Minecraft but From COLD to HOT…

This is Minecraft but from cold to hot today I would be starting Frozen cold with not much and making my way up in temperature to be hotter than lava from starting out frozen solid to thawing and slowly melting to becoming the king of all fire my goal is to become as hot as

Possible but raising my temperature is going to be a bit difficult so how do I even unfreeze myself stay tuned to find out we’re so cold we are at -5° F right now and to get to lava city we need to first get to 32° F and you might be

Wondering what’s at lava city the election which we got to be 100,000 de F to become president of this city so to get warmer we begin with warm school right here and I only have two hearts but don’t worry I got my cold shovel cold pickaxe cold Axe and of

Course the cold bread let’s go ahead inside and first up we got home room let me get inside and did No One sav me a seat oh wait there was homework it was a little bit too cold to do homework uh teacher turn in homework a hint ice

Tools can break ice oh is that my homework hold up so with my ice tool can I break this oh yes oh sorry about the water hold up hold up let me put that there there we go and teacher I got the homework for you oh and we got our first

Thing which is how we’re going to get warmer with hot candy literally when we eat it we get hotter now we’re at -10° but that’s still below freezing so let’s get to the next class and get warmer and next up we have heat sources teacher

What do we have here turn in the five heat sources wait we have homework here too oh there’s already campfire torch and magma okay what else can we get I mean low key we could get lava might be a little dangerous flint and steel candle and maybe a lantern is there

Anything like that around here oh wait I top hold on let me just grab some of these stack up real quick oh and we got our first thing in the lantern oh and they put a candle over here too okay so I just need everything on top of the

Skull okay let me just put this right here light the candle right there that’s going to be another heat source and we’ll do the lantern right there and I get a flint steel Perfect all right teacher how’s that oh nice did a Yeti just spawn okay anyways we got some hot

Candy nice I’m going to guess that’s for gym class which is going to be at the end there all right I’m coming soon gym teacher let’s get a little warmer we eat it up all right all right Jim teacher what do we got going on here not

Following dress code find a jacket huh where do I get the jacket try the yeti oh no that’s how I get my jacket what type of school is this well we did unlock two brand new crowds on the screen right there where we need some snowballs first let me grab some of that

And I’m going to stick my distance but I need this tree let me just real quick mind you all right we got some wood now let’s go ahead and make what we need to do this is going to be an ice sword very nice and also we can go ahead and make

An ice pickaxe okay when I swing it it has like a little cold effect Le just make sure we go in and oh gosh it’s already angry I only have two hearts we’re going in Gold ice sword do thing okay wait it doesn’t do that much damage

Maybe cuz I made of ice oh no no no stay away wait I think I dodged it this is crazy couple more hits and we got him okay now with that guy being down oh and I think this is the guy that has a jacket sorry buddy let me real quick

Grab that there we go oh oh did he just come back to okay you know what I’m not going to question it but now let’s put that on real quick and this should be enough for the gym teacher all right sir I am still cold but can we do class now

Complete the course oh is it this we literally got to do cold parkour okay there’s stuff down there where I don’t want to touch cuz I don’t want to get even colder so let’s real quick just go through here do that for Block jump and oh my gosh what is this is stuff

Supposed to shoot at me or oh no no NOP I’m just going to guess it’s for intimidation it’s fake spikes right this is just a school all right let me just real quick get to the end here there we go and now come back ice parkour what oh

Gosh okay okay don’t want to fall down there low key though wouldn’t that just SC me hotter but I only have two hearts so maybe not a good idea okay let’s jump there there get in oh we did it now we go zooming get to the very end and is

This the completion wait no there’s a number four oh yo there’s boat racing let’s go oh gosh wait this is actually a lot harder than it looks oh my goodness there’s no control oh uh well that is a little too close let me just real quick

Grab that let’s do this Sol fashion way and I think that’s close enough now what do we have here how’s it going dodgeball oh get these guys all right before we do that let me eat the hot candy and we’re at 0° faite still freezing but we’re

Getting there and ice machine gun how’s this work oh it shoots ice do I use this again some with the snowball balls all right let’s play real quick let’s throw in some snowballs down here you go you go and that that was honestly pretty easy hey gym teacher give me another

Piece of candy oh wait no not yep we got to do a snowman build off apparently oh that’s here oh wait with this stuff oh okay that’s a lot of good stuff what am I going up against though coach oh it’s this guy a gold villager you have 1

Minute go Oh wait we’re already going oh my gosh okay uh let me just get some snow blocks real quick we got to make authentic that and that oh gosh okay I’m just going to make the biggest thing I can real quick we’re going to make it

3×3 let’s just do that there we go then we’re going to go ahead and put a bunch of pumpkins oh hopefully it doesn’t actually make a mob I don’t think it should that right there should be perfect and we cannot forget about the nose in hands there we go also pretty

Proud also I may have done that real quick sorry buddy and I won nice well teacher we have one more thing to do and that’s ble before we get the next thing am I up against the cow oh he’s coming straight at me Good Luck loser hey yo

All right guess we’re doing this wait why does he go so fast oh wait there there’s a shovel right here hold up what is this oh gosh let me run let me run let me run this is going to be effici 10 this is a lot better all right Mr Cal I

Got to win this oh my gosh okay can I shoot the cow okay no no it’s straight up just a game of sple oh my gosh okay I’m going to go across here crazy moves the cow can parkour oh we got him yes and we WN sorry Mr Cow here you can have

Some wood there you go all right Mr gym teacher do I get candy oh course complet and we get extra hot candy oh this must give me more heat then so with this let’s eat that oh we hit 32° FS we are no longer freezing and that means now we

Can go to the 32° F area in reminder we are trying to fill that bar up because there is an election coming soon I’m going to need a bigger jacket for that anyways so let’s real quick go up here oh and now we made it to the cold

Village oh and our first mission is to un freeze the Frozen villager how did this guy get Frozen all right I have an idea we’re going to pretty much save him through the power of a flint steel so uh pretty much let me just add some fire

All around him oh we he sting is this going to work come on come on oh he did it and so with that we get another hot candy let’s real quick eat that and now we’re 40° F starting to get actually warmer all right what else can we do do

Here to get more hot candy there’s a fire logo over there oh and a villager let’s start with the campfire thing where it looks like we have a lot of shivering villagers I’m going to guess these guys need a campfire should be easy enough cuz we can go and just get

Some Cobblestone but this actually just gets Stone never mind there we go and a little bit of wood and so now all we got to do is real quick just get one of these furnaces and we make charcoal and now we just do this this and campfire so

My fellow villagers let’s heat you guys up hopefully this works right uh gentlemen is this good enough oh wait he gave me candy so that might be good that’s going to be hot candy and now we’re up to 50° oh we got five Hearts now that’s the benf getting a little

Warmer oh and it looks like right ahead is the next door so for the next area we got to be 75° F that’s definitely doable okay so to get warmer we just have this guy the farmer villager and it looks like a giant cow that wants to be grown

All right what do I do grow the cow then kill it oh my gosh okay so I’m going to guess he grows with wheat cuz the wheat is frozen right there so what we could do is get our ice pickaxe and do I do

This come on oh we broke it oh yo this is this is insane we get Frozen wheat is this what I give to the giant cow here you go buddy on to this oh my gosh yeah I I I think that’s big enough and so the

Next step for the farmer is to kill the cow sorry buddy but we get some giant raw beef holy that is some big beef oh here you go buddy oh and he gave us three h candy how are we going to get here all right let’s go with one that’s

60 2 that’s 70 oh and one more is this going to get us to 75 or 80 75 yo and the force filling up nicely and we’re normal now yo let’s go in all right so what do we do here oh we’re getting close to the lava city that definitely

Means we’re on the right direction this is probably what we got to do then to get harder right here the to-do list with lots of different tasks right here and a lava Trader oh is he going to get me to the lava city oh he trades three

Emeralds for lava Shake maybe this is what gets me hotter then all right well then we got to pick up any of these where let’s start with make a villager a cold meat sandwich all right Mr I villager is it you that needs the cold meat sandwich oh yep okay so that’s the

C craft right there for a cold sandwich but I’m going to guess we need the cold cow first all right do I just kill him oh I got raw beef try cooking bre in water that the beef okay let’s real quick get some of this then and now we

Cook the beef all right let’s grab you and now for the weird part where we got to throw this in water oh that worked we got cold steak okay all right Mr I villager there’s only one thing left to do and that’s literally to put two cold

Bread and cold steak and we get the cold meat sandwich all right there you go man and we get one Emerald for that nice all right we need a lot more for that guy but good thing we have all these tasks and before we get to the next one it

Looks like we got to get to 250° for the next thing what is that noise oh uh can I help you oh I guess just spting him gave us another one that was easy let’s go with that guy all right sir what do you need build an igloo ooh wait that

Actually sounds pretty fun hold on we have a bit of snow blocks not that many but we can make a very small igloo it’s it’s not going to be the biggest thing in the world but it’ll be something okay so we’re just going to make a nice

Little Igloo right here very tiny with the snow blocks we have and can I place down the Frozen wheat oh I can oh this is going to be a cool Igloo cuz we got frozen wheat let’s go ahead and make the last bit of snow blocks 1 2 3 and four

And we made a little Igloo nice how’s that hey another EMD for us that’s going to be three now and it looks like the next guy is going to be this size villager right here clean up snow PS oh like all these right here all right well

Good thing we have the shovel cuz this is going to be pretty simple oh I just realized guys we had three emeralds let’s go ahead and trade for the hot thing right after this okay let’s get this done so we can get to the hot area and Mr rise villager that’s another

Emerald perfect and so now for the lava tra can we go ahead and get one little thing oh lava Shake let’s drink up give me the lava Shake oh and we’re now 100° F yo all right let’s see what’s up over there wa what the heck is that a heater

All right what’s up man light the heater oh wait there’s a lot of these okay so how do we get coal for this oh wait what is that that’s how we get coal oh and it looks like an iron golem is going around it hold up I’m just going to go while

He’s looking over there real quick let’s walk in here and we have emergency coal nice I mean that makes sense right here let’s real quick grab all that that’s going to be soer coal more than I’ll ever need let’s now use the coal so for example we just light the heater right

There oh it’s working did it make all the stone go away wait what about here and here I think it might be doing it fully let’s heat you and you so many heaters though the snow is going away here get you out of the way there we go

And I think that should be all of them all right Mr as villager how’s that we got it second Emerald done all right so what’s going on with this Frozen Iron Golem right here do you give me an emerald let me just go and start un freezing him by doing this H there’s

Heat there oh and he’s good oh wait we have another one here let’s real quick burn up real quick and he’s saved kind I guess I got to do all them oh we have two more so we’re going to do this guy real quick let’s burn you up real quick

Melt him and finally the last one should be this guy right here did I do all them does he drop a emerald oh wait this guy did y nice and now we have five so Mr lava trador let’s real quick get one of these and is this going to give us to

The gold temperature nope 125 okay onto the next quest which it looks to be a little red airrow right here where there’s a chest over there watch for the powdered snow oh wait it’s like a powdered snow maze oh yeah this is sick hold up so we just got to make sure not

To fall in it oh gosh oh gosh okay it might be hard to tell but we fall in that and we sink let’s just stay on the track what type of maze is this it’s taking me all over the place okay we’re almost there guys oh here we go and we

Made it all right what do we got oh wait another lava shank not even an emerald hold up this should give us a good bit 150 and we did it okay it is definitely getting very hot right now can we just sink to go back oh no no no no no no no

No no no no this is C oh my gosh well that’s one way you can get out let’s not go in there ever again next up we we have the beach with some more quests which we really need just one more emerald and then maybe we’ll get closer

Uh maybe let’s start with the turtle hello Mr Turtle what would you like build a nest oh I have just a block for your nest we can literally just go ahead and do one of these so for all the baby turtles that you need this will be your

Nest I’m not really sure how a turtle nest are let’s put one on the screen right there so we can see how inaccurate this is but how does this look for a nest you know what I’ll take it another emerald and that’s going to complete another three before we go to do the

Trade again though let’s see what this dolphin thing is about uh how do I get up here I guess I’ll just make a little staircase let’s get all the way up here and it looks like Mr dolphin would like to talk all right what’s up man Hope the

Dolphin Escape oh we’re getting him out okay what can I do for this guy oh wait we have a chest right there that might be the answer what is in here leads okay wait so with the leads what we can do is why don’t we just make a simple Tunnel

Right here should be good oh gosh okay wait wait we don’t have that much breath but now with the lead come with me buddy let’s real quick swim you down here and you’re free let’s go all right how’s that oh give us an emerald yes that’s going to be four emeralds all right

Let’s get the next lava shake drink it up and 175 not the goal just yet but we are getting a little closer 75 more to go okay so the only Quest are are left I’m going to get start with the goat Mr goat what do you want did did did I just give

Him a pickaxe huh that that’s what he wanted he ate my item okay that’s the second Emerald thank you I guess only one more Emerald to go and let’s go ahead and check out this polar bear right here hopefully he doesn’t attack us oh find his Sun check the forest oh

So that’s where your sun is all right I will find the Mr po bear just so we can get that last Emerald okay so this is the forest is there any easy way around or do I got to just like go forward all right let’s just break through anything

Here no one eternity later guys I I am very ashamed but it was this Forest that’s just a random Forest why did they not mention this one okay we got to make it through here then looks a lot more friendly oh and that’s the polar bear

Baby okay we just got to make our way through oh and it’s that it hello buddy all right come with me oh they’re following me okay let’s make sure not to fall but come this way my friend oh I think we’re we’re about to make it we

Did it and that should be the last Quest done okay so we did all the to-do list tasks and now this should be the final lava shave let’s get to the door first all right so we need 250° so let’s real quick drink up and does this change us

Oh we’ve melted what the heck I think we’ve done it guys we are now boneless liquid accessorio all right so is this the hot area oh yeah I guess we can enter now oh and now this is lava city where our new goal is 1,000° oh even the

Villagers are lava now oh is that at the next entrance oh yeah we got to be 1,000° to enter anyways it looks like this is the first place we can go to right here which is the daycare oh there’s a pigin teacher all right how’s

It going this one has number one craft a toy oh and we got a brand new CFT is there a bell I can grab around here oh there is a bell okay let me just grab you real quick and what we can do right here is do one stick and one Bell and

Get the baby rattle there you go now let’s do number two what do you need win the game wait like Dam over here oh we’re playing the ne four all right easy enough let’s go ahead and get some black concrete powder and this puddle is about

To win let’s go buddy okay so what we’ll do is real quick start right there okay we’ve been playing for a bit and literally all I got to do is just put my guy right here and this should be a win did I win oh we won all right sorry

Buddy let’s go all the way back down put this guy in and do I just right click you again oh nice that leaves number three what would you like us to do build a Lego Statue oh we have Lego breaks oh this is actually pretty sick hold up

Okay so what can we do let’s make a really cool Lego man all right so we’ll do like this there there we go oh wait I can’t make the Lego float cuz it has stack on top of each other then what we’ll do is we’ll make a Lego castle

This will be a little bit better let’s real quick just do that there boom boom and there we go Lego castle how’s that and they’re happy nice all right pigin teacher that should be everyone and we get another lava Shake all right how much is this going to heat me up now

300° nice all right what else can we do around here looks like there’s a guy that needs help over there all right don’t mind me melted exoro is on its way farmer villager what do we got to do give me flavored snow cones oh wait we

Got to make those three guys all right so the three flavors are going to be with melon pumpkin and goo beans all right that should be easy enough we have no snowballs though I might know a place literally right here and now we just go ahead and put the ingredients and the

First one is chocolate ice cream go a and comment down below what your favorite ice cream flavor is I’m going to go with strawberry and is this going to be strawberry no watermelon I mean that that makes full sense and is this going to be pumpkin ice cream oh yeah

All right here you go man oh he took them and we get the next lava Shake all right let’s heat up yet again and now we’re at 325° very nice what’s this over here it says vote oh it’s the election thing but voting is closed oh so it looks like we

Got to come here later oh and that’s one of my competitors her Bri okay well let’s go get harder first where the next guy we can go to is this Blaze head huh hello gather all blaze rods oh gosh where are they oh this is a blaze rod

Blaze arm wait so if I give you one do you get the arm back oh he does yo that’s sick all right so we got to get all the blaze rods then oh that’s another one right there we need six more another one new midle two more to go

Number five and we got the last one all six arms all right Mr blades we’re here to help wait am I missing one oh no oh this is awkward there it is and number eight hey love a shake all right time to eat up yet again that’s going to be 350°

Still not enough from what we need on the go on the screen but it looks like there’s a lot of stuff to do on this beach maybe let’s start with this one build an umbrella I mean I have orange concrete all right so I’m just going to

Go ahead and make the umbrella with the blocks I have right now here’s an actual umbrella build in Minecraft on the screen this is something I’m just going to try to make up as I go but it’s going to be a very flat umbrella okay let’s

Just make this as wide as we can there we go that should be good there and is that like good enough oh we got another W Shake nice let’s drink up and now that’s 400° perfect okay so now what do we have up here I’m going to guess this

Might be the last thing we can do here so baby Strider you need some help teach Strider to walk oh wait we got a brand new craft and hopefully the stuff for the craft is here what it is all right so with this we’re pretty much making

Lava walking boots let’s put these on oh and I can now walk on lava all right Mr shrider come with me we’re going to get to that Island over there also this kind of HS okay let’s just get all the way over here there we go enemy made it

There we go buddy all right this should be your place oh and I get two lava shakes nice what’s in the chest oh my gosh wait there’s actual loot I mean I’ll take it let’s real quick drink one lava shake and now we’re at 500 so is

This next one going to be the big one all right guys this is for 1,000° is this lava Shake going to do it cuz there’s nothing else to do oh we did it 1,000° f yo I am now fire nuster oh I look SI

And we can now enter over here oh and it also set myself to 10 Hearts nice this looks to be like the far Dojo if I’m going to get to 100,000 de anywhere it’s going to be here well don’t mind me we are going up first to the dojo Master

Which is uh Mr Magma Cube how’s it going learn to shoot fire cause rain to grow crops is that the crops over there I got a brand new ability key where I can shoot fire do I shoot it here guess I’ll try did that make precipitation oh it

Does oh that’s sick and now it’s dripping on it wait do these grow now come on crops grow grow grow oh wait they’re growing yo I think we did a pretty good job all right dungo Master how’s that oh it gave us a fire Shard

What’s this going to give us to oh my gosh and that’s Now set us to 2,000 de now our mission is to summon fire mobs uh do we do it over there maybe we can launch fire on it all right here it goes nothing fire does that summon anything

Oh yep it did okay we are in battle now fire duster will use th sword wait I can’t hit them oh wait they’re friends yo okay I got my little Golem Army let me make way for you guys and now we have a team this will help for the

Presidential fire election all right Dojo master that is done now another fire short let’s get up to 4,000 beautiful now we got to light five cakes on fire oh so literally we got to light the cake on fire that’s one number two I don’t know why we’re doing this third

Cake number four and finally the fifth cake all the way up there that should do it all right Dojo Master let’s get the next fire sword and oh wait that made us go up to 10,000 we’re getting closer next we got a draw picture with fire

Maybe that’s it over there where we draw all right so we got to draw something what could I do you know what this is the the greatest thing we could do what if we just do a couple of these right there and we make a smiley face cuz we

Don’t have a mouth ourselves we even added a nose right there that’s going to be one eye there and another eye right there I mean he did something let’s go show the dojo master all right Dojo Master how’s that oh and he give us another fire Shard now we’re 15K my

Goodness hone your abilities through combat wait what does that mean do I fight these guys or who oh never mind we got to fight this guy oh gosh oh gosh okay um you know what let’s go and eat some Fame throw on him oh wait he’s immune to flames oh guess we’re stuck

Doing this come on buddy flamethrower D thing oh wait it’s actually burning him well this is one way to take out a bot and he’s down we did it did he drop anything oh wait a giant lava bucket do I eat this oh I’m drinking it and now

We’re level 20,000 oh my goodness now step four is to reach 50,000 by bathing in lava wait do I just like jump in here oh and have fire resistance so literally I could just go in here and am I just chilling maybe I got to go a little bit

Under I’m bathing does anything happen oh wait something’s happening oh wait we literally just stayed the same temperature oh and I got given another fire Shard maybe I take this in oh that put me to 30k nice okay that’s more like it oh now we got to eat 10 lava blocks

How do you eat lava oh wait we found the special lava blocks it was where the Magma Cube was and we can mine lava the most cursed thing in Minecraft literally just mining lava with our hand let’s grab all these real quick and we got to

Just eat it do I just like right click oh it fed me yo let’s eat them and we did it and now we’re at 40,000 by the way that next destruction let’s uh we got to get hit by a lot of Fireball balls that means wherever this takes us

I guess we will find a lot of gas so without further Ado let’s jump in wait what is this oh my gosh oh okay okay we’re being hit by all of them it’s this enough I don’t know how many times I got to get hit but literally there was

Already so many gas waiting for me go ahead hit me hit me with the Fireballs hit me with the Fireballs go on oh my gosh guys I think we have enough cuz we literally just got The Shard let me real quick right click this oh infk we did it

Oh and step five is subit the volcano all right let’s go back okay now that we’re back this is the volcano I mean it still says presidents only do I just like right click it am I ball now oh campaign for president oh can we do that

Now oh we got a challenge button do I like press it oh our first task as our presidential run is to put down some flyers I think I might know where we do this so the election is going to be right there so the first things we got

To do really is place down some vult for accessorial flyers and hopefully they don’t show up like that what about this oh gosh I’m I’m I’m not very good at this this will be good nope nope not that either and we got to do it in the

First town too cuz everyone needs to vote wait guys I figured it out we place it like that votex a story everyone here we got even the Shivering villagers which are now warm where I’m going to put one right there and we can’t forget about the warm school I guess I can put

It right there yep that the story up before you go in I think that’s the job all done time to go back to the election let’s click the button again and now we got to give hot candy to five babies oh like a politician like here you and you

There we go you get some candy I’m going to run out of candy there’s so many all right last one and that that that should be good good for the image and next up now we got to make a parade path and build a float oh wait I already have the

Float I’m going to guess the path is going to be the road so hold on do I just like place it right here yo the accessor forade float that’s sick oh it’s like a horse and now there’s fireworks all right let’s go and start campaining oh wait what we have airine

Too you will lose Neer what is this my campaign cannot lose airine all right we just got to go through here and make it all the way to the next area oh gosh wait uh how are we going to fit do I have to break this hold up let me real

Quick get out of here oh wait here I got out too oh he’s spacing TNT hey yo let me put this a little bit back oh my goodness this man is insane he’s let the TNT how is he going to get votes with this what is this well there goes the

Gate let’s real quick jump through here and we made it through we are going to be campaigning first oh oh and then there comes here B’s campaign too you know what no everyone vote for me please and I also got to say I I fixed all the

Heaters so please vote exoro I mean this is going pretty well pretty sure this is the end of the line though let’s stop right here let’s right click that and now we got to record a commercial hint new craft unlocked oh it’s for this camera well I guess we already have it

All right well here but if you’re going to record a commercial I’m going to get out of your way let’s get back real quick this is a good spot we got the nice accessorio X right there and let’s get the camera set up right here oh and

It’s perfect okay I’m going to hit record on it and here we go all right and attention all the citizens of this Village winter fire thing I’m here to unite everyone and get us all under a new presidency of me the main reason that you should vote for me is cuz I’m

Not here Brian so yeah please please vote for me thank you okay let’s break that and I think that’s the job all done now that’s left is soon click the challenge button again oh wait it s me 200,000 yo we can compete now and now we

Got to compete in the election oh and the iron bars are gone all right let me go ahead and get set up and wait for Herobrine to show up or are the other guys villager and the piglin all right oh wait everyone appeared we have the piglin king the lava villager Herobrine

And all the audience all right attention everyone and my only thing I want to tell you guys is I’m probably better than all these guys I’m probably the highest temperature even though everyone need 100,000 de and these guys even campaign so vote exoro for the best life

Possible uh here do you have anything to say hello okay he said hello what’s he going to tell them I don’t like you all huh to c p is this is that it please vote for me I I think we’ve won this by landl like guys the other guys aren even

Talking you know what might as well record this I’m going to put the camera right there just so we can get the extra production going oh I won Yo and so with that Victory we are now presidential fire exoro main thing we can do now though is let’s go to the volcano oh

This is it does it just open out oh it does and now final mission jump into volcano and see what happens a little bit ominous but I guess we can try it I mean as present we’ve gone through so much to finally get here and to reach

The max temperature okay made of gold blocks and it looks like we just jumped down oh there’s diamonds all right here goes something oh you interrupted oh my gosh did I just make everything into lava no I am the worst president ever Victory not really oh my goodness well

Would that be done guys that’s going to be it for my grandpa from go to hot I think I got way too hot but now we just chill here hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and go like this video right now in 3 2 1 bye guys

COLD to HOT in Minecraft…
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#Minecraft #But


  1. How to get 0 likes a tutorial:
    step 1: say that your so much better then someone who has alot of likes or dosen't have alot

    step 2: say "lol only [ how many likes they have ] likes? I lit have 3000k likes more then u"

    step 3: then wait and people will be hating on u without liking, If instructions do not work just try and make people hate you Ig 😭😭

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