SCARIEST Place in Stardew Valley Found?! | Waiting for Stardew Valley 1.6 Gameplay

There should be a way go into this cave right oh there’s a secret here I see there you go all right hold on I can’t see anything okay Hello friends snack here and welcome back to hello Farm all righty look at that we have our pumpkins

Ready the corn also and our one and only sunflower looking good and look at that guys our jellies are ready we got two grape jelly and seven Blackberry jelly from that awesome huh so let’s just preserve more BlackBerry since we’ve gathered a lot of him oops not mean to

Eat that oh I’m so sorry thank you I didn’t mean to forget about you I was just too excited with the Blackberry jelly okay Mary louw has given us spaghetti thank you so much and also hey from M thank you my boy hello at as of

The Moment by the way guys we uh our coup is under construction where it’s being expanded and look at that our Mayo machine we have six total right so if you look at the upper right hand corner or upper left hand corner um we have a

New uh goal which is to expand a coupe which is ongoing right now uh expand a barn expand a house for a kitchen I think and then a stable and while on the process of doing so we might also need to craft some Toppers crab pots so we

Could maximize our income since it’s almost winter man winter is coming so this few days from now hello C they’re so happy as always more milk pce so even though it’s going to be winter there’s no crops at least we’ll have some crab pots topper and we can also go fishing

Can’t wait going to be fun right and our egg is going straight to our Mayo machine oh I forgot I almost forgot to set free our big cows hello come out don’t be shy say hi to everyone there you go hello and finally guys it’s time to harvest our beautiful pumpkins and

Also some corn look at that and our bees right here are busy making honey so let’s just put one pumpkin in our gift chest in case someone uh is asking for it and I think the rest is going to go straight to our shipping bin all right now what to do

Next oh we need to water these plants also sorry sorry but two of you yeah there’s two of them almost forgot the water them okay looking good in our farm so now since we are planning to craft some uh uh crab pots and also we need to

Expand our barn uh let’s just gather some wood cuz I think Crab Pot requires 25 Wood um Barn I don’t think it will I think Barn requires more than 400 wood cuz expanding the C Coupe requires 400 wood but the barn is bigger so it should

Require more wood than the poop I’m just assuming things by the way I really don’t know and oh today by the way guys is uh spirit Eve day and uh I haven’t really experienced it yet it’s going to be my first time pretty sure it’s going

To be fun and maybe a bit mysterious cuz it’s about Spirit right and also again thank you so much for you guys watching me enjoy the game I appreciate that and if you’re new here uh please feel free to like And subscribe as that would really help our Channel grow and uh also

If you look at the lower right hand corner we only have like 20% energy left and it’s still uh 300 p.m. we still have time and we’ve run out of stamina so we might we might just go ahead and clean up stuff with a scyth get some hay to

Fill in our Silo I think there’s still some few space left in our Silo okay that’s it all right let’s just clear this space here since these weeds are almost about to invade our uh plants or crops I think our hay is full and look at that guys our mayonnaise are ready

This is what I love about mayonnaise they they they’re very quick there you go all right looks like our farm animals are going home before 6:00 p.m. all right looks like our hay is full we are more than ready for winter except that we don’t have Greenhouse yet cuz you

Know I haven’t really uh focused on the community center I’ve been focusing on how we uh expand our farm so we could uh have money and also I wanted to for our farm to at least look presentable for Grandpa at least it won’t look that empty and also we have our mushrooms

Here I almost forgot ah there you go we have some marrow and some common mushroom wow we have like 6 to seven common mushroom guys oh man look at that this golden star mayonnaise 45 of them it cost is actually 12,000 that’s a lot of money we could use that to expand our

Operations okay it’s 700 p.m. got nothing to do we’ll just head straight to the town H okay we’re too early for the festival it’s going to be like 10:00 p.m. let’s just wait uh we could continue cutting Woods or chopping Woods we’ll just eat this Wild Plum and

Hazelnut these guys are very handy let me just check what profession I have chosen uh let’s see so we’ve chosen the tiller profession for the crops The Miner The Gatherer the Trapper and then for the combat the scouts all righty so I’m going to have to focus more on the

Crops although I have fun more with uh tending to the animals cuz you know animals are moving they’re Lively they they say hi to you if you say hi to them you need to pet them all the time but uh for now let’s just uh I was actually

Thinking when I was de on which which profession to choose between uh the teller and the I don’t know what is called the animal person uh I was thinking of uh I wanted to have more money cuz I think uh you’ll get more money with the crops but now I’m

Thinking uh I love tending to the animals more than tending to the crops so that’s fine I could still tend to the animals though it’s just an additional uh perk or benefit it won’t mean that much 9:20 p.m. it’s almost 10 I can’t wait man I wonder what what what will

Happen in the Spirit Festival again it’s getting remember my first time to experience it like totally like start valy has been you know it’s been out for like uh I think it’s going to be the sixth year if I’m not mistaken and uh it’s my very first time to experience

The festival okay after this we’re going to go straight to the Town Square uh it’s how begun let’s go guys let’s go and here we are look at that ooh this is fun but a bit character there’s some skeletons here I think I think Marlin caught them and displayed them for what

For the purpose of the festival man that’s scary okay let’s say hi to Mar don’t get too close to the cage yeah I know right they’re very dangerous oh there’s more here oh it’s a maze uh-huh let’s see hello oh wait wait what’s this oh she’s a bloody lady wait wait who are

Oh it’s Maru I think I’ve already been this I’ve been this way no wait okay Maru is getting kind of lost uh how about this who’s this guy here he’s just facing the wall he’s giving up oh this is Harvey oh you found me yep

Truth is I got too scared so I came here to hide don’t tell anyone of course oh what are these These are hands this is fun oh there’s also a TV here oh what the heck is this there’s a house with a chicken feet and we have here Penny oh

Such a this a wonderful or not wonderful but the scary H zombie the vapor from this cauldron it’s making my head but I can’t seem him to leave oh oh really maybe you’re under a spell okay there is a chest here oh we need to go inside the

Cave okay uh let’s go let’s let’s find a way towards the cave we have a TV here all right what’s the TV doing here and who’s this guy oh Alex is a superhero there’s something weird over there but how do I get to it me too I’m asking

There’s going to be a secret passage somewhere around here all right let’s let’s see if we could get to that passage and we have here Abigail nice he’s looking good oh these are you spiders and we have we have a graveyard right here we have a oh Sam Sam you look

Cool bro you’re a scare Sam I could have sworn there was someone ahead of me when I went through the maze though where’ they go I think they went here inside a cave so there’s a question mark here there should be a way go into this cave

Right oh there’s a secret here I see there you go all right hold on I can’t see anything okay we’re going under the ground look at this there’s actually ver modius and the L is at the top and we are here gu oh okay these are just bats

They’re not doing anything oh wonderful we have a golden pumpkin golden pumpkin guys wow what does it say golden pumpkin is valuable but has no other purpose it’s just 2,000 gold man that should go directly to our um collections so basically the Spirit Festival is like Halloween in uh stard Valley all righty

We’ve successfully completed the maze oh jzz is so adorable here yep I had a productive ball oh we have haly here why she looks so sad cuz she’s scared Sam or Alex was so busy checking out the chest okay we have a shop from Perry unfortunately we don’t have that much

Gold for the rare Crow I should have known right maybe we can save up for next year all right let’s say hi to Sebastian oh he’s a vampire I had no idea how these skeletons are walking creepy oh they were using their feet that’s how have they walk Shane is h a

Skeleton why is there no more pumpkin ale we also have Clint here he’s a clown one of my irium infused mes would make quick work for these things okay and we have here Leia oh I’m sorry moth’s full of blackberries oh she loves blackberries that’s good that’s good to

Know and we have here uh hey Emily hello Emily you look funny Caroline wow she looks awesome I get scared very easily I’ll leave the hunted maze to the younger people I’m sure also Judy wow Von’s upset that I won’t let him go into The Hunted maze but he’s just a little

Boy by far Judy has the best ghost Uh custom ever and mayor Lewis is always he’s like his dress as a noble good evening snaku have you ventured into the hunted maze yet it’s quite spooky yeah I’ve actually got the golden pumpkin and Vincent here look at that you’re like

Peter Pan yeah mother won’t let me go into the maze it’s okay my boy and who’s here oh Pam welcome to any event with a freak R okay let me take it back fam has the best costume ever second is uh jod and uh Elliot uh is like the uh circus

Master and Gus is a viking cool dude very cool it’s a lot a lot of fun to cook with pumpkin such an interesting fruit and Robin is here she’s like one of the Adam’s family and Demetrius totally haven’t seen Maru in hours I hope she’s all right she’s lost in the

Maze okay uh that was fun meeting everyone under own costumes I think we’ll start uh yeah let me just eat a little bit I’m a bit hungry yum yum yum um then let’s start the that strange man who lives in the tower set it all up himself he wouldn’t let anyone near

While he was working on it I think he used magic to set it up oh oh yeah we need to go uh to rodius and also lonus okay can we start the festival or is this it all righty guys I think we’re done here I’ve had my uh Tommy fool and

Uh said hi to everyone and had fun the maze looks like uh let’s see I was thinking of there’s going to be a a game like May also always do okay we can actually leave okay all right guys bye-bye thanks for thanks for your time

Thanks have fun I have to go I still need to tent to the farm early morning wow that was fun we got a golden pumpkin as you can see here although we’re not able to buy the rare quow I don’t know about that if I’ve known I could have

Saved up 5,000 gold uh that’s okay let’s just fill up this mayonnaise or Mayo machine and that is it just in time it’s 1:00 a.m. let’s head straight to bed good night thank you and wow look at that guys we got 6,000 gold wow from pumpkins okay let’s remember that

Pumpkin is very profitable good morning it’s this 20th day of fall I think today is the last day right and we’ve learned how to cook an RT choke dip it’s a delightful way to get more Arty chokes into your body personally I don’t have even even dip anything in there I just

Guzzle the sauce down it’s like a milkshake okay going to be a sunny day tomorrow all righty and we got fried eel recipe from Gorge thank you for that Grandpa George and our mayonnaise are here do you think we’ll just sell all of them now no I don’t think so we don’t

Need that much money yet we’ll just store them and more Mayon coming right up hello chickens and look at that Robin is currently working on our C hello guys I’m sure you’re very happy but it’s almost Winter by the way just saying so you’ll be prepared you’ll be eating hay

All the time hopefully you don’t mind guys my my my uh our friends I get used to it don’t worry thank you for the milk I think the happier the animal the farm animals the better uh things they produce right oh we have more pumpkins here so for the honey uh there’s one

More day to go hopefully I’m not sure if it’s going to make it on time cuz going to be winter well we’ll see about it all right let’s prepare let’s get some wood cuz right after the poop upgrade we’ll head straight away on the barn upgrade

While in the process of doing so we’ll see if we could upgrade the topper and a crab Bo or craft them so now we’re Gathering um materials like wood Stone copper well yesterday the costumes was very interesting like like all through the the costumes the personality of our

Fellow Town folks really Shin Like for Abigail she likes adventuring so her costume was uh she was a KN but Sam’s kind of weird cuz Sam chose the custume scarecrow and Sebastian is a c cume is a Dracula which I figured and for me the craziest one

Was actually Pam she’s like a zombie but she has she had this knife stuck in her head and the next one is like uh Jodie she’s like Maleficent which really fits her CU I think she’s one of the you know if I may say it here she’s one of the

Most prettiest mom in the valley that’s Jody so her costume really fits her the Maleficent costume that is looks like we have little she is growing nice and now it’s like 12:00 p.m. all right if you look at the lower right hand corner we have like 10% of our stamina lot um well

What to do with this we’ll just gather oh wait let me just open it up open it up forgot to free our cows looks like we’ve run out of eggs man good thing we’re about to expand our C okay we can craft a crab pot and let’s see if we

Could also craft a Topper now which we can’t yet oh we also have here a okay uh place a fruit or vegetable in here eventually it will turn into beverage oh it can make beer but we can’t do that yet cuz it’s going to be winter we don’t

Have vegetables or anything that we could put in there um for winter let me think uh for winter uh we we’ll we’ll just work with uh crabs and tappers and also do fishing so that means we’re going to prepare and craft a bait and uh with the bait uh lonus actually has

Given us this bait here wild bait which requires a fiber and five bug meat okay so I think um oh might need to head to the mines it’s 2: p.m. uh can we go to the mines now uh I want to say hi to the people I miss the people in Pelican Town

Let’s just stop by our uh The Crab Pot spot and then uh say hi to everyone or maybe talk to leater and Abigail cuz since we have an amethyst and also a salad but are sure they will love it and we have Mr Mayor here hello Mr Mayor how

You doing and we have Abigail a perfect man there you go are you seriously love this yes I know right what should I do tonight maybe uh let me think maybe stargazing it’s going to be awesome right yes what it is stargazing all right see you oh that’s a very nice gift

And it’s too old for me or LS that voice over is a it is a disaster okay we have like four crab pots okay um and then uh let’s see uh we have 8,000 gold actually we cannot buy any crops uh let’s just do some uh foraging right yeah why not

Let’s clean up this uh place and we have here a traveling Merchant hello what do you have for us dandelion is 700 gold you’re awesome man this traveling Merchant is awesome like he really knows when opportunity strikes really a businessman right oh I know I know we

Need to upgrade our axe oh Abigail is always staying here I wonder why H okay let’s hold her hand and tell her that she looks great and tell her that we’ll stay by her side forever I think oh man Leia is going to kill us anyway um I

Don’t know yet I will have to choose for between Leia and Abigail let’s say hi there mod it’s been a while it seems some I sometimes observe the local villagers in secret that’s crazy I’m hoping I to find an apprentice someday I will leave this Mortal plane but my

Arcane Pursuits must continue okay looks like this place is totally empty there’s no forageable that’s it’s okay it’s good to you know take a little walk just to get a breather from work clear up your mind I wonder what’s in here this sewer H I don’t know yet but we’ll see hey Sam

Here some Blackberry for you you’ve got that for me okay yeah looks like everyone loves blackberries except for jazz it’s hard to have fun on Sunday I keep thinking about having to go to work tomorrow yeah right everyone does that even me that’s why I don’t think about

It it’s the only way to you know to get away from that kind of feeling oh we have for bread okay hey guys buddy how you doing I do have work to do I’m done though all right looks like everyone is having fun this is great thanks oh Shane

Loves blackberries nice and uh how about uh Clint he also love blackberries miny of course he likes it and Pam as well also Gus wonderful and Emily ah she looks so pretty see you everyone and the best way to end a fall is to do some late night fishing let’s

See what we will get in the last hours if I’m not mistaken cuz it’s 28 and I think it’s going to be winter tomorrow we have a CH look at the stars guys they look so beautiful if you’re wondering this is actually the reflections mod that I’ve installed that’s why you can

See the reflection of the Stars also my reflection in the water also I’ve installed the uh wind effect mod just to you know to pair it with a Reflections mod to make the game more immersive it’s 11:00 p.m. and we got ourselves a oh a

Midnight carp this is new okay we have a chest nice let’s get the chest and the fish awesome we have a bullhead and also a magma godod and an iron what a lucky find now we’re exhausted I think it’s going to be the last fish for the night

It’s also very late so after this we’ll uh head straight home and we’re going to try something else that we haven’t tried yet maybe there you go oh another midnight carb let’s go and finally our Toppers pinear we also have a pinear everything is pinear here that’s why I

Planted new seeds here actually look at this I think these are maple trees hopefully and also the mushroom I always forget man how many times I forgot this mushroom like every day I forget okay all righty by the way guys for more videos you can look at the lower left

Hand corner of your screen again thank you so much for uh hanging out and if you’re new here please feel free to like And subscribe and always remember to be patient and kind to one another cuz that is what love is see you in the next video

Surviving Spirit Eve’s Maze Before Winter! Waiting for Stardew Valley 1.6 Gameplay

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🕊️ Verse of the day!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16

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