Minecraft but Structures Fall From the Sky

Meteors are falling from the sky and leaving strange structures and alien creatures behind someone is causing this and I’m going to figure out who and stop them ah what a beautiful totally normal day h i smelling flowers what the heck is that waa oh my goodness there’s a

Meteor crashing down a meteor that makes trees I like it I will make a beautiful green pickaxe who are you oh my goodness are you a friendly alien nope not friendly destroy the alien SP spawners okay I’ll do what I got to do my boy oh

Gosh there’s a lot of them there’s alien spawners that is not good there’s something over here a magical sword I’ll grab you hey aha the Saturn sword I like it can I smack your face with it yeah take this alien scum sorry I didn’t mean

That I am friendly here we do have cows and axel oh my goodness that’s so many aliens very low Hearts very low Hearts got to break the spawners uh there’s one spawner let me take that out yeah honestly can just run around and they’ll just die from the Sun you guys came from

An alien world didn’t even think to bring like space suits or whatever you guys got some sensitive skin man got to use some aquaderm or something another spawner another batch of aliens oh God gosh there’s so many dude run run run run break the spawner perfect I got to

Fight my way out yeah yeah how you doing goodbye how you doing goodbye there’s another come on Bros yeah God it’s goodness gracious how many alien spawners are there they’ve dropped something watch is this a plasma Blaster oh heck yeah dude I like how he had this

And didn’t even use it they just forgot they had a powerful alien weapon to fight me but no very cool I like this well thankfully that’s the only meteor we have to deal with another meteor who would have seen that coming oh snap be careful there boys oh my gosh yeah

That’s another uh Alien something don’t worry I’ve got my plasma Blaster I’m not afraid to use it he doesn’t see me I’ll sneak up on him here for earth oh uh you’re are are you friendly oh he’s a little friendly little alien villager boy what’s up buddy he trades a computer

Chip for a meteor tracker that’ll be nice uh okay you came all the way here for a computer chip will you settle for a corn chip a nice nacho Dorito return the stolen computer chip oh it’s stolen oh a stolen computer chip I have an idea

Who did that I’m sitting on very low Hearts probably should have grabbed food before my mission wait I have an idea uh no no no wait wait sir sir hold on hold on ow take my plasma Blaster it doesn’t do a lot of damage but it is pretty dang

Cool he dropped a note it’s called a dropped note well that’s pretty self-explanatory ow come on man that was a cheap shot it’s an arrow fight versus plasma who will win spoiler alert I won the Prototype was successful now for the real thing G is that the dude’s name is

G first name g last name willikers maybe his last name is dog he’s g dog he yeah take this yeah there’s so many of them I got oh wait wait wait what am I doing again oh yeah the computer chip you guys got a computer chip around here oh

Goodness I’m just looking for a computer chip my guys a present for me it’s just like some pillagers like Christmas gift it’s just like a Babys siiz crossbow or something what do we have here uh no computer chip okay weirdest looking stocking I’ve ever seen a way better Christmas present is Crafty merch

Obviously oh wait a second there’s something on the roof here I forgot there’s like a GI giant magnet hey there it is that must be the computer chip huh thank you is it cool ranch flavored I wonder if this magnet has something to do with the meteors Fallen yeah can I

Break it can I turn it off I don’t know I tried Mr alien villager I have oh gosh now it explodes okay well better late than never I guess good sir here’s the computer chip and I’ve got myself a meteor tracker let’s go find these bad boys okay should be

Around here somewhere oh there it is there it is a nice empty spot for us oh my goodness it’s like a giant ender egg is it like a Kinder egg is there a nice toy inside or something I’m so excited is is there chocolate is there a present

Do you have a present for me b boy I like how he missed just now it was not hard to hit me my guy you try again nice good smack no toys or presents to eat and choke on just these parasites let’s take these bad boys out there is a

Present here I knew it nice Golden Apple it is a little Kinder Egg ender egg ouch I appreciate the lift but I’d prefer to be on the ground me boys okay honestly these golden apples are going to be pretty helpful another present more golden apples heck yeah dude thank you very nice of

You back away I was always terrible at baseball if you couldn’t tell swing b b ouch swing B better swing how come when I was in baseball when I got smacked by the ball I didn’t float I just got a black eye take that I won’t levitate you

I will send you to the afterlife parasite oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh these guys are so annoying there’s so many of them man how am I supposed to get past this defeat the parasite Guardian I see so these here are just the minions I need to find the boss

Somewhere Are You The Boss or just uh from HR he was pretty quiet probably from it which way to go left or right you type in the comments I can totally see them live and while you’re there you might as well subscribe right I mean going up come on man my hands are

Getting sore I’m just going to Sprint through this there’s the boss there he is oh my goodness oh my goodness he’s lobing so balls at me yeah take this parasite boss wow that was easy I think it took less hits to take him out than his minions ah boss is always the most

Fragile looks like we got some kind of armor as well parasite armor I probably shouldn’t have put that on I’ll be honest you guys don’t do this at home if you happen to find alien parasites from a giant meteor falling down from the sky and while we’re here might as well grab

Some more of these golden apples thank oh thank oh thank oh I might have gotten all the golden apples I’ve got good armor now but we still haven’t discovered the root of all this I’m off to the next meteor Landing site well my tracker says I should be close by there

It is oh no it’s heading right for the village dude it’s such a quaint little beautiful Village okay just missed it perfect looks like some kind of desert pyramid or something let’s go see what oh gosh that was a close one ah this Village is cool man you guys doing okay

Looks like the Villager is untouched that meteor just missed them although there’s literally no one here hello is anyone home something strange about this it doesn’t look abandoned to me the aliens might have something to do with this look at this man it’s like a sea

Temple but cursed what the heck is that oh that’s horrifying oh no no I don’t like this at all it’s like a Slenderman Telly tuby or something what are you from doors I don’t like this this gives me the heebie jeebies man I don’t like this get away from me creepy boys the

Villagers hey buddy how you doing hold on let me just take care of this terrifying alien real quick yeah not so tough now yeah it looks like all the villagers have been captured here stand back Jeremy with the monacle fancy Jeremy as he’s called I’ll

Rescue you my boy a gosh I can’t break these fences here there is these flashing lights one two oh I see I might have to flick these based on the lights that flash right don’t worry Jeremy it’s big brain Time 1 2 1 2 3 4 I did it

Wrong is it like that is it like that is it like that is it like 1 2 3 1 2 3 uh one that should be it right yeah our little fancy Jeremy is um disappeared hopefully he got teleported back you’ve done it great job he just gets

Evaporated I got this Pottery Shard Shell let’s see what this is used for another villager 1 2 3 4 five crush it 43 2 1 that’s their Code 4 3 2 1 there we go my boy ah there’s some kind of empty pot heater maybe I got to put this

Chester oh no we got he got captured too don’t worry boy I assume I got to put these Pottery shards on this here and is that going to do it he desert temple complete welcome to the world me boy I like your space suit man or is it like a

Hazmat suit uh you’re not sick or anything are you me boy who’s that Pokemon it’s germaphobe Chester ooh looks like I got alien fruit now as well that’s nice doubles my health that was a risky play eating alien fruit don’t eat alien fruit if you find it on the street

I’m just going to put that out there it’s not very relevant now but who knows man time to hit our next meteor here it comes very slowly ow bro why this is so cursed man you don’t belong here don’t worry we’ll get to the bottom of this

Literally I guess what’s going on oh snap you guys are awesome looking dude I’m not going to lie zombies now blueberry flavored oh gosh it’s a lot of them plasma rifle go are they dropping Maps or something what is this ah they’re play playing Tetris zombies of

Culture I see oh no it’s some kind of puzzle dude I am not good at puzzles no way to get past this door here there are nine nodules I guess I hit the top one oh they’re colored I see so I turn these yellow turn these red these guys are

Nice fresh green I like how I’m punching it with the map too just and one yellow ha that wasn’t too bad dude I got myself is this a helmet or a very spacious pair of undies yeah a it’s a oh cool man I look like I’m from Halo or

Something Commander crafty coming in Chester you must be my Cortana my sidekicking battle oh that’s cool I’m mining a 3X3 area now I got a nice jump boost too wo here comes the next meteor oh gross or delicious I don’t know could be green Jello are you Green Jello oh no

No it’s radioactive okay destroy the radioactive plant life can do I got a nice new power with my helmet here H oh gosh ow ow that hurts that hurts that hurts it would be very nice if my helmet prevented ow poison damage but that’s fine who needs Health points anyway when

You have alien grapes to munch on oh ow ow ow I really don’t like this dude but I have to do it otherwise it’s going to infect the entire world oh gosh I’m going to die hold on let me munch on some nice old alien grapes please looks

Like a witch’s Hut or something here ow ow ow oh I’m going die I’mma die yeah is that it is that all of them all pods destroyed and I only took 700 damage W look at this little guy hi frog boy are you all right are you radioactive okay

He’s chilling I guess I can come back ow did you smack me dude little poisonous feisty frog he’s so cute dude I like him I really want to get to the bottom of this man we’ve gotten to a lot of these meteors but I still don’t know who’s

Involved in all this wa check that out man that’s cool looking a lava ancient city little Striders oh my goodness alien Striders dude I don’t like this I can’t tell if they’re cuter or more horrifying what do you guys think well they don’t seem dangerous I guess you

Can stay alive what do I got to do here man turn off all the lava flows I guess these are the lava flows huh excuse me alien Strider I don’t like how he just locks in on me dude I shall flick this lever ow wa these are cool Blaze drones

Thankfully I’m fire resistant cuz of my helmet that would have been pretty tough oh snap taking out those drones gave me a drone controller do I get to summon my own drones yeah man I like you dude I guess he’s my new pet cuz Chester has not been

Following me I guess Chester’s afraid of aliens although I don’t blame him I’m sure you’re very handsome wherever you come from is the Drone taken out okay well get him drone yeah drone on drone battle wow my drone kicks your drone’s butt how about that one huh okay yeah so

Looks like flicking these levers does drain the lava one last lever yeah a couple last drones what what are you aiming at my guy take him out well took care of all the floating lava and my drone took out all the uh shrider aliens so I guess those are bad guys hopefully

At least my friends I think I found the root of all this look at this giant magnet man greedy a my evil cousin I should have known you think you can stop me and my new alien friends cousin think again ah come on man why greedy is

Always up to something your aliens are evil dog oh gosh Hulk Strider I’ll do what I have to do greedy I’ll see you at the top it’s time to end this ow I thought you said meet you at the top this is not the top come on man we just

Had a lovely Christmas yeah take that take that I’ll get you next time cousin and I’ll always be here to stop you all right man see you next family reunion gosh how am I supposed to turn this thing off man I don’t know how to oh nice comes with its own self-destruct

Button what do you think Chester you want to do the honors uh Chester all right fine I’ll do it yeah there we’ve done it the meteor magnet has been destroyed and Minecraft is back to normal once again I am going to keep the armor and the alien berries though they

Are delicious see you next time wao what the heck is that oh my goodness hi buddy zombies don’t usually have Diamond Helmet stronghold level 100 oh my goodness W okay okay this is no joke no thank you oh what the heck there’s floor traps and everything oh no okay I don’t

Think I’m quite strong enough to take on that stronghold oh I see I’m currently level one I assume I got to level myself up to take on the stronghold how do I level up oh man do I got to kill mobs I’m sorry piggy boy okay that that did

Nothing maybe I can level up for mining or it’s a little dark and spooky in here let there be light mining coal I’m getting experience but doesn’t look like my level up is going up anywhere ooh okay okay maybe I can level up from structures let me see if I can find a

Village or something even better we found ourselves a desert Temple or as I like to call them desert temple desert temple level one what is this a boss battle dude like this you mighty Temple there’s a chest over here structure Essence instantly gain five levels well

There we go hey I got a new item as well looks like a golden Ally staff let’s test this bad boy out yeah looks like it sends out friendly allies does some damage and lights mobs on fire just how I like my rotten flesh well done let’s find ourselves some more structures oh

My goodness guys I found a level five Village that looks like it’s been run down man oh my goodness this poor Village there are guys here hey how you doing Farmers guys need one of these here you go dude he’s like what is this contraption ancient magic yeah you use

That on the crops my man ooh that guy looks interesting though hello my good sir you happen to have any Essence around here got some Emerald you do trade 32 dirt for a structure Essence don’t know why they need dirt but I’m not complaining these guys must be

Desperate around here all righty my good man I’ve got you your fancy dirt he left me one leftover you know what here’s a nice tip for you buddy all right we got our structure Essence and level 10 let’s go your maximum health has increased oh sweet okay I at least have normal Health

Limits now all right my boys let’s see what the C has to offer okay this is an enclosed Lake let’s try the other side that’s more like it we are certainly making progress level 10 already although if we want to get to that stronghold we’re going to have to take

On some more powerful structure can’t tell yeah this is something different hello boy ruined portal level 10 oh snap we’re friends right we’re cool all right sweet I’ll give you bargaining chips there you are buddy Munch up okay it doesn’t look too dangerous oh we do have

A chest yeah more Essence and hey look at that got ourselves a new chest plate looking fancy now although my pants have curse abing so those guys are going to sit right there curse of binding worst Enchantment of all time am I wrong structure Essence all right dude five

More levels what the heck I’ve got a portal Rush does it take me to the nether it does not I I don’t know what just happened okay it like propels me forward a little bit oh I see I can use it to like leap on top of structures and

Stuff my superhero name is squirrel man ready I’m going to clutch this yeah well I almost made it into the water I can see myself using this against dangerous mobs and of course getting around and jumping pretty high I’ll take it dude it’s a nice little upgrade but I’m

Hunting for more let’s head back to see what we see yeah in the sea oh that was sweet dude I’m hoping I can find like a guardian Temple or something like if that’s level 40 I think I could take it on and then I could make some upgrades

Real fast I crash my boat wait hold on comment down below if you remember when crashing boats would literally break them G that was horrible found something here it’s like a Hut of some kind wait a minute it might be a shipwreck my friend

There is a lot of pirates oh maybe I can barter with them gentlemen I’m just here to take the essence of your ship okay they don’t like that here’s a flower all right Pirates not a fan of flowers I’m going to write that down on my diary

Look at these guys dude they’re like drowned Pirates man they’re kind of terrifying Ally help me out my friend okay that staff is definitely the best thing ever no wonder it’s hard man level 25 shipwreck I thought I could take on like a level 40 level 25 is hard enough

As is is that the captain cool ey patch man okay okay just block myself off in the Captain’s Quarters okay what a nice Decor he’s got in here do have a chest here what’s inside steak okay well there’s another one yes Essence dude we got the structure Essence and a treasure

Map well now we’re talking dude it’s a small little map look at it why is it so tiny you know what they say the smaller the map the bigger the reward no one says that don’t trust anything I say except to subscribe that’s a good thing

Portal Rush all right have a good day you guys now that we’re safe here we unlock infinite water breathing no way dude well if I have unlimited water breathing I might as well explore yep there’s more chests around here cooked pork chop yeah that’s where I put all my

Cooked pork chop oh hey there we go that’s useful got a nice helmet and sword upgrade never felt better that honestly wasn’t too bad it was tough but I think I’m ready for a challenge here what is that do oh my gosh guys I found a for in the Overworld that looks

Totally normal yeah I bet that’s like a level two or something hey yeah hey oh my God level 90 just a casual level 90 portal Rush don’t let me down my man it all right well we tried there’s a nice waterfall right by it up the waterfall

We go getting water inside my nostril yeah oh made it just barely hello boys you don’t look so bad easiest foress I’ve ever been at okay now it’s night time all right that’s fine okay okay no thanks ow oh man no I might not quite be

Ready for a level 90 yet but mark my words Fortress I will be back that’ll probably be the last stop before we hit that level 100 stronghold anyway no luck on the old treasure map here looks like we’re also running out of water ooh there is a village though although when

Are there stalagmites and Villages level 35 does that mean I’m battling I would like a nice kind Adventure hello you whipped around so fast dude it gave me coal Essence well that was easy dude um I I got some coal thanks for the trade my man this is helpful I like their cute

Little Igloo they even have snowmen as their Golem never mind look at these guys looking nice and Blue Dude for some reason the color of him looks amazing can’t quite put my finger on why all right lience what do you have for me today oh I got an ice blade dude

Everything I see to use it on is like cute or small it does nice attack damage and shoots out a wave of ice this is cool yeah oh now that feels like a level 25 weapon these two do they Stack Up together oh man now that is a temple my

Man this guy’s humongous and a humongous Temple means humongous rewards am I right level 40 that’s not so bad I at least have my icicle blade now we can test out here hello oh man I just heard a lot of hus okay I can use my golden

Ally and my ice bikes together if I can keep them at this door here yeah oh level 40 no problem my man okay okay are they all dead don’t see any other bad guys uh let’s see if we got any treasure here there is no pressure plate hello

I’m a little concerned to drop down there worst case scenario I guess I could portal push my way out who this is not a normal desert temple gosh lasers and lava looks like some Parkour might be required here portal push all right well I died and I spawned back here I

Guess I’m stuck I guess I’m stuck in here till I get out I made that jump can I make it through the lasers what’s going to happen here oh my okay the lasers don’t kill me they just shoot out flaming arrows why did I test it twice

Oh man this is going to be hard come on oh I made it I made it kind yeah yeah I found a chest over here it’s a trap chest I don’t trust that ah but I have to right I’m stuck in here until I open

It huh is that what you wanted from me got a plan I can break it okay can’t break the chest here goes nothing I guess all right we got our structure yep yep y y y it was a trap it was a trap oh

There’s a lot of H I’m fine I’ve got my power ups that’ll be useful come on yeah no problem dude and now I can leave let’s get out of here uh H how do I get out of here actually hello oh I’m excited to see what what level 40’s

Essence does yeah I got slow regeneration okay you know it’s not a mega sand sword 5000 but I mean we take some regeneration yeah how slow are we talking oh that’s not slow that’s really fast thanks Temple have a good one why am I talking to a temple one step closer

To taking out that stronghold white dot no way no way no way no way yes yeah that’s me at the bottom I’m that white Dot finally I have found the treasure man please be worth it looks like the x is right over here looks about like right here please be something good I

Don’t want what the is this algae gross this thing smells no I see wood on the inside wo holy cow this might have been like the pirate Hideout or something and they’ve got cake M fish flavor I do love me a chess what do we got here yeah

Essence structure man also this buried treasure is level 50 I’m tempted to take the gold but I have a feeling this is a trick I don’t think I trust a level 50 Berry treasure not to have traps in there I don’t know about you but I’m

Leaving that gold where it is but the on the other hand gives us a golden Chester no way dude Chester oh it’s been forever since I’ve seen you buddy how are you were you hungry in there here have a shovel there you go buddy boy his favorite if you don’t know who Chester

Is he’s one of my favorite little characters he helps us fight he picks up items for us Chester is a feisty lovely little guy aren’t you a buddy he’s a little shy always feels good having a buddy on these Adventure which is why I like you joining them and now inspired

By Chester and feeling powerful as ever I set out to find the next structures no matter how deadly and no matter how scary although this did lead me to a pretty scary structure right off the bat which I wasn’t exactly hoping for it’s easier to be brave when you don’t have

To fight anything scary all right Chester let’s go in nice and stealth shall we level 55 we’ve got a lot of items now to help us get past this but level 55 Pillager Outpost doesn’t sound super safe gosh here they are get them dude their Chester goes wow they’re

Everywhere okay oh my there was way too many of them man we took out our first wave of pillagers I feel pretty good about that Chester dude we crushed it there’s more there’s more no thank you okay oh yeah you like those pants over here Chester I think uh those pants look

Pretty nice to me too oh hi boys didn’t mean to interrupt the monthly meeting oh there’s a lot of them dude what is this the break room waa big guy big guy help me out buddy yeah go Chester oh nice job buddy boy and there’s a beautiful chest

Here yeah structure Essence guys we took out that level 55 no problem what do we have now my friend ooh I got a pickaxe a lock pick it says unlocks nearby doors and chest all right well we’ll keep that nice in handy anything fun I can steal

Ooh well Chester I’d consider that a job well done looks like we found an even higher level Temple too a jungle temple normal zombies no problem dude level 60 this is nothing I regenerate fast enough to where I oh never mind never mind never mind never oh gosh okay that’s a

Lot of zombies all right I was getting a little cocky there dude I am not quite high enough to regenerate fast enough but with their upgrades these are getting a little easier how you doing there Chester 41 rotten flesh my goodness okay he might have taken out a

Couple more zombies than I did more lasers here can I jump over these lasers he yeah oh no problem looks like some kind of puzzle room what’s up boys hanging out on Vines looking good careful Chester dude there’s spikes below us well my first rule of thumb is

Press all the button well nothing happened wait a second I do have my lock pick here I got from the last guy can I just use this to unlock the door heck yeah I can holy cow there’s some serious traps going on here okay okay we got

Dropper shooting out arrows we have an unkillable slime can I just turn off the no I can’t turn them off can I take the arrows I think the only option yeah is to get out past this the puzzle is solved totally solved it legit and did not cheat at all goodness gracious what

The heck is this Chester you know what’s going on here dude okay well Chester’s rule is just walk through the lasers all right sounds like a fun plan crushed it dude made it through without dying we take those what does this button do that spawns a skeleton okay good to know we

Do have a chest over here and we got our Essence my friend what upgrades do we have w a magnetic Miner automatically mines ores and pulls them to you well now we’re talking man ooh all right well that was it for the dungeon Let’s test out our magnetic Miner shall we ooh I

Was going to find a cave but this looks even better looks like a m shaft yep M shaft level 65 hold on boys before I go in I want to test out our magic Miner oh there it goes so if I mine any ore yeah

Dude it gave me a bunch of ore excuse me sir wait can I just mine this entire wall with one oh that is satisfying man I got 33 iron already and there my friends is full iron now we’re talking hello buddy man looks like these weird looking mobs are everywhere they all

Look like drowns oh this guy has a diamond pickaxe my gosh there are so many miners in here while I’m here might as well get all this wow that is satisfying man just like that that 29 iron now the question is does this place have it has a lower level I’m hoping we

Can find ourselves some diamonds Hello by oh that’s a lot of bad guys sorry I broke your stairs I don’t know why you put stairs on a trapo that’s a lot of monster use my power up oh my gosh boy do I love these Powers golden Ally staff

And the ice blade combo is so good uh Diamond level y that’s some diamond oh my gosh look at them all no thank you no thank you they are not happy with me right now they’re using their diamond for evil these must be the guys that get

All the Villers all the items they need there we are now we’re talking eight Diamonds oh this magnetic Miner is so nice dude Gosh guys I found like a shul area thought this was just a wall of diamonds but nope it’s shul okay I feel very uncomfortable with getting close to

This right now just going to grab some of these diamonds real quick it’s fine I’m actually kind of scared right now please don’t summon a warden man structure Ence all right infinite haste okay that that’s pretty nice man now my quick mining is even quicker wow look at

How Hasty my my mining was got myself full diamond I’m ready to get out of here hey Chester do you think you’re ready for a battle man cuz uh that’s a ship although it doesn’t look very wrecked to me oh man I’m a little worried dude look at that Masterpiece

But we had some serious issues with the Last Ship that we were at although we are Level 50 now so let’s give this a shot so far I’m not seeing any Pirates okay there’s one maybe two okay not too bad D wreck level 70 dude okay this is

The hardest level we’ve had to face so far M two guys this doesn’t look so bad okay there’s quite a few guys over here oh man gosh there’s a lot of guys okay okay okay I underestimated the crew even with my diamond armor man they’re doing

Some serious damage if I just keep using my power up help me out Chester we got this dude ow my armpit Chester I might not make it buddy find me a wife and tell her I love her n I’m just kidding little did the Pirates know I used my

Bulletproof deodorant this morning all right we got anything fun ooh pork chop oh my goodness now that’s some diamond oh two of them oh heck yeah man 10 levels in one structure anything else in here uh no I do like this flag though that’s pretty sweet I’m taking that with

Me hold on hold on this will be so sweet if this works can I combine the shield yeah dude I got a pirate Shield man it’s just an ordinary Shield but boy does that look awesome all right Pirates it’s been fun now what actual upgrades did I get today infinite saturation and come

On give me an item or something glass crafty skin oh man look at me dude does it tell me what it does no I just have glass skin I don’t know about you but glass skin does not sound like a good thing it sounds like I’m really fragile

I’m as fragile physically as I am emotionally now I can’t lie you can see right through me don’t know what the glass skin does but I guess we’ll find out later maybe at the next structure we’ve been following this path for a while and it seems to lead us right to a

Castle feeling pretty good about the Battle situation we’re about to go to we’ve taken on everything so far pretty good Village level 75 it’s a Village what the heck dude this is what a village looks like at level 75 now that’s cool man apparently the upgraded

Version of a villager is a fox so far they do seem friendly hey boy don’t mind me I am your friendly neighborhood clear skin crafty question is you guys have any cool upgrades or Essence I can steal I mean by so far looks like normal trade hello buddy yeah you trade Essence oh

For Diamond dude you can have all of my diamonds hold on can I keep buying okay I can oh they gave me two all right let’s see what level 75 has to offer maximum health is increased oh heck yeah two health bars man and got a nice old

Fresh pair of kicks here o fancy does it avoid fall damage it does okay that’s good it doesn’t give me speed I’ll no longer trigger foot trap thanks gentlemen H in fact here uh I got a bunch of extra diamonds just go ahead and take those on the house I’m just

Excited to have finally a peaceful structure to play with I’ve been dealing with enemies after enemies cool to see a little fox society that is awesome now the big kicker is what kind of place has floor spike traps well this seems like the place oh man level 80 desert temple

Casual very cool going to be full of traps isn’t it gosh how do I get over these lasers here wait a minute I have a dumb idea but it might just work dude if I take off all my armor here will my glass skin not affect the lasers it’s

The only thing I can imagine this being useful for get through it it works dude look at this it refracts the Laser’s light no traps for me my dude okay before we get any further though definitely going to deal with some floor traps so I’m I’m keeping these light shoes on okay this

Was not what I expected at all wow uh careful here my light shoes are working wonders do I need to take off my armor okay I’m cool I’m cool dang dude this is oh shoot gosh okay don’t push any buttons man if I push any buttons the Pistons make noise not excited about

This man I don’t like wardens at all dude be careful be careful don’t make a single sound hey don’t make any sound dude except for the Subscribe button that one’s fine you can make all the noise you want to on that hey yeah gosh this does not look good man is that a

Warden that’s not a warden you guys are ordinary dude oh hey hey don’t make too much noise man hey stop stop okay it’s very hard to be quiet in a crafty video I’ll tell you that much everyone be quiet let me just oil them up real quick please don’t make too much

Sound another two Essence man heck yeah okay we got to quietly make our upgrade fire resistance now that’s a nice upgrade damages cause explosions well that’s certainly quiet let’s try to get out of here as sneakily as we can all right let’s get the heck out of here oh

Goodness I think we made it out right on time stay in there buddy no thank you yep yeah yeah keep keep sniffing I I did tune around there somewhere oh goodness Chester don’t sneak up on me like that man goodness where were you dude honestly that was probably for the best

Chester can be a little bit of a noisy one I’m feeling pretty good about our upgrades man we got double Health super regeneration we got all these item upgrades before we take on that level 100 stronghold there’s a place I want to get to First here we are the level 9

Fortress now the last time I was was here oh hello boys we’re fine right we’re cool the last time I was here I got absolutely destroyed hi buddy oh gosh ow ow not wearing gold come on guys where’ my gold stuff go pardon me excuse me boys essence essence no Essence all

Right yeah got ourselves a new unlock oh my word Ender laser well now we’re talking man that is horrifying let’s test it okay well it shoots out cotton candy so far it two hit him that’s actually pretty strong dude boom boom boom Oh sick man what’s up blazes dude I

Got fire resistance the last upgrade you guys can’t even touch me oh heck yeah dude boom Oh this is so much easier than before go ahead hit me see what happened he he just died not know that was going to happen he just killed right over there’s another chess here another

Structure man I’m going to be level 90 after this what a luck do I have fiery attack dealing damage will now cause fiery fues ha ha wow what a cool fire and as cool as these portals are I think I’m just going going to go out my

Friends I think it’s time for the stronghold look at that you can see my face on fire and here we are 89 levels later I have a feeling this is going to be a lot easier than it was before hey buddy go ahead and smack me gosh he

Can’t even do any damage to me now we’re talking man excuse me pardon me pardon me excuse me these upgrades really are doing wonders dude this is not bad oh my gosh hello boys that is a lot of silver fish I guess some Goldfish as well these

Are the snack that do not smile back oh there’s a lot of mobs although I’m not even close to dying I feel pretty good about this actually use all the power I’ve got go laser attack looks like the laser attack goes through a couple mobs

At once as well I don’t know if I’m taken like a single heart of damage man this is amazing well all right avoid uh avoid falling that’s good to know I’m assuming there’s going to oh my look at this Library man it goes on forever dude this is incredible this has every book

Written by every villager ever they all just say a bunch of times and there they go again shoot me right into the armpit this Library might go on forever man I can’t wait to see what the portal looks like dude I have killed hundreds of mobs down here this place goes on forever

Yeah level 100 stronghold is no joke man oh my goodness dude wa this place is amazing look they even have like Enderman structures excuse me excuse me I’m trying to view your beautiful portal okay here we are my friend the portal room oh gorgeous dude wait there was a

Hole up there I could have just fallen down right into the portal ah well we got some good use out of our weapons here and yep two more structure Essence we got ourselves fast regeneration and we got dragons Bane with this mighty sword you’re able to slay the dragon in

Three hits my word okay don’t mind if I do freeit portal yes please let’s test out our dragon’s Bane shall we it is me level 100 crafty I may be made of glass but I am here to kick your booty Mr Dragon I got it something special for

You oh I hit him once oh I like it it do a third of damage come on Dragon I’m only level one 100 fine I guess I got to take out some of these crystals here I might be able to portal push across okay well not quite there’s another one

You’re going down Crystal yeah all right crystals are taken out this should be no problem here we go one one hit come on man take this Dragon laser attack come on yeah bur down here yeah one last smack yeah dragon is gone and that is

How a level 100 crafty does it and I hear you become instantly level 100 when you subscribe bye so I’ve been hearing rumors about this uh thing some sort of like amazing Secret inside of Minecraft’s code people are calling it The McGuffin no one has found the McGuffin yet but apparently there’s

Secrets inside of structures where’s the McGuffin tell me where it is it’s just a Wither Rose but we’re looking for some what the heck what there’s a secret trapo under this bed dude oh heck yeah this has got to be one of the secrets to find the McGuffin are there bad guys in

Here I heard zombies what is going on down here somebody’s got a secret base okay we got some potatoes some appels an emerald Shield all right this might be helpful oh my gosh that’s so cool all right I’m going to go find some other Secrets here uh maybe I’ll sleep it off

Excuse me boys you might if I sleep in this is not a house it’s fine I shall sleep here with the cows good morning cow uh this looks normal so I’m going to check for Clues inside a structure and my goal is to be the first person to find this mysterious

McGuffin it could be the next Herobrine guys I found something kind of weird it looks like a stack of Bones what the heck Hello damp note gross if only I had a way to drain this water I wouldn’t have died of starvation uh I don’t know what that means Mr random skeleton bone

Man but sure I will help you uh make this well dry he wants me to drain the water uh okay Mr bone man I drained the water is that helpful what the heck oh my goodness oh my goodness what is going on oh that scared me dude all right well clearly

Something happened something weird and mystical it opened up oh my gosh the bone man he was right that freaked me out man that gave me full-blown chills it looks like a secret vault or something down here uh maybe it’s some kind of passcode I have to put in or I

Could just step on this pressure plate that’ll do it wo there’s a secret base down here man all right somebody’s been farming potatoes maybe that’s what the guy was talking about the uh the boneman Mr Bones I’ll call him he was looking for these tors up here there’s a map ooh

Nice all right we got our starter tools hey and some armor all right we’re making some nice progress for our adventure here oh my goodness and a heck ton of bread looks like there’s a glowing note over here hello it’s called Naughty they’re not getting any presents

For Christmas oh note yeah that makes sense the note reads Northwest East South plate uh what Northwest East southw uh oh no are there going to be riddles and stuff McGuffin I will find you okay okay there’s a bunch of maps here north east west south H well might

As well grab these maps for now they might be useful on our journey I’m not entirely sure how useful these maps are I’ve just been double fisting them but there is a desert temple fairly close by which could have something good in it all right desert temple tell me your

Secrets what is this mysterious McGuffin anything fun down here oh oh that’s different I found some Secrets dude we’re one step closer oh my goodness there’s trapped chests uh there’s a a pressure plate I probably shouldn’t step on that huh and more trap chests H I’m

Not entirely sure if I should open these chests or not I’m kind of afraid to do it wait a minute the compass is facing north north west east south late pressure plate oh all right so if I open this chest that’s North nothing blew up that’s good then West uh might as well

Steal some gold right that’s fine nothing’s going to blow up if I steal right East then South yoink then plate there’s no TNT down here right okay yes this is so stinking cool oh my goodness it opened up a lower area I’m actually kind of horrified there’s two

Paths down here should I go to the left or the right I don’t trust myself all right right’s always right right oh my gosh there’s lasers of course there’s lasers can I go through this oh my goodness no I can’t I’m just going to straight up die looks like all the

Pathways have lasers in them wait a second can I use the emerald Shield to reflect the lasers please work yeah dude that’s so cool that poor guy did not have an emerald Shield okay okay I’m just going to keep moving forward excuse me lasers pardon me oh oh my gosh

There’s other booby traps it looks like these are dispensers shooting arrows okay yep yep I got to be careful for these arrows poison arrows oh gosh is this the McGuffin look at this man this is terrifying I can’t tell if I’m about to to be sacrificed or am I

About to get a cool item ancient magnifying glass locates nearby Secrets oh now we’re talking this is so cool oh gosh I got to get out of here a little carefully okay I’m lost hello all right I’m going to mine straight up okay Mr magnifying glass oh my goodness a family

Of creepers let’s try this again shall we where should I go next yeah well guys it looks like our magnifying glass has taken us to a Pillager Outpost here I’m a little afraid to know what kind of Secrets this place has has anything interesting crossbows okay I’ll take

That a bunch of arrows all right well a little different than usual I hope my secret is not oh my goodness who the heck is that hello my my good eye patch man he’s got a nice looking nostrils on him you got a good nose oh are you a

Boss are you going to kill me oh he’s chilling hi what’s up buddy oh my gosh uh he gave me a fortune cookie can I crack it open I can the fortune says practice makes perfect and will open many doors in life what the heck does

That mean dude that’s so vague what you practicing pillaging Villages yeah you gotten so perfect at that wait a second practice I don’t know if this is a good idea or not all right so maybe I got to hit all the training dummies like I’m practicing my arrow shooting excuse me

Sir I shall block your attack with my Emerald Shield the currency of the people you pillage 360 no scope nailed it I think this is the last training dummy here something happened I I I heard a sound sir what happened you were harvesting Secrets down here oh heck

Yeah bad guy all right I found the secret base down here I am not equipped for this battle man hold on hold on oh my goodness Vindicator Vindicator Vindicator you guys are strong man the secret I’m about to find is what heaven looks like oh my goodness looks like

They got a bunch of treasure down here no way to get inside back up foul monster oh my gosh on half heart it’s cool it’s cool hey an apple a day keeps the vindicators at Bay wait hold on I can just break down the door can’t I no

Way I can’t well they mind proofed it h well there’s an interesting spot over here this is a huge area oh hey guys I’m here to save you boys go back to the Village my lovely friends what does this say beware of ice burst pipe well

Congrats on the new job did he just come in here and get a job all right there’s a boiler room over here is this important okay well I can hit the boiler control switch here and that turns on the heater and then that might melt the ice or something wait a minute looks

Like there’s a secret entrance behind where the ice was and I’m inside I almost died from Fall damage how embarrassing would that be all right well let’s get some of this gold back I don’t have an iron pickaxe uh editor cut that out what is this some kind of

Golden uh my bad that’s a dude’s head but there is some secret here a golden bamboo well that’s pretty cool uh I I don’t know what it does does it do magic stuff it’s got to be a clue of some kind all right let’s get the heck out of here

Are you just chilling in here you’re just happy have a job all right well enjoy the cave I guess guess we haven’t found the McGuffin yet but it looks like oh my goodness a jungle temple is our next structure here I feel like jungle temples already have secrets there’s a

Man over there hello Mr Man with a cool hat I’m jealous I want a cool hat oh my goodness I’m embarrassed I’m rocking a leather cap right now hold on okay I’m just going to do one of these ah yes hello good sir I had a cool hat on this

Whole time oh you look like a villager Indiana Jones man you got some secrets for me or what oh god she vomited a fortune cookie how come everybody’s vomiting fortune cookies what’s in this one to get treasure one must first give up treasure okay that was cryptic and

Vague oh my gosh I’ve always been a little creeped out by jungle temples I don’t know about you this looks weird H it wouldn’t be this easy right go okay well that did nothing H there’s no arrows in them so maybe they’re waiting for me to put something in it okay it’s

All the gold I have and don’t question it all right I don’t have any more gold okay I put gold in all the dispensers here and now anything happened oh oh noises yes I love noises okay stand back just in case it’s dangerous that freaked me out the heck it’s a whole underground

Jungle down here dude this is awesome I don’t know if I’m getting close to the McGuffin yet or what the heck a McGuffin even is but I do feel good about making this progress oh careful oh my goodness I think I know what the golden bamboo is

For just found a giant Stone Panda hello my glorious giant Stone Panda what kind of secret is this dude I could have seen it from the outside I offer this gift to you my lovely giant Kung Fu Panda dude look at this oh oh hello yes thank you

Thank you sir for your Mighty gift well that wasn’t the McGuffin but he did give me something here he gave me a stone tablet and bucket of golden water oh yes pinkies Out Boys wao okay looks like a ruined portal here before we do that what does this say treasure can be a

Gateway to further treasure if framed correctly I’m going to assume that’s going to be the frame of the portal how do we frame the portal correctly well we got flint and steel here uh gold nap we got some crying obsidian uh I guess we could use the crying obsidian to

Complete the portal that’s not really how nether portals work but we can try it nothing else in this episode’s made sense so far okay I have five crying obsidian please work it’s perfect five exactly the portal is complete I hope this worked I don’t have a diamond

Pickaxe I couldn’t undo this so now I use my flint and steel no uh I’m not really sure what to do here you guys I did get this bucket of golden water might as well try it that actually worked heck yeah man all right now I go

To the P Dimension what oh my goodness guys look at this dude where are we we got a bunch of gold and I actually have an iron pickaxe now so I can grab some of these I do like me some treasure what is this McGuffin dude the further I go

On this adventure the more and more riches I’m finding on the way and there is this double chest here oh my gosh the Diamonds the gold the golden apples this is so awesome uh hold on I I did just totally missed the seeing pickle okay this is actually disgusting locates

Nearby Secrets all right so I’ve upgraded from a magnifying glass to a pickle with an eyeball on it all right well this McGuffin Adventure just got interesting well so far the C pickle hasn’t been a big help at least I don’t really know what w what are you looking

At dude but the magnifying glass did lead me right to the water here so I’m wondering if our next secret has to do with the ocean which would make sense you know with it being a sea pickle and all oops I placed it down well good to

Know I can place it excuse me sir excuse me well it looks like I got a hitchhiker on my journey this Turtle just hopped right in I’m not mad about it come with me turtle boy and for my sake if we run into danger I’m just hoping you’re a

Ninja Turtle guys I found something whenever I hold my CA pickle look at that stay here Raphael I mean uh uh uh what did I name you Michelangelo stay here Michelangelo I’ve got some business to attend to I know that I can place down the sea pickle do I place it down

On top here yeah oh I like this oh I don’t like this Raphael I mean Leonardo I mean Michelangelo help me out man who’s your favorite Ninja Turtle there’s there’s more of them oh gosh the drowns have swords they’re evolving out here to get Vengeance on water oh oh oh get out of

Here lava oh my gosh there’s a lot of these guys first they drown in water now they drown in lava he oh my gosh there’s so many of them guys we can talk about this I no longer feel like talking oh there’s tons of them what you want to play he’s just chilling

He’s like I’m having a good time over here that’s the face of a guy who’s currently peeing in that pool and doesn’t want anyone to know about it okay guys this cave is massive I’ve been looking for like 10 minutes I haven’t found anything I think I’m missing

Something Mr allseeing Pickle do you have some secrets for me yeah that’s it I thought earlier I saw two of these little eyeball guys it’s not the end of the seeing pickle he’s got more secrets for me ooh it’s close all right do you have

The McGuffin uh no what the heck is this a cursed guardian’s eye that’s kind of spooky Dude Looks Like It fires lasers that curse targets and curse you oh he died wow that was fast I got cursed rotten flesh so the cursed guardian’s eye changes the drops that the mobs drop

Don’t know how I feel about having a cursed rotten flesh but okay it’s like a limited Edition version welcome back to land Mr Michelangelo there you are buddy oh gosh I don’t want to smack you oh I’m so sorry I was following the magnify glass I figured it was going to be that

Shipwreck but no it’s pointing over here and it looks like there’s a witch’s Hut oh snap this mic it dangerous but our sea pickle never lies and it looks like I see a secret over there hello witch are you friendly like the other guys are you going to vomit another piece of

Candy at me if so can it at least be Butterfingers or something I am not feeling like being poisoned today ah we’re cool all right sweet hey uh what do you call your friend from the desert a sandwich ow I didn’t mean it I didn’t

Mean it I was trying to make a joke lesson learned no puns I deserve that one you have a fortune cookie for me no fortune cookie he did give me some ingredients though lava cursed flesh bacon and powder well I already have the

Lava hold on I got to go kill a pig or something I’m sorry I’m sorry he said powder I’m assuming he meant gunpowder my gosh dang it I have no idea how annoying it is to find a creeper at daytime man you only find them when you

Don’t want to find them don’t explod don’t explod don’t exp please please yeah all right we’ve got the powder okay Mr witch the magnifying glass led me right to it put the lava in here is this going to blow up the world dude I don’t know what I’m doing rotten flesh okay

That seemed to work I saw particles that means good I think unless you’re talking about bowel movement purple particles are probably a bad thing one pork chop what why no purple particles do you you need a cursed version of it you should have told me that I’m sorry ah cursed

Pork chop oh my goodness cursed gunpowder look it says cursed flesh bacon and powder that could have meant normal bacon and normal powder also why’ you have to say powder and not gunpowder Mr witch I could have thought you meant baking powder or baby powder but no you

Just got to be vague about it anyo okay now let’s try it purple particles that seems good and curs pork chop is that good oh gosh that was kind of spooky dude what what I just created a dimension inside of The Cauldron oh my gosh this is awesome okay well here goes

Nothing I guess let’s Jump Right In hey what the heck oh that was disorientating well no way back now I went inside of a cauldron I just threw a bunch of cursed ingredients into how much do I want this McGuffin situation oh it’s kind of

Spooky in here man I don’t like this at all hello that’s a weird place to put a door that doesn’t go anywhere hello oh God oh God good that’s fine that’s fine I’m not dead and that’s always good I check every morning to make sure I’m not

Dead what stop it any secrets back here no secrets behind the painting hello I’m genuinely kind of freaked out right here why put a chair here who’s sitting right here stop it these bats are freaking me out man there seems to be a door here is

There secrets I didn’t want to go over there anyway a chest why why why why why okay okay I’m not dead that’s a great sign anything in here oh my goodness dragon’s breath golden carrots bunch of ingredients are you the McGuffin perfected potion don’t

Mind if I do oh my goodness it gives me literally everything might as well take a sip it’s infinite I can keep drinking it oh sick man check me out I’ve got slow falling strength Dolphins Grace too that’s my favorite dolphin’s Grace I I don’t feel scared anymore man I feel

Like I can conquer anything wo look at it I think it’s supposed to be a piano that’s super creative well that’s everything inside of the Hat house it’s nice to have this potion but I didn’t find any more clues this does expand to a cave though let’s check this out oh I

Love having night vision on this perfected potion is awesome this cave just keeps going down oh guys it led to an ancient city it looks like oh all right I’m fine I’m fine I got my perfected potion I’m chilling I hate ancient cities man they’re so terrifying

But if I was a secret mystical McGuffin I think I would have hide in an ancient city too hello magical portal there’s like an entrance way guys I’m under the portal frame and I see a bunch of levers went in doubt hit all the buttons and see what happens and there’s a button

Over here did I solve it oh gosh what the heck’s happening oh my goodness I opened up an entirely new dimension I fell in it I fell in it I fell in the dimension I don’t know where I am what is happening oh no I don’t like this I

Don’t like this at all I’ve made a mistake I don’t care that much about the McGuffin anymore I just want to go home be confident crafty drink your perfected potion it tastes like Dr Pepper and it’s delicious all right I don’t feel in danger down here but there has to be

Something here right magnifying glass anything uh no seeing pickle anything going on here there’s not much going on around here but I did find the Shuler box with a Warden Eye oh my gosh no no no no no oh the warden not good not good not good not good not good that’s a

Warden okay it looks like there’s multiple of these Shuler boxes I might have to find a bunch of these Warden eyes or something what’s inside of you what’s inside of you all right another warden’s eye I’ve got two warden’s eyes so far oh there’s another one gosh I do

Not like this I do not like this at all hang out over there Mr Warden I just got to pick up some of your friends eyeballs real quick they look just like ender eyes so I might be able to use these to like light up a Dragon portal or

Something I don’t know man I’m just following the clues I’m giving I found eight oh careful of the warden oh I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this I don’t like this Warden go away dude oh gosh wait wait wait wait please go away

Please go away no no don’t sniff me I did not put on my deodorant this morning sneak around them sneak around them and run run run run run where are these Sher boxes okay I got nine in total how many do I need 12 okay I got 11 oh gosh no no

No no go away last one wait wait wait okay okay is this one yes that’s 12 Something’s Happened a portal open okay I got to go I got to go see you later Warden oh this looks like the stronghold we’ve made it dude now I’m assuming I

Got to use these Warden eyes on the portal now when are we getting to the McGuffin I threw one oh gosh I threw one of the warden eyes not good oh gosh not good those were very important I can’t even go back I got to go find where I

Threw my other Warden Eye oh come on man there it is oh my go can you imagine I get all of this way and then I lose one of the important pieces oh my goodness I have crafted a brand new dimension holy cow it’s like the warden Dimension do I

Have to fight a giant Warden Dragon this place is crazy dude oh my goodness yeah it looks just like the end but made up of like Warden blocks I don’t see a big bad boy boss or anything what the heck is this a mystical Puffin rumored to be

Mystical what I was looking for a McGuffin and I got a mystical Puffin is that it that’s it that’s it all I got was a mystical Puffin I love it best adventure ever Minecraft but mobs are structures I will explore eight custom structures in my quest to defeat the

Pillager Outpost dragon and here’s our first one dude look at this cow portal cow what are the particles are you tooting or something I’m not going to ask I’m just going to slay H oh my goodness oh I think I’m in the wrong direction I think that’s his cow

Butt hold on oh my goodness oh gosh I don’t know if I like the UTS well there seems to be a chest here oh I got a fire charge I got some milk and some leather well it looks like this is some kind of portal can I light it oh wow all right

It looks like a nether portal made of milk or something I I’m about to go into a cow H don’t ask I’m here wow I feel uh scared I got cow quaint Essence okay well thank you cow Dimension wo that was weird what can I oh my goodness oh

There’s a lot of new items dude I can make a muic portal oh I can craft that right now right click to create a cow portal it says okay right click yeah oh my goodness what is this I guess we go inside huh oh weird wait a minute if I look over here

And then I go through the portal oh it tell ah it teleports me where I was looking okay okay okay I got to be extra careful with this thing what’s next is the question well it looks like we can craft a emerald Axel I need normal emeralds and gilded emeralds

Obtained from an axel villager an axel villager oh maybe there’s a one over here hello Village wa oh this place is huge first we’ll need some normal emeralds and for that we’ll trade a bit of wheat here to our little farmer guy hey guys have you seen an axel villager

All these guys look pretty normal to me I’m not seeing any webbed feet around here except you Gerald but you’re just a straight up freak oh there’s an axel hey Coral Axel how cool is that uh it’s not an axel villager but this might be what I have

To oh kill to make the structure happen oh man I’m sorry yeah oh this is horrible why do you have so much health oh my goodness look at this oh my gosh it’s villager ax ladles it like summoned this Coral area here in the village it’s a coral Village this is really cool

There seems to be an opening here oh hello little villager man axotal villager Elder two sea pickles for a gilded Emerald no problem ouch there we are thanks for your gild and emeralds there buddy now now we should be able to make our Emerald Axel

All right we’ve got him and now I can right click and summon a little Axel lot friend hey buddy are you fine I summoned you in the desert that might have been a little rude the next one I want to go for is called a pharaoh TNT we need some

Gritty gunpowder though which is found at the bottom of a thing called a creeper pyramid which sounds pretty interesting and very dangerous put your hand up if you’re a weird looking creeper oh wait they don’t have hands who hey I think I might have found him whoa are you shooting emeralds at him

Get him Emmy oh my goodness dude look at this thing well that must be the creeper pyramid I was looking for hello uh-oh oh shoot oh no what just happened that did uh some damage oh it didn’t break it oh my goodness yes gritty gunpowder sweet got

A saddle now I can ride my ax lottle yeah okay and now we can craft our Pharaoh TNT yeah all right so if I place it down it immediately lights okay be careful and explode oh my wao what the did it create like an underground Temple there’s like

There’s loot in here okay I got diamonds and apples and iron pickaxes and Ender PE s oh my gosh I love the Pharaoh TNT let’s try this again I don’t know if this is cheating but it it feels pretty Pharaoh yes ouch diam more diamonds dude

We ended up with a serious haul I got 10 diamonds 16 ender pearls 22 gold and 12 iron Pharaoh TNT I love you the next item I want is the ancient Golem arm apparently it shoots lasers I like lasers but we need something called ancient ingots and we get those in the

Depths of an iron golem jungle temple and there’s a jungle right over here actually ah it’s just sheep I thought you were ghosts right next to the bamboo how frightening okay cut that out o that must be it the tarnished Golem we got to take him out because we need to get

Ourselves oh man he does a lot of damage help me out here buddy come on oh I didn’t mean to punch you I’m sorry take this you tarnish Golem we got him oh my goodness you okay over there ammy wa I hear Golem’s dying right now hello

This must be the Golem Temple we heard so much about oh yeah I see it I see it this must be the entrance here hello oh man you look very angry you look very angry why no no no no okay we’re fine we’re fine yes he’s

Dead Emy shall we explore I’m a little nervous to be honest I’m using a sea pickle as my light Source hello oh there’s another one oh I got him I got him oh there’s traps oh we got to be careful careful careful not bad I’m looking for a special Essence though

Maybe it’s behind this wall um okay um did that work uh left right up down okay I’m just going to break through the wall oh there’s a staircase I thought there was going to be a chest here uh-oh dude it’s spooky down here man oh there’s a

Chest over here that must be what we need hi yeah oh okay did we get it yes ancient ingots we got it let’s get out of here man this place is spooky Golem arm acquired wo look at it now I can use it to shoot

Lasers right ah very cool ha oh wow it’s powerful okay also apparently if I shoot down H it creates a staircase for me made of vines isn’t that sweet oh gosh okay okay okay wow okay okay we found one of those awesome new caves dude

Hello I am here I have a pickle this is awesome okay stay focused what I’m hunting for next is actually a villager M shaft because what I really want is this villager armor set but I’ve got to get this Village ore and the only way to

Get Village ore is to find a village M shaft oh that’s a lot of mobs all right ancient golem attack oh man this definitely is helpful oh but I need that Armor Man Haya oh there’s a villager come back here buddy hey minor villager

Uh I’m sorry I got to do this all right H oh my word look at this m shaft dude we got some Village ore here let’s grab a bunch of these bad boys I’m going to need a ton if I’m going to get all my armor we just got to smelt up our

Village or here a yeah and now that I have the full set of armor if I jump then I enter what’s called hyper Emerald mode which gives me a buch bunch of really nice things I got speed and strength oh my gosh the problem is it activates every single time I jump so

I’m just going to keep a pair of shoes here in case I uh you know don’t want to activate this special powers the next thing I want to get is called a Bone Breaker so I guess I’m off to find a weird looking skeleton ooh there’s some

Skeletons hey any of you guys are are weird looking normal skeletons I’m looking for a weird one I want to summon my oh that you must be it yes summon my skeleton geode oh my goodness I’m a little afraid to go into it I’ll be honest I can hear the skeletons inside

Hi oh my gosh oh my goodness there’s a lot of skeletons in here wao okay well we took them out I’m looking for skeleton knite is this skeleton KN it is let’s grab a bunch of these skeleton knes here and we’ll grab some of these bone blocks as well Bone Breaker dude a

Snap you mean to break your bones ha oh my check this thing out dude and one hit boom Oh my gosh I love it give me some diamonds oh there we go you ask and you shall receive I’ll take a girlfriend please okay well can’t hurt trying the

Next item I want is called a ghast staff but I need Soul gold it’s found in the depths of the ghast B Bastion so apparently it’s nether time my friends all right we got some lava here the question is can I break obsidian with my Bone Breaker ha yeah I can all right

Sweet wait wait wait give it to me give it to me wait wait wait wait wait a shoot I burned it obsidian please all right we got enough feels good to be above ground nice wait ah it’s a Perfecto all right my friends let’s find

This weird gas shall we oh gosh guys I found it Fortress but look at the ceilings man they’re made of lava I do not like the look of this this is looking cursed oh hello oh these one hit everything I love it that’ll do it got him still no custom gas but

Excuse me sir I did get another tier yes we got him I’m going to turn you into a Bastion hiya we got him oh my goodness cow portal help me out here buddy yes oh okay oh hi guys Soul piglins oh my gosh okay wao look at this place man let’s go

Get those diamonds shall we all right we’re in the middle we got ourselves a bunch of diamonds here but what I’m really looking for is what’s in this chest here the soul gold yes that should give us what we need I can make it the

Gas staff a snap oh look at it dude with this thing not only can I shoot Fireballs a yeah but also if I just right click then then I fly wherever I’m looking it’s time for our final structure it’s called the Enderman stronghold and I know just where to find an

Enderman hello it’s battle time yeah get him okay all right I guess I just break in uh what I don’t know is there an entrance somewhere it doesn’t it doesn’t want me to break the block there’s an entrance oh hello weird looking Enderman oh my word what is this

Place it looks like there’s weird portals on the ground they might take me to the end though I’m a little nervous I don’t know should I try to stand on one H oh hello I guess I’m in a different part of the stronghold here it’s like a

Maze oh my word ooh Some treasure okay okay we got a pearl essent module uh I’m actually not sure what this thing does but I assume I need it this place is a total maze man look at that it’s the stronghold we got more of the pearlescent module that’s good now my

Friends I can craft check this out our laser Pearl look at this monster dude I made it I made it I found it we found the portal which is nice um can I light it like this oh that works okay okay I honestly I am not sure what’s going on

Dude I’m just pressing buttons and it seems to be working all right let’s do this thing Pillager Outpost Dragon oh my gosh wa oh my word ah he’s riding arrows on me laser Pearl activate is that working is that working oh it’s doing damage to the dragon but it’s not taking out the

Crystals oh my goodness this is getting crazy Hello Goodbye all right buddy let’s do this thing I’ve got an ancient arm ready for battle yeah take this oh he’s almost dead come on one one more hit yeah take that Pillager Outpost look at all the chaos around me my goodness if

You want to see more crazy videos like this make sure to subscribe and I’ll see you guys in the next video everybody love you bye Minecraft but you can eat structures I will craft and eat the most famous landmarks of Minecraft desert temples strongholds I’ll gain their special abilities and defeat the

Structure Dragon I’ve got the kind of hunger that only structure will satisfy ooh hello I’ve come to snack on you ah all right all right all right it’s too big to eat hold on maybe I got to craft something here craft mac and cheese hya

Ooh edible desert pyramid I got to get a pyramid Essence how do I get that oh there’s so many structures man structure Essence vacuum that must be what I need I got to suck the essence out of our structures here that shouldn’t be hard do I need Oak planks well that’s

Just rude sorry aasa all right now we should make there it is our structure Essence vacuum look at this bad boy I’m back for round two it looks like I’m holding like one of those scanners one structure please all right let’s get the essence hi oh I got it look at that I

Got a pyramid Essence that’s really cool can I keep doing it yeah infinite Essence please thank you okay can I just munch on this now no all right I got to craft it okay got sandstone an orange terra cotta not bad it’s like I’m sprinkling some seasoning on top okay

You have to include orange terra cotta okay that’s how you make your dish delicious right now if I type in edible I can make it I’ve got the edible desert pyramid nice man and now I shall eat you delicious ooh look at that I got a little pyramid shoulder going on here

Also I have powers placed wooden pressure plates are now mines so if I make a pressure plate here and then I step on it all right all right does it work with all pressure plates it does it does that’s awesome I think it’s awesome it doesn’t hurt me so that’s

Good we’re going to make a bunch just in case Hello horse see you oh my gosh oh well I deserve that wow we can make literally any structure they all have crazy Powers too the next one that’s caught my eye though here is the edible ruined portal it shouldn’t be hard to

Make and it allows me to warp back and forth between areas which that’ll be real nice but before before we go any further let’s get ourselves a bit of loot here nice wow I’ve always wanted total garbage anyways all right I thought that would

Launch me all the way up to the top it did not well since we’re down in the cave uh might as well get ourselves some iron and then let’s go for that ruined portal shall we ah fresh air all right let’s find a ruined portal shall we I found a village

I’ll come back to eat you later wait wait I have an idea I have an idea don’t explode don’t explode check this out go go go go go yeah I can use it on mobs that’s awesome what is that hello oh my gosh it’s a secret agent back what are

You man ah what the heck it’s a flame creeper what was that hey check it out I found him he actually wasn’t that far at all he just was right across the way hello I shall vacuum your essence yeah did I get it I got it yeah check it out

I’ve got a little tiny portal that’s so cute and now I will eat you you look delicious ooh speaking of delicious all right is this going to work I can it y we’ve got our edible ruined portal let’s munch on it my friend boom hey check it

Out I got a little portal leg going on here I’m going to look crazy by the end of this so now if I look down and sneak it’ll set my warp location and now at any time I can just look up and sneak and I can just warp to the previous

Location that will be so useful since it’s right here let’s just go for the village next do you mind if I eat your town what it’s not weird uh vacuum hey oh I got it Village Essence now how do I eat you my friend not literally you

You’re fine I’m trying to eat your house let me gather some of these materials here I made a mistake I made a mistake thank you thank you buddy I think that’s all I need edible yeah we got it edible Village yum look at that I got a little

Wooden leg now now every time I kill mobs they drop like iron or food or stuff that you would find in a village come here did I get it hi come here H oh I got a carrot from that cow so there’s a chance of me getting various Village

Items every time I kill a a mob there’s another carrot that’ll be a sweet way to get passive iron throughout the episode and also speaking of iron let’s smelt up our iron that we Min here while we look for our next structure a geode would be

Sweet I guess we could probably do the edible shipwreck oh man why did you all just gather around my furnace here anyway iron’s done I’m on hunt for a shipwreck I guess we can claim our gold while we’re here too thanks buddy scanning is that one no that’s a bunch

Of squids hey I got one right next to a different portal too how do I do this and not drown I don’t know we’ll find out it might taste a little soggy bury treasure map I need that and give me the essence hey got it give me the essence

Ow ow we got it we got it we got it shipwreck Essence that’s cute dude I like it look at my little shipwreck man okay so to eat our shipwreck which will let me shoot fish projectiles with my cannon on arm I got to get a heart of the sea so that means

I am off to find buried treasure uh okay I think it should be like uh right here come on no no no I don’t want to set my warp location I got it I got it I got it oh hard the sea okay I got a

Bunch of iron don’t let me die I got some fish uh wait wait what do I put in oh wait wait wait don’t let me die okay I’m fine anyway how was your day M soggy food I’m relaxed I’m relaxed we’ve got it a dude wow I got real stressed out I

Think that should be all I need the edible shipwreck is mine my friends shall we Munch let’s Munch oh oh my goodness look at my Cannon arm I can uh shoot projectile projectile fish take this back to the Sea you go let’s try to hit a mob with it let’s just see what

Happens hello buddy take my fish oh it it does damage him that’s so funny H fish attack you guys okay you guys doing all right oh all right well pretty delicious though I’m on a roll now I want to eat myself a m shaft let’s go mining shall we yeah oh gosh whenever

I’m trying to place torches I accidentally oh I found I found a m shaft I didn’t even realize yeah whenever I Tred to place torches I accidentally uh shoot fish all the time but honestly this fish Cannon is actually amazing if we get some of this

M shaft Essence that should give us what we need I I got to get a couple more items here copper gold rails all right hello Goldie boy I just need a couple right grab some rails and it was copper right and copper achieved oop sorry buddy I got loud neighbors dude you know

When your next door neighbors are just over here like I get it dude you’re a spider M shaft acquired hey hey hey hey stop stop don’t come complaining to me you big jerks okay we got our edible M shaft shut up let’s eat it shall we yep I got

A mining helmet look at this oh that is so cool hey hey hey stop so apparently it makes mining much more efficient and I place torches automatically okay that’s a great upgrade oh I like being a m shaft look at this dude that is so cool yeah and check it out it places

Torches whenever it gets too dark too nice man I love this we’ll get diamonds in no time oh hey look it’s no time take my fish your weird creepers what are those guys man are they like the structure police I don’t know what’s going on ow ow that’s a puffer fish okay

Ow if I die from a puff fish I’ll be unhappy a there’s more of them oh wow okay okay okay okay oh no what is going on please don’t die what are those creepers man I actually don’t know all right my friends it’s strip mining time let’s get ourselves full diamond here

Look at how fast this is oh my goodness as long as I stay away from lava this is going to be the craziest way to get items ever okay okay we’re fine fast reflexes boy I’m also looking for amethyst that’s our next thing I want to eat some amethyst sorry

Fish this is so cool yes we got it ah snap thanks dude wow I did a lot of mining no way I wasn’t recording ah I did one of those like and diamonds and then I just found diamonds Man 1 2 3 and diamonds I’ll never be able to do it again diamonds

Diamonds diamonds diamonds uh try work the first time walking away from our Trip Mine with 22 diamonds we take that yes we’ve got a geode oh I’m excited to eat you dude all right here we go here we go give me the essence boom I’ve got myself a little

Tiny geode and now I munch grab some of you nice and now we can eat ourselves a geode this feels like it would not be good for your teeth I’ll be honest with you uh let’s munch it do I’ve got oh check out my legs I got little amethyst

Legs now you can’t really see it behind my Giant Cannon arm but now I can sneak and right click to shoot amethyst shards it turns blocks into amethyst shards and I assume does some pretty heavy damage too so not only can I shoot fish but I

Can shoot amethyst shards at the fish ah hello creeper thanks for volunteering and boom boom Oh I got him I got him oh my gosh it like shoots out valuables too that’s pretty sweet come here is it the geode hold on oh my when it hits him it

Just like tosses out iron and and gold okay that’s pretty sweet dude I shall first smack you with a fish and now I shall turn you into valuables thank you dude oh that was a diamond ah sweet these are getting so powerful man I really want to see what happens if I eat

A Bastion and a fortress dude let’s head to the nether make myself a pickaxe to mine obsidian for hours oh man I was going to take the water but little Pikachu here has it all right you can have the water I’ll take this one I can mine all at once no way

The most beautiful ability ever boom all at once that is so incredible okay don’t die from the lava now oh gosh okay and boom boom a that’s so nice mining hat I could kiss you right now this seems like a great place nice let’s go all right did I get

Lucky did I get lucky nah no way yes it’s loading in right now we got it yeah there’s our Fortress okay now I’m going to set my spawn point right here uh I got my warp location so if I need to warp back here for any reason I can do

It ooh if I need ender pearls that’s also warp for us right there all right we’re set man now I just need a Bastion we’re here oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh there we go I’m here now if I just vacuum this I’ve got it I’ve got the

Fortress Essence the question is what items do I need to gather uh blaze rods coal Nether Bricks no problem got plenty of those ah Blaze would you like to get smacked by fish I just killed him with fish oh this is amazing oh man the puffer fish do more

Damage than any of the other mobs hey fish attack uhoh hey hey hey hey fish you’re going to kill I got killed by a puffer fish oh no go 10 blaze rods okay I’m out a don’t don’t kill me don’t kill me hey don’t please don’t kill me please please

Please yes yes we made it oh well this should be everything I need turn these into powder and now I can make yes edible nether fortress it summons floating wither skulls hey hey hey hey why where’d you find me from you sniper wait what it summons floating wither

Skulls that wither any mobs in range oh yes please boom look at my arm I’ve got nether arm ow ow oh dude look at my wither skulls this is so cool ow ow ow ow ow I got to get out of here dude oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh please work please

Work I look up I jump yes oh my gosh okay we warped out of there that was something special I love my little wither skulls man this is cool I’ll name you Ted and you Frank you’re my best new friends well next up Bastion and then we’re eating the stronghold itself

That’s going to be pretty cool if you ask me oh look at it they’re withering them go Frank that is awesome uh here’s the Bastion all right I’m just going to go in pick it up and get out all right sorry buddy you’re just a little too

Close to Frank and Jerry or whatever their name was or grab it yep I’m out we’ve got our Bastion Essence yes we can make it the edible Bastion it summons piglin helpers that fight you when you take damage well fight for you I should say all right let’s eat this thing also

My skin looks stinking sweet right now dude look at this that look awesome what do you think can we take on the Bastion I don’t know if it’s worth it I’m scared going to grab this oh okay okay hey hey oh oh piglins oh gosh my little baby

Piglins fight attack oh my goodness what is going on I’m just here for the gold my man ah shoot give me that give me that ouch ouch what’s up piglin friends welcome to my Army my dudes don’t mind me I’m just here for the gold oh gosh

Hey that kid stole my gold grab it let’s go H maybe uh getting gold isn’t that worth it what what was that oh oh my gosh it’s more of those creeper guys hey back up I have an idea take my amethyst shards y oh gosh oh gosh ow ow ow ow ow

They’re dead yes they gave me some gold so I guess we’ll take that hey that’s convenient oh that was close grab myself some gold here oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh take this yeah well that gave me some gold at least yes that works Yeah all right that’ll do it the nether is is done that was awesome there’s two more structures we’ve got the Dragon portal structure and the edible stronghold so I’ve got to keep four of these ender pearls handy and I’ve got to get some glass for the dragon’s breath

Oh I need the dragon egg interesting but other than that I think we’re ready grabbing the sand for our bottles and I’m really hoping we need 10 or less is ofender let’s do this my friends let’s eat ourselves a stronghold oh hey guys we found ourselves a traiter on the way

Nice very garbage I’ll take some of your finest dirt please all right it should be right around here right yeah it’s right underneath us I’ve only got nine hey here it is I’ve only got nine Eyes of Ender though so I’m really hoping I find some ender

Pearls hey hey hey get them boys I shall consume you I need some of these stone bricks I believe there’s a chest there’s a chest yes we got a pearl that might be the Lifesaver we needed back up you big weirdo oh my gosh what are you hey hey

Heyy it’s the creeper secret agent the big boss man oh no he spawns these guys are you serious well uh big boss man’s dead so that’s good that was easy ow ow hey we got it we got it we got it okay I got to

Be careful here do I have enough uh I don’t know if I have enough for this I do yeah I didn’t even need this extra one I don’t want to break this I might break the portal wait a minute can I just turn you into a a crystal yeah

There we go all right dude shall we do this before before we go in let’s make ourselves some glass here for our dragon’s breath excuse me sir no thank you no thank you check this out oh yes we’ve got the edible stronghold my friends hold sneak to summon a giant end

Crystal that damages mobs and the dragon nice dude let’s go a snap structure Dragon oh you’re going down dude yeah oh please make it please make it yes oh dude look at this guy he’s made up of everything structure he looks amazing his like wings and his face and

Everything wao oh he spawns piglin brutes this is uh going to be interesting well let’s real quick let’s eat our edible stronghold yeah yeah oh goodness keep me alive keep me alive keep me alive yeah yeah let me eat the stronghold in peace okay okay we got to eat the stronghold

Man before he spawns a bunch of brutes oh my gosh eat eat it eat it eat it I I eat the structure what happened okay okay if I hold Snak right now that will spawn end Crystal 3 2 1 go spawn it spawn it yes oh my gosh look at it it’s

Huge attack yes go go go go kill it kill the dragon it’s the first time you got a taste of your own medicine Dragon we got him dude that was sick good job Crystal that was rad all right well now we can eat this portal here let me get the egg

How do I get the egg again I hope this works yes we got it yeah all right let me get it yes I got it Dragon portal Essence let’s make our edible Dragon portal here we go what just happened if I look at him I summoned a baby dragon

He’s so cute yeah I love it he’s so fast and and just delightful well my friends we did it we ate every structure do doctors recommend nope but do you like And subscribe I sure hope so we’ll see you in the next next one everybody bye Minecraft but structures beat the game

For me I will travel to every structure recruit them to my side and use each of their overpowered abilities to defeat the village dragon and to find the structures we need the structure Compass shouldn’t be too bad oh my word look at these things hold on I’m getting ahead of

Myself ah sheep you’re getting all soggy dude yes the structure finder is mine check it this out wait a minute look at that find the desert pyramid it’s pointing me to it I guess it’s across the water and way we go I like how I just sit here and it automatically Rose

For me I see it across the Horizon you shall be mine join forces you and I to defeat the dragon it’s not working hold on desert pyramid ah I see I have to make a capture device here and I need a desert pyramid Essence from sand blocks

Okay give me your essence young one aha there it is there the desert pyramid capture device yo I’ve got it all right now I just place this down to capture it I shall place you in the middle yeah wo capturing desert pyramid nice man go go

Go go no no no no construction worker zombie oh gosh I don’t have a a sword I will use my axe back up no don’t defeat my crystal okay we got some good items from that actually no I want the pyramid it’s mine I I asked first the Boss Bar

Is filling up but slowly there’s a lot of moner take that they dropped good items though so that’s a win take this construction workers I’m sorry I know you don’t get paid well much respect to you come on I have no armor or anything I was not

Ready for a b a boss battle I’m here to finish you off get he shoots TNT get him dude oh my gosh that was awesome we got ourselves ruined portal Essence as well oh well thanks man are you cold why you shivering man you’re in a desert you’re

Supposed to be warm okay well this Essence I can get my myself a ruined portal capture device okay ooh also check it out our Compass points to the ruined portal now very nice are you ready buddy let’s check this thing out and we’ve got a dolphin joining us hello

Dolphin yes I love you we’ll take the rest on by foot oh that might be the first time a desert pyramids ever seen water do you feel good and refreshed there little buddy and we got ourselves some snacks for the road open wide okay how’d you get up here it

Should be right around there boat clutch woohoo it is night out so we got to be a little careful here all right keep me covered my dude we got ourselves a golden apple and some pantaloons I like pants compliment my pants please no no you don’t like them why you shaking your

Head no and we got some obsidians that’s pretty nice oh get him boy yeah yeah tag team nice we got some strength for a bow later okay ruined get him hey get him please Netherrack and magma block I can do that I can do that ah ow okay grab

These we already have our Essence no problem grab some magma blocks here and we’ll be able to craft our ruined Essence friend don’t let me die I will have to eat ruttin yeah you ready to have a little brother we’re about to craft it are we ready though we’ll

Probably have those bad guys spawn again um I think we can do we got a golden apple now let me smelt up some of this food here okay that’s our food smelted up I’m nervous but I think we can do it we’re going to craft our ruined portal

Capture device yoink yeah holy cow here we go let’s do it yeah oh my gosh capturing ruined portal be be ready for battle my dude there they are uh-oh uh-oh is he holding a yield sign as a weapon I mean I’m not going to judge it’s my portal yeah they dropped

Some decent loot I like this a lot okay so far so good man we’re we’re we’re we’re holding them back oh there’s another wave of zombies oh my goodness and they do a lot of damage okay okay it might be golden apple time we’re going to do it yes keep

Me alive they give me wither and everything I do not like this ah we’re almost here come on a little further keep the bad guys away oh there’s a witch no come on yes we got it we got it ow ow ow ow just clean up the bad guys hey piglins

Where’ you come from oh my gosh look at little portal hi Little Portal uh half a heart half a heart okay keep keep me alive boys I got to eat some raw chicken real quick okay well I made it and we have another friend and there’s piglins here

Was that you’re doing portal oh it summons baby piglins to protect me nice oh also allows me to eat obsidian for 10 seconds of damage immunity that’s awesome and I got some obsidian from the chest here so we will keep you handy obsidian one day I will munch on you and

The sun is rising I love him he’s so Derpy dude well what now structure finder find the village another journey ahead of us oh man I wonder what powers The Village has this is cool hi buddy I like your Redstone there it is the village did we lose anybody in the

Meantime head count 1 2 6 8 4 blue okay we got everybody don’t worry I’m not here to kill you but I am here to capture your village how do I make the capture device wao look at all these guys Bastion dragon arena oh my goodness

One at a time here for a village capture device this should all be a piece of cake Although our village Essence I got to get from a skeleton killed by a baby piglin shall we get him grab some hey guys sorry I got to borrow some of these

If you don’t mind uh very drafty and installing your heater there you go buddy all right now we have all that just need to get the village Essence looking for a skeleton and while I’m down here oh skeleton perfect get him get him boys please please please I need

That Essence go go go did it work I yes yes yes yes we got it we got it all right and while we’re down here let’s get some iron too got a little bit of bread here leave enough wheat for our village capture device yes okay it seems

Like it’s getting harder guys so this might be weird get inside everyone 3 2 1 here we go capturing the village oh we got the stop sign guys Stop in the Name of Love okay he’s dead looks like these guys have bows now and that didn’t

Happen before oh there he goes good job buddy ow oh my gosh that’s a lot of damage I should have made armor I should have made armor I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine oh okay okay we’re almost there oh man yes we got it dude I’m Iron

Golem shield no way it’s literally an iron golem they’re still bad guys though I will use my iron golem Shield to block it ha oh my gosh I summoned an iron golem hi buddy he hey look at that we got a little village on Wheels I wonder if there’s little tiny villagers inside

Inside they’re like oh gosh this is really cool and now it’s pointing to somewhere new right the Shipwreck iron nuggets feathers no problem and drop from a drown killed by a mini Iron Golem we we can do that come on little structures look at our pets by the end

Of this we’re going to be surrounded by structures I love it Compass points and the compass finds oh there’s a lot of drowns guys get them come on yeah wait wait wait wait wait hold on hold on we got to get the Golem there we go to kill

They did it they did it I got the essence the Shipwreck Essence good job little Golem oh no now he sinks to the bottom cuz he’s iron hopefully he had a good short life got a bunch of iron some gold oh yeah we got some decent loot dude oh gosh oh gosh yeah

I’m alive feathers nice and we got our buried treasure map in case we want to get that and uh yeah some books later why not shipwreck air guys I don’t think they know how to swim this time I’m crafting myself some armor the Shipwreck capture device is

Mine guys it’s fine I can take this one on myself yeah go dude capturing shipwreck oh my gosh oh no no no oh that’s a lot of bad guys all right iron Golem help me out here man construction worker skeleton no yeah Iron Golem they’re in a giant

Circle man how am I supposed to do this I’m going underneath and coming up to their booties gosh I could really use a bow and arrow right now it’s almost done yes all right ship battle time we got it no no no come back Canon

Come here come here yeah we got it oh my gosh look at this I I’m hiting a cannon oh my gosh get him yeah boom oh my goodness who are you I don’t know who you are but you’re dead now so yeah one last one we’ve got him dude that Cannon is

Sick man oh and we got a little baby shipwreck hey little guy what’s next Mighty Compass find The M shaft okay it’s pointing this direction hopefully this time it’s not underwater so you can actually actually help me I’m not salty I just thought it was structures beat

The game for you not crafty beats the game for me well it says it’s right about here all right let’s do this guys no we can’t all go at the same time I can’t mine down if you do [Applause] that oh I think we’re here how’ you guys get down here perfect timing

Too now to craft the M shaft capture device I need golden iron that shouldn’t be bad I might already have that right now and M shaft Essence I have to find it in a loot chest okay guys keep an eyee out for a loot chest oh uh none in

Here come on no got a golden apple though yeah oh I’m strong now I think one of these guys gives me Buffs cuz I just one hit that yeah another chest please please please please please yes yes M shaft Essence ah punch two book I don’t know

If I need that but I guess I’ll take it I have enough golden nuggets to make two iron ingots so I just need two more gold and we can craft this thing a one a two we got double gold bro chill chill what goodness gracious all right all right relax relax

They are very excited about gold there take it goodness gracious thank you for the bread oh my goodness now the M shaft capture device boom our enemies are getting dangerous and I I am nervous to use this but I think we’ll be all right especially with our Canon now and all of

Our amazing helpers here this seems like a decent place is any it’s time yeah go capture the M shaft all right keep your eyes peeled keep it safe everybody I got my iron golem Shield if I need it nice job guys keep them away back up there’s new monsters now

Boom oh man this is great oh gosh guys up there up there up there we got a witch oh that looks bad that looks bad come on just the witch left I got you I got you get up there guys get him yes almost done almost done we did it look

Look our little M sh left oh my gosh only a couple guys left and they’re dead we did it everybody that was intense technically was in a m shaft there’s no tents in Minecraft apparently our M shaft can mine for us check this out H go a classic dude that’ll be good for

Diamond hunting oh he just keeps going oh my gosh do you ever stop hey buddy what what just happened um oh he’s fine okay I got real nervous I thought he just mined himself to death up next we’ve got amethyst geode cool okay well we can look for geode as we get some

Diamonds all right let’s go already dude no way shut up no two diamonds are you kidding me oh my go oh my gosh I am the luckiest person that’s ever lived wow I don’t think anyone’s going to believe this is real this is a vein of eight there’s at least two over

Here oh my God are you kidding me oh my gosh and then we’ve got diamonds over here 1 2 3 4 5 6 I just got 23 Diamonds oh my gosh that was my first mine oh my word all right you’re op dude if we get diamonds again I’m going to freak

Out no way there has to be something going on with the luck of this right I’m at 31 diamonds right now oh gosh they found some gold shut up oh my gosh 42 diamonds now just got to find myself a geode okay okay okay more how how they just keep coming oh my

Gosh what why am I not lucky in this every episode I’m already a stack of diamonds that’s a vein of nine that’s a I’ve never had a vein of nine before Oh My Gosh well might as well looking good aha here you are you haven’t failed me

Yet Compass I’m proud of you let’s see uh geode Essence dropped from gold or oh I got plenty of those okay it’s so beautiful it sings songs to me all right we got it geode acquired let’s capture this geode all right guys this is a fortress no one

Comes in through the front and we should be a okay yeah die you foul monster yeah oh that’s a guy with a blaze rod oh man did he drop blaze rods I don’t think so get back yeah careful guys don’t let him in we are holding strong the for get him

Get him get him good job I’ll keep the Left Flank yeah yeah with the diamond armor and everything I think this will be no problem yeah ow ow ow ow guys help help help help get them Golems Golem army yes yes yes we did it look at our

Geode oh you are awesome looking oh my goodness it’s like Pac-Man except he sings and he’s beautiful look at him oh my goodness nice look at my armor I’ve got amethyst armor dude no way it coats you in permanent amethyst armor nice so apparently when I get damaged there’s a

Chance that the mob gets shot with shards of amethyst wa oh my gosh that was awesome okay this is a very cool upgrade I like this a lot bless every time I walk now I just walk on Amethyst it hurts my feet a lot I’m in tremendous amount of pain but

It sounds amazing next up nether fortress uh-oh let’s get in and get out oh yeah I forgot I can eat obsidian I can make myself Invincible well this will be handy for the nether excuse me oh you want me to light you I’m sorry man that’s not going to work I’m just

Making your big brother there ruin portal a everyone’s giving each other hugs nothing but wholesomeness here on the channel and sometimes I kill mobs for fun let’s do this aha wa holy cow oh hey boys welcome home oh man how am I supposed to get over there

Jano oh no I’m in lava oh gosh oh I survived okay okay anyways I’m fine there it is let’s capture this nether fortress I need a couple of blaze rods and a couple of these guys so actually I’ll I’ll take these come on boys I’m rolling in with

My squad let’s take these guys out and capture this nether fortress hello ah there he is get him a he’s so far away shoot all right I’m using my iron golem Shield I’m hiding behind my dad get him ah yes we got it we got it yeah yeah yes I got a

Blaz rod okay sweet oh my gosh look at how sparkly the nether is now go geod did you steal a blaze rod hey give me that Blaze Rod back hey come here give it back here I’ll give you a gold for it I’ll trade you give me the Blaze Rod

There we go thank you oh my gosh well we got seven blaze rods that did not take long at all oh I need a fortress Essence I got to get that from killing a mob by an exploded amethyst Shard okay did it work did it work ah oh gosh oh oh ah I’m

Just swinging I don’t know what’s going on okay I think that might have worked uh yes Fortress Essence we got it no problem now we can craft The Fortress captur device boom let’s get ourselves a fortress this battle might be intense 3 2 1 place getting ready for battle guys

Oh here they come oh that looks dangerous cannons fire boom what are you holy cow it’s like a Wither SK ah yeah get him okay so far so good Yeah I broke the bridge ah they spawned oh okay good job guys good job who’s protecting the

Spawn hey careful he’s going to break it back yeah we got him yeah boom yes we got it wao look at our little Fortress a I love it welcome to the family of structures it’s weird here I’ll be honest so it looks like I’ve got permanent fire resistance which is so

Great and I can now shoot Fireballs yep that will be very useful on the crystals at the dragon next up ah Bastion nice I found the Bastion hey yeah got him please get the essence do we have it we have it yes the Bastion Essence okay now

We can craft this thing just need some gold and some bricks I can get the gold right from here actually I don’t need to smelt it relax relax relax all right got our gold thanks gorgeous all right M shaft it’s your time to shine go boy

Yeah oh gosh this is going to get weird oh man yeah it’s crafted look at this masterpiece that seems like a perfect place to place this thing it’s going to get dangerous but I have fire protection and I’ve got structure protection let’s get them boys yeah go geode Man Nice

Shot let me grab all this gold here nice and then let’s prepare for battle here we go Bastion is activated there’s the bad guy spawning not today fire blast fire blast yeah dude this should be no problem at all we’re crushing everybody man man they don’t even want to mess

With us back get out Yeah I broke the bridge so they can’t even get over here if they wanted to just a little more yes we’ve got it the Bastion Bastion Remnant hey buddy all right come on guys we’re done with this place check this out

Whenever I throw gold at this guy it drops pearls yes I love you Bastion I love you very very much now it is Dragon time my friend we are done with the nether so when I hover over this now it says find the stronghold x marks the

Spot oh I’m here wao dragon arena Essence nice so I can make the dragon arena now I’ve got the essence I need obsidian which I have and endstone no problem it’ll fire a damaging Beam at the crystals and the village Dragon oh all right so this will be how we defeat

The dragon nice okay guys the first thing I got to do is jump in there get my End Stone and then we can craft our crazy Dragon yeah let’s do this Village Dragon yeah oh my gosh all right he’s got explosives this could get bad all right

All right oh man now I remember I can eat obsidian so anytime I’m taking damage this will keep me alive what are you shooting at me oh my gosh it’s it’s literally a village Dragon okay give me some of this endstone here perfect place this down craft our what was it called

Again ow almost died almost died okay Dragon there we go we got it we got it boom I threw it away no no get back in my inventory no no no get my inventory man come here pick it up thank you thank you thank you they alive for long enough

This guy’s crazy dude ah oh my wor he shooting Iron Golems at me okay here we go yeah capturing dragon arena no dude I thought it would kill him instantly oh gosh dangerous okay back yeah got to protect this guy for another few minutes back up yeah

Come on two more seconds yes attack him go oh my gosh okay first he’s going to take out all the crystals nice dude I love it what is going on dude I don’t know I’m just trying to stay alive get him yeah come on yeah just one more hit dude

Come on yes he’s dead thank you guys for your help you guys did awesome and thank you guys for watching we’ll see you guys next time w

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#Minecraft #But #Craftee

Minecraft but Structures Fall From the Sky

🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.👕


  1. First 2 hours on a Craftee video! Finally made it in good time. Love the work you do, and the effort your team puts into it as well. Wish I could get some of the Craftee merch, I really like the look of the plushies! Keep on keeping on!

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