TV MAN STUCK in SCHOOL With POMNI in Minecraft!

Jax are you ready to go to school today oh I hate school oh my gosh I’m so excited going to school oh hey py hi uh do you maybe want to uh walk with each other to class Oh What a Girl Wants to walk with me to class hey yo Jax are you

Hearing this right now wait pomy why are you just waiting out here shouldn’t you have gone to class already since you’re such a goody two shoes well um I well you kind of have to live a little I guess um oh kinger just went in so I

Guess it’s probably time to head to class so guys come on let’s go uh okay oh my goody goodness why pom’s trying to talk to me right now I’m so confused dude TV man don’t get your hopes up no girl would ever like you man I should

Know I’m your friend bro are you serious right now come on dude she she likes me she literally said she wants to walk to class with me oh there’s py sister too um hi uh you said PNE sister do you need something or no we don’t need anything

We’re just walking the hallways You Know Jack come on we got to go okay um bye or whatever see you later I guess all right whatever let’s just go to class man yeah let’s go to class come on these hallways are so so boring this feels more like a

Prison than a school well obviously we’ve been going to school here forever so it does feel like a prison but uh poy why did you ask me to walk with you to uh our class uh well I don’t know I was just being friendly um cuz I’ve seen you

Around I haven’t really stried up any conversation so I thought maybe it would be good to get to know each other or something get to know each other are you serious right now hey yo all right it should be down this way and we make a left and our classroom should be right

Here hello students is everybody here yeah I’m here hi it’s me TV man from SK toilet oh shut up I’m going to do roll call TV man here ratha ker oh yes I forgot you don’t talk H pomy oh I here sorry I arrived a little late I was

Coming to class with my friend TV man uh what oh yeah yeah that’s a funny don’t don’t worry about this thought thought of a joke don’t worry we’ll just continue roll call the joke is like you’re a teacher here that’s what’s the joke is H what’ you say huh oh sorry I

Was I was speaking Spanish you don’t understand Spanish do you please tell me you don’t whatever it’s just kid P gangle seems gangle is not here here she’s dead today we are going to be solving a couple of math equations you got you two got here late so two of them

Have already been solved there’s only one remaining uh okay oh well this is easy I’m good at math if you guys would like to I’m going to pick TV man you step up why why do I have to do this bro I don’t want to do this I’m bad at map cuz

You were late oh my goody goodness hey yo all right let’s see this map problem uh 2 + 2 is 5 uh what pomy I guess you can help him oh okay um see uh okay 2 + two so we have our fingers two two three

Four so the answer is four M well done pomy well done TV man you really need to work on your math skills wait ew pomy why are you holding TV man’s hand whoa what looks like someone has a little crush whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hold on a

Second I don’t know what’s going on God really embarrassed uh I don’t know what the heck was that H uh I should never have been a c teacher yeah you got that right oh whatever sit down moving on to the next subject I am sitting down okay

What’s wrong with a girl and a guy being a friends Jack what’s up with you you’re making fun of me like maybe you’re just jealous that no guy ever wants to date you or wants to be your friend or even wants to get near you cuz you’re so

Creepy and emo hey chill out we never said there was anything wrong with it you’re the one getting so defensive like darn like darn I’ll show you darn I’ll start boxing your little ears hey he sit down sit down no violence in my classroom we’re really any classroom he

He was trying to cut my hair he was trying to cut my hair I swear what is that true no you saw it hey yo teacher bro why don’t you stop yelling and being annoying bro you need to lose some weight oh that is what don’t you dare

Comment talk about that is not how you talk to you superiors I’m sending you to the principal’s office what bro are you serious right now yeah super you’re and waight fatty I got to go to the principal’s office why bro I hate this school so much it’s so weird oh my gosh

And pomy is being so weird to me too I’m not sure why all right maybe I’ll go check out my locker and see if anything went on there I haven’t checked my locker this morning yet all righty come on where’s my locker there’s so many of these stupid lockers come on come on

Come on oh here’s my locker and wait a second why is there all these presents by my locker uh let’s open up my locker I love you TV man I will love you for marry marry me now no bro bro what in the what is all this stuff are you

Serious right now hey yo this better not be pomy dude I didn’t know she actually had a crush on me though this is really weird bro oh no dude oh man finally class is over that took forever oh man what’s it wasn’t really that long oh wow

Py was this you come early no no is it your birthday or something I I I didn’t know you had um a birthday plan today who was this this is not funny whoever pranked me this this is weird wait prank do what they do wait what are these

Notes I guess someone has a crush on you TV man wait you got notes ew bro are you serious right now wait could it be her oh my gosh who you mean pomy no way dude okay hey what’s going on why are we all gathered here did someone die or

Something oh no uh someone literally wrote all this love note all over my locker was it you sister no you know I’m illiterate I can’t write or read uh are you serious right now whoever did it is really weird I’m not going to lie maybe I’ll go talk to the classroom and see

Who else did it was it any of them probably not there’s no one in here are you serious right now who did it team man just chill out is someone’s probably just playing a prank or something it’s probably not topic of a deal I mean if you’re really worried about it we could

Always go to the principal oh I still have to go to the principal’s office oh no all right well anyway there was something actually in these presents and I think I was supposed to break them let me just break them real quick oh my goody goodness bro look at all this

Stuff are you serious right now this stuff is goated I mean hey at least if you do have a secret admirer at least they gave you good stuff so maybe this isn’t a prank wait a second and I got all these weird potions too from there

What the heck what do you mean by weird I don’t know oh here we go hey you’re supposed to be at the principal’s office oh God you’re supposed to be at the gym losing weight that that that was just uncal for you know what you’re going to

The principal’s office as well gosh darn it oh my good goodness are you serious right now I got to go to the principal’s office this sucks all right let’s go inside of here hey Mr principal dude I’m sorry dude what did you wait wait wait

Wait for me oh there’s two H you kids are so annoying how do you guys get in trouble so often uh I’d rather not answer that but this is actually my first time being sent to the principal’s office I swear oh I forgot you’re the goody two shoes well whatever what did

You guys do so uh me and my boy my boyfriend my my friend who’s a boy friend who’s a Boy TV man we walking to class we were late so then the teacher made us well him do a problem on the board and I helped him out and then uh

He called the teacher some not nice things and then he got sent to the principal’s office then we went to the lockers and he found some creepy weird love notes in his locker and presents next to it which had a bunch of stuff in

It and then a fat king came over to us I may have lost my temper called him fat and ugly and stuff and now we’re here so yeah I I think that’s all I believe so at least that is a weird I guess makes sense why You’ be sent to the prison but

What’s with all the stuff in Fr the locker maybe we have to catch who did that yeah someone lit put all these love stuff all over my locker it’s really weird like someone has a crush on me in this school kids are so weird nowadays

But you can have a crush on someone it’s not going to be weird like I I would have given you that stuff and like done the presence thing like that’s a pretty smart idea whoever did that was really smart but it definitely wasn’t me I definitely wouldn’t have done something

Exactly like that that was definitely not me cuz I’m I I I yeah oh uh guys what’s up I totally wasn’t eavesdropping but uh you know it’s our next period so uh Mr principal can can you like let these guys go already I mean you always talk forever bro you shouldn’t say

That’s your principal don’t tell me what to do oh that’s not okay well it isn’t the problem child actually you two are free to go I need to T talk to Jax here for a second wait what uh what in the what bro are you serious right now

You’re in trouble you are getting detention for a week just because I feel like it a man and you don’t get any video games what oh my gosh we get to go to our next period are you serious right now but I need to get down to the bottom

Of the who was putting stuff in my locker and who was being weird to me well I wouldn’t necessarily say they’re being weird to you I mean Isn’t it nice to have someone who admires you uh no it’s pretty weird to do stuff like that like if you like someone why don’t you

Just tell them oh yeah why don’t you just tell them really why why would someone just tell them why not like go through an elaborate goose chase have a bunch of gifts just for them to figure it out and then say you love them like isn’t that the way to love someone I

Wouldn’t know I’ve never had a boyfriend before or anything what are you talking about okay anyway let’s go to the next period yeah that’s cringe all right here’s the next block let’s go and we’re at the library what’s going on Mr librarian hello I just need to make sure you’re

All checked in one sec TV man Jack and pomy okay let me write that down hi okay you’re free to roam oh my gosh I hate the library so much where’s everyone else though I thought we were supposed to have a huge class here uh yeah they

Didn’t show up what’s what’s up pomy uh do you have any um books on um love or anything in in stock Jack what are you doing there what the how the H did you what the i i the door was unlocked I was just checking things out don’t worry

About me hey get out of here this is this is Staff only but well I might as well go out you said books on love correct oh uh yeah love and whatnot I would like to learn more about love cuz uh T man and I are on an investigation

Cuz someone sent these creepy weird love letters in his locker and presents so we’re going to get to the bottom of it and find out why TV man even though he’s really handsome and strong and cute would have um a love interest what yeah that was weird Li you want to

Figure out who did this yeah but you sound really suspicious right I’m not going to lie I don’t know what you’re talking about that was pretty weird but okay let me I think this book is a book on love just just don’t don’t get me

Involved you you K oh Jack took it J give it back give it back give it back give it back give I just want to read the title give it back Jack Twilight ew take it back oh oh did someone say twilight oo give me that I’m goingon to

I need that I need I need some of that I need myself some of that okay there we go okay later losers I’m going to go um binge raid in the corner so um well while we’re here in the library maybe we should read a book um I found a really

Good one uh it’s it I maybe we should read it together it’s called Uh Romeo and Juliet by um Shakespeare William Shakespeare do you know who that is what is that I don’t know I don’t know what that is I don’t know I I don’t even know

How to read a book I don’t know how to do anything oh no no no this is really scary why you trying to read a book with me no no no it’s to further your knowledge cuz knowledge is power and everyone knows that yeah TV man this

Will be fun I love story time uh I’m not going to lie I don’t really want to I’m good I’m just going to sit here and just like go on my phone or something you have to TV man you don’t have a choice if you whip out your phone I will smash

It into smerin you are going to read this book with me do you understand bro what in the who I ain’t going to read anything I don’t want to bro come on yeah readings for nerds your life depends on it okay okay fine fine I’ll

Read a book with you whatever oh my gosh why do you want to read a book so bad yipp knowledge is power and if you take a look in a good book and I don’t really read actually that much but it would just be fun to read with someone you

Know I guess so oh okay I guess I’ll read this book whatever oh my gosh I’m not reading this stupid book I’m sorry I can’t do it it’s too boring okay um here I’ll read it for you okay um okay so this is written by someone named everyone should subscribe to blockb

Buddies that’s a that’s a very weird author name but who knows oh I like that book yeah it sounds good I mean yeah I mean he is a pretty famous writer I mean everyone should subscribe to Block Buddies okay um let’s see first page okay oh this is a book about love all

The different types of love there’s fileo love there’s arrows there’s you guys did not just fall okay I really care about you TV man so I want you to read this uh what does this book say uh I can’t even read so I don’t know

What this say let me see it okay there you go you can read it I love you TV man what what is this ja ja I didn’t know you you sing that way I mean good for you 204 ja what what do you talk that’s

What the book says bro no n n Jax you’re weird for that dude what are you talking about that’s not what the book dud what are you yeah that’s not IDI the book says that is what the book says no you just confess to your love to TV man Jack

I’m very proud of you I’m very I would never do that and I’m literally denying it right now oh what’s going on oh yeah I always knew Jack was a bit zesty I mean who doesn’t I mean good for him I mean I don’t like TV man can can I no no

Ja can I talk to you for a second just behind here okay come on come on okay what is it you stay away from TV man he is mine don’t you dare watch where you’re pointing that thing don’t you dare get in the way of my relationship

With him I will win his heart one way or another and I want you to stay out of it do you got that I’m not even doing anything I mean you’re the one who who scared to tell them you like them I’m just saying you have to make up some

Weird lie you like TV man Jack I mean you just told us I don’t like TV this is supposed to be a library why are you guys being so loud yeah P I don’t know I’m just trying to read a book I don’t know what’s going on I don’t even know

Where they are anyway Kane Kane shut up oh hey um hey uh I’m going to have to ask you guys to leave I’m pretty sure third period is about to start oh I got to go come on come on come on oh yeah that’s a good idea go I love the gym all

Righty here we go we’re at gym class now let’s get it gym class is kind of boring I don’t really like it I might just stand on the bleachers you’re always a lazy one okay so I’m not lazy actually whatever every all every all the other kids have already done their work guys

It’s time for YouTube but since it’s just YouTu I guess you fine you guess you’ll have like a Basketball match or something basketball with just us two can we just like run some laps or something well I guess you running laps doesn’t really need my supervision so

Yeah actually I’m going to go get like some dinner all right let’s run some laps Jack let’s go bro hey you’re mad slow huh what do you mean I’m literally faster than you no you’re not n you’re eating TV man’s DK right now ja he’s so

Cute when he runs I’m literally ahead of him no I’m not no you’re not no you’re not you have really nice legs are you talking to me uh what why you talk why I don’t know do do you ever Skip Leg Day no but go go I got to beat Jax bro Jax

Is trash I already laughed you what are you talking about t man’s so cute when he runs wait what wait what I said I I said I said sorry voice crack uh I said it’s it’s so cool to see people run cuz you know it takes exercise and you know your whole

Respiratory system is hard at work and then you get circulation okay I heard enough just stop talking whatever oh you guys are having a race well let me show you how it’s done oh you’re not fast at all whoa whoa whoa whoa slow down slow

Down slow down I mean she is pretty fast what oh my gosh what the heck um hey this could you maybe stop you’re kind of ruining something for me if you if you wouldn’t mind I would like you if you stay the heck back stay back I don’t hi

I don’t know what’s going on I’m really uncomfortable you know I’m just leaving I don’t know what’s happening like P’s being really weird jack is being weird I’m just going to go I don’t like this maybe I can hang out with TV man he’s the only one who doesn’t give me the

Creeps around here all you guys suck what what did I do sister you get away from my Pooky smooky Bear tv man yo okay chill chill chill chill chill she can’t wait she canot run me Slowpoke you just wa when I get home when I get home I’m going to make sure I

Smash all your animals necks just step on them see their bones crack there they hi what’s going on pomy what is wrong with you you’re like using weapons at people like what’s your issue oh is this about TV man ja what’s wrong with

You oh no no no ja how could you be so delusional you like them don’t you you’re the one that had that book and framed me for it no no ja what are you talking about you need to stop being so delusional and stay out of this what wao

Whoo wo I just saw that what the heck was that it was my really cool pencil it’s kind of shaped like a knife but I don’t like to bring it out much because people think it’s a actual weapon crazy right that was not a pencil uh PNE I’m

Really confused right now do you like me like you uh don’t be silly I love you hey no whoa whoa whoa hold on a second what are you talking about n hey everyone what what’s going on aren’t you guys supposed to be a class oh yeah I

Was just walking TV man over to class come on TV man we have to go to class together oh my goody goodness all right F I guess TV man what are you doing I don’t know what to do she she she’s scary whoa whoa Kane did you see that I

Didn’t that was I don’t know I didn’t see anything U but oh uh maybe you might need to go to are you feeling oh well maybe I should take you to urgent care or something I’m feeling fine Kane now stay out of this okay if you say so but

Uh we’ll keep it we’re going to start keeping an eye on you to make sure you don’t fall ill okay you best stay out of this if you want to live so anyway uh what you want to do should we have some lunch together uh where should I sit for lunch come on

Where’s a cool spot ooh there’s a table here with all my friends what’s up guys hey uh can I sit with you guys please uh we don’t have another seat sorry oh oh okay uh no worries no worries I’ll just what the heck is your problem you idiot

I’m just trying to sit eating my lunch and then you’re your goofy looking self just comes up is why do you want to sit next to TV man so bad oh I get it you probably have a crush on him well that sucks cuz no one likes you no one will

Like you and you’re never going to get a boyfriend okay deal with it oh my goody goodness I don’t know what’s going on this is really weird bro oh hey pomy how you doing what the heck hi um I was wondering if uh you wanted to go on date

You’re really cute sorry I’m I’m already taken by the best boyfriend in the world TV man so sorry whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what what are you talking about um what are you talking about pomy I don’t think TV man likes you and no one likes you

Fat ugly you smell like fish so go away okay sorry oh did you say you’re dating TV man I don’t remember that happening maybe you should announce it for everybody here then whoa whoa whoa oh yeah ja have you ever heard of of an alibi I mean there’s lots of witnesses

You might want to watch reappoint that thing okay TV man I admit it I really really really like you in fact I love you I did all those things so you wouldn’t notice me and and I really hope you’ll accept my love confession and can

We please please go out on a date uh go out on a date let me think about that um well you didn’t tell me you did everything you did the locker thing too and all the classroom things yeah yeah yeah I did but but you got some really

Nice stuff didn’t you yeah but it was creepy um can we just stay friends is that cool nice rist oh oh Jax you shut up or else I will chop off your head oh yeah I I yeah I I love friends but you’re meant

To be more to me TV man you can’t deny it hey yo no no put that away I don’t know what that is I’ll put your gun away oh no no no no no no go away that’s not a gun what are you kids doing uh oh I

Was just I was just I know we have a few more period left to school but you know I I think I’m going to have to head home I I I’m not feel good idea them together oh I can take care of you guys hey yep bro are you

Serious crazy how do we leave this place jack where do we go we can’t leave if the school’s Not Over You just walked past the exit stupid oh no oh no oh no where’s the teacher Mr teachers where are you we have an intr find somewhere

To hide oh no we got to hide somewhere are you serious right now Dam man over here all right uh get inside the Walker I can’t get inside the locker oh the maintenance area go in the maintenance area oh come on come on come on come on

Come on come on oh no oh no oh there you guys are you can’t escape from me oh no Jax go are you serious right now get away Jax why is she chasing us school’s not over where are you going she’s psycho I don’t know oh no what are we

Going to do we can’t just jump off we’re going to die dude oh no what are we going to do we have to think of a plan hey what are you kids doing on the roof did you get wait I’m coming up there oh my goodness wait the teacher’s coming up

Here we got to go we got to go oh there’s an opening right here just jump ow oh my gosh convenient oh my gosh where do we go come on there’s got to be an opening somewhere around here oh is this the opening uh what in the what

Where did those kids go I think they what uh what is going on here I saw take that out again miss I saw what you had that really really sharp pencil you want some bread that’s not you had some bread that’s not yeah you want the bread you

Want the bread I’m going to confiscate that pencil of yours you the other two are allowed to leave oh my gosh thank goodness we got to go oh my gosh pom’s get me out of here let’s go J come on you can’t you can’t make me give it over

If I escape hey no get back here thank you guys so much for watching this video subscribe and click a video up on screen I’ll see you guys in the next video tomorrow guys please subscribe please if you don’t subscribe I’m going to have to

Go back to school for real I can’t take it yo that would be funny everyone subscribe

TV MAN STUCK in SCHOOL With POMNI in Minecraft!

Our channel is inspired by Cartoon Crab, Dash, Omz, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! This is the funniest Minecraft video ever! I love Minecraft fun.

#blockbuddies ⁠#minecraft


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