Come on! I will be late for school. Where is this cashier? Come soon. While he’s at the grocery store, I’ll go to school. Arda Bey, I’m here. Finally! Where have you been? I would be late for school. Arda Bey, I’m sorry. I fell a sleep. OK anyway. No problem.

I am going to school. Today is an important day. There are schools from elementary to high school. I am going to school. Mr. Arda, okay. I’ll look at the grocery store. Do not worry. Good luck with. Yes, I’ll wait for customers. Soon, this place is dollars. Quick! I hope I’m not late.

Today is very important to me. This is Arda! Let me park the car right now. Arda! take me too. Wind, I can’t deal with you now. The first lesson is Baldi’s. Why don’t you wait for us? Hi guys. We came too. Yes, first lesson is Baldi’s. Let’s get in line now.

Come on! Let’s be quick. Quick! Let’s go to our places now. Be quick. Elementary School Kids! Our first lesson is painting. Whoever draws poorly gets 0 and fails. I don’t care if you’re upset. According to that! Baldi! I would be surprised if you act like a human for once! Draw quickly!

I’m telling you to draw. Draw a picture! The bad draw gets 0. Teacher, okay. We’re drawing! Speech! Animal bastard! Open your hand quickly. Open your hand! Here I opened it! Ah! Ah! Now continue drawing. Those who do not draw well fail the class. Baldi, boy I will ask you!

I’ll ask you when I get to high school. Teacher, it’s over. Teacher, yes. We’re all done! Wow! Guys, congratulations. Beautiful! You all drew. I explain my decision. Are you ready? You all failed the class. What! This is unfair. I’m a teacher, but we drew beautifully. Look! Don’t you see?

I don’t even care. go! It’s enough. I’m sick of this Baldi! Yeah nice. They must have thought I’d let them move from Elementary to Middle School! What a job! He failed us from day one. What! my son. Wow! Teacher, what happened? Is this car yours, son? Teacher, yes I am.

But this is none of your business. My son, is there such a thing? Tell me you have such a car! I wouldn’t have left you in the classroom. What! My son, let’s see. This is your card. I appreciate you. Teacher, really? Are you serious!

Of course, my son. I don’t leave rich students like you in class. Teacher, thank you. You’ve passed the class now. You went from primary school to secondary school, my son. Teacher, thank you. Thank you! Middle School. That’s it! We are now in middle school. Our classroom is upstairs.

That’s it! We came to our classroom. Our lessons will now be more difficult. Who is our teacher? Wow! Baby Soldier was also in our class. Baby Soldier, how are you? Arda, I’m fine. How are you? IM fine too. Who is our teacher? Coming soon. Get to your places quickly.

I am your new teacher. What is this! Witch. This woman leaves us in the classroom. Be quiet. Oops! We’re in trouble. What will we do if we don’t pass the class? I want to go to high school. Children, you will take turns going to the board.

Then you will solve the question on the board. Do you understand? If he can’t solve it, he gets 0. Teacher, okay. Let’s take turns. Come over here. Solve this question. Teacher, I’m coming. Teacher, I don’t know. How do you not know? Instead of late! Late! You failed the class! Come next.

Teacher, I’m here. It’s a difficult question! Is the answer 70? You didn’t know! Instead of late. OK. Those who don’t know stay in the classroom. What is the answer to the question? I know. I’m coming! Teacher, the answer is 77. Is it true? You didn’t know! Instead of late. Late! OK!

It’s a mixed question. What is the answer to this? Teacher, I’m here. But I don’t know the answer. You failed the lesson. Sit down! Take your place. Come next. I can’t be! We were in the classroom. Congratulations. You failed the class!

I don’t have to stay. I have to go to high school and get revenge on Baldi. Teacher, the answer is 60! Yeah! 60 66 You didn’t know. Take your place! Oops! It is my turn. Silly. Come here! Teacher, I’m coming! Teacher, the answer. What is the answer to this? Think Arda! Think.

You better be fast. 1+1=2, then 2+2=4. In this case the answer is 60. Yes. 67. Teacher, is it true? Congratulations, you didn’t fail! Arda passed the class. That’s it! I passed. You’re in high school now, son. Congratulations. Teacher, thank you. Thank you. Guys, don’t worry. You will work and pass.

Arda went to high school. I failed the class. Here you go. We’re going to high school. High School Shooting. Come on hit it. That’s it. Goal! Look at me. Come here. I’m telling you! Arda, did you tell me? Arda, what happened? You will call me brother. I’m going to high school.

Arda, don’t make me angry. What are you saying? Give me 50 cents. Wind, look at me. You will call me brother. Did you understand? Okey brother. Here, 50 cents! Congratulations. Now go from here. Brother, okay. Ringtone Friends, the bell is ringing. Quick! Let’s go to the lesson. Yes, let’s run!

Quick! Let’s not be late for class. stop! We don’t need to go to class anymore. We’re in high school now. Even if we go to class late, the teacher can’t tell us anything. We can go to class whenever we want. Yes, you are right. We’re in high school now.

Now teachers think about it. not us! Yes, here I am in class. What! Where are these students? There is no one in this class. Teacher, hi. What! I’m sorry, teacher. We’re late for class. Or take a look if you want. I do not care.

Guys, whatever. No problem today. Please don’t be late again. Am I going to ask you? You will not ask me. But this is school boys. Anyway, let’s solve the question on the board. Teacher, we cannot solve this question! Write 1+1 there. Maybe I can solve it. But guys. You can stay in class.

Then you won’t be able to reach your dream job. What is your dream? Tell me. I will give 100 to the person who tells his dream. Teacher, our dreams are not that cheap. Get the news. Guys, if you act aggressively like this, you will fail the class. I say solve this question quickly!

If it’s boring, leave us in class, teacher! Don’t threaten us, okay? Son, get off the table. What are you doing? If you leave us in the classroom, I will leave you on the floor after school. According to that! Congratulations Arda! Congratulations! Boy, okay. Get off that table.

Teacher, be smart. I’ll blow your mind! Guys, okay then. This question will never come up in your life anyway. Not important. That’s why you all passed the class. I will go now. Teacher, bye bye. You did the right thing. Laughing voice Arda, congratulations. Thanks to you, we passed the class.

Guys, it doesn’t matter. It’s that easy to pass the class in high school! We have now graduated from this school. Walk now. We can go. Follow me! I also finished high school. I’ve graduated now. Yes, I left them all in class. What! Arda, my son. Look who’s here!

Arda, my son. Did you go to high school? Lovely! Baldi, I went to high school. Do you remember? How he beat us up in elementary school! Was I beating? My son, no. What a tattoo! I was kidding with you. I’m kidding you now, Baldi! Son, stop. What are you doing?

Be smart. I’ll take your mind Bald headed! Treat the kids right or they’ll all beat you up when they get to high school. OK, son. Sorry. Forgive me. Bald head, look at me. You’re going to be smart, okay? OK, son. Hit! I’m done with this school now. I finally graduated from school.

Now I can go and work. No need to go to college. Everyone who leaves is unemployed. I already have a grocer. I’d better go and work. I will miss this school. Well, let’s go now. I went to so many schools. I’m deleting places now. Life is so hard.

Well, there’s nothing to do. I would be the worst YouTuber. Latest video Next video

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  1. Galatasaray Bursaspor maçından kareler bu kareler bu kareler Suriye'den gelen her face fan sayfası için bu kadar basit bir işlem bu Bu ve fotoğrafları arasında bir fark yoktur ancak bir süre için bir işlem olduğunu ifade ediyor bu nedenle ben bir süre daha için tıklayın Anadolu lisesi Anadolu ve fotoğrafları 😅ve diğer toplu para ve sermaye ile bir işlem yapmanıza izin alınmadan bir çok farklı zaman ve diğer tüm bu kadar güzel ki ben bu nedenle ve sermaye ve diğer yerleşim yeri belde belediye ve 😮😅

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