BREEZE REVAMP, ARMADILLO GAMES, + IS THERE MORE?? | Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot 24w04a

All right hold up hold up let me get this right my face when they add nothing new to Minecraft 1.21 how you doing everybody I’m only kidding welcome back to snapshot season baby it’s snapshot 23 w4a change that 23 to4 though this week it is time again for a brand new

Snapshot in this week’s snapshot we’re looking at Breeze adjustments armadillo stuff in a little bit more where I’d like to kick today’s snapshot Adventure Off is over here though so in the last snapshot we took a look at some beautiful beautiful brand new wolf collar it’s like gorgeous seriously some

Of the best stuff I’ve ever seen however I my hard jumped for a minute it looked like they uped the collar but no no no no no the cat collar it’s not like actually in parody with the collars over there now we’re going to have to get a

Little bit of work going on I think right come on the changes they are noticed from the beginning inside of this snapshop one creating a Brand’s New World instead of allow cheats it’s now allow commands maybe you will feel a little bit less bad about it and speaking of commands we’ve got the

Introduction of a brand new command the slash transfer command however this command is not enabled by default this transfer command relates to all of that technical stuff we were talking about in last week’s Snapshot video with like servers transfer packets everything like that it’s really long story short a

Beautiful thing however this command is only going to exist on dedicated servers this is interesting I don’t think they’ve ever done something like this I mean you correct being my beautiful new skin if I’m wrong but every command so far well look every command so far that exists I’m pretty sure it’s always

Existed everywhere not like only in a specific situation that’s kind of interesting real quick a quick reminder to tap like on this video it helps him out huge time also I started streaming again except now it’s on YouTube after this video slide over to the live tab

For a couple of odds I plan on streaming something interesting again this Friday but next up let’s move on to Minecraft the 1.2.5 is brand new beautiful mob the armadillo and this week snapshot the armadillo aesthetically is exactly the same as it was last time maybe the devs

Have finally perfected it and it’s beautiful and maybe this will be how it saves Forever at the time of recording this video on Minecraft Bedrock there hasn’t been a preview quite yet but I bet by the time it’s out the preview will be out too and hopefully it’ll have

An updated armadillo over there as well brand new armadillo functionality though in this week’s snapshot so let’s say I attack an armadillo it’s going to roll up into this ball right there now if I walk away from the armadillo and give it a second the armadillo should eventually

Pop out of that ball however me being me the fool who attacked it recently if I even just walk close enough to it again and it realizes that I’m over here theoretically it should go up into a ball guess it doesn’t really work though another Brand’s new armadillo

Functionality is when it’s up in a cube like this and you hit it it’s actually going to take a little bit less damage we can go ahead and hit this armadillo practically all day long and it’s not going to like I mean look at me for science I’m absolutely mauling this

Thing and it’s just bouncing and bouncing and bouncing and and bouncing in forever basically now here’s the catch with this mechanic very very cool if it’s a weak attack like let’s say a punch it will fully resist it which means you could kind of theoretically maybe like use the armadillo for like a

Game or something like with this one the first place my mind goes is over to like an ice arena imagine playing like almost like I don’t know soccer but with your hands and hitting an armad sliding it around because it’s in a shell it’s taking no damage repeatedly it doesn’t

Matter it’s just going to stay in a shell however if it’s a stronger attack like let’s say a sword the armadillo unfort will take damage and eventually I’ll take it out but it’ll take less damage than it normally would the fact that the devs listen to the community

With this one and the fact that it takes zero damage when it’s rolled up in a ball is so cool this armadillo might be pretty fun for Min games on this next update that’s pretty sweet now next up I’d like to take another look at this strange armadillo scooting mechanic

Right here because still with the brush if I walk up to it I can scoot it repeatedly zero cool down or anything like that when it’s shelled up same exact thing it doesn’t matter as you know you slide into the crafting table just like this and you make dog armor

Now tragically even still up until this moment the wolf armor is a one siiz fits all type of thing you crafted and that’s just how it’s going to look forever but this is where I think it’s a problem if you want to take a look at this thing

From Mojang’s point of view which is oh pets are like personality customization that’s why you get all these different cats uh the dog armar it needs one more thing I have no developer so I don’t know how technically difficult this would be but I’ve seen a couple cool

Ideas last week we talked about what if maybe you craft this thing with a dieye that would be cool another great option that I saw though might be a little bit more difficult is slightly different colored armadillo and maybe each armadillo has a different color there’s

A little bit of a cool down with the Scoot and basically to make beautiful dog armor over there you need six scoot of the same color from an armadillo maybe you get like a kind of a green one maybe kind of an orange one whatever kind of like this concept are for the

Armadillo right there finally livees my favorite idea is a brand new armor trim this could be thrown into the loot table of any structure in the game doesn’t really matter you kick it all off with a specific special armor trim only for dog armor then you put dog armor right there

Then you put any of the materials that you already have the gradients were in the files into there and the gradient slaps on top of the wolf armor I really wish Mojang would stop like adding cool things in an update and then ditching It One update later please add armor trim

For the dog armor please it’s the exact storytelling functionality we need for 1.20 all right moving on technical changes the databack version has been bumped up again big rip and that server TPS chart it’s been improved so me currently I’m not in the server until

Suddenly I am in a server with F3 and two press at the same time we get all of this information down at the bottom screen right there all of this information technically improved and everything is all laid out for you right here you go ahead and pause the video

Ready here take a screenshot and read up on it if you’re into techie stuff inside of the world customization screen you press edit inside of the menu to get to this screen there’s been some changes made to when you optimize a world when one optim optimiz and upgrades of single

Player world entities and POI directories will also be optimized too all right now next up we’ve got the elephant in the room the big thing that everyone is wondering about Minecraft 1.21 what in the world is going on with 1.21 H I wish I knew so as you may

Recall last year Minecraft snapshot 23 w4a was the Big Bang the big return armor trims were added to the game nothing too gigantic was added inside of this snapshot tragically I really hope the devs are actually cooking up something really big here because it’s been a long time and the consensus on

1.21 is I guess it’s up to you I will say though that the changes made inside of this week’s snapshot to the trial chamers and the breeze mob specifically are very good changes I like them and that makes sense first off coming up here and post here I almost forgot about

It because it was technically added in last week’s snapshot but check out that brand new Breeze particle oh it’s Breezy it’s beautiful it’s easy oh it’s kind of wonderful last week for the first time in like a long time I don’t even remember when there was a second

Snapshot and it was mildly significant in the second snapshot the wind charge projectile was updated with its new model I will not lie this is one thing that does give me a little bit of Hope for Minecraft and what’s going to happen this year like two snapshots in a week

And the second snapshot doesn’t just like fix a bug or something that’s fire that’s really cool I feel like that’s what it was like before I ever started making snapshot videos and I’ve always craved to know what that actually feels like that’s so cool so let’s check this

Out up close and personal here we are at a trial that has been chambered move number one inside of this trial chamber let’s say I dropped an iron golem in here well by default the breeze is going to hate the Iron Golem now and will attack it also the breeze has gotten a

Little bit more dangerous now because of what it won’t attack the breeze will never attack other mobs inside of the trial chamber now so like maybe a skeleton a zombie that accidentally got shot by it doesn’t matter keep in mind the projectiles will still bounce off of

The breeze and that’s going to make this thing relatively dangerous until the Iron Golem God reaches the breeze then it’s easy again some of you may be wondering the loot of the trial Chambers it is still absolutely God awfully terrible and the key has no use either

So maybe next week for a full list of the mobs of the breeze will now never attack we’ve got the skeleton we’ve got the Stray we’ve got the zombie we’ve got the husk the spider the cave spider and the Slime if for some reason a slime they were to ever accidentally attack a

Breeze don’t know how that happens the breeze is going to do absolutely nothing at all and also in the reverse let’s say the breeze accidentally shot the skeleton maybe like walked in away well the skeleton is not going to turn around and Target the breeze now it’s still

Going to stay focused on you or one of the other 50 skeletons that spawned inside of the trial chamber I will say this change rate here is one of the smartest changes the devs made to the breeze so far definitely very good but it still needs to drop uh really needs a

Drop I would like to end today’s video on a high note though I feel like there’s been some like relatively pessimistic tones inside of it I’m sorry about that but anyways look at this in the crafting table four blocks of copper to four copper grades that’s a onetoone

Recipe one block one grade over here in the stone cutter they’ve done it they actually listened with the copper one block it turns into four just like it works with a cut copper look everything doesn’t need to make sense come on come on let’s have a little bit of fun here

We can go ahead and put one copper Block in that thing and get four copper grates now all we need is like copper bars like an iron bar or copper panes or heck maybe even copper wall anything it’s great it’s beautiful I love it anyways that’s about all we got for today’s

Snapshot I’m thinking hopefully next week will be a big one with the First new features but I guess we’ll have to wait and see until then tickle that like button subscribe and maybe check out one of my live streams if everything goes as planned I’ll be live Friday maybe like

10:00 11:00 a.m. eastern time somewhere like there so check it out thanks for watching I’ll see you Tomorrow

Minecraft 1.20.5 snapshot 24w04a is out now with more changes to 1.21, armadilllo games, and even more technical stuff, including a new command! This snapshot also includes some more datapack related changes and we speculate on some better wolf armor as well. Today we dive into everything new in minecraft 23w04a!

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if you read this comment “breezy”


  1. Keep in mind folks that we’re currently under 1.20.5 snapshots, by the time around its release we’ll very likely start to see new 1.21 content announced/revealed.

  2. Since 1.20.5 and Bedrock 1.20.70 are now in sync I guess we can expect 1.20.5 to release end of February/beginning of March since Mojang isn't going to release the Mob Vote mob at different times for each platform?

  3. It's not hard to change the color of dog armor if assigned to a hex code or even thrown into a loom or craft recipie with the dyes like leather armor.

    Agreed, armor trims with the dog armor would be even cooler.

    Also, yes cats need an update too, it's silly not to change colors like the dogs.

  4. I dont think we should be to hard on mojang for not adding anything new yet, they might just want to polish the stuff they already have first.

    ps about what you said about cat collars, that's not the leas of our worries. there have been mistakes for a while, between them, did you know I noticed that feeding a cat fish makes a sound but dogs are silent? at least on java I don't play bedrock

    and the I dk about the breeze not getting mad at other mobs. I thought it was funny and quirky, and made battles and mob sides more interesting

  5. "Is there more?" 100%
    At the end of the day, Mojang is a company
    After the last few updates, their shareholders are gonna want something more
    And I think we can all agree the shareholders have much more of a say than the community does

  6. The transfer command maybe carving the way to Pay to Play for Minecraft. Don't think this free ride of endless new stuff and updates without a cost will continue forever… NO NO NO It will not.

  7. 23w04a: Adds a whole mechanic and changes a 6 year old block and literally changes whole armor

    24w04a: changes breeze's porejtiile's texture

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