BIGGEST Project Finally Done?! | Waiting for Stardew Valley 1.6 in 2024

Finally guys look at that we could craft our Mayo machine oh so happy about this this one goes straight in front of our chicken CP hey good day friend snack here and welcome back to hello Farm a full so we got like 13 gold um from the

Previous video that means we can we should be able to craft a lot of sprinklers right mhm look at our little chickens here they’re again they’re so happy outside but I forgot to close the door yesterday that’s fine that’s how are they’re all outside now excuse me

Milk me awesome we have two large and uh these tiny little eggs noo cow I think yeah this is milk me this one is beef steak lastly moo we we got two large milk nice and uh one milk so before I forget guys let’s buy a new cow from

Mney and also since we’ve just went to the level 80 at level 89 there were a lot of gold at that level and because of that we are now able to craft some sprinklers a lot of them are only two for now okay now we can go fullblown in

Our in our uh crops without over worrying of not able to have energy left where should we put this then the sprinkler I think I’ll have to cut one of our plants corn there we go is this IM mortal sin guys that I did that please tell me in the comments what I

Have to to save time and energy when watering our plants also here this guy I’m so sorry this is a necessary sacrifice okay it’s 10:00 a.m. we took care of our animals now let’s water our plants and after this hopefully I won’t forget again I will go to min’s place

Buy a new farm animal cow and then if you can check at the upper left hand corner one of our our main goal is to have to mine Earth crystals and I figured that you know I’ll just mine at level one or two for those let’s step

Back a little bit in mining although we were already at level 80 plus now that’s fine for the sake of crafting a mayonnaise and also along the way should be able to find some copper as well since we’re running out of it that means we’ll be able to upgrade our tools and

Uh craft some Tapper and grab block CU we need copper for those and also guys thanks again thanks again for hanging out and welcome welcome to our new subscribers as well and if you’re new here feel free to like And subscribe appreciate that that really really means

A lot not only to me but um especially to the new YouTubers as well is that would let us know that where what we’re doing here is at least acceptable that’s good to know but most importantly well when I was a child I always play with my

Friends and then we take turns using the uh playing Mario and that’s what I’m trying to do here as well to hang out with you guys looks like we’re are done in our farm 1:20 p.m. what did I said earlier uh let’s go to mom’s place okay

Hey look at that everyone is gathering here I should make something here right they could gather like a Town Square so they could hang out chitchat and you know just have fun Mar hopefully myy is at her home otherwise we’re going to do it tomorrow there you go hello and we

Might need to save for a heater as well cuz winter is coming and now we have a new dairy cow welcome to the family what’s the name hm this is one of the hardest part of the game maybe I should give you guys an opportunity to name our

Animals right in post in the comments okay let’s just name him mui all right thanks for the business Mary now after that what did I say earlier after uh let me think oh yeah we’re going to go straight to the mines right however we do have 13 gold ore oh yeah let’s let’s

Uh smel them into gold bar so we can craft more sprinklers there you go we might need more furnace so we need to go again looks like we really need to oh there’s over little buddy mu hello welcome to the farm you’re getting along huh guys please take care of mu welcome

Him don’t bully him okay your family maybe I should craft another chest for our um ores and minerals so I’m wondering if we could use these for doubles like the wild BL for cooking so I’m trying to keep some of them all right let’s head straight to the mines

Anybody here some salmon bears for you okay this is he said he’s had enough but metus likes it all right so we need our bone sword uh feels oh we have like we have more stuff here H okay all right let’s go straight to yeah let’s go

Straight to level one there you go we have copper ores right away and an Earth crystal nice finally we found one looks like this one has a star on his head wait hold on how come I cannot hit him all right you’re free you can oh we have

A small magnet ring we’re so lucky although we have it here oh well this goes to our collections it’s so satisfying when we hit this rock with one attempt only so right now we’re in the hunt of crystal crystal that’s why um we are now at at level going to level

Three and in the process we’re also Gathering some uh coppers cuz we need to craft more Tapper and Crab Pot hopefully some furnaces more slime is here all right we have let’s see how many cers we have now 20 coppers awesome man so it’s 8:30 p.m. it’s fine we are raising

Through level one up to hopefully up to level 10 if we can I don’t think so maybe up to level six you also need these bug Meats so so we could uh craft this the recipe that lus has given us this one wild bait it needs a slime a

Fiber and a bugn all right we’re going down let’s check out below if there are some copper ores not let’s go down to level six and we have an Earth crystal nice one for the road man I I really love the soundtrack under under the mines it’s uh it’s it’s dreamy yeah it’s

Almost like Loi dreamy lowii which I really love oh we have one more Crystal here so yeah which I really love now it’s 11:30 p.m. I think we’ll uh we’ll head down and let’s see what’s here and then go up quickly oh we have one more

Earth crystal man there’s a lot of them let’s just get this and that copper nice now we can craft our mayonnaise right before I started the game I was actually thinking of you know I I have a dream of having a poultry like just chickens and eggs and mayonnaise IRL like that’s my

Plan IRL that’s why I really wanted to at least happen it here in the game wait hold on I just stared at the chest right there so this goes here the field snack let’s return these things let’s quickly run guys cuz again I don’t want to faint

Oh we full um let me just get rid of this green algae oh gosh I can’t believe that we could finally craft our Mayo machine on the 20th day of fall which is I know it’s a bit late but forgive me guys I’m I’m new to start the valley but

I’m glad we’re able to finally we finally craft what I really wanted since the beginning oh hold on let’s just head straight but it’s 1:50 a.m. please don’t faint oh that was so close Okay and we had 1,500 on the day 20 of all year one

Not bad welcome to the 21st day of fall man time flies yesterday we were just an aspiring farmer working at the office tirelessly but look at us now we are doing good so we just learned how to cook a blazed yam nice so let’s just clean CLE up our inventory guys and

Finally craft more sprinklers all right we have two more let’s just read the email oh Caroline how sweet of you thanks for the par snip it’s so sweet okay so now we need more copper so we could craft our mayonnaise machine finally guys we should be able to craft

It today let’s say hi to our lovely friends hello everyone oh what you talking about you’re complaining huh cuz I I said you’re free late it’s like 7:00 a.m. now sorry about that thank you for your patience though all right now you should be free en enjoy your day say hi

To thank you he’s so happy in our farm I’m glad he is hey our little guy here is having fun as well yep they do agree out of milking okay there you go so I wonder what else could be craft with these milk awesome you have more

Mushrooms man this is so satisfying like I’ve been playing Esports for like almost the entirety of my gaming life I am now late 30s hopefully it won’t shock you guys my age and I’ve been playing since uh High School like how many how many years now what I’m trying to say is

That this is also as satisfying as what I feel when playing esport and even you know better cuz the there’s no losing in this game you just you win CU there’s some progress real progress going on and you don’t revert back to where you started look at that these are cute

Animals as well like I’m having fun all right so we have our sunflower here ready to harvest it like how many Hast do we have that that’s enough oh hold on we forgot to MK other guy here aha there you go nice and now time to harvest our

Plants our Amor what’s this amaran nice man this is so oddly satisfying awesome all right we’ set up five sprinklers that should help us a lot and finally guys look at that we could craft our Mayo machine oh so happy about this this one goes right in front of our chicken C

Let’s just uh chop this all right let me just get rid of the fence we’ll just set up the fence after uh After Fall okay we need more copper so we could craft more male nice and finally finally guys I can’t wait let’s get some egg all right

There you go mayonnaise will be ready in 3 hours our cers are ready let’s craft more mayonnaise machine we now have four of them uh there you go so maybe we’ll uh make uh six Mayo machines so we have four chickens right maybe uh we can do

They can produce uh one egg every day let’s just do six mayonnaise that’s fine okay now uh what to do next so we have more more coming guys uh no we need more Earth whals now so now let’s update we’re done with this by the way feel

Free to like And subscribe guys if you want to hang out and uh uh topper and gra bot okay that’s our next project and the thing is looks like we need more furnace right I think so maybe uh one or two more all right we could do that I

Think oh I almost forgot we need to water our plants let’s go it’s 5:00 p.m. they’re so thirsty now sorry about that little plants I don’t mean to I was just too excited for the Mayo machine oh look at that our Mayo machine is ready and

Also our quartz on top of us so now that we have sprinklers I think we’ll have more time to do uh something else like foraging saying hi to our town folks improving our relationship man this is so exciting it opens up uh opens up a lot of window for us window of

Opportunities and also we can plant more seeds right and our very first mayonnaise nice how much are there is uh yeah look at that a 90 gold one0 gold man and it will only take 3 hours for them to be crafted isn’t that awesome although we need more Earth crystals

Looks like we’re going to head straight to the mines again let’s let’s leave one amaran in case someone needs it and also one for the bundle nope nothing it’s not needed for the bundle so that means the rest will go into our shipping bin eggplant also going to our shipping bin

Uh mayonnaise no I I’ll keep our mayonnaise for now I will sell them in bul so uh decided to put our chest outside so we could easily you know access it I’m going to store uh the egg and the mayonnaise in the same chest all right it’s now 8:00 p.m. actually it’s

Robin’s birthday man we for now we got too busy it’s okay we’ll make it up let’s see um ah we got 5 500 gold from Caroline thanks much and we need 1,000 pieces of wood by the way I don’t know if we could do that but we’ll see to it

So we have our Coupe it’s full of chickens and also we have a barn full of cow I think four of them I I think it’s time to think of expanding uh we we need to invest into something that will give us more money so maybe a coup will

Expand Coupe first then after that uh we’ll expand our house all right it sounds like a plan I think let me take note of that before I forget K which is really typical of me expand coup kitchen and we just do a road map really quickly

And then um the next we don’t know yet important things we’ll be a able to expand our poop and our house okay that looks good okay let’s just fix our fence then I don’t know yet how large our fence should be so let me just put this here cuz I’m actually thinking of

Expanding our um operations here our furnace and all the Artisans Goods here and the farm may may be here I don’t know we we’ll see to it cuz you know my chest is in front of my house so I want to have quick access I’ll just get the

Materials here and then head straight to the machineries that might work and look at that guys I thought it’s the end of the day we’ve got all everything we need but and just in time salmon Berry jellies are ready oh boy I know that it’s not that profitable cuz you know

They only cost like uh 60 Gold and they take so long to be crafted to be made but you know we got those salmon berries for free and let’s just sell them now and also by picking up the salmon berries and all the frables we’re able to we’re able to um increase our

Experience our foraging experience cuz you know what it’s not just all about money it’s also about you know the the experience that we get so that’s more important for me okay now uh our jellies are empty oh now we’re so sleepy now I think we have more um blackberries here

More coming guys oh let’s see if we could craft more preserve jars nope okay Blackberry jelly coming right up mhm nice look at these jars they are dancing nice animation right now 1 a.m. guys thanks again for hanging out for more videos you can check out the lower left

Hand corner of your screen if you’re new here feel free to like And subscribe oh look at that we have 3,000 gold from these guys or salmon be just so worth it man 19900 gold so and always remember guys to be patient and kind to one

Another cuz that is what love is see you in the next video

Hello! I am only a noob so this is already a huge achievement for me. ๐Ÿ˜… Love y’all!

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๐Ÿ•Š๏ธ Verse of the day!
For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life. -John 3:16

#eathtosnack #indiegames #stardewvalley


  1. i love your pacing! i remember when i first started playing i kept seeing youtubers have so much stuff in year one and being stressed about my own safe file. trying to learn to have fun with the game haha. i usually am too poor or forgetful to make a coop and have chickens until fall of year 1 so i typically make mayo machines pretty late. love your content!

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