Ranking EVERY Villager in Minecraft

In my Minecraft mob ranking I said that my personal favorite mob in Minecraft is the Villager they’re one of the most helpful mobs in the game due to several different properties the most obvious of which being their ability to trade these trades can give the player significantly

Easier access to the game’s many items if you’ve ever been in desperate need of a clock they got you covered these trades all revolve around emeralds whether it be you giving the villagers emeralds for items or the villagers giving emeralds for items while many of these traits are incredibly useful

There’s a large amount of pretty bad or mediocre ones what are you talking about five Emerald for a leather cap is a steel the trades each villager get are to by their profession which you can control by giving them a different workstation when taking all of their trades into account though it’s pretty

Clear that some villagers are better than others so today I thought it’ be fun to rank every villager type in Minecraft from the worst to the best now how exactly am I going to be ranking these well that’s actually pretty simple I’ll take a look at all their traits to

See which type is the most useful ones for a Vanilla Java survival world I’ll consider both what the Villager gives you and what the villagers will take for emeralds this is actually surprisingly complex to judge which you’ll see as the list goes on there are also a few other

Things villagers can do which can also play A Part part in the ranking I was going to consider villager gifts but they did not change my opinion at all wait the weapon Smith can give gold axes now this changes everything last thing I want to mention I will also be including

The wandering traditor yes he’s not technically a villager but if I didn’t include him I’d get a million comments about it with that being said if you enjoyed this video please make sure to leave a like subscribe to the channel at 200k ranking every 2D Mario level and

Let’s jump right into the list we’re going to be separating this video off into tears since I feel like the ones within the tiers are incredibly close they will of course still be ordered with that being said f tier is just one person it’s the nitw this was the

Easiest last place I have ever had to make for a list like this want to know what this guy trades nothing I’m not going to include unemployed villagers on this list because that’s stupid but the difference for the nitwits is that they can’t be employed no matter how many

Workstations you place or family members you threaten they will refuse to get a job so yeah that pretty much makes them a complete waste of space or are they while they are still absolutely in last place for me they do actually have a few uses which can possibly put them above

One other member on this list first off the nitwit may not be able to work but he can breed to get villagers that can work so if you get stuck in a world with just two nitwits somehow you can still get access to the more helpful villagers

On top of that nitwits can also be used as a part of iron Farms iron Farms are one of the most important farms in Minecraft it’s one of the major reasons villagers are my favorite mob the way it works is by putting three villagers in danger by having them see a zombie

Causing them to spawn in an iron golem however with no other valid spawning spaces the Iron Golem then gets spawned in water and then gets pushed into lava you can do this with all of the other main villager types but if you’ve got a limited Supply to work with might as

Well Force the nitwit to get jump scared forever but yeah these are all things you’d expect a villager to be capable of doing so the nitwit still absolutely deserves last place 14 the leather worker all right now we’ve got our first actual villager to kick off our C tier

To get a leather worker you need to place down a cauldron now I’m not counting the workstation cost toward the list but for basically being the most expensive workstation this guy is not worth it the best way I think we should cover these guys is to first start with

The items they’ll take from the player and then look at the items they can give the player the leather worker has four trades they can give the player emeralds at a novice they’ll take six leather at an apprentice they’ll take 26 Flint at journeyman they’ll take nine rabbit hide

And at expert they’ll take four skew in order to analyze how good these trades are we need to consider every source of these items in the game most of the time this will come down to which item has the most efficient or practical Farm which is the main reason this video is

So hard to judge depending on what types of farms you like to build this could drastically change your ranking so I’m just doing my best based on my own personal experience anyway looking back at these items I mentioned I feel like we could just eliminate the skew it’s

One of the most annoying items to get and I hate dealing with turtles I mean I play Mario games what did you expect the other three aren’t bad but definitely not great by any means Flint isn’t really something you farm but you can sometimes get a large amount of it early

Game late game I usually have so touch on my shovel for the express purpose of not getting Flint though I don’t think in my many years of playing I’ve ever seen someone build a rabbit farm so the rabbit hide trade also isn’t the best that leaves the leather trade which I

Think is solid enough cow Farms aren’t too uncommon and you can get them from piglin bartering as well and having a big bartering Farm is a pretty good thing to have so yeah not the best ways to get emeralds here but what about the other trade the only items the leather worker

Will give the player are leather armor leather horse armor and a saddle the saddle is pretty much the only one you could maybe say is worth it but even then getting it from fishing or a chest is not that hard the prices are absurd here too seven emeralds for a leather

Chest plate is crazy that’s almost double the price that armor offers for a chain chest plate so for having very weak trades in both departments I think the leather worker deserves to be here 13 the butcher it was pretty difficult determining which of these two were worse but I thought the butcher was

Slightly better let’s start with what you can give it for emeralds you can give it 14 raw chicken seven raw pork chop or six raw rabbit at novice 16 coal at Apprentice seven raw mutton or 10 raw beef at journeyman 10 dried Kel blocks for expert and 10 sweet berries at

Master there is a lot more variety here and for the raw meats I could easily see someone having an animal farm for somewhat easy access to any of the trades the other three though I think are getting a bit more solid coal you can easily get from Mining and a wither

Skeleton Farm now this is the worst of the three which I will explain a bit later but it’s an acceptable trade if this is the only villager you have access to the other two trades are surprisingly pretty solid tend DED Kel blocks may seem a bit complicated at

First but with the introduction of the crafter next update you can easily make a farm that automatically and self-sufficiently smelts kelp and puts it into block form there’s a great video by mumo jumbo that I highly recommend if you want to look more into this after this video though you better not leave

Sweet berries are also surprisingly solid too I actually didn’t realize you can make farms for them completely automatically using foxes unlike dried Kel blocks and coal that can smell things sweet berries aren’t really useful in any other way so if you set up a farm you could get some pretty easy

Emeralds so I’d say overall slightly better trades for emeralds but what can the butcher actually give you not much he can give you rabbit stew five cooked pork chop and eight cooked chicken yeah you can Farm those really easily except rabbit stew but like why would you want

Rabbit stew so yeah this guy is a bit better than the leather worker but not by much 12 the wandering Traer this guy was incredibly hard to place which makes sense because he’s not technically a villager I knew he’d be near the bottom but I didn’t know how low exactly as of

1.20 he has the most amount of unique items any villager can give the player I’m not going to go over everything but there is some decent stuff here most notably the saplings and the Nautilus shells the nautilus shell trade can save some time while trying to make a conduit

And the sapling trade can be a lifesaver if you can’t find a specific biome that being said though once you have all the saplings you need this guy kind of becomes useless well you could always murder him this guy always spawns in with two llamas attached to him with a

Lead meaning you can basically get two free leads and some leather every time you see him which can be pretty nice on the other hand though and this is what made him so hard to place he can’t do the things the nitwit can you can’t breed him to get more villagers nor can

He be used in iron farm so depending on how you look at things I could totally understand this guy being the worst villager in the game on top of that they’ll aut automatically despawn after 40 minutes even if you give it a name tag you can push it in the nether to

Save it for a bit longer but that’s not really worth it most of the time especially since it can never refresh its trades despite all of that I still decided to put it up here for the few times it saved me with the sapling trade

I can’t say I’ve ever been saved by our previous three entries so that has to at least be worth something 11 the Mason I originally had this guy up a bit higher but I think that was just because I was biased for my pal Oswald in my Sky Block

World anyway this guy’s trades are kind of mid to get emeralds the player can give them 10 clay balls at novice 20 stone at Apprentice 16 granite and a cider diorite at journeyman and 12 quartz at expert the thing about the Mason is that yeah Clay balls and stone

Are very easy to obtain but they’re not really something you farm if you’re mining out a big area and don’t plan on using the granite you got for anything then sure this is a decent way to get some extra emeralds the Mason though isn’t really one you rely on at least in

My experience you can get some emeralds from it for sure but really only if you’re taking on a project that requires mining you could Farm quarts from pigin barters I guess but I feel like quartz is way too helpful for other things to waste it on emeralds another thing

Holding the Mason back is what it can give the player it can give them bricks chiseled stone bricks polished andesite diorite and granite dripstone blocks all colored terracotta all glazed terra cotta quartz blocks and quartz pillars I feel like most of this stuff is pretty

Easy to get on your own I mentioned Sky Block before but that’s really the only time I could see him being useful though now I have to rant why doesn’t this guy trade us deep slate it is my favorite family of blocks and it makes perfect sense trying to build in Sky Block

Without deep slate was torture so yeah the Mason can be helpful but only under some very specific circumstances 10 the shepherd this is our last guy in C tier and it’s a slight improvement over what we’ve seen so far starting off this guy will take 18 white brown black or gray

Wool at novice since those are the four naturally spawning sheep colors excluding the pink sheep but who cares he’ll take 12 black gray lime light blue or white diet Apprentice 12 red light gray pink yellow or orange diet Journeymen and 12 green brown blue purple cyan or magenta diet expert

That’s quite a bit to consider so I’m going to kind of group this stuff together I’m only going to look at the white wool since it’s the easiest you can set up a sheep farmer use string from a spider farm but there are definitely much more efficient ways to

Get emeralds from some later villagers as for the Dy this one is kind of complicated the flower ones are good for early accessibility but not so much for farming since they require bone meal which could just be turned into white dye for the trade I think the main D

Trades you’ll want to look at are black dye from squid Farms white dye from skeleton Farms green dye from cactus farms and red dye from Iron Golem Farms of these I think red dye is the best since iron Farms are a pretty essential Farm type as I’ve said and you’ll pretty

Much always end up with more poppies than you could ever use but that’s also sort of the thing with the shepherd’s trade I feel like if you’re setting up a die Farm it’s so that you can actually use the die sure maybe after a project you could turn it into an emerald Source

But there are just much better ways to do it as for what this guy can trade to you that includes shears all wool types all carpet types all bed types all Banner types and a painting the colors will be chosen at random though so it’s much more effort to get a villager with

The exact wool type you need than to just get the wool yourself so much like everything else in this tier the trades aren’t great but the red D trade is helpful enough for me to put it at the top nine the fisherman onto our B tier

This is where it start to get much more helpful and these are the villagers I actually consider getting we can see this gu’s an improvement pretty much right away with the items it takes for emeralds these include 20 string or 10 coal at novice 15 raw Cod at Apprentice

13 raw salmon at journeyman six tropical fish in expert and puffer fish at Master along with Oak Spruce jungle Acacia or dark oak boats I just can’t do it I can’t pretty much all of these are really solid ways to get emeralds starting off with the string if you have

A spider spunner you’re using for XP then turning the string drops you get into emeralds works out pretty well this is also much more efficient than turning it into wool for a Shepherd since here it’s only 20 string per Emerald as opposed to 360 string speaking of

Efficiency we saw the butcher have a cold trade earlier but it’s actually much better if done through the fisherman here you only need 10 coal as opposed to 16 coal per Emerald a few other villagers we see later also have coold trades but none are as cheap as

The fishermen those are the main two trades you’ll be focusing on but the others aren’t bad either boats are pretty easy to make seeing as it’s just 1.25 logs and if you get an AFK fishing Farm you could have plenty of fish to trade if you wait overnight the only

Thing holding the fisherman back from going hire though would have to be what he can give you since it’s honestly not that great the fisherman can give you cooked Cod a bucket of cod cooked salmon a campfire and an enchanted fishing rod before you get too excited about that

Last one it only enchants up to level 19 yeah none of those trades are really hard to get at all but the trades I mentioned before are certainly worth the fisherman making it into B tier eight the Cartographer this guy’s really interesting as I’d say he’s our first

Real villager to have a trade giving the player an item that’s actually pretty dang useful let’s start with what we can give him for emeralds though there are only three trades this time being 24 paper at novice 11 glass panes at at apprentice and a compass at journeyman

Right out of the gate the compass trade is basically entirely useless due to another trade we’ll see much later so that leaves us with two more 11 glass paint is definitely pretty doable according to my calculations that’s about 4.125 sand blocks per Emerald that’s pretty solid but that doesn’t

Consider the fact that you also have to smelt all this sand and it can end up being kind of timec consuming so that leaves us with a paper trade and yep it’s fantastic sugarcan Farms are not only extremely easy to set up but pretty efficient too they don’t require any

Player input so it’s very easy to keep a big one running for a quick source of emeralds on top of that that great trade for emeralds though we also have what the Cartographer can actually give the player before we continue this segment I saw this while getting footage how is

The Iron Golem floating the empty map item frame and any Banner trades are all pretty decent but nothing that notable the other three though are all incredibly interesting those being the Ocean Explorer map the Woodland Explorer map and the glowe banner pattern those first two act as maps that you can use

To find an ocean monument and Woodland Mansion respectively that is extremely helpful especially in the case of the Woodland Mansion due to how rare they are honestly the only reason the Cartographer isn’t higher is because I really think it should have have had more maps like this an ancient city map

For example would be greatly appreciated to help find the silence armor trim I’m surprised they haven’t added more maps yet so hopefully they can do this in the future oh and the globe pattern looks pretty cool seven the Fletcher to end off our B tier we have one of the most

Efficient ways to get emeralds he’s got five trades that can give the players emeralds which include 32 sticks at novice 26 Flint at Apprentice 14 string at journeyman 24 feathers at experts and eight tripwire hooks at Master we already saw the Flint trade before but the other four are pretty interesting

The string trade here is actually six string cheaper than the fisherman making the Fletcher have the best string trade trip wire hooks are kind of expensive but if you have an AFK fishing Farm you might be able to collect a few of these to turn into emeralds an automatic

Chicken farm would work great for the feather trade especially since I don’t personally find feathers that useful otherwise but the main trade I like to look at is the stick trade this is one of the easiest ways to get emeralds essentially only costing four logs per Emerald now technically yes we did see

The fisherman have a cheaper trade with its boat earlier but that’s not the end of the story one thing I haven’t mentioned up until now is villager curing by letting the Villager get turned into a zombie like the monster that you are you can then cure it to get

A disc count on the Villager trades while the fisherman can’t go any lower with the boat trade the Fletcher can go much lower than 32 sticks by stacking the bonus enough times you can get it down to just one stick per Emerald which is pretty insane now yes they are

Planning on patching the stacking of discounts later but the discount is still very helpful here now while this guy does have some good trades to get emeralds what he gives you is a bit weak you can get arrows Flint bows crossbows an enchanted bow an enchanted crossbow

And one of 15 different types of tipped Arrow yeah none of that is really that exciting in fact I’d argue some of them are a complete scam for the Flint trade you have to give it 10 gravel and an emerald for 10 Flint in return literally just mind the gravel you collected still

This is definitely a pretty solid villager type that I highly recommend six the cleric the a tier I think are near Essentials and we start off pretty strong with the cleric it’s got a bit of a smaller pull of Trades than some of the previous ones but I’d say it

Specializes in quality over quantity it’s got six items that’ll take in exchange for emeralds 32 rotten flesh at novice three gold at Apprentice two rabbit’s foot at journeyman four scooter nine glass bottles at expert and 22 Nether wart at master I’m just going to go out and say the last four do not

Matter at all unless you’ve been hoarding rabbit’s feet like a psychopath the only two that really matter here are the rotten flesh trade and the gold trade much like the spider spawner I mentioned before you could very easily set up a zombie XP farm at a spawner

Which is not only slightly more XP efficient but also gives you plenty of rotten flesh to trade while you do need more rotten flesh than in the string trades I personally find this trade a bit better that’s simply because rotten flesh doesn’t have a use outside of this

Sure it could be used to bring dogs to full health but that’s literally it since zombies are pretty much the most common mob too you’re going to have a ton of this whether you have a farmer or not not Additionally the gold trade is also pretty dang good gold Farms have

The potential to be some of the most efficient farms in the game both for the gold drops and XP so it’s very worthwhile to build one while gold certainly has a lot of uses outside of this trade you can make golden nuggets getting an emerald off of three isn’t a

Bad deal in the slightest these are two of the best Emerald trades we’ve seen which are what puts the cleric in a tier the items the cleric can give the player aren’t half bad either though they can give Redstone Dust lapis glowstone ender pearls and bottles of enchanting this

Villager acts as a pretty easy renewable source of these resources which can save you a bit of time hunting for them in the world very solid selection of items all around in my opinion all right these next three are sort of a package deal so

I can cover them all at once I think five the weapon Smith four the tool Smith and three the armorer the trades among these three are easily the most similar between villager classes specifically when looking at the trades we can use to get emeralds each of them

Have four with three being the exact same between them the only one to change goes one lava bucket for the armorer 30 Flint for the toolsmith and 24 Flint for the weapons Smith wow the weapons Smith really is just a better version those trades don’t really matter though as I’m

Much more interested in the other three first is 15 coal at novice which is worse than the fisherman so we can ignore that another is one diamond for an emerald which is kind of weak honestly when do these start getting good well that comes from their final

Trades for an emerald being four iron ingots this is fantastic for a large number of reasons not only is iron extremely easy to come by but as I’ve mentioned several times by now iron Farms are an incredibly important simple and efficient Farm in my Minecraft world

This is my main way of getting emeralds since I usually have a ton of excess iron that by itself would be enough for me to put them up in a tier but what makes them go above the cleric for me well it have to be the items that they

Can give the player as these are also really solid this is where the differences between these three become important so let’s go in order of how I rank them the worst of the three is the weapon Smith who can only give the player an iron axe an enchanted iron

Sword a bell an enchanted diamond axe and an enchanted diamond sword next up is the tool Smith which can trade any stone tool a bell any Enchanted iron tool except the hoe and any enchanted diamond tool except the hoe is not Enchanted finally the armor can give the

Player any piece of iron armor a bell any piece of chain armor a shield and any piece of Enchanted diamond armor so yeah after looking at those trades hopefully it becomes pretty apparent why they’re good as they give extremely easy access to any diamond piece of equipment

You could want this can pretty much completely save you from having to mine at all if you don’t want to and it almost entirely removes luck from the equation of finding diamonds plus if you’re a loser and somehow die with all your stuff you can use these villagers

To at least regain some of what you lost even if it’s not the max of netherite speaking of though it’s incredibly important to save diamonds now since you need seven diamonds to duplicate the netherite template for every piece of equipment so using the villagers to get the actual equipment while you save your

Diamonds could be optimal these three villagers not only offer one of the best ways for a player to get emeralds but also give the player an easy source of pretty good gear but these last two types in s tier they’re in A League of Their Own I can see the number one spot

Going either way between our two final contestants but I think most samean people will agree that these two are the most helpful villagers in the game by far kicking off this tier we have two the farmer starting us off its trades are extremely good to get emeralds from

A farmer you can give it either 20 Wheats 16 potatoes 22 carrots or 15 beetroots at novice six pum at apprentice and four melons at journeyman not only are all of these pretty easy to get especially in a village but they’re all automatically farmable while I don’t

Think they’re quite as good as the iron trade from the last three guys these are certainly some of the better trades for emeralds as for what the farmer gives you that includes bread pumpkin pie apples cookies cake suspicious stew which is literally useless do not do that trade golden carrots and glistening

Melons honestly not the best trades in the world except for one golden carrots are actually the single best food source in the game and this trade from farmer villagers is easily the fastest way to to get more this is pretty much the main trade I find myself doing once I have

All my gear set in the world I’ll build an iron farm turn that iron into emeralds and then turn those emeralds into golden carrots for food it makes playing the game so much easier since you don’t have to worry as much about harvesting food I think that alone would

Have given the farmer second on my list but what separates him into s tier actually has nothing to do with his trades at all unlike the other villagers the farmer actually has unique AI this causes him both to harvest and replant crops whenever they’re fully grown which

May just seem like a cute little feature to some but this is an absolute GameChanger remember how I said wheat potatoes carrots and beetroots are all automatically farmable well that’s only possible because of this guy on top of that though farmers are also the only reason automatic villager breeders can

Work to breed villagers you need to give them food and since the farmer harvests food and shares it by himself that creates an automatic breeder so yeah I think even if the farmer had no trades he’d be good just because of this but having this on top of very strong trades

Puts the farmer safely into s tier as for my number one pick is anyone really going to be surprised by this it’s the librarian while they don’t have any special AI like the Farmer they have have easily the best trades in the game first let’s start with the trades that

Can get you emeralds you can give 24 paper at novice four books at Apprentice five ink sacks at journeyman and two book and quills at expert I already mentioned how good the paper trade is but the other four aren’t bad if you have a leather squid and feather Farm

Those aren’t the best Emerald trades in the world but the paper trade is more than enough to make the librarian pretty good but what about the items the librarian can give the player this includes bookshelves lanterns glass clocks compasses and name tags many of those items can be quite helpful

Especially name tags since this trade is the only reliable way to get more without needing good luck but okay everyone knows why this guy is good he gives enchanted books but not just any enchanted book with the exception of Soul speed and Swift sneak the librarian can give the player every enchantment in

The game this completely eliminates the need to gamble with the enchantment table and I know I know keep gambling at all but this is basically just better it’s especially helpful for the enchantments that go on multiple equipment like Unbreaking efficiency and protection but the main thing that puts

This guy at number one is the fact that it can trade the player mending the by far best enchantment in the game not only that but mending can’t be gotten in the enchantment table making villager trading the best way to get more mending books for your gear I like to have full

Armor a full set of tools and a ltra and an extra pickaxe which comes out to me needing 11 mending books the enchantment book is easily the single most valuable villager trade and is pretty much the main reason anyone sets up trading Halls sure it can be extremely annoying Mining

And breaking the lecturn until you eventually get the enchantment you want but it’s a small price to pay for easily the best villager Minecraft has to offer anyways that’s it for this video are you all mad I didn’t mention how amazing the orange tulip trade on the

Wondering Trader is let me know in the comments this was a surprisingly really fun video to make I was not expecting to have this much to talk about here I do have to warn you all that videos might get a bit shorter over these next few months since my semester just started up

Again but hopefully you all will still enjoy the videos but anyways dry bones for Smash and I’ll see you guys next time By

Minecraft has a ton of different mobs that populate the game’s world, but in my opinion, the best by far are the villagers. These villagers are important for not only making iron farms, but also of course trading with emeralds! Currently there are 15 different professions in minecraft ranging from the nitwit, to the librarian, to even the wandering trader. However, some villagers are certainly better than others, so today I thought it would be fun to throw them into a tier list! So join me in ranking every villager profession in minecraft from the worst to the best! And this is being made before the 1.21 update.

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The Greatest Video Ever Made: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSCB8qeJs5o


  1. I mean obviously the librarian would be first, but it's interesting to consider how the new snapshot influences the types of librarians and their placing (swamp is goated for mending)

  2. I genuinely like tge leatherworker on java purely because of the saddle trade. It's always guaranteed unlike bedrock edition and saddles can be hard to get so they do have a use.

  3. 3:49 in the video, just use the leather trades to get you an enchantment table. plus the 5 cooked porkchops for 1 emerald is FAR better than 3 emeralds for 3 golden carrots from the farmer villager.

  4. Masons are a LIFESAVER if you have a hard time or can't be bothered getting clay or quartz in your world; they're what allowed me to make massive brick structures. I won't complain about their placement, and I love em all the same

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