No Plans. Just Farming | Stardew Valley Stream #35

All that we have Each give me Lord give me all your love oh CU I want you no one else makes feel this don’t know what you do hold could you hold in you and me yeah that’s all I need and I’ll be all right I’ll be right here I swear that I’ll stay here with

You hold me closer I want to stay here with you all that we have is each other now I promise I won’t leave your be who you are and you’ll be enough if you’re giving me your love giving me your love all that we have is each other

Now promise you won’t leave my side I hope who I am enough for you if giving you my loveing you my love Love tell me what I’ll as long as I can be here with you everything’s all right I’ll be right here I swear that I’ll stay with you hold me closer I want to stay with you all that we have is each other now I promise I won’t leave

Your be who you are and you’ll be enough if you’re giving me your love me your love all that each now prise I won’t leave your side I hope who I am is for you if I’m giving you my love giving you my Love me love give me all your love give me all your love give me love give me all your love give me all your love give me love give me all your love give me all your love give me love give me all your love give me all your

Love hello everyone and welcome to the stream let me shush the music before that one starts how are we all doing I hope you all had a a lovely weekend and a lovely start to the week um let’s just make sure everything’s working okay so I had an

Audio issue I forgot to change my default audio so you guys didn’t get any music for the first few seconds of the Stream So I restarted the song because I like the song so there you go right let me um change over to this and let me know how the audio

Is for the game cuz the stue can get a little bit loud at times and when you’re in certain places so just let me know how the audio is um but very warm welcome to you all we’ve got Stephan in chat how are you I hope you’re doing

Well today eie hi I’ll scroll back and have a look at your question in a moment Mike it’s lovely to see you as well I hope uh if you’re still in Sweden I hope you’re having a wonderful holiday and it’s going well and the weather is better for you I saw you

Were um you’d had some uh not so great weather um but I hope uh I hope your holiday is going well uh right Eevee um oh there it is uh do I have the statue of endless Fortune I don’t have it on the stream Farm which is Oak Wood

Um but I do have it on this one I have it on Willow Farm um so I have that on there I do need to get it for oak wood uh cuz it is uh handy um for giving gifts to people so maybe we try and sort that out at some

Point today I have no plans for today’s stream um a lot of the times when you play staru I kind of have an idea of what I’m going to do but I just want to just do some farming and just generally play how would play play off stream maybe and just have a

Relaxed uh time because once you get into that end game of you know sort of reaching Perfection it can get a little bit overwhelming um and you just feel like you constantly right I’ve got this to do and I’ve got that to do and I’ve got

This to make and I’ve got this to get and and it it can it can just get a little bit much um well I find it can get a little bit much um so we’re just going to do some farming we’re going to play a week do some farming and you know

Look after the animals and you know we’ll have a visit to Ginger Island and do some things there and I’ll try and remember to give gifts to people like Sebastian you need an egg there we go um and just do some farming do some chill uh you know chill farming time and

Uh we’ll uh we’ll see we’ll see how we go for the week hi ay welcome it’s lovely to see see you here I hope you’re doing well uh you’ve had a good weekend Mike that’s really good my weekend was uh was good I H hung out with some family hung

Out with some friends do some gaming do some reading it was great ooh hello here’s a food from my home that me and my family enjoy hope you like it Leo oh brilliant PS Willie helped me write this a that’s really cute okay so that’s another recipe so let’s actually see

If we can make that um I think that’s on the last page right here yeah so let’s make one of those and we can just pop it in the fridge so we can get that ticked off our list later I can do that you joined in the middle of a

No that is not that is not not what we’re talking about but yeah we’re just going to we’re harvesting things we’re going to sort out why cuz I I did play um a couple of days just to get us back to Monday I um I find that if we if I stop

On a day that isn’t Monday I lose track of how many days I’m doing when i’m streaming this farm so last stream I ended up going a little bit longer and I was like why have why is the why have I streamed for like almost 3 hours

Um with staru which is something I never really do and then I realized it was because I played an extra day when I shouldn’t have so I wanted to get on to Monday so Sunday will be the last day that we play so let’s just do all of this um where is

The dog there he is can I get in here to uh water you there we go right let’s see what’s going on in here we have some things to collect here yeah how has everyone else been what games have we been playing i’ love to know um

Okay I think oh no we can put the fish food in here yeah there we go right right that shed is still doing its thing let’s grab all of the tea looks like the jumos are harvesting things too that shed down there is finished so we can sort that

Out let’s do this you played room factory 3 that’s good do you want to tell me about that cuz like I say I think we talked about room factory last stream I think you mentioned it Eevee right um I’m guessing it’s obviously best if you uh play them in

Order let’s see what have we got going on in here little jumo there we go right so let’s get some things planted before we move on cuz we have an abundance of Beats um so we can get those all sold um there we go and we’ll run and plant them over here

Too hey vogan poetry welcome to the stream it’s lovely to see you you want to see me play what turn it boy commit tax evasion what in the world what what even what a name for a [Laughter] game I think the next game I think I’ve mentioned this I think the next game

That we’re going to play um through that you guys have a couple of you have recommended is um Celeste I think I think that might be a nice one to play doesn’t matter what order you play reactory in oh okay so they don’t they don’t have um there isn’t like an ongoing storyline

Then that’s interesting that’s kind of good to know right let’s uh do you know I might actually see what coffee I’ve gotten Pop a um a batch of coffee on cuz I’ve only got 11 cups of coffee and it would be nice to have a little bit

More so maybe we do that and then I’ll come back and add some stuff in these things to make wine um come on and then when we go to Ginger Island I need to uh remember to keep the coffee I’ll actually check my uh chest as well and

See what produce oh okay that’s fine um we’ll see what fruit and veg we’ve got that we can maybe s lacking or maybe keep um oh next spring we need to make some we need to grow some kale we’ not got many kale uh that’s all

Good we need some red cabbage as well that’s summer right I think um yeah so kale and red cabbage need to collect some bananas oh and right so we need to keep any bananas that we get and pineapples as well just so we’ve got a nice

Stock and we’ve got plenty of Beats so we can sell all the ones that we’ve got um maybe yeah that’ll do so we’ve got enough armor around there now so that’s okay so let’s uh let’s sell all of this um I think I’ll sell those and we’ll get those sold as well

And I might as well sell that because I don’t have a a preserved Jasper so let’s just double check what’s going on in here um you look committing to activation mate you don’t don’t admit to things like that we’re [Laughter] joking not really not in real life just in games

Um you’ve played a few minutes of what of what is that the turn it boy game I why did I I’ve come across that recently I don’t know if it was on the the eShop maybe I think I spotted it on the eShop when I was um on there the other night

With um one of my nephews looking at games you never joking sh yeah but for for for legal purposes you were joking right right um I’ll keep those mangoes as well while they’re while we still get normal quality we might as well keep those coffee give me the coffee so we can run

Fast thank you tenet boy game is weird I don’t know if I want to play that then um let’s right let’s get some ancient fruit wine on now we have our coffee do that there there we go no come on okay and we need to put one in there

While I remember cuz I always forget that uh okay let’s pop those away and then we can sell the rest of the fruit that we’ve got on us which is good and now we can go and visit the animals we’ve done all of that job so

Let’s head down here and see what these guys are doing um I don’t want a tree going there thank you hello everybody how are we all oh why can why can I thank you there’s a truffle Block in my way right there we go hello everyone at

Least you’re all happy oh there we go so many truff s say hello to Phantom and Ganon I think that one’s yeah g hey I got that right are you Phantom oh you’re tingle a almost no I have to I have to play them but you’re telling me they’re weird

They’re weird games and you’re telling me I have to play them it’s already so Co exactly what I need St a I’m really glad to hear that I’m sorry that you you need you need the coziness today uh Stefan but I’m very glad that I can provide some cozy comfort for you

Today that’s all I want with these streams if they can just help you guys to relax and have a break from everything going on you have going on in your lives then that’s all I ask for we just hang out for a little bit and chill right

Um you know I should make some more of those um I should make some more oil makers really maybe we go do that so let’s run back up here and if I go out the gate I can uh I just going to sell those we don’t particularly need them yeah so let’s go

And make a couple more um of the truffle oil makers let’s pop up here I have to play them sometime okay shall we add them to the list then the turnip boy these turn it boy uh games um we’ll add them onto the list so let’s see

Um maybe we just make two more because the truffles I’ve got on and I am getting are aridium quality so um maybe we make truffle oil with some and then we can sell some as well I should have used my little fast travel warp to come all the way down here that’s

Okay okay right guys um I have things to to put in here oh actually can I no not I don’t want that one there here we go no no there we go that’ll do no we’re not eating the Truffle we don’t eat truffles though we make oil out of them and sell them

Right right what I’m going to do is I’m going to uh add that game to the Discord list now while I remember uh it’s this one here um right let me edit this cuz then it’s on the list because otherwise after stream I am not going to

Remember so if I put um turn it boy games there we go done right that’s on the list well I’ve just put I I’ve just put turn it boy games so we can have a look and see um which one we uh you you want me

To play at some point but the uh the priority of is going to be Celeste I think um for February we’ll start that so the next um next stream is going to be tear of kingdom and then next week we’re still in um we’re still in in uh January for the

Beginning of the week so we’ll be uh I think have I got that right have I got my dates right we’re not in February yet are we no next week’s stream is the last day of fe uh January so we’ll be doing stue and then the Friday again will be

Tuesday of the kingdom and then the first Monday that is not what I wanted the first Monday will be the um the first Celeste stream uh so we’ll do that and then we’ll be playing Celeste every Friday uh throughout February and however long it takes to

Uh to get through that game um you are trying to sleep I’ve just realized and I need to shut my phone off there we go right okay we haven’t even left the farm yet today this is great so this is a real is a real mountain in Canada and the game is about

Climbing a mountain I have played the tiniest bit of it um when I had a I had a look at it I think did I get it on my Xbox I think I got it on Game Pass for the Xbox um I think I need cloth in there as well actually for

Something you ready to cry a solist again oh no oh maybe I oh maybe I shouldn’t be playing these games I’m I’m sick of emotional games like why why do these games have to have like emotional storylines doesn’t sound great all right let’s uh see if we

Can find any foraging things hi lus I’ll say hello to you that’s fine did we ever get um Abigail’s necklace I feel like we might have done oh yeah I think we did we could have a look at we need to I need to check the secret notes actually

And see what we’ve done and what need’s doing celest is about determination oh no I’ve had enough determination to last me a lifetime you want to see me play Xeno blades 3 and why Evee you’re always so cryptic hi Sydney welcome I hope you’re doing

Well I hope you had a good weekend as well um thank you for for popping in and saying hi nice to have you here right have we got anything else yeah I don’t know I’ve said I’m going to play it now cuz I know uh you guys have recommended that I think that

Was why one of the first games that you you recommended to me I think ay was celest and then um we ended up on on a on a undertale peer pressure session for a while um so uh yeah I think I think Celeste is going to have to be next

Um and then after that we’ll see we’ll see what comes next Let’s uh get this chopped and we can do that I’d like to decorate in here at some point and make it look all nice kind of does the Zeno blade only kill for no what you

Don’t you don’t want me to look ahead and see what you what you’re talking about that’s why you’re being cryptic okay I get that I understand it just it it’s like when you say like that it’s like oh no what’s what what would I have to deal with if I

Were to play that game though it makes me worried let’s see what is on the board oh shall we oh hang on have I done that I don’t feel like I have done that Quest no shall we spend some time oh but we need to do that one as well

Let’s go and spend some time in the mines and see if we can uh oh I tell you what we could oh no we’re not going to make it to bed if I don’t go home and I like to get out of the habit of passing out um I’ve been doing it a

Lot when I’ve been playing this game Cena blade kills almost everyone in one chapter what what um okay yeah it sounds [Laughter] fun it’s going to be a great time I don’t know if I stream that or not I’m not sure okay right we’re just making it to bed hello child

We could also do with um I think I mentioned last Star Stream we were going to sort out um getting one of the obelisks as well weren’t we so we need to have a look at that as well Hey Jude hey Seb I was mumbling in my sleep

He seems scared but I have to admit it was kind of cute I like his dialogue he’s sweet there you go have an egg Sebastian okay that is all still cooking fine um let’s pop that in there we’ll put the shall we change yeah let’s um hang on a minute we do

That let’s change the picture in here we’ll do a little bit of redecorating oh it’s oh I like that better yeah I like that one better right the other picture can go in the shed then in the chest that we’ve got let’s grab our tea go and put some things

Away and then we will uh we’ll go in head into the mine um I think what I might need to do is actually reset it right why did I just do that uh add to stack add no add to there we go um nope you are not what I’m looking

For you there we go oh and then I have some Stone there we go right that’s all organized away Let’s uh water the dog and then say hello to him that’s Watson for anyone that is new here doesn’t know this is Watson the horsey Sherlock um that shed isn’t done yet but

We have all of our tea ready okay A little jumo are doing things okay let’s grab this and these things here and we can get those going as well uh that one’s not doing anything uh you don’t ay you don’t know anything about Xeno Blade no see I don’t

Either it’s a game that I’ve heard of a lot but I have have no idea what it’s about what the premises of it or anything like what like what the actual point of the game is um you know is there a story things to sorry guys I didn’t mean

To scare you I’m just I’m replanting cuz you picked things for me can I put something there I can there we go right we can sell all of the oh let’s pop the uh seeds up way go we play don’t look ahead okay no the thing is with me is I only

Will look up things if I get stuck um when I’m actually playing a game so if there something that I really really am struggling to oh that was stupid wasn’t it um if I’m really struggling to complete something like a certain like little section or or whatever um I

Will I will look up um like Solutions and things I don’t think we need those um I’ll do that but I don’t generally um go in search of spoilers of things um as a as a rule unless unless I am it’s a it’s a game that maybe like takes

A lot um like tears of the Kingdom I after the first stream I ever did of that I quickly realized that I needed to um I needed to maybe be aware of everything that was going on in in that game um just to make this streams a little

Bit easier on myself um I look up everything star yeah that’s because I can’t remember like how much things are to build in that that’s not spoilers um that’s just me being practical in Remembering trying to not have to remember everything um yeah that’s that’s more like when the there certain

Fish can be caught and that kind of thing that’s just that’s helpful things it’s not storyline I for me it’s it’s not like I’m going looking up um all of the heart events for all the characters cuz that’s spoilers I had no idea when I reached Perfection on my

Year 12 Farm uh recently I had no idea what um all the cut scenes and things were I all I knew was that um when you hit Perfection the boulder um blocking the staircase at the train station is removed it’s all I need I knew nothing else and I was happy with

That so it was a lovely surprise to then play through um that section and actually get to see that and experience that and i’ not come across it um with anyone else who I watch um play Star Valley like on YouTube or twitch or anything I’ve never

Seen that at all so I’ve never spoiled myself with that in all of the years I’ve been playing um which was really that was I’m quite impressed that I haven’t actually come across it before um I don’t think I think if you went in search of it you could probably find it

But yeah I’ve never really come across anyone that’s reached Perfection and and and showed it all on on video on stream so uh Z blade is in jrpg but the story is nice to see for the first time okay right forget I said that okay Stefan you heard

Nothing I think I told you that anyway I think I have mentioned that when we’ve uh talked about this before right let’s put things in here um and we’re going to go up to the mine um yeah we’re going to go to the mine and I’m going to reset it cuz I think

It’s on hard mode essentially um and then from the mines if we take that and that I think I think that’s all I need for the mountain Obelisk um though the beach one would probably actually be far more useful right now so maybe we take

Those just I think the beach one is more expensive but that’s okay cuz that even if it’s a million that would still leave us with 600,000 so it’s not a big deal right um let’s just so decisive yeah let’s go oh hang on a minute um can I can I sneaky sneak

This before anything gets me I can okay well that was handy right so we need to go to level 120 and we’re going to reset that and then tomorrow we can come in the mines and see if we can find the uh Prismatic jelly right and then we’re going To best place is probably just to come back here and then wander down into the woods through the farm cuz we can fast travel to the bottom of the farm so let’s do that okay there we go hi JZ can talk to you I need to get her

Friendship level up to like seven or eight either her or Vincent cuz they have something for the wallet that I need um which will come in handy okay so let’s do that so hi say hello to you um and then let’s go here so let’s have a look all right we’ve got the

Mountains oh that’s cheaper than I thought it was okay so we could get both of them okay so yeah let’s let’s get both of these I just need to figure out where they’re going to go this is the uh this is the issue um I had thought about maybe clearing

This little area and and putting them like in in I know they won’t fit in here at the moment but I had thought about that but all four won’t fit in that little spot so I think I think for now maybe they go there Or they need to be in a really convenient location makes them easy to use so I think I think there is just going to have to be it okay oh there goes my money right let’s do this one as well um okay and then we can just pop

That next well in front of it there oh yeah no yeah that’ll that’s fine it’ll work it’ll work it’s fine it’s all good right let’s go okay we need to cook some more idium actually let’s just run back in here and just double check what we need for the

Others I think I’ve got one I need for the um desert one as well I think it’s just the idium that I need yeah I think I’ve got the coconuts and the cactus it’s just the money and the idium so we need to get some more aridium cooking and then we

Need the dragon’s tooth is going to hold that up so that’ll be the last one that we get which is about right I think that’s the last one most people end up getting um but yeah so we apart from the money and the aridium we have what we need for

The uh the desert one so when we build our money back up we get another million um let’s get that cleared we can uh we can do that we can get that built um I am going to have to rearrange where things go have a move

Around on the farm I think we can maybe spend a stream doing that um I’m not going to worry about that right now though um so I might move the shed that’s tooked at the side of my house maybe and put the obelisks there um oh no don’t walk into the

Stone so yeah we might have a a reshuffle of things I just don’t see the point in having them at like the cuz I do use them I don’t see the point in having them at the bottom of the farm and then I have to go all the way to the bottom

Of the farm too I use little fast travel point to use them before I even get to the obelis I just I don’t know um right so yeah I think I think they’ll I think they work fine like lined up like this cuz I just do that and then that

Takes me to the beach so there we go Elliot would you like some coffee no don’t go your house yet yes it is for you do you all want coffee I have coffee come here okay here there we go and then we can just talk to everyone hello Shane thank

You I don’t actually need to give Shane anything to be honest um I think I’m at eight hearts with him cuz we have the blue chickens so um yeah so that is a a waste of a c waste of a cup of coffee to be honest um right and there we go right

Let’s head back into town and we’ll have a wonder and we’ll go in we’ll go into this uh Saloon and see if there’s anyone in the saloon we’ll just talk to people um oh Leah hi hi Leah can ick o gold bar of the bin oh and yeah whatever whatever Clint I

Don’t care anyway uh hi P Okay g Emily is there no one in here no one else in here here I’m really sorry would you like some coffee to make up for that I just a little Trash Panda I can’t help [Laughter] it did you have I beaten the game in the saloon

No that game stresses me out I can’t deal with the junimo cart thing playing the the the is it the prairie king game with Abigail is uh bad enough okay let’s get all this cleared there we go give me all of the fibers got some more forid which is

Good um we should have if I actually drink the coffee we’ve got time to run down here uh can I get in Haley’s room I can hi Haley [Laughter] rude it’s telling me I smell earthy um you can have some coffee okay let’s go in here and see if

Anyone is right sami’s in bed Jody’s no way to oh oh I think she she just tooked him in you are adorable he’s not asleep though yet look his eyes are open that’s just weird right let’s run back we’ll go back this way it’s fine and we’ll run back up and put the

Things away and sell the other things that we need oh no that we don’t need sorry we’re not selling things that we need dear be right um let’s go into here as well grab the Jade there we go um don’t need anything from there there we go those in

There put those in there um I feel like we might actually need coral for something right and clams so let’s just put those in there for now am I familiar with the term adorable I am I say that not often but I do why do you ask such a random

Question some people sleep with their eyes open yeah but it’s it’s creepy my cat does it sometimes and it really really creeps me out yeah he is uh he’s special is that one that cat sell that and that there we go okay oh dog you’re in the way right

We’ll go around we’ll walk around so as not to disturb the dog because that’s the type of person I am it seems when I play video games can’t be disturbing the fake dog in our game did I let me go to sleep thank you okay right we’ll head into the mines and

See if we can excuse me find this Prismatic um slime morning Sebastian yes I will take some coffee off you and you can have an egg okay cool we’re even you give me coffee I’ll give you eggs the perfect breakfast combination okay let’s see oh I know a couple of recipes I thought

I send you one maybe it’ll help you mine more ore or something Bean hot pot okay let’s see if we can make that getting some of these ticked off the list um is it oh there we go right so let’s pop that away oh oh no

Oh oh hang on a minute is there things that we can take to the mine um is that anything that has oh you are good for the mine Um let’s just see oh you anything else foraging foraging that’s fishing that’s a good health one I should just sell the beer we’re not going to drink it it makes you drunk I don’t want to make my little character drunk can you make bacon no you can’t make bacon no cuz that would

Require the death of our pigs and I don’t want our pigs to die so uh yeah I’m I’m glad that isn’t a thing in the in this game yeah there’s no I think the only the only meat things in this game um there is a burger which I can’t remember the recipe for

But I I think it’s uh where is the survival burger at there see that’s a it’s a vegan burger survival Burger is a vegan burger um the only thing uh that requires meat is the fish um when you’re using fish anything uh like um like seafood related um but other than

That you there’s there’s nothing that would require the use of of your your poor cows and sheep and pigs which I’m very very glad about cuz there’s no way I would uh be dealing with that like butchering your little piggy Pals in pet yeah yes that made me so sad don’t like

That yeah this is it’s like if you watch me play Tears of the Kingdom I don’t often guys stop the I never hunt anything so the only the way that I end up with um meat in links inventory is if I’ve have scanned in amiibos um or I’ve

Picked it up from uh bobbins who have been carrying it on their little backpacks um I don’t hunt in those games I just I can’t I can’t do it um you know I might sell that this this time and I’ll going to sell that as well

Um I think I might sell those as well rather than make all the things we’ll do that this time um I’m going to sell that one I’ll keep that one for Leo we’ll sell that I’m going to keep that on me actually cuz we’re going in the mines and I can’t remember

What cheese I’ve got I did go in I went in here didn’t I no okay right we’ll make some more mayonnaise though okay and that one and did you know we can use one of Sebastian’s eggs that’s fine we’ve got like 20 OD killing fish is fine they’re not

Cute no but there’s still a creature I still wouldn’t like to kill them I don’t like the idea of fishing um my dad used to fish I didn’t like it yeah I just yeah anyway it’s just how I am I guess um right let’s go and pop

This uh we’ll leave all the tea we can gather that later we need to get in the mine I’m going to leave all of that as well I just I need just empty pocket of things I don’t need um right the feather can Go in this chest here there we go you should have named the horse Mayo because then it would be May mayonnaise that’s funny Eevee I like that um but he matches the dog so he is uh he is here’s Sherlock to the dogs Watson do I have cheese I don’t

Have cheese in the okay okay oh I do have I’m blind so we’ll take the cheese um we’ll pop that actually there and then under there cuz then I can just scroll down I think what we might do is just we’ll just head down and do a few

Levels and if we don’t find anything um this doesn’t [Laughter] stop I don’t think he’s [Laughter] here um yeah I think we’ll just we’ll just wonder and see if we can find this uh Prismatic slime can find the ladder and then we can just uh right we got the

Ladder cuz I could do with knocking a few more of these guys off the uh eradication goals anyway right there we go right cuz I know I know that is um a way to get this well not get it to spawn but I I remember reading somewhere that if

You went to certain levels and just readed those like three levels over and over and over again eventually it may turn up now I’ve not had any Joy with that at all I don’t know why I’m collecting Stone I don’t need it um do you need to find the

Barrel not the bar why did I say that why why the ladder is anything else on here don’t need copper for as I’m aware I don’t need copper anything down here no okay let’s head down to the next we have any slimes anywhere hello oh we have you you’re a normal one

Though right let’s find the way down I can see it’s not actually completing this Quest especially not oh oh yay it’s a good job I have my Galaxy sword okay let’s go o two in one that was good going don’t jump at me there we go have we got a dogy here

No we have the ladder there we go cool right where are you little Rainbow Slime I would like oh I would like you to come out now no do not jump at me not scared of you slime I’ve been dealing with Gloom hands in Phantom Ganon nothing scares me

Now I’m facing my fears in tears of the Kingdom guys you’ll be proud of me right where is the ladder where are you oh it’s there honestly my brain today um I’ll grab you though there’s no doggies in there right there’s the ladder do we have any slime I don’t

Think we’ve got any slimes on this level I think there’s nothing on this level right let’s uh let’s drink some coffee and run back down to that ladder then h I may do a session where I just reload the these three levels um and we can see if I get what

We’re looking for oh I need you thank you um but yeah I’ve never had it work that way so I don’t I don’t know if anyone’s got any suggestions for how to uh for like best levels for prismatic slime let me know cuz I’ve always seemed to come

Across it in the top levels when I have found it so it may just be a case of let’s be patient and it will arrive at some point but in the meantime we can work on our monster eradication goals which I have done the bug one I think oh excuse

Me you come at me thank you you want to go watch Liverpool I hope they have a good match Rie thank you for uh for joining for a little while and uh yeah I uh I really do hope they have a good match um it will mean

My brother will be in a good mood if they uh if they win who are they I’m not sure who the who they playing if you’re still here who are they playing be interested to know there’s nothing there is there anything in here nope you get rid of you oh I’ll take you

Though thank you you can go oh come here I need you there we go oh ow sneaky fulam ah okay oh and they’ve gone to London oh they’ve traveled down to London okay right H I would say that Liverpool should win that right not to uh insult Fulham Google says Fulham in London

Thanks Stephan though I think you guys across the pond would say full ham right I don’t think you you would pronounce it how we do but it’s full them they were two goal lead uh which they need defend uh okay yeah I uh I think that is doable

For for Liverpool I feel like they’re capable of that there we go oh little doggy come here cuz I think you are a goal that I I I need I need to uh actually check on the monster radication goals and see what the numbers are I said fulam yeah well that’s how it’s

Pronounced it’s not pronounced full ham it’s pronounced [Laughter] Fulham you got two for you yeah yeah it’s uh that’s how we say these things it’s fulam you’d say you’d say say fom fom Pham it’s fulam how can they be fim when West Ham is with yeah with yeah I don’t know go wait

No yeah little doggies oh I got some boots I don’t need those boots but thank you anyway for the gift little little doy guys i’ still really like a rainbow slime right about now I’m going to have to leave soon oh let’s go down here Pham there he is

Hi yay we did it I am shooker I can’t believe I managed to get that on first try that’s uh that’s never happened before I’ve not I’ve had like in the past three attempts at that Quest or more even um to actually complete it I can’t believe I did that I

Can’t believe that thing I can’t believe it turned up yeah okay that’s good so that’s done so we don’t have to spend another day in the mine which I’m really glad about so let’s quickly get things thrown away into the respective chests okay um you go in there those need to go

Back in the chest of the mine and then we can um go and give the wizard his uh rainbow Prismatic jelly tomorrow get into bed there we go it’s also rotten H which they misspell all the time okay can you get rainbow slime in the Slime hook no as far as I’m

Aware the only time that you can ever come across a prismatic slime or a rainbow slime is when you are doing that quest for the wizard um and it has a really low percentage um I’m sorry dog you are going to have to uh be shuffled along

Thank you um it has a really low spawn percentage um so I am I’m quite surprised I actually found it on that first try that’s uh never happened as Shane is giving us some food thank you very much sir it’d be great if uh if you could

Um get them in the in the little slime hook it would it would make it more appealing for me to be honest I uh I never bother with the with the slime slime hutches um I think I did it once I I did get it on

My um my year 12 like Perfection farm and then I got rid of it um it’s it’s such a big building and that farm is uh is the is on the hilltop farm so space is a premium on that farm um right let’s all of this stuff that they’ve

Harvested for me little jumos work so hard um you are all ready now actually is there any point my sweet J berries get you all sold there’s actually probably there’s probably no point in um planting anything else because we are so near the end of the

Season it’s just a waste so let’s get things sold I can’t believe we’re on Thursday already as well that is uh Gone very quickly I’m going to sell those we’ll sell the beets um I think I might keep those they’ll make a good gift I’ll keep those

As well these can all be sold I keep yeah we’ll sell those things there we go right so let’s go in here and um no we need those in there I need a chest for flowers I don’t have a chest for flowers maybe we put it in the

Forage no yeah oh yeah I look I put it in the forage in that’s fine right um these boots do not need right let’s go and Do the animals and then we’ll run down to the wizard and collect our prize for uh for doing his quest for him and then we’ll spend the weekend I think at uh Ginger Island um let’s see we’ll that into Mayo there we go And there we go there we are let’s go in here see what’s going on in here oh hi Mr Milk one two three I didn’t realize I had three pigs i’ also got three goats but every little helps right um um let’s uh make some truffle oil right we’ll sell whatever else we

Have on us um that can go that can go I’m going to sell six of those actually let’s sell those them and then the goat’s cheese needs to go back to the chest in the mine must remember to do that but we’re going to go and see the wizard the wonderful Wizard of

Oz and we’re going to give him his Prismatic jelly oh there we go um we might actually we’ll have a look in the secret Woods as well cuz I’ve not been in there for a little while so we can go and have a look in there and we’ll grab some of the hard

We’ll we’ll grab the hardwood that’s in there um here you go sir ah you returned from the hunt I sense that you were successful well yeah I’ve just given I’m just giving you a jar of rainbow slime now hand over the jelly and be gone I have important work

To do you’re so rude stormy days are the only time I can commune with certain Elementals really I don’t expect you to understand he’s so Charming such a charma going to have a sip in my tea time are we on it’s only8 okay so i’ say where we need to go as

Well we need to go to Clint we’ve got geod to um assess I think there was a golden coconut in the chest outside his uh his little house as well so we can uh we can do that let’s actually collect our reward thank you very much sir thank you getting lots of

Rubbish we can sell that I guess because because because because because cuz is one of things he does and that’s all she wrote cuz I don’t sing anymore for copyright purposes I need to upgrade my bin that needs to be on the list at some point come on could also do with um

Spending some time in the ice levels of the mines uh cuz there’s there’s two things that we have missing from the museum and they can be gotten from the Frozen geodes not these normal ones so it would be good um I’m not going to sell those

Things um it would be good if uh if we were able to get like a pile of uh Frozen GE outs and then we can uh we can maybe get those last two things how do I feel about Steamboat Willie being free domain I bet there’s a

Lot of people having a lot of fun with that I haven’t seen any of it I didn’t realize that that uh it was but that wow that shows how how long ago that was made that’s crazy but uh yeah I uh I’m I’m sure there’s uh lots of creative people have

Uh have got their hands on that um well that’s a good thing or a bad thing I’m really not [Laughter] sure um I can only imagine what people are doing to that poor Mouse um let’s uh sell those right there’s already horror movies in a in a game oh doesn’t do you

Know I don’t if that surprises me or not other be oh goodness me yeah I I had don’t know um do I need I don’t need anything from there we have things to put in there though and then we can do that in there you know

There and things to go in there and things to go in there yeah that’s uh it doesn’t surprise me I don’t think um let’s going to put these pineapple seeds in here right I think that is everything for the farm so let’s head over to Ginger Island we’ll

Go to the beach I’m hoping mind you we can get into uh Willie’s shop anyway even if he isn’t there he is so high hello sir right let’s head over here oh I’ve forgot um I’ve forgotten um I forgotten who is it Leo’s oh mango wine I forgotten Leo’s feathers but it’s

Okay we can just we can talk to him anyway I’ll go find him he isn’t in his house he might be at the back of the island let’s go and see is he here right he’s not stood outside you in here no he’s not in here right can you

Tell me where there’s a a wellnut one buried in the west okay one buried in the West have to figure that out that might be let’s just have a look do I have the I missing Journal pieces is this one where’s the other it might be that one that we’re

Missing so let’s go and have a look yes this is already perfect so we’ll uh we’ll Harvest all of this should have brought some more pathing over cuz I don’t think I’ve got any more of that wooden plank pathing here it annoys me that it gets destroyed

I wish that wasn’t a thing I wish once you put your your paths and things down they stayed is there anything to pick up down here yep just you one lonely piece of coral okay okay let’s do this right so it said it’s like somewhere here I think I’ve done this

One yeah there’s nothing here I am going to uh repair that though cuz I can’t leave I can’t leave those things so I wonder if it’s the other one on the other side um cuz I got the one up here let me just get my sword out there’s one behind

That tree and I got that one I’m pretty sure I got that one I’m come on then don’t jump at me oh you’ve slimed me stop just stop okay okay there’s no need yeah I got the one behind here right yes so it’s not that one so I think it may

Be the one over here I think it’s down this bottom such go away weeds don’t need you so I think it’s here somewhere right that’s this is that this yeah that’s right is it in this corner okay well h not there then I’ve already got that one

Um I had this the other day when I was playing on the co-op Farm um with a couple of friends I had that um I had the parrot say the same thing to me this no but the the ones that we’ve that I know of here are the ones that we’ve

Got you may have to do some some digging around in places sell that we got anything to go in there no this house needs decorating as well and um at some point we’re going to go to bed early cuz I don’t want to make a start

On sing out all the crops and then run out of time and not Harvest them all I want to do them all on one day did you know that in The Sims you could fall in love with death yes I did know that I play The

Sims I haven’t played for a little while actually I um but yeah I uh I think the last time I played for a while when they um The Horse Ranch pack came out and uh I gave I’m I uh I I didn’t I I got the horse

Pack um but I uh I haven’t built or or made Sims in the in the New World um I love the um I can’t think what it’s called now is it Bagley on Heaton um the uh the the the cottage living um world I love that it’s very like English Countryside like little

Village um to like sort of area so most of my Sims will live there um so I I have a SIM that lives in a house in um one of the houses that has um quite a bit of like Garden around it it’s got quite a decent sort of size

Land to it so I ripped up part of the garden that was just there when the H when I I moved the Sim into the house I didn’t make it um and I uh yeah I made a stable block and a paddock um for a couple of horses

And yeah I made a horse that looked like one that I used to ride I think I even named him the same as well cuz that’s the type of person I am and then I think I adopted one as well so yeah I I I love

That pack I just I don’t don’t seem to get on my Xbox as often as I would like to um cuz I try to avoid playing on my Xbox before I stream uh just so I’m not pressing wrong buttons on on the controllers um there’s also a weird bug

Fix that makes it so kids can’t leave school if the school is on fire oh my word that’s terrible goodness me um right let’s see what the wizard is sending us the specimen you delivered offered great insight into the into the mashing nations of the of the fell beings we call

Monsters we for I formulated a pungent TR trure that these beings find intoxicating use it with caution monster musk you know I’ve never used that maybe we should try that oh we’ve got the spooky Festival I will go to that cuz I like to grab a golden pumpkin to sell

Um so yeah I we we shall be doing that let’s Harvest everything here there we go yeah I hope that bug gets fixed soon um for those that have that pack and play the like the high school stuff that must be kind of scary your beloved Sims children get

Trapped in the school that’s not great there’s too many ways for The Sims these poor Sims to die no don’t Harvest those before you’ve harvested these we’ll get to the ob jeans it’s fine right there you go okay um what did I say I had to keep here uh the keeping the

Coffee I think I’ll still sell the star quality though cuz it grows so quick um that we can uh we’ll soon build up our our coffee reserves um cuz it does make a good gift as well um so it is it is worth having a pile of coffee I

Guess so let’s do this we can sell all of the oh no no no no no not you selling all of you uh we’ll keep you okay uh there we go tomatoes are on and the corn yeah we’ll have a Wonder around the island we’ll see if we can find any more uh

Walnuts and um we’ll see what the uh the the Mr Keys Quest is as well I know there’s only like 3 days until it resets but we might be able to do it maybe depending on what this is It’s pineapples we need to keep as well eggplant it’s an

Oine but you know we have weird words for things over here and I know they call it an eggplant in the game I I know that but when I play on my own I’m allowed to call it an noine okay right let’s get these things sold let’s

Actually drink some coffee so we can move a little bit faster faster Run l l run right uh I am keeping pineapples selling those ones though we’re going to sell the tea um we’ll keep the ginger as well okay now do I have things in the no um I’ll put that in there it doesn’t go in there I have Tower

Route in here no we need to actually get a little stock of those cuz there are things that we can trade with a little Trader for those um I’m going to leave that Ginger right let me just try this again it’s def definitely must have got it no

Here yeah I think I’ve definitely got the Walnut from this area I’ll tidy that up in a second um it’s not like there’s one there or anything let’s go in here for a second um let’s just double check this see we’ve got two things that need shipping

Farm levels are done we need to sort out the Friendship levels we’ve now got two aists on the farm which is good so we’re just working towards the other two so the crafting and the cooking were pretty much almost done with which is good this were over 50% done

But yeah um no we won’t do either of those I’m not going to do a school cabin cabin Cavern run um cuz I just speedrun it with L uh with ladders stairs but yeah I’m not I’m not doing that um I need to figure out where this Walnut

Is cuz it’s going to BG me and I need to fix this said buried in the west but let’s see it’s not like there’s one there you’re annoying go away as I you it’s not like there’s anything there’s nothing there and I’ve got the ones from where they

Are and this one will have done as well yeah cuz that’s like a really easy one what I say is a color no what I say is a vegetable I’d love to know why you guys call it an eggplant have I done this one

Yes why is it an egg pun it doesn’t look like an egg teach me teach me your ways why why why why you call obene eggplant I got some I think we had a couple of we have one I’m not planting one we’ll wait where could it be am I forgetting something somewhere

Nope right it’s not there why is it an oine you doesn’t look like an over I don’t know if it’s something to do with a color I’m guessing it’s a French influence Um I would have to look it up and uh tell you later um but yeah I I think I think think it would be um I think it’s something to do with the color this is really annoying this I think this parrot is is giving me wrong information there’s nothing on the beach

File is there any markings on here that I’ve missed cuz there’s one there which I’ve got there is there one along here we’ve got that one unless there’s a one of the notes no because the the parrot wouldn’t tell me right uh do you do you think I’d like little

Misfortune I’ve not even heard of that hi Leo i’ not even heard of that game what’s it about Eevee share your knowledge of this game it’s not here is it like no oh I’m just guessing now I don’t know this is this is so annoying nope don’t make me look this up I don’t want to look this

Up darn parrots right let’s go to the dig site because this is just annoying I might like it but it’s it might be too dark okay emotional horror Adventure darking jokes but upbeating tone so maybe I might like it h I’m not sure about the horror that it’s the the the

Word horror is putting me off I have to say I don’t want nightmares when I play play a game a girl who is visited by a mi a Mr voice you’re going to have to elaborate on this you have to you you have to sell me this game have I got this one

Yeah yeah you need to sell me this sell me on this game e but yeah the word horror is definitely putting me off if that’s the case Stephan um not a fan of that we’re definitely not in the west now on the island this is a

Mess I haven’t been up here for ages oh Celeste has some horror elements are you kidding me I hope not like proper proper horror or we or is it just scary are we talking like Gloom hands scary or like proper horror cuz if so I’m not I’m not playing that

Game I’ll find something else to play yes sir please be the one I’ve been waiting for oh that’s disappointing does this actually give any good information on things that we need to oh no I think that’s that’s to do with the mermaid we have done that we’ve got that that’s

Fine the animation’s cute oh okay maybe maybe I uh I look up this game later oh we’ve got another Journal scrap please be the one please please okay we’re going I’ll tidy the rest of that up later we uh we we have a thing to get right so it’s horror like Gloom

Hands I don’t don’t that’s not horror that’s just scary yes perfect oh hang no we need to fix hi fix there we go right perfect right let’s uh carry on cleaning this up that done let’s see what is in here yeah that’s not too bad I don’t

Mind that I just don’t want like proper horror stuff I wouldn’t want to stream anything like that um I know you guys are all on the older side but and my content is always marked not made for children but I still would prefer it to be on the nicer lighter a familyfriendly

Side for my sake as much as everyone else’s I uh you know I’m I’m sort of I’m very very aware of trying to keep things family friendly um I have a a nephew who watches YouTube and he’s he’s not old so um yeah I like to and he knows I

Stream as well um so I like to make sure that if he ever comes across my content um that he would be okay to actually watch it um I can’t reach that oh uh right uh Little Miss is a game about finding out about your family and

Who this Mr voice is oh Stephan you just watched a scene about about George and you wouldn’t recommend it to anyone okay then so yeah no we uh will not be what uh playing that game Sorry Eevee um I won’t I won’t play any games off your horror game list I’m [Laughter]

Sorry right um have I got things that I can check out yes I’m more valuable um seeds I’m not particularly bother we could take that away Um you know we could probably dump the Slime as well we do have plenty of that right let’s uh head back to the farm no I I’m guessing that why not is for Stefan um Eevee right I personally am not a fan of horror anything um uh so you can’t deal with anything

Like that and yeah he yeah he uh yeah he knows um a lot of the games that I like so yeah if Stephanie is saying that I probably wouldn’t play it then he’s probably right uh by the sounds of it I’m no I’m playing Celeste but you’re saying

Celeste as far as I was aware Celeste isn’t a horror game um that’s not a horror game so I don’t know why that would be on your horror list kind of confuses me uh let’s get rid of that um and then we’ll we’ll head home so yeah I

Uh what the the the what is it the little miss the little Misfortune game comes with some serious trigger warnings and content warnings yeah okay no definitely not nope that’s a a hard pass then I probably mean I probably wouldn’t even entertain the idea of that then off

Stream um there are games that I I play off stream that I wouldn’t play on stream um not that they’re like horrible or anything they’re just not the type of content that I like to stream um oh yeah no I’m no we’re not playing games with that type of content I

Struggle to read books with that type of content um so I am Not yeah I uh I’m not uh I’m not playing a game with that I wouldn’t even watch a film or anything with that type of stuff in it like the yeah I it just I would I would struggle to sit through anything with those trigger

Warnings um if I do have to read a book that I’m like reviewing or anything with stuff like that in I always make a point of um highlighting the content warnings within my review before we even get into the review um I wish that was more of a

Thing uh with books um where it actually gives you the trigger warnings before you even start um it’s not fun to uh to come across stuff that you really don’t want to read about um without any right let’s uh let’s head to bed see I think I’m going to uh I’m

Going now you’re cuz you’re saying that Eevee I’m going to actually look up more I’m going to play a little bit more as celest um oh we got a fairies that I do we have it oh little fairy coming yeah I think I’m going to I’m

Going to probably jump on my Xbox maybe um I’m trying to think what I’ve got on tomorrow maybe tomorrow afternoon and just get into that a little bit more and see and look up some things um so that if I play if I decide to carry and still play that on stream

It won’t be like a full-on blind playthrough which I’m quite happy with um in all honesty no don’t don’t stop recommending games for me I mean I have a a decent list in the Discord um but uh yeah just stay away from like fullon horror things um yeah and uh and anything

Yeah just yeah just I don’t want anything that’s going to scare me to death and give me nightmares to be honest I scare very easily um so yeah I mean it’s taken me what when did I start I started playing started breath of no breath of the Wild start tear of a kingdom

In May of this year when it came out um and I have only this past week actually Gone In Search of Gloom hands um so I can get uh bows and things um and the dark clumps that I need for uh armor upgrades um it’s taken a little while to

Actually go and deal with them because they terrify me and I got to that point in breath of the wild with the with the Guardians as well they they scared me so much um when I first started but I don’t class any of that as horror at all it’s

Just it’s dark they are dark they are creepy they’re not horror um okay it’s oh it’s late in the game well I might just have to complete the game then at the weekend no I wouldn’t do that um I might have a I might do a little bit of uh a

Looking up and just see I I won’t spoil spoil anything uh don’t drink the milk um no I no I don’t think I’d even I don’t want anything with any element of horror in it it’s just not my thing um so no you’ll never you’ll never get me to play

Anything that is classed as a horror game no sorry sorry to disappoint you I’m sorry I’m a disappointment eie Let’s uh make uh uh some truffle oil there we go yeah okay let’s get those sold uh we’ll sell that you know I’m going to sell those pancakes as well don’t need the

Food we’ll sell those and those and that okay let’s Mo did I come in here no let’s do that right the chanting part I’ll try and remember that so I can look that up I like to be prepared um and Y we’ll sell that there we go pop

That in there right let’s get these things why are you all crowding around the barns you have so much room why are you all there you’re all being weird yeah well I’m going to find out so then I’ll I’ll know I want to find out about that okay

Um nothing you you go there okay right um let’s double check this and I think my k keg shed was done as well so let’s Harvest all of this stuff but yeah at the at the moment Celeste is is what we’ll play next unless I deem it too scary but I don’t

Think it is I feel like ay cuz ay was the one that very first spoke to me about that game um and I feel like he’s been watching my content and kind of has a an idea of like how I am and what games I I

Kind of like um that he would have mentioned that um if it was like fullon horror so um he he wouldn’t have even recommended it I can uh I I I think I’m I’m right in saying that there’s no way that he would have recommended that game if it had

Been like an actual horror game so at the moment we we’ll play Celeste if not there’s CTO is another one on the um on the list as well that he also recommended um they were like the first two um that were on the list so it spooked you one part okay that’s

Not if it’s just like jump scares or something it’s that’s not so bad you know I’ve had plenty of that in Zelda it’s not that’s not a big deal um I just don’t want to play a horror game that’s essentially a video game a horror film that’s a video

Game sorry let me say that right so yeah um keep those we’ll sell all of that you know we don’t really need the pine cones um let’s put the bananas in there jum scar St yeah yeah yes yeah there’s a few of them as well it is a jump scare okay I’m fine

With that I’m fine with the jump scare that’s not a problem jump scares are fine um yeah uh right let’s go and put the this ancient fruit in this chest oh we’ve got Cinder shards I’ll deal with that in a moment actually let’s not get distracted let’s

Um right okay so what do we got in here is that gonna I don’t think I’ve got enough ancient fruit on me we’ll soon find out why am I doing the right side first no I hate the way this works on the switch there we go

Okay right oh no we have we’ve got enough we’ve got plenty in there okay uh you need one and in there oh come on thank you that’s the only spooky part you think i’ like the Cat Quest I’m sure I will it’s a Cat Quest that sounds wonderful

Uh everything’s moving in there right I haven’t missed no I haven’t missed that’s good right we need to we need to get some more um some more ancient fruit you’d love to watch me play stray oh have I not told you my experience of stray I uh there’s a streamer that

I no it’s on stray is on PlayStation and I think it’s now available on Xbox I don’t think it’s on Game Pass though I’d have to double check that I could be wrong um it’s more than likely I’m wrong um but I am I uh yeah I started to

Watch I don’t know if it was sh no was it was it Mar was it in the littlewood I think either in little wood or no I think it might have been shovel who I mainly watch for her YouTube um Minecraft content I’ve been watching her for years um

And I I um I she was playing stray on Twitch and I was like oh I want to see what this games like I was a little bit dubious um about trying it when it would you know if it ever came available like on

Um on on the Xbox so I don’t think it’s ever going to come to switch I can’t and I wouldn’t play it on the switch it’s the kind of game that I I just wouldn’t think of playing on the switch it would have to be the Xbox I think it would run

It better um I didn’t I think I got about 15 minutes with into that stream and had to turn it off and I know I’ve been told like like the bad thing that happens is um like kind of the worst thing that happens um to the

Cat uh but yeah I uh I was like nope I don’t think I could get through this game I’m really not sure um but I think I think I can get it on where am I going where do I need to go I’m going oh no oh well that’s disappointing and I

Can’t restart the day just for a mushroom tree it’s fine I can go get seeds it’s not a problem um but yeah so I am uh I’m a little bit wary a little bit jub of uh the cats look incredible the world looks really interesting too uh so yeah

That um that was probably it would be an uh an off stream Xbox gaming experience I think and then if I enjoyed it and I felt like I was able to stream it and it was okay to stream on the channel then I would consider that um but yeah I think

I think I would need to uh I’d need to um Try It Out book snacks if there spiders in it there’s no way there’s no way I am uh there’s no way I am uh uh playing that if there are spiders we don’t do spiders here um right oh look what I forgotten

To do there we go the cats are amazing they are 12 actors help with the map and meow sounds cool yeah I need to I think maybe maybe give it a go on the Xbox and just see um I feel like I need Cinder shards for

Something that I need to craft so I’m going to put them in here excuse me doggo Cat Quest yeah I’ve not heard of that either but it’s cats right it’s cats act cats they uh yeah I seen like little bits of behind the scenes of uh how they did strike

And that Tabby is he’s gorgeous um right there’s nothing finished in there so yeah I uh I will hunt that down unless you um can get the link readily available for me you can DM it to me if you would like to um right okay I shouldn’t have sold those normal

Coconuts I don’t like so this is the weird thing Eevee I Spider-Man’s actually my favorite Marvel hero he was I think that’s purely because um Spider-Man was my first Marvel hero encounter um followed by the X-Men um so I actually do like Spider-Man the issue I have with Spider-Man is uh

Having to deal with how we became Spider-Man like in the films um I love all of the Spider-Man films uh Toby Maguire is my original Spider-Man um but I uh and so that that sort of that is like special because it’s my uh uh he was like my

First Spider-Man but I absolutely uh love um Andrew Garfield Spider-Man he just he he acts with every part of him um and it’s wonderful so yeah I I really do like Andrew Garfield and Tom Holland does a great job as well I like the the recent Spider-Man films as well I think

They’re great and like the tie into um um like with Iron Man and and the Avengers and everything I think that’s really I think that’s really cool they’ve done they did a good job with all of that he doesn’t fish anymore did I not clarify that I said he

Used to fish he doesn’t fish anymore I don’t think he’s even got any of his like fishing rods or anything anymore um much uh to uh my delight and my mom’s as well so yeah he doesn’t fish anymore let’s grab this stuff Um going to leave all of the other bits and pieces in there oh oh oh oh oh oh I forgot we we need to go and get a golden pumkin so let’s uh let’s wait we’ll stand here till 10: and then we’ll go because we can speak to

Everyone as well um which will be good there we are right let’s say hello to everyone wasn’t there a a spider mad bad guy who was the opposite of Spider-Man yeah is that not Venom isn’t Venom something to do with Spider-Man I don’t like him he creeps me out but there’s also

Um yeah no it’s venom right yeah I don’t not not a fan of that the man’s spider um yeah I’m not sure what BG snacks is either I’ve heard of it though um but I couldn’t tell you anything about it Sebastian have you left the child at home on its

Own well like you irresponsible oh can I get past you Robin thank you let There we go and Pam Louis we don’t need to read all the dialogue it’s not like we’ve done this before like we haven’t done this before I should say yeah man spider

Uh he has a a spider bitten by a man three three less legs and okay yeah no I don’t think I’ve ever come across him that the man spider does sound kind of familiar okay I’ve spoken to you Shane excuse me thank you do you have anything interesting no don’t need any of

That um Maru Harvey is hiding up here in the corner oh water oh you know I’ve been drinking tea more than water this stream sorry I actually almost forgot to bring my water bottle into my office as well I’ve got everything set up and ready to

Go and I suddenly realized I didn’t have uh my water on my desk but I went um I had tea though so you can see where my priorities lie um which I never used to be like that actually I actually used to drink a whole lot more water than I do

Now um I don’t know why or when that changed thought B bug snacks was like fried crickets and stuff but you know that’s what it sounds like I don’t know if it’s actually spelled with a x instead of the CK s um go away I think it’s snx I think

Um all right let’s go through here okay um down there we go come on yay y Golden pumpkin cool I got a golden pumpkin that we can sell for a little bit of money right through here and back down this way past the evil spiders and up here here we go okay

And so fiddly so I just realized these little blue flames look like pose so you can eat scorpions dipped in chocolate yeah I no no I would not be trying that don’t try it no no I don’t recommend that um at all uh yeah yeah I know people that probably would try

That I am not one of them um in there okay and then the clay goes there and then the rest we will sell we’ve got one more day guys so Sunday is our final day so this is your warning um that we’re on our last day for the stream for the

Stre which is about right cuz it’s just after nine here so that’s good um Hey Jude okay that’s a nice lot of money we’ve just earned so what are we on like eight nine yeah there we go we’re almost about to a million which is good and it’s

Raining our final day of the season um have an egg Sebastian let’s check in our Cellar yay you get this uh come on get this done I might I may no I haven’t got enough cheese to put in there anyway it’s fine we’ll leave them

Empty until we get the cheese uh get the wine rather than sorry right let’s okay Pam has found some energy tonic in a drawer that’s great thank you for sharing um I’m going to sell it though I don’t need it um let’s get this all harvested that’s actually good timing

Cuz I didn’t I didn’t actually work that out that these would be ready or not so that um was good going on my part for a change there’s no point planting oh actually I could plant fiber that would probably come in handy um through the

Winter cuz then I can make some uh tea sapping as well which would be good hey SN Sims how are you I uh I’ve been seeing you streaming a lot I um I need to checking on your streams I really enjoyed your streams the other the other day that I was

Watching it was really good you did so that me what’s what’s the best tea in the UK um yeah I I agree with Stefan it’s uh it’s English breakfast that’s my favorite tea um closely followed by L gry and Lady Gray as well I really like Lady Gray um

But English breakfast is the one that I drink the most um you’re gaming that’s good yeah L gry is for me personally L gry is a close second to my favorite um I’m so glad to hear you well that’s good um don’t need anything there let’s head down

Here um oh we’ve got some beats that are not going to be ready they’re going to die never mind you’ve not heard of Lady Gray it’s um oh it’s not as I’m trying to think how to describe it it’s more of a lighter taste um than L gry it’s a little bit

More on the the one I drink has more like sort of an orange like citrusy kind of taste to it um I really like it it’s lovely so if you’re want like a lighter a lighter version I guess of L gry um Lady Gray is uh is one to go for it

Is really nice um but I like uh I like my green teas as well let’s see if I can get enough um fiber seeds to plant up in here oh but yeah I like my green teas um I drink a a blend of matcha and green tea um

Which is oh a oh actually I can deal with that cuz you have nothing in you where’s that preserve Dron there there we go okay yeah I highly recommend trying Lady Gray and there’s another one that I like to drink as one I can never remember the name of

It I’ll have to try and remember for next stream cuz I’m completely drawing a blank um why did I come in here seeds do we have fiber seeds no let’s see if we can go make some um first time watching Stu Valley well I hope you like it I am this is my

Last day that I’m doing I’m going to be ending shortly um but this is uh this is my farm this is the stream Farm we started this Farm on stream um and I’ve been playing it for quite a long time I think this is like the 35th

Stream I think cuz I’m now level with these streams and tears of a kingdom I noticed we’re at the same number um which is kind of cool um yeah this is the stream Farm a lot of these animals have been named um by people in chat so when we

Get new animals if you’re around you can recommend a name so for for them um I think I’m just going to sell everything that we get in here today rather than make it into stuff let’s is that everyone yep I think that’s everyone yes oh no we missed a cow there we

Go so yeah we get we get new animals um people get to name them it’s a lot of fun um we have a a whole backstory for the Ducks which is where I’m heading to now um they were named by someone on stream and they are World Wrestling

Ducks apparently he had yeah we have a whole backstory for those guys um let’s actually grab the fruit of these trees they are I just heard a tree fall is one of my trees folded wal Els Hi how are you I hope you’re doing well I hope school’s going well okay

Oh hi guys so we have uh C no un under quack and then we have Earth quack as as well there are little you’ve got KOB 24 oh no I’m sorry if you’re not feeling well oh that’s rubbish right yeah there’s a lot definitely going around again uh so please please please please

Do take care of yourselves you know I uh definitely would opt for wearing a mask if you have to go out anywhere just to be that extra extra little bit safe um is always good take precautions guys keep yourselves well okay so let’s uh sell those I think

You can’t say you’re ill and then say you’re joking you either are and you aren’t we don’t joke about things like that you had it it lasts about a month H great yeah I think I’m going to hibernate and just not leave my house I cannot catch anything like that

You want me to play pal world I was uh watching a friend play that last night um it’s only on PC at the moment and I won’t be playing it for a while I don’t think that will ever come to switch um it may come to Xbox so I’d maybe give it a

Go there cuz I did like um I did like the the graphics um and the sort of mechanics and things of it um were were quite interesting some of the little little pal uh little pals are um very adorable uh there’s a uh a little sheep one that I really liked and

Um what was the other one there was a wolf as well which uh I I mean I you know me guys I love wolves you hope it’s going to be on PS5 yeah it would be great if it came to like the came to PS5 and um an

Xbox um it has do you know I was on threads when I was um where am I going we’re going to just do some foraging um yeah I was I jumped onto threads before to um to check my notifications and sort out like my um like hey guys I’m streaming kind of

Thing post and um and I follow the game awards on there on my gaming account and they’d put um something on saying like there’s like 7 million people playing this game it’s absolutely crazy but the comments are really interesting cuz there’s a lot of people uh sort of making comment you know like

This this might make the the Pokémon creators like step up a little a little bit and uh and things which was really interesting there’s a lot of comments like that cuz it that’s what it essentially is right um but yeah it seems it seems like everyone’s playing it

Um there’s one or two uh YouTubers streamers that I watch that have been playing it I haven’t watched any of their streams but like I said last night I uh I sat and watched a little bit of um one of my friends playing it and yeah it’s

Uh there’s definitely a lot to it I like the the mechanics and things it seems to have a little bit of everything um in it for you know there’s like crafting and stuff and things and it’s it seems like there’s a mix of a lot of inspiration from other uh games um oh

You’ve got it for you brother Stefan nice uh yeah I think uh I think it’s going to become very very popular even more so as time goes on but yeah I’d like to think that um with it being PC uh that it will eventually come to um

XBox PlayStation cuz most things do um most games usually have PC release first um and then they have to be coded for a controller um play and that’s usually that’s usually the delay um on games coming to consoles it’s they you know the mechanics and things just have to be

Like reworked for um you to be able to play on certain controllers and things and stuff so um I think that’s kind of cuz I I remember that being an issue with um be and breakfast when was coming out they uh it took them a little bit to

Figure out the um the the like the switch controller um sort of thing so that it was it was delayed a little bit coming to switch was Baron breakfast from from being released on Steam uh but yeah so I think eventually it will because as well it’s so popular but not everyone plays

PC um so I cannot imagine IM that they would ever miss out on um on that uh you know sort of getting the oh I’ve got that to put away to get the uh like the the console players playing it too and you’ve got a whole audience you know there from like

The the Pokémon players it’s on Xbox now oh but there’s issu oh okay I I shall have a look I uh I’ll try and remember to uh pop onto my Xbox when I finish streaming and have a look I’ve just realized that oh [Laughter] yeah the is path missing stupid thunderstorm um

Right fiber seeds they get money if they add it to consoles yeah exactly get me to play it um I I am interested I will have a look at it I don’t think I stream it um yeah I don’t know if I stream it or not what am I doing I’m making things

You guys are distracting [Laughter] me um where are the fiber seeds all right let’s make all of the fiber seeds this will keep us going through winter let’s see if there’s anything else we can make actually while we’re here so I think all of this page was done right yes okay

Think is there some of these that needed crafting oh I need a fish for that okay oh Wario Weare H I don’t know I’ve never played any of the Wario where I don’t like Wario though he annoys me so much he’s like Mirror Universe Star Trek Mirror Universe version of

Mario wish they could make one universal PC console that uh is allowed all games ever like Zelda and the Marvel spiders at Spider-Man on the same console or H Halo or good of water yeah know wouldn’t that be incredible if we just had one thing for

Everything I would love that it would be great anything on this page that I haven’t crafted I don’t think so right apart from that I think everything else I’ve done yeah let’s check this page so I need to go grab a fish um I’ve crafted that I’ve crafted

That oh and I’ve got the monster musk thing as well haven’t I I might be able to make that let’s see made Those yep let’s make that uh heavy Tapper yep let’s make one of those we can just do how many can we do no I’ll yeah I’ll just do one for now you want to see me play it I’ll add it to the list Eevee okay is that

Okay I if I add it to the list um know I’m never going to use these I am going to use that though and I’m never going to use that so they can go in there um so let’s get rid of those cuz we can’t sell them through the shipping bin

If I remember rightly so we’ll do it this way yeah I don’t need that and if I do wanted to use them I can always just go buy them from Willie it’s not an issue yeah you can pretty much play any um XBox PS games on PC yeah yeah this is

The thing um Nintendo make uh devs jump through all kinds of Hoops essentially um yeah there’s uh I think that was another sort of issue with uh like with bear and breakfast they were very open about um the switch delays and everything with that game cuz there was

So many people waiting for that to come to switch um and yeah I remember I remember them um being being very much like this is what’s going on this is the issues that that they’re dealing with and and everything I thought that was really really good of them they didn’t have to

Do that um at all so yeah and that’s it’s a pretty pretty decent game it it plays okay on the switch I think that definitely is um better on PC control wise Um the the UI in that game on switch is a little a little bit finicky um at times it’s not the easiest okay might as well get rid of all these right is everything else there we go I will chck chat in a second I just

Want to get these planted before um we have to go to bed oh we’re going into winter my least favorite season in this game if we get these yeah I know you’re tired you you have fiber seeds to plant though okay we’re done done now right

Let’s uh pop open the chest then and get those in there we go I just have the toar roots to put in the ginger Island chest it’s not too long of a game oh that’s okay then two to three streams okay well that’s not too bad then um

Right it’s time for bed which also means that it’s time for the stream to end I’m sorry guys oh go into bed there we go we are done with Autumn we’re going to Winter um I think we may spend winter doing some decorating and making friends cuz we

Need to get friendship levels up um I’ve got food recipes I need to get from people um and I can’t do that without uh being friends with them essentially um so yeah we are we’re going to end there and we’ll make a start on the new season actually I don’t need to

Uh I don’t need to um to pause it or anything cuz I’ll just end it um but thank you so so much for joining me it’s been lovely chatting with you all um you’re very welcome thank you for uh coming Eevee and snome as well it’s been

Lovely to see you in the chat again and walil and Stefan and ay if I’m guessing Ary is probably still watching football and Mike at the beginning as well it was lovely to see you all and chat with everyone um I’ll be back on Friday at the same time as 7 p.m.

GMT uh and we will be playing some tears of a kingdom we’re going to be in the depth we I want to get the light Roots finished um and done and I’m hoping it will go as successfully as the shrines did and then we can um get on with some

Other things like some Quest and things so yeah we’ll we’ll see how that goes I may do a longer stream as well on a on Friday I may I may go for three hours again on Friday so we can get some extra stuff done um but if in the meantime you

Want to join the Discord um to hang out with us there you’re more than welcome to the is pinned to the top of the chat there’s also a link in the description there’s links in the description to my other social media and um I have affiliate links in there as well so if

You wanted to buy some books or tea you’re more than welcome to there’s no pressure with that at all and uh yeah I will see you all on Friday thank you so much for hanging out with me I really do appreciate it and I’m really glad that

You all enjoyed this stream so we’ll see you on Friday bye Guys close your eyes get some rest I’m by your lay your head on my Chest I know you’ve had a really bad day but I’m right here it’s going to be okay the world could fall down it’s going to be okay the song could go out we’re going to be okay if all the blue skies too great we’re going to be okay calm your soul hold my

Hand don’t let go I Understand I know it hurts it wasn’t fair it’s over now so Don’t the world could fall down it’s going to be okay the song could go out we’re going to be okay the blue way too great we’re going to be okay The world could fall down it’s going to be okay the sound could go out we’re going to be okay all the blue SK way to great we’re going to be okay the world could fall down it’s going to be okay the sun could go out

We’re going to be okay if all the blue skies Fade to gr we’re going to be

Welcome! Let’s hang out and cosy game. 🦊

Channel / Stream Rules:
1) Be Kind and Respectful ~ everyone is welcome here.
2) No Backseat Gaming ~ I will ask if I need help.
3) Keep the chat Family Friendly ~ no swearing please!
4) Keep the chat English only.
5) No Self Promotion.

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{I earn a small commission if you use these links to buy books or tea}

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All music is provided via Epidemic Sound.

Stay Safe. Play Cosy Games.

Lo x

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