I Survived 100 Days in a 1×1 Expanding Border in Minecraft Hardcore

This is a 1 by one border and I’m going to be spending the next 100 days trying to survive in it over the course of the challenge the Border will slowly expand and more resources will become available but for now it’s pretty camped and I’ll need to use resources carefully to be

Able to survive I build a really awesome base complete with the farm with every type of crop and lots of animals I think it turned out really great so stay tuned to see for yourself but let’s just get straight into the video all right is the first day of have an expanding border

And it is one block wide right now which means I can’t really do anything and we’ll have to wait probably at least 20 minutes I do see a sheep in some mountains but that’s about it I can mine nine blocks I think that’s a pretty generous amount except for that though

There’s not really much to do there’s two trees next to me so I can get a good start but I have to wait at least a day to get those there’s also like four leaves I can hit but the chances of those dropping a sapling are really low

So I’ve basically just got to wait also I’ll been jumping oops have to conserve my Hunger I guess I might as well give this a shot okay I didn’t get super lucky so just got it here now and do basically nothing I’m going to make a little trench that maybe some monsters

Will fall in I could get some free items or something too I got to wait for night for that though all right it’s been an entire day and I didn’t end up fighting any monsters but I can mine a couple more leaves now so I’m going to go ahead

And do that maybe I’ll get lucky oh I did get a sapling okay but where should I plant it that’s probably far enough away or maybe yeah I don’t know I think I have to do right there yeah I’ll do that sapling but I still have to wait to

Get wood and I have to wait for that tree to grow yeah those are all the leaves I can get I got one sapling which is pretty good but another 20 minutes possibly before I can do anything I’m just going to go back in my hole that I

Made where I can stay safe from the monsters okay it is day three and now it looks like one of my trees grew and I have access to almost this entire tree so I I can start actually doing some stuff today the first thing I will do is

Chop down all these leaves and see if I can get another tree down all right I did not get another sapling so I’m going to chop down these logs and I’ll chop down this one so all these leaves can start decaying as well and while I wait

For all these leaves to Decay I’m probably going to get some stone tools okay I’m mining stone but I hear some monsters so there is probably a cave under me it sounds like I can start off by making a pick and now I have every single Stone tool I wonder if the Cave’s

Under me could I get into the cave right now or do I have to keep waiting ooh the cave is under me okay the thing is I really can’t take damage cuz I’m not going to have food for a while so let me see if I can get down here safely okay I

Have a hole what is in here the monsters aren’t actually near me but it seems like there’s nothing I can get so I have to keep waiting for the border to expand I’ll just stack back up with some gravel and granite and I have three saplings

Total I’ll go ahead and plant one up here and one in this corner and then one in this this corner too and I’ll break all the grass I guess cuz I’m going to need seeds at some point soon but I’m going to need water before I can use

Them and I don’t know if there’s water close hopefully there’s some underground if there is any close by I’m still at full hunger though so and I could get a couple of apples if I’m lucky think I can plant this tree in the middle but

I’m just back to waiting now okay it is now day four and the Border has expanded another couple blocks and all my trees have grown every single day the border is going to double I think so tomorrow should be 32 blocks wide because right now it’s 16 blocks which means I’ll have

Like four or eight extra blocks in each side of the Border I think for now though I just got some trees to mine I also still have hunger somehow and there’s a pig actually think I’ll leave him alive though could also just run out

If I hit him so might not be worth it to try to attack him but I don’t really need food and I think probably an apple will drop sooner or later okay I have a lot of saplings I’m just seeing if I can get any apples or even more saplings I

Got one apple so far going to PL another sapling at the top of this hill and I’ll keep getting these leaves I guess I should probably chop down the trees first then get the leaves after okay all the trees are cut down I got one apple total and couple of extra saplings so

I’m just going to have to wait for all this to grow I think I could go back down to that cave and see if I find anything down there though maybe it has expanded enough H where are all those sounds coming from cuz it’s not in these

Caves it sounds like it’s over here yeah but the borders here so can’t get in there could also be under me yeah I don’t know I guess I’ll just keep waiting I could also just mine around this area to see if I find iron or coal

Or anything like that because I have to wait for it to turn night okay I found where all the monsters are hiding or at least some of them oh my gosh that’s a lot I could make a staircase up oh Creer is about to explode okay creeper did

Explode nice I don’t want to get shot by a skeleton okay I made a staircase for them and I’m going to make a trap oops that’s not a good trap if they come up this staircase they’ll go on this block and then fall into this hole and I will

Be able to hit their feet hopefully okay well I’ll add eat my apple and the skeleton won’t get in the hole my plan is not really working and I’m about to die okay plan B suffocate the skeleton okay the skeleton’s in the hole just got to be careful okay got the skeleton down

He didn’t even drop a bone that was not worth it okay I think I’m done messing with the monsters let me go see if it’s daytime yet okay I waited for it to turn daytime everything is safe up here now there’s no monsters nearby still I’m

Going to cut down all the trees that grew and maybe I’ll get some more apples I also smelted a single pork chop that I got from that pig that was in here so I will start regening now at least there are some more pigs over there and I cut

Down all of these trees hopefully they drop an apple or two so the next border increase will be quite a bit but then it’s going to go from doubling to going a little bit smaller every time so it doesn’t get too big too fast so I assume

On average we’ll probably get about 10 blocks every single time it expands I’m going to get all these seeds too cuz it seems like I’m going to get access to water so I’ll be able to have a farm and an infinite food source and the more

Seeds I have the faster the food will get growing so it’s important to use my time wisely to gather all of these seeds up and so far I have 12 and I’m going to replant the saplings to keep getting wood cuz wood is going to be super important

I think I had 10 saplings and I just planted all of them I’m going to go get a bucket I think or try to get iron for a bucket so that when it does expand to the water I’m ready to take advantage of it but maybe I should just dig a

Different way well there was that Cave opening down there with no monsters in it I think I’ll go try that first yeah right here oh it looks like it didn’t expand enough to get into a cave but that cave down there looks really big and I see some iron I think I’ll just

Mine in a straight line and and see if I find any iron that way I’m just mining some straight lines and I haven’t found a single piece of iron yet but maybe I’m not low enough to find iron think I’ll just go down a little staircase because

Feel like I would have found some by now so it’s time to try a different strategy there’s some copper but I don’t really need copper and there’s a creeper and some zombies okay maybe I can get a carrot or a potato oh and a skeleton I don’t really

Like skeletons just in case the creeper starts to explode I need to make a way out of here for safety honestly I don’t really think this is safe I’m pretty low and I’m out of food was that is that potato okay somebody dropped a potato I

Need to get that that would be very helpful so if I drop here and place some gravel nice and then some gravel here oh okay there’s a skeleton should be able to drop down and I got the potato now I’m going to go back to the surface I’ll

Come find iron but I need to see what time it is and if any apples dropped or maybe some trees also grow that I could mine okay it is just turning night time now no more trees have grown so I’m going to mine this one and I’ll replant

The saplings I have after okay we’re going to go down and wait for daytime I’ll also eat this rotten flesh and hope that it heals me a little bit because tomorrow I can grow the potato I think and some seeds Okay it is daytime now and somehow I lost hunger while I was

Standing still so I’m starving again okay the border is a little bit smaller than it was now but it is on the water still and it still expanded a pretty good amount so it is done doubling from now on and it’ll probably increase by like I said 10 block seems pretty good

Maybe 15 or 20 as it gets later into the challenge somehow none of my saplings grew so I’m just going to have to mine the two trees that did looks like another one grew while I was mining that the top priority now is to get iron so I

Can start making a farm but actually now that I think about it I don’t even need a wa for a bucket because I could just mine and place the Farms next to the water okay so I’m just going to take a spot here and mine eight blocks this way

Water is able to reach four blocks so I’m just going to give this four blocks wide and I’m also going to need a hoe to tilt the land so I’ll make one of those out of cobblestone since that’s all I have and there we go I don’t think it

Has to be a water source block but I could be wrong it should work even if it’s a little tide and I’ll plant my seeds here on the one block wide area since I can’t make it bigger cuz the Border I plant my potato in the back and

Finish off with the rest of the seeds I have and while all of that grows I will try and get some more seeds yeah I feel like the Border probably expanded a little bit too fast but now it’s going to slow down a bit and I mean this is

Even that big of an area I still can’t really do anything in here and there’s probably only like 15 diamonds in the entire range so it’s not like I got very much area to play with I amop hoping I can get a village or something or cure some zombie villagers I’m almost done

Getting all the seeds in this Valley and all my trees are starting to grow so I’m going to mine all those two after unfortunately there are no sheep in my area I don’t have iron to sh them anyway though so it’s not a big deal I’m going

To cut down all the trees before it’s night time and then replant the saplings looks like there’s an apple over here that fell from a tree nice wasn’t even a true that I planted I think it just grew over here three apples that is super lucky I’ll keep that for after my rotten

Flash is gone I think I’m also going to prepare a new area for some more Farmland once the Border expands again but I can’t break this and it’s turning night so it’s time to go hide in my hole for the rest of the day o and another

Apple next to my staircase nice okay I replant all the saplings I have but I got to go underground now it’s turning night time and I do not want monsters to come over here all right it is the next day and the world border has expanded

Once again it looks like I have access to Some Coal now and there’s also a skeleton and my trees over there okay I just finished chopping down basically every tree and while all the leaves Decay I’m going to go see if any of my plants grew okay it looks like some of

Them did and it’s actually pretty close to being fully grown I’m going to go ahead and plant more seeds on all of these spots and I will mine all of this out and make a second part of the farm I guess I might as well expand it one more

As well if it’s uh big enough then I have like three rows of wheat Farms which should make me enough food to survive okay the small border really does constrict what I can do thankfully a couple more seeds are in the border now so let’s see if I can get enough to

Plant the rest but first I should go around and collect all the saplings and see if I got any apples which will hold me over until I get the wheat and potato okay I did get one apple nice okay it is another new day and I just finished

Planting all of the saplings again the world border has expanded another 20 20 blocks doesn’t seem like anything fun is coming up except those sheep I think it is time to go caving and see if I can get some iron some shears or a bucket or even some armor would be pretty helpful

Okay yeah this is that spot with the huge fall I don’t really know if any of this is safe I might be able to stack down I don’t see any exposed iron actually there is some to the left right there there’s so many monsters though probably cuz they haven’t been spawning

Above ground okay let me go see if I can do anything with these guys there’s an Enderman I should try to avoid that guy if I block this off no one can get to me actually I lied yes they can anything down here of use oh another creeper but

There’s going to be Iron somewhere around here I just made the end mad okay I should be safe I’m in a too high area I guess for now I’ll just try to finish all the monsters off hey it was the Ender where’d he go might be able to finish him

Off go there’s two okay I got one I might as well get this guy too I just hope he doesn’t teleport away oh he teleported away okay he’s right here nice okay I got one ender pearl I’m not sure what I’ll use that for but I have an ender pearl now ooh I

Can get to this iron just got to be really careful blle this off how many pieces is this hey it’s enough for shears so it was already worth it can’t get any more that might be possible except for that though I think that’s about it well I’ll definitely come back

Down here but for now I’m going back up going to get this iron smelted and fix this staircase cuz it is really really broken going start making some charcoal so I can light all these caves up so I don’t get ambushed by surprise creepers or anything okay I have five charcoal so

I’ll make those into a torches and let me get all this lit up thankfully there’s not much areas so 20 torches should be enough for all of this okay now the only thing left to the light on is this staircase and perfect I’m going to need just a couple more probably and

I can make another furnace and melt the iron so I can get those sheep tomorrow I’ll just steal one piece of charcoal to melt that and then the last thing I have to light up is this area right here I just randomly got shot by a

Skeleton so now I got to eat both of my apples I think he’s below me I don’t we know where he came from okay he’s shooting me again or a different one is I’m going to knock him off oh don’t shoot me okay there we go and I can

Explore this cave right here it’s got to not get exploded by this creeper and there’s one iron vein and two copper veins I don’t really need copper oh and another skeleton skeletons do so much damage he was actually about to kill me okay I’m going to leave

Actually I’ll get this iron then I got to go check for food it was only two but I’m sure I’ll find more down here just got to get some food first okay it is not a lot but it’s enough for at least a piece of bread or maybe two to three and

I’ll plant all these seeds I just finished afking the previous night because I did not want to die I had no extra food I’m already losing food again maybe I should stop sprinting again anyways I’m just kind of on the trees again cuz they all grew it could also

Give me a couple more apples which would be nice and thankfully my wheat did I a lot of growing so I can get some more food to eat and finish planting all of the seeds right here I think after I cut down all the trees I might be a smart

Idea to go mining cuz I don’t really have anything else to do up here I would like to build a lot of farms maybe but I don’t have the resources to do that either and I’m really really weak I need some iron armor I also just remembered I

Can check if there’s any sheep across the border yeah looks like all them are still over there but tomorrow I definitely should be able to reach them and there’s a chicken there’s so many trees left to chop down okay I finished chopping down most of the trees and it’s

Night time now so I’m going to put all my extra gear in here and go mining for a bit hopefully I find something useful and I can also finally make a couple pieces of bread okay seven that should last me a bit I think I’m going to go

Ahead and make an iron pickaxe just to mine a little bit faster and the first place I’m going to check is probably this cave there is a skeleton got to be a little bit careful okay that was not careful enough I think I should make a

Shield it will also save me a bunch of food if I have a shield then random skeletons won’t be able to get me solo and I should probably go grab some more charcoal for some torches before I go down these caves okay so this is just a

Dead end already what about uh this way okay but there is something over here we can Finly fight the skeletons without instantly dying too and it looks like my shield is working okay there we we go zero damage might be some iron back here hopefully there’s so much copper and

Some coal I’m going to go ahead and get all that after I clear the area oh I went into the water cave doesn’t seem like there’s anything good though and I’m about to start drowning okay I’ll just block that off honestly I think I’m better off just waiting for a different

Cave because I can’t get anything in here I can’t go down there yet it’s not safe cuz I don’t have any armor but I can’t get armor cuz I need iron and I can’t get iron if I don’t go down down there so I’m sure I can find a better

Cave to go in first I could also keep stacking down this way with my third staircase and eventually maybe steal a couple of pieces from down here cuz I have a safe way but I think it is almost day so I’m going to go up and do stuff

On the surface and when it’s night time I will come back down here and do this I’ve also got six bones which might help me grow some food maybe I could grow the potato and cook some in a furnace I don’t really know yet I’m also going to

Replant some trees today but wow the Border has gten a lot bigger I don’t think I can reach the Sheep yet still though I’m going to have to wait another day this is a pretty big area but there’s still like so much that I’m limited to if you think about it there’s

Like probably one cave under me which is that big one so although it looks big this is still a very difficult challenge yeah those sheep are stuck right there so I guess I’ll try that tomorrow it does seem like I have more food grown though okay is thunderstorming I’m going

To have to go underground I didn’t even get to plant my saplings there’s two skeletons here this might be some free bones or they’re going to kill me I got to be really careful there’s one and there’s a second one got to make sure this guy doesn’t try to shoot me

Okay I guess I’m already back down for the day because I can’t really do anything up there I can make some more bread I got 10 more in total so let’s go see if I can get some iron armor I guess I’m going to go back to the sneaking

Method I think it’s the easiest and most likely to work yeah there’s already oops did I look at the Enderman I don’t think so there’s already two veins of iron under me I’m going to mining to the side of this now keep trying to get down

There seems like there’s a cave next to me too my gosh there’s already two patches of iron and it seems like they’re pretty safe to get already the only threat is this skeleton right here and a zombie I guess get a zombies taken care of ooh skeleton is right here okay

I took him down but there’s another zombie coming I’m going to mine this iron first cuz it is the most dangerous I think I hear a skeleton is he coming to shoot me do I have enough time all right a water Cavern is there anything else in this thing I don’t think so

There is some more iron I’m going to make a door mine this cuz you can’t really get attacked in a water cave I’m up to 13 free Iron from this water this was a pretty good idea I think that might be it now though there’s some coal

Too okay I M back into the cave I think the best way to go back to my tower would be to jump down and run back while also stealing some iron hopefully without dying ideally okay another three pieces ooh four another water cave right here I’m going to go see if there’s

Anything in this okay looks like I missed two big patches of iron I’m going to get these then I’ll go up okay I just found my way out of that water place I’m going to go back to my staircase and go get the other iron that I left behind

Right here hopefully no monsters try to attack me I don’t think they know I’m here right now again there’s one last vein two skeletons okay oh and a zombie that hit me twice yeah I should probably go up I don’t have a weapon I’m very low I got

42 iron from those water caves and just the other cave so I’m going to make full iron and a full set of iron tools which will definitely make everything easier I also have 12 Bones now from those extra skeletons I took down so that will help

Me grow my crops tomorrow okay I got 12 iron I made a pair of pants and and I will replace my sword still waiting for all the iron to melt okay and a chest plate so maybe I should go see if I can get some more iron now I might have

Missed some near the bottom and if I’m just waiting for stuff to smelt I might as well go check the only bad thing about this is I don’t have much food so if I get hit a buch it will be bit of a setback also that is a spawner and I

Don’t have coal some golden iron oh and a golden apple okay I’m going to come back there and light that up later and get the loot but for now I will go see if I find iron okay a skeleton he could drop me some more bones okay he didn’t drop anything and a

Spider okay the cave definitely gets more interesting right here but it also gets more dangerous there are three zombies coming to me it might be time to go back up cuz I’m about to run out of food and it seems like all the easy Iron

Is gone so I’m going to go back up my staircase but I definitely will come back down here soon all my iron is done so I can make boots and a helmet and I will make a shovel and axe then I have a full set of iron tools but I’m going to

Break my stone ones first I hopefully there is a bunch of food and if not I’m going to use this bone meal okay are the Sheep here yet one of them there’s also a creeper oh I forgot can’t let him explode there’s a skeleton burning over

There just got to make a bridge over the water Ravine then let’s see if I can steal some wool okay I guess there’s a village right here too I wonder if the villagers have died from zombies and stuff yeah I don’t know oh I do see one villager okay that is pretty lucky

There’s another creeper too I don’t want them to explode that was pretty dangerous but it worked out I also have three wall so I can make a bed and protect those villagers from now on I have a lot of wood and I don’t I mean I could use some

More apples I think I’m going to replant some saplings I’m not going to go as crazy as I did before okay I just made a whole Forest over there once it grows and let me go check on the food now and maybe even bone meal some since I am

About to run out of hunger and preferably I’d like to keep the apples since they have other uses than just eating food like curing villagers so eating bread is better than eating apples especially since apples are so rare and I could just make golden apples

With them to help me stay alive cuz that actually saved me in my previous video okay where’s that potato that I planted oh it’s in the corner I missed it going to make a new Farm just for specifically potatoes okay I just finished I just got

Make a ho now because my other one broke I think I mine leaves with it it is pretty big it’s not as big as other Farm but this will definitely help my potato output increase and I will use all the bone meal on it if I didn’t replant and

Invest in the farm again I would have 40 potatoes but I can’t eat them I got to replant them then I will have a bunch of food which should hopefully last me a while once it finally grows unfortunately I don’t really know what to do now though since I don’t have any

Food still and those potatoes are not going to grow for at least a couple days I can make five bread at least I I’m back up a full hunger o and there’s another three wheat I can pick I got three bread I might cut down some trees

Maybe get some more apples and I could also just replant all the saplings I got so far it is approaching night time so I’ll go ahead and make my bed I think it’s also only a couple days away till we get access to that Village and I will start stealing the villagers and

Breeding them one might even wander into here if I’m careful and keep an eye on it but it’s pretty unlikely for that to happen Okay I slept through the first night it only took me 11 days to get a bed could have been a lot worse if there

Weren’t sheep so close though and the world border expanded 20 more blocks I think so let’s go check how close the village is I think it’s still going to be at 2 to 3 days till we get access but it might be a lot closer than it was

Yeah I mean we’re definitely not there yet but we almost have one house inside of it I don’t think tomorrow that will be inside though I think yeah I think it’ll take like 10 more days to have the whole village inside this border and we barely unlocked any new caving area so

I’m not going to go caving there’s not really any point I did get access to some mountains so going to go see what’s up here just Mountain things I guess nothing special no mobs or anything there’s a horse on the other side and what can I see from up here nothing it

Looks like some pigs they honestly that’s about it there’s nothing outside the Border that’s interesting except for that Village there’s some more Mountains over here and a pig but I still don’t have a carrot if I want to build a base around here it might also be a smart

Idea to start planing some land out so I don’t know if I am but for now I think I remove this single layer maybe to while I wait for all those saplings to drop anyway okay the world border has expanded once again so going to go ahead

And go look at if it’s at the village and yeah I was right it’s not actually in the house yet but by day to I bet the village will be mostly if not all uncovered all the trees are cut down except for like five and I have 12

Apples I’m going to go check the Farms to see if I can get some bread cuz I keep eating the apples cuz I’m out of hunger I would like to build up a stock of them like I said before how many pigs do I have four I could also get one of

These guys that will help me hold off until I get the potatoes and wheat there’s a pretty okay amount of wheat grown too all right and from all out I got 32 wheat which will make 10 bread that should last me a bit and hopefully

By the time I run out the potatoes will be grown but who knows I can also melt this pork chop I’m also going to go down to the other part of the cave now and maybe I’ll get some diamonds or just some extra XP also I’m sure I’ll find

More iron which will definitely come in handy at some point oh yeah and I forgot about this spawner I never came back here so let me light it all up and the first chest has that golden apple and some extra extra iron two string and some melon seeds nice o and beetroot

Seeds I can make a lot of farms there’s also three gold I’m probably going to leave that here for now I don’t really need gold and a bucket which I will fill with water if I find a source block I’m going to get this lapis and this coal

Right here and there’s finally more places for mobs to spawn so all of them are crammed into this cave so it’s a lot safer down here okay well there are a lot of monsters down here still I should probably slowly try light all this up that’ be the best idea there might just

Be too much space down here to light it up though there is a lot of little mini caverns in this huge Cave System getting lots of ores it’s kind of annoying cuz there’s like always one of these areas above these so like whenever you mine an

Ore the K just gets flooded with water but at least I’m finding lots of ores in the first place and there is one more patch of iron right here my iron pickaxe just broke but luckily I’m about to hit a stack of iron so I’ll have over over a

Stack to melt and use which is already enough I don’t even think I need all this extra iron right now for anything but I am hoping I can find some diamonds for now I’m just mining up here then I’ll go to the lower part of the cave

Okay I’m in the lower part of the cave I didn’t really mean to come down here and I’m going to leave again cuz I just realized I’m out of food and I got pretty low to a skeleton there’s a bunch more iron and gold there but right now I

Just can’t get it ooh and a m shaft I’m in a mini M shaft unfortunately the border is about to come me off so I don’t think I’ll find any diamonds gotten like two bones while I’ve been down here though I could use that to grow some potatoes because I’m out of

Food and honestly I probably shouldn’t have eaten a golden apple but it’s not a big deal is there any diamonds down here yeah I don’t think so ouch mine cart chest more melon seeds and an extra Golden Apple that’s about it but I will come back down here once the Border

Expands more cuz I’m sure I could could find something good for now though I’m going to go back up and melt all of this I got like almost two sacks of iron that’s the main thing I did get though and some lapis which will be useful once

I enchant but I don’t even have diamonds yet so I can’t enchant soon okay all these potatoes look like they’re grown actually now all of them are like one away from growing I use all my bone meal up on a couple of them and then I will

Let the rest grow to fold I think these ones are full too and couple more that seems to be it so now all I have to do is melt these and I’ll have a kind of permanent food source I also have to move this furnace and stuff up to top of

My base it is not very efficient having to go back up and down every time but I should be able to go to the village now I think that single house will be in view because the Border has expanded about 40 blocks I think it’s not actually 40 blocks I think it’s divided

Up between all the sides so maybe it’s technically 10 blocks yeah there we go one house in View and there’s a bunch of villagers in this area together interesting I cannot let any monsters get to them for now though I can’t really do anything though cuz I can’t

Get to that side of the fence wait did all of them fall in here okay I think they might be stuck my potatoes are melted or at least none of them are I just going to make another iron shovel and tform a bit more to try to get an

Idea of what my base is going to be or where it’s going to be cuz I do want to start building it soon since I’m getting close to day 20 I think I’m about 6 days away from there well I’m going to by removing all of my trees I have enough

Wood and apples now so I don’t have to keep replanting the saplings I will replant them again at some point for wood but for now I’m just going to clear all up for I can see my base a bit better okay well my inventory is full

Again maybe I’ll just put a chest up here because like I said I’m going to move the stuff so I guess I’ll just put a chest here and start putting some stuff up here and then once to move it it’ll be less stuff to move anyway all

Right most of the trees are gone and I’ve got 11 apples which is a lot less than I expected to get it I wasn’t even really expecting to get any apples so now before it is night time since it is close if I do end up building something

I mean I’m definitely going to have to remove some more layers off the top of these so I guess I’ll just start with this layer right here and I bet that’ll break both my shovels and I’ll just take a break after that because I want to wait till get diamond tools to terraform

Okay all my shovel is broke so I do have to come make another one but to do that have to smell my iron because I ran out for making too many new tools my potatoes also done nice and I’m going to slowly start moving my stuff up

Starting with my furnaces and some dirt well it turns actually have seven extra in this chest still but at least I’m melting my iron now and to move some stuff up here the Border was also expanded another 20 blocks which is pretty far away now but still I mean I

Don’t have that big of an area to play around with this area is probably a couple hundred blocks wide now it does seem like I have every major mob though which is nice and I have melon and beetroot seeds so I can start a pretty

Nice Farm if I want to for now I’m going to work on getting some of this flat break these two shovels and well actually now that I think about it I was going to stop this after I broke my shovels but I made two new ones but that’s okay the shovels break really

Fast tomorrow I will do something else or when the shovels break which will probably actually be before tomorrow yeah honestly this is going to be way too hard to flatten everything out so maybe I’ll just settle with a really hilly base or maybe I’ll find a new spot

I could also extend some of these layers but this is just like way too different of terrain like this is like eight blocks difference or even more than that actually yeah I think it’s like over 10 that’s crazy I could place a layer here but that won’t really change anything it

Will help a little bit but so for now the base building is on pause I wasn’t going to build but like the terraform is on pause there you go that’s what I mean cuz I’m not I’m not really sure what to do all right I just finished filling in

A layer of extra dirt actually I think I mined all this out right here I could probably fill this back in real quick too this uh mini Farm layer I will leave one block on the side to get down so far it’s going pretty good but like I said

Like this is just way too much of a hill to have a base here so I’ll have to decide what I’m going to do about that maybe I can build in this area too you know I don’t know yet so for now I might chop down these extra trees I never cut

That would clear up some more space to be able to visualize it okay all the trees are down also had 16 apples a Str item though I’m not really sure what I’ll do tomorrow the Border will expand 20 extra blocks ooh I could go check the

Village tomorrow yeah yeah this is a lot more of the village in Walking range and I guess somehow all these villagers got stuck in here probably from walking on these blocks yeah so I mean that makes it really easy to move them in the future I’ll just keep all of them stuck

Other than that it doesn’t seem like there’s much around here we will get access to some sand over there and another body of water and we’re going to get access to a brewing stand for free and we got a stone cutter I mean sure that is about it though I wish I got

Like a book house or one of those Lecter things oh there’s also a bre stand right here but it seems like none of these houses have bookshelves so seems like I have to do that all by myself I will take some of these beds because it will

Help us build a breeder later on ooh one book for free an emerald and some bread cuz you know I’m actually just realizing now we need sugar cane to build able to build bookshelves and I don’t think I have access to any yet but with one book

We can make at least an enchanting table which would be a start and worst comes the worst we could only enchant everything at like level one I guess we would eventually get villagers so we can get bookshelves either way but with this book we could get uh everything way

Faster wait but to get a librarian villager you need books you need three of them so actually yeah never mind we’ll figure it all out later it doesn’t matter right now hey I also got one free emerald and four extra beds if I do flatten the whole base like what is the

Even layer like maybe here this is pretty even there’s four blocks there and three blocks under us it’s easier to mine than it is to place so I’m thinking either this layer or the one below it h honestly I don’t know I guess I’ll just

Start Mining and see how it goes my axe broke but I only had one log left to break I’m going to have to make a new one but also I’m going to fill in this area too real quick and one more block I’m going to work on mining out this

Layer which spans all the way from here all the way to that corner right there if you can see that and to over here so this is probably going to take me literally 15 or 20 minutes total I might not finish all over right now going to

Try to get started on it cuz this is really high like wow there’s so many blocks below me over there is more Flats so but either way I do want this to be less tall even if I build mostly over there it’s just way too tall right here

And there’s a pig just I guess mining with me too bad he can’t help if only you could give pigs like a pickaxe or something and they could help you mine that would probably be too op and why would a pig know how to mine anyways though another shovel broke so went

Ahead and made a new one and a new axe too I’m going to mine this tree then all the stuff will drop while I’m mine all this dirt and I can come pick it up I’m kind of obsessed with getting an apple collection these 100 days it’s just kind

Of like a side quest can I get to a stack of apples or maybe it’s more of a question of how fast can I get a stack of apples all right it is a new day so that means the Border has expanded once again I’m not going to go check anything

Though because I doubt it opened up anything important but one thing I’m going to do maybe actually I’m going to go do now is mine I want to find some diamonds and get some tool upgrades so let’s go test or Lu I guess the border is one day away from being 300 blocks

Total that is a pretty big border but let me know in the comments would you guys I wanted to expand the Border like one block a day so that I it ends up being a 100 total do you think 300 blocks by day 17 is it is that like a

Good amount or like uh just leave in the comments what you think about the Border if you want or if you don’t have an opinion about it and think it’s fine you don’t have to comment just wonder if anybody has some constructive feedback cuz you know I was thinking like maybe I

Should just do 100 blocks total one block a border a day but that would be really hard to survive and I feel like that wouldn’t really be fun cuz I would just be stuck waiting for stuff like the first four or 5 days I was AFK for like

An hour total just waiting for night to pass so it takes away a lot of the fun aspect and yeah it’s more challenging but I’d rather have a good balance of Challenge and fun and I feel like being limited to even a thousand block border is a really fun challenge it’s nothing

Like impossible but it’s still a good balance in my opinion a fun and challenge that’s my take on it anyways there’s a skeleton here and there’s two Creepers sneaking up on me let me get my axe out for some more damage and I’ll just let the creeper explode there’s

Also one more creeper ooh oops okay there we go oh I have torches yeah maybe I should go get some more of those I’m sure I can find a of coal cuz I have sticks on me I found three pieces that might be good enough actually you know

12 is not a lot I’m sure there’ll be more in here is this a cave I haven’t been in yet it’s a cave in the cave o it’s another skeleton well now I’m just getting too low to find coal so if I don’t see any okay now I’m just on to

Hunt for the coal I guess I should have brought some for my chest some more iron also I need to put some dirt away I think I’m just going to go to the surface real quick and put some of my stuff I don’t need and get some coal cuz

I did not come very prepared I guess I still haven’t gone up I just keep finding more iron so I just keep mining it but I think the cave is about to end so I have to go up some lapis too level 20 so far it could be worse that’s for

Sure how does this cave just keep going and going down I don’t even know where we’re going at this right okay that’s the end sorry if it is dark on the recording I have shaders on so I can’t use full bright and let me know do you

Guys like the shaders on the videos too ooh also also make sure you leave a like on the video guys my videos get like no likes and I have a pretty low sub ratio to views so if you would like to change that or support the channel for free

Then hit that like button and leave a comment you know that helps too and most of all subscribe if you would like to you’ll get notified when upload s come out and you can always change your mind you don’t have to say subscribed and my Discord and patreon are in the

Description if you’d like to join or support either of those but enough with the social media shoutouts it’s time to get back to getting some torches up my staircase of dirt that I made all right almost there and I need to eat some of my potatoes I have to remember to go

Harvest my potatoes maybe I should just go do that now I’ll put all of this dirt and I’ll keep one stack of logs I can pill the beds away I only need one bed I do not need all of those and I will also start mounting this extra 50 iron that I

Have yeah we have a lot of iron ooh all the wheat is almost grown and all the potatoes honestly it’s not like maximum efficiency but I’m going to wait until everything is grown to harvest it just because I don’t feel like you know watching for the one block that I can’t

Break it’ll just be easier for me so I’m just waiting and I forgot to get coal I’m actually almost out of coal I’m going to make another furnace and then I will mount a stack of logs with a stack of logs back to caveen though you know I’ve always wanted a

Small Shield texture pack like an overlay cuz in my opinion The Shield is way too big in the corner I hate looking at it there’s so much coal right here how do I miss all this it just takes up so much of this screen so I feel like it

Could probably just end like right here at the bottom with the texture pack it would still be pretty obvious that you have a shield on all right I got 30 coal from those couple patches up there and now I’m at the bottom of the cave again

Seems like this area is clear and since there’s no monsters around here I’m going to harvest this iron and coal why is there water behind everything that I mine I hate water caves but also they’re kind of cool because it’s fun to go swim and mine it with some doors it’s also

Usually pretty easy if it weren’t for that I wouldn’t have had iron at the beginning of this challenge cuz the skeletons would have just shot me if I came down here so I guess I don’t hate them that bad okay this is quite the predicament and there’s a zombie on me

Ooh my Shield’s about to break and I’m about to die okay I got to run away eat a potato and the first thing I got to take care of is this zombie there we go I have like one hit with my shield left okay I have zero I should go make

Another one cuz I’m pretty low health I don’t want to risk dying okay new shield and while I’m crafting I’ll make a new pickaxe cuz that’s about to break too now it is time to go get my revenge on the skeletons let getting some free Bones from this and bones are always use

Especially at the beginning of these 100 days a zombie and a creeper I’ll just let them explode I don’t really need gunpowder so like I don’t want to waste time hitting the creeper cuz I’m lazy there’s a couple ve of gold right here that I’d like to get Al the world border

Is officially at 300 blocks now I don’t know if that means like 150 wide I don’t know how World borders work but I don’t know if it’s 150 or 300 blocks across but if you know feel free to comment it I could count later maybe I will I’m

Just getting all these ores the skeletons and creepers are just sitting over there for some reason but I’m grateful getting a bunch of materials for free without getting harassed by skeletons shooting me okay I feel like I’ve been in this cave for way too long so I’m going to go see if there’s

Diamonds then go up cuz I’ve just been like mining a bunch of random stuff here and I kind of just snapped out of it and was like well actually I came down here for diamonds and I haven’t even gone down where the diamonds are at well actually there Redstone here so maybe I

Should get that first and then there’s a little Cavern here this actually looks kind of safe I might try that before that creeper again and there’s a zombie coming to me eventually one of them will drop a carrot I will have all the vegetables and fruits or at least the important

Ones I have not found any diamonds but there was actually some more iron and gold over here so I’m glad I went down this way and it looks like there’s some Redstone here I am level 23 now so getting pretty close to 30 and I don’t even have an enchantment table or

Diamonds to enchant anything with I’m also going to try to go to the nether at some point soon and that will have a border too I think it’s going to have the same border as the Overworld so that I guess adds another challenge to this

And as side note I think the end is impossible I’m not going to turn the Border off to go fight the dragon so that means I can’t fight the dragon if it’s not within the borders and honestly I don’t think it is I mean there’s a

Chance but not likely one but it also depends how big the Border gets Within These 100 days which nobody knows yet maybe it’s 1,000 maybe it’s 5,000 maybe it’s 30 million okay I thought this was a diamond it’s glow Len but no diamonds down here I just finished checking and

How did I get lost bro okay I’m back up out of that mini cave I might just do a quick check for some diamonds down here since that’s what I came down here to do and you know I’m already getting sidetracked what am I doing okay I’m

Actually going to go go check now just after I get this skeleton and zombie with full leather all right please be diamonds do I see any yeah I don’t know if this was worth it the cave does get a lot bigger in some places oh there’s three creepers

Right there hello guys ooh that’s diamond yeah there are some diamonds down there usually in these types of caves if you find diamonds it’s literally one which kind of sucks this is a bad situation there’s two Creepers coming I’m just going to let all of them explode do want this diamond this

Creeper is literally flanking to come get me and the skeleton’s trying to snip me off can you stop oh my gosh okay please just be two diamonds one and two okay perfect I think I will go check down this way then I’ll go up like I was planning to do I

Only really want an enchantment table and I’ll be fine for now no extra diamonds I will come back down here and check more efficiently and thoroughly is the word I’m looking for but I’m running out of food and I’ve spent way too much time in these caves okay one more little

Peak won’t hurt all right and I’ve officially made it back up well I guess I’m not up yet but you know I made it back up from the dangerous part and hopefully all my crops have grown cuz I’m running out potatoes I need to refill okay all my iron is done melting

So I’ll melt some more that I just got again and I got a stock of charcoal so I’m out this 13 gold and I’ll clean up my inventory once more that is basically all I have to do though I guess all I need is some obsidian which I need a

Diamond pickaxe for I totally forgot about that and from what I remember there was no obsidian in the village there was even a house so you could find obsidian in I’m going to break all of the wheed and stuff there’s one that isn’t gr I’ll just break it it’s okay

It’s only like four pieces total looked like okay now I got to replant cuz I could also use this wheat to lure cow cow and those could give me leather and an even better food source than potatoes okay how many potatoes will I get I’m guessing one and a half stacks after I

Replant okay I replant all the potatoes and I have almost exactly a stack and a half I don’t know how I guess so accurately okay I have a full inventory and all my chests are full too this is the part of the 100 days when I just

Start placing chests that pile up and up and you know they’re there till the ending but maybe this time I’ll actually have an organized base all right the gold is done I’ll melt to the potatoes and I’ll put away my apples and wheed for now I don’t need those at the moment

Guess I don’t need bones or diamonds either or an extra 48 iron that was a pretty eventful mining trip I found some levels honestly I didn’t I only found two diamonds I was way too preoccupied with the iron but that’s okay I can keep mining uh you know what might actually

Be a really good idea you only need two villagers to breed so what if I took one villager for a Fletcher and one villager for a toolsmith I could get some diamond tools already but how would I move them all the way here that is a difficult

Question mine cart could work yeah but then honestly I don’t have a place to keep them but I could go over there and trade with them okay well let me make up my mind and decide what I’m going to do okay I did find flint so I can make a

Fletching table I’m not going to go over there just yet but I will go over there soon because I do like that plan trading for tools to mine faster is probably better than waiting for enchants so I’m going to put all my extra wood in here and I’m going

To grow some more saplings since I want to trade it I’m going to need a lot more in the future and I have a limited area so I got to make sure I’m always staying on top of replanting Goods cuz it’s not like I’m going to get access to

Unlimited forests I could go to One Forest maybe but I will chop that down in a a day or two so I got to make my own forest which is annoying to clean up because sometimes I just want to see how the terrain looks but that’s okay we

Need wood oh I can’t place on this block oh my shovel broke I even realize how much wood do I have currently I will check after I make this shovel okay this is all the wood I have like total total not even counting like some saved so

It’s definitely a pretty good amount but I can’t just go trade all that I’m going to need that to build and things like that keep mining with my iron shovel and operation villager trade will happen in a couple days honestly this is a lot of dirt this is just almost feels like a

Waste of time cuz this could all be gone in like a minute with a shovel diamond one so I’m out of Crossroads but then again it is really relaxing mining with an iron shovel like I’m having fun so maybe I’ll just do it for the rest of

This day but then tomorrow maybe it’s time to do the Villager strategy cuz I’m thankful I even have villagers near me that was lucky hopefully they haven’t died to a zombie that would be really bad and another shovel broke add that to the counter if anyone’s keeping track

Okay I just roll over to the new day I’m hoping for the best also I just got a big tree I hate cutting those down I’m going to bring you know all of my wood how many fling to should I bring maybe three I won need more than that I assume

Okay so I have to keep two default villagers for breeding later and I want one toolsmith and one Fletcher maybe I could get two Fletchers if there’s extra villagers I forget how many there are I’m about to find out so yes the villagers haven’t died two of them are

Nitwit villagers and also can you breed with netwood villagers I’m going to look it up I don’t remember if any of my fans told me if you can or not okay well it says you can breed them with each other but maybe they just have green coat

Villagers if you breed them so I’m just not going to breed them or keep them okay but I need one of these villagers for Fletching so who wants to be the Fletcher anybody o we have two volunteers he one has arrows one has sticks I did trade once with this guy

Going to keep trading keep unlocking more stuff and get rid of some of these sticks in my inventory I’m at 18 emeralds already that is great but if I remember correctly it takes a lot of emeralds to level up the tool Smith a pretty absurd amount at least from my

Experience could be wrong all we have two Fletchers that’s all I need for now because we still have ooh we only have two villagers no I totally forgot I need another one okay well it’s not over yet there could be more villagers hiding in this Village that could use to be the

Tool Smith which is a big deal but we won’t be able to get tools as fast if that is the case but it’s okay at least we’ll get emeralds faster I’m just trying to trade until these guys lock their trades for I can wait for them to

Reset I crafted a stack of buttons it was bound to happen I always accidentally do that well one of the Fetchers are lowering their trades so I just got a little bit of a deal this guy’s unlocked still too I’m actually about to use all my wood up already okay

I think they finally both locked their trades up okay I’ll come check again soon I’m going to check if there’s any more villagers here cuz the whole village is unlocked now oh and there’s some sugar can I got to take that so I could get an enchantment table faster

What can I throw out I just put torches in my off hand it looks like there’s only six but if I plant it and keep waiting for it to grow that will multiply pretty quick doesn’t really look like there’s any more Villages here though I think that’s all only five in

This Village maybe some of them died though poor little villagers yeah I don’t know mood Iron Golem is being useless they also could have fell into a cave yeah I think that’s just all the villagers I don’t know which is okay we can work with four villagers that’s a

Pretty good amount oo more Fletcher trading both of them unlock their trade again I’m over a stack of emeralds yeah I wish I didn’t unlock two I don’t we need to this is too many sticks I’m already almost almost out I can’t even mind wood this fast oh also just to

Level 30 that’s awesome that means I can get one level 30 enchant okay three stacks of logs left can I get rid of all of them yeah they’re getting slower and slower I think I should just leave them be till tomorrow and just one final check for villagers I don’t think I

Looked in here anybody home yeah I think I can pretty much confirm no more villagers I might be able to store making a pathway I could just use some rails but what is like the most idal way back I’m not sure oh yeah cuz I don’t

Know where I’m going to put the breedy at either I could probably have it in this area so it’s not near the base I do have to mount some glass cuz that’s a part of the build design so I guess I could go get some sand and melt that

Yeah both these guys have their trades locked so I’m going to start getting ready to build that breeder also the final Emerald count is a stack and 36 that is a lot but to be fair I did trade a lot of wood 32 sand should be enough I

Think I could always get more but I would like to get the right amount the first try I think I only need 12 so even if I misplace like 70% of the blocks and break them I should have enough still okay 28 that is fine I’ll throw some out

And make it 24 to be even and I could go ahead and get all this hay which I will oops that’s an axe because if I do get the hair I can use it to breed the villagers later to make bread and I can

Use it as a design or to breed cows it’s a pretty useful block to have is that all the ha in this Village I think there’s only two patches I’m going to go back and refill on potatoes and melt this glass and maybe tomorrow I can build the breeder who knows it’s just

Like I kind of want to have the villagers in the base somewhere so if I build the breeder over there that’s pretty impossible cuz I have to move multiple villagers hundreds of blocks instead of just two so honest I’ll just have to decide what I want to do all the

Iron is done mounting I’ll put the emeralds in the chest I think I’m also going to fill some more Landing before night time actually hits I think I’m just going to start the day off by mining some of these extra trees around around here okay I’m also going to plant

These six sugar can in a spot I made here for they can start growing I just decided to move some cows over here towards my base since I don’t know why I’m going to to the villagers yet I kind of just wish I didn’t make two of them

Into flat where I could get tools right now but maybe I’ll find a zombie villager I could look tonight actually the only problem with that is I don’t have a weakness potion and I have not been to the nether yet got to make some temporary fence to trap these cows in

And a couple of fence gates I’m going to continue mining this layer with my iron shop and I just keep thinking about what I should do I guess I could actually make a villager breeder and just breed one villager but is that worth all the effort of building it okay this layer is

Basically done now there’s like maybe like 50 or 70 or maybe even 100 more blocks but my inventory is full of dirt and if you get better tools it doesn’t speed up placing dirt so I’m going to go ahead and place some dirt I think I’ll

Start all the way over here and just drag it along this way I just finished placing another layer outline for another layer of dirt and and I also finished the first layer filling it in so I’m going to go ahead and fill in another layer right here it’s also night

Time now I think I’m actually starting to run out of dirt I only got like a couple stacks left which is good that I’m using all of it up but sad cuz that means I’ll have to mine more okay well I actually have a lot more dirt than I

Thought I did I don’t have anywhere close to five Stacks I have like maybe more like 10 I’ve got like four stacks of dirt left now and I only have a bit left to fill in on this layer but honestly I should probably fill up another maybe two or three layers and

Then mine tier 3 down once I get the tools but I don’t have the dirt or tools to do that so maybe it’s finally time to build that villager breeder tomorrow I ran out of dirt plac as much as I could so I’m now just finished mining these

Couple of blocks up here and then I’ll probably try to bre the villagers like I’ve been wanting to do the last couple days I think I’ll build the breeder right next to this fence it should be enough room to get everybody in I’ll probably just have to use mine carts and

Some powered rails it’s not going to be easy but it’ll be worth it and I’ll bre like maybe one or two villagers and I’ll move the villagers eventually I’ll just have to move a couple of them and make a new breeder okay I just have to place

The glass three tall on four sides and some slabs go on top of those okay put the fence in the middle and then just four beds around in a circle starting on this block also this villager breeder is by zingi I’ve used it in like every

Single one of my videos so feel free to go get in the description it’s a pretty nice villager breeder and it’s really Compact and then the last thing is just wall on the pillowcases and trap doors in the middle and then the last thing to do is just move all the villagers up

Here somehow unfortunately it is Turing night time so I don’t think I can finish this today but I can get it ready for putting villagers in tomorrow I just need a staircase to go up and I think if I use glass actually I can get the in

Easier just got to do something like this so trapo with some glass around it I’m going to need more glass so today now that I have some wood and I bet the Villager is probably almost grown up I’m going to make the item that

I need and go trade all of my extra wood that I just gathered and I think what I’ll need is a smithing table which if I remember correctly is two iron okay okay okay I guess the villagers haven’t grown up still but I can still trade some

Sticks okay I just finished trading all of my sticks with both these villagers and I got 60 emeralds again and they still have more Trad open so I got to keep mining some trees down okay I got my mine cart rails and it looks like a

Villager grow up so I can move him out and start trading some tools hopefully he gets in this mine cart okay perfect and now just need to walk somewhere right there would actually be good or on the roof I guess he’s going into this house house I don’t know what this

Villager is doing he’s going somewhere but I should be able to trap him yeah he’s right here so I’m just going to place the trading thing in front of him with a trap door and I’ll break these looms what drop does a loom give a Shepherd okay okay he’s a toolsmith now

I’ve got to unlock all of the trades by buying a lot of stone axes okay now he also takes iron so I’ll trade some my iron for some free emeralds and he unlocked his first tool trade which is actually a efficiency through shovel that’s pretty good I’ll go ahead and buy

Two of those to unlock the next upgrade okay an efficiency through Diamond ax nice I think I’m going to wait to upgrade him again maybe I can use some more iron cuz I don’t want to spend 16 emeralds at a time also I have to have

To spend like a lot to unlock it while using the axe I’ll buy one axe for now and I’ll throw out my normal tools and I will go do a little bit of terraforming with these two shovels and by that time I’m done I’m sure he’ll unlock that

Trade also I don’t think it’ll hurt if if I oh never mind there’s already another villager I was going to say I should try to get one more but I guess they already did it for me okay I kind of regret planning all these saplings now but I’ll just dig around them and

This is definitely a lot faster than plain iron and I think it’s actually still a pretty good amount faster than plain Diamond too I also have to carve out where I’m going to mine this Lair so I’m going to terraform this spot to make it look okay okay well just mining the

Outline of the blocks my shovel is already about to break it has like 40 durability left so either I’m going to have to use a lot of shovels or I’m going to have to try to unlock another villager for a diamond shovel cuz this is just going to take way too many

Emeralds I think one of these cost like 16 it does not have enough durability to justify that but I’ll use the other one I bought and then go see what I can do and I think my sh’s about to break there we go so now I can check to see if I can

Upgrade this guy and maybe he’ll give me a new shovel okay he will take some iron again okay he got all expert nice okay he unlocked a fortune one diamond pickaxe interesting unfortunately I will need to get another one of these guys cuz that is not very

Good okay I got two more villagers in there I got to make a mine cart and which way is this guy I should be able to get him out if I place the rails on this corner and I have to roll the cart towards them oh he’s not close enough

Okay I have no idea how I’m going to get him out okay I just rolled it again he got out so I think I’m just going to put him in this corner since last time it was very difficult to move that guy and I’ll place the smithing table in this

Corner doesn’t look like he sees it yet he’s following me around for some reason too I don’t even know if ERS did that okay he’s a to Smith so let me just buy a bunch of stor shovels and he unlocked the iron trade which I can buy and

Upgrade him and he also has a shovel that is just worse it’s efficiency 2 so I think I’m got to go grab some more iron so I could buy another one of his things I’m going to make some ladders to get in and out of here because last time

Check villagers can’t climb ladders okay I guess Iron Golem got in here at some point I did get more iron so let me try and lock this guy okay upgraded him again and he unlocked a diamond shovel okay eight emeralds for efficiency 2 that is a pretty good deal let me trade

Some more iron to upgrade him again okay he locked that trade I should also probably throw these shovels away cuz my inventory is full now okay he’s very close to upgrading so I’m going to go ahead and buy oh he unlocked iron right let’s see what the next upgrade is

Unbreaking three efficienc through three pick that is really good okay I’ll buy one of those for now and I will buy H maybe two more shovels I could also combine them in an anvil I’m going to see if that’s worth it for now I’m done trading I’m going to keep terraforming

My land so I could start building my base okay I can use the rest of my iron to make an anvil which I think I’m going to do to make an efficiency 3 diamond pick maybe it could have gotten like Unbreaking on it but I’ll take what I

Can get efficiency 3 is not bad okay I’ve got two efficiency 3 Diamond shovels and an effic three and breaking through diamond pickaxe also got to mine all these trees that I placed which will be a lot easier now since I actually have a diamond axe I think this shovel

Is a bit faster than the iron one too so and it has way more durability I think the durability like triples from Iron to Diamond you know I was just thinking for a second does efficiency 4 instamine dirt I’m going to combine my shovels and test it okay it does instamine grass so

This is going to be a lot faster the only downside is it’ll break faster but that’s only because of making more progress I’ve made a lot of progress but my diamond shovel just broke thinking about it I probably actually should have kept it and not broke it but that’s okay

This whole There is almost cut down just got to get this Stone and little bit of grass that’s left I’m going to buy some more shovels to keep mining I think I could also get another toolsmith maybe try to get some Unbreaking on a shovel

And I’ve got to cut down all these trees too which will give me more emeralds anyway cuz I could also start placing some dirt which I think I’ll do before I start mining anyway I’m almost done cutting down all the trees around here and I have about four or five stacks of

Logs yeah actually five and I’m getting my six stack so I’ll use that to get more emeralds tomorrow okay I’m back at the village and I’m going to trade all of my wood first since they might go on cool down and I can come back after I do

The other stuff just keep trading okay I think both of them are locked for the time being they probably unlocked their trades and okay this guy already locked his trade we going to take a break and do another toolsmith while I wait for them to refresh okay we got another

Villager and I have to make another smithing table I’ll just place it right here I think that’ll work I am out of iron though so I’ll probably have to go mining again since iron is like how you unlock these trades really easily I think I could also replace this

Dirt with some fence that would probably work better to keep all these villagers enclosed yeah I just traded with the new villager and now he wants iron or a bell now i’ run out of emeralds within like two Bells if I bought those so I got to

M more iron to get another tool Smith which won’t actually be as hard as as it sounds because I think I could go to this guy and if I buy a couple Fortune pickaxes maybe just two cuz those are a lot of emeralds I could get Fortune 2

And put on this pick and I’m also going to Chade some more sticks because the Fletchers have opened the trades again okay I got another half a stack of emeralds so I’m going to go mine some iron now first thing I have to do is combine these two pcks then I’ll combine

That to my pickaxe I wish I could get fortune 3 but it’d be too expensive for XP and emeralds right now so fortunate two should help a tiny bit still it looks like I unlocked a forest and a very deep cave oh the forest is going to

Be unlocked even more tomorrow I’m going to start mining some of this I think and there’s a ruined portal I could check that and see if there’s anything good there okay I’ve been mining here for like the whole previous day and it’s a new day and I’ve been mining for a

Couple minutes now so I think I’m going to take a break from the forest and go get the iron like I planned on doing before cuz I do have a lot I have almost five stacks of wood again which is a pretty good amount I think I could get

Like a stack of emeralds with that and also need the iron to unlock the tool Smith so I’m going to go down this cave next to me after I check this which is pretty useless actually I will get the obsidian though which will help me make an enchantment table and a portal later

So far I’m only finding coal but I think I’m out of coal and I could use it to trade for some toolsmith anyway so it’s not that bad and the fortune 2 gives me maybe an extra piece every couple blocks it helps a tiny bit I found my first

Piece of iron I also to defeat a skeleton and Creeper to get it though this another like really open deep cave some more Redstone only one piece o and there’s more iron up in these walls okay well I forgot to record it but I did just find two diamonds right here only

One of them got duplicated so I have three total I don’t really need diamonds since I have villagers but I guess I could use them to make a tool that I need later maybe like a sword if I don’t get a villager for that I’m also not

Going to go down here after get the iron I’m going to go ahead and go up since I don’t really want to go that deep into a cave right now I don’t think it would be smart either I only need a full iron okay I’m going to go back to Village I

Got two and a half stacks of iron I could also try and make a blast furnace if I do remember how to craft one of those I’m going to make a chest to to put some of the stuff I don’t need for now like fence and saplings some

Redstone and maybe my bones and apples and while the stone melts for the blast furnaces I’m going to trade some more sticks with the Fletchers I think you SM smelt the nine Stone into the bigger Stone and then that should craft what I need I’m also going to have to mount 15

Iron I think for to craft to these I’m going to spend the rest of the day mining a bunch of wood I already have beenin I can stock up on emeralds and buy some more tools and I will get back to terraforming after I spent the day basically just filling stuff in and

Doing a couple other of chores I also finished a cobblestone up there which took a while but I think I’m going to fill this layer in too and maybe make an outline right here for the layer that I’m going to build next it’s also turning night to already already I wish

I didn’t have to sleep right now but I probably should cuz I don’t want my villagers to get attacked by zombies I think I’m too close to them still but eventually I’ll move them into this base and I could catch up on some building maybe with a night or two okay it’s

Turning night time and I haven’t recorded anything today but thankfully I’m almost done filling in another layer and then I’m going to do another one and then hopefully I can start building soon cuz it’s getting pretty fat all right I’ve been filling in more and more it’s

Actually looking pretty good so far but I think it’s time to upgrade my shovel since I want to keep mining cuz I’m running off dirts I think I have 28 left I do have shs to make efficiency 4 but they’re going to break really fast so I

Kind of want to get them breaking three somehow and the only two ways I could do that is like get a bunch of sugar cane in my leather I haven’t been breeding my cows I just remembered that I should probably go breed them real quick

Anyways I can get like sugar cane or I don’t think Librarians sell you bookshelves anymore so really my only option is to get another tool Smith or at least the easiest option is that and I’ll keep harvesting my sugarcane and growing it since that will also help in the future

I do have sugarcan over there but it seems like it hasn’t been growing cuz I’m not close enough or something so I’m going to replant some at this place cuz it’s a little bit closer and hopefully it will grow when I’m in my base all right I just got a another tool Smith

Took me a while but I’m ready to do some trading hopefully this guy gives me an Unbreaking through shovel and I’ll use iron to get him to the next level again and some more iron to get him to oh never mind his iron TR is locked I think

I’ll wait a second to see if he refreshes the iron cuz I don’t need a efficiency 3 silk touch iron pickaxe and that’s like the only thing I can buy to get it fast so I will do something else for a sec I also let this guy all back

In so now he’s like trapped which is okay I guess but it’s kind of going to be annoying to come over and Tra with him now I think I’m going to go get some more wood okay this guy actually unlocked his TR already I think there’s

Two more levels till he’s Max okay he unlocked another shovel B efficiency one so I think he can’t even get another shovel but maybe he can so I’ll try it’s going to cost a lot of iron though I think I’m almost out out again yeah he just got a useless diamond pickaxe maybe

The bookshelf strategy is going to work better I’m going to chop down things in this Forest like I said before and then I might look for some sugar canane maybe if I see a cow I can get them too cuz I do want to terraform but I don’t want to

Just break my shovel over and over again cuz that’s just going to cost me too much I’ll have to mine trees for half of the 100 days that are left but if I haven’t breaking it’ll last me like probably like four times as long so I

Think it’s worth it to try to get it real quick I could also turn my of those villagers into a libr and I didn’t think about that I could reroll until they give me Unbreaking three books so actually I’m going to try that after I

Get some wood that will be a lot faster than getting an enchantment table for now okay the only thing I need to make a book for lecturn is a piece of leather so hopefully this cow drops one and he didn’t I think there are a lot of cows

Somewhere though I just got to go find them oh yeah there’s two more cows in both of these pens okay another cow dropped Zer leather what about these two actually I should leave them in there cuz what if I want to breed them or something I get this one one first okay

I still don’t have a piece of leather okay I got two pieces on the fourth attempt so I’m going to make two books wait no I need three books for one Le turn so I need even more leather than this so I’m going to get four of these

Cows and I should get enough leather after that okay that one give me two as well so I’m at four now I would like to have at least two Le turns it makes easier to rotate through the enchantments I have six now so that means I can maybe I can get two from

This guy and have three Le turns though okay yeah I do have nine that’s the perfect amount I only made four books I need a lot more sugar cane than I thought I did I need a couple more sugar cane but my sugarcan isn’t growing so

I’m going to harvest some wheat and see if it grows in the time while I’m doing that all right I am trying to get Unbreaking three book on this villager that I got out of the circle glass area we have one villager left maybe I should

Bre some more if I get a chance soon but this guy hasn’t giv me Unbreaking yet I’m still trying Unbreaking one I’m going to go for Unbreaking 3 I don’t want Unbreaking one I just got Unbreaking three but it’s literally 42 emeralds I I think no should I even buy

One I’m going to keep rolling it’s not even worth it cuz if I buy one I can’t keep rrolling I’ll need another villager I think I can definitely get cheaper than 40 emeralds though okay well it’s about a turn night time so I guess I’ll just keep trying tomorrow for the

Unbreaking 3 and hopefully if I do get it again it’s not 42 emeralds unless he gives it to me right now yeah I think I’m out of Lu okay will today be the day that I get Unbreaking three honestly I would take a cheap Unbreaking 2 but that

Would just be very inefficient but I would still take it because I just went Unbreaking I got mending for 28 is that worth it I do have another villager I don’t know this a super hard choice I mean 28’s okay I don’t know what should

I do I can’t decide it might just be worth it to get it 28 is 28 is a bit expensive though and if I get I have to stop looking for a sec cuz I don’t have another book uh I mean if I have villagers to buy new tools do I need

Mending I don’t have diamond armor yet okay the decision has been made I’m going to wait on the Unbreaking for now I mean I’m going to wait on The Mending for now my diamond axe only has 58 uses left so let’s see if I can get Unbreaking three within 58 uses while

Max just broke and I didn’t end up getting anything so I’m going to go ahead and buy another efficiency 31 if I can find the right guy wait what somebody got out I forgot about that yeah this guy wait no this guy doesn’t have the right axxe where did my guy

With the axe go oh yeah I put him in this house okay I just remembered that efficiency 3 axe all right so I’m going to start rolling these again I also had to switch to the other villager I had cuz I hit this guy by accident so this

Trads were really expensive hopefully I can get it within another 100 tries okay I just got Ming for 14 I definitely cannot pass up on that that is pretty cheap mending and I can also trade a couple more sticks since I have a lot of wood laying around my inventory I do

Have to go get a another book which won’t be that hard I need to hit a couple of cows sorry about that I just need one book for now so that’s fine and I’m going to replant all this sugarcane cuz when I finally decide to make a

Level 30 enchantment table I’m going to need a lot of this okay so what do I do then maybe I just get the Villager that I hit by accident and just trade with him again maybe he forgive me or maybe he will just actually hit the Villager

Again I think he’s like actually about to die I’m sorry villager I should probably go breed the cows and bring some bread back so I can give it to the villagers get more villagers since I think I’m probably going to kill this guy back accident okay how many cows

Okay we got a pretty good Bunch going there nothing crazy but oh yeah and I already harvested the wheat recently I should probably make a bigger Wheat Farm is this enough bread Why do villagers need so much bread to breed or maybe they don’t cuz I think I got like five

Villagers and I give them like 40 bread okay I have the bread with me and I’ll give half to this guy and half to this guy and hopefully it makes some more villagers yeah this guy’s charging 10 extra emeralds that’s crazy I mean eventually it should disappear I got to

Get some healing potions for him too well I think this like the third day of trying to get Unbreaking 3 maybe I should have just bought it for 40 emeralds I’m definitely not going to care about the price if I do find it again maybe unless it’s a stack of

Emeralds the stack of remal is a lot I did get this new setup so hopefully this helps me check the Villager faster okay I got Unbreaking one I think I’m going to try to do it well I already did I don’t have any leather so I kind of regret it already

But I just want to start building I don’t want to have to try to get the righted enchant forever okay I guess I have to go on a leather hunt or maybe I have books somewhere else I’m not thinking of I can check this chest for

Leather and if I don’t have any I’ll probably go all the way over here cuz I’m sure there’s some cows that way no leather in my chest can my cows breed again yeah they can I have to keep growing my Army of cow cows and eventually move them into their new home

Once I build it I think I’ll just make one breaking three book for my shovel and maybe I can just get a better villager later cuz I give the villagers some more bread so but for now I really only need it for my shovel cuz my pickaxe already has un breaking three

That I have a villager I don’t see any cows and the Border has expanded so much well I guess I got kind of sidetracked I’m mining some trees now since I’m in a forest but you know I’m also looking for cows that’s my excuse okay I think I’m

Actually to focus on the cows though just after that tree since I do really want to get terraforming before I can start planting my base out think I finally found a pack of cows what is a pack of cows called somebody comment it I know one of you guys know okay it

Looks like there’s at least four of them hopefully they drop me enough leather for how many books do I even need I think like four or five I have four leather yeah I definitely need more than four books or do I two Unbreaking one’s make Unbreaking two wait I need three

More books so I think I’m good I’m going to go back back I’m going to get rid of the sticks in my inventory just got to find a Fletcher do any of my Fletchers want to trade they’re both locked still for some reason I gave them too many

Sticks oh I think it’s cuz I didn’t give them their workbench yeah he just unlocked it that was the problem honestly I think I my other workbench in my chest or I lost it so I can’t fix this guy I will fix that guy at some

Point okay I don’t need mending I need to buy Unbreaking books oh my gosh do I not have enough paper now okay good I do okay I just need three more and that should be good now I’ve just got to go back to my base to get my Anvil okay I

Can’t find my Anvil where did I leave it I guess I left on the ground I didn’t pick it up so I have to go all the way back and see if I can find it okay I put my anvil in this chest so I found it I’m

Going to bring all the important stuff back to my base because I didn’t even remember that I made this and before the day is over let me make my shovel so efficiency 4 and then I combine all the Unbreaking ones Unbreaking three and and efficiency 4 Unbreaking three it only

Costs me 26 levels that is uh no no not good but at least I can terraform now and finish the sugar cane farm that I made this mini one over here all right so now that we’re back to terraforming I need to think of a plan I think at least

One more layer off the top but that that means I have to place like at least one more layer so maybe I’ll do two layers I’m not sure for now I’ll mine one I’m not sure how long it’s but I’m making some good progress it’s going to take me

A while to mine all the Cobblestone since I only have efficiency 3 and I have no levels anymore to upgrade my pickaxe but after this I’m going to use all the dirt I’ve gathered and start stacking up some more layers and see how it looks so hopefully I can start

Building the base by day 50 or maybe even before then okay it’s a new day but hopefully I can get all this Stone mined out and maybe some pretty good progress on filling things in and I’m also going to mine this patch of coal because who

Doesn’t like coal I think I’m going to go ahead and go see if I can trade some sticks and then maybe I’ll have enough XP to just get an efficiency 4 pickaxe cuz I could be a bit faster than this I just need to get some of the wood that I

Have I do not have like I also need to get another fetching table cuz I just remembered I lost my Fletching table and that guy won’t trade until I give him one and I can also remove this Forest that I planted to get some more wood to

Trade okay I got a bunch of extra wood so I’m just going to trade with the Fletchers now and I also have to give this guy his Fletching table back and then I’ll wait for him to refill his trade hopefully okay he’s taking a second but this guy is probably ready

And this Fletcher is also ready now too okay both of them do have their trade lock so maybe I’ll take a break I have to find that villager okay yeah this is the Villager with the pickaxe I want I have two of them now which should give

Me the perfect pickaxe that I was wanting to make the question just is how many levels will it take it’s 13 enough I don’t have my Anvil with me so I guess I could just go check and if it’s not enough I’ll come back tomorrow okay

Here’s the Anvil it is only 10 levels so I will put the efficiency 3 Fortune 2 in my inventory and I’ll use the efficiency 4 to mine the rest of this I feel like it is significantly faster I wonder if efficiency 5 would be worth it I do not

Have the levels for that right now though also I’m just realizing now maybe it would have cost more XP though so it may have not been worth it but I could have used both pickaxes and repaired them with each other but if it costs way more levels that way then I probably did

The right thing by just combining them off the B I could also mine this layer of cobblestone I’m going to need to replace with dirt if I decide to make this the layer I’m going to go for but either way I have to mine it I’m going

To mine a little bit then Place some more dirt down there like I’ve been planning on doing I think to be able to fill in the most efficiently I kind of have to pick where I’m going to build my base right now so in the very far back

Or maybe the middle I want like a barn and next to that I’m not sure what I want to build so if I do build a barn maybe it could be maybe right here and the door could be three wide or maybe it should be more than

That I’m not sure then there’ll be some things going up here obviously this isn’t what it’s going to look like but it’ll have the window and then how big should these be we need like a cow Farm maybe well if it’s going to be loud maybe we should have the barn over more

All right I can’t decide I’m going to fill in some of these layers and make it more natural going downwards and I’ll fill in this side and build my base from there to like there also some pillagers just spawned should go trap the guy in a Hole okay so once I finish filling all this in I’m going to make the layouts of all the builds I’m going to make so for now I guess I’ll just keep removing the grass and stone there’s also another wondering trador sh I should check what

He has okay I think this is actually the same person from last time I’m making some good progress I think it’s about halfway through the day I’m continuing the trend of having days that I don’t really do anything on but it’s needed to get some good progress in I’m also

Almost out of dirt so I’m going to have to keep mining some dirt to get more I’ve placed like 10 Stacks I think this stone is going to take a very long time to mine to be honest this might take me another couple days by itself and then I

Have to mine all the stone under it to replace it so yeah I might be stuck doing this for a while and since mine for a little bit I’m going to once again continue trying to fill some stuff in all right I can combine another shovel

To efficiency 3 and then I can make those efficiency 4 and then I just need nine more levels and I can get the extra shovel and start mining again I do have a couple sticks left I don’t know if it’ll be enough to get to level 9 I’m

Already at level seven though okay that guy locked his trades I think this guy should have his unlocked now okay he doesn’t I’ll just have to wait for one of them to unlock it I guess guess I think I also m a couple of these trees

Up here while I wait for those villagers to refresh the trade since I’m out of wood right now and then once I get that shovel hopefully I can finally finish that area and I’ll start building the farm and everything this time I’m only going to use reference pictures to build

Cuz in my last videos I’ve been saying I wanted to learn how to build so I’m not going to do any tutorials this time I am going to look up reference pictures though but honestly I think even like experienced Builders do that hopefully everything turns out looking good and if

Not then you know at least I’m practicing it is about to turn night so let’s see if they refreshed okay this guy did not refresh any trades and neither did this gu so I guess we have to wait till tomorrow all right it’s a new day and no one refreshed their trade

Yet so got to keep waiting I guess which is a little bit annoying I kind of want to just go do what I got to do maybe I can buy something else to get the XP or I could just store mining some grass with this one since it does have like

100 durability okay my inventory is already full so I think I got to go empty this out at my base okay I did put a couple things away so I could keep finding some dirt I still have some garbage in my inventory but that’s all right okay I just got Fletcher trades so

That means I can finally combine this so now I will just mine a bunch of dirt so I can finish building my farm flat land all right I Min a full inventory of dirt well not an actual full inventory like 10 stacks and I’m going to place all of

It and hopefully maybe I won’t need to get more it looks like I’ll need to get more though all right I finally just finished filling this area in and I have a couple more spots over here to fill in and I should be done after that then I

Can start building some out mines for what I want to build unfortunately I’m going to need more dirt to completely finish filling in the base so I’m just going to take a break and finish filling in later starting tomorrow I’m going to outline something things so I got to

Grab some Cobblestone to do that okay I think something like this will probably be good for the barn I kind of want like a five wide area for the animals to be in and then I want want a doorway that is probably going to be three wide and

Then I’ll have the doorway go up like this like the previous one I built and I think I’ll have a little opening like this so I’ll just build it for now and I’ll use actual blocks later so hopefully something like that I’ll have to check some reference images and I

Might change the shape but then next to that I want a house I think so I’ll have like a porch maybe I should go over more or maybe I should even move this over more for the porch area at it’s probably going to be like three wide with fence

So this might be far enough away well actually it should be pretty close I just don’t want to hear the cows cuz I want to have cows in there okay well I probably shouldn’t do too much Lane out for this area if I have no idea what I’m

Even going to build for now I’ll leave it blank and then the last thing will be a bunch of farms in front of these is what I want to build so maybe starting like right here maybe there’ll be like nine blocks inside of all of them I

Think I’m going to try and make some fence cuz I don’t know how I’m going to build these yet so I got to do some testing I could have some Farmland here so let me make a hoe too I try to tilt some of this yeah I think if I have one

Water Block in the middle will cover all of this so that could be the farm area and I’ll have more crops than just the ones that are planted on soil but that’s what I’m going to start with so let me grab a water Bucky and make sure it

Works okay I place a single water I’m going to place a trapo over it and I’m going to see if that reaches all the blocks I’m running out of wood now and in order to finish this I need a lot more of it so I think I’m going to take

A break from building and mine a bunch of wood now I’ll also need a lot of concrete at some point so I’m not sure how I’ll go about getting that thankfully the Border keeps expanding so I’m sure we’ll be able to find some somewhere all right I’m collecting wood

Still in the forest I have like four Stacks I’m getting close to 4 and A2 so I think I’m going to go ahead and head back home now and keep building those fenc in areas okay I need to get some more torches and make a couple more

Fence gates to finish this farming area I just made a wooden hone I’m going to go ahead and tilt all of this land right here I don’t think I’ll be able to get all of this but I’ll start doing this one too there goes my stone hoe all right

This should be good for a porch design I’m going to have it go all the way out to here and then I can have a fence like this and maybe I’ll have like three blocks with some stairs on them right here or something and then this one will go like

This yeah something like that should be okay okay three blocks you know I think I’ll actually probably move these posts up a block too cuz they’re pretty far back already I’ll start building across yeah I don’t really know what I’ll do for the house I’m might have to look at some reference

Pictures I could also get some concrete soon in order to start building the barn but for now I want to get the layout of everything built I think I also want to check for beetroot seeds yep there they are and the melon seeds all right I’m going to plant these beetroot ones

Probably right here so what are the plants you can plant wheat potatoes carrots beetroot and I think right here I will have farms for melons and pumpkins too I have to move the mushroom cows so I’ll have to wait for concrete to do more progress there and something

Else I also need to do is move my chests but I need the house for that and extend This Grass area okay I also am expanding this a little bit so far to make it look a little bit better so like this so rounds out or even

All right I’m going to plant carrots right there and I’ll plant the potatoes here then there is every single crop finished once I get the carrots down well and beetroot but I just need a bunch of beetroots to grow to be able to finish planting those oh and I could use

A trapo right here I didn’t actually and I placing one there are the potatoes and I’m missing a couple of torches it seems like so I’m going to go ahead and get those placed I don’t really know how to build a goodlook house though this is going to be difficult I definitely want

To be pretty long maybe I just won’t do this for now I mean I could actually have some windows like this that might look nice or maybe the whole house could look like that and then once you get to the door it could be like this honestly

I kind of like that maybe I’ll keep that I will need two doors to go along with it I could place the doors inside like this that’s a trick I remember to make it look like it has a little more depth to it all right and I think I could also

Combine these and let’s see let me find a nice space so if I have three Windows here and three Windows here something like this maybe actually that’s too many windows I think so let me make another full log block yeah two windows that are both too

Wide that looks nice and it all matches up evenly and I can also have like this little log themed house that might look really nice so like all the walls are plain log blocks that might be what I do I don’t think I have any glass I’m going

To go check cuz I can make some panes for window Windows okay I did have a couple blocks so I can place those four windows that I made all right and that is the front of the house it looks pretty good I think I’m pretty happy

With it now the difficult part is making two sides and the back that look good too so I think I’m going to take another break from building the house and do that later and I’m going to try to remember to continue to breed these cows I’ve not been doing it good enough ooh

It also gives me XP okay I’ll have to double remember to do it then I kind of forgot gives you food leather and XP which is honestly three things that I could really use I think I might go for a deep slate roof so I’m going to place

Eight stairs that I made and see how that looks then I’m going to do something else like I said I don’t know if that looks good I could place some slabs underneath or I could also move it down a block Well for now I don’t know

Still but I will figure out soon I’m going to go searching for gravel since it’s one of the most important things that I need right now and sand and hopefully this is an infinite plains biome because I need different biomes also my sugarcan grill again so I’m

Going to get all of this honestly I’m not sure where gravel really spawns is there like a location where you go to look for it actually there might be gravel over here I don’t even know what this would be called it’s like a cave inside of a side of a mountain but it’s

Not a cave there is some gravel here so I’ll take this and thankfully my shovel doesn’t have a fortune but it also doesn’t have silk touch so I’m going to get a couple pieces of Flint still well it seems like I found another Village at

The top of this hill so I can get a couple of carrots to finish my Farms all right I have four that should be good enough to get it started and there are also some hay bals that I should take so let craft all of these I don’t have a h

So they’re going to take a minute to mine cuz those are some bonus villagers up here another toolsmith I think I’ll leave them alone for now ooh there’s a blacksmith too I’m going to go check that out border has expanded a lot cuz I don’t even see this originally okay the

Chest has two pairs of iron boots and a bunch of saplings that kind of sucks there are a bunch of cows that I could get for some leather but I don’t have inventory space I’m going to leave them alone are those two beehives next to each other I’ve never seen that before

Ooh that’s a big drop is there any gravel down here ooh yes I found another patch of gravel keep running out of inventory space I should have cleared my inventory more at the base so what is something I can throw out maybe a golden Apple I could eat it because I should

Also collect a bunch of poppies because I’m going to needed for red concrete and there’s so many red flowers up here so I might as well get it while I’m here is there anything else I don’t need I could throw out sugarcane or two books two

Books is probably worse I don’t want to throw out fence or fence oh actually I made another space just like that okay we have a couple Open Spaces now all right I’m at 52 flowers I’m about to be at a stack maybe this is enough or maybe

I’m not not even close to that amount I’ll need but a stack is good enough for now right now I’m focusing on looking for gravel cuz that’s what I need the most of I’m getting pretty close though I almost have as much gravel I do sand hopefully this pushes me over the edge

43 okay I’m almost at another stack okay I’m at another stack officially I’m going to get another two stacks from this water place it seems like yeah and I can get up to another stack of sand I’m at 42 right now okay two more pieces and and perfect now I just need the

Gravel all right I just got to go back to my house now and craft a bunch of concrete okay I finally found my base again and I can get rid of this dirt in my inventory by placing in this hole and then I think I can craft the

Concrete okay I wonder why I can’t what am I missing I thought concer was just like this so maybe I just custom do it oh you know what I’m missing is this okay now I should be able to yeah there we go all right I have extra sand and

Gravel still too which I’ll definitely need this is not going to be enough so let me go see if I have another stack of sand okay I do not have another stack of sand so I’ll have to gather that at some point so now to convert all of this I

Need to get some water then I will make a little hole probably just like right here is fine going to have water facing this way and then some wood for I don’t break it by accident and then this should be good yeah okay well I lied isn’t good need to place these okay

Perfect uh never mind okay now it’s perfect I’m just going to sit here and do this okay now that I have a full stack I’m going to take it and I’m going to build the cow area and the reason I’m building the cow area first is where I

Can move all the cows but I should also pick a shape so how long is this let me count okay it’s 19 blocks across so we might to be probably 26 longer something okay I think something like 25 blocks is good for now cuz I wanted to not be a

Square I wanted to be a rectangle and then if I just pillar these up something like this okay so where are the cows going to be probably in the back corner cuz I don’t want them to be loud when you’re in the barn so let me just make

Sure this is okay we want to be all even inside so maybe we have like five there and another five here another five and then there’s open okay yeah I think that will work for the cows though we want the cows to have a lot of space so maybe

We’ll have some horses in this one but then right after that we want cows to start and I need all of this to be too high I’m going to need some more concrete oh yeah and before I forget I can plant my carrots and they can start

Growing all right I got like two more Stacks that should be more than enough for now I’m going to have to find a way to make this look better I don’t know I think maybe I could add some gradients somehow but for now all that matters is

Getting the cows in here I think I should do one fence and then three fence gates okay yeah and it’s even so amazing glad that everything ended up being the correct Dimensions all right just got to get the wheat out and lead the cows into here then hopefully I can just open all

These doors and they follow me all right so far so good no the cows are getting away honestly I should have closed the doors again that was a pretty stupid idea for me look at all these cows like in uniform whatever Unison whatever the word is they will follow me perfectly

Come on cows get in the pen almost everybody all right there we go maybe I can get some more then I’ll just exterminate all the cows that don’t come with me honestly I should close this I could maybe get like all the cows all right perfect now I will slowly lead

Them all into the barn again okay one problem is that the cows are going to try to like run out too so all right hopefully that is fine everybody come in okay slowly but surely all the cows are coming all right now I just got to close

That again there’s also four cows right here I think I should lead him in like this okay there’s two more cows okay it’s a new day I’m going to have one more or maybe two more attempts to get some more cows into the pen at this rate

I think I’m getting like every single cow into there cuz this is all the missing ones right here I think okay one last attempt get all the cows over here or maybe I’ll just leave them wandering around I don’t really know okay I’ll try why not everybody come with me just have

To move very very slowly for nobody gets stuck and then maybe I mean this is not ideal for all these cows but I think I have to bring them this way everybody get on in okay two of them are walking away but a majority of them just hopped

In so I think there’s four left to move okay only three and they’re all going to come with me okay I think I success y moved every single cow that is not as annoying as I thought it was going to be now it is time to feed every single one

Of them again all right that should be every cow bread just have to get out of here now without letting all the cows out okay perfect and I could also build the dimensions of the barn like this let me replace it with concrete that might

Give me a bit of a better idea also how big should I make these walls right here because I want this section on the top still so maybe I just make it slowly get bigger going to try that okay this is what it looks like slowly getting bigger

And then oops I just fell off the barn then maybe I could have this area with you know some hay and you know whatever is in this area of the barns okay what about that let’s check honestly it looks like a barn to me let me look at some

Images honestly I just looked at some images and my barn literally sucks compared to those so we’re going to have to do a lot of Renovations on this thing starting with a Better Door so let me make some outlines of Oak for the door I think this will make it look better I’m

Not sure though and then I’ll jump all the way back down one of these all right let’s see how that makes it look all right a little bit better maybe and then let me outline this I also need to add a gradient so maybe I could get some Main

Grove wood whatever that wood is called I could get those nether Red Blocks too which I’ll add in and then the roof will be one of the most difficult parts to make look good I think I’m going to do something like this maybe well that’s

Not very even 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 two yeah honestly I think I’ll build the roof and make the outline after you know that doesn’t look as bad as it did I could add some more wood outlines like this maybe I should even strip the wood yeah

I think that’s more friendly to the pallet honestly I’m going to strip these logs hopefully that’s the right move and I’ll strip these three too ooh these speed roots are also grown now I’m going to plant all of the new seeds and I’ll take my three beat root profit and eat

Them up later and I can finally fix this cuz the cows are gone it might also look good if I add some outlines like this with the wood no I don’t know I just got to think about it and look at more image references maybe adding some trap doors

Will help yeah actually I think looks fine without them maybe adding some slabs with trap doors will help you know I actually think that does make it look a bit better maybe honestly I don’t know it’s all a work in progress got to learn by doing it I think today I’m just going

To focus on doing some stuff like getting all the concrete converted and things like that since I want to keep building and making the base but I need blocks to do that and also go to the Nether and see if I can get some of that

Wood might look good all yeah I don’t know if I’m going to go into this second but I’m going to go ahead and make a nether portal right here so I can get Quartz and that nether brick that I want to get all right it is a new day and

I’ve been mining in this little cave I found a huge patch of diorite since I want to use it for the roof of the barn I don’t know how long it’s going to take me to finish mining it but I have a couple stacks so far and I’m going to

Continue mining it for now I also smelted some charcoal to make torches cuz it was dark all right today I think I’m going to go ahead and go to the nether since I built the portal and I need a couple of things there still okay I didn’t find anything then NE end it

Looks like honestly I got really bad spawn so I don’t know maybe I’ll give up on that wood and maybe I’ll go look at all the borders of the world world border real quick all right well I haven’t really found anything except PLS biomes I did find some coal in this cave

Which I’m going to M but except for that I haven’t had much luck maybe I’ll find some more diorite to mine but I might even have enough diorite already okay I’m lost now I was trying to go back to my base but I can’t really find it it’s

Okay though since the border is only 1,000 blocks wide so I’m definitely going to find it probably in a second and actually it’s most likely over this hill if I had to guess okay I think I’m probably just going to go mine some deep SL then I could at least start building

The roof so just have to find my cave I kind of forgot where it was though oh I think I accidentally blocked it up it’s should be right here okay yeah there it is I’m going to go back down here and get some deep slate okay I’m mining some

Deep slate in these caves I’m going to probably get a decent amount but I wonder where mind coming back down here at some point I’d rather get less and have to come get more then to get way more than I need so yeah maybe I’ll get like six stacks for now or something

Like that and my pickaxe is also pretty close to Breaking it’s a 228 durability I’m not sure if I should repair with diamonds or maybe just get another pickaxe I don’t really know what I’ll do yet okay one more thing I do need is to go get some quartz and then I might

Start trying to build that barn roof before I get Quartz I think I’m going to go ahead and buy another pickaxe to upgrade my fortune one also how did I get Fortune 2 I think there’s a fortune book I can buy or a fortune pickaxe maybe it’s time to get a maxed out

Fortune pick too and I could just use that for now okay so I’ll need one of these to get efficiency 4 and then where is the fortune pick it might be in the house okay yeah I need two of these all right I’m out of emeralds but I should

Be able to make what I want to make I just need to find my anvil because I misplaced it again I assume we just put it in a chest okay yeah I did all right I’ll combine the fortunes why is that eight levels already though that’s a lot

Of levels I only have eight levels left oh my gosh that is really expensive what about this wow okay 15 levels I’m going to have to go mine some more before I go to the nether I’m going to feed the cows some more wheat and I harvested the farm

So hopefully I can keep bring some cows and get a lot of food nether soon and I’ll have to go get the sugar cane cuz I bet it’s grown Again by now okay I just checked two and I can add Ming already for only five levels which I

Think is worth it because if the pickaxe is fixed it won’t cost as much levels to add the fortune and efficiency 4 so I’m going to go ahead and add The Mending and hope that it makes everything cheaper in the end and one last thing

Before I go to the Nether Again going to get some more potatoes that I put in the furnace now I’ll just put a bunch of these seeds away on ly I looked around a bit and yeah the spawn in the nether just sucks so I’m going to Ste the

Obsidian and make a new portal at one of the corners of the Border cuz I do not want to be here there’s nothing in here that is good for mining quartz there’s no bastions or fortresses I want to get to a different part of the nether all

Right I’ve been mining quartz for a while so now just got to see if I can combine a pickaxe together since I did get it fully repaired okay that’s 17 levels and this is 20 levels so let me get to 17 okay now that that I am 17 I

Can put this one in and get efficiency 4 then the next level will be 28 I’m only three levels away from 28 which is what I need to finish my pickaxe and I’ve collected a bunch of quartz so once I get level 28 I’m going to go and maybe

Start building the roof of the barn I actually see some bone blocks here too I’m going to get those cuz they’re usually pretty helpful I just finished gting level 28 so I can actually finish my pickaxe okay well I need to repair my pickaxe because it’s too many levels now

But there should be some quartz nearby okay now I can combine them for 28 levels this pick is basically maxed out and I got a good amount of quartz without fortune 3 I’m going to start crafting some quartz blocks for my inventory isn’t so full too since I

Don’t think I need the actual quartz for anything okay I got back to the base I’m ready to start building the house or the roof I’m going to start with some stairs I also forgot to make quartz stairs I just realized and this this wall will be

Six blocks high and I was planning on copying a reference image I had so it’ll just be something like this I think okay I finished and it should look something like that once it’s done I think I need to make it up a little more near the top

But other than that I think it’s actually pretty okay so I think maybe like one block from The Edge on both sides maybe two blocks I could just mine this bottom layer out and then maybe I could just go back to placing the normal blocks again okay I think I’m going to

Also go ahead and harvest my beetroot I have some bone meal if I needed to okay I didn’t even need bone meal I got 22 seeds so this Farm is a little bit closer to being completely planted I think of Might bone meal to Max actually okay the beetroot Farm is completely

Planted and finished now I just got to wait for all of it to grow naturally and with the rest of my bone meal I have basically almost a stack I’m going to bone meal the carrots okay I got almost the entire carrot Farm finished I’m missing like five blocks it looks like

And this is how the roof turned out now we’ll just have to finish filling all this red stuff in but it might actually be a smarter idea to wait to fill it in since I do want to add a gradient somehow I just need to find out what the

Gradient is going to be right now I’m headed back to my portal for I can try and find some red wood since I think that’ll be a nice block to add to the gradient of the barn I also grabbed some clay cuz I might test some bricks but

Other than that I don’t really know I also wish I could use Main Grove wood but I don’t know if I’m going to find a main grve in the Border but a Wandering trador might come traded to me which is always possible I think it is a couple

Minute walk so I’m at the nether now there’s also a gas shooting at me already I just don’t really know where to find a red Forest it might take me a minute I think I’ll just go ahead and dig through the nether wall and hope that I find something near a forest

Maybe I’ll find a Bastion or something too okay and I finally found a Crimson Forest I hope that the wood looks good cuz if I wasted my time coming to find one of these I would be a little bit sad I should have also Ed my inventory

Before I left I don’t have any space okay I’m getting attacked by hoglin am I going going to die okay I didn’t know hoglins had that much health I think I’m going to grab a stack of this maybe a little bit more cuz I don’t want to come

Out the way back here it’s just that my ax is going to break soon so okay there’s another hoglin running after me just got to make sure I avoid him okay he can’t fit through here but he can still hit me I almost have all the wood

That I need so please stop attacking me for a second okay and now I officially have two saacks so I just got to get back home now you know I just realized I think this l is purple so I I just wasted a bunch of time I can’t use a

Purple log okay well rest in peace honestly I think I have to go back and maybe find like a fortress cuz I think there’s something called red Nether Bricks I don’t know though for now I need to go get more food since I’m completely out and I don’t want to

Starve to death I actually have some beetroots I forgot about that so at least I’m full hunger again to get back to my house I guess I could probably add a couple of these logs like throughout the gradient maybe like one or two blocks to total yeah I think I’m out of

Luck I think I just have to use like plain red concrete I will go ahead and try the bricks though I mean from far away that doesn’t look that bad especially since the sun is facing a different way let me fix the sun in my shaders though yeah I couldn’t really

Fix the sun I don’t know why it’s acting a little bit weird okay I have all of the bricks so let’s see if it looks okay it doesn’t seem like it’s going to but let me add like one more log of this then two bricks somewhere oh that looks

Awful okay let’s stick with the full red then I’m definitely going to need more concrete to finish all this though if I don’t use any other blocks but honestly I don’t really have an option cuz all the other blocks suck and then the barn

Is going to be this long so let me go ahead and build it all the way over to there I already only have two stacks of blocks so I’m going to be able to finish this wall I think that’s basically it but that’s okay cuz I also just want to

Put the roof in place so I can see what it will look like I’m also going to take something from the reference picture which was to put some walls right here I think that looks a lot better than wood and I think this corner block is also

Diorite and stuff here I mean at this rate I’m kind of copying the picture but I think mine’s a different shape so I will link the picture in the comments or the description too so if you do want to build something like this I’ll link the picture that I got inspiration from okay

I’m also building the inside of the roof which will be a bunch of different deep slate blocks I should just remember there’s a third deep slate block I could have used but if I end up wanting to use that I could add it in after I guess

Okay to keep building I do need more deep slates so I think I’m going to go ahead and go try to mine some cuz I only have two stacks left in the chest which definitely is not enough I just accidentally found some diamonds while mining for deep slate too and I can get

With fortune 3 okay it looks like it was only three and I got seven from them which is not too bad okay I kind of need some tool repairs so I was going to buy a new tool or mending books but then I realized I don’t have any wood or

Emeralds so I have to go mine a bunch of trees with no axe but I’m going to be able to buy some emeralds to get a new axe real quick then I have to mine a bunch of trees where I can get some mending and stuff and I’m going to put

This deep slate in the chest I Min about six Stacks okay I just traded for a couple of emeralds so now I can buy the axe it is pretty expensive but that’s the only ax I have we’re going to buy it and go use it to mine down every tree I

Can find and hopefully get a full inventory of logs since I need to buy some Min books and repair my shovels to get more concrete I just mined a bunch of wood so I’m going to go ahead and go trade all the scks for emeralds and

Hopefully I get a lot of profit I traded until they both locked their trades and I’m at 63 emeralds I do have a lot of sticks left though so I got to wait for them to keep unlocking and one meding book is only 14 nice I think I’m going

To go ahead and go get a couple of cows for some leather and harvest the sugar can around my base okay I got 18 leather should be enough for all the books that I need to get The Mending and stuff I’m also going to start mounting this beef

That I got looks like some Pillager spawn next to the Village I have so I should probably trap them in a hole because if I rage started I would probably die I got to finish these guys off now they trying to shoot me okay now

It’s just a guy in the hole I just got to dig him down one more block okay there we go and hopefully I can trade with the flter again okay this guy’s open and I think I’m going to wait to trade since I can buy Min books and I

Might need more XP so I’ll buy two of those and combine them to both of my shovels okay they both were nine levels to repair okay now let me see if this Fletcher can trade oh yeah I have to remember to hold the shovel oops I guy

Already locked his trade somehow I have a lot of sticks left so hopefully they unlock it okay this guy just did okay while I wait for them to unlock the trads again I will go find some sand or gravel to mine I’m also going to go to

The nether to mine some but I might as well wait to do that till I can get all these sticks traded I think but actually there’s a really good spot to on gravel near the portal so maybe I should just go to the Nether Portal now I think I

Might leave all the sticks in a chest for I don’t have to carry them around and luckily I have a chest right here so I’ll putle them into this honestly I think I should empty my inventory more before I came here I’m going to have to

Go back to empty it out and there’s a skeleton down here for some reason I need to get diamond armor soon but I’m holding that off still anyways there’s a lot of so I’m going to start mining a lot of it then I’ll get sand after that

Okay I have a full inventory of gravel I’m going to go put it back at the base now and then I’ll come try to get full inventory of sand then I should have enough concrete to finish the barn for sure I put all of my gravel in the chest

I’m swiming back to get some sand it should not take very long oh and I also just remembered I need roses so I should start collecting those I could probably go back up to that Hill I was at cuz that place had a lot of roses for some

Reason thankfully there is also a a really big spot to mine sand over here it’s like a mini desert so I should be able to get all the sand I need in this spot and I think my shovels will be able to get over without having to be

Repaired I will repair them but just not if I don’t need to right now it only took me a minute or two and I have a full inventory of sand so I’ll have to just walk back and then I don’t know where it was but I also have to go back

To that mountain to collect a couple stacks of Roses again too all right I just found the mountain now just got to get the poppies which shouldn’t take too long probably guessing I need at least two stacks I might try to get three or four though to be safe okay now I can

Take the sand and gravel and make some concrete then I have to go place it and turn into concrete blocks okay I have the first like okay I have the first eight Stacks I’m going to go turn it into blocks okay I just finished turning all of these into concrete so I’m going

To place some of those and build the roof so I got to get over my deep slate all right I just finished this side oh my gosh I just fell all of these stairs are placed on this side I just need slabs and blocks now so that means I’m

Going to go do the other side too but yeah it looks really good I’m glad that I looked at that reference image like I said before it will be in the description if you want to also follow it mine is a different shape though since I didn’t like follow everything

Block for block or anything like that but and I just finished the bricks and stairs on this side too I also have to continue the quartz but I’m going to go ahead and finish the red part now too of this wall I think I also want this floor

To be Oak so I’m going to go ahead and place that above these uh little pens and there could be like a second FL up here or something I was thinking I do not have enough Oak to finish right now but I’m going to start placing some of

It to get an idea of the shape okay I finally finished placing all the bricks on the roof I just have to go and mine some more so I can finish all of the braks I haven’t placed and I’ll have to make a couple of slabs but after that

The roof is basically done and I can get a side view real quick this is what it looks like it looks very good I have to add in some more more details later too but for now I’ve got to go mine little bit more deep slate all right I

Collected about seven stacks of deep slate now I’m just got to get onto the roof and finish placing all of it so I’m going to turn each stack into two more stacks of every block all right there we go now I should be ready to build first

I’m going to finish this part of the roof and then I’ll make some slabs and finish that area okay I finish this big pattern here now I will make a couple of slabs there’s only three slab on each side okay I finished one side and it looks

Like I have just enough to finish the other side too okay and the roof is officially complete except for the quartz on the back side I think I’m also going to mine a place to place some glass out so I can get some natural light in the building so maybe something

Like this will be fine actually I think I’m going to make it five wide just like that I’m going to finish the quartz outline then I’m going to go get some wood to do the inside and then I also get some glass to finish the Skylight thing okay the quartz Outland is

Finished on all these sides now and the back except for this block I think I messed that one up but now it’s perfect okay I’m also going to place some torches inside of the cow pin for no monster spawn in here with them so that’ be pretty bad just going to place them

On both walls like this that should be enough lighting for them hopefully I could also Place some lanterns on top of the wood once I place that so let me go get that wood and start placing it on the second floor of the barn I do think

I need some iron to make lanterns but it does look like I have enough wood to finished filling that area in so I think I’m good on that I might go grab some iron real quick from that cave under my base and it will be even easier now

Since I have fortune 3 I am going to get some coal though for torches I almost forgot about that looks like I also found a zombie spawner there might be something good in the chest a lot of string and a rip tie two book and a creeper that exploded the last chest

Looks like I had nothing good in either though and go ahead and light this up for now I don’t know if I’ll use it probably not and I’ll keep looking for iron all right I’m back to building the barn and I finished this which will

Light more light in from the sky now I’m just got to finish placing the planks to finish the second floor guess let Dore the rain hopefully it’s not thunderstorming though and once I place these roof above the cow like I said earlier I’m going to go in and place

Some lanterns just to be triple sure that no Creepers Are Going to spawn in there I also don’t have enough wood to finish the ceiling either actually I have one more stack I might have enough it’s going to be really close okay I’m three blocks off I can continue building

The red railing though some iron is also done melting so I’m going to grab that and some extra wood for sticks four torches and to finish the roof oh I also need stuff to finish this house too I kind of forgot about my log cabin thing

Guess after the born I could do that I might also want to mine out the floor to make it maybe wood I’m going make every block Wood except for the pens I’m going to go M some trees again so I can finish my lock cabin and if I can finish the

Floor in there I’m also pretty close suff fishing outline with red clay so I might actually go do that first while it’s raining just real quick then everything except the floor will be done in some interior details and while I’m in here I might as well Stack Up and

Place the glass and just like that everything with the barn is done for now I just got to go find a forest so I guess we’ll just walk in a random Direction and hope there’s one there all right I’m still mining on logs I’m only

At a stack in 15 which definitely is not going to be enough to build my cabin and I actually checked in it seems like I only have about 12 days left something like that so hopefully I can finish my builds I don’t think I’m going to be upgrading to Diamond Armor these 100

Days that will definitely be at first all right I just got back to my house I’m going to continue building the walls hopefully it’s a cute cabin I don’t really have time to mess up on it so if it looks bad then I’m just going to keep

It probably and I think this is a pretty good shape for it I’m just going to turn it this way now and finish the square I was thinking of having another Stone and deep slay roof I don’t know if that would look good I could outline it with

Quartz but that might not look natural I haven’t really decided what I’m doing with it yet but I do know I want to try a full log surrounding it and that is almost done and I can also go ahead and make some planks and place all these on

The floor all right the floor is done in this house I’m going to go finish the floor and the barn now too okay then one last thing I wanted to do was Place fence around up here for one of the details so we going to go ahead and try

That I need to come up with some better lighting especially for the second floor cuz it’s just a bunch of torches spammed I could probably Place some lanterns on these fence eventually but yeah for now I think that looks pretty good right so I was thinking about it and maybe it’ be

Better to do a design like a slanted roof maybe on this thing I’m going to try and see if it looks better it also could easily be worse I don’t really know yet so all the stairs will go up and do something like this I would also

Have to make sure it’s even so let me start it over here too okay so the second option is something like that which actually I feel like it kind of fits the cabin Vibe a little bit I might just do that since it’s might be easier

To build too if it does look perfect that’s fine I think it’ll look better than my usual builds the only downside is going to take probably more wood than it would have if I did the other method maybe it would take the same amount I don’t really know okay so with

Everything filled in that’s how the roof looks I think I should probably take the top down a little bit more cuz it’s too much of like a triangle we going to try that okay yeah something like that is better it looks pretty I don’t know I

Feel like I could do a different design the other one might be better also kind of off center yeah I think I’m going to try a different design I could always go back to this it’ll just take more work okay next time I’m going to try a roof

That’s TS very low on this block I feel like that could look pretty good and I might have an outline on it I might not for now I’m not going to yeah that’s a really low roof but it might end up looking good and this is like the second

Option I think that I think that’s better yeah I could make it go up one more block like earlier as well but then I feel like it looks too steep so what if I tried like the slabs under it so which one of those are better yeah maybe

I should have the raise the block and do some slabs underneath okay so I’m going to definitely add a block on the side I just don’t know if it’s going to be the same deep slate or a different block so I’m just going to leave it playing for

Now and I can also finish building the roof with all the stairs should I go one more block up I don’t know let’s see how it looks when I finish the back all right I’m out of logs in my inventory but I think this is pretty good for the

Roof shape it’s not too high and it’s not too low I just need to see if I have more logs okay good thing I’m not out yet so I can finish this I’ll also need some slabs to fill all this in after that though it should be done maybe some

More wood blocks inside for the interior yeah after looking at the top of the roof I think I should use blocks instead of slabs to fill all of it in I think I’ll just look better like that so we going to craft a little bit more of

The blocks okay that should be enough to finish okay there roof is done except for the outline now which haven’t decided on I mean it’s a pretty nice house honestly I don’t think it looks too bad the only bad thing is this looks kind of plain I’m not sure how I would

Fix that honestly I could probably add some outlines of wood logs something like this will probably make it look better okay let’s see yeah that does make it look better okay now that all of those outlines are finished well actually could probably use one here too

There we go I think another good thing to do okay last one sorry actually I don’t know I think that doesn’t look that good let’s change it back to the wood and then break this here all right anyways another good thing to do would be to get some leaves and some rocks in

This area so let’s get some andesite and some stones and things like that I don’t know if I have andesite I do know I have a bunch of Cobble so let’s melt at least two stacks into stone then and asde do I have any three okay I have three

Andesites I’m going to go mine a stack or two and I’m going to clear my inventory so I have some more space to do other things like get andesite and get some leaves after that too so I’m just throwing all the junk out yeah I just got three stacks exactly of

Andesite which should be enough for at least now I think there’s officially only 10 days left so I got to start finishing all this stuff up and building it would be better if I got some leaves now it would help me build just better so okay I actually have two stacks

Already nice so that’s honestly enough to start do I have any bones okay I do so just going to cut down one or two more trees and steal all of the leaves okay yeah I got like over three stacks let me see if my Cobblestone finished

Melting okay not quite yet but I do have a stack of stone which is enough to start so if I’m going to build rocks I definitely want one in between these this is just a big space where there’s nothing so let me make the outline and

I’ll make it look pretty good I think I can go up like three blocks on the side of this and then we kind want to use it a block off the back I don’t want like a huge alley to to be right here yeah that’s exactly what I was looking for I

Think I already did it then we just use some of this to make it look more natural and green and clean and then a couple piece of bone meal I might do the bone meal at the ending but for now I’ll do that right there only yeah it looks

Pretty good it closes the Gap and we also want a rock probably here but first I’m going to add the walls again in the same spot on this side now I can build the rock I’m also going to have to replace this but I’ll wait to do that or

I guess I could probably do it now yeah perfect so this is done now and I’m going to add the rock just a pretty okay size Boulder blocking some view of the plane area right here okay yeah that should be fine let me see how it looks

From the front Okay well we got to fix some things it looks to much like the same size on all the ends but yeah that should fix it and then a couple piece of boneal in front of this as well all right nice and I kind of want to find

Some trees behind this cuz I think I’m done building over here okay all those should grow I’ll grow the first two just to get an idea of what it will look like and maybe this one okay let’s go back and have a peek yeah see that looks

Really good the build is getting all tied together now also I do want to do more detail into the barn I’m not sure what kind yet but maybe like some trap doors around this corner might help I’m going to do more detailing on this exact

Part later but for now I’m just going to touch it up my inventory is already so full again I also want to Stack Up on these sides and place some tears on this outline maybe I should have made this outline white too like I don’t really

Know but the idea of this is to give it a more clean transition I don’t know if it does that hopefully it does all right there we go yeah honestly I don’t know if it helps that much I might also add some leaves at the bottom of each side

Cuz shrubs always make everything look better and then two more bone meals just around these areas yeah I mean I don’t know it still looks very much the same color but like I said I’ll have another try i’ Mak it look better later okay and

For the Farms I do have plans for all of these I just don’t know how I’m going to do them I want to have a melon and pumpkin thing here so what’s the best way to do that I think sugar canane could be in this spot so maybe like down

Here will just be a sugarcane line that’s a good start and then maybe melons can be on all of these blocks well actually let me think about this for a sec I could actually mine it like this if all these blocks are water whoops then I should be able to make

Pumpkin and melon seeds and then there’s like two open blocks here that we can walk through I do need a hoe in the seeds though so let me go get that and also need another water bucket ooh I also take the wheat I need that too for

Some designs at the barn okay I got everything I need so the first thing I’m going to do is make this an infinite water source and continue it to the bottom then I can also plant the melon seeds here and sugar cane also goes on this side oh yeah and pumpkins will go

Here if I get pumpkins let me go find some pumpkins actually o it looks like my carrots are grown too so let me finish planting those I’m only missing a couple spots there we go perfect and I have even more wheat to harvest right here all right now that I have all of

The wheat I’m going to combine it into hey bals so I’ve got 18 total now I’m going to use that and go up here with it and my plan with it was to put in front of the window so if anyone’s everever looking up here it looks like there’s a

Bunch of hay okay that should look good now I just need to add torches to make sure it’s all very light and let’s go see how it looks from outside okay yeah that looks pretty nice there’s a lot of wheat up there looks pretty delicious and I could also add some leaves around

These that’s where we have the other thing so let’s keep it like that I mean I like I like how everything’s going maybe it’s time we try and add an outline to this thing right here so I’ve got some quartz stairs let’s go and check out how it would look and also the

Blocks underneath we can’t forget about those perfect so how is that I mean yeah I like I like what it adds to it I think I’m just going to do that I don’t think it’s that bad or ugly because I’m not sure if it fits wood necessarily but it

Looks fine and I really like the colors that it adds I stole it from the barn but yeah do like how it looks yeah the base is looking really good if you look at it from over here I like the new Mountain I added and it all ties

Together really nicely also all the trees grew over there already maybe I should plant some more saplings if anywhere needs saplings is this way so I will go ahead and plant some I only have 10 in my inventory right now so that’s all that I can do I plant one okay I

Grew one to start them off so hopefully those grow now and what I’m going to focus on is the paths and this thing cuz I feel like I should have paths leading everywhere I think it’ll make the base look nicer so I just got to go through

Here oh that’s going to break my shovels quick where’s my other shovel okay right here I have 100 180 uses on it I feel like I could also put some leaves on some of these spots I know it doesn’t make much sense since that means mobs

Can jump in but we’re not thinking about things that make sense I’m thinking about things that make the base look better and this might make the base look better so I’m going to do it but yeah I think I to go take a trip to the nether

Or something and repair my shovels or maybe not maybe I’ll break all the paths I want to see all the paths look no yeah that definitely makes it look better we need to continue the path so let me keep using my shovel yeah I think we could

Continue it maybe like right here where this chest is actually and then once we get here we can do a path going this way connecting to the doors and then we continue it straight and we even have a very cute path going to the steps perfect also

This would be a great spot for some leaves yeah that’s not too invasive or anything I like that and I remember in an image I saw some people use buttons and things like that so let’s add some buttons to the this to give some more texture and some signs to everything you

Maybe some ladders too I don’t know if this actually buil trick but I think you can do it to try to make things look nicer so some random signs on this yeah I mean that doesn’t look bad maybe a ladder or two for some extra detail and

Then run right there yeah I mean honestly I thought it would look worse but doesn’t look too shabby I could also have some Pebbles nearby the rocks for some super extra detail I’ll do some over here too and I have two signs left so let’s place them on the house right

Here yeah I’ll definitely add some more details like that cuz the barn is supposed to look beat up but full disclosure I did get the inspiration from the signs from the screenshot in the description as well I didn’t come up with that and I got it from the barn

Picture it is turn out again and I’m out of wood and everything my inventory is full so I’m going to put most of my things up well actually something that’d be really good to do is to make some chests and start moving some of this

Junk in the house so let me go place a couple of chests in here if I do have a storage room should it be on the second floor no the second floor sucks okay let’s make it right here just got to find the right layout for it two blocks

Two blocks two two honestly I don’t know let’s start it right here oh we can only do two chests as well because it’s too short now we’ll add two furnaces and a crafting table to the left or the right sorry and I’ll make a lot of chests okay

So let’s keep placing these and I need to mix more signs but this time they’re not for decorating they’re for labeling so this one can be Cobblestone I know I have a lot of that this one can be sand and gravel actually let’s make this one

Dirt then this one can be sand and gravel then this chest can be wood and then this chest can be Stones that’s the wrong line and then this can be like Farm things so like bushes and seeds and sugarcane okay now that I have all the

Chests there I can clean some things up I’m going to do this later I’m not going to move everything I’m going to go repair my shovels right now I think that’s probably a better use of my time but I will move these by the end of the

100 days do have to repair my shovel though cuz I want to make more path blocks and it doesn’t hurt to have a repaired shovel in the first place but yeah this is the base for now looks really really nice it’s all coming together slowly the last part of the 100

Days goodbye base I hope everything stays good while I’m gone I should only be gone by the end of this day it doesn’t take that long to repair pickaxes mending was a very good addition to the game I like a lot and I know just a spot to go to this tunnel

Leads to a very open area where I can get lots of quartz okay well I’m still mining in one of my shovels are a little close to being repaired but yeah this is taking a lot longer than I thought it would all right my first shovel is

Repaired I’m going to head back home I think one shovel is probably enough to do all the path blocks and I don’t want to spend too long in the nether okay I am back home I’m going to get my sticks and trade for some Fletchers for some

Extra XP on top of all the XP that I just got I don’t think I have that many sticks I only a couple stacks but this might re shovel at least a bit okay I’m back up to 200 durability that was probably like 50 durability or something

So now I can go ahead and finish the path blocks I’m also going to steal the sugarcane that’s right here since it’s grown again I guess okay I’m going to have two extra blocks here and then start making the path inside of this and then it goes over here as well and I

Also connect this like that okay but how do I make this look more natural cuz this looks kind of silly maybe yeah I don’t know oh I do have an idea I can make the path have like variations in it so like this that will help make it not

Look so weird and also I can add some bone meal do I have bone meal I don’t know I think I have some in my other chest okay but I was saying I could add some bone meal here and that should make it look more natural too I just have to

Break the ones that are too high feel like too high grass doesn’t look that good I’ll place them all on these okay that should be good I also have to wait for this to grow back it looks very weird how are the melons going nice I

Got to go get pumpkins I forgot about that I’ll go find some real quick okay I do see some pumpkins I’ve been running around for a while it looks like there’s a cherry bossom too so if I get all of these I can get pumpkin seeds and plant

The pumpkins too and I’m going to go steal some cherry blossom saplings in case I want to put some pink leaves anywhere and I’m also going to steal these pink flowers cuz they’re pretty cute and make for a really good decoration and there’s even more pumpkins right

Here I’m going to get those too okay I have a bunch of leaves and seven saplings so I think I’m going to go home cuz that’s plenty of things okay I have these pumpkin seeds I’m back home so we’re going to plant all of these on the

Ground and I’m going to bum the stems of the melons for they can store growing and I can finish those too and I think I going spent to day moving all the chest from everywhere in my base into the house which is going to probably take

The rest of the day so okay today my goal is going to be to get more animals into the barn so I’m hoping I can find some sheep and pigs and I do already see a sheep there so maybe it won’t be too difficult so right here could maybe be

Some pigs since pigs aren’t that important or actually maybe I can put the pigs in the corner behind me because I could actually use sheep to dial them and get wool for things so yeah I think I’ll put pigs in this one and I will

Make a big doorway then this will be for the Sheep exclusively just need to make some more fence gates I did see a sheep over here but I don’t really see them anymore I don’t know where he went must be next to the barn right here okay I

Guess not okay the Sheep went all the way down to this cave so it’s still pretty close to the base but it will take a little bit of extra time now okay so the sheep can come with me now just need one more sheep and I saw some

Chickens over here that I’m going to p with the pigs I think oh and there’s a second sheep up on that hill so I won’t have to go that far for them I haven’t seen pigs recently though so I might have to really look for them and I just

Got the chickens in that place too just need some pigs in there and one more sheep and some horses I’m going to start with the Sheep I saw on the hill though since he’s the closest there’s a pig down in that cave I don’t know why he’s

In the cave but I’ll remember that there’s one in there all right and there we go I end up getting two sheep instead of one which is definitely a bonus now I’m going to get Pig and sheep whichever one I find first actually if I’m looking

For horses too I might go see if I have a saddle cuz if I don’t I don’t know how I’m even going to get them I don’t know if I got in a saddle in these 100 days yeah well I guess we won’t get a horse

Then but I don’t know how I didn’t get a saddle thought I found like two uh d I’m currently bringing two pigs back I hope one of them don’t get lost I also only have a single carrot so if one of them steal it from me then I’m out of

Luck I have more carrots growing but on me I only have one carrot now I just got to get him in there with the chickens there we go oh and I got some eggs I’m going throw them in there and see if I can get any more chickens okay I got two

Chickens out of two I thought the chance to get chicken out of an egg was like one and eight or something so I think I got lucky or maybe I’m just wrong about the rates but yeah the barn is actually done and that’s the finest saddle I have

All the animals that I want in here I can breed the Sheep too to get them more populated since there’s only three in that big area and I can feed the chicken and it looks like everything is growing great I just got to get a couple more

Melon seeds and now this place is done I also have one more but I don’t really know what to plant in here I think I might put some cherry blossom seeds down and maybe grow a couple trees to get some leaves cuz the pink might go good

With the green I don’t know though I haven’t tried it yet I’m going to plant all ton of the saplings I got in this big Valley I mined out earlier I thought I needed a lot more space but I ended up having a pretty small base so I didn’t

Really need to mine all of this out okay now let me see if this even looks good yeah I think I could definitely add some of these in it doesn’t make it look worse I’m going to go around and place a bunch of them I’m still going to leave

Some grass though cuz grass looks good and one tree has already grown so I’m going to go steal the leaves from that then I can see if it’s worth it to get a bunch of pink ones I’m going to start from the top of the tree for it’s easier

To cut it down and I will delete my dirt behind me okay I cut down a blood of the leaves off those trees so I’m going to see if it looks better if I have pink or not yeah I think a couple of pink will

Look good but I got to make sure I don’t overdo it cuz if it B too many I don’t think it’ll look good anymore and I think I could plant a tree or two over here in the back I don’t think that’ll look bad that tree is really big it

Looks very interesting and I planted one in the back right there yeah I like how that looks together I think I’ll plant a couple Behind These two the only thing I didn’t end up making was the Villager area I was originally going to put him

In the barn but I kind of changed my mind so I’m glad I built the breeder early on in these 100 days cuz I never moved them into my base also top of the barn could use a couple more details I’m not sure what I put up here though one

Other thing I could do is also change all of these into lanterns I think I’m going to do that I just got to make some nuggets with the iron I have okay I have 36 lanterns which actually might not be enough I might have to go make more I’ll

Make more before I go place them but for now I’m going to place the ones that go here let’s see how that looks yeah I think it’s a pretty good difference torches look a lot more ugly than lanterns so let me make like as many

More as I can I’ll go place them on the farms too okay I have 42 total feel like that still won’t be enough but I’ll start placing them anyway okay well I’m already lanterns and I got a couple more to do left so I’m think I’m going to go

Mine some more iron and I’ll melt it again and hopefully that’ll be enough okay I just a skeleton spawner while looking for iron got to run away though because they both have Enchanted bows and they almost killed me and I got to eat my food I think I should probably

Make another Shield I don’t have any Cobble to make a furnace to do that though so maybe I’ll just try fight them the day is almost over but I got iron and I’m about stor melting it then I can finish all these lanterns and make

The base look better all right I have 44 lanterns again so all the iron melts I’m going to go ahead and start placing some more lanterns instead of the Torches I think I just finished all the Farms we got to make some more lanterns and also

Do inside of the barn I just Place lanterns on the bottom half of the barn I’m just going to do the top half now hopefully I can remove the Torches and can only be lanterns except for this area I’ll leave the Torches there all right I’ll leave this lamps should keep

Everything lit up so no monsters spawn and now I am out so the barn is basically done there are some more details I could add but I don’t really know of what I could do at this second I could actually get some barrels to P out

The top half you can’t see them from outside but I think it’s a nice touch still all right I just placed some barrels and campfires right here I think it looks pretty nice I’m going to try to do it inside as well at the top floor

Probably near the back and here it is inside the barn too I like it a lot it just adds some more texture up here I’m not sure what it’s supposed to be I don’t know if it even makes sense but I like it all right it’s day 100 and I

Don’t really get anything left to do and if I do have something to do I W really have time to do it anyway but all of the Farms are finished and built and I build a nice house that has some good chest in it and the barn with all the animals and

Some decorations upstairs pretty happy with the whole base overall so if you do want to watch another video though click the one on screen now and see you guys in the next video thank you for watching share the video with a friend if you liked it and join the Discord or patreon

In the description below and leave a comment of a new 100 days idea maybe

I Survived 100 Days in a 1×1 Expanding Border in Minecraft Hardcore, it was a crazy 1.20 minecraft challenge, I built a farm base, a barn, and more! stay tuned to see all the fun that goes on

🌎Join my Discord Server & Consider Supporting me on Patreon!
・Discord Link: https://discord.gg/zD7X78CEpV
・Patreon Link: https://patreon.com/michaelyt

reference image for barn (its a video but didn’t know that til after, i just saw a pic on google)
by goldrobin! check it out

Day 1 – 0:00
Day 11 – 21:52
Day 21 – 50:03
Day 31 – 1:03:02
Day 41 – 1:10:33
Day 51 – 1:21:33
Day 61 – 1:26:44
Day 71 – 1:42:14
Day 81 – 1:51:57
Day 91 – 2:03:55

Inspired by: legionvee, skyes, paindomination, it’s poppers, suev & forgelabs

#100daysminecraft #minecraft #minecraft100days


  1. This is a good video. Props to you man these videos take forever to make. I do however have a few constructive comments: try to condense your videos a little bit more, as an example look at your mining trip somewhere between 41-50 minutes (I don’t remember the exact times lol) but anyways, I would recommend just cutting to you finding diamonds. Personally I like to watch videos <1 hour and 45 minutes because I don’t have much time to burn and I’m guessing that’s the same for other people. Also, another thing that would be cool is if you had an original idea for a video 100 days (I don’t mean any harm by this I don’t know why it sounds so mean) but anyways it would be cool if you did something like “I survived one hundred days stuck in an acacia biome” or something like that. Keep up the great work, you just earned a sub.

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