be done I’m going to be wait did the mod change out how many hearts you need do they just make it harder for no reason oh man yes let’s start can’t believe I’m going to be single for the flower dance boohoo

Boohoo I’m down there now look at them they all have different dresses On I wish I could get one of the suits I imagine if they gave you one that’ be so Nice I think only really the girls are dancing the guys are bending their knees now I guess that’s dancing somewh but really the all the actions on the girls and the guys are just kind of walking that was fun time to go home yippee single for whoa I forgot how

Pick I forgot how big um these guys protect okay let me can I plant you there you go oh that that hurt my eyes now because it’s all dark um let’s put you away and I’ll sell you and anything else I want to sell nope I I could tell the horse radish who

Likes who actually likes horse radish that much I I better not regret this okay and of course pet Mochi and go to sleep for the day I’m going to have a silo next stream I’m going to have foraging proficiency up I’m going to be able to make sum wild seeds before summer

Amazing love it day 25 of spring only 3 days left of the season and that is I suppose where I’m ending the stream for today might pet one more time just just in case bad luck day but strawberries and um yeah that’s that’s about it strawberries I’m going to I’m going to

Pick them all now to see how much money I might make next time I’m kind of curious oops no don’t eat it o there a gold strawberry to see that no don’t eat it look at that and the and I think the rice is done too no it’s not so that’s that’s a

Good 1,800 nearly 2,000 in strawberries alone if I sold them all so that that’s that’s looking that’s looking pretty good to me at least so um yeah I suppose this is the end of M stream for today at least let me put these I’ll put them in the shipping bin

Because I’m not actually going to sa if the game guys that’s is a secret okay so anyway guys thank you so much for watching um please remember to like comment subscribe I’m going to go get my dinner cuz I’m pretty hungry I don’t think I had lunch did I have lunch I

Didn’t have lunch that’s why I’m so hungry is my um progress with all the characters and it’s it gets pretty dire down the bottom Andy likes me the most out of everyone right now maybe I could have got to like dance a chain B want to and

Um you know there’s my farm and it’s it’s kind of falling apart right now because um I’m I’m waiting for the season to turn over so I can refresh it all but yeah so everybody thank you so much for watching this has been mush bomb Le remember to like comment subscribe

Discord’s in the description or on the screen same with my Twitter subscribe that’s on YouTube press the Subscribe button it’s glowing look at it Shine if you press it it will give you fireworks like button too anyway this has been Mar bomb and I’m signing out I’ll be back soon kaboom That’s a fun song to there you Go Bye

Hope You Enjoy The Stream!!
Artist’s Twitter: @mewdokas

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