What’s new for Terraria in 2024

Hey everyone my name is James and welcome back to chippy gaming and also welcome to 2024 it’s been exactly 1 year since Terraria 1.4.5 begun development so to celebrate we have not one but two state of the games to talk about so the first state of the game is one from

December which I didn’t even realize they post they posted this a couple of hours before New Year’s and it had a pretty exciting spoiler so in that state of the game Rel logic wrote chicken bones has been with the Rel team for some time now and as is tradition for

Team members that have earned their stripes and proven their metal it is high time that he received his developer armor you can catch a glimpse of this awesome new Dev set in the nighting ceremony below where red bestows His Highest honor upon chicken bones take a minute to thank chicken bones for all

That he does for Terraria and to congratulate him on his honor so included was a video of krono GRS urasa and Jim watching as red and senx night chicken bones with their very own developers armor for those that don’t know the developers do have a say in

Designing their outfit and as you can see chicken bones has gone for a pretty futuristic scientist look now just to speak to chicken bones credit I did have the opportunity to play with them back in July when I was invited to that small testing of 1.4.5 and obviously I can’t

Talk about specifics hopefully in the future I can but it went something like this someone would throw out an idea that seemed quite technically hard and the next day it was done like they were just that fast but honestly I was in awe that week because that’s what everyone

At Rel logic’s like they’re just like on top of their game now in the second half of the state of the game di spoke about what a great year it’s been and also wrote In the meantime we have a little festive build for you one that may or

May not contain spoilers enjoy and included was this video here now you all know I’m not a master builder and I won’t pretend to be but I think the spoiler is you can now customize presents like there was different styles before but now it’s easier to pick same

With the small presents and then there’s like a new Rubble thing got I got no idea like I get it but I don’t know how to explain it it’s like oh yeah okay this is this is purely for Builders we all know this all right then so moving

On to the brand new state of the game which was posted earlier today Rel logic wrote Terraria 1.4.5 slime Evolution and ax ranks oh my what started is a quick and short update to add our side of the Terraria X dead cells crossover content has morphed into

A much larger update that we’ve been working on for over a year now the team is currently going over more plans and ideas in regards to what else might make it into 1.4.5 timelines Etc more on that later for now let’s take a sneak peek at

Another of the tree versus ax War prizes as well as a bit of slimy goodness and the first spoiler we got to talk about is the axar rang now we did know that this was coming in the pipeline but we didn’t know what it would look like and

In action it’s very smooth truth be told I felt like cutting down trees was going to Peak with the axe of regrowth but you know what I actually think this might be better imagine you’re an endgame Terraria and you just need a little wood are you going to walk and cut that down

With an axe nah right you’re going to use the ax aray I feel like I will actually keep this on my hot bar and this second spoiler contains a brand new slime and I have a bit of a theory about this one so the Slime we can see here is

A cloud slime it floats as it jumps and it contains a little bit of cloud block is this a slime you’ll encounter on the surface during regular gam play I don’t know I feel like potentially this slime will only appear here on a floating island or maybe it’s just something for

The Sky Block seat and I say this because in the third spoiler you can see a slime with a bit of Moonglow inside now is that something to make Sky Block easier or are the slimes adapting to their environment I don’t know though do you have a theory let me know down below

And they wrapped up this section by saying 2024 is going to be a great one we cannot wait to show you more from 1.4.5 in the months to come all right so moving on to the second half of this state of the game this for me is where

It gets really good so Dr wrote here we are back again with the latest in regards to development on the console and mobile side of the house one of the focus areas of 1.4.5 has wound up being in the quality of life space ways of making things that

Might be tedious or cumbersome less so one great example is the collection in storage of dropped item be they something like fallen stars or or even an AFK farming setup the team has introduced the hopper for that very purpose shall we see it in action now I

Don’t have to tell you what this is you’ve played Minecraft you know what a hopper is finally we’re getting these in Terraria like what terrari is about to turn 13 years old you telling me it took 13 years to add Hoppers well I have to say I am very grateful I am curious

Though is the artwork for The Hoppers completed like how do we know that it’s running is it this little bit of Machinery down here is it a special kind of chest uh I don’t really know and I’d love a better way to know which chest is

A hopper or like what even a hopper looks like but yeah this is amazing so that’s it for the state of the game but we do have more and that’s because for the past couple of weeks every once in a while the team has shared something new

Now first off in response to why not go for 1.5 senx wrote we all agreed that if 1.5 were to happen it would be best to be its own thing and also later saying it got really close to 1.5 a few times we even have a dock so yeah even though

This is the new final final like I’ll stop right it’s the new final update potentially 1.5 could still be made because it is something that they’ve actively thought about also from senx she wrote it’s so nice to hire from within the community 2024 is off to an

Exciting start so yeah real logic has a new member now we don’t know who that is yet or what they will be doing I imagine they’re probably in a bit of a trial period a lot of companies do this they you know let somebody settle in before

Revealing them publicly but I want to know like who have you added and what are they doing but yeah very exciting I love that this is once again another person from within the community because if you don’t know Rel logic is pretty much entirely made of people from the

Community over on Reddit somebody requested a staff stand and a pet stand so that you can have your pets back at home and rep responded to this this gets requested a lot I’ll see if there are any feasible ways to make it happen no promises at the start of the month red

Tweeted out new torch God track is fire yeah so you know that mini event that not a lot of people know about and if you show it to somebody that doesn’t play terrari a lot they don’t even believe yeah that’s getting its own music track red also tweeted what am I

What am I what am I I am the torch God so yeah potential insight to the song now over on the Terraria thums read put up a status that said ax gang got two things and so far we haven’t decided on anything for tree gang what do my fellow

Saplings want someone wrote a squirrel pet that plants trees and a slingshot that fires acorns and re responded so far handsome squirrel is winning and also said we are discussing the slingshot in Dev chat right now I love the idea so potentially that’s one item

But what will be the second also over on the Terraria Forum somebody wrote to red and said I’m surprised we haven’t gotten an undertale item in the game yet I feel like Toby would be on board with having his little white dog as a painting or something with responding maybe I should

Reach out sometime considering how much the player bases overlap and finally somebody asked what do we call Terraria 1.4.5 because we’ve had updates in the past like Journey’s End Journey’s End end and labor of love and Reb responded we already have a name for it but its

Name is a spoiler so what do you think it might be leave me a comment down below now the final thing I want to say is that you may have noticed that I haven’t been very active recently in fact this is my first video of the year

I’m not retiring I’m not passing over the hill in fact I’ve actually been playing a lot of Terraria and that’s because it is my goal this year to work on a ton of big videos like really big videos that you can get excited about obviously last year about 80% of my

Uploads were News videos and you know I love making them but they’re short and they’re fast and yeah I feel like there’s a bit of an itch in for something and yeah in 2024 I will be delivering I’m very excited about what I’ve got planned and it’s not all Terraria

Although it’s like 90% Terraria actually I’ve just finished the footage for the first big project you’ve seen some of it in the background of this video so look forward to that and I’ll be working on a bunch more this year thank you so much for your support last year and I’m

Really excited about the next 12 months so yeah hope it’s a good one right see you in the next one peace

In this video, we’ll be looking at the latest Terraria update news and spoilers as Re-Logic returns following the Christmas break to develop Terraria 1.4.5

Terraria State of the Game December 2023: https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/terraria-state-of-the-game-december-2023.131725/
Terraria State of the Game January 2024: https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/terraria-state-of-the-game-january-2024.132500/

Check out the new Terraria merch and save 15% with code CHIPPY or simply head to http://www.Terraria.shop/chippy (affiliate)




  1. what about being able to have different guns or bows shoot different ammo ( example: have s.d.m.g. shoot chlorophyte bullets and a sniper rifle shoot venom bullets) so you could switch between them to get the venom effect then back to chlorophyte?

  2. What are your thoughts on changing the frost hydra staff from a simple projectile to a flamethrower like spray that gushes out occasionally and leaves a trail of flames below like the dart rifle with cursed flame darts?

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