Backpack Dreams & Fish Fun 🎣 Stardew Valley Let’s Play #2 – Chill Gaming, Relaxing Gameplay

Hey everyone I’m back in Starview Valley with a second episode we got our fishing pole from Willie here and the first thing I want to do in this bit of relaxing gaml is do a little bit of fishing again so I randomly managed to

Get a uh fish last time it was a hering and I still don’t understand this mechanic how fishing works I’m going to have another little look and see whether we can figure out this time so I know if I hold down eggs it sort of moves this

Little bar which we’ll see in a minute um but I keep messing it up quite frankly so I need to become a fishing master I’m not going to do this all the time cuz I’m aware that’ll get quite boring but I can do that a bit then I

Sort of have to hold this and sort of try and match as the fish comes up so it’s a bit of a weird mechanic cuz you just keep sort of pressing the button that looks good come on come on come come the fish quite quite hard oh

Fiddle let’s see whether it gives me any help anywhere if we got we got any help okay start it yeah we’ve done that oh it’s not going to give me anything is it one more go one more go come on fishing is supposed to be calming and relaxing we can fig this out

We can fish together come on I’m getting very good at sitting here waiting for the fish to arrive there we go I can do that bit no problem so come on come on oh look look look see maybe it’s not press the button maybe it’s hold the button at certain points one we’ll

Go come On see there I held the button and it didn’t Work come on I think this is why Willie gave away this bamboo pole he was like it’s no Good right we got the here come On it’s so hard maybe I’m using the wrong buttons I don’t know it did say X come on my dude looks like he’s getting annoyed little WD face I got some SE brilliant I wonder if I can cast it out further let’s just try something let’s just ah look at that I go out further is that water like making your

Eyes go f it’s making my eyes go a bit funny there we Go right holding exas too much so it’s I don’t know I’m going to look it up and see whether we can do that a bit better cuz I’m struggling with that and we’ve got other things we’ve got to do there’s a lot of wood here oh look there’s a

Shell can I pick that up a clam that I mean surely clams are going to be worth some money is a seagull what’s this oops I guess we fishing again do you reckon there’s fish here don’t know I want to catch another fish although catching clams seems a lot

Easier there we go come on oh it’s so hard I feel like we’re so close I just can’t do it I’m not very good at fishing and I don’t know why it’s very confusing do you reckon Willie will buy a clam off of us or can I eat a clam I

Really need some food surely so I’ve got no energy Willie my friend used to fish a lot easier to use than other rods but can only catch basic fish I think that’s what I need I need a a training Rod how do I buy it oh my inventory is

Full okay uh Willie would you like these clamps yes nice right let me get that training Rod cuz that’s obviously for a muppet like me let’s have a go with that and see whether that is easier can only catch basic fish that’s all I want I just want to catch a fish

Willie well you come out here with your super rod have you just to annoy me mean right come on oh look it’s a bigger bar so I’ve just got to keep it in the green area ah there we go look we got a fish yes I haven’t got inventory space for it

Though have I uh what do we want to get rid of oh we could to use that for cooking trouble is I don’t want to get rid of anything I know I need a bigger backpack right let’s put can I swap those two around please I didn’t want to do that or maybe

I do go then bend that give me the Herring please thank you I want to cook the Herring I’m going to do one more fish we’re going to go back to the farm and see whether we can figure out if we can cook something or get some food somehow cuz our Dude Looks

Starving I was wondering about his energy but it’s probably because I keep fishing uh why we’ve got no energy oh no come on come on I’m getting there we’re fishing now look yeah we got another one a sardine it’s just done that a 1 in 1 in sardine to be like this um

I don’t really need this wood let’s get rid of that and we’ll keep our sardine wonder how much a 1 in sardine is worth and can I eat any of these things that’s the question a Hoy there can I only talk to you when you’re in your shop

Willie okay cuz it’s 6:20 p.m. I need to pay attention of course just not real life after 5:00 p.m. people are going to stop working right let’s go home and see whether we can do anything with this fish there’s a look at this dude hello hey I’m Sam good to meet you nice

To meet you too Sam all right how five he seems like he’d be that kind of dude a cool dude uh let’s go up here we’ll go this way and see what we could see see I need to try and remember the way back to my farm look at my energy we’re getting

Tired oh we’re supposed to be getting water as well suppose there’s the bus I don’t want to go on the bus I do want some water though oh no it’s 7:30 p.m. and I’ve still got no no food for my little dude we got no water now let’s see

How do can I cook somehow put that on I don’t know um what do I do with that eat sardine yeah ah just ate a raw sardine how do I cook I don’t know I’m going to bed so confusing progress has been saved right I really need to get get some water for

My watering can today oh now if it’s raining surely I don’t have to water things do I what’s this can I fill my am out of water H where’s the map so there’s a whacking big lake on my farm here so if we go down there there

Somehow we should be able to fill up the watering can is my guess I am only guessing though so part of this game Discovery is hopefully being able to just manually work things out as we go that’s what I’m hoping anyway wow is this all my dude’s stuff

Uh we need to chop some stuff oh we got some mixed seeds ah there’s some water how do we get to it this way now can I use this yeah there we go surely I don’t have to water stuff in the rain though that would be harsh surely surely surely um

Hello t accidentally watered something there I wonder what what I can do with this you reckon I can upgrade that somehow I need to find that lady what was she called um Robin I mean this surely does not need water in anymore does it nah look it’s

Soaked I wonder what these mixed seeds are should we plant them and SE or should we seed what is this fiber I don’t know what fiber does do I need it for anything I wonder how I craft things ah okay whoops hang on wood fence chest a place to store

Your items I need 50 wood that’s a lot of wood oops okay torch wood sign Stone sign wood path gravel path Cobblestone path campfire a moderate amount of light wood Stone and fiber interesting why how do I how do I learn more crafty things that’s what I’m confused about a minute

Uh I don’t know where’s Robin can we talk to her oh we can see her birthday so maybe we should just work on collecting some stuff lots of wood maybe that’s a good idea pop pop so great noise wow look at that wood uhoh my inventory is full I’ve got

Another letter so I could use this should I get rid of that I don’t know what I need and what I don’t need I need a bigger backpack is what I need I don’t want to get rid of any of that yet but I suppose I’m going to have

To let’s put that in there for the minute how much wood have I got 13 maybe first thing is going to going to be some storage maybe that’s a wise idea first just so we’ve got somewhere someplace to put all this Stuff I need to keep an eye on my energy as well and remember to um what you call it I don’t even know remember not to uh I’m going to need some food that’s what I’m trying to say hey I wonder if I could fish in that bit over

There yeah stay on target dude just remember what you’re doing not strong enough for that okay so I needed 50 wood I think for um a chest I’m going to do that first let’s see how we go come on yeah it’s a great noise P 58 right so I think inside the

House is probably safest for my chest isn’t it where people can still walk in and steal my stuff but at least they’ve got to walk inside and feel bad about it so chest yes so where do I put that no don’t B it what do I really have to

That’s so annoying I want to right dude put that up can I pick it up again hello how do I I’ve put in the most stupid of places can I chop it and get it out thank you let’s try putting it here that’s better yes now we can sort things

Out a little bit right I don’t I don’t want that for the minute I don’t want that let’s put that in there that in there that in there that in there and a training Rod see I want to know whether I can cook the fish cuz I just feel a

Bit funny about eating a raw fish which is my special training Rod that one okay do you reckon I can do something with the fire and the fish oops doesn’t look like it I’m surprised I can pick my fireplace up why why is that working with a fish what fish I’m so

Confused fish how do I eat it yeah eat it eat a raw fish you Beast that gave me some energy I’m going to need a lot more fish right at least we got storage uh let’s do a little more chopping clear some of this mess beautiful uh and then we’ll do a little

Bit of this oh right can I fish here do you reckon there’s going to be fish in that oops a broken CD interesting come on surely something better than broken CD come on come on it’s so dark today as well in the on the farm with the rain I missed

It maybe we’re better to Fish by the Beach come on come on come on come on how do I know whether you can see there exclamation mark there but I hit it have I got to wait longer come on broken glasses wonderful this does not seem to be a good fishing spot I’ve

Got some mail I keep finding cool stuff but my backpack is full does that sound like you or Pierre’s got you covered stop by at Pierre’s General store today and check out our affordable size 24 backpack see you soon I tell you what Pier that is right up my street cuz this

Is getting on my Wick this rubbish backpack let’s go see Pierre uh and get that sorted because then I wouldn’t need that chest brilliant uh well I’m sure the chest is going to be very useful my energy is rubbish as well I keep spending too much time doing

Stuff maybe I should go to the saloon and just I wonder if he’s got anything cheap oh man this is expensive I’m going to have some bread 50 energy thank Chief what was his name how do I eat itops I know yes eat it look at my energy bottom right I’m

Going to need way more than that um what’s your name we don’t know I’m really poor I can’t afford stuff I need to find stuff to sell but I don’t know what I’m I’m in trouble where was beer beer are you in here closed on Wednesdays closed well that’s just great I’ve

Walked all the way to town and it’s closed I’m going to the beach we’re in trouble we need to find some food um maybe I’ll find some clamps yeah yes look there’s a clam I wonder how much clams are worth thank you can I eat a

Clam doesn’t seem like I can it doesn’t seem like a clam I’m terrible what is that I don’t even know what these are oysters a oysters have got to be worth big money now I think I’m going to be rich with this oyster I’m going to go and see oh

He’s probably closed as well it’s 5:00 p.m. now can IAT can I eat an oyster doesn’t seem like I can he’s he’s gone he’s gone down the pub oh man I just missed it right let’s see if we can catch a fish please give me a fish I’m really

Hungry teach a man a fish there’s a saying about that I can’t I can’t remember what it is come on come on yes a hit come on come on come on come on come on come come come come come fish yes an anvy now I’m a bit mixed on anies do you like

Anies or not I’m going to eat it cuz I’m starving uh let’s fish again I think we need to come up with a better money making method than what I’m doing at the minute but I don’t know a dude’s got to eat any dude eats more than me come on come

On another here right oh I’m so rubbish at this come on this is hard getting better at it getting better yes a sardine a new record two in sardine brilliant um okay I’m going to bed and we’ll probably come back and see Willie in the morning

And see how much our oysters are worth I want to see beer as well because he will give us that um or rather hopefully we can buy that backpack it’s probably going to be like a 3 billion squillion pounds though where have I gone here is

This like the graveyard it’s a bit sad but part of life I suppose um let’s go up here 7:30 p.m. that’s definitely sleepy time at home my poor little guy he must be soaked come on GM let’s go back home we go I think it’s this way home

8:00 proper dark I hope it’s not raining tomorrow don’t like the rain are you a fan of the rain or not do let me know in the comments that will be good oh look how dark it is let’s go to bed no day three of spring year 1 farming

Not gold forag and not gold fishing not gold mining 30 gold either not I forgot that we can just Chuck stuff in the thing can’t we in the little box I don’t know how much it’s worth but let’s do a little bit of that as well let’s do a bit of

Mining what have I got in here anything right so let’s keep the fiber the wood I mean that’s I don’t know so we could sell these to our dude he’ll pick them up when he sap but then maybe Pierre would I don’t know let’s just collect some stuff we’re

Full of energy let’s collect some Stone I do need to water my stuff and then we’ll get the backpack and that’s going to make life a lot easier do you reckon we just sell the stone what I don’t know is are you better to sell the stone in your little

Box at the top or do you get more money like going to Pierre and saying yo Pierre would you like some Stone I think a campfire outside would be quite nice as well just so we can see what the heck’s going on at night keep clearing though oh no made my inventory full

Again was it this box I think it was wasn’t it let’s get rid of that and That okay I assume I’ll just get some money Nice Music have you got favorite music that you like let me know in the comments I would love you to tell me if there’s anything you think I should be doing in St you Valley what should I explore what am I missing you got tips for me that would be

Cool I’d love this to become some sort of interactive thing and yes this is a new Venture for me doing this sort of game play so if you like it do let me know if you think other people would like it share about would be awesome thank you so

Much I forgot should I have the memory of a s I was going to go and see Pierre wasn’t I but I bet Pierre won’t open till 9:00 a.m. anyway so we may as well sort a bit of the farm out take a few resources and see whether we can flog

Anything to Pier so I reckon Pierre loves a bargain and to be fair Pierre is probably going to charge through the nose for that backpack isn’t he right what is it 840 I mean this is looking good I want to get rid of this but I don’t know maybe the shears would get

Rid of that no don’t don’t throw away the fish he looks prop crackers that I’ll just walk along with a fish push fishy something fishy about that all right into town where is Pierre we don’t need the dog look I’m knacked already look at my energy wor myself out uh Pierre my friend have you got something for me I heard you had um a backpack you got a lot of stuff but I see no backpack ATO provides unlimited access

To wallpaper vinegar rice wheet FL did I totally miss it I’m sure it said Pierre hello well I can’t see it here where’s where’s my notes where was it what well yeah I see no backpack my friend is this your house that’s probably a bit rude to go

There isn’t it ah look for sale backpack backpack 2,000 gold Pier you won’t buy any of my stuff and you want 2,000 gold I can’t afford up here that’s really ruined my day we got to do a lot of fishing I’ve got 200 gold I need to start thinking about how

We make some serious do because I don’t know life is hard in staru Valley at the minute I know how to fish but I’m not very not very good at it um let’s go and see the man who’s always closed and see whether he has anything for

Us well not for us whether he give us anything good for I mean oy it’s got to be worth a million at least isn’t it let’s see how much is it worth 50 for a clown that’s pretty good oh oysters look 80 nice what about my sardine 40 do you

Know what that seems to be a pretty good way of earning a little bit of pennies let’s go catch another fish and then we’ll look on the beach see whether we can find some more stuff that Willie will find and buy from us so that one

Over there is that going to be a serious fish you see where it’s bubbling over to the Left come on come on seaweed sure will you buy that let’s keep it actually let’s go and see that bubbly bit and see whether that’s a serious fish it’s it’s gone away look look look look is that fish I’m going to have do a bigger cast than that that looks good come

On I’m getting better at fishing look come on yes look at that a 10in herring that’s a beast right let’s go again no h it who oh that that’s too much half I’m so rubbish at figuring this out that be come on come On come On come on oh sorry slightly frustrating come On the Pressure yes come on come on fishy fishy let’s go yes a 5 in sardine we are breaking record PS all over the place one more fish come on that was beautifully cast we can do it have you fished in real life do you like fishing do you not

Do let me know in the comments Oops I wonder how long till our PA snip is ready as well I think I’ve got another day to wait for that come On last fishy come on he’s just going to stay there little fishy Ah yeah we’ve got fish and sword now another Herring right that is a pretty good place to finish this one I think so I will send this to willly uh oh look at my energy though I better eat one of these we have worn ourselves out eat a

Hering that didn’t do much for me I think they’re probably better to sell to Willie there we go thanks Willie there you go my friends so if that was useful to or you enjoyed that do let me know thumbs up much appreciated any comments welcome love to

Read what you think of it thanks for watching

Sunshine, Fish & Bigger Bags! Let’s Grow & Glow in my Stardew Valley Let’s Play Adventure! (Chill Gaming, Relaxing Gameplay)

Tired of lugging around a puny backpack? Same! My dream of farm expansion starts today, but first, I gotta earn some coin. Willy the fisherman hooks me up with a rod (literally!), and off I go to cast away my stress (and hopefully some fishies!).

Join me as I master the art of the cast, tackle fishy foes (okay, maybe just some wiggly trout), and maybe even snag a sweet treasure chest. Will I become Pelican Town’s next angling ace? More importantly, will I snag enough coin for that bigger backpack?

Between learning to lure like Willy and planning my farm layout, there’s plenty of sunshine, charming townsfolk, and maybe even a little Pierre drama for you to enjoy. Plus, I’m on webcam, so you can see my real-life reactions as I navigate the joys and (potential) fails of farm life.

This Stardew Valley chill gaming adventure is all about chasing dreams, hook, line, and sinker. So grab a seat, relax, and let’s cast away the stress together! ✨

Bonus: Want to join the chat and share your farming tips? Drop a comment below! And if you’re enjoying the series, consider subscribing for more peaceful (and parsnip-filled) content!

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