Testing Minecraft Shorts Secret Room Hacks

Most people believe that corus frots just randomly teleport you but by covering each block with snow you can Force the game to teleport you directly into your Secret Base I’m testing 1,000 IQ secret bases to see if they’re real or just clickbait starting with wait this is so boring it’s obvious there’s a

Secret base behind the painting wait why can’t he walk through why is it not working torch flowers SE now and wait those were iron doors how did torch flower seeds open iron doors that makes no sense why is there a random sniffer in the room at first I thought this was

Some crazy complicated Redstone that was impossible to do but it turns out it actually uses no Redstone and it’s super easy for you guys to use in your own world so imagine this is my secret base here and the main thing here is he’s using iron doors instead of regular

Doors for those of you who don’t know uh this is a very classic you know secret Bas uh trick where you put a painting in front of the doors here and then you can open up this door and now you can walk through but you know obviously it’s kind

Of flawed because you just walk up to paintings and then you can walk through them but what’s different about this secret base at least I watched the video a couple more times to figure this out is it’s using iron doors so initially you can’t walk through the secret base

And then there are pressure plates on the other side but you’re probably thinking H eway they’re a pressure but they’re on the wrong side how are you getting inside the base now actually it’s all in the sniffer so the sniffer actually opened up the secret base but

Isn’t that just random well not exactly you can control when the sniffer walks on the pressure plates using water and torch flower seeds that’s why he had those in the first place you see for whatever weird and strange reason the sniffer is hardcoded to never walk past

Water the trick is all in the tor flow seeds this is the only food that sniffers like to eat you can see here if I hold this up hello oh wait no I’m dumb I’m using not the torch FL it’s the torch flow seeds that’s the difference

Okay so if you hold this up you can see here Mr sniffer is going to follow me he likes them very much in fact he likes them so much he can sniff them out through the painting and what you’re waiting for it’s really I can’t I wish I

Could show you guys right now but you’re waiting for him to come up to the seeds here and this is the only reason that he will walk past water that’s just how the game is programmed and boom he stand on the pressure plates and open up then you

Just use the seeds to lure him back over you close it and you’re in okay we got a room of bamboo and chests what he h he just climbed up the bamboo without any ladders did you all see that no way this is real chests don’t let you jump on them he’s

Definitely using hacks right and then he went through the roof okay I think I think that was snowy went through so that might be possible we have to test this once again I to watch the video like I don’t know seven times to figure out what was going on cuz this is so

Sneaky yet so simple and the trick comes all down to using bamboo for your walls snow for your roof and chests lined up like so so let’s break down what happened initially first off this wasn’t actually bamboo that’s right it was scaffolding which you can actually climb

Up the thing is though is look bamboo and Scaffolding use the exact same texture for the legs so if we come up here from the roof break out these bamboo blocks in the corner and replace them with scaffolding you literally can’t tell the difference the next trick

Is to use uh snow on the top because what you’re going to do is just around where you want the entrance to be you’re going to place some powdered snow and as you guys know the difference between snow and powdered snow is you can actually go through powdered snow

Meaning you’re able to pass through the roof and the ground and because it looks basically the same as normal snow no one is going to notice the final trick is chest you see if these were just you know regular old blocks here you wouldn’t be able to get up here no way

But chests are just one pixel smaller than a regular fulls siiz block you can actually see there you can see that scaffolding sticking out so if you get right in the corner and jump look at that it looks like I’m floating in mid a but I’m actually on the scaffolding and

Then we jump jump jump and we get through the pwed stone just like that and you can build your Secret Base on the roof man’s is looking the roof it’s got okay he’s got this secret room above that roof where I was looking at least he’s shown us that but how’s he getting

Into it a horse named Dino is this just a Tik Tok video showing me how to get a dinner bone horse that is not a secret base bro I don’t understand okay he’s looking back at the roof you can kind of see the horse’s ears he just phased through the ground

Hi so I have my very standard looking base but I’ve got a secret room up above which normally I would probably just have a ladder but everyone would be able to find that so let’s give it a go what they were doing a horse was it I think

It was a horse it wasn’t a donkey or a mule and they had a saddle they used a name tag to make him go upside down with dinner bone so we’ll grab ourselves a name tag as well and they tainted using golden apples I don’t know if that has

Anything to do with this but I think we want to try and copy the short as closely as we possibly can so go dinner bone here and I think they tamed it first or did they no no they named a dinner bone first then they tamed it so

Let’s Fe him some golden apples all right and jumped on his back okay we need those we need those tamed Hearts ah there we go perfect now we can chock a saddle on him and we can ride it upside down all right so we should be able to see the

Ears oh wait what how am I supposed to get up there I don’t think that those were blocks the ears were sticking through but the ears are not big enough for what for one block but you know what is big enough slabs if we replace those Spruce blocks with Spruce slabs maybe

This will change it so if we change that to a spruce slab look you can actually see the ears no way all right let’s give it a go what I can literally see the horse’s ears why is it not working they click baited it think I can’t believe that was fake

Wasting my time I’m sorry for wasting your time guys but this is why we do it to expose the fake clickbait I hate clickbait videos I can’t believe it a glass block that’s it and a button okay huh they just teleported him I I don’t understand it wasn’t connected to

Anything it was just floating in the air there was no Redstone okay there’s Redstone here but that clearly wasn’t connected to the glass block and then it teleported did that use the command no it said endp uh a even going to laugh I’m pretty certain that this is fake

Clickbait that teleport was just too smooth it had to be using command blocks right but it is still my job to test it because if this works it will be the greatest secret base of all time which all of you need because who would ever guess that a floating block like this

That clearly is not connected to any Redstone you can just place a button on it click it and it would after all there was a skull sensor and skull sensors can test for sound so you could theoretically test the sound of a button but how do you make it so it doesn’t you

Know pick up the sounds of you walking cuz look at this if I walk and I jump around like this hold up he going to yeah yeah see that’s that’s activating the SC s however the Redstone wasn’t what I was interested in they had an N Pearl stasis chamber which you can build

By digging 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nine blocks under the ground now I know that this part definitely does work and you can use it to teleport away from dangerous situation you see we can throw this end pear down and it’s going to float on the

Surface and when you close the trapo it teleports you in so now the obvious first step is to Chuck a comparator in front of our skull sensor this is going to detect for the sound and turn that into a redstone signal but we’re going to put this into subtract mode and we’re

Going to put another comparator going into that with a chest now here is the secret Source at least I think it is or maybe they were just messing with us in the video there was 16 piles or stacks of stone bricks that’s right 16 and I think that this is

What allows it to test specifically the sound of a button we’re going to place a button here I’m not sure exactly why it’s just what the video had maybe that that allows it to test for the sound but I don’t know it I just don’t know so the Redstone at least I’m

Looking at it now and it makes sense this could actually work hold up this whole time I actually thought this was fake but now that I’ve seen it I’ve built it this this might work no way all right we’re going to Chuck down the Amper and let’s find out all right so

We’re out here and we’ve got the button and we click the button did that work it’s just not working I click the Button it just worked hidden base underneath bed with drip Leaf okay I don’t know how you combine leaves and bed but I’m all for it that is a very strange texture pack but I’m pretty sure that has nothing to do with the base right a trap door and a drip

Leaf there’s a base there but he can’t fit through huh how did that what just happened and then he mine carted and I would never think to do that because can you actually do that so we have the base and now we have the bed

How do you get under the bed drip Leaf is the key but I still don’t really quite understand how drip Leaf is the key okay so we can’t plant drip leaf on just any block it has to be Moss block but it’s going to be a single block I

Can’t get under a if you make it two blocks it won’t work how how did the person get under there oh the oldest trick in the book Spruce blocks and Spruce trap doors look super similar so if we place a uh I don’t know like a

Spruce trap door there and then put the beds over it yeah you literally can’t tell at a first glance especially if you then cover these up with Spruce trap doors as well but if you come down here and it breaks down how do you get underneath I don’t understand see I’m just standing

Here oh what I actually did know that when the drip Leaf closes it forces you into a crawling animation and then you can get underneath the trap door oh that’s so smart Okay and then we can build down here and they actually had double layers of protection going on

Here they had another slab here which was the same color so they had a slab there and then on this side they had a rail and a mine cut that’s so smart so even if someone manages to get past the first thing it’s unlikely they’ll see

The second bit of the super base making it even more secure we put a trap door there that protect it from you know rolling around accidentally and so if we come down we first come through the trip Leaf let’s see whether this works okay you have to wait most people are not

Going to be patient enough to wait they’ll be like this is weird and Le but you wait you come through here oh perfect and then you can get through glitch hidden base in Minecraft Bedrock a composter uhuh hey yo no way MO J left out the

Game this has to be ca and hold up is that guy wearing ey merch yo he must be a fan all the real ones got that exclusive ey merch which you guys have to get as well down below or at e stream. store so you can join the wave

Game I quickly tried this on Java Edition which we were just on and it didn’t work but the sh did say it was for Bedrock so let’s find out is bedrock a more broken game is it the worst version well technically it would be the better version because it has this

Really cool secret base in it I don’t know but I’m pretty sure they just had a composter with a whole tug below it where the secret base was it’s that simple and easy for you guys to do in your own world all right ready and we’re going to click the

SE that’s so easy and if you do it like literally on one of these composters next to the farm no one is going to guess that there’s a secret base here because who who checks composters at villagers no one would is that a Charged Creeper no

What does this have to do with a base wait don’t tell me the base is underneath the charge Creer oh he’s not going to jump into him is he oh no hey how did he not blow up that this can’t be real that has to be a troll

Post it’s just trying to get people to blow themselves up right we’re going to start with 19 block this is exactly how many they were in the video now there are layers to this this base is so hard to build I mean technically not as hard as Redstone I hate

It’s so complicated I can never do it I ate mumbo jumbo out here but it does require you to have a charge creeper however because it’s so random and weird I don’t think anyone would ever think you know to look underneath a Charged Creeper nobody wants to accidentally

Blow themselves up and lose all their loot which makes this such a good base so we’re going to need a mine cart here right at the start to activate now we need to move the Charged Creeper right into position so if we have a powered rail we can activate that button and

That will yep okay so that will push that rail that’s good we just need to get our Charged Creeper in there which is much easier said than done so if you’re doing this in survival the way I’d recommend doing it is building out a little uh kind of open area like this

Above where your mine cart is going to be and you need to essentially get a creeper to chase you here which is already hard enough but once you do that then you’re going to need a lightning rod and you want to put this just above your creeper and you need to wait until

It starts thunderstorming now I ain’t waiting around here all right I’m I’m lazy all right I’m hungry all right I’m want to go have my dings all right my tummy do be rumbling we’re going to wait for it to go thundering and we should see yep it’s beginning to spark up any

Moment now down comes lightning okay um this was really anticlimactic there is another way you can get around this you can grab a trident out and uh use an enchanted book I believe it’s called channeling yeah whip this out with an anvil and we’re going to combine this just here I forgot

Anvil’s had gravity this whole thing is really embarrassing look guys all right I’m trying out here once we Enchanted that we can shoot that at the Copper Rod boom that’s bringing down lightning we got ourselves that charge creeper you got to be so careful doing this we

Dropped him into the mine cart and we just need to get him in Get Him in is he in he’s not in no no no no no no no no no no come on come on come on go in yes all right we’ve got the charge creeper

In they obviously made it look all fancy and nice but we just want to see whether or not this is legit so I’m going to dig down here this look this cave imagine this is our secret base and wait how did they stop the Creeper from falling down

The hole a trap door maybe that’s the only thing I can think if they had a trap door just there then maybe the mine cart wouldn’t fall in oh yeah that will hold it up and it will look like you won’t be able to see it just like we

Won’t be able to see it in the video okay so now we click that button that shoots off oh wait wait wait wait wait we need to build a thing there no take two I totally didn’t cheat and use Comm to summon in a charge creeper no not at

All all right here we go it’s in oh that looks so good and then you can destroy all of this as well and you can just make this like a charge creeper display in your house right you can build like a little staircase at the back here and

Make it look like it’s part of the decoration oh that’s genius and so you know all you have to do wait we need to be high enough actually so it doesn’t blow up right I think that’s the trick so if we build a decorative staircase on

The back here we come up here and then oh my gosh oh I made it through I did it and I didn’t blow up that is the most terrifying thing ever and I love it

Tried Viral Clickbait Minecraft Shorts Base and Entrance Secrets, Hacks, Tricks in Minecraft! I Can’t Believe They Actually WORK! 🤯

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


  1. I just started watching this dude a couple months ago I thought his videos were bad because whenever I watch my favorite YouTuber, they always had him inside their videos and firelight but it seems like I’m the idiot

  2. You know you could have used a calibrated skulk sensor with a book and lecturn. That would have allowed you to choose what type of sounds it will pick up on. I actually use it to make a key to get to my secret base. All I have to do is eat an apple and my 3×3 piston door is open

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