Grandpa’s Evaluation After 2 Years Of NOTHING – Stardew Valley

Today I’ve started a brand new farm because I’ve got a fun no idea to play with at the end of year two grandpa comes back to visit you on his old farm BC what kind of progress you’ve made and how happy you are with your new life

Wait for my return on dawn of your third year grandpa we could ask ourselves how it’s possible for grandpa to come back and see me but we should really be gathering from this is a ghost exists and they can come back and visit people so everyone in town who has missing

Family members well they can visit them any time apparently but my idea today is very simple I’m going to do absolutely nothing for the next few years at which point we’re gonna see what grandpa’s evaluation of his old farmers and hopefully he’s not gonna be do judgy

Because this is the state he left to the fireman honestly it can’t really get much worse I actually have to wonder what he was even doing with his time there’s no animal barns there’s no crops there’s no fences there’s no sign that anyone ever really did anything except

For sleep in the house so using grandpa as my role model here we go I see perhaps clarify a little bit and I see do nothing I mean just sleep I’m not gonna clear any more debris from the field with the exception of what I’m

Gonna have to clear to make it back to grandpa’s shrine because the debris is going to grow I’m not gonna leave my farm I’m not gonna check the mail I’m not gonna plant anything I’m not gonna home not even gonna turn on the TV it’s the 21st of winter today I just

Wanted to stop one week short to take a look at the farm before we dive into grandpa’s evaluation unfortunately we don’t have a choice we do have to meet Kent along the way because he shows up as soon as you walk out your door in year two and then Marnie’s also gonna

Show up with the dog so you can’t help but meet her I can’t help but notice grandpa didn’t leave a dog on his farm so I’m assuming he never had one therefore I shouldn’t have one as you can see if he let the farm do its own

Thing the trees start to grow and this is what happens over time you just end up with a lot of trees the more time that passes the more trees you have and they make a completely impassable barrier luckily that’s never really been enough to stop me nothing but trees and

Debris oh here I did find some SAP I assume lightning hit a tree blew some SAP out of the ground something to that effect we can’t even see grandpa’s shrine anymore the field not entirely full of debris but pretty close well let’s see what grandpa thinks of our

Efforts so far normally he judges things like how many fish we’ve caught how many items we’ve shipped how many people we’ve made friends with skills eBird how much house we’ve upgraded so clearly he’s gonna be pretty impressed with what I’ve got going on my dear boy

It’s been many years since we last spoke you are just a little boy do you remember not entirely sure you’re even my grandpa look how far you’ve come yep I’m a real farmer though you may have forgotten me I’ve been here all along thanks for the help by the way you

See my body has departed this world but my heart will always remain and stardew valley and hearts party your body by the way you’ve been here two years now there we go this will be the good part the farm hasn’t changed much in the past few

Years but that’s okay I thought he’d be a little bit harsher about it but like I said the farm looks the same as when he had it so if you’re enjoying your new life that’s all that matters to me well that makes things easier for me not a

Lot of pressure the future of useless farm is in your hands now it has been for the past two years yeah I I was a really nice of you to stop by again I don’t know what they’d do without you unfortunately we’re gonna have some trees in the way according to what I’m

Seeing it lights a candle no matter what you get a participation candle so anyone out there who gets one candle lit don’t be super proud of that accomplishment grandpa is a little too easygoing I didn’t do anything with the farm he didn’t seem to care and still gave me

One candle zero to three points get you a single candle and there’s a diamond shape to slot in the shrine was that always there pretty sure it wants a pearl there’s a diamond shape it doesn’t take the pearl well since we have the opportunity that’s been grandpa back

Again tonight you place a diamond on grandpa’s shrine it also put the candle out I’ve never noticed that before now I don’t feel that grandpa’s wrong in his evaluation I just feel like he might have got a few things incorrect I think we could do a little better than one

Candle My dear boy I’m glad you summoned me I was perhaps a little too harsh with you last time if that was being too harsh with me I think I understand why you failed as a farmer forgive me you’ve been working very hard and I’m proud of it I think you’re getting old

Even for a ghost but if you want to give me more candles that’s fine by me let’s see a farm hasn’t changed much all that much since we last spoke but that’s okay if you’re enjoying your new life that’s all that matters I must return to the other world now

I’ll feel free to call on me when you’re ready in someone goes just like an uber that’s fun do we do better this time yeah still only one candle let’s make it three in a row numbers not particularly busy anyway but the question is will he have any different dialog he did not

Nothing changes if you summon them three days in a row however we can maybe do a little bit better in our evaluation if we change just a few small things by tomorrow if we have level 10 in all of our skills we get two points for that

That’s going to put us halfway to a second candle I wonder if grandpa’s gonna notice we’re cheating even a giant strides you’re making in a single day after one hour in game time I’m suddenly a very skilled person so all we would need is another two points to get us at

Next candle and hopefully grandpa is a little prouder of the farm he left me with what are the ways to earn a point is have a friendship of at least four hearts with your pet well I don’t think that’s gonna happen until I have a kid I could make friends with some people

Unfortunately I don’t really know enough to make that work I need to get eight hearts with five people for a single point or eight hearts with ten people for two points and I only know for akhirat me but simply earning gold is a great way to earn points earning your

First 50,000 gold will get you a point by the time you hit 1 million gold you have a total of 7 points just from that that’s obviously the easiest option so I’m gonna go at that one 100,000 gold will get his two points never forget to

Summon the old guy though time to crush it My dear boy I’m glad you summoned me I was perhaps a little too harsh with you last time well he’s gonna get a little bit nicer every time you’ve been working hard and I’m proud of it make

With the dialogue old man let’s see the farm hasn’t changed much all that much since we last spoke but that’s okay if you’re enjoying a new life that’s all that matters I must return I put in all that hard work during two candles and you can’t even give me a bit of dialogue

Unless I did that wrong maybe earning money that way doesn’t count one candle all right I’m gonna have to put some stuff in the shipping bin then clearly you think at some point grandpa would get sick of coming to see me it’s just the same result again and again nothing

Changes I just want to annoy grandpa the easiest way at this point is simply earn a hundred thousand gold I think is going to be buying 20 treasure chests I’m pretty sure these are worth five thousand each 20 times five is 100 thousand I have accidentally flooded my

Farm with crystal areum’s producing wood so that’ll be pretty impressive to Grandpa I’m sure and I’m not even gonna do anything about that those are just gonna hang out there now cuz that’s gonna be impressive but does the money register tonight or tomorrow night it might be take two nights ago grandpa to

Register this it should work out tonight there’s are even 100,000 gold thanks to our treasure chests be proud of me I’m working hard you’ve done a good job improving the place since we last spoke oh he likes you crystal areum’s it seems you’ve tried your best that’s all I can

Ask for I’m proud of you well he’s a man of very few words and very little gratitude I don’t take it that means we earned ourselves two candles and as soon as we start making money guess who shows up Demetrius but alesis will be good for

Another person I can meet and play with their heart levels currently we’re sitting at four points we need eight to get that third candle how do we earn ourselves another four points well we can start by making some money the money alone is gonna get us there we can also

Make friends with some of the villagers because grandpa might also approve of that somewhat there we go I’m the type of person who doesn’t make friends unless the friends come to me this farm is a disaster already a stack of iridium quality treasure chests is worth a whole bunch of gold

Nine million nine hundred and ninety thousand grandpa’s gotta be on to me by now My dear boy I’m glad forgive me you’ve done well my boy useless farm has never looked better it’s an honor to the family name I wonder if he had a ghost of his grandpa

When he was opening the farm grandpa is pleased wait is grandpa’s saying grandpa is pleased I talk about myself in the third person too I must return to the other world and look who’s back rhe candles so all accomplished in the first six days of the second year so currently with our

Three candles we’re at 11 points you only need 12 to get the perfect or candles and the statue of perfection and since we’ve come this far we might as well just go for it now looking through the list the next easiest one to get would have been having a four heart

Relationship with the pet but I said no to the dog so that’s off the list married with a fully upgraded house that would be kind of an option would still take some time chip every item that’s not gonna happen catch every fish definitely not complete the museum collection maybe not too long

Community center nope Community Center ceremony same thing skulky obtained maybe rusty key obtained that one’s easy that’s only 60 items to the museum so we’ll go to that luckily I can do this very easily I go to artifacts and minerals and just go down the road 12 for each one so only

Have to do five rows 60 items just like that not even lunchtime yet unfortunately I’m not gonna collect a rusty key right away it’s gonna take a day or two to get it perfect the very next morning Ganta stops by to give me the key I need for that point now if

You’ll kindly give that to me and get out of here I’ve got a ghost to play with also what is grandpa need a diamond every time I need to summon him you should wanna come see his grandson shouldn’t cost a dime in to lure him out

La blah blah blah blah what do you think of my now perfect farm of which I’ve never farmed a single inch of it let’s see you’ve done well my boy you said that last time useless farmers never looked better is there really no difference between three

And four candles unless I screwed up my calculations along the way what do we got grandpa don’t make me work for this Rey Wikipedia you lied to me again well that’s pretty annoying you know we have to do now we have to upgrade my house fully and they get married you know what

Since I’ve got you here handy I’ll see you in three days hopefully grandpa likes you cuz I sure don’t can I get a deal since I’m marrying your daughter grandpa will show up for a diamond but no I get married that’s not good enough for him also the

Game crashed ogress seems to have saved Maru doesn’t have a spouse sim currently but she is in my house so that’s all that really matters all I need now is a fully upgraded house so that means the basement edition after that grandpa should love me and there it is one

A complete house when spouse that I don’t like now one more diamond later and we should actually have this complete and for some reason it soon as I walk into my house scrap is showing up today so the game is clearly not liking whatever it is I’m doing but they should

Still count because I have everything where it needs to be not sure what’s gonna happen at the end of this though cuz I’m not in bed sleeping overnight you’ve done well useless farmer’s never looked better grandpa is pleased I must return ok so does that mean I got by perfect for

Candles or not and as you can see I clearly wasn’t in bed he just showed up as soon as I walked in the front door but ok will this go with this whatever happens happens right definitely have more than enough points we just can’t get that last candle for reasons I don’t

Understand let’s go finish the museum only a few more items to donate and good enough there it is the achievement for a complete collection so that is confirmed done got the achievement extra point for me if it doesn’t right this time the game is officially bugged my dear boy

Bla bla bla keep it going I’m so proud of you my boy idly after years and years of hard hard work evenly turned the place around since last we spoke I’ve literally done nothing to the farm but I did complete the museum collection of items I pretty much just summoned you’re

A better farmer than I ever was and you brought great honor to the family name what is it by the way and I’ve done literally no farming so that doesn’t say a lot about your farming skills I can feel it now my spirit is finally put to

Rest bless you well this took a little more effort than I thought it was going to but there it is for candles which gives us the Statue of perfection because I’m such a perfect farmer and everything I do is 100% legit there we go nice improvement I noticed he said

His spear was put to rest does that mean for good my shrine ok yep he’s dead dead he’s not coming back well that was fun

At the end of year 2 grandpa returns to see how your farm is doing. Normally people have made great progress by then, I have not. I just sleep for 2 straight years to see what grandpa thinks of my laziness. Afterwards I move through all the candle ranks to achieve perfection all in a little over a week. Stardew Valley gameplay with my commentary as always!


  1. I didnt know about this of the "Grandpa point" i make perfection in my first farm, now that i see how hard is get perfection i feel more complete about my farm, wow

  2. fun fact, the family names is the farm name so when he says “you put an honour to the family name” that name is useless, which means he is not at all lying

  3. Bruh i play stardew valley and my farn is clean,(almost has complete museum), 2 cows,7 chickens and 3 fires and all i need is a complete musem

  4. 10:40 I think the wiki says something about the game prioritising a wedding over grandpa's thingy, playing it next time you go in the house. Therefore since the game crashed it probably still thought there was a wedding so played grandpa's visit delayed.

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