Today me and my brother Milo are competing in an elemental build battle challenge but there can only be one winner we have 10 minutes to build our Elemental theme build chip and then at the end we will score each other’s builds and the winner gets this beautiful Elemental statue and the loser

Will also have their house blown to pieces and then they’ll be chucked Into the Fire zombie pit what I do not want to go into this fiery zombie pit I’ll totally be really sad well I’m not going in here either that’s why I’m totally going to beat you in this thing Milo

You’re not going to win I already have the best idea for my waterhous my firehouse will be way better nice try buddy you don’t stand a chance I’m so lucky that I get to build with the best element the fire element yeah well fire is stinky and it always goes out water

Is forever water gets ruined by the sun it all dries up when you leave it out too long it’s so weird that’s not true water is the best element and I’m going to prove it no way fire is the best element look how I’m already so far

Ahead of you Milo that’s cuz I’m Speedy like a hot fire Trail I’m just taking my time and being chill like water huh yeah you’re also being frozen like ice what that’s a good thing why are you saying it like it’s a bad thing I’m going to

Use awesome blocks from the nether to build my amazing Firehouse well I’m going to be using lots of water blocks if you guessed it what ew that’s so boring water is so lame Milo I don’t know why you’d want to build water element houses you’re totally going to

Lose my house already has a foundation built out of red nether brick I’m going to build an awesome fire temple style house to live in I’m not going to go anywhere near it it has terrible terrible vibes terrible Vibes what does that even mean Milo I haven’t even built this thing yet

I’m still building my amazing Foundation level well it looks really evil and like bad guys would live there what no bad guys live here the only bad guy lives in your Waterhouse and that’s you Milo I’m going to make my amazing Fire temple have so many levels it’s going to go up

Really high and be shaped like a volcano volcanoes are so cool they’re one of my favorite things as a fire element this outside layer of my temple is going to be so well decorated I can add so many amazing things to it to really make this place huge once I complete this outer

Wall I’ll really start filling in the whole space I wonder what awesome things I can start decorating with here the perimeter of my fishbowl is complete wow good job Milo right now it just looks like a silly ring of glass I don’t see anything water Elemental right now at

All I’m also adding beautiful stairs to the underside of my roof this makes it look like archways like they have in real temples I’m so excited for this wo it looks so cool so far now I can start adding more decorations ooh I know exactly what I’m going to add I’m going

To add a bunch of beautiful Mangrove trap doors just like this I think this fits so well into my fire temple theme wow you’ve done so much since I last saw yep I used my watery brain and I figured out exactly how to build out this awesome fish ball what your brain’s

Watery that’s gross my brain’s on fire look at these lanterns they’re so incredible they look really beautiful and now it means I can start working on the ceiling I’m going to make the ceiling out of hm this is a really tricky thing to decide I think I’m going

To make the ceiling out of nether brick blocks this way it provides a really nice floor color that’s so different from anything else in the whole room and then inside the nether brick blocks I can place even more blocks of lava wow these look so pretty I’m really really

Liking this so far I bet your blocks are way Lamer than my blocks Milo they’re not I’m using very nice glass and really nice water I haven’t even started on the interior of my house yet oh Milo that’s not good I’m going so quick I’ve already

Made an amazing kitchen area so far it is time to make my beautiful dining room I need to make a couch on this side where going to start with the red sofas here then the orange sofas and the yellow sofas this really does look just like a burning fire wo it looks glowing

Red hot just like me and everything else in my house as well I’m going to break more of these trap doors to turn this wall into another fully solid wall this is looking so much better than before I can’t believe I’ve managed to design something so pretty if Milo wasn’t

Afraid of fire I’m sure he’d be so jealous right now Milo’s so scared of fire it’s it’s actually a bit embarrassing we’re going to have a bunch of bookshelves and the only books inside the bookshelves is going to be fire protection except in this house we don’t

Need protection from fire we use the protection of fire fire is so incredible for protecting yourself imagine a burglar trying to come into your home in the middle of the night but all he can touch is the burning hot stones on your driveway yeah I think he’d walk away

Pretty quickly Let’s Fold this entire bookshelf with all these fireproof books is so amazing and I’m so impressed they don’t even burn Milo’s books are probably soggy I think the final thing we need inside this living room is some amazing carpet designs I’m going to use the same three colors that we used

Building the couch we’re going to use red orange and yellow except I think it needs to be exactly like a little flame yeah this looks perfect wow it looks like a flame particle on the floor I’m loving this so much we can even build it flickering off to this side and even

This side wo wo this entire room looks red burning hot I wish Milo could see this right now he’d be so totally jealous for my roof I’m going to use Crimson blocks to make it it’s one of the coolest wood sets in the whole game and it even comes from my home the

Nether so it’s really special to me I’m so happy that we can build with it right now it is so cool I’m going to make a massive Loop of it all the way around my roof this way we can have awesome patn coming off the side Milo’s roof is

Probably just going to be a big circle again or maybe even just a flat pool of water that would be so embarrassing I would never leave my house if that was me I’m basically almost completed the first stage of this roof as well I’m using so many different colors in this

House it’s going to be an explosion of beautiful designs speaking of explosion I really hope nobody brings any TNT anywhere near it if somebody even tries my house might go Kaboom I might love fire but fire loves exploding even I can’t control that I will totally be

Blowing your house up chip don’t you worry for a second no way Milo I know I’ve built it out of fire which is really sensitive to TNT but your Waterhouse is going to get destroyed with the TNT you’ve made the edges out of glass so one little crack from one

Explosion and your whole house is going flooding everywhere but this house is really really good and I Ed lots of reinforced glass what that’s weird what is reinforced glass just a magical kind of glass that I found who gave you all this magic Milo well just the water

Elementals we have a special kind of water magic that we don’t share with anyone that’s really selfish Milo well we in the Fire Kingdom have amazing techniques with building that we don’t share with anyone I guess that’s why I’m such a pro and you’re such a noob this

Is the coolest thing I’ve ever built really that’s a big claim Milo what makes you say that well because it’s so fry and it’s got lots of different parts to it that are going to be super fun to live in um Milo I can see one pot of it

And it’s leaking it’s not leaking it’s part of the design then why are you trying to plug it up with gloss because I’m making my doorway mind your own business I’m also going to make the underside of my roof just like this my second story is going to be huge and I’m

Already starting on the plans for it Milo that’s just how quickly I’m going I’m already already almost done with my entire first story that’s a pretty good achievement if I do say so myself quickly is good but not when it loses you the competition spelled water every wet chip

What Milo you know what they always say don’t cry over spilled lava wao Milo did you see all that water drying up so fast yeah it’s probably because my house is so hot and epic looking that it just wasted away so quick uh I don’t think think that’s what happened yeah okay

Milo good luck with lying like that I don’t think I’m ever going to believe you again I’m not a liar don’t misrepresent me like that thank you very much sorry Milo I won’t do it again but I am making my lava modat even bigger it’s going to be so huge that anyone

Getting even a little bit close to my house is going to start to really feel the burn well I guess that’ll be fine because nobody wants to go to your house anyway um my aren’t you coming to my house later to rank this to see who will

Win the competition and who will get their house totally blown up and thrown in the zombie pit yes but I’m only going to be there for a brief time I’m also going to build a giant barrier around my lava mod out of Nether Bricks this way people can walk up really really easily

And it means none of the lava looks like it’s about to spill everywhere well I’m building the downstairs in my house and I’m loving it I’m already starting on my second story Milo it’s not going to be very long before I’m complete and the competition ends this second story is

Going so good but honestly deep down inside I’m a little worried that Milo was building a better house than me I wish I thought of such a cool shape like a circle mine so complicated and weird I think I need to prank Milo to slow down

His progression I do not want him to catch up to me at all I need to be sneaky though and I need to think of something really good to spawn in his house something he won’t realize actually was spawned by me I think we need to pick a mob I don’t know what

Could be done in the vanilla ones they’re all so boring but luckily we have a rats installed I’m not going to spawn a demon rat because demons are burning and covered in fire just like all the fire people are if Milo sees a burning rat he’ll totally connect it to

Me and he’ll know I’m the one that spawned it instead we need to spawn a wild rat that is the only option here all right I’ve got to be so careful sneaking over to his house I have to be so quiet and I also don’t want to touch

The water luckily I have fire wings so I can fly my way around the worst part about this is that Milo’s house is seethrough if he even looks in my direction there is a high chance that he will see me sneaking in all right I have

To be so careful maybe if I’m really quick I can fly up and around like this okay wo that went so well and now I just need to sneak onto his roof if I spawn these rats all over his ceiling hopefully he won’t realize that they’re here until it’s too late and look

There’s even Christmas rats that’s so cool and wait a minute I think a disease is spreading through the rats this is kind of bad but you know what it’s not my problem all right now that I’ve spawned all these rats I just need to sneak back over to my side before Milo

Finds me I don’t see him I say we make a break for it run as fast as our little fiery legs can carry us all right now I just need to go behind the wall and okay we made it back I’m going to ditch the evidence I’m going to throw all these

Wild rat eggs inside the fire cauldron now the evidence is destroyed and Milo will have no idea that the rats came from me let’s quickly get building so that Milo doesn’t notice anything la la la I’m building right now how is your building going Milo yeah my building’s

Going really well I’m just building my second floor now breaking some blocks and going up the stairs and what the why are there rats in my house what rats how did they get there chip I swear I’m not lying there are so many rats in here

Right now some of of them are even wearing Christmas hats um Milo I hate to break it to you but I think you have the plague oh no not in my beautiful house I’m going to have to do a lot of cleaning I wonder if there’s some rat

Rep poent yeah I hope you stay far away from my base now oh my gosh there’s only two rats left one and two I have killed all the rats and look there’s a little Christmas hat I’m going to put put it on um Milo I don’t think You’ put that on

Correctly I can’t see anything help me oh my goodness um I’m going to see if I can find a potion to cure you of your plague that is so weird um wait a minute I found something called purifying liquid that sounds pretty good and I also found some potty hats hold still

Milo I’m going to give you the purifying liquid don’t move a muscle hey that’s not holding still Milo am I kill it yet don’t worry Milo I have a friend he’s called the plague doctor he’ll be able to come and help you with all of your

Problems oh hello sir I think I’m still really sick from all the rats that was in my house can you please cure me all right if you keep looking for a way to get cured I’m going to keep building I think instead of what we had before I

Can use blocks of quartz as part of my design oh they look so pretty it’s just like the most amazing addition to this base I could have possibly made I’m going to build them like this and like this yep that’s perfect every single wall of quartz can have a window inside

It looks so beautiful I cannot wait to see what the final design looks like this entire floor needs to be really pretty because I’m going to put not just another living room inside here this floor is going to be so amazing so I’ve got to put a lot of effort into making

It look good this is where I’m going to sleep it’s the bedroom floor and I really need my beauty rest I’m going to use my neat trapdoor trick to decorate this second story just like I did the first one but hm I’ve built a first and

A second story but that is not all I want to have inside this Temple I want more than just multiple stories I think there’s so many things I can do like what if I build a garden it can even be fire themed and full of plants from the

Nether my hometown yeah okay I think this is how I built this and then I need to add Crimson here okay this is looking pretty correct actually and then I just have to do like this on each different one all right I’m feeling a little bit

More confident that’s a bit of a relief I was so worried for a second now I’m going to build the Crimson like this and we can even add more slabs right here okay I think this is exactly what we had all right I’m feeling a little more

Confident now perfect let’s make sure we copy this design over to every single side of my house if I miss a spot that would be really weird and embarrassing I feel like Milo would make so much fun of me he’s been really mean to me today

Although I guess I’ve been kind of mean back we are brothers after all and things can get pretty crazy sometimes I think deep down we still love each other though even though we’re different elements we’re so different but we’re still a family so I swear to rate his

Build fully fairly as much as I possibly can I think his build looks really good so I hope he rates mine fairly otherwise I really won’t stand a chance of winning now all I have to do is place a couple more blocks and I finish the decorated

Part of my roof wow I really did that quicker than I thought I would I guess when the second story is smaller than the first things go way faster now I can really get started building I’m going to complete this roof and it’s going to be the most beautiful bedroom I have ever

Slept inside that is if it doesn’t get blown up if I lose oh I really hope maybe Milo will be nice with the TNT although I don’t think he will Milo can be kind of crazy when it comes to TNT the last time Milo won a competition

Like this and got to blow up my house my house turned into just a crater That’s How Much TNT he used and it was so powerful if he uses the same amount of TNT I won’t stand a chance and I think I’ll be dead before I even get to be fed

To the zombies that would be really embarrassing I finished the second story but there’s still a lot more I want to add outside I’m not just going to have one building I’m going to have two and they’re even going to be connected by a beautiful Bridge wait a second I’m going

To build the second part of my building on this side so it’s really close to the lava statue then maybe some of the coolness from the statue will will rub off on my building yeah I think that’s totally how it works I’m going to build stairs like this that go around because

This is where I’m going to build the second pot I think if I build a massive lava pool Milo will be so impressed he’s a water Elemental and water Elementals love swimming I’m not sure how they feel about lava though I’m sure he’ll love it it’ll probably be totally fine Milo’s

Whole base is basically one big pool so if mine is a pool of lava he can’t complain at all are you still feeling cured of the plague Milo yeah and I’ve also made best friends with the plague doctor what you have a best friend now keeping you company in your Waterhouse

Yep he’s going to live here I think what that’s not fair it is fair and you introduced me to him so shouldn’t you be happy for me yeah but I just wanted him to come and cure your plague I didn’t want you guys to become best friends

Without me well too late oh my gosh Milo you’re so crazy well I’m building a really good pool that I think you will love really good pool AR pools for water people what pools can be for everyone I have a pool and it’s going to be full of

Entirely lava and you’re totally welcome to go in it if you want yuck that’s not something I want to go in near I finished the sides of it now I actually just need to fill it with lava buckets right now if someone lands inside my pool they’ll go Splat luckily I can fly

So I can’t take damage but if I place lava everyone will be able to go in and it’ll be a really nice pool for everyone I’m going to put lava all around the sides and then I will need to put in some substitute blocks in the middle

Just like this they need to go all the way to the edge and wow it is really hard to see when you’re building in lava it’s crazy I think it’s going to go pretty good though now I should be able to place all lava around like this

Perfect wow I planned that really really well I’m so proud of myself and done now I just have to get rid of all these Crimson wood blocks I put inside here the those were not permanent if somebody jumps in the lava pool and hits those they’re going to get really sore and I

Could get in big trouble I don’t want to design something unsafe even though fire is pretty dangerous in general I’m now going to build massive massive jumping diving boards and I think I’m going to put them right over here yeah this is perfect we can have one here and one

Here and we can also have one right on the back I think I’ll place it this way and this final diving board can be really really really tall it’s going to be a big challenge Just Landing correctly in the lava and not belly flopping everywhere yeah I feel like

Milo would definitely do that I think this is a pretty good design for it now let’s grab a ladder so that Milo can actually climb up I know Milo has wings but I don’t know his wings might get a little tired of all that heat if he gets

Too hot his wings might bubble away and I do not want him to be stranded here he needs to be able to jump off my amazing diving board let’s also add lattice to these other ones and make sure they’re actually jumpable too it would be really embarrassing if they weren’t let’s Place

Crimson stairs for these ones and we can use trap doors to make the diving boards now they look actually really springy this is so awesome I think I’m going to copy this design over to the original diving board right now it is only made out of red Nether Bricks and that is so

Silly bricks are not bouncy at all but if you have a board of wood and push it out really far you can Spring right off the edge and dive into any pool that you want as long as you’re safe of course and know exactly how deep the pool is

You should never jump into a pool if you don’t know how deep it is that’s how Milo’s gotten into a couple accidents before all right now for my second story to make sure it’s super safe I’m going to place fences all around the edge here I don’t want anyone clumsy like you know

Milo falling off the side that would be so embarrassing and it would make him rank my base less High making it really difficult for me to win now on the very inside of this room I can start placing in red nether brick pillars on the walls

I think is where I’m going to put them and I only have to make a couple until I’m complete with it once I’ve placed the final one I can start decorating the inside with Furniture this can be my bedroom but I’m also going to share it

With Milo I don’t want to be the only one able to sleep inside here that would be really rude so I’m going to have a fiery orange bed for me over here and I think I’m going to have a watery blue bed over here for Milo wow this looks

Just like our elements I’m really liking this so far now it’s time to add some carpets around for Milo I’m going to use cyan carpets because it looks just like water and for me I’m going to use yellow carpets because it looks just like fire all these colors go so well together

It’s kind of crazy now I’m going to grab some Shuler boxes for Milo I will grab cyan light blue and blue and for me I’m of course going to grab red orange and yellow these colors go so nicely together these colors kind of remind me of the blue diamond armor that the

Zombies in the zombie pit are wearing which is a little scary but I don’t think I’m going to go in the zombie put especially if I build well enough and these colors kind of remind me of the fire that the zombies are lit on inside

The zombie pit wow the zombie pit and my base have a lot in common the good thing about my base is it smells way better than that yucky zombie pit this shared bedroom is so lovely I really like it so far I think we need some bedside

Cabinets the only wood that’s safe to put here is Warped wood or Crimson wood these Woods come from the nether or my hometown so they’re pretty much immune to fire this way none of the lava in the floor is ever going to burn them it’s pretty safe and pretty perfect we need

Some flower pots onen it I think the torch flow is perfect for my side but hm what flowers can we get from Milo maybe something blue oh I know this PCT plant looks really awesome hopefully it fits in the flower but what it doesn’t that’s

Lame H what can we put inside instead oh I know a blue orchid I’m sure he’ll absolutely love that now inside my flower PT I can put a torch flower I’m going to grab fire lanterns the classic Lantern color and Milo can get Soul lanterns Soul fire comes from the nether

So it belongs right in my house but it’s also blue so it will fit really well on Milo side of the bedroom I wonder if he’ll ever actually sleep here Milo snores a lot in his sleep and it can be kind of crazy besides I think Milo likes

The room really cold and I like the room really really warm we are different Elementals after all perfect this is looking so good I also have another idea I’m going to place redstone torches on the sides of my fire temple of course on the way to the bedroom we need a brewing

Station Milo needs to be able to drink potions that will keep him safe from any of the fiery effects I’m going to put potions over here and have Brewing stance to hold them we also need some blue potion cabinets over here so Milo knows it’s his color I think potions of

Fire resistance are perfect we’ll have a bunch of different strength of them just in case Milo doesn’t want to have a full one we can also have different shapes and even a lingering potion where is it oh here it is the lingering potion only lost for 2 minutes but look it leaves

Behind a crazy cloud of fire resistance it is perfect for what Milo needs to stay safe let’s fill this whole brewing stand with them and we can also add fire resistance potions in here and we can leave the rest inside the cabinets now on my side I have a different kind of

Potion that I’d like to use this is called the invisibility potion and as I’m sure the name pretty clearly shows it lets you become invisible I’m going to keep a bunch in my Brewing stands over here but I think I’ll keep just one in my inventory for some fun that fun is

Going to be me sneaking over to Milo’s side and seeing exactly what cool stuff he’s doing look I’m totally invisible right now you can even see me holding the potion in my hand but if I do this boom you can’t see me except for some little wisps of air around me all right

I just need to make my way over to Milo H hopefully he doesn’t see me but wait a second if I’m invisible there’s no way he can see me I just have to be careful so that he doesn’t hear me or anything I don’t want to touch the water though I’m

Still a fire Elemental so I’ll fly in using my invisible fire Wings really carefully and wao we made it in this must be the storage section Milo has a lot of storage inside his house this is pretty cool but what’s this wait it leads up over into this section and wait

Am I getting flooded right now oh no that’s a relief Milo is just adding water to his ceiling that’s a pretty good idea he has a water roof this entire level of Milo’s house really does look like the inside of a pirate ship and hi plague doctor I really hope the

Plague doctor doesn’t tell on me to Milo if he tells Milo that I’ve been here then Milo will be really angry Milo’s Kitchen is also pretty nice oh goodness I’m so worried Milo might actually beat me and I might actually lose if I want to survive win the statue and protect my

House I really need to step up my game but what else can I add but oh no Milo’s right there okay he didn’t see me luckily but that was so so close that was really scary now I just need to make my way quickly back over to my side

Before the invisibility wears off now I can get started on my favorite part of my entire house that I haven’t even built yet favorite part it better be better than mine can I come have a look uh okay but only quickly Milo I want to get building quick before we run out of

Time where is it what’s going on but y I nearly stepped on that crazy lava hey no Milo you’re just going to be mean to me about my house you can get out then well it’s kind of good but I’m still pretty confident that I’m going to win n n no

Way get out of my house I do not want you coming in here and just being mean to me I need to focus Milo so I can win and beat you on the top of my roof I’m going to build a giant volcano really yeah and it’s going to be so burning hot

It’s also going to have its very own custom parkour work course going all the way up it well I guess I won’t be coming over to hang out oh yes you will you’re going to have to complete this entire volcano parkour course Milo no that’s

Not fair yes it is because part of my base is going to be up there if you want to rank my base F and square then you’ll have to come all the way up the parkour fine I guess I’ll do it but only because

I’m going to win no way I really think I have a better chance now I’m feeling pretty confident in my ab ility to build an awesome volcano all right buddy I like to see you try oh thanks Milo I’ll try my best and I’ll probably win because volcanoes are so cool everybody

Loves them even water Elementals like you no they don’t we only like underwater volcanoes what that’s weird all volcanoes are so awesome they throw lava everywhere and underwater volcanoes even spew boiling hot water yeah yeah hot water is still water though exactly it’s just really hot which is my favorite

Type of thing perfect I’m even building magma blocks down the sides of my volcano it looks really like it’s dribbling lava everywhere it’s so cool I really love how this is coming along all right now at the very top I’m going to have a bubbling pit of lava underneath

The bubbling pit of lava I’m going to have campfires that will spit real smoke up into the air just like this now once I place the lava back you still see the smoke through it it’s perfect finally it’s actually time to make the parkour this volcano is mid explosion and that’s

Why it starts to form the best Parkour course I’ve ever made it will lead right up into the coolest base in the sky a Sky High Firefly or at least a base made out of fire right in the sky it’s going to be so awesome everyone will want to

Live there even a water Elemental like Milo he might have a bit of trouble with the parkour though Milo is is not the best at parkour only I am chip is the best Parkour expert in the whole Fire Kingdom and in the Water Kingdom too I mean I don’t know about the Water

Kingdom but I’m pretty confident I’ve never met someone as good at parkour as I am wa this volcano is going so well the parkour looks just like a massive Mega spiral I cannot believe I’ve built something so epic in such a short amount of time wow I’m really proud of myself I

Hope Milo’s proud of me too if he’s not too busy being jealous that I built something so awesome do you have parkour inside your house Miler I do actually what where I don’t see any it’s hidden from you so you can’t copy me oh my gosh I would never copy a water parkour

Anyway this spiral is so big it’s probably going to take Milo ages to get up here so long that he’ll forget that he doesn’t even like the fire Kingdom maybe then he’ll rank my base way higher than he would have before yeah I think that’s a great strategy I just hope he

Doesn’t find out I’m so far away that Milo can barely hear me talking unless I yell at him hey Milo I’m going to beat you hey chip you don’t stand a chance oh what Milo doesn’t know is that I definitely do stand a chance this is

Such a cool parkour course I don’t think you’ll ever see it coming it’s also so high up in the sky that unless you’re looking really closely he won’t notice it until it’s time to judge which means that he can’t copy me either all right we’ve reached the height of the diving

Board so now I think it’s time to make the sky base let’s make sure that the lava circles right back I don’t want to make that jump this jump is too hard let’s make that a little bit easier now that the hot part of the popour is done

We need to make the rest of it pretty easy so that everyone who makes it this far makes it nicely into the sky base that way everyone can see it in its amazing Glory what can we make it out of oh I know we are going to make it out of

Smoke well not really smoke but but we’re going to make it look like a giant smoke cloud in the sky coming out of the volcano oh yeah this is going to look awesome we need a bunch of black wool just like this yeah that’s looking perfect I’m loving this so far and of

Course next to all the smoke that’s black there’s also a bit of gray smoke as well we’ll put the gray smoke right underneath it like that and then we need to place light gray smoke underneath that and finally some white smoke oh let’s see how this looks wo that really

Does look Smoky it looks looks like the TNT explosion that I really hope won’t hit my base if tnt comes anywhere near this base I’m going to be so upset and really really sad right let’s make this Smoky sky base really big it’s going to

Be so tall because it needs to have the best view of anything in my base this is where the most important part of the base is going to go my personal bedroom I know I built a bedroom that me and Milo were going to share but just in

Case I ever get tired of Milo and his fishy smells from living in the Water World I think I really need a private bedroom of my own that I can come escape to I’m going to make more smoke on the underside of this though it needs to

Look so cool I want the best bedroom in the whole house when Milo finds out that this bedroom is going to be mine I think he’ll be pretty jealous luckily I’ll just be able to do the parkour I think it’ll take him a while to ever catch up

To me look it really does look like smoke coming out of the volcano I say we build a massive trail of it leading right down we can even have patches of gray and dock coming up just like this wao this looks incredible Milo’s going to be so impressed maybe he’ll even rate

Me super duper High because of it wait I need to angle this more towards the center I almost pushed it right out the edge and that would have been really embarrassing and silly perfect the smoke now looks like it’s coming all the way up through wow I’m loving this so far

It’s so dramatic and crazy I’m sure Milo will be really impressed now at the very top we need to grab some black stained glass just like this this way it looks looks like the smoke is fading off into the distance it also is going to help

Make the platform a little bit bigger so there’s no chance of anyone ever falling off except maybe Milo he’s really clumsy and can’t see very well so he might actually fall off and land right down there in the lava I hope he doesn’t though because if he falls off he really

Might rank my build lower than it should be I think my build is a 10 out of 10 and if Milo ranks it lower he’ll be really mean although his build is better than mine so if we’re both ranked a 10 out of 10 that means oh gosh we might have to

Knock my score down but I guess if I just make this part of my base cool enough I’ll be a higher ranking than Milo soon so it won’t even matter because my base will be just as cool someday okay perfect I think now that we’re at the top as well we can start

Replacing some of the lava parkour with glass perfect now it looks just like a smokey smokey parkour course this is awesome now I need to actually put my bedroom up here I think if I have a view of the stars and the burning blazing hot

Sun it’ll be so cool stars in the sun are some of the hottest things ever so if I get to see them as a fire Elemental I’ll be pretty happy perfect this smoke is now fully complete I’m not going to make any sides or any railings because

I’m a fire Elemental I have awesome fire wings so if I fall boom I can fly right back up to the top with absolutely no harm taken perfect now I’m just going to dig out the sides make sure they’re all perfect and awesome oh yeah this is so

Cool I’m loving this so far and now if I just complete this we’ll be fully done with the smoke area I think it’s time to start putting down my bed this bed is going to be so massive and of course it’s going to use my favorite colors

It’s going to use red orange and yellow except it’ll have a crazy pattern this is the most insane bed I think I’ve ever made it’s so big it actually has 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Entire beds all rolled into one perfect it even looks like a giant flaming eye now these white bits look kind of weird they make it look like a weird cheese grater or something so I’m going to get the different color carpets and add them as well this way the entire bed will

Look nice and uniform perfect we’ve got all the yellow carpets down now let’s do the orange carpets and finally in the middle the red carpet wo it looks just like a giant burning eye but really it’s a bed that’s why it’s so bouncy when we Bounce Down On It this is so exciting

And of course I need a bunch of chests up here to keep all my cool stuff let’s go to the block section and oh I need to grab a bunch of rare things like iron gold and diamonds as well as coal Coal Burns really brightly and not to mention

I need a bunch of netherite netherite is the official block of the Nether and it is so rare I’m going to combine it with gold to represent how rich the nether is I’m also going to add diamonds over here even though they look like water and I’m

Going to add iron because it’s the least valuable but it’s still pretty handy to have now I’m going to have a bunch of chests over here so I can store any more materials that I get perfect I’m so rich that I have a massive pile of them hm I

Think I might even need some ender chests it’s not just regular chests that I want to keep all my stuff inside perfect look how many ender chests we have and of course the nether is famous for its respawn anchors each one of these is so explosive that you can only

Use them in the nether safely if I place them down right here and all almost activate them it’ll be so locked and loaded ready to go this way if anybody breaks into my base trying to steal my super rare loot and super rare ores they’ll get totally blown up I really

Hope they don’t blow up with the TNT though that would be terrible now if I ever want to make a really big Escape I’m going to build a slime block piston launcher it’s going to throw me right off the edge into my awesome lava pool I’ll have to put it somewhere where it

Actually works like right over here I think all right so if I just place all these blocks like this and put some obsidian there then I’ll be able to use slime blocks without it pushing everything off let’s place blocks of coals behind to power it up now if I

Just flick this lever boom all the Slime activates but if I put the lever here it still works actually we don’t even need that bottom piston we only need one H I still think we could make this more efficient though if I place the lever here does it work yeah it totally does

Now we can stand here and get ourselves launched right off into the lava pool wait a minute it I barely didn’t make it all right I think I need to make this piston launcher a little bouncier let’s calculate exactly where it launches us and add a second bounce platform there I

Think here is the perfect Zone it’s right over on that block before the black smoke I think I’ll be able to remember that but I’m not completely sure I think this is right yep perfect if I just place that then it should be fine let’s get rid of all this slime

Down here oh no I broke into the floor that’s terrible I need to be way more careful now now that I’ve placed that slime block there I can actually go up and retest the machine I really hope I land correctly on this all right and no

Wait a second we totally did it now we’ll be able to safely jump into the lava pool although it’s pretty hard to see where the lava pool ends I’m going to add a bunch of yellow carpets around it just to make it really obvious in case anybody might miss it especially

Milo he can be so clumsy but wow this entire house looks incredible I’m loving it so far but there’s still one Secret element that I’m going to add without telling anyone what it is it’ll only be revealed when we show it to Milo to surprise him hey chip our time’s running

Out we only have 60 seconds to check each other’s builds now what really only 60 seconds to fully rate and rank each other’s builds that’s right and my house is done oh gosh all right I’ll come into your house first we better be quick with this welcome to my beautiful house are

You ready for a t chip yeah I totally am I’m really excited to come inside even though it is a water elemental house all right come up this waterful right into my front door ew ew ew it’s cold on my feet I think I’ll fly over it next time

Oh sure you’re so dramatic all right this is the L room it’s where everyone can hang out and have a really good time wo I guess that’s pretty cool Milo a lot of people can totally hang out in here and there’s ew a bucket of fish yeah and

It’s awesome lots of comfortable carpet that is very waterproof and even some storage space wo that’s pretty impressive what else you got come up these stairs and I’ll show you wo I like this place a lot isn’t it so nice you can see all the turtles swimming above it’s like an

Aquarium wow the whole base is like an aquarium and wow it’s an aquarium with lots of storage you need a lot of room to store all the cool little trinkets that you find wow that’s pretty awesome and wo he keeps scaring me I mean I’ve never seen him before but he’s really

Scary I think he just came out of the bathroom this is my doctor he lives with me and he cured me from the plague that’s impressive he must be a really good plague doctor and what’s in the bathroom Milo it’s just a toilet and a sink he really likes it in here wow

That’s cool and I guess you don’t need to wash your your hands because you’re basically already made out of water exactly it’s super really good and through here this is the bedroom wow that’s amazing you get to sleep inside an aquarium that’s so cool every single bed has a few of the outside

Water wo you really can see everything outside and all the water that’s really awesome but wait what’s that it’s the cooling system I just put some ice down because it keeps it nice nice and frusty in here it’s really cold Milo could we please go into the next room before I

Freeze yeah but you got to stop complaining all right this is the beautiful kitchen we got double fridge two sinks a grill and a stove I’m going to stand on the grill it’s a little warm for me in here Milo so I think this fire

Is really what I need right now you are so dramatic okay chip you think you’ve seen it all no you haven’t what there’s more oh yeah come out here with me okay where are you taking me Milo did you see this before there’s actually a hole that goes all the way

Down to my secret rle um Milo I don’t want to go in the water I’m a fire Elemental remember too bad chip if you want me to go to your house you got to show some respect um do you have any water breathing potions in any of your

Storage Milo no I’m going to go check that Milo if you have one I’m going to be really mad I don’t have one there’s none in here and Milo what’s this what is it a water breathing potion inside one of your chests I was saving that for

My other friends oh my gosh Milo you’re so crazy all right I’m going to drink this so I don’t hurt from the water uh it’s so cold I don’t like it but I’m just going to go through and wo this place is so pretty Milo it’s my beautiful Grotto you don’t get places

Like like this in your fireand do you no we don’t this is pretty awesome and it goes down deeper as well it does this is the natural water slide can I take a ride um I think I’ll just jump down I have wings after all so I don’t take

Fall damage wow this is the coolest water slide I’ve ever seen wow where does it lead Mila it leads to a magical treasure amethyst cave wow this is crazy there’s a lot of water in here but I guess when you’re a water Elemental that’s pretty expected and you can

Splash splash around like a little fish yeah I guess you can I’m not a little fish though so I don’t think I will Milo your house is pretty awesome well I hope you liked it what are you going to rate it chip oh gosh that depends on how cold

This water is when I go back through it I just have to take a deep breath and okay I’m going through ew ew ew this is so cold H that was gross Smo I didn’t like that but you know what the rest of your base is pretty cool so I’m going to

Rate this thing a 9 out of 10 a nine out of 10 that’s amazing thank you chip yeah it is pretty amazing you’re welcome Miler but you’re going to rate my base even higher I think oh we’ll see all right time to go into the stinky fire

Base first I need to take some milk so I don’t have water breathing and you’re going to need some fire resistance Milo here you go okay thanks I guess I do need that yeah all right now we’re going to make it inside the base here is my ruined nether portal it symbolizes My

Home In The Fire Kingdom of the nether I quite like it there’s lots of good details thanks Milo I worked really hard on it and now the entrance to my beautiful Fire temple ouch that is some really hot concrete it’s okay here’s more fire resistance so you don’t need

To burn thank you for being so all accommodating hey what’s all this hey don’t touch my stuff Milo that’s so mean of you you can’t just go around breaking my house fine I won’t touch it then all right so here’s the kitchen make sure you don’t touch anything in here the

Couch is designed to look like fire and so is the carpet this is the kitchen but where’s all the cooking stuff um well everything kind of cooks automatically because this house is very hot so everything’s already cooked a I’m actually actually quite impressed that is very smart thanks Milo I’m really

Glad you think so now hey get off my couch my couch is not waterproof yeah but it’s really pretty oh it’s a little bit soggy now oh my gosh don’t worry it’ll dry pretty quickly because this house is so warm it’s like an oven all

Right where are we going next now we go upstairs to level two this is the bedroom where we both have a different side of the room you made me a part of the room oh oh wow this is so nice thanks Milo I’m glad you like it I also

Made a part of the room for me but that’s so we can be together this is so pretty you even made it my favorite color yeah I did but I also made something else pretty cool do you want to take a dip yes please all right if we

Go over here through the window and jump off the side we will land near the fire lava pool a chip I don’t think I meant to go in there it’s okay okay I can throw down some lingering potions of fire resistance so you have a cloud of fire resistance below you okay this

Looks good time to take a little dip I guess you did go in my water all right here goes nothing y it’s really hot I don’t like it very much but is the fire resistance helping at least a little well it’s not setting me on fire at least but it’s still very very

Scolding yeah okay that’s pretty good on honestly that’s the most I’ve ever seen a water Elemental enjoy a fire pool I’m not going to make you use the diving boards even though they are so cool yeah I don’t think those diving boards are for me but I’ll definitely take them

Into consideration uh Milo would you just look that way for a second uh yeah sure all right and we off we go to explore the giant diving board CH put me down this is really bad I don’t like that at all yeah I think think you’re

Going to enjoy it Milo it leads right into the pool here’s a bunch of fire resistance so you don’t totally burn up okay thanks now what do I do uh you just walk along the bridge and jump up and down you said I didn’t have to well you

Just have to jump up and down on the spot you don’t have to jump off all right I’m just jumping up and down then uh and one other thing Milo what jono do not prank me like that I am one angry buddy yeah you are an Angry Bird

But I think you’ll be happy once you realize that I’ve built a super fun parkour oh no the one thing I hate is parkour I don’t know I think you’re going to enjoy this one all right I’ll have a go cuz I have a go at everything

Yeah you do it’s kind of funny well I already fell off once this is a little bit embarrassing and these blocks are really hot on my feet sorry Milo I’ll throw you down some fire resist resistance potions again thanks I’m really doing a pretty good job yeah you

Are I’m very impressed y I’m going to make it all the way to the top I think oh wow you totally are I’m very impressed right now wow I fell no Milo it’s okay Milo you have a couple more tries before the time runs out okay I’m

Going Speedy I really do like this parkour it’s pretty easy for me so I’m probably going to give it a high rating thank thanks Milo you’ve now entered the smoke section of the parkour I really hope you rank me high so that I win the statue and don’t get eaten by zombies or

My build blow up almost at the end and wow what’s this situation about this is my super cool bedroom just in case I don’t want to share it with you hey that’s kind of rud it is my house after all Milo I guess so but hey this is a

Really nice room thanks Milo I have all my rarest things up here and I also have a surprise somewhere hidden here a surprise you know I love a surprise why don’t you try and find it Milo okay I bet it’s in one of these chests I’m

Going to find it in another time yeah Milo I’ll give you a hint it has to do with the color red red um well this purple is kind of red wo Milo what have you done you’re not meant to blow up my house without ranking it first that is

Not part of the agreement that was an accident and well I guess there’s lots of fire around now and you found my secret surprise the ender dragon eggs and there’s twins what can I have one um no you can only have one if you rank me

High but I think there’s one last thing I’d like to show you Milo what is it if you just stand over here in front of the slime blocks I think you’ll see like right here yep just make sure you stand very still and make sure you walk into

The pool otherwise you’ll be in a bit of trouble I have to walk into the pool uh well it’ll mostly be falling into the pool uh anyway see you have fun chip what the good luck Milo Wa you made it thank goodness because that was very

Very scary okay I think I’m ready to R your build all right I’m going to have a milk bucket first I’ve had enough fire resistance for one day well uh here I go y build was pretty much one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen but it was

Also really scary and I didn’t really like some parts of it so I’m going to give you a 9 out of 10 9 out of 10 Milo that’s a tie I ranked your house a 9 out of 10 does that mean we both win Milo I

Guess so wow our houses are both really nice I’m pretty proud of both of our efforts yeah me too I think we should celebrate and wait a minute what is this ew are these ratfish oh no my fish got infected by the plague this is not good

Milo this is disgusting I think I have to remove a point what no please don’t remove a point your house is getting blown up after all you have eight out of 10 and I have nine out of 10 so I totally win no oh you stupid redfish you

Ruined everything oh chip please don’t let my house get blown up oh my gosh Milo I don’t think I have much control it totally just exploded no this is horrible and wait a second ship I can hear those zombies over there yeah I’ll say wait Milo get your TNT away from my

House it’s exploding everything I didn’t mean to I think it’s just targeting wherever I go oh my goodness that’s crazy and Milo speaking of wherever you go I think it’s your turn to go inside the zombie pit oh fine I guess I agreed to that part of the competition here goes

Nothing yeah wow this means that I win the statue this is everything I ever wanted woohoo fire Elementals will always win

Today, we are playing an Elemental Build battle with our Friends Cash and Nico! Who is going to win and what house can be made from Lava?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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