I Got My Little Brother a Minecraft Spider in Real Life

50 doors in one room each with something different behind them one has a diamond and another has a stick and whichever door my brother chooses he then gets whatever is behind that door in real life door number n open it up oh a cake here we go Max this one’s really bad

Think of the worst cake you’ve ever seen in your entire life this is a pie but not everything is good and even one containing Max’s biggest fear a Goliath spider I think I think we go with this door door number 9 go ahead open it up

And watch out watch out watch out don’t die don’t die a skeleton a skeleton okay close your eyes Max we have your first item that you got so you you got a skeleton which means you get this in real life go ahead and show it to the

Camera what the where did you what kind of bones are these they are real bones oh that’s all I’ll say I don’t want to hold these anymore okay here I’ll take them from you that means you get $10 and for every door you open

And hold an item you get $10 more so you can get up to 500 so if I open all of these doors I get $500 so go ahead and choose your second door okay I’m going go with door I think I think this one’s pretty cool door number two yeah I’m scking

With this color I think this color n this color this color a diamond sword a diamond sword what you going you going to get a diamond sword let me go get it real quick close your eyes close your eyes I’ve got the item in my hand congratulations you got a diamond sword

Which means you now receive this what was that can I open my eyes yep you can open your eyes there you go your diamond sword this is the best thing that I could find that equivalates to like a sword that does a ton of damage so be careful don’t touch the

Edge yeah yeah I’m not I’m not congratulations you just won yourself $10 more keep continuing open more doors what what do you want to open next remember some of these are good I went this door last time yeah yeah so I’m thinking we go the purple one one to the

Next to it just remember some of these are good some of these are bat so go ahead and open your door let’s see what you got oh a cat I got to go grab it I hope I get a cat man close your eyes close your eyes okay all right now just

Because it says cat does it mean that you’re getting a cat yeah oh ignore the cry ignore the little me it’s Kelly baby Kelly Kelly a and because open a door accepted the gift you get 10 more dollar roonies Max there you go go ahead and choose

Your next door I’ll take the capat from you I like I like the looks of this store okay oh cobweb so doesn’t just because you get cobweb doesn’t mean you get cobweb necessarily it could mean you get can I get like a spider oh why would

That be bad yeah I’m a I’m afraid of I hate spiders don’t worry it’s not a spider it’s not a spider so you’re good close your eyes please don’t be a spider what he got me a spider yeah yeah wait no I’m not putting my hands out no no

No oh okay it better not be a spider string I I really thought it was a spider it is Silly String no which one you opening Max my next one which one which one uh 31 I’m going to go with 31 go for it what what

Is that grab it what if you if you click it oh you broke it I guess you’re not going to know what it is close your eyes what is it good luck buddy what is it so it’s a phantom membrane let’s go ahead and get the Phantom membrane you know

What a phantom membrane is Max the membrane of a phantom No what is I don’t even know what a phantom is so I had to go to the dark web to get this the what how did you what do you mean is a membrane uh it’s a phantom membrane what what is

That it’s like the brain you’re about to put brains in my hand yes I’m going throw up I’m actually going to throw up I’m going to throw up look at that it’s for the money for the cause it’s for the cause okay oh part of the brain fell on your

Hand it else fell show the camera show the camera I’m just kidding it’s lowfat cottage cheese congratulations you just won $10 more okay you can go ahead and close that door off do you wish to continue Max you want to keep playing the game make money okay all right go

Ahead which one are you choosing next you want um I’m feeling this one we’re going with this one all right Brown door go ahead open it up bucket of milk okay Max yeah a bucket of milk is good you know what not good it’s not good 6 week

Old milk that’s been left out in the sun oh stinks go ahead that stinks go ahead put it in I don’t think it’s worth 10 do you want 10 it’s 10 you otherwise yeah there you go okay you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good you’re good it’s not that

Bad just remember if you give up at any point in this Challenge and you don’t want to grab whatever you get in game in real life then you forfeit all the money so all of it yes you forfeit all of it so if you open a door and you don’t want

To hold it or grab it then you lose it so make sure you Choose Wisely all right keep going okay I will go with this one this one’s feeling a little bit lucky all right break it oh chicken you got a chicken and also a chicken egg yeah yeah

So is it alive chicken possibly you never know yeah that’s me right oh oh only one broke oh okay wait you did it no no no don’t do it on my desk take it to the take it to the take it to the sink that

One was a bit messy you can close it up congratulations you can open up another door your $10 is in your stack what are you going to open up just remember there’s 50 doors in total each one giving you $10 you can make $500 and not

Only that I’ll tell you now there is a diamond in one of them so there’s a diamond there’s a diamond and it’s real so go ahead what’s your next one going to be I feel this purple door right here yeah purple purple’s the winner yeah I’m

Going to break it go ahead and open it boom what is that Max I what is the melon yep going back to what we’ve been doing do you think it’s good melon or bad melon close your rice oh did you get a rotten watermelon here we go I’m going

To put it in your hand in three you can’t freak out or drop it please get four okay ready 3 2 one this is a pineapple oh yeah congratulations Max you just won $10 more add it to the pot let’s go close that door up what do you choose next um

You know what we’re doing a lot on this wall let’s finish it up yeah I’m fing this door great a brown door oh oh what is that Max I’m not going to I’m not going to say what it is from this point forward you have to tell me what it is

I’m it’s a slime block close your eyes Okay close your eyes actually come towards this to come towards my voice come towards my voice like side towards it or right there right there you’re going to have to put your hand inside and touch what’s inside right here just

One stick your hand in down down grab it uh grab it like hold it grab it yep just don’t don’t take it out squeeze it what is grab it what is that squeeze what does it feel like I don’t know is that slime doesn’t feel like slime it’s just it’s just Play-Doh W

Well congratulations youve just won another $10 and I’m actually just going to give you this uh this 20 right here okay um next door what are you choos I think door number 24 seems good the brown one the brown door yeah the brown door has been kind of easy I think this

Is going to be pretty easy to open it up a cow mhm yeah can we open the door please yeah bring it over here over here oh F to the gate yep okay cool uh gate yep here we go okay it’s going to come

In in just a second Max be ready for it do I get to pet it uh yes he gets a pet it Max right here we have uh your cow so stick out your hand a little bit you’re going to pet him all right okay so stick

Out your hand right there right there little bit right right there right there ready yep get ready to pet it three two are you sure you want to do this yeah okay wait are you sure yeah 100% sure okay get ready to grab it hold it hold

It hold it hold it hold it open your eyes open your eyes oh it’s falling apart what is is this it’s falling is this ground beef uh something like that okay cool congratulations you have won another $10 how you feeling Max great um okay so I’m

Already here let’s just go with this one yeah another brown one yeah right away wow okay oh poisonous potato wow very green looking potato you actually have to take a bite of this one close your eyes are you sure this one’s oozing with nastiness disgusting it’s horrible it’s

Kind of gross yeah have take a bite I’ll just brush my teeth okay cool on ready three two just kidding it’s a normal potato congrats that was a good one hey good job going through with it see green potato not all of them are actually that bad but I will tell you

There’s also an elytra there’s a diamond there’s gold there’s lapis there’s everything so keep going an elytra there is antra I’m just go with this one I’m going go with another round one 18 yeah the Y back to back go ahead go ahead carrot on a stick or fishing pole

Something like that you want to continue with this one you think it’s good or bad yeah I’ll continue yeah yeah I’m going to continue yep put your hands out are you sure you want to go through this yeah carrot on a stick it can’t be that

Bad right no okay ready show it to the camera put your fingers down a little bit three two one they are just normal carrots congratulations another $10 Max W go ahead and close this door okay I’m going go with which one are you going for I’m

Just go with the one right next to it wow that’s that’s ballsy all right go ahead whoa I don’t even I don’t even know what this is what do you think it is what do you you’re allergic to bees right yeah like deathly allergic or how

Allergic like how bad is it I just get like a little rash did you get bees ready three two one what is that what is open your you can open your eyes you can open your it’s just honey another good one you’re actually kind of on a roll there’s so

Many bad ones in this one Max you’re kind of getting lucky right now you get another $10 congratulations okay for my next one feeling this wall I’ve I’ve dwindled the other ones down I think I’m going go with this one you’re making a hardcore Dent before you open it you’re

Making a hardcore dent in all of these doors going brown a lot too you think this one has the elytra or the diamond in it yeah this one’s red and you don’t see very many Red Doors see like there’s only a couple ones I’ll reiterate once again there are some extremely extremely

Bad doors in this like your worst fears in all of the entire world tell you right now you need to be careful with what you choose so go ahead are you sure you want door number eight yeah it looks like bacon so there might be like bacon

Behind it like a little snack in the middle recording okay go ahead what is that is that a dragon’s breath wow how did you know that okay close close close I have this don’t open your eyes I’m actually kind of excited I’m kind of thirsty I don’t open your

Eyes so this right here I’m going to show the camera you know what you can actually open your eyes you don’t even need to this is someone was selling gas online from their body I gas gas from their body put it in a bottle I paid $15

For this I have no idea what’s inside they said it was a fart you paid 15 bucks for a fart you’re going to have to open it and smell it if you want to continue if you choose no you lose all the money and you can’t continue you’re

Doing it wait I that’s $15 worth of fart make sure you open it next to your nose I have to like smell it immediately yep go actually smells pretty good what you’re disgusting whatever choose the next door Max I I added your $10 to your

Pile of money I feel on this wall again this wall yeah what is that should we go another bacon door bacon door yeah bacon door you keep doing the same doors over and over you can do it go ahead yeah do whatever you want Lu oh oh my close close your eyes close

Your [Applause] eyes I’m going to show the camera real quick we have it right here do you think it’s actual gold or do you think it’s a stick of butter um I I think it’s a stick of butter I’m to be honest okay be careful with it congratulations Max you

Got a piece of rose gold and it’s is this actual gold uh for the most part it’s worth about $120 you got an extra $10 yeah close it and just keep in mind that was not the most expensive thing in here there was still the light TR and

The diamond so which one do you think the diamond is in um which one do you think the bad one’s in I’m not even going to tell you what the bad one is I think the bad one is in this door okay this brown poopy door okay you’re not

Going to Open Door 22 no okay go ahead keep going um for my next door yep I’m feeling I might just go same wall same wall actually there’s another bacon door dude we go another bacon door we go another bacon door this this is unreal

Man okay go ahead oh oh what do you think that is Max a stick I’m going to drop it in three two one open your eyes oh it’s an actual I just went outside and grabbed a stick right it’s an actual stick I grabbed the stick right now congratulations Max an

Extra $10 for holding a stick which one would you like Max um that blue door looks pretty interesting Door Number Four have you opened any of the blue doors I don’t think you’ve opened any of them oh wow yeah know you haven’t open a single Blue Door this going be the first

Blue Door wait a second so baby all the very very good ones yeah I might I might get the diamond or the elytra you haven’t gotten a single extremely bad one yet nah cuz this this is blue like a diamond okay go ahead so you put the

Diamond behind her open it a cookie hey Max I have your cookie for you are you ready yeah is it cool if I eat it yes you can eat it if You’ like oh what can I look what happened open open your eyes grab it what is on my cookie if you

Can grab it off the desk then and you hold it why is it wet it fell off the congratulations oh my gosh you are psychotic put it on the plate here you go take your money actually don’t grab it with that hand okay um I’ll put it to

The side congratulations you can wash your hands um next one you already have made like $300 including the gold so you’re doing pretty good do you think you’re going to get something good or bad in this next one and which door are you choosing um honestly that cookie

Wasn’t that bad I might just go another Blue Door the cookie wasn’t bad well it wasn’t it wasn’t good but like it wasn’t bad okay go ahead open it up let’s see what you get boom what is that Max it looks like a shirt a shirt close your

Eyes Max hold out your hand we got three y three two one boom what is a guest leather jacket what you got another good one not bad not bad if I say so myself yeah this one’s nice yes sir this look at best another one you I look like a pirate all

Right goad close this door off what’s your next one you’re choosing um you’re you’re almost done yeah I’m doing a lot I’m getting a lot of doors done today actually hav you haven’t gotten any of the extremely good or extremely bad okay you’ve got the gold though that’s pretty

Good yeah that was a lot of money honestly I might just stick with the blue again might just stick with the blue doors did you do blue last time yeah I did blue all this my third time I mean sure if you want to it’s been

Pretty good so far got a Lea leather jacket is blue good what is that berries sweet berries yes sir now here’s the thing there’s berries right that are good and bad some that are poisonous and some that are delicious haven’t we died to a bush like this before in Minecraft

Okay anyways let’s grab them hold your hand out oh I dropped two can you can someone with gloves pick those up okay gloves ready wait am I allow to be touching this with my bare hands here we go what 3 two One show him to the camera show him to the camera see how they’re hairy you know what that means no they’re just raspberries Oh I thought there was something special about them can I eat them uh I think I left them out overnight so probably not Blue’s been

Working out good for me so far mhm so I might say those for last say Best For Last I might go another bacon door are you going to get rid of all of the bacon doors yeah I might just go another bacon door here cuz it might yeah chose it

Boom Magma Cream Magma Cream yes sir okay Close Your Eyes Open Your Hands we’re grabbing it close close close what is a Magma Cream what do you what do you think you’re going to get in real life I know a Magma Cream Magma Cream you’re

Going to get this I’m showing it to the camera and you can’t see it okay I almost open my eyes good oh I dropped it um get a little bit on my finger ah ah ah ah just kidding it’s just cream it’s a Hello Kitty jelly mask what door

Should I go next do you want me to choose yeah yeah yeah pick a door uh look at him look at him look at him 32 oh bacon get rid of all the bacon are you sure you want to let me do it I mean do the BAC

Okay what a Lecter oh a book well it’s a Lecter too so maybe you get aurn unfortunately I could not find a book um cuz I know you don’t like to read so I found the next best thing the thing that you you everybody used to read yeah it’s

Kind of like a book it’s a newspaper oh show it to the camera show it to the camera show it to the camera Old Scratch owner’s death ruled an accident a tragic end to a difficult year okay well I didn’t know it was about that all right Max which one are

You choosing this has to be the elytra the elyra I really really want you to get the yeah cuz I have to give it back if you don’t choose it that’s part of the challenge and I really want you to choose the right things I think I have

The most of these regular wood doors I might just pick one of those okay go ahead number five yep normal door W what is that an aquarium an aquarium okay open your hands close your eyes close them close them close them close your eyes we have this this actually kind of

Disgusting feeling and wa it’s kelp why is it red um I couldn’t find kelp so I ended up just getting your lettuce you want to keep it nah why did you just you just threw it and it’s broken okay next door go ahead open your next one go door number n yeah

Little chocolate chocolate door yeah it does look like a chocolate bar okay go ahead open it up oh okay I think that was pretty straightforward I’m wonder what kind of cake it’s going to be here we go Max this one’s really bad bad yeah you mean think of the they like the

Cookie think of the worst cake you’ve ever seen in your entire life that’s that’s what we’re looking at right now it is freezing cold because it’s l just goop open your Eyes this is a pie no it’s not a pie is it a pie yeah this is a pie that’s a cake can I eat it if you want I just took like a bite out the side what is what is wrong with you what is wrong with you what door

Next I just got a really good luck with this door over here remember there’s elytra there’s anything you you can choose any of these honest honestly might just go another chocolate door okay I got a chocolate cake from that chocolate door oh go ahead come on I know you’re bigest spear

Spiders do you want to keep playing if you give up now you don’t get to keep the money you have to forfeit all of the money and everything you’ve done so far and you did all of this for nothing yeah no you can keep you can keep the money

What are you serious you’re that afraid of spiders oh my there’s no way okay so Max has has actually just decided now it’s been 2 weeks since the last clip you guys have seen that he wants to do it for the $500 cash Max are you willing to

Do it yes I’m willing to do it it’s just a spider just a spider you can you can steple spiders you can just let them go exact spider I know it’s your biggest fear but I believe in exactly I believe in you okay now go put on all of the

Protective gear I have for you right upstairs protective protective gear go ahead you can bring out fluffy now was Fluffy all right come on down let’s see it what do you look like are you ready oh no oh no you look good you look good how do you feel

Protected all right go over there we got fluffy and now I want you guys to meet fluffy this is a Goliath bird eating tarantula that has a bunch of thorns on its butt and if it feels threatened it throws the Thorns at you and also has a venomous bite so max there’s tape

Stopping him from coming out remember he’s a little creature I’ll be all right you don’t to hurt him he’s he’s fragile I’m going to break the tape right here and you’re just going to open it up I’m opening it you’re opening it up and you

Have to put them back if you want the money Max all you have to do remember just open it let him walk on you he’s completely harmless he eats birds he eats birds yes just for literally a second and then you can let him back in Max you’re doing it your biggest

Spear oh oh oh my gosh okay oh my gosh you did it Max oh my nice you can put it back in you can put it back in Max just guide him just guide him he’s a he’s he’s a little guy just guide him back in

Hey buddy nice don’t bite me nice okay you could just don’t oh oh just kind of guide him guide himit don’t be calm and then put the top back on wait hold them up next to you just like for the for the top nice oh my gosh he’s huge okay just put

Make sure you you can set the box down set the bottle up and then uh put the top on go ahead put the top on don’t break these little things back up back up buddy back up buddy push him oh wait nice good job I did it here you go let’s go

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I Got My Brother The Minecraft Spider in Real Life

Shoutout to my brother ILY @Oblix4

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  1. the "thorns" are actually irritating hairs that all new world tarantulas have (tarantulas from the Americas) which is a method of deterrence for predators.
    i have a Burgandy goliath bird eater that the first few times i tried to feed it would kick hairs at me when i would feed it or change its water dish, however it eventually got to now where its comfortable climbing on me and perching casually on my shoulder.

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