Interior Decorating..? in HARDCORE MINECRAFT 1.20 – Survival Let’s Play

Pleased to meet you Hello hello hello my friends welcome on in happy Friday lovely to see you all out here hi hi hi hi hi hi it’s that time again it’s a Friday feel like it’s been a it’s been like a 10day week over here I don’t know about you all but I

Feel like it’s been a long one but we did it we’ve survived and made it to Friday and some people have already made it to Saturday so you know there’s that there’s there’s all that hi how we doing everybody welcome welcome welcome welcome ni to meet you good to have

Y’all out here see we got obvious pad we got ashy we got Nubia we got wizardess we got nip we got Umi Sparrow joffy laica hi hi hi Lauren what’s going on hello hello Emma how we doing hel me welcome welcome welcome Ethan Super Taco chan oh my gosh hi everybody Kira what’s

Up hello hello I believe we got a few membership to read out here as well no it’s not wanting to scroll okay okay YouTube that’s fine um cir with the two months thank you so very much for that I do appreciate it super excited for interior decorating

Yeah we’ll see we we’ll see what we can come up with today I think we’re going to start with the school I think I think planning out the first floor of the school could be pretty fun hily thank you so much for the 17 months at tier 2

Big old 177 months of membership thank you so very much I appreciate all the support at me with with the 15 months at tier 2 been super busy with unior so uh super happy to catch a stream again all good all good life’s got a life’s got

Stuff to do will be here and their vs are always available if yall want it Raven monster with the 33 months yippee thank you so very much I do appreciate that that’s crazy 33 that I know you’ve been supporting the channel for a very very long time so I

Really appreciate it leing thank you so much for becoming a member just died in my 2-year-old hardcore world oh I’m sorry my friend that is a that’s that’s a that’s a rough one but hey good news there’s a new Minecraft update coming soon that could

Be a good reason to restart I mean not soon you probably got a few months but you know here you can place a modded or something until then or you just run it back now and be like I’m going to get set up before the new update but that’s

That’s bummer that sucks anytime you lose hardcore world doesn’t matter the time how long it’s lasted it sucks Mr mod thank you so much for the four months at tier 2 interior time yeah we’re going to see what happens today we’re going to see we’re going to see uh

Crimson Archer interior decorating in Minecraft no can’t be no one does that yeah we’re going to try we’re going to we’re going to try uh I like when people short of my name well I know it’s Spar sparo but yeah also Sparrow is my actual night

Okay well so you know I’m not wrong on that one uh the creeper mini fridge is so cool yeah it’s a little loud so I don’t turn it on too yet but maybe when we get in the maybe when we get into the the summer and it gets hotter in here I’ll

Turn it on and get some cold beverages ready to go blink if you’re being held hostage no Lauren I I willingly put myself into this I don’t know how or why but I figured this would be something to stream today Rene thankks so much for being here I do appreciate it sorry you

Lost the membership Milestone but uh hopefully that button becomes shiny later on on uh Xandra thank you so much for the eight months my dude I do appreciate that thank you thank you thank you we’re here for the Vibes that’s true elenia what’s going on hi hi

Hi uh I die way too much to even consider hardcore yes know I I I I used to think that too and then I was just like I’m going to give it a shot and I was like oh I actually don’t really die that much in Minecraft so you know it

It’s worked out for me but it pro I don’t know are you planning on the library you mentioned in the second channel would love that maybe it’s already done but I’m not going to show you yeah you got to wait till the next video for

That one uh you have to do a Roman city in your hardcore world it would be fun to do like a Greco Roman inspired region I’ve got a really cool Island that I want to go like terraform completely and change out and I was playing Assassin’s Creed Odyssey when I

Found the island and so I was really inspired to like start something there I haven’t started it yet but I I am thinking about doing it hardcore is not for me I got the stats to prove it I got the death stats to prove it oh

My gosh uh super cool hope it’s supposed to get here in like a week or two but I ordered a LED sign so where I have the like And subscribe over there I’m going to retire that from that corner and I’m going to have an LED sign that just says

Flip like right across there if you’ve ever seen Shelby’s streams or she has the big shovel across the back wall in her office um I decided to uh I I was chatting with I was like where did you buy that I want to buy one so I got one

Of those in the in the works here and then as as I was ordering it Sid was like don’t you think it was high up on the wall like it’s just you’re going to be able to see it from the street and so I was like yeah probably right don’t

Need just all the Neighbors being like what’s that giant LED sign saying flip what’s a what’s a flip and then I’m like I don’t want that uh so I’m going to I’m going to put it down here where they won’t be able to see it stealing content

I mean uh I don’t know if that’s really stealing content but okay uh make a Small World Tour if you start the world uh there’s a new world city tour coming out tomorrow on the second Channel I’m trying to do every probably second or third episode where we do like

Big city building things um where like I want to do I’m calling him City walks so we have a new City Walk coming out tomorrow on the second Channel which I think is going to be really cool it’s before I started editing it took me 35 minutes of

Literally walking around the city to look at everything and just being like Oh yeah I did that over there oh we did that oh yeah this is the blah blah blah blah and checking out the interiors that are done and everything like that so the city’s getting really big uh

So it’s it’s cool I I really liked it it was really fun to go and check it out there’s a link in the description of the second channel the second channel is FP 2 twwo uh it’s it’s all one word but yeah my friends if you have not already

Please be sure to leave a like on the stream we got 750 people in here we and we have 350 likes currently so everybody who can leave a like I very much do appreciate it just literally for funsies uh today I figured we’d do a little challenge for every 1,000 likes we get

On the stream I will gift membership uh so 1,000 likes I’ll give one membership we get to 2,000 I’ll gift two more memberships we get to 3,000 I’ll give three more memberships and then you know if we get above beyond that or whatever like that uh so whatever the number at

The beginning of the Thousand is I’ll give that many memberships to the chat so uh we’ll hopefully I know we’ll hit the 1,000 we usually hit the 1,000 every stream but I figured just a little extra incentive um we’ll give it out we’ll see what happens we’ll see where it goes but

Yeah it’s I don’t have access to it yet but I did hear from YouTube that they’re rolling out a feature that streamers every single month will be able to gift a certain number of memberships for free to their Community to basically like give away tier one memberships um so

We’re going to we’re going to start using those here soon as soon as I get access to them they reset every month I think right now it’s 10 I can just give for free to the community so we’re going to do some like fun little things every

Once in a while and uh see where it goes do you have a full City plan uh individual Street layouts and everything no I have a General District like I have an idea in my brain of where I want things going um so we’ll see we’ll see

Where that goes yeah that’s nice I know I really I really like it I think it’s fun so we’ll see we’ll see but can’t like it more than once no fair I know it’s got to be a community working towards it together make another custom

Biome it’s in the works it’s it’s in the works uh Minecraft monthly announcement was so underwhelming dude wither King I I I’m a little with you on that because I felt like it was a given that that was coming to the trial chamber and then they were like look at all this cool

Stuff that’s coming out uh please stop calling grass Tall Grass isn’t that what it’s called in game G I’m going to look no tall grass is the double tall okay you’re right okay you’re right you’re right we got grass block we got grass and we got tall grass so tall

Grass exists but not in the way not I keep calling it the one high one cuz it used to be the block was just called grass and that was that was grass and then it was double Tall Grass I used to be right you going to join MCC again I

Am repping the merch today yeah I swear it used to be called tall grass but I don’t know man um yeah if you haven’t seen it Minecraft monthly came out today this morning it’s a little five minute video on the Minecraft Main Channel if you want a summary basically they talk about the

Armadillo and that the eyeballs got moved to the side and that the IM Millo is not becoming a thing and then they reveal the trial spawner vault which if you know the vault key that was added a while while ago as a reward from winning the trial spawners you now can access

That into a vault that is locked per player so each player can individually claim it once um and that’s it that’s that’s the update uh so yeah I’m not super psyched about it wither King I’m kind of with you on that one uh I was really like all right

They’re going to reveal a new mob they’re going to reveal I don’t know a new block that we can use to build with and we can actually use in the game but I guess not so um here we are that’s okay are there any IRL places that give

You inspiration I need some ideas from our new Minecraft world uh when my wife and I went on our honeymoon in Italy just walking around the towns there and everything was beautiful walking around all the cities and everything was so so cool for like I I mean if you’re looking

For uh depends on what you’re going for but it’s pretty easy to find inspiration and architecture and buildings and things like that um so they not even say what’s in the Vault they said the rewards are worthwhile and then if you watch the video the rewards are it

Looked like diamond gear like enchanted diamond gear but again when they originally announced the um Whatchamacallit you know yeah you know the Whatchamacallit uh no when they originally announced the spawners like themselves like the trial spawners their example showed it giving um what was it didn’t it show it

Giving diamonds and then in actuality it gives like potatoes and beetroots so uh it’s a it’s a little it’s a a little different from what they actually you know said they were going to give us versus what they’re actually giving us so yeah yeah righto uh we got some stuff to

Decorate today we got a few things going on if you want a little teaser for the next episode I’m working on look stuff there’s your teaser yeah they said diamond blocks and they said diamonds and things like that and then they downgraded it to potatoes and like iron tools so I don’t

Think it’s going to be something that’s going to be worthwhile if you have a long-term Minecraft world like I just don’t see them being useful outside of the novelty of it but they also have the opportunity to make the Vault just like give a unique item like something like a heart of the

Sea equivalent we need more than that um reason being is I want to come around and just do that to finish that off cuz uh looks a little gross right now but yeah so we need something we need they they need to give something worthwhile since it’s a one-time use I

Feel like the ability to give diamonds is there whereas the trial spawners um who somebody just said uh yeah Zoe just said Diamond Farms can’t exist and will never I get that that’s fully Fair like on the spawners I thought diamonds were a little much but

The fact that they used it as promotion images and then took it away like that of course the community is going to get a little butt hurt about it um and then oh hello creeper excuse me for real hey FP can’t stay long catch the VOD later thanks so

Much for being here no worries at all no worries my friend you have a good one all right and a hello future Eric thank you so much for the I do appreciate it you have a good one my friend I’m trying to calculate how much fabric I need to

Make a circle skirt yeah you know I’m definitely not the one to be able to help with that so but you know you do you you do you okay so uh what floor do we want I’m honestly thinking just like a school it’s not going to be anything super fancy so I’m

Kind of leaning towards we just throw like some Spruce down but we cuz like we don’t really have Spruce in the building well the second floor was started as Spruce so maybe our ceiling has made us Spruce and we do the base floor of like dark oak we could do dark

Oak I don’t know once we get a floor like a platform in there we can bring in some Stone and start shaping out where different aspects are going to go load Stone floor you’re right we could do that how do you come up with block let to build houses because I because blah

Blah blah because I can never come up with good ones Maxim I mostly just I most of it’s just like stuff that I have in my brain that I’ve been working with and tried in the past just keep experimenting that’s the biggest thing I can recommend is just keep keep trying

New things and eventually you’ll find something where you’re like oo I like that or a lot of ways is like looking at what other people use and use that inspiration to get you started and then once you get started and once you get there it’s easy to um like build up that

Little like Memory Bank of oh I’ve used this in the past this could probably work again here schools usually have ugly tile patterns I’m thinking this is more of like a equivalent of like a prairie Schoolhouse like um we’re going to have just one big classroom where everybody is in there

Together they’re all they’re all getting smart together the teacher unfortunately is managing every single grade at the same time uh and probably deserves a pay raise definitely deserves a pay raise but hopefully it does not also have to like parent the children so you know we’ll see but yeah so I’m I’m kind

Of leaning towards the idea that this is more of a like just a simple house like we’re not going to have different grades and everything like that like we’re going to we’ll probably have a classroom down here and then we might have like a a second classroom upstairs

Is the like that’s that’s the most I’m willing to really thrown here I don’t want it to be like a bunch of tiny little classrooms I I like the idea of it being more of a community thing oh yeah yeah we forgot to look at the subscriber count we did have a

Challenge to hit a million by today and we do tutorials but I guess that didn’t happen so sorry sorry no tutorials everybody could do a library SL study room twostory Schoolhouse never heard of I mean it’s a city it’s it’s hard to get land real estate so if you can’t get

Land going sideways you go up that’s how cities work okay um we have that up there we we definitely need to get like a flat floor in for that upper layer so let’s go get some Spruce and get that and we’ll figure out how much space we’re working

With but this was a botony school did we say it was botony school I don’t think we did I think we just said it was a general School we’re going to have the botney academy up on the the hillside but I thought we said this was just a regular school I could be

Wrong I can’t remember it’s been a bit it’s been a while since I actually designed the shapes and everything for these your school has four floors yeah can be a private teaching school for the Monarch families only could be could be I like the idea that this city is

More of a paradise and there’s like no class system or anything like that like you might have some people who are in the roles of government but like there’s no like everybody’s kind of living together and doing their thing and supporting each other and we’re not

Really I don’t know I like I like the idea of it being more like everybody working together Vibes so I’m thinking we since we have the outside log going that way we can just for Simplicity sake we can go every two blocks coming over here we can just

Um do a big guy like this love the new episode yesterday thank you I appreciate that it was it was really fun one to record I really really enjoyed the process of making the recent episode so if you haven’t checked it out uh new Hardcore episode we’re literally

Building this building that we’re in right now dropped yesterday so uh it’s it’s it’s a good in it’s a good one definitely check it out if you haven’t appreciate all the support on it though it’s definitely like always a worry for me coming back after a big

Break of being like Oh how’s this video going to do like I don’t know I haven’t posted in a long time do people remember me and uh it did pretty well for a January video I was happy with the result so I appreciate it if you haven’t

My friends we almost got a thousand people in here be sure to leave a like on the Stream once we get to 1,000 we’ be gifting memberships okay so we’re just going to do this for now we’ll figure out how to get a staircase up here

Soon I’m trying to think of what we want to do for the walls downstairs any thoughts does anybody have any thoughts could be related to building a wall downstairs or not related to building a wall but yeah that looks decent that’s okay I want to divide it up into some

Smaller rooms but just had such a stressful day today the stream is a godsend for me I needed something to cheer me up hey uh is it Jenner janer uh hopefully hopefully the day gets easier from here ugly yellow PL pleased to meet you uh dck head empty no thoughts eggs

No thoughts head empty okay well so I’m thinking like what can we grab let’s grab a little let’s grab some dirt let’s just start laying some things out there’s not much dirt in here it’s mostly grass okay so I’m thinking with here we’re going to just like this is going

To be a little front entry room maybe and then like here we could have a staircase coming up like in between these two points so that would be like stair stair no but then that’s going to fully block that window we can’t do that that’s not going to

Work I think stair goes on the other side stair goes on the mud brick side that’ll be a lot easier um so we can have maybe it goes like stair to platform here and then this works its way up and then that would get you to this Upper

Floor barely oh no it wouldn’t we’d have to bring this and then bring that up to here which is fine like that’s okay so this can our staircase coming all the way up I’m okay with that we’re probably going to want to get rid of this and maybe this will this

Will probably just be a full wall here to like there yeah so that that’ll be a wall and then this will be a wall up top and then this whole section needs to probably be raised up a little so that we can just get back to

There but if we think about this it’s probably going to block off to there I don’t know we’ll put like a plant or something in that corner the need for vertical half blocks in Minecraft is so real um yes and no I think the more they add of like vertical

Blocks and slabs and things like the more it just gets complicated um with extra elements in it so if we push this to here we push this to here or we could say cuz this needs to be a wall here this if we want if we want to do the

Staircase this has to be a wall coming all the way up and then this will also be closed in we could just take the wall here and then have this entire platform coming up to here definitely want a torch uh and then that kind of gives gives us this space and then we

Could maybe just block this into here and fill in just like a a full wall across something like that could work we could turn this into like some chiseled bookshelves make it look like there’s like a bookshelf in here uh in like just regular bookshelves and stuff and then

We have a skinny classroom so we can kind of have like a big whiteboard in there and probably just like r of seeding and yeah and then our teacher can have a little desk in the corner that they can chill at cuz we could do

Like this is kind of this is kind of a decent use of the space I feel like it’s not a huge interior room this is missing my brain yeah yeah that’s okay that’s okay big Blackboard for writing on I think we’re going to go throw in like

Some green terracotta make it look like a chalkboard uh cuz we have green terracotta up at the top kind of so I want to bring that back into the interior a little bit just do like some blocks of green terra cotta or something and Surround it with some

Spruce and then once you’re up here like this will have to be its own wall um I think this whole section we turn into it oh actually guess I don’t need to break them if we’re just turning into yeah that’ll work you could do you could use chiseled

Bookshelves to make a wall on one side and bookshelf on the other that’s true we could do that I got ideas for Minecraft one .22 Gold Golem pink Warden and an ancient Pillager who wants to vote Maxon I’m I’m down for the pink Pillager that sounds great sounds like a

Superhero no like a super villain okay so up here we have the outside door which can be we can utilize and maybe we have like a little room in here so the outside door they can also go out to the balcony here if they want to if the teachers are like

Well this could be the teacher who watch is over the kids at the playground they can be up here and be able to see everything bird’s eye view you know um and then this space here honestly I think we just turn into like one big classroom cuz we can have like they can

Just doesn’t matter the doors are here um so we can just let’s do this so we have our doorway right in here and somehow we’ll classify this yeah we also need to get something to put on a like for a interior roof we’re not we’re not going to do a third

Floor so I’m thinking maybe some jungle up there so let’s get that in we’ll figure out how much space we have and then we can kind of keep moving um and we need to figure out what blocks are actually going to go in these different spaces but I like the plan I

Think in like this we can raise this up with a little Spruce maybe um so let’s go like Bam Bam it’s okay if we change the floor just a little I think I think it’ll look nice do this maybe instead of that that I know I

Just use some strip logs cuz this way it won’t like fully match the ceiling you know there a dirt wall on the second floor mud wall there’s a there’s dirt in the wall what oh yeah no that’s that dirt’s supposed to be there it was Texturing sorry changing Ideas yeah we’ll do that that’s fine kind of looks like that tile floor that somebody was talking about hey we just hit 1 th000 viewers thank you everybody I do appreciate it will you be streaming tomorrow no I don’t typically stream on Saturdays for some reason I’m wanting to use basal

In here but I don’t think basalt’s a good idea part of me is thinking that like these lines here we go like then these at the top we’re going to have to that’s okay we’ll we’ll cover that up at the Top If we need to if it looks too

Weird but I was thinking we do this and then that so we just get like a little band going across I don’t know why sounds kind of fun so we have one side where it’s not stripped we could turn that into strip dark oak though instead of the unstripped spruce

Log strip dark oak might be a little calmer just join what interior are we doing we’re working on the school right now so kind of like the band I like I like the band going and right being right above the top I think it’s kind of

Fun then in here we can do like a that and then we’ll probably just continue the spruce going all the way up just trying to think how we can simplify it try strip dark oak yeah we probably worth trying you we’ll use it we’ll use strip dark oak eventually so

Uh I think regardless if we’re doing this this needs to come up cuz I didn’t like that it was just so consistent across there little something like that what would the school teach general education idea I think the strip streu look better better contrast yeah this

Does kind of match the floor more but I think this leaves more space to add extra details like we do a painting up there or something like that I think we’re going to rock with this for now that’ll be covered at the top so that’s good and this we’re going to turn

Into oh that that has to be there that has what do we want to do for the staircase going up do we want to just do maybe Oak would Oak be too bright let’s go let’s go get some let’s go let’s go get a little Oak log action and see what

It might look like Rene that’s pretty accurate yeah yeah yeah what version I play on I’m on 1.20.1 right now I’m trying to update to 1.2.4 but a few of the mods that I rely on o we could Mangrove instead of o yeah a few of the mods that I really

Like to use for that are just like visual like cosmetic stuff not available ailable for 1.2.4 yet so I’m kind of holding out I’m assuming those mod devs were like yeah 1.2.5 is coming out soon so we’re just going to wait for that jungle do pull in the upstairs

Ceiling yeah Lauren that might be a good idea dubs thank you so much for becoming a supporter oh no five months my dude so sorry I missed that one thank you thank you thank you don’t know how I missed that but I really do appreciate it

Here we do this these chokers are just for like empty work boxes to throw materials I don’t want on me in why so little likes I don’t know ask the chat they’re in charge nope I don’t want that I just the bookshelves in here I have beehives two two beehives along the

Bottom got some looms not bookshelf so that’s okay pleas to meet actually I only need four we’re doing the beehives we only need four of these bad boys okay uh netherite blocks for the ceiling love yes 100% we’re going to the nether just kidding we’re going to the

Cory I have to make green terra cotta huh like it doesn’t exist I default pleased to meet you have you ever thought about opening the world to land and getting cheats no kind of defeats the purpose of playing hardcore if you cheat this is the most intense resource Gathering session ever for a

School feel like I need to be fighting something to a like to your flipper yes please and then one lucky person will get a gift membership oh boy spear almond thank you so much for the 18 months I really do appreciate it thank you so very much lovely to have

You back as always and Jenna with the six months rewatching building with whip on my week off from uni love to see the growth and can’t wait to see where we can go like the the stream hey Johnny I really appreciate that that is a that’s

A series that I want to go back and rewatch but I think I need to like skip like the first 40 episodes I think I think for mental sanity uh for me if I were to rewatch it I’d have to I’d have to skip a a few of

The episodes but that’s okay that’s that’s part of it that’s part of growing as a person cringing at your past self right no just me oh okay right I kind of want to try Mangrove for the stairs I think the mangrove and the dark oak will blend in well

Together also because I really am enjoying adding Mangrove in recently me with my old art yeah I think it’s everybody with anything they didn’t oh no we messed up chat we done goofed you know what what’s a school if there isn’t just like a wonky staircase needing to get up to the top

Layer tell me your all your schools didn’t just have some random weird staircase that was just like is this up to code I know we’re not I know we’re all in it together come on now happy accident exactly okay so then to support the staircase cuz we also have this beam

Here I think we can just hide it the miss the miss with that and then we just do that and then that can kind of that’s fine I’m okay with that I’m going to keep telling myself I’m okay with that while I go make some trap doors I already had planks

Now I’m okay with that just like my 200y old high school yeah I don’t know about you all but I’m I’m kind of down with the mangr in here I think it’s kind of fun are we no I have another stack spr right there I was like Are we almost out a spru

It can’t be no that’s Wrong I guess this doesn’t need to come up all the way so we could does that need to be there it doesn’t woo all right we could do that a little open corner and then and then am I thinking that’s a Patrick quote is that a Patrick quote [Laughter]

A oh wait wait we can fix it my husband has fallen asleep on me so I am here why did the first thing I picture is they’re just on like you’re just laying on a couch with your phone here like this and they’re just on top you

Like that’s the first thing that popped into my head I don’t know yeah I think that’s good I know it’s a little wonky right there but that’s fine I guess we could reinforce it a little bit with another yeah that’ll help do stare one block back so it will

Fix like pushing this one block back so we only have a one wide staircase because otherwise we’d have to we’d have to bring this that way one block and then we I like this being like a two wide thing in the corner here I think it fits a little bit manner [Laughter]

Is love it hey sometimes when you got a nap you got a nap okay um so I’m thinking this will be like a smaller one and maybe we have like a whiteboard there we also need to figure out the ceiling that that we needs to get fixed so maybe we maybe we sealing

Next ceiling no no no I need stuff out of my inventory there’s too many there’s too many things in here I don’t have enough spaces to move stuff around I’m going to get overwhelmed it’s really hard in the city now cuz right here I can barely tell if it’s day or

Night I have to like come out and look to the side to be a or like look directly up to be able to see this guy and everything in here is pretty well lit up so like moms don’t really spawn but like they could spawn so you going want

Down we’re going to just do jungle plank roonies that’s a little won but it’s okay no I think we’re going to start it with jungle slabs we’ll do slabs on the corner and then we’ll bring it up that’s okay yeah yeah we’re building a Schoolhouse interior currently we’re still kind of

In the beginning getting started phases of just figureing out shapes and where the room layouts are going to be but we’re getting there this fixed super fixed please to meet you please to meet you too just for consistency sake we’ll put that in there too does this reveal the outside it does

Dang it it’s fine I guess we need to get the walls no we can do the ceiling and then figure out the walls if we have to take a few jungle planks down that’s not an issue the reason I’m doing this is cuz we have the thetical attic space up here

We’re not going to have access to it I no I just we don’t we don’t need to build a third floor we’re just going to assume a third floor exists uh and to make this even that’ll do it okay and then from here we’re going to

Do another layer like this I guess we do need the walls cuz we probably don’t want the ceiling just looking like it’s coming up to one point huh oh sorry regs thank you so much for becoming a Sporter I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you all

Righty that’s why you need a clock somewhere in the school honestly probably good call do we want to tie the dark oak From Below up to here or do we want to move into a different form of wall texturing I like spr cuz downstairs is very earthy we

Could have a lot of fun by transitioning up into here because we kind of have the red leading up into it and we could use that as a transition Point into some different colors I think different is the way to go why not be a little different who wants to be the same

That’s boring that way we can cover up that Sandstone ooh pleased to meet you is it nandra no I like that yeah let’s go grab some smooth Sandstone wait I might have some I have all of the oh I almost broke my glow Len that would have been so

Bad cut Sandstone I’m thinking I I really like doing like the bottom little like the trims like this I think doing a little trim like like that is a very good way to go we should only need to bring it up to here yeah I like that that’s a good

Idea I kind of want to go get some white terra cotta and just fill this wallet let’s get some white terracotta and beehives and just fill that in to flatten it now it’s night time just collaps into the bed sometimes I want to do that at night you know just

Fling yourself from across the room into your bed like I’m going to sleep now just throw yourself no only me okay cool cool that bring you uh I had beehives in here I believe I did yeah let’s go get our white terracotta though need to head out and

Finish work good luck on interior Swip and behave chat hey ladies thanks so much for stopping by today I know I didn’t say hello earlier but thank you so much for being here I’ll miss you wait we’re gamer I don’t know we’re we’re figuring it out thank you so much

For the seven months though people keep telling me to make inters so we’re we’re trying it we’re going to see if we can finish one in a stream do I not have white terracotta cringe that was the chest that would have been in cringe like to crash L into bed with an

Lra try to time it to click the bed for before actually crashing yeah it is nice that if you do mess up woo look at this little flight into the city oh clean uh the nice part is if you do mess up is you take reduce fall damage when you land on a Bed yes yes a big yes okay uh here then we’re going to just surround around this side with the slabs and we can also drop that corner in in and then that would technically mean that whole thing comes down and then we’re at an even space in here now

Okay and then we’re going to Corner these off and we need to get up little upy I think it’s spawn proof up here with all of the Frog lights but just to be safe let’s do that and then this Hall here is going to be a little Tighter but we can just do like this yeah that works we can also do that to even that off and then I don’t think we’re going to do a wall there I think this just all stays open we can have like the senior Lounge that’s always just these really

Terrible couches that only seniors can sit on and they’re so proud of being able to sit on Theming Ray thank you so much for the gift membership I do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you yeah we’ll just do that that’s fine and then let’s get a few jungle trap doors we can make another little little green little green spot row isn’t even reading the chat

L yeah this streamer hates chat funny coincidence is that in fact unlike many people’s assumptions reading chat not actually job can be part of job but not job it is also not Moderating and it’s not Minecraft poor Tex support much too grandparents Misunderstanding more bamboo in the pots yeah flower pots with Spruce saplings in them I actually am out of flower pots we go buy some bricks I’m running out let’s get some chains I want to get Lighting in here just a little bit so we can get the floor torches out

That should be enough for this room and then this shouldn’t need light and then up here we can have a off-centered one and that should be able to light everything in there and then probably here we will say like this is the middle and we’ll move it one towards uh this guy

So that it is easier to have more light on The Jock board yeah I mean classrooms just two I’m forced to listen to stupid people all day long yeah such as life trap doors are so expensive it’s true had a nice pop of color bamboo or cherry

Blossom I kind of like just the green it’s subtle shle okay now we need some seats sorry I don’t like the bottom of those showing I’m going to not show them such a cute school room it’s getting there I’m thinking we do this as like a

Little bleacher so we have like a a slab here a full block there and a slab up there so it kind of like old school Schoolhouse Vibes where you have like people sitting here then others can sit up here so they can like look down on it like so it’s not

The people in their back just can’t see the teacher if the person in front of them is taller so you know yeah I’m order pizza I’m jealous I wish I could eat pizza I miss Pizza honestly just some Oak probably I think Oak could work then something can be up here and

Something can be down here it’s going to be very tight quarters so you know the the teacher’s going to really love it but best we can do and then here we can do a little oh I need more pleased to meet you you can sit back here you can get

The best seat on the house where you can’t even see so maybe we chop this out and we turn that into like a little storage it’s so dark I guess we could say like yeah that’s lighting enough that’s enough stairs instead of blocks uh I feel like the stairs will

Make it a little shorter than I want it to be I I kind of like it being a little higher up there you know uh teacher desk teachers desk scaffolding for a little disc and then they can just have an oak slab for a chair just going to

Do I’m thinking instead of these top ones I want to get jungle trap doors I already have jungle slabs right yes okay don’t need to waste anymore Use stairs under the slabs for added Dimensions like in here so there’s a little like cutout in it maybe that look okay thinking this and this and we could get like some instead of the the lanterns on top we can just use some candles little Vibes you

Know it creates Vibes because you can’t see as well yeah I need some more SP trap doors but first but wait there’s more uh let’s do similar to the Oak let’s just do double barrel we’re going to have barrel barrel and then teacher’s desk is just going to

Be a little little little corner piece and then they have some little extra shelving over here it’s getting there slowly mostly CU I can’t stack that anymore I need to put it somewhere when will the new series start uh next month love the dissenting takes about

The chalkboard we had oh no what am I missing I just sent a text telling me to look at him with no image what do I look at him just look at the word him just send a screenshot back of the word him like really zoomed in and be like oh my

God he great amazing wow it’s kind of getting I know it’s basic I’m not I wasn’t looking to do anything too crazy for these most most the detail I throw I like to throw in my builds is for the exterior the interior I just kind of want to like

Convey the idea I think this is giving it’s giving school when does hermitcraft start I have no idea actually I do know but I’m not telling you perks of having friends in other series I get to know things you don’t get to know but if I tell you them then

I never get to know them again so I’m not telling you them because it means I can plan my series uh how come you don’t use any mini map world map mods to help you Traverse and Find Your Way throughout the world uh I know this world really

Really well especially for places that I go too often so I don’t need one but also any mods that like change the visual appearance of the game like having a mini map up in this corner uh to viewers they’re like M this is modded I don’t watch modded content and they

Tune out like I I used to play with a mini map mod or I used to just like have a mini map in game that I could like press a hot key to open way back in the day and people were accusing me of

Cheating and so I just stop I I keep my stuff as quite literally as vanilla friendly as I possibly can because I don’t want to have anybody trying to weave a story together about how I cheat or do anything like that so I find the only improvements I will add to the game

Are purely just visual so equip Interiors never possible it’s apparently possible uh let’s get ourselves a few signs and almost 1K likes hey we did it okay quick pause quick pause we got gift membership to send out how wow I don’t have the ability to do that from within the Studio itself I

Have to open up the stream the more you know the more you know all righty gift membership go it’s loading it’s processing it’s sending it is going out it is processing there we go gifted one membership who get it media media got it hopefully they’re in chat hopefully they’re actively

Here let’s see are they in chat how late am I about an hour yeah an hour they’re probably like what the heck just happened I don’t know uh you can put item frames with random objects and paintings and some for some of the kids work yeah we could do that

Yay oh they are here yay they’re like I got a membership heck yeah okay uh we got a little presenter desk here you know we’re actually using a Lecter for its purpose and not just a railing I know and maybe we have one over here too just so we can have like

Whoever is presenting can have some notes pleas to meet you they can just maybe it’s like here let’s get rid of this jungle trap door too we don’t really need it down there howdy threee headed Mountain Dew thank you so much for the seven months

How are you today sir how’s Mrs flip and the huskys everybody’s good everybody’s pretty good we’re very happy it’s Friday we’re doing much better today so it’s been it’s been a it’s been a week it’s been a busy week but it’s uh it’s all good stuff we’re uh very very happy that

Friday is here though no I wasn’t super active in my fraternity so I don’t even know it’s very much to be like o yeah I was in this one cuz uh I’ll be honest I was one of those people that joined a frat and then was

Like oh oh there’s a lot of like politicking happening in the fraternity I’m not really interested in that um and then I was like yeah maybe Not I think it was more unique to the some of the people that were in the house that I was in but uh there there were a lot of good guys I mean my best friend who’s my best man at my wedding was I met him through the fraternity too

So did that but it was it had its it had its good points for sure but yeah it was uh little weird environment at sometimes the poor kid in the back this is where you well he’s right next to the do hopefully nobody’s going in and out and he’s like freezing

In his desk trying to he’s like I’m just trying to learn today I’m so cold and the teacher’s just like be quiet back there he like I’m sorry okay I need uh we’re going to have the teacher here and then we can get another little scaffolding desk for Him me throw some paintings in too I don’t want to add too many item frames cuz the more we add item frames and paintings and things to the city anything that registers as an entity is just going to cause a bunch more lag maybe they’re studying the creeper I don’t know oh

Hello want that yeah I want that dude I like that one music fits the school Vibe this is the the the the the ended Minecraft Legends game music it’s the lowii actually no this is just a straight up Minecraft Legend oh my gosh hello Skellington sure hand touching

Fire uh maybe we do like a little like desk back here let’s get some Mangrove mangrovia now pleased to meet you Emily thank you so much for becoming a member I really do appreciate it armor stand as a skeleton uh that kind of comes into the entity

Side of this world is already pretty laggy because of how old it is and so the more entities we add in the laggier things are going to get and so I need to be really really careful about where I add those entities in because I would

Hate to build something and be like oh y’all we got to go back through and take all these details out because it’s lagging the world too much so I’m trying to be a little more sparing when I’m actually building things and trying to stick mostly to using actual like detail blocks that we

Can get in game in game uh you can have what other else could we make yeah let’s give them a little little Spruce that’s that’s their desk the teacher loves it so happy what do we want to do here we could do a little something bookshelves instead of painting at

Back we can yeah we can let’s go buy some I’m I’m out of bookshelves but we we got we got oodles Oodles of emeralds maybe we can I think this is technically an entity but we can the teacher can have their own little box what about the mini block for the

Chiseled one with the Creeper face I don’t think I have the mini block version of it like you’re talking chiseled Sandstone right yeah is there a flower pot sh is there a sh that has a creeper face on it I know there’s the warden we could go make one of those

We’re going to need a lot more than that yeah let’s go see what Pottery shs we have can’t remember I stored them there’s a creeper Banner pattern okay called danger all right let’s see if we have it we need to buy some Breck anyways so I don’t know I don’t really sh hunt

Oh I do I got one perfect we also have a yeah we’ll just do that yeah yeah yeah perfect thank you for the idea whoever mentioned that I’m so sorry I read the comment and I did not see the name but also flip doesn’t read chat so it’s it’s

Fine does that put it on the front or the back run Sweet I normally carry just like some extra bricks around in my like brick brick brick block block of brick suar box um short circuiting sorry AI flip is breaking no I don’t need campfires for once don’t need campfires need to come up here bookshelves expensive thanks

Buddy yeah what what the heck we’ll do a another one one Emerald on give me glass thank you please to meet you I always need more glass always need glass nailed it so good uh Maximus bulldozzer thank you so much for the 10 months sing flip doing interior isn’t

Amazing inspiring as being scary and disturbing thank you thank you uh Jokes Aside always love your interior it’s always amazing I appreciate it thank you there’s just so much time that goes into them like we’ve been here for an hour and 15 minutes we haven’t even finished building the one interior it’s also

Because I’m not as good at it um I my skill set definitely lies in the exterior building phase side of the game and so when I get more into doing Interiors it’s uh a little bit more of a challenge so there we go we have the study this is what they’re

Studying here are the books of things that are being studied and maybe we just come out over here boop boop we do a little flower pot and we can go get a flower 1,000 likes yeah we gave the gift of membership already went out to Media

We’ll put a precious lily of the valley at the top beautiful very much so we are doing it CU why is YouTuber once said the way to get better at doing something is just to keep doing it no false lies absolute lies no nobody would ever say that it’s

Done I don’t want to do it I don’t want it better I don’t want to build my houses make the stone part of the Stables look like it’s been through a fire with something else and it caught fire and burned down and repurpose of building Stables okay okay picking up what you’re putting

Down I put another flower pot up there right cute cute these chiseled bookshelves as Cubbies yeah we got some kind of symbolizing that right down here we need to get a little something in there though cuz I don’t like this being a full Square needs a needs a a thing

Vibe and play some blocks playing block game also I know it’s unfixable frustration why no lineup I know it’s even number of pixels should be reflected instead of rotated armor stand put your Cod up on yeah I don’t want to armor stands are entities and I don’t want to add

Entities I’m trying to Future proof the world as we go so I don’t have to come back later and be like ooh I should remove this so would be fun I do like the idea what if we get some um I want to go get two hanging signs I

Don’t know what color yet we’re going to see what we have in St so much pain there’s Always do this hanging signs cause lag too yeah I think armor stands technically are worse but yeah I I mostly like to me the priority is like campfires for smoke going up cuz I like the movement it creates and builds and then hanging signs cuz I think they have a really

Cool detail that they can bring in and then from there like armor stands to me I just don’t really see as like a really cool detail but like we have something like that it’s just like a little like this is where they can put announcements it is

Lunch what could they be serving for lunch mushroom stew we’re g to go mushrooms stew where are they’re making the mushrooms doew I don’t know they’re buying it from the nearby Market more like sus stew little sus rather get these mushrooms in the middle of the city

Huh this is like what one of those happy songs like can’t listen to the song and just not be like One see it’s just a happy Vibe field trip to New papyrus I don’t need an anvil why do I have anvils in my deep slave box should be in there oh you don’t go there you go up there what should we call the school we have a sign to name the

School the city of path probably just like a general school it’s not anything super fancy got in here we got our little classroom it’s cute you say hi hi pickled spoon how long did it take to pickle a spoon I’m sure pickling a cucumber takes

A long time but like how long would it take to pickle a spoon and is it like a metal spoon or like one of those like Wooden Spoons PATH Academy and PATH Academy PATH Academy works I move it down no I can’t Minecraft signs are so weird academy uh

School just show up as book the book book do we like the most o I like that book uh that book and that book yeah let’s do these you’re wondering how you get get those uh if you’re on Windows if you press your Windows button and your and

Period it opens up the Emoji menu and that you can bring those into Minecraft now think it’s a little bit more fun it definitely looks real blurry back here but when you zoom in you can see their books so that’s fine when are you going to release villagers into the

City when we no longer have spots where they can do this because right now all of the villagers would just end up back down here we technically technically yeah that farm is way overflowing but we do have two villagers here this one I tried getting struck by lightning so I could turn it

Into a witch and it just never got struck by lightning so I covered it up with a building saved his life really I definitely put him in the position for him to be turned into a witch but like also I saved his life so he should be thankful seeing the city from underneath

Is so funny I don’t know about you all but like seeing it from down here like that’s the grocery store um I don’t know what oh these are the like that’s the big Square these are the two gardens with all the living Coral in it uh this is the Guild Hall and right

Over here is the school that we just made there’s definitely space for like sewers and everything down here if we choose to do it that looks spawnable no can’t slip Gator will come out of retirement and scream at me this place could probably use an interior eventually

But not today there been an hour and a half building one interior so I was thinking uh about a little off stream like I was trying to plan out this section here where like we have the back schoolyard here and then I was like okay we probably want to have like this

Coming across here as like a road right behind this building as like the alleyway almost leading into here but then I was like is it kind of weird to build a building right here next to like the old Royal Gardens of like the previous Manor Mansion owner like is that not a little

Weird to just have like a house right here next to the Garden so I was thinking instead we could incorporate some trees like right along here like a tree a tree and maybe like maybe three trees and then we just have like a little outer portion of the garden

That’s more accessible so we basically continue on this little kind of city garden section that anybody can walk through granted the idea is that anybody can walk through town hall and come up here there’s just not really a built-in back entrance to this place currently maybe eventually we’ll have

Like a back entrance coming down up through there but so I’m thinking like along here with trees would be better probably also the grounds Keepers house yeah we could do like a small groundskeepers house and like open this up so they have a little way to like

Squeeze in so we could do like a small home here I also worry that might make it look a little wonk I really like the vibe of just like the big Terraces in there so I don’t want to disrupt the vibe or really The View you get from it

So I’m a little stuck but I was thinking that the trees could be fun maybe a community garden o we could do a community garden that could work sorry I just cracked my Knuckles right into the microphone apologies um cuz I was thinking like those oak

Trees that we built up last stream or the stream before like something like that could work out here like a cool oak tree right at the end like coming out this way let’s see um I had a stick in here right I know people want to do the

Creative day building some trees so I’m still thinking about that uh but I believe it’s oak tree 3 yeah this one has like a little Bend to it which I thought would be kind of fun so we could park him like right back in here something like that so he doesn’t

Hit that building at all maybe he does just ever is that red that is red I mean we could just literally skip that one but something like that right down at the end of here would be I think that could be kind of cool cuz that really closes it in a

Bit rename your totem I have not named the totem yeah we can rename the what should we name the totem yeah let’s do that we’re going to build that guy up next sure why not I think that’s a good fit what should I name the totem this is

The second totem ever in this world we’ve only popped one totem this is totem number two the kid’s going to have a swing we could kind of EX yeah we could probably do a little like a little chain hanging off of here they could have a

Little swing yeah let’s do that I like that good Good Vibes totem Bob now it’s got to have something with like it has to have like a the number two the number two has to be in it somehow totem number three but it’s number Two gono yeah two of undying that’s not a d though if I die while renaming the totem I’d cry kind of like a second life and people be like what does this mean going be great could get a lot of Engagement I like to of undying we’re going to do that why

Not only the stream’s going to know but I I never take the totem out so I never really hover over it I just had a cool idea about an ancient temple building where you build a statue of a totem of undying something like that could be

Fun okay what do we need I know we can fit it all in my inventory so we’re going to I know this is most like wood but I’m just going to drop it here out full pure laziness and that’s fine CU I’m going to do it okay so we need Spruce Oak Spruce

Spruce Oak Spruce oak oak a spruce Oak and a spruce Spruce and an oak two I’m up dying no undying un big emphasis on the no death uh 59 fences six fence gates all right that’s not how you make sticks a fiddle sticks that’ll do and then we just need 38 mud brick

Walls and a few stacks of leaves kind of running out of mud I didn’t yeah and then we need what three three stacks four Stacks four stacks of oak leaves and I should have that why did I think it was night time got to shut my door before I leave

My house tally thank you so much for becoming a support I do appreciate it building behind the school you could build a little playground for the kids yeah I want to build some like just really simple playground structures that they can have on that they can mess

Around with so being on have you all looked up images of like old school playground playground sets they are terrifying what kids in like the 50s and 60s used to play on and then they’ just be like yeah just go have fun I don’t know if yall have seen those but

Oh the kids are like 10 15 ft up in the air on like just like tiny absolutely tiny little things it’s so funny yeah pure metal slides and the works yeah it’s like wow times have changed really the the back in my day people really uh weren’t weren’t

Kidding all right from here we’re just going to we’re going to hacker man for a second please uh be calm as hacking is commencing we’re hacking Hardcore Minecraft currently so uh I hope youall understand for the sake of efficiency and uh I designed the stream myself um we’re going to just P hacker

Man I’ve I only use easy place when I’m building boats and when I’m building trees outside of that I usually go around and just place it all myself but trees when you get like the Airy feel going into it just like nah I’m not going to pillar out with

10 blocks to be able to place the one I could just get it done Gen X here those old playgrounds built character and concussions I mean yeah that’s that’s where a lot of the character came from the repeated brain damage of falling off and landing on your head

This is going be like a good way cuz this will also add a little to the Garden too of you’re going to feel more enclosed in the space I was kind of thinking about it when we were out in New York over New Year’s and we were

Walking through Central Park one day and uh my buddy made a comment about like like once you’re in the middle of central Park unless you’re really looking up and seeing the super tall skyscrapers and you have to be like out in the open like Not underneath the

Trees and the pathways you very much even though you’re in the middle of New York City like you feel like you’re out in nature um and I was like I we I feel like I could incorporate that a little bit into my Minecraft Builds uh we have

The especially when it comes to the city because I want nature to be like a really important element of the city and everything that we’re doing uh so we can kind of use that as a way to use trees to block sight lines in our green spaces

Where you would see buildings and it really just kind of takes you out of the fact that there’s a building over there cuz there’s a tree in front of it is yeah so there’s the tree done let me just take that guy out of here but now that when you’re up here

You’re looking at the tree and you’re not just looking at the back of a building whereas like over here like before you just see that and you feel like you’re like oh City and now when you’re back here you’re like wow tree look at that very real tree branch

That’s not made out of mud brick Cas of trap doors for monkey bars and manger of trap doors under chains for tire swing might be cool I’m thinking we just make like a classic swing set here so we can go get some chains we can get I always kind of leaning toward mango

Trap doors just so they have like a red Swing those what I put all my mangr back up top didn’t I satisfying to watch yeah it makes time lapses look really cool I will say that much what this witchcraft uh it’s a mod called light matica basically you can make a build

Once save it as a schematic and then bring that schematic which is basically just a 3D blueprint imagine a just a tutorial to follow along of something that you’ve already built you can find schematics online of what other people have made but I I always build my own stuff

So basically saves me time if I design it it tells me the resources I need to be able to build it and then I build it and then we have pretty treat with little effort which means the ability to make more trees is there do you make the mountain no the

Mountains everywhere around here were naturally generated I haven’t touched them at all I want to I I would love to rebuild these mountains but I don’t know what I want to do with them it’s like one of those things where I’m like yeah if those are all custom mountains that

Would be sick and then I’m like but I don’t know what I’m going to do to make them can’t use it on Bedrock Pock addition yeah light matica is one of the the few like gamechanging mods that I’m like this has improved my ability to build in this game by a good

Amount because I can spend more time thinking instead of time being like all right what resources do I actually need to be able to get this thing like how the resource list alone is the part that I’m that I really really love there we

Go look at that you can kind of come up here and jump on can be a little like just being a little like Yay I got my swing oh oh we yeah see see Vibes Vibes Vibes certified Vibes thank you certified Vibes very much so I like that though I think that’s a

Good little addition back here to kind of block it um I know this corner is spawnable though so let’s grab a little bit of our L Len I’m almost out so I need to go run up the to the farm again soon and we can just do a

Little bit of this that should spawn for most of it maybe this is a little yeah so that’s still spawnable we can go run the glow Lan farm for a bit I do need it if I run the glow Lan Farm I think there’s already a few Stacks in there so

We’ll see you have a sci saying in memory of yeah I don’t know what I would put in there right now so I’m not going to yet unless it’s something really meaningful to like me personally like I’m not going to add stuff like I I did

See a bunch of comments like when Scar said that jelly passed a lot of I got so many comments from people being like can you build a memorial the jelly in your world and I was like like it just seems a little not legit to me to do that

Um in the same way that I know a lot of people were asking a a lot of creators were building memorials to technoblade when he passed and things like that and I was like I didn’t like I never really watched his content he was somebody who

I came across in MCC a few times spoke with him once or twice but like I didn’t know him too well so to me it felt very fake to be like I’m going to dedicate an episode to building a memorial of this person especially when those videos were

Getting a lot of clicks it just felt really disingenuous so I always try and just be like if it’s something that like I see me DOD that flower right there if it’s something for me that I’m like yeah this is going to be like this like this is an

Important thing to me then I’ll do it but otherwise I’m not really going to spoke to him yeah I talked to him a few times after MCCS really nice guy very genuine I love this Farm I don’t know why cuz that’s why few seconds later that’s a lot of glow

Liking you like blood Money uh yeah a little yeah like when you talk like filza doing something felt very legit cuz they were extremely close like that that was something I was like yeah this makes sense but then you saw a few like hardcore Minecrafters jumping on it and

I was like I know you’ve been uploading on your channel for like 6 months in total like you doing this is is a little fishy but like okay so I don’t know I just never want to be like just in general like I never want to profit off of bad

Situations I that’s the way you come up with these I would feel so fake if I was trying to do that best builder in these hardcore worlds Richie I do appreciate the Dono and the kind words thank you so very much my friend thank you thank you thank

You glad you enjoy him so much I’ve been having absolute blast making everything so it’s it’s been really cool being able to design this city and actually put in the time to dedicate to making it into something that I really like has been has been very cool I’ve

Been I’ve been really enjoying the process of this okay so the school’s kind of finished on the inside so for now I kind of want to see what we can do to finish not finish but like extend our pathway along here I think it needs to drop down a block or two

Right two blocks okay let’s just clear it out and get it leveled and then we’ll come back in and add our blockies good old little blocky blocks okay so the road’s going to kind of come across here and then we’re going to have to fix up the bottom of that

With some more diorite that’s okay and that did not plan for the road back here apparently that’s okay we’ll figure it out we love the shade I mean it’s I don’t know I’m not th I’m not trying to throw shade with those statements or anything like that

It’s you’re always going to find people who are on the internet trying to profiteer off of bad situations and it’s just it’s something that I find really gross and you’re never going to see me doing it something I wish people would get called out for doing more because they’re very

Much like abusing the audience being sad about a certain event to get views and earn money which is just kind of gross I don’t know that’s our Real Talk of the day we always have one or two oh we have diate here wait we can just do this

Nice I don’t have to go get more blocks I do need to go get more blocks though actually me blocky shade oh yeah blocky shady as heck Yeah but still blocky good so blocky blocky is no longer in is blocky good or bad blocky is good most of the time most of the time I pr debate in some situations but Like oh we got the beacon okay all right we’re going to bring this around to like herish we need to go get a piece of deep slate to put there I’m going to put a coal there so that grass can’t grow and then uh perfect

Daniel thank you so much for the Dono I really appreciate it I’ll let the chat read that out long got to let the bot do his thing thank you so very much I just saw that come through really appreciate it add the beacon yeah the beacon is uh you

Can’t see the beam but it goes up through the top of the tree yeah you can see the beam right there yeah very very disappearing way off in the distance um but yeah so the the beacon beam goes through the tree I have it set to haste

Too cuz it’s what I use to the mining when I’m down underneath for real what’s a build you’ve always wanted to do but could T because of time or resources uh build I could always do but I couldn’t do I think one that I really wish I had

Done and I wasn’t able to do it because the scale was just too big for the freedom I had at the time just in still trying to figure out what this meant as being a job um but I had the idea of like rebuilding black reach from

Skyrim uh except doing it in the Nether and that was going to be my nether hub for building with flip which I thought was going to be very very cool I was very excited for it cleared out the entire space in the world so if anybody’s downloaded the building with

FP World download and like you fly into The Nether and there’s like the equivalent of like four nether perimeters cleared out um and I got the space cleared out and by that time I was already kind of like thinking I was going to need to move on from the series

Cuz it just wasn’t doing well unfortunately um so I would probably say that one cuz that was something that I was really really excited for of like rebuilding black reach in this giant cave in the Nether and honestly if you see what Looney is doing in his hardcore world right right

Now where he has like all the different biomes kind of in that massive cave that was what I was going to go for doing in the nether of all that and then spending the time to be able to spawn proof it and everything I was like oh this is

This is a lot bigger than I thought it was like I got the space cleared and then I was like oh maybe I actually don’t want to dive into this but of course I spent like 100 hours clearing the space before I realized that so go me woo

Yay that was definitely one Looney’s world’s insane Looney does a great job of Storytelling I he’s a very good Storyteller and it it really shows in his videos his his ability to like keep a story moving and even like retelling stories from a different perspective to where you’re like wow that’s really cool

Content Looney does a fantastic job of that Nova and nebula thank you so very much for the the three months at tier 2 been a hot set since I caught a stream glad to be here how’s your January been we’re trying to get back into working we’re seeing how this turns out it’s

Been good though it’s been it’s been a chill January which has been nice so we kind of need to leave this as a little grass and I think I’m going to leave it all for now so like this is our playground region in here that we’ll

Probably have to figure out how to build that later but that’s okay we’re we’re getting some things done he also doesn’t destroy his Minecraft world which is rare yeah everything he does is very much like Farm based which like is good and bad I mean not good and bad like it’s just a

Different way of playing um I I prefer to I mean his stats are probably nuts I know he just I think he recently passed me on Day Count um but I never really push for a high day count in my worlds that I’m playing I just I don’t really care to have a

Super large like crazy day count like or he’s catching me but I’m at 6,026 days right now um but that dude streams and plays every single day I I definitely don’t play every single day so it makes sense for people like anybody who is considered a live streamer like Looney I

Would consider a live streamer who makes really good videos but like they’re always going to have higher day counts and more stuff done in their hardcore worlds just by the nature of you’re streaming you’re putting in a lot more hours we doing a field this stream no I

Just did the field for the next episode yesterday though actually now Looney has a lot you can learn from him on I if you’re looking about getting into content creation I think Looney’s a really good one to study Looney doesn’t sleep which is insane yeah yeah no I mean I I would

Never no no thank you not for me have fun though all right we’re just going to put a few torches back here just to keep this a little safer for now while we figure out what the heck we’re doing here and uh yeah that’s pretty cool so

We did we got this little figured out we got a new tree today we got the school I actually like how the school turned out so we got that we got a little classroom in here some boo you can sit on for little benches farmer flip coming on today a farmer flip was

Busy yesterday being ship Builder flip wait he doesn’t sleep yeah Looney doesn’t sleep in his hardcore world so he has Phantoms everywhere sounds terrible I find Phantom so annoying like no part of me wants to fight a phantom ever I got I how many how many have we killed what’s

Your guess I think it’s under 100 I’m thinking it’s like 60 I’m willing to guess 60 Phantoms before I scroll down any farther let’s see if we can get all right Phantom is the next scroll I think I accidentally revealed it but who what what’s your bets what’s what’s your bets

On how many Phantoms we’ve killed in over 6,000 days of Hardcore Minecraft let I’ll let some more some more come in and then we’ll zero it’s more than zero we got the advancement for killing two at once so it’s at least two there’s at least two

You sleep so 10 fair good guess we got 19 to 67 and 80 76 at least one yeah well it’s at least two we know that much all right what is it 19 who is that uh ERM uh erdm erdm ermi uh deny you got it 19 the first person to say

19 so nobody got it look at that only 19 that’s that’s so funny we’ve killed more piglin brutes than we’ve killed Phantoms cuz we skip every night not every night but pretty close yeah yeah I’m here to build and do it all in one world like I’m not here to be absolutely

Destroying Phantoms and everything no I I’ll fight mobs when I’m going caving and I’m underground or I’m in dark spaces but I mostly sleep not out of a wanting to avoid Phantoms but out of not wanting creepers to spawn and blow up what I’m working on cuz then I

Have to go get more materials and that’s annoying and one parrot I don’t want to talk about it one zlin we did that yeah um so I thought there was a secret advancement for killing one of every single thing in the game there’s none there’s none Pillager count from The Outpost build no

No no no no God I no that’s not from just the Outpost build that’s from The Raid Farm if that was from The Outpost build my God hope you’re doing well whenever you have a second could you pick three colors can be favorites or just random colors whatever you want I

Make funky bracelets and I’m bored currently low I would say my favorite color is purple like a good like dark purple um and then I would what would go well with that maybe throw in like a one cat I thought it was an advancement okay you know some of us are wrong

Um T thank you so much for the Dono though and then you know we’ll throw the channel colors in there orange and light blue there you go purple orange light blue funky 99 salmon got 99 salmon and one Cod yeah like a good Royal Purple honestly if anybody’s played Warcraft

3 The Purple from Team Four that was the I always tried to get that color I I was never playing with friends I was like can I be purple can I be a purple team that on the alliance or the Orcs that pretty cool you like purple yes is there a problem with

Purple you kill a dolphin okay some of those Dolphins is dolphins are not the nice creatures y’all think they are they are Evil cool and we’ll put this box back here too like a little little bird this is how we all Drew Birds when we were making art in like second grade a little little elongated V oh you’re still live I know somehow okay do we want to break our crossbow

Today you’ve been in this boat for I think like 5,000 days not more I think like I think we’re closing it I think he was here before day 200 does anybody know know how early this Pillager got in the boat here I’ve been trying to just like slowly get him to break his

Crossbow and when it happens I’m going to have to do something with it like we’re g to we’re going to have to do something special with this guy cuz he’s been here and this cow have been here in this boat for so long I won’t lie I’ve definitely also

Used him for some clips when I’ve been like oh I took so much damage from arrows I’ll just come over and stand and be like just hit me a few times make yeah like like get one right there on the chest like make it really look believable I’m getting beat up yeah thanks

Yeah if I look like a porcupine for the next clip it’ll be more funny hey look fun takes 20 minutes non-stop to Bar capill crossbow yeah they take a while I remember that from X life they were the the the Magic Police the ministry of

Magic D so many people got mad at me for that I was like I’m just trying to do something funny and get Incorporated with the things going on on the server here and so many people got mad at me for making the Magic Police I like okay all right we’re going

To stop that now the BB tree the BB tree goes strong there still torches up here hi skeleton they’re an AFK with a shield yeah you got to have something hold right click to make it work but he’s going to know just need get rid of it I thought the magic was were

Hilarious I know I thought it was funny too oh I guess a lot of people are mad because the the other group called themselves witches and so they went the a lot of commenters went on a thing thinking that I hated witches and uh was trying to

Persecute witches and I was like this is a Minecraft server I’m just having some fun of trying to make sure both sides of jism and uh the witches were like not overextending and like over like I was there trying to be like don’t destroy each other thing but outside of that

Like do that and then I was just like they were just people got so mad at me I was like what have I ever said anything like that I was like that’s if you identify as like a witch or something like that like that’s fine like I’m not out here trying to ruin

That I’m just trying to have some fun and poke at my friends who are doing a bit the internet taking something out of context yeah that hasn’t happened at all in this last week or two never I feel like the post office first floor we’re going to have to we’re going

To have to do something in that soon uh mostly because like you can easily see inside of here when we’re walking through the guild is a big one so I’m not too sure what I want to do in here oh that’s very dark is that spawnable there spawning spaces up here

No I don’t think so that’s good technically that’s we’ll put one up there I hear a skeleton somewhere um so yeah we’re going to have to figure out the guild soon but I think this one somebody mentioned turning this into two shops which is kind of the idea

I had cuz I left these stones in here as like the dividing wall so like we can build a wall here and then the entrance for this one is up there and then the entrance for this one is down here and so I may mention like two brothers so we

Have like a block maker on one and we have like uh some other mechanical job in the other one I was like that could be kind of fun what’s up block uh May in here oh my gosh blocky smells blocky smells yeah good but it smells it’s

Fine the man who couldn’t live has been has been alive for four months four months yo thank you so much I appreciate it thank you thank you thank you could be an adventur Guild with buried treasure maps and stuff so so I actually already have an adventurers Guild up

Here that we don’t have an interior for yet but this was meant to be an Explorer Guild or this was either this was meant to be an Explorer Guild or this was meant to be a I don’t think it was Bounty Hunter Guild I think this was an explorers

Guild it was explorers or Warriors of like Warrior Guild from Skyrim or like Elder skull series hey looking into here cha ching please do the post off soon cuz I’ve been wanting to do one have no idea how to decorate it honestly I think I’m going to go rewatch like the first

Four or five minutes of clouse and then we’ll we’ll we’ll build off of that man who couldn’t live with the five gift memberships thank you so very much I do appreciate that my friend thank you thank you thank you armentum crafts work we got frost system we got Brena Smith

We got 13 and we got B with a knife all you have been around for a long time I do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you have your thoughts about doing sewers system with like a Thieves Guild Landing type of Hideout underneath the city I have kind of I

Actually had an idea cuz I’m a nerd and play a lot of World of Warcraft um I had an idea cuz I wanted do a Dwarven District here and I thought we could if anybody’s a fellow wow nerd um I thought we could do an equivalent of the Deep Run tram

Which from World of Warcraft is connects two major Alliance cities it connects Iron Forge to Stormwind the dwarf Capital to the human capital and it connects them through a big train system underground and so I was thinking if we have the dwarf District over here like

We could build a train system that would go underground all the way over here turn and take us into the dwarf and trading Village Under the Mountain over there just for fun of like a big giant tram like that would go all the way I thought that could be kind of cool and

So that would be like way underground but then we’re going have to make it like really underground uh because all of the Farms I’m hiding underground over here like we’ll have to avoid those so I thought we could do that as just like an alternate route to get in the trading

Hall cuz right now there’s no really easy way to get out of the trading Hall if you don’t have an elytra granted I probably will never not have an elytra the guy will always have one um but yeah zwer cats wasn’t in that series can’t bring that here

Uh I don’t I haven’t heard of that smpp now defin definite nod to gobl land possible yeah also the vibe of Dollar on underbelly that could be kind of fun yeah if only there are rats in this game Minecraft should add rats be a good vibe consider adding nether vine farm

Somewhere remember you ran out of your recent video yeah I do need to get those aren’t the aren’t the farms for like really really bad though but I mean maybe if we just have one that passively runs over time that could work dare you do a whole episode

With without in elytra yeah go watch every episode before like what 12 did it done a merchant Guild would make sense cuz it’s big because the head Merchant would be really wealthy yeah we could do a merchant Guild like in in that building right over there that could

Kind of make sense especially cuz like Merchant Guild probably close to the town hall building cuz they would be in involved with a lot of the Commerce yeah silverfish are kind of like rats but less cute and more annoying much more annoying and not Del delightful and not

Wonderful and bad and terrible yeah I think rats definitely fit the delightful wonderful in great Vibe would rats be passive or enemy I feel like they’d be a good passive mob cuz like we already have silverfish which are enemies so I think a rat could

Be a good passive one but if you like attack it it’ll attack you back be cool with a huge Garden Park in the city we have the big Garden right over there kind of up on the edge but we definitely do something with it so my

Idea is we’re going to have like a big District in here we’re going to have the main bit coming through here and this road will probably split off up that way probably have a road splitting through the corner behind the theater getting over to there and then we’re going to

Have like roads coming out here Dwarven District send this wall over to there and then the big like botney school is going to be like up here it’s going to probably look like a palace of the previous ruler of the city like before it turned into more of like

A democracy approach um there’s going to be like a big fancy Palace and it’s going to be repurposed into a school I think would be really fun Minecraft biker thank you so much for the Dono set up a portal Hall I can doll run yeah if

Only all the portals in here didn’t go to the exact same place in the nether you ever do a build on your custom mountain or is it just there to look pretty the mountain uh all the way we can go land on our little blimp and look at the

World domesticated rats are the cutest it’s still weird but yeah they’re fine um if you I believe you’re talking about this mountain it’s mostly here if you have ever really like play video like if you’ve ever played a video game uh no but a lot of video games

Especially like MMOs they don’t have the ability to create like massive rolling Landscapes because that creates a lot of dead space in the worlds that is just not interesting for players to slowly transition from one to the to the next so you’ll see a lot of extreme mountains

Or extreme forests pop up out of nowhere and then on the other side you have a brand new Zone starting it’s a very big thing in game design of just kind of put put a wall up player can’t see over so that they think they’re in this really beautiful

Environment but as soon as you get over the wall you’re in this other fully totally different environment and so that’s what the mountain here was meant to do can you be quiet I’m trying to explain something you know um yeah so that is kind of there as a it’s like

This is the barrier of where this Zone ends and we transition into another newer Zone uh and eventually I’ve talked about it briefly but I’m starting to actually plan out the full like new Mega terraforming project that I’m planning to do like this is like a this is probably small compared

To the actual one we probably should come back and start finishing it and texturing it some more like maybe we start doing that on streams again um cuz it once like if this mountain was like finished finish that’d be really cool but this whole Forest here is probably

Going to become a custom Forest like chop down all the trees and then the far side of the river I want to start sending the terrain up in kind of bringing it all the way up here and then it’s probably going to be a lot of moss in here as we start and

Then when we work into this area I want this to it’s probably going to be a higher up section in here we’re going to do a big mountain peak covering here so that I can still keep it as a tree farming Zone um and then as we move

Farther back I want to dip this like super far down so we’re going to have a really big tree like Mountain here and then it’s going to just drop crazy fast because right here is the end stronghold and I want to reveal the portal and like do something cool around the portal the

Only thing that I’m kind of struggling with right now so I think we’re going to have to basically create like all this into a perimeter right around there and then the portal is going to be the like on the side of the opening uh cuz I

Don’t want to remove my slime farm I don’t want to mess that up so have you ever played valheim I played it for a while and like the very pixelated Graphics like really messed with my brain like I couldn’t get into the immersive side of the game very

Well turning the RI that River into a valley probably a little bit Yeah dang now I’m watching rat Clips a man we got eggs watching videos on rats for real finally made it to a stream live GF and I started watching two years ago your videos got me back into vanilla

Minecraft love the content hey gett thank you so very much and glad you’re both are fans of the channel I do appreciate it thank you so very much thank you thank you thank you yeah it’s been uh it’s been cool doing all the the different builds in here so you you two

Must have found the channel about the time when we started um this series then or shortly after cuz we’re we’re at like what 2 and a half years almost survived in here I don’t know I don’t even know how much it’s I don’t even know if we’re at a full day

Right now or a full moon oh we got a decent amount of slime maybe then doesn’t bring it back I never think about using slime cuz I’m always like like I never have slime unless I need it for Redstone I just don’t bother using this but it is a fun

Block I love how rats can hold Cheerios like donuts in their little hands that’s it that’s the message that’s enough said mic drop let’s go take all the Slime back I think the first episode hit my front page I’ve been following since hey I appreciate it thank you so very much

That’s awesome been along for a journey what is that oh that’s a yeah I think we could bring the terrain here up a little bit it might involve redesigning the back of the horse racetrack a touch to have this terrain come up a little bit more so we

Could bring this so it kind of has a little bit more of a shelf here um but then I think like a cool River Valley going all the way out to the ocean would be really fun so we’ll see I also would love to redesign that mountain I’ve kind of

Decided this is like the year of I I like if I can just like pick projects and not have to worry about the algorithm or things like that or like keeping people interested like this year I really just want to grind to do a lot of massive terraforming projects like to

Me that sounds really fun this year I I feel like most of the last year outside of building the back half of this mountain I guess we did the desert too but outside of that like almost everything I did was very focused on like establ establishing civilizations and builds and like structures within

The world and I want to before we keep doing structures I feel like I’m kind of starting to run out of space where I want to put structures and so I want to start focusing on doing um like building the world to have more places where we we can like start

Building civilizations and things so I’m excited for it I think it’s going be fun blocky just sent me a picture of a rat like a Minecraft rat here yall go y can you all can see the little Minecraft rat blocky just sent me that’s on Discord there you go

Here here’s your Minecraft rat everybody there you go he sent me one too blocky’s just going down his Discord list to be like here you go have a rat have a rat have a rat everybody gets a rat by the way if you ever travel to New

York uh every day you have to find a rat when you’re walking around that means you’ll have a good day that’s the way to do it once you find your New York rat of the day then then you’re good good day guaranteed I don’t like rats but that’s

Cute I mean yeah it’s tiny little Minecraft thing you could probably change the silverfish model for that if you wanted okay you convinced me rats need to be in the game now I am convinced could turn the guild building into a merchant Guild for an excuse to

Build a market in that area yeah I do want in that next open Square we have I wanted do some more Market stalls and things in there I think that could be fun need a slime storage this can be slime storage yento what’s going on welcome on in welcome welcome welcome Welcome we’ll tell youall what though I think I’m about hitting my limit for the day we’ve been here for a little over 2 hours and uh starting to get the hungries and I can feel the energy dropping and I got a few things I need

To do today so I got to I should probably get out of here before I turn into full zombie state but before we do that let’s mark that we have a sign out in front of the building so we can mark it as the merchant Guild to make sure

That we actually do that in here uh Merchant Guild let’s see what do we have like a coin is there a coin that we can throw in here do we like the coin I wish there was a way to like get Minecraft blocks in here what could we

Do like an emerald no no no no uh gem we do a little Diamond maybe do the diamond look no that is way too detailed it’s like a Pokéball uh it’s a pal sphere actually very different it’s a pal sphere sorry if you hit your on Windows your

Windows key button and period it’ll open up the Emoji menu and you can type in emojis and they translate into Minecraft now but to be honest I like I’m still playing Power old a bunch that game’s great it’s so good uh Windows key and period how do you spell so fast and

Correctly I was raised on the keyboard been I’ve been typing for 25 years there we go I like that easy um actually on that note thank you all so much for being here today I really do appreciate it thank you thank you thank you absolutely lovely

Stream good to have you all out here thank you so very much we got an interior done we did it we have built an interior today imagine entering the trading Market just to find it flooded with potatoes hey some villagers going to buy those up Don’t You Worry would you

Consider playing lethal company again we’ve been watching Jimmy’s vods playing it it’s so funny uh yeah if the group gets together and it needs a personel jump in um most of the groups that are playing lethal company go too early in the morning for me so like uh I know the

One Jimmy’s been going in with sausage um they start at like 9:00 a.m. my time and I’m just not awake and in a Zone where I can stream and do that uh just the one yeah we did we did one today we did the school interior are slow it took

2 hours but we did it and it looks kind of nice um so yeah uh if people want to do that we’ll do it I will say this coming Monday I believe I think that’s the 29th we’re going to be playing in shrouded uh if you haven’t seen it it’s a pretty

Cool new game that came out on Steam survival fullon like survival gameplay uh we’re going to be playing with a few friends right now the crew is looking like Shelby Scott and sausage and we’re just going to jump in and check out the game it looks pretty cool I’ve been

Watching a few streams of it um I think it’s going to be fun I’m trying to find some more games that we can play on stream consistently and kind of build that up so it’s not purely like Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft for the live streams

So uh I think it’s be fun because it has a lot of building elements to it like it’s full block for Block building you can do so I think we can make some really cool stuff and I think the the Minecraft building side skills will trans translate into it with like the

Detail we can throw in so that should be fun should be 11:00 a.m. Pacific so I’ll probably start my stream at normal time on Monday uh I usually start 10:45 a.m. Pacific I’ll start there we’ll just chat for a bit and we’ll jump into there and probably build our character and then

Jump in with the friends so I need to look in to see how we run a server on that I haven’t done that yet but yeah so it should be fun super super cool but that’s going to do it today thank you so very much I do appreciate

It y’all are absolutely amazing I got some stuff I got to go tackle so have a lovely weekend be good be kind to each other and all that good stuff and uh go make somebody day out there and uh all that good stuff but my friends with that

I’ll catch you on the flip side Bye

fWhip is playing HARDCORE Minecraft – Minecraft 1.20 Survival! LIKE the Stream and SUBSCRIBE! ..It helps me out a ton, thanks!

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#Minecraft #Hardcore #Letsplay


  1. Today I realized that I probably hadn't liked every single video in this hardcore series since I came in part way through, so I have just gone back and liked every single one. Loving this series!

  2. Another thing I was thinking is it would be nice to have parts of the world near civilization that are just terraformed custom trees but not farmland. Even a custom plains would be incredible as farmland everywhere is nice but also could use a change up.

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