Minecraft 1.20.5 Snapshot 24W04A | Armadillo Blocks Damage | Transfer Players

Hello everyone and welcome back to another Minecraft update video this is Snapshot 24w 04a for 1.21 and 1.2.5 it is the latter that we are going to start off with so first of all the armadillo which has had a couple of changes made to it here on the website

It says that an armadillo now rolls up when it detects a mob or a player that has recently attacked it the reason I am quoting the website here is because I’ve been conducting some tests attacking an armadillo making my way away and supposedly it’s going to remember that I

Have attacked it so when I come back into its range of detection surely it should curl up into a ball but as you can see it’s not doing this I also did some investigating into the mob’s NBT data specifically the hurt by time stamp and it looked like the armadillo would

Remember who attacked it for about 90 seconds but I never saw this actually happened in the game you know maybe this isn’t working quite as intended just yet the next armadillo change also relates to when it’s rolled up it’ll now take less damage so what we can do is prod it

Like this run this command to see that it’s got 11 health and then we’ll give it another punch and we’ll see that it didn’t take any damage whatsoever let’s now attack it with a wooden sword first of all which will do more damage so it took four and then we’ll attack it once

More and we’ll see that it reduced it by 1.5 my mistake I I got the numbers the wrong way around it reduced it by 2.5 we only did 1 .5 damage let’s conduct this test again this time with a stone sword you can see it did five damage and then

Our next attack only did two so that means that it shielded three damage and after doing this again with the diamond sword it both shielded more damage but took more too so I think this is a percentage based system now we head back over to the website as there’s a bunch

Of technical changes that I’m going to Breeze through before we get to 1.20.1 first of all there is a new transfer command in the game and this actually transfers a player in your world to a different host so you can put in the host IP address the port number and then

The player that you want to transfer this might sound a little crazy but with all the groundwork that moang have been laying for this it’s kind of not a surprise that you’ll now have a command to move players from one server to the other seamlessly we also have a new

Region file compression algorithm the key thing to pick up here is that you have a choice between the old and the new one and this one uses less CPU time to compress but the tradeoff is that it’s going to use more disk space one thing to note though is that this is not

An automatic process so it’s not going to go through and recompress your entire world and the old chunks that you got will stay in the previous format now one of the options for running a Minecraft server is to use Force upgrade which can convert the old chunk formats to a new

One this now includes entities and POI directories as well but it’s not going to be confused with this new parameter which is recreate region files if you boot up a server with this it’s going to recreate all of your region files with the new compressed storage format so

This will cause all of the chunks to be Rewritten and that means that it will defragment your region files this stuff though is not likely to make a big difference with performance unless you’re really struggling then we have the improved server TPS debug chart which is accessed by pressing F3 and 2

Here’s what it looks like in an old snapshot and here’s what it looks like in 24 w4a so the big difference seems to be that there’s just more green down at the bottom of the screen right but you can see the changes when you start to fly around and move about as there’s

More information visible in this chart down the bottom here now the different colors represent different things that’s going on and here on the website you can find a detailed description of what each of the different colors mean as always the articles that moyang share are linked in the description box down below

And last of all when you’re setting up a new world this allow commands it used to be known as allow sheets they’ve renamed that to allow commands those are the 1.2.5 changes and just before we get to the 1.21 stuff if you want to subscribe

To the channel feel free to do so and catch future videos like this where I bring you up to speed on what’s happening with the development of Minecraft and before we get into it here’s something that I missed from last week’s snapshot this that we’re looking at is the wind charge particle and

Here’s what it used to look like the swirls going around the outside went around all sides of this object but now as you can see it just goes along this one axis obviously just a subtle change that isn’t much to get excited about but I did discover this okay it kind of blew

Away the rest of them but they can kind of sit static in the world until you punch them like this might be useful for a mini game just you know aiming these at your opponents and sending them on their way so there is a reason we’re

Near a village today that is because of this guy over here so currently the breeze is aggressive to the player it will now also be aggressive to an iron golem you can see they going at one another here and these three are just having a little conversation off in the

Distance yeah the change is that the breeze is now going to be an aggressor towards an iron golem so maybe bringing a carved pumpkin and some iron blocks to a trial chamber is now a legitimate strategy oh and if you’re wondering who is going to win clearly this guy the

Breeze has been eliminated okay what do all of these mobs have in common the Slime the cave spider the spider the husk the zombie the Stray and the skeleton they will spawn inside of the trial chamber and the change is that if the breeze is attacked by any one of

These mobs then it’s not going to retaliate and you might be thinking this is just the skeleton and the Stray that can shoot an arrow that hits the breeze but remember the breeze does a lot of attacks that can actually attack these mobs and cause them to aggress towards

The breeze and the way I think this has been achieved is that the above mobs the ones I just listed no longer retaliate when hurt by the Bree’s wind charge projectile and last of all do you remember the last Snapshot video where there was a change to the amount of

Copper grates that you get well in this change log they’ve changed it back so over here you get four for four and over here you get one for four here it is in last week’s snapshot and here it is in this week’s snapshot being changed back

And while we’re down here in the bug section I’ll mention there are some minor things changed to the trial spawners and breezes just issues under the hood and also introducing the new spawn chunk radius game rule introduce some problems as well and with a smaller

Bug list we may be getting closer to the release of this update but currently there is no news so we’ll have to wait and see and that’s all I’ve got for you this one if you enjoyed it leave a like thanks as always for supporting the

Channel and I’ll see you soon in another bye-bye

Minecraft 1.20.5 Update Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk
Snapshot 24W04A for Minecraft 1.20.5 will include the armadillo and wolf armor. This snapshot lets the armadillo block damage when rolled up. Players can transfer between server with a command and the breeze will attack an iron golem!

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0:00 Armadillo Blocks Damage
1:49 Transfer Players
2:21 Region File Compression
2:44 World Optimizing
3:17 F3+2
3:50 Not Cheating
4:15 Breeze Changes
5:55 Change It Back Again

Featured In This Video

#minecraft #minecraftnews #snapshot


  1. I wish armadillos would also roll up their head and arms when they roll up into a ball. It would make them look cuter.

    Also, maybe instead of adding new copper blocks. They could redo old crafting recipes and add copper to those recipes. Like maybe you will need copper instead of gold in order to craft powered rails.

  2. Take a video about this , The world is now ruled by one community of people, the world Satanic elite, you can also call them the committee to meet the Antichrist and prevent the 2nd coming of Jesus, Trump called them the deep state, at the moment it consists of about 10,000 people, the main ones there are Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Windsors, Baruchs, they, their ancestors, descendants and other people who enter there have the mark of Lucifer, which, if they bring the antichrist and do not allow the 2nd coming, they will receive eternal life after the x hour, and the rest of humanity, for all the time that they have lived, they won't get anything, so all people should know about the existence of a world government (Jesus who was a The Prophet of God, not God.God will send Jesus as a reward to humanity, if humanity deserves it, for this it is necessary to fight Lucifer and his elite)

  3. Hey X, it sounds like your using sone sort of denoising algorithm or something of those sorts on your audio. I don't know if it's just me but it's quite distracting and (for me at least) borderline annoying.

    Not to hate on the video, I just wanted to let you know incase there is more people that feels the same. Maybe it's just me then no worries.

  4. I wish we could get a Sawzall item. Like the Stonecutter, but it will do everything from wood to metal, with Diamonds and Debris as exceptions. The crafting recipe could be the same as the Stonecutter, just Iron Blocks along the bottom and either a Diamond or Netherite Ingot in the middle.

  5. 2:09 This could be somewhat nice, if automated, because then only player within render distance need to be on the same server. From there on, lag machines only affect the player, who runs it. Sry Horizon🤗

  6. a lot of these updates seemed to be directed at the functionality of bringing an old server into the new updates. update current chunks to generate new biomes, commands that make moving files easier, forcing an overide of already loaded chunks into updated biomes.
    the only thing that comes to mind is 2b2t the oldest anarchy server still running on 1.12, but i guess this would help servers like highpixel as well or other multiplayer servers that are struggling with updating the already loaded chunks

  7. the mic doesn't sound as good as it used to, I know you recently changed the mic. but, I don't think you ever mention what too. tbh sounds like a beacon mic that has not been EQ'ed. so my main question is what mixer and mic are you running…

  8. It is so funny that basically in every snapshot they say that there is a new feature and it does not work at all
    This must be a running gag by now that the say in the changelog that they implement something or fix something but then it does not work at all like they say

  9. I know I'm a bit late to the party on this but I find the audio much worse in this video, hard to hear and very harsh. I wonder if your new mic setup could do with some tweaking.

  10. Why is it a strategy now?

    Before this snapshot the breeze didn't even try to escape the iron golem and ignored it, until it was killed by it.

    I guess I might have told Mojang about it 😅 I mean it would had been too easy, right?

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