100 Types of Minecraft Players (All Shorts Together)

So in the past year I made a lot of types of Minecraft players like seriously that’s what I’m known for and today I will show you all of those shirts together there are about 100 different types of players in this video so if you can’t relate to at least one

I’m gonna be surprised before we start I just want to say thank you thank you for the amazing year that I can share with all of you without you I wouldn’t be here you all deserve a kiss from me now enjoy the video here are some different types of builders in Minecraft

The one who steals the villager’s house and makes it better bro you get out of here yeah yeah get out of here this is my house now foreign who played the game for many years but is still bad at building hey hey Ctorials today guys I’m going to teach you how to make a skyscraper so the only thing you want to do is add three blocks like this now you just have to add a little bit of detail so guys as you can see I added a little

Bit of detail it only took me like three minutes or something so it’s pretty easy it’s the eight-year-old bro I swear I built it in survival bro I’m serious bro I’m serious here are some different types of miners in Minecraft the one who goes for a quick mining session okay

It’s time for my quick mining session goodbye hey I told you it’s gonna be quick the one who goes mining for very long but still brings the worst salute yo that was a pretty successful mining session look I got three Doritos one sapling and one mushroom see they’re the ones who

Always fight over a diamond ore the one who is who is scared of going mining yeah it’s a monster no I’m getting out of here the one who doesn’t go mining hello here are different types of creative players in Minecraft the one who always switches their game mode to creative

When they’re struggling in their survival world hmm do you see a village around here no oh that was close I almost died there the one who always creates insane builds oh yes after 50 years I’m finally done this build the one who always beats the game in Creative this is such a good

Spawn Oh I can’t believe it this is gonna be a new record this is gonna be a new record the one who never played creative here are some different types of hardcore players in Minecraft the one who always dies super quick wow what a beautiful spot foreign

The one who always does risky things in their hardcore world we can get down here in two ways we can jump in that water over there or we could do a double 360 water MLG let’s go that’s too easy the one who played on one hardcore world for very long yeah

Look at this place after 55 years I’m finally done this city isn’t it beautiful the one who plays hardcore just to fight the mobs okay okay let’s go fight them let’s go Here are some different types of redstone users in Minecraft the one who was insane At Redstone but doesn’t know it yo come here look at this working Redstone Calculator I built it’s kind of simple but if you like it the one who takes up so much space for a

Simple Redstone build yo look at this insane Redstone build I made oh it’s an automatic Redstone door the one who always makes suspicious Redstone builds yeah we’re almost there this has to be my best Redstone creation ever The one who doesn’t know how to use Redstone bro you could just break the door like this and then you just place it back I don’t really know how to use Redstone so I just do that here are the different types of beginners in Minecraft the one

Who played for very long but is still a beginner oh my goodness it’s a villager what’s up villain oh my goodness it’s a it’s of the rage quitter wait how do you break this block bro how do you break this block bro how do you break this

Knot I give up bro the one who keeps on dying in the weirdest ways bro Pig stop chasing me bro the one who doesn’t understand anything in the game so you’re telling me there’s diamond and gold blocks in the game so this one’s gold right oh then it has to

Be this one right here are some different types of Minecraft players in the nether the ones who are super scared okay let’s go let’s go okay I think I’m safe true the one who plays with the old nether textures these textures are so much better than the new ones like look isn’t

It beautiful the ones who make the nether look super easy wait wait look at this look at this 360. let’s go boom that’s too easy let’s do the speedrunner I’m on a world record Pace right now just give me one more Blazer the one who never goes to the nether

Yeah no I’m not ready yet here are some types of players in the end Dimension the one who is scared of bridging um the one who keeps on accidentally staring at the Enderman okay let’s attack the dragon oh I look at the Enderman is it coming after me

Guys I’m sorry I didn’t mean to I’m sorry please the clumsy one I’m Gonna Get You Dragon I’m gonna go oh wow this is so easy the one who kills the dragon super easily you’re a bad little boy come here yeah there we go good boy good boy here are some different types

Of players on a Minecraft server the friends who do everything together we’ll use the power of friendship the one who takes all the materials for themselves I went through this whole cave and I couldn’t find any diamonds I only found seven Doritos who took all the diamonds

The two that just despise each other wow what a beautiful day it is today nothing will ruin my amazing day The hacker it’s gonna take so long to cross this lava pool what the there’s a noob bro what do you want I’m starving here are some different types of speedrunners in Minecraft the one who’s super slow this is gonna be a new record the super Unlucky One after grinding for

Five hours I’ll finally beat the record let’s go wait wait where did the portal go why to disappear the super fast one okay let me get some wood okay let’s get some Stone the cheater for no specific reason I think the stronghold is gonna be right over here

You made it through half the video good job here are some different types of OG players in Minecraft the one who started playing again after a very long break wait so you’re telling me these are emeralds these look so different back in my days and what is this block are these

Diamonds wait what is happening to me I think I’m lagging bruh the one who stopped playing many years ago the one who consistently played on the same world since the beginning come take a look at my creation I started this world about 25 million years ago but I’m

Still not finished I want to add some skyscrapers over there or something the one who some years plays the game and some years doesn’t the one who still plays on the older versions of Minecraft I don’t understand why Everyone likes the newer versions of Minecraft like look this is so much

Better here are some different types of Minecraft players in the ocean the one who always dies from drowning I give up the one who travels through the waters to find new land the one who always tries to find the ocean Monument the ocean Monument has to

Be somewhere here oh I think I found it hold up that’s not the ocean Monument the one who keeps building their base at the bottom of the ocean so my base is actually not here it’s actually at the bottom of the ocean over there so do you

Like it here are some different types of Minecraft players in caves the one who can’t find their loot after dying bro where did I die it’s on this side oh it has to be on this side oh my loot I finally found my loot the one who was always super scared oh

That’s kind of scary here the one who’s always in the cave I love caves I love caves the one who has keep inventory on I can’t find my way out from this cave so you know what that means Here are some different types of Pros in Minecraft the pro Miner hmm where are all these Diamonds oh I smell something there they are I totally wasn’t using x-ray the one who is a pro at dying like I don’t understand why everyone keeps saying that

Okay where was I oh yeah I was saying that I don’t understand why there’s no one who is a pro at parkour yo look at this parkour look at the sparkle yo look at this there we go and Emoji oh look away the pro Builder so I heard that you

Don’t have a base so as a builder I decided to build you one look no it’s not that one that’s my base this one’s yours here are some different types of friends in Minecraft the friend who always steals from you foreign the friend who always helps you wait

Wait I’ll help you out there we go okay now you can jump there we go I’ll always be there if you need help the friend who always pranks you yo yo I want to show you something follow me Rosa look turn around the one who doesn’t have a friend

Everyone I want you to meet my new friend But here are some different types of Minecraft players and Villages the one who takes the village for themselves I have some big news I declare that I am the new king of getting some food villager now life is so easy the one who can never find a

Village ah why can’t I find a village it has to be somewhere here I still can’t find one where is that the one who goes to a village just to kidnap the villagers oh this one’s perfect um villager I’m gonna have to borrow you real quickly yep you’re gonna come with me

The eight-year-old okay that’s enough I need to go here are some different types of Minecraft players at night the one who always wants to fight the mobs for no reason hello are you awake yo let’s go fight someone the one who just started their survival world

Okay is it day at the one who doesn’t sleep They’re just chilling with me the one who’s scared to go outside at night I need to get some food oh it’s still dark I’m gonna go back to bed here are some different types of Minecraft players there is Christmas the one who gives everyone presents hello is

Anyone in there oh yo look I have a present for you come here go ahead open it up The one who doesn’t play Minecraft during the holidays The one who decorates their whole base look I decorated my base and look I also built a giant Christmas tree The one who always gives you wishes that’s actually me I wish every single one of you a very merry Christmas and happy holidays here are some types of pet owners in Minecraft the one who has a million dogs it’s time to take my dogs out for a walk doggos it’s time for a

Walk oh hello whiskers blisters whiskers diskers history with oil whatever fiskers okay we’re almost halfway the one who leaves their pet forever okay Perry I’m gonna get you a little present stay right here no no no I’ll be back The pet owner who is a little bit too hungry I’m so hungry because if I just had something to eat hold up the one who loves their pet a little bit too much did you just kill my dog she will pay for this here are some different types of

Minecraft players during New Year’s the one who forgot it was New Year’s because they were playing too much Minecraft wait what it’s a new year today so it’s not 19.99 anymore oh the one who makes the worst New Year’s jokes three two one happy New Years yo guys I didn’t see you

Since last year oh my god did you like my joke the one who makes the most impossible goals you you this year I’m gonna figure out how to fly in survival with no elytra today’s the day I’m Gonna Fly ready oh I’m flying I think I’m flying

The one who tells everyone how thankful they were for their amazing year that’s actually me I wanted to say thank you to everyone for helping me have such a good year I wish everyone lots of love and happiness hey you made it to the end of the video

Thank you comment down which of these 100 players do you relate to the most also don’t forget to like this video And subscribe barbecue bacon burger

I made soooo many “types of Minecraft player” shorts in 2022 and this video shows all of them together! There has to be at least ONE type of player in this video that you relate to. I honestly think I showed EVERY TYPE of Minecraft player EVER.

Subscribe or I will take the cheese from your fridge!

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Big Thanks to EVERYONE who helped me have such a good year 🙂
#minecraft #shorts


  1. 1. I am the decent builder, I’ll build pretty ok if I’m making a structure but don’t expect me to make a good house

    2. The “ quick “ mining session guy

    3.Barely I’ll be a creative guy in the struggling survival world but mainly a Redstoner

    4. Never played hardcore, never will

    5. I’m the guy who attempts to make the calculators but fails

    6. Used to hide underground, scared of endermen

    7. I’m hella scared of the nether

    8. Never made it to the end

    9. The average guy

    10. I dont speedrun

    11. I’m not OG ( unless you count the aquatic update as OG )

    12. B o a t

    13. I love caves

    14. Pro at nothing

    15. The one that makes farms for the rest

    16. Grox’s their village

    17. Bed

    18. Gotta screenshot that chest

    19. Pets are useless ( except horses )

    20. Thankful!

  2. The time Minecraft player who always steals from you wait a minute I don't know I just thought of it like you know that one friend who always steals from you it's just so lonely and just so deep of course she had to make a video of that right so 😅

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