BIG Vanilla Minecraft TV’s! – Let’s Play Minecraft 590

Ah back at home what a surprise honestly I’ve been walking around with 83 levels for quite a while I’m just going to use it on repairing all these tools trench shovel you silk touch good I really need a silk touch shovel for what we’re about to do

Next please don’t be 33 you are 33 I’m just good like that it’s good to have you back Devil’s tone L you’re next I’m going to guess you’re 33 wow for some reason I thought I was going to get like five repairs in I repaired two things wonderful oh I

Forgot we’re going to throw some Trims on this if you guys don’t remember I retrieved the ancient wolf armor from our Skyrim inspired dungeons down below I don’t know how I did that without dying first try but the gear is so overpowered oh I still haven’t done that

Roof the gear is so overpowered that I’m thinking about putting it back but yes welcome back to the let’s play this is Dallas here man I haven’t gathered dirt here in like a year I’m looking for a flat spot to gather dirt because we are going to the end to make something this

Looks like a good spot and I specifically need grass we’re out in space here next to our computer plant so my challenge is is I’m going to make a 3×2 monitor so instead of just having one map with artwork on it and another one with

Artwork on it we’re going to have a 2×3 and it’s going to look like one giant screen but why use grass again that’s boring we got to innovate so my next line of screens is going to be over the black void but with white text and I

Think that’ll look super modern but how do we get white yes I’m in my spacit how would you expect me to breathe silly well I guess we got to use snow again did I come prepared is there by any chance that I have okay no snow in there

I got a feeling I’m not going to get so lucky oh oh no way well we got lucky oh sweet I didn’t have to go all the way back home welcome all right this is the part where I see you guys in like 3 hours no look at this this is a locked

Map and it updated I was going a dang it this map is ruined this was just the map of the normal Square without the world in the center and it was locked on that square yet look an updating map I don’t understand why it’s doing that but that

Really sucks means I need to set this further away so I don’t accidentally update something but anyway besides that I was making this no signal it looks very basic but this took a long time so I’m going to have three more black screens right here and yeah

It’ll just be a giant monitor that doesn’t have its HDMI plugged in as you can see it’s not that small it took a lot of snow I will say that lots and lots of snow okay I’m going to move my platform away I don’t like it updating this stuff when it’s not supposed

To I’ll tell you what I’ve been cutting my sugar intake a lot this year but nerds gummy clusters are like the best candy ever made they’re my weakness when I see them on the Shelf okay so this is what I’ve been working on it’s a little

Interesting to say the least as you can see we got some lines uh it’s supposed to be like an application that is up on a big screen huh do I like it kind of I need to add more onto it so as you can see we have like some sort of audio reading

Here it says live reading systems online this is update 0.9.0 little bit of a Easter egg throwback there that’s the update we started this world yeah this took a lot of snow it doesn’t look like it but it really did and I need to add more hey buddy you look depressed let me

Fix that for you oh your head will go here as a souvenir oh it reminds me of derpy I have been just adding another little bit on here as you can see I added a peak heart rate of 138 then a heart rate meter and an energy meter because I

Decided these new screens are going to go in my new training course I don’t think I’ll start it today because this is going to be pretty big but we’re going to build a new training course within our new lab in the building part not in the underground section I have a

Pretty unique idea and I’m kind of excited to start it so that has me thinking as well I want to make another one of these so I’m going to lock this one but before I do since these are our own SSC computers and these are our own applications kind of like apple has

Their own like MacBook this is our style this is what our application looks like like a window so up here in these bezels I have I’m going to do it up here I think I’m going to do a plus and minus sign or no not plus an X and minus sign

For exiting out of the application and minimizing in it uh hey what are you doing here I was just looking for some blocks um there they are no I’m not making a new map I’m not I’m seriously not I’m not this this isn’t a map in my hand that’s

Nothing I’m not obsessed with making Maps you’re obsessed I’m not obsessed you’re obsessed otherwise you wouldn’t be watching this video of me making Maps huh okay I made a new map oh look look at it though I made a keyboard so since I’m making a computer program based around well a portrayal of

A computer program based around slime science I’m going to make our own keyboard and it’s going to be square similar to this no they’re not always going to be placed flat down although they could it looks nice sadly in Bedrock Edition you can’t put an item

Frame at a right angle right next to it like that which sucks um so in this universe I will simply have this screen right here and our keyboard down here but of course one up so we can actually look like you work on it oh but I love

The way it turned out I used orange because they just stick out a little bit more and I created shadow effects I tried to make all the keys unique got arrow keys space key enter this is like the language in my world not exactly they’re just random stuff but yeah I

Mainly used orange concrete powder and then actually dirt because it’s so inexpensive creates that nice shadow more rrap time I’ve been working on my next big monitor here as you can see that is the outline of my body and this will go up in whatever training course I make basically like it’s

Tracking my physical exertion I guess through my legs core arms and head I’m also going to set up an area where I can have potions splashed on me but they’re going to be like mutagen altering things um maybe I need to add some right here and then I’ll call it quits finally maybe

Maybe there we we go I added a little saved icon I I wish it was a little more to the left but it’s really hard to build in a 3D space this large and get everything perfect but I like this it’ll do all right I’m going to lock

Everything and we are getting the heck out of here I’ve spent too much time here Hey Jude you okay I put mind sweeper and Jude in here because if I fall in the void on accident I don’t want to lose those I mean everything else is nice but

I mean it’s the void all right here’s our three screens we made I’ll see you later man have you guys been seeing the new update stuff so they just added something like a vault and that’s what the key goes into if you remember they added a strange key to the game but they

Added a block called like a vault block and it’s basically a block that gives you a reward for the end of the the trial Chambers I don’t know a whole lot about this yet I haven’t been looking into it but man the feedback is just so negative nowadays for Minecraft like I’m

Actually excited for all of this this time I know it’s going to be a smaller update but just I mean I play this game for a living and I appreciate anything that’s added to the game of course I’m going to have my criticisms too but Jesus I’ve never seen so much backlash

At this game before when I saw one of the devs talking about it I just saw a bunch of people complaining that they’ve been waiting all this time wanting to hear that the key is going to unlock something super cool and it just unlocks a simple block that gives you some loot

Which I can understand that Minecraft is really good at hyping something up and then not delivering I guess I feel like they really need to do better in their marketing because uh they they’re really pushing stuff out that doesn’t need to be shown yet until it’s completely

Finished I know they need the feedback from us but it’s like you’re a multi-million probably billion dollar business even owned by by Microsoft I think you guys can come up with the ideas on your own you know what I’m saying I don’t know there’s just a weird

Thing going on right now between all the new features being added and getting our opinion on them it’s just weird Okay anyway somehow in oh gosh I didn’t realize I forgot this middle part is pretty tall so it’ll have to be at this level at some point my training course I

Really want it to go inside the building here I mean this is a massive massive Building look at all this space it’s going to have to go above this though because I don’t want this interfering with it but I didn’t I actually didn’t want it to be this high this is like

Fourth floor up here third or fourth no not even that could be like fifth floor depending on how you look at it it’s like I really want to get the floors down here finished before I start working on that I know I’m talking too much but I really dread working on the

Layout oh this was so difficult just this right here I feel so bad for my world map I’m like in map 600’s now it’s just like please quit making so many Maps but I want to have some maps in here of course oh oh look at that oh

Those look so cool I swear the more we advance these the just more unreal they’re going to look I know that’s a little off-centered I tried to add an exclamation point I could have added two like it’s really trying to tell you you have no signal so we’re going to focus the

Entirety of today on making Maps I know I know you probably don’t like that a whole lot but uh you know what I’m okay with it because I want a lot of maps for the builds that we’re about to do because we’re going to be using these

Screens and Maps a lot with my future builds it’s just that I really want to get into that training course today but I have to build the rest of the layout for that lab first so uh in the meantime let’s make me some nice maps and just like that in the matter of

Seconds we have a new map this is just a you know a small one eventually whatever machine I’m going to make although I’m not really thinking this through too well because I really love these white panels but what are they all going to go on you know I mean

They look all right next to each other because they look like panels that should go next to each other it’s it’s hard to explain I don’t E I hate this one I don’t know why every time I see that one I hate it yeah I can come up with something

Cool here in the future with whatever I’m making here they look cool Burger man hey I haven’t checked up on you a little bit where you at where you at hang on where you at good you’re still alive more villagers I get out in this world the

Harder it is to keep track of them so let’s get out another one I kind of forgot I wanted to get out at least one villager per episode so I don’t know if you guys ever saw this right here but I ended up connecting all of my power

Lines to this like I guess power generator looking thing right here I think it turned out kind of cool just used a heck of a lot of observers make makes me realize I probably should have buil out of something else but I really like the way

Observers look got it all fenced Ino I’m taking you to the slums okay I like having a lot of clerics in my world because I have so much rotten flesh to get rid of I am so low on emeralds that I’m just going to go pack up a bunch of

Shulker boxes and visit all these guys to sell it and see how much emeralds I can get occupied occupied occupied occupied that one doesn’t have any layout in it yet that one isn’t occupied down there but I’m going to put you in this jail guard Tower looking Place ah I forgot how cool

This see it just takes it’s as simple as coming here that makes me want to work on it more the slums are just kind of a cool little area I can hear the sniffer there is a staircase in this place so please don’t kill yourself all right putting somewhat of a

New donator in here Ryan mcco boy thank you very much ow first place I thought of is a d place oh all these chests and I have no room here absolutely no room and it starts here okay here’s the first one this is only going to fill up one shulker box oh

My gosh but I knew hanging on to all of this stuff would come in handy one day okay only cleared out two thousands to go while I try to make as much emeralds as possible I’ll answer today’s comment question of the day from dat Squad 1

Have you ever played any sports and what other Hobbies do you have besides Minecraft absolutely I used to play a lot of sports in grade school well I guess that that doesn’t really count I guess in high school I just got so focused into skateboarding that I

Ignored joining any leagues but I played a lot of basketball in high school but not for the team and uh it was one of my regrets like I played a lot of basketball in grade school a lot of baseball I was track cross country pretty much everything you could do and

I really got into basketball as I got into high school but I was so nervous to like go to tryy outs I skipped freshman sophomore and junior year and by my time I was a senior I was like I gained a little bit of confidence I’m like you

Know what screw it I’m really good at basketball and I knew I was pretty good I played at the Park like every day and I told myself I’m going to go I gained up the confidence I went to the tryouts in my senior year I sat down I was

Watching everyone play I didn’t even know how tryouts worked I just saw a bunch of people there A lot of people I went to high school with they knew I played pretty good because during PE and stuff we all played together I’ve had people tell me you should go try out

Sometime and I did and I remember the coach walked up to me coach gamber and he asked are you trying cing out and I said yeah and he’s like you got your physical and at that time I was I remember exactly I’m like wait what what’s a physical and right there I knew

Right then and there I wasn’t going to do it I completely forgot that you had to get a freaking physical to try out and that is just going to the doctor and I was as healthy as a horse but you have to have that physical and that literally

Shot down my dream to play my senior year in high school but I still play basketball pretty regularly I have a basketball court right outside my door at my apartment complex which is really cool we just got new goals in but I play a lot there I’m getting back into

Skateboarding and stuff I don’t do tricks anymore I mainly just ride at parks and all that but other Hobbies I I’m a big motorcycle rider I love my motorcycle I’m getting really into photography my girlfriend actually got me a Polaroid and I’ve always wanted a polaroid so I’m excited to use that I’m

A big gym goer I go to the gym every day can’t remember if I put a cleric in the hospital but I have lots of little Hobbies I guess you can say how you doing Isaac that didn’t sound too good but um yeah that’s the gist of it oh no

Oh yeah you are cler sweet I got 48 emeralds not too bad crappy thing is though I’m not around here A whole lot so he will not be loaded and this won’t refresh as fast which I hate in Minecraft by the way I wish it would fix

That I wish his trades would update as I’m off doing my thing out in the world but you have to have him loaded next to you the update which is like 2010 game design if you ask me well everyone that’s going to be about it for today

I’m going to thank some donors while I check in on some of my businesses here how is the bean code doing how do you harvest this why did I forget oh it’s up here I want to thank Benjamin Clifton with another Dono that is very sweet of

You thank you Benjamin and Trace Wiggins that seems like a new face thank you trace that is very kind of you as well well and Johannes rendor wow is that German maybe I’m close I hope so thank you anyway I appreciate that and Megan ammed no that

Wouldn’t be aked that would just be Ahmed right I’m really bad at names I guess I thought I used to be good at names Megan Ahmed thank you I’m assuming that’s how you say it I appreciate it Clinton Holz thank you for your dono2 and Ryan Browning Ryan freaking

Browning man he made millions of emeralds off of that nuclear power plant I’m proud of them thank you Ryan that is just I don’t know what else to say that you’re just an insane person in a good way Ryan where are you at oh you’re in

That room I was just in in my lab oh yeah I I’m still going to make you an office soon actually we have to make where am I going this way we have to make a power section of the lab which is going to be pretty fun with all of our

New maps and everything I want it to look pretty darn cool but we got to figure out what kind of power source we’re going to use if you guys have any ideas let me know remember our last lab we used lava like we’re pumping it out

Of maybe a lava tube we found close to the surface of the crust of the earth so maybe we can like do beacons of some sort I don’t know we’ll see but thank you everyone for watching and thank you all for those very kind donos it never

Goes unappreciated I’ll see you in the next episode bye-bye

Today we start designing large TV screens for a future project in the lab!

Donate to help me and my channel! Thanks! –
(Your name and donation will be placed in the chapel. 50+ will get your name placed on the chapel wall and you will be turned into a villager with a random job throughout my world.) Thanks again for supporting my channel!

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World Downloads (Ep.550):
(Bedrock) –

Download my skins here! –

World Tours:
Ep.46 –
Ep.100 –
Ep.150 –
Ep.200 –
Ep.250 –
Ep.300 –
Ep.350 –
Ep.400 –
Ep.450 –
Ep.500 –
Ep.550 –

World Seed: 1404998407 (After Caves and Cliffs update, this seed is not the same)

Start the Adventure from Episode 1! –

History of this world:
This survival series started on July 10th 2014 on the MCPE (Minecraft Pocket Edition) App. I had quite a few MCPE videos before this series that I recorded and edited on the iPod 4th Generation. When I finally upgraded to the iPhone 5, this was when I wanted to start a Minecraft series that will last forever! I started this series on the iPhone 5 and eventually upgraded again to the iPhone 6 Plus for more power on Ep.66. MCPE on the iPhone 6 Plus served me well for a long time until the game started updating more and became even slower. This was until I bought myself a gaming laptop (Lenovo Y700) and transferred my ongoing MCPE world to Windows 10 Edition on Ep.154. Till this day, we are still surviving and thriving with builds in this world and plan to do so far into the future!

About me and my world:
Race: Slime
Age: 28
Country: US
World Created In: Update 0.9.0 (2014)
Computer: Lenovo Legion 5 Gen 7 –
Record With: OBS Studio
Edit With: Shotcut
Microphone: Blue Yeti (Blackout Edtion)
Headset: Astro A10

Thanks for watching!



  1. Maybe a new power source could draw energy from either amethyst, froglights, or something that looks like an old nether reactor but artificially made from stuff like copper and observers

  2. The new maps look great and the Stone Islands make a return!!! Seeing the new snow golem is also a double throwback of Derpy and his cookies 🥲

  3. I love it every time you post me I get so happy when I see your videos popped up could you by any chance play Stardew Valley on your own and see how you like it you might wanna make a series out of it is amazing. I love it so much.

  4. For the power source i think it would be really cool to build something like the Lambda Core from Half-Life to power SSC- coolant pools, radioactive slime and all that cool sciency stuff! Also thanks so much for these amazing and almost daily uploads, i honestly cant express how much i love these videos 😁

  5. I think a lot of people are just really tired of being jerked around by Microsoft . Because I feel like if it was just Mojang like they would totally not do the dumbness that is Mob voting which part of me believes that it's rigged I know that's conspiracy theory 101 but like it really feels like they don't care what people vote for they've already picked it and they already worked on it and then they just give you the illusion of choice put in reality like with what modders do it makes no sense that the devs can't put out more content than what they are and better content like some of the mods just completely blow away anything that they do

  6. I'm actually a bit surprised that you haven't hopped on hermitcraft season 9 I mean you're talking about doing your course and everything I think that would be a fabulous training simulator maybe there could be some sort of lore where you get Warped in over there need to do research and it could be like a little just like four or five episode miniseries what do you have to run decked out and you know take a look around and I don't know it just seems like something that would be really cool I'm enjoying watching like CaptainSparklez run Decked Out

  7. Literally, no one can beat your modern tech builds. I’m still in awe of your Nether robots from a couple years ago…and then you make a computer factory and somehow top it!!! Amazing!!!!

  8. The amount of effort that’s put into these videos are insane, Dallas needs more recognition and I know there’s more people who would love this content

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