Preparing For The 1.6 Update On My Year 38 Farm in Stardew Valley!

With the stard de Valley 1.6 update around the corner it’s time to jump into my end game farm and get ready and prepare for this new update I believe 1.6 will be coming very very soon and I need to get my endgame Farm suitable and ready for all of the new content the

Farm has been getting a little bit messy overrun I need to change the design and the layout of the farm I need more space so you guys are going to see me working on my main endgame Farm whilst we are talking about the 1.6 update and why I

Think it is coming very very soon hello everyone and welcome back to another video Welcome to My endgame Farm in stardew Valley year 38 I believe this is like I said this was my first ever Farm I created back when stardew Valley got released I was like 6 months late to

Stard Valley but when I first ever started playing this was the the save file that I created I have made a ton of videos on this I’ve had so many hours of enjoyment on this safe file it’s been a blast and every time there is a new

Update I always like to add some of the new content of the new items onto this Farm but yeah I am at a point in this save where I make massive money I’ve got lots of Productions but things are a little bit messy I’ve got some stuff

That I need to do that I want to do ready for some of the new content because guys in my opinion we’re probably going to get a new animore so maybe some new farm buildings and I need a space and some places to put them so

The first thing we’re going to do is expand the field here from where all of my crops grow because the layout’s a bit funky it doesn’t look very good and as you can see the sprinklers down here are kind of pointless they don’t really work

So this is the project that I’m going to start today we also had two Stone owls spawn on the farm and a strange capsule spawned right in the middle of my uh my crop field here there’s probably going to be some new crops in the game so I do

Want to farm for them add them to the collection of course there’s going to be new things for us to unlock and hunt for here maybe some new fish I believe there going to be free in my opinion I think we’ll get free new fish just take a look

You know with the 1.4 update the the winter night market we got fre fish for the 1.5 update Ginger Island we also got three new fish so this update for me screams three more new fish which will take us to one full page of fish incredible I don’t think we’ll get any

New artifacts or minerals but definitely fish and crops so so this is why I want to work on this part of the farm first it’s going to be exciting to to play on this Farm again I don’t really play this one much anymore I have a lot of new

Saves for the main reason you know I’ve got 100% Perfection it is done I’ve done everything in the game that you could possibly do all I do now is just make as much money as possible I think the task that I was trying to do was earn 250

Million I’m currently on 119 million earnings total which is not a lot to be honest that’s going to be so much higher I have been hoarding and storing everything that I have been producing for the last year in real life I’ve been Gathering ancient fruit aging all of the

Wine and I’ve not sold anything yet guys because I’m doing it for a video but just a little example of what I’ve not sold yet this is my crystarium shed fully upgraded this took so long to build by the way they’re so expensive but look how many diamonds we’ve got to

Sell two stacks of 999 and even more on the way and I’m going to be selling it all very very soon now let’s talk about the 1.6 update why do I think it’s coming soon now something strange happened the other day in stardy Valley the co-op feature was was broken I still

Think it is as I’m recording this no one can invite friends nobody can play online with people there is no option to invite friends no invite code or anything like that and me and pox noticed this we have been recording series three of our competitive multiplayer series and normal routine

Every morning we get together well morning my time and uh we record a few hours well this time we tried to do this the other day and we could not get co-op to work at the start we thought maybe it was something to do with Po’s internet connection or something like that

Because he was the host of this farm and we tried lots of different steps to get it to work was trying all sorts he reset his internet we restart the game and we did some other settings from the official stardy Valley page to help us

Try and get it to work but we couldn’t do anything like 30 minutes of trying couldn’t get anything to work and then I decided to load up our old series farm and try and invite pox CU then we could rule out if it was something to do with

His end or if it was stardy Valley now I couldn’t do the same thing we could not get pox into my farm which meant there was an issue worldwide stardy Valley Co-op was down and we confirmed this because we went onto the Community page uh on Steam and everyone was saying they

Was having the same problem now the reason I’m talking about this is because 9 hours prior to this of uh me and pox bumping into this issue and a lot of other people stardy Valley had a little update in the background it was uh not made public there was a few patches and

A few updates that got released which has obviously led to the game and the co-op breaking and then it got me and pox thinking like why is stardy Valley just had a little update why has it broken Co-op I have never in my life seen this in stard valley of all my time

Playing as any patch or update Broken Co-op or had such a big impact like this so then we got on to the topic of what if this is something to do with 1.6 maybe the update is on the way and this patch that’s been made and released

Is something to do with you know preparing for 1.6 which is most likely the case as I’m recording this I still think the co-op is down from when I last looked and checked because there has been no update or patch since I don’t think so 1.6 guys could be on the way so

That is why I am preparing and getting ready for that dropping okay so I think I’m going to move these fish ponds a little bit more to the left because this one in the corner here can never see when it’s ready although it kind of

Happens at the same time I want to shove them over one more and then I should be able to see now this is a little bit messy as well I don’t like this I was collecting all the rare crows down here don’t know why I’ve got random Garden

Pots and these things right it’s a new day and I want to do even more stuff here on the farm got a lot more stuff I want to do this time we are going to make a lot of coffee cuz I want more triple shot espressos I need speed as

You can see we’ve got tea leaves and loads of coffee so I’m going to get all of this I’m going to put it into some cake if we’ve got any free and make a big amount of coffee and craft them into espressos not selling them this is

Purely for Speed and quality of life let’s go and make some coffee I think I’m going to move this Juno Hut somewhere else it’s kind of going to get in the way a little bit guys let me know down below if you are super excited for

1.6 what are you most looking forward to or what do you really want to see come to the update and it’s starting to pop up let’s go so we got five right now but we need to turn this this into triple shot espressos to get that speed buff

For even longer that first one we took we’ve still got 16 seconds left on it and the last two boom boom 99 let’s go I’ll take these cuz I’ve been making me no reason than just extra money right but we’ve got even more Productions we’ve got a massive one on Ginger Island

Which is my FY Rose honey and then in the desert we’ve also got a crap ton of solar panels so every area guys has just got incredible amounts of money let’s get all this ancient fruit this is my star fruit wine let’s take a look what’s going on in here this

Has got two days okay I will take the star fruit wine cuz we’re aging it and I think we’ got some ancient fruit that we need to take as well but I don’t think this is done today no but I’ll take the wine put the ancient fruit away in there plenty

Look at how much ancient fruit we’ve got wow now this is full of golden chickens and this is amazing because got an auto Grabber and look at the eggs you just sell them as they they are and they are so valuable I’m just letting them chickens do the thing you know they’re

Being fed they’re being peted just let them do their thing we’ve also got the same here this is my ostrich Barn we’re doing the same thing full of manise as you can see we got loads here and this chest is full of mayonnaise ready to sell and we’re also

Doing dinosaurs as well dinosaur egg mayonnaise so let’s get some more of this on we’ve also got an auto Grabber here and a Peta and all the osher EGS get collected I put them into this chest ready to start making lots of manise and look how much we’ve got wow this is the

Dinosaur one this is where the eggs come from oh I got a void egg that’s weird oh we actually got a pearl now this is I believe from the lion fish they’ve gave us a pearl which is so good because they sell for 2,500 gold and that’s the reason reason

Why I got them and the sting rays I believe give us the dragon tooth let’s have a look at the Aged wine we are still going strong 49 days but we have got a lot of stuff here a lot of stuff R to age we’ve already got some iridium quality starf fruit

Wine and ancient fruit yes the star fruit wine is actually more valuable if you didn’t know it is the best thing in the game let’s check on Ginger Island let’s see if the fair Rose honey is done and here we go it is already Guys and there we go another 156 this is where I keep the fair Rose honey we’ve nearly got 999 that is so good let’s cook some well cook craft whatever triple shot espressos we can make 33 out of all of that cuz you need three for one and

That’s give us 44 in total really good one thing we definitely do know that is coming is a new drink it looks very similar to this one here the green tea but it looks like it’s purple so maybe some kind of herbal tea lavender oh that speeds amazing let’s check on the slimes

Before I work on some of the space in the layout oh yeah there’s a lot here it’s been a while we got a lot petrified slime to sell but this is what we’re going for the eggs so green is the least valuable at 1,000 and then it’s blue red

Purple at 5K but tiger slimes are 8,000 I’ve only found two and the way you get those you can’t do it by um the Slime he breast by doing this you have to get them by actually killing the slimes and trying your look cuz I think they drop them but these

Things are so cute I love them got to breed them we’ve still got quite a lot of slime left there nice let’s see what eggs we get out of these oh let’s have a look green green blue blue green blue yeah the least ones the other ones are

So hard to get the red and the purple quite rare but egg is an egg so I want to work on this I’m not happy with this area down here I am selfish I am but I can love and so I wear this mouth fit for the place

Above you know me the truth gets heavier every every night I promise I’ll be the one if you help me win this fire will you stay there with me will you stay with me in the dark will you stay with me in the dark the dark the dark the dark I don’t care if you drag my name all through the mon if you only knew how much I want you to feel L will you stay there with me will you stay with me in the dark will you stay there with me will you stay with me in the dark

Will you stay there with me will you stay with me in the dark will you stay with me in the dark the dark the dark the Dark oh with lips like Heavenly wine you make my morning shine with lips like Heavenly wine you make my morning shy with lips like Heavenly wide you make my morning shine with lips like heavenly while you make my morning shine will you stay there with

Me will you stay with me in the dark will you stay there with me will you stay with me in the dark will you stay there with me will you stay with me in the dark will you stay with me in the dark the dark the dark the

Dark and li like cavali w you make my morning shy it looks like Heavenly white you make my morning shine it looks like Heavenly W you made my morning shy look like why you make my morning Shy it’s amazing what could happen guys when you spend a little bit of time neing things up you know it’s been long overdue I’ve been letting things overgrow and some of the things that annoyed me I just kind of let happen I was like yeah I’ll leave them for

Another day but it’s got to be done it needs to be done we’re going to sort out the junimos I’m going to buy another one and move one going to move all this across yes we do and design this area a little bit more as well now why not

Waiting for Robin to open this is also very messy Grandpa’s Shrine we got some trees some wood got to clear all this up we’ve got one of those Boulders spawn here as well the aridium I think I’m going to make this a little bit tidy this would be nice to have some

Mushroom trees here actually we got one growing we only have free Qi gems we can buy a mushroom tree seed right Robin need to move these buildings for me please so what I’m going to do is just move everything over one so uh like that like that maybe I could just have them

Join it doesn’t really matter I can still cut through got a path going here two PA and a two PA two PA so now that is going to be perfect we can have a fence going up here block that off two path around the edges of those so now let’s move this

Juno can’t see the radius of him oh no no it’s going to have to be like one in that corner and then one in this corner might lose a lot of crops but that might work so now we can get the sprinkler right here in the middle

So then you just need to go look at that you can see we get an extra radius with the nozzle that is perfect I’m just going to do a fence going all the way uh here until we get to there that kind of encloses the crops as

Well I like it I don’t know if we’re going to need this maybe the stable doesn’t need enclosing kind of just stays there anyway and then we’ll have rustic flooor going all the way up oh yeah that’s opened it up a little bit wow fall is around the corner and

I’m very excited it’s my favorite season in the game and in real life so the colors are incredible that’s why I want the mushroom seeds definitely going to have some of those make a little mushroom area I think that’s going to look nice but I am super happy with this so far it’s

Looking really nice I do need to work on this is like my tree farm I get wood I can put some tappers on there it’s looking very messy but it’s just it is what it is if I ever need the wood that’s what it’s for look how beautiful this design is I

Made some video If you’re not see those I made some videos of basically designing or redesigning the whole Pelican town the old stardy Valley map I designed it made it look awesome you can see the path the grass I’ve done every single area and it’s just amazing look

At this it changes the way the game looks massively and there we go we’re going to have a a squad of jun helping us on the farm doing all the harvesting for us but they just look adorable too why the hell not that bottom left and the top right

Is not getting harvested but you know what that’s fine I could maybe come down with that one and left with that one but it’s all good it’s all good let’s get the grass starters down cuz these look pretty I like having them in between the the stepping stone paths I think it

Gives a really nice wild natural path look perfect for a farm create like a gate here so I can kind of cut for so have to go all the way up that’s much easier to get to this point of the farm now one thing we do need that I completely forgot about is

The rarecrow that we got the ultimate rarecrow you are here Deluxe sor sorry this is huge radius and we need this down to cover all of the crops look how big this is it’s insane so you can just have that in the middle there and it’s literally fine none of them will get

Taken out the tree farm is looking good I will take a few of these down ready for the new ones that come I’m pretty sure we’re going to get some new ones there’s actually a space right here as you can see put that there uh that’s going to be

A new one we quite we’ve got quite a lot of orange and peach so I’ll probably take this one down as well and this one down and if we get one two three they’re going to go here they’re going to go here the fair Rose honey is done again oh my

God but I want to be able to buy some mushroom tree seeds so I will be accepting a quest for Mr Qi here to try and get some Rewards ship 100,000 of freshly cooked items but I’m going to do this the quickest way and that is just buying the

Coffee 300 each yeah we’re going to need a full stack of this please Gus we’ll buy another stack too just in case it’s not enough any extra guess what it’s going to be used for Speed buff and there we go this stack here alone sells for 300K we don’t even need

To sell that many we only need to sell 100K is worth but there we go you heard the noise this time it worked and it’s done if we go into our inventory we’ve got 28 Qi gems that’s enough to buy some of those seeds look this save file just screams money

It smells money wherever you go there’s money to be made so we can get five that’ll do me and here we are this tree is actually grown nice so can we put that there with the fertilizer on there we go maybe one more there oh that’s going to look good guys

Some mushroom trees growing around there we’ll get some more um grass starters planted around once it’s done and that’s going to look a nice little corner hard to see cuz of the sheds but you know it still looks good but that is it that is

Going to be where I end this one just sprucing up a little bit doing some maintenance on the farm uh I was letting things get out of control a little bit but everything’s looking much better I may change things around a little bit as well when the update drops especially if

We get a new animal I’d love to get another barn or coup just for those new animals alone oh the animals have got no food oh that’s not good good job we got plenty but I think we’re in a good place I am ready for the update I feel so much

Better knowing that this Farm’s looking like it does I am live streaming tomorrow and every single Saturday by the way every Saturday there will be a live stream on the channel where we play stard Valley maybe on this save but I have started a stream save as well we’re

Trying to get 100% Perfection but we’ll only play stream so every Saturday we’ve just started it it’s a fresh year I think we’re still in Spring maybe even summer we got a lot to do so if you want to tune into to that tomorrow’s stream

Is actually going to be 12 hours a 12 hour live stream a special one looking forward to seeing you guys there I’ve got some special things planned as well during the stream where you guys can get involved but smash the like button subscribe if you haven’t and I will see

You shortly guys on the next one stay safe and stay cozy

➤ With 1.6 around the corner it is time to jump into my main end game farm and get things prepared! This is the first farm I ever created in Stardew Valley which I now have 100% perfection on. But I need to prepare for the brand new content that is soon to arrive! I need to clean, tidy and redesign the farm to make space for the new shiny stuff!

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  1. I cannot wait, been playing Travallers Rest while I wait (plus some other games), its next update looks amazing. So hopefully a bunch of amazing updates happen between now and early March. It be cool if 1.6 dropped today, not likely, but it might be soon, two dates seem the most possable if it is not dropped well now, Feb 26th and in april…. though sooner the better.

  2. I noticed Concerned Ape has also been posting a lot of Haunted Chocolatier images on Instagram the last few days. In one he commented something about working on a new game. It made me think maybe 1.6 is done so he was able to move on to the new game again.

  3. I'm not sure if it'd be something you're up for, most of the streamers I watch will make episodes out of their streams. I was just thinking how fun it would have been to watch you do this on stream & chat the whole time. Then thought "but then there'd be no episode". Just me hoping for the best of both worlds lol

  4. Im attempting to perfect every farm type. Which is ridiculous since I've never perfected a farm ever, let alone done any endgame work, and im trying to get a layout for my Forest farm, but I just dont know where to put the animals to give them space outside AND food to eat. What is your process for keeping enough hay to feed all your animals?

  5. IDK anymore if it will be so soon. I was mega hype for it around Christmas, would also have had enough time to really enjoy it then. now I'm just like "oh well it will come or not"

  6. Seeing such a very pretty end game farm makes me want to revisit my older farms and jazz them up a little, finish unfinished ideas etc. I have only hit perfection on one of my many farms, and even then I don't have any golden chickens yet. Maybe when I get some free time over the summer I can do that. Thanks for the inspiration!

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