JJ PRINGLES TOWER vs Mikey LAYS TOWER BUILD Challenge in Minecraft Maizen

What a deep sleep huh hang on where am I I don’t remember this place what is this uh somehow I woke up all the way up here who is this a bad dream huh where am I Mikey help wa Mikey it looks like Mikey’s here too

Mikey hang on JJ I just woke up here I’m scared I really don’t want to fall off where are we I can’t even see the bottom honestly Mikey I’m not sure how we ended up here uh let’s see our towers are tiny yeah they’re narrow and dangerous so the

First thing to do Mikey see that Island let’s try to reach that while being being careful not to fall off okay let’s go be really careful oh don’t worry I will I don’t think I can jump that far so I’ll try making a bridge smart I’ll dig up the dirt don’t

Know I dropped a block well I still have five and now is it enough probably I think I can make it jump woo good jump there thanks I made it nice job now I need to save you Mikey you’re quite a ways over there Save Me

You Can Count On Me there’s plenty of dirt around here so I’ll gather it up I’ll need to dig up quite a bit to reach Mikey is there enough to get there let’s See please hurry I’ll save you Mikey keep going I’m Close almost there okay I think you can jump that are you sure you can do it just be careful I hope this works first you might want to grab your bed all right good idea nice got it okay you can do this Mikey I’m sure I sure hope you’re right

Yeah wo you did it I made it good job that was stressful yeah falling from up here would not end well let’s go to the large island now it should be safer there leaving still how did we even end up here I’m not sure take a look down

There we can’t see anything no we’re too high up to see the ground yeah what could be down there I wish I knew well well what if we tried just jumping off what stop that what if we hit Solid Ground And from this high up we’ll die

No way nuh-uh well you’re probably right no jumping off for now well Mikey let’s stay up here and try to make this place a little more comfortable first up sounds good I don’t want to fall let’s make our Island safe and livable which means this Gathering wood

Ready yeah let’s chop down this tree and take all the logs W is an essential item for survival you need it for just about everything that’s why the first thing is always to collect wood wow this tree has a lot that’s great I got six logs not

Bad let’s see now what wait hold on Mikey huh I just noticed something look where right there oh there’s a couple blocks just sitting there and one of them has a chest I see it h i wonder what’s inside me too there might be something really good in there let’s

Loot it that’s a great idea all right first we’ll need more dirt then we’ll make a bridge like that nice now we can reach it just don’t fall off yikes time to open this chest 3 2 1 open uh what that’s weird weird very huh seems like junk like what a lava bucket

H some ice sure and a wet sponge huh I don’t see how we can use that stuff that I thought we might find food now what oh hang on Mikey I think I know how how we can use these oh actually these might be incredibly useful for us that’s just

Random junk right well just watch first of all I need to make some preparations Okay I’ll set it up like this for the first item uh-huh I’ll put the ice right here okay hey if I break it oh it turns into water hey that’s pretty cool but now what then I’ll move some blocks around what are you doing keep watching okay almost there I think that’s

Right I’ll pour the lava here perfect it works check it out Mikey wo it’s a cobblestone generator infinite Cobblestone wow now cool we also have a crafting table so I’ll just use that first I’ll craft a wooden pickaxe then I’ll use the pickaxe to mine the Cobblestone see

Wo wow perfect we have all the Cobblestone we want yep it’s an endless supply that rules when water and lava meet it creates Cobblestone this is going to be so useful that’s right we have all the Cobblestone we want we just have to mine it first let’s stock up on

It good idea but first I want some stone tools okay that should be enough for right now yep and now back to the crafting table right Mikey yeah I’ll craft you a set too stone tools are fundamental to survival okay I’ll need to craft some more sticks first that’s two pickaxes and two

Swords and two shovels here’s yours Mikey thanks three important tools nice there’s no axe but you probably won’t need one yeah all right awesome I think things are looking up I agree we’re definitely more well off now we have stone tools hey JJ yeah I’m thirsty can I drink this water

Huh you’re thirsty uh what thing is this is our only water Mikey but I’m really thirsty does this mean I can never drink water again oh well there must be a way let’s see we have a furnace hold on I have an idea H just a second what’s up there’s

‘s a way to get more water really I’ll have to use the furnace now since I have this wet sponge yeah I can actually use the furnace to make more water but how that sounds impossible just watch first I should build a bridge to the furnace there okay let’s make some water

First I take the wet sponge and burn some wood as fuel like that right after it starts burning I’ll put the bucket under the sponge why because the sponge is drying out huh there the bucket collects the sponge’s Lost water wow see look at this impressive but that’s still just one

Water bucket true but we can make more first I should prepare the area oh thank you now I can dig this out this setup should work the water in the corner is a source block so I’ll pour the bucket there see what that does Mikey oh this is an

Infinite water source it never runs out infinite if you take some it’ll refill amazing Tada we’re saved yeah with this we’ll never have to worry about water again nope still even if we don’t have to worry about water I’m getting hungry so hungry oh yeah we don’t really have any food

None what can we do H maybe there’s something buried under the ground we can use oh yeah it’s just a theory but check out the island from this view look okay the layer of dirt is pretty thick so there could easily be something useful buried underneath oh definitely let’s

Dig it up it’s worth a shot we’ll never know what’s there if we don’t look yeah maybe we’ll find cookies see anything help help me no too hot there thanks TJ I almost died glad I had this water so there’s lava down there let’s dig more cautiously good idea be careful very

Carefully there’s more Yik well let’s keep digging maybe we’ll find some huh hang on look Mikey what look at that what is is it it looks like some kind of entrance let’s try it a secret passage let’s go there’s a door what is this weird let’s open it the passage keeps

Going wo there’s a chest in here huh what’s inside is it food let’s open it wo what it’s full of potatoes wow I love potatoes woohoo this is great now we won’t have to worry about food okay yeah first things first Mikey let’s build a potato farm sounds good if we plant

These potatoes they’ll grow even more we’ll have infinite food and never go hungry let’s do it okay let’s plow the field aha just like that plow all of this almost done there we go now we plant the potatoes okay Mikey check it out yeah our potato farm is complete wow

We did it we are officially Farmers this is awesome great work things are looking good now we have food and water yep survival will be easier now that’s right though we still don’t know what’s below us actually Mikey the only only thing we still need is a house that’ll keep us

Protected from the elements then let’s build one yeah let’s get right to it we can use this dirt let’s gather as much as we can first things first yeah we’ll need a roof to protect us from the Wind and Rain something like this that looks good it’s done our house is built it’s

Perfect all it needs now is our beds I’ll sleep here okay then mine will go here nice we have just enough room that’s perfect yeah I cook some potatoes there nice we now have food water and shelter we’re all set yeah we’re doing well sweet it’s not a bad

House very cozy yep living here isn’t so bad hang on what’s wrong we’ve got company huh Phantoms that’s not good get ready watch out Mikey take cover they’re attacking oh no wa this is bad look out Mikey there’s one stuck inside the house stay away what do we do we’re going to

Have to fight him off whoops that’s not what I meant to do ah I’m under attack leave me alone where is it up there it just attacked me again fight them off Mikey I’m on top of the roof take this careful yeah don’t fall off I’ll

Join you okay you don’t fall off either deal come on yikes JJ yeah almost done it ran off get back here here he comes you got got him I did it pH we’re finally safe it’s over what a relief you and I are unstoppable that we are you

Know since there’s no way down I’ve made up my mind yeah I’m happy staying right here that doesn’t sound bad yeah huh hey it started raining I don’t want to get wet me neither let’s go inside our house yeah that’s why we it that’s a good point let’s take a break in here

It’s coming down hard out there I’m a little worried don’t worry we’ll be okay no matter what we have food water and a house we’ll be just fine you worry too much JJ we’re perfectly safe what’s that wao huh oh no our house no lightning just struck our house and wrecked

It hold up what are the chances Mikey yeah it wasn’t just our house the lightning destroyed our farm too we even lost our infinite water what yeah you’re right we’ve lost almost everything this is really bad hey it stopped raining so at least we have that right actually

Mikey that’s bad now we don’t have any water oh no this is a nightmare we’ve lost everything our house our farm even our water JJ I haven’t had anything to drink for 3 days at this rate we won’t make it much longer JJ how are we going to get

Out of this mess well there’s still one thing we haven’t tried what we can take our chances and try jumping off I don’t think that’s a good idea it can’t end well we don’t even know what’s down there it’s too dangerous maybe but if we stay up here we’ll die

True if we jump there’s a chance we’ll survive all right let’s do it okay here we go I wonder what’s down there we’re about to find out I hope this works here we go okay jump wao huh wo water we were above water where are we are we in a river uh

Yeah hey we’re not going to die after all you’re right I can’t believe it hey is that h a village what no way really wow KJ look they have food dud it’s a miracle we’re saved we should have just jumped off on day one this is terrible quick open the door

JJ hurry it’s an emergency open up come on what’s going on wa Mikey check it out huh it’s a penguin you’re right it’s a baby penguin pretty cool huh huh yeah she says she’s looking for her mommy oh right you can talk to animals cuz you’re a

Turtle yep now we need to take this penguin back to her mommy right in that case let’s bring this baby penguin home oh what’s up apparently her mom is on top of Snow Mountain oh I know where Snow Mountain is it’s pretty far away so we better get moving as soon as possible

Follow me Mikey I can lead the way okay let’s go over here Snow Mountain is in this direction mm at least I think it is come on let’s go we can do this snow mountain here we come I have some bad news JJ what’s wrong the baby penguin is

Hungry hear that H one second snack time have this is that a carrot here huh take it uh hey Mikey huh Penguins don’t eat carrots try giving her a fish instead oh look we’re right next to a lake since I have my fishing rod I’ll

Catch a fish nice go this is a great fishing spot yeah we can’t let the baby penguin go hungry hope hopefully I’ll be able to catch something for her to snack On oh hey I caught one wa I caught a fish let’s feed it to the penguin try it here huh wait why isn’t she eating it yay there we go she ate it now that the baby penguin’s stomach is full let’s keep walking to Snow Mountain let’s

Go wow we come so far but it’s still a bit further up h Huh hold on a second what’s this what’s wrong look huh the bridge broke oh no how are we supposed to get across yikes it’s the only way to reach Snow Mountain we’ll never find the baby’s mother

Without a bridge there’s no way we can cross that gap on our own what now h hang on a minute I have an idea hm look what I’ve been holding a lot of different items in my inventory at first glance they seem kind of random but you

Can help us cross yep but the bridge is gone we won’t need the bridge huh I just need to build something what is it one sec interesting almost done check it out Mikey I just have a few final touches H okay that should be good enough for now

Oh perfect H I’ve loaded the TNT oh now for the Redstone yes looks great thanks hang on did you figure out what I’m building here’s the water awesome I’m going to go across first to build a landing pad for you I wouldn’t want the baby penguin to get hurt good thinking

Let me explain what I built this is a person can careful here’s how it works the dispensers will drop explosives to launch us across the Gap oh are you ready Mikey Here I Go activate as long as I’m standing right here I’ll blast off into the sky wow yes I did it

Epic I’ll leave some water out for you to land on thanks maybe may I should move it closer aim for the water I’m ready good luck here goes nothing hold on penguin wo yikes w w good job Yes we made it a pause yeah we did it even though the bridge was

Broken we cross the Gap yeah let’s keep going sweet at this rate we’ll be there no time we need to reunite the baby penguin with her mama it’s raining pretty hard oh wow wa it’s a thunderstorm that lightning looks dangerous let’s take cover nah we’ll be

Fine it’s just rain huh it won’t hurt us see come on fine wait was it this way JJ yeah this way H I don’t like like this lightning wa ouch Mikey you got struck by lightning are you okay ow who ouch wait Mikey owie let’s get out of the

Rain okay follow me we need to find a place to take cover oh I found a cave ouch quick get inside run yes okay let’s wait here till the rain stops this is bad Mikey and the Penguin aren’t doing so well they’re in a coma from the

Lightning strike I have to help them there must be a way to save them I wonder if I can do anything with the items I have now let’s see oh I have some blaze rods I just had an idea I can make a potion to save them

With my blaze powder plus I have a few gold in I bet I can make this work the only thing I’m missing from my inventory is a bit of watermelon I better go find some come on this rain is still super dangerous but I have to go outside all I need is

One watermelon and I’ll be able to make a potion of healing there’s got to be a watermelon patch somewhere where could it be oh there’s one I found found a watermelon why are there so many zombies protecting it I better hurry up and harvest it before the zombies get to me

I don’t have time to fight them I need to head back to the cave to finish Brewing my potion I hope it’s not too late okay I made it back to the cave first I need to use a crafting table then I can combine the watermelon I found with my

Gold there we go I made a glistening melon next I’ll toss it into the brewing stand and wait for the potion to finish this shouldn’t take long yes I made a potion of healing if I mix in some Gunpowder I can use it to save Mikey and the baby penguin this

Splash potion should be able to heal them both yes it’s done I made a splash potion of healing now to Splash it over Mikey and the Penguin I hope it’s not too late huh oh wow thanks JJ you saved us wo I feel better now amazing I’m so glad

You recovered let’s wait in here for a little longer until the storm passes oh you had beds this whole time okay let’s get some rest yeah good night all we need to do now is follow this River straight to Snow Mountain woohoo don’t worry baby penguin you’re going to

See your mommy in no time at all it’s been a wild trip but all we have left to do is ride down this River easy peasy we’re almost done hang on Mikey I forgot to tell you there’s something dangerous up ahead really yeah it can’t be worse than being

Hit by light right see for yourself it’s just up ahead is that a waterfall are you kidding me we’ll never survive that well I’m going to fall I can’t stop Mikey it’s okay if you stay in your boat there’s nothing to worry about oh yeah

Mhm that scared me oh well come on let’s go wo we’ve almost made it to Snow Mountain Mikey do you see it whoops wo wo hey it’s snow mountain yeah so cold all right we made it to Snow Mountain it’s so chilly you’re right don’t worry I get prepared JJ

Here oh leather armor thanks it’s so warm these jackets will protect us from the cold woohoo let’s go Mikey hear that you’re finally going to see your mama again come on do you think the Penguin’s family is at the top of Snow Mountain probably I wonder what the mother is is

Like up the mountain we go keep climbing almost there yeah come on we’re so close what else is up there who knows let’s ask the mother penguin when we see her okay hey Mikey we’re almost there huh hurry that’s where we’ll find the mother mhm I wonder what she looks like I can’t

Wait to reunite the whole family look we’re at the top time to see Mommy here we come all right yes huh wait where is everybody it’s empty huh hang on I know what happened JJ h a what the mother penguin must have left she’s gone what else could it be I

Was really hoping we’d find her she’s gone yep you think she left home she must have huh wait a sec did you see this hole over here H let’s take a look inside huh you want to see what’s in this hole but it’s so small there’s no way her mama

Could fit inside who knows maybe that’s where her mother’s been hiding all along here I go wao you did it oh well that’s cool woohoo hey check it out Mikey what is it look it’s her mother we found her she never left well give her back her baby

Here you go I’m a little sad the mother says thank you a awesome the penguin family is whole again yeah wo okay what’s she saying she says some kids are still missing come on what really let’s go

JJ PRINGLES TOWER vs Mikey LAYS TOWER BUILD Challenge in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Original Maizen Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial


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