Today me and my friends are playing Manhunt in Minecraft but with a little bit of a Twist I’m a wolf guys check me out don’t I look so scary no Jeffy you look like a little kitty no I’m not a kitty I’m a fierce wolf oh my God Jeffy

What is that in your hand it’s my claws daddy since I’m a wolf I have scary claws that will rip you to shreds well Jeffy that’s not going to help you obtain the three Elemental Keys you need to get inside this cave wait what I need

A collect keys to get inside the cave yep and they’re all around the map and you need to find them well Daddy it’s going to be so easy because I’m a wolf well Jeffy we’re going to be tracking you the whole time so it’s not going to

Be that easy and when we find you and kill you you can’t win wait what you guys have trackers on Jeffy of course we do that would have been too easy if we could have find you well I’m better than both of you so it’s still going to be

Super easy well Jeffy you have 30 seconds then we’re going to start hunting you wait 30 seconds oh oh God oh God got to get out of here start running I don’t even know where I’m going get me out of here get me out of here Daddy stop counting I think I’m far

Enough away from them where they can’t hear me and I can’t hear them ooh I’m going to start getting some food yes I need a lot of food because I do not want to die from Hunger uh-uh die Mr Piggy die oo I also need some wood yes wood is

Very important that’s how you basically start to play Minecraft destroy all this wood oh God my daddy and Daisy are going to be coming after me any second come on hurry up hurry up come on go go go go go oh God I heard him I heard him get me

Out get me out get me out get me out there’s a wolf oh my God it’s a friendly Wolf come on Wolf help me fight no I have no bones to tame him I’m going to catch you and bring you to the the pound what oh yeah I see you Jeffy no Daddy

Get away from me do they not know that I’m a scary wolf I’m just going to hit him with my claws Jeff you’re not a scary wolf you’re a little kitty cat oh yeah Daisy yeah come here take that Daddy he’s me he’s Rabbid oh you like that Daisy he is Rabbid

His come here no no stop it stop it you crazy dog yes there’s one Jeff and there’s two thanks guys ooh I got free steak thanks Daisy let’s go that was overpowered they’re going to need a lot of weapons and a lot of armor to take me

Down because that is not going to do it uhuhuh all right now I just made a crafting bench so now I can make a pickaxe just like that um what am I doing with this pickaxe oh I got to mine stuff ooh and right over here it looks

Like we have a ravine this is perfect all right let’s just collect a bunch of cobblestone now I can make a cobblestone sword I can make a cobblestone pickaxe a furnace I need a lot of Cobble all right give me all this poop and boom check it

Out we have a stone sword now let me just make a stone pickaxe real quick there we go wait I’m also going to make a stone axe too I need all the tools there we go now the next thing we probably should do is find iron but

Where are these keys at I need to find three of them in the map it could literally be anywhere wait a minute let me check my map wo oh my God wait a minute now I see where all the keys are at this is key number three key

Number one and key number two okay so we should probably go to key number one first that’s all the way in that direction all right that should be pretty easy oh God oh God there’s a skeleton ow ow ow ow die Miss skeleton die stupid skeleton

Try to kill me oh God there’s a creeper oh god oh gosh these guys do way more damage than my daddy and Daisy that’s embarrassing ooh look there’s like a broken nether portal with a chest all right let’s see what’s inside the chest maybe we’re going to get diamonds nope

Flint and steel that’s still pretty good all right we’ll take that what should we do now I think I should try to find some iron that would probably be smart what if there’s monsters or something at this first key that would not be good oh it

Would be horrible oh God oh God oh gosh ow ow ow get away from me Daddy come here you rabbit dog oh God yeah they already have fire you guys are burning alive that’s illegal Daisy get away from me no Jeffy I want to win um

The thing is you’re not going to win because I’m going to win you can’t win I want to win I’m literally going towards the first key right now and there’s nothing you could do you can’t make it there oh my gosh there’s a bunch of

Wolves here dizzy get out of the way yes come here Daisy WF go your wolf Pack’s going to kill me the power of the wolves go go go go go I hear more wolves up here come here Mr wolves where are you going Jeffy get back here N I don’t have

To ah ah come here wolves don’t hit me oh Daisy just got exploded into a million pieces oh it’s unfortunate cuz you are too oh gosh oh gosh Daddy Daddy I would not mest with me I have a bunch of wolves oh really let me feed them

Some food I wait did you just kill one come here Daddy I did not go wolves go yeah go attack my fat dadd he’s got a lot of meat on him I’m losing weight I’m disgusting come here Daddy I have an end Pearl I can give you

An end Pearl ah take that no oh that was a big hole that was a big hole ah go wolves go yeah go wolves no Daddy get back in there ow oh gosh there’s skeletons there’s skeletons yes my daddy died these wolves are actually overpowered let’s go I have the best

Wolf pack in my Minecraft oo now I got a bow and arrow sh creeper a take that a stupid creeper all right that was really good I was able to kill both my daddy and Daisy but I still don’t have any iron so I need to collect

Some iron somewhere oh God that means I got to go into a cave let’s see any caves I can go into no I’m not seeing any how far am I from the first key ooh I’m getting really close ooh a cave yes yes yes anything inside okay this is

Poop what the heck what’s that sound oh God Phantoms oh God Phantoms it’s Phantoms it’s Phantoms where are you Phantoms come here I will mess you up why is there so many monsters trying to kill me oh God oh God oh God ow what the heck what is that oh gosh I found

Something in the distance oh no Phantoms come here yeah you’re burning because it’s daytime oh my gosh they’re so annoying those Phantoms what that the heck is this place over here there’s no way wait this is probably where the first key is okay I’m going towards it

Ooh there’s a big cave though ooh and there’s iron okay we’re going to go for the iron oh my goodness there’s coal too we need all these resources oh God zombie go go dogs go ow all right I’m just going to collect a bunch of this

Coal and then we’re going to get some iron let’s go oh my goodness this cave is actually massive oh my gosh all right place my crafting bench there and then we’re going to make a furnace there we go now I’m just going to mine some of

This coal fill this bad boy up and now we’re going to start collecting some iron here we go any creepers nope no creepers wo there’s so much iron here no way I got six pieces heck yeah all right let’s go back up and start cooking this

Oh gosh my daddy and Daisy are probably on their way right now this not good hey zombie come here ah ah yeah my dogs are tooo overpowered for you ah ah come on dogs help me help me dogs dogs I need help got him all right let’s see what

Else we got in this cave any more iron I’m trying to get a full suit of iron that needs like billions of pieces all right well it looks like there’s like no iron in here so let’s just go back up all right let’s see how many pieces we

Got six pieces let’s go what do I make okay I’m definitely going to make a sword cuz that I need and then I’m going to make a pickaxe just in case I find diamonds all right that’s pretty good now let’s just collect this collect this

Throw out all my poop that I don’t need don’t need that poop don’t need that poop all right now let’s continue to this Castle the first key has got to be over here oh my goodness this looks ginormous hopefully my daddy and Daisy are not over here but I have a feeling

They might be camping the castle cuz they know the key is here wow what is this oh it’s like a gate oh my goodness what the heck how am I supposed to get in here oh gosh there’s a bunch of trees and fires what the heck where am I okay

It looks like I made it somewhere I’m just going to have to dig into this Castle there’s literally no other way in oh my goodness this place is so massive wow okay this place is actually insane who the heck built this wow this is insanely big wait let me check my map

Again it literally says that key1 is somewhere in this huge castle how am I ever going to find a little key in this whole entire Castle it’s going to take me forever and it looks like super overgrown and old look there’s a bunch of trees in here how does that make

Sense this is insane I don’t even know what these keys are supposed to look like oh my goodness there’s so many different levels to this place too the key could literally be anywhere o is there a ladder maybe I got go the ladder and the keys on top There’s a Zombie up

Here and he’s probably defending the key ow ow die oh got him oh my gosh I have a feeling the keys up here guys I did it I did it oh God there’s nothing but a skeleton oh yeah skeleton you better run there’s dogs up here and they’re going to eat

Your butt yeah yeah you like that yeah uh-oh any Keys No no keys dang it this is no fair how am I going to find a key in this huge place this is literally close to impossible oh god there a creeper no no no no no no no no no no no

No no wait did I just lose a doggy cuz of that what I only have one more dog I had three no I just lost two doggies dang it whatevs all right maybe I need to get a bunch of blocks and build up here since there’s no staircase going up

I’m just going to have to build up unless there is a staircase like in here wait a minute I think I found something let me just go on this area over here this looks like some sort of tower okay never mind it’s impossible I’m breaking through the floor I’m coming up FBI open

Up hello anyone up here oh God there’s just creepers oh gosh Jeffy daddy where are you oh nowhere daddy now my daddy and Daisy are here oh this is going to be so difficult there’s just a bunch of monsters no no no no no no no get me out

Get me out get me out get me out go over here yes yes yes wa where am I now I think this is the second floor daddy you’re not going to find the key wait what where are you daddy you have a horse I got a horse a take that are you

Shooting me would’ you get arrows ow what the heck oh God there’s a freaking zombie daddy where’s the key at I know you’re hiding it up here somewhere it’s not up there how do I know it’s not up here I know where it is come on where is this dumb key maybe

It’s back here behind these books no get away Creeper how the heck did my daddy have time to tame a horse that makes no sense what are there so many zombies I’m going to have to start eating their flesh because I’m running out of food all right I’m going up some weird staircase

Maybe the key on top of the staircase this looks like we made it to like a tower oh it’s definitely got to be in here no what the heck where’s this key at I’m going to have to kill my daddy so he can tell me where it is oh no more

Zombies get away from me I don’t like you maybe I should check the other place across if it’s not on this side maybe it’s on the other side I have to pretty much look at this whole entire place this could take a very long time oh

Daddy D e where are you guys here nowhere Marvin don’t tell him okay I hear you I didn’t say it I said nowhere daddy where’s the key at I’ve been searching this entire Castle it’s not right next to us wait what do you mean

Oh my gosh I found it I see the key you didn’t find nothing um daddy I found it what are you doing take that Daddy uh-oh Mar he has a bow yep I got a bow I don’t know where he got that I stole it from a

Skeleton oh did you oh there’s water over there H oh Jeffy there’s a creeper behind you no there’s not ow he killed my dog ow oh God oh God get me out of here get me out of here that is not fair you’re on a horse

Exactly I got to get high ground no get away from me hey you hit my horse daddy I will kill your horse if you don’t stop killing me ow I’m getting shot by a skeleton where are you guys oh God I’m going to put myself on fire I’m sticking a hole hey

Daddy take that didn’t kill my horse hey Daisy a Arial attack Jeffy get back here no don’t have to you’re never going to get the key all right just going to go over here give me that key and I’m gone bye guys no de get back here oh god oh

Gosh ow ow ow get me out get me out get me out I need food this is actually so difficult this horse stinks in here oh there you go daddy you can have fun with that all right just going go over away da can you stop following me no

It’s the name of the game ow no no no why am I slowed because I’m using the Frozen key on you let’s go yes she had a bunch of steak on her too oh God creeper oh my goodness someone just died from a creeper this Frozen key does frost when

I hit it on someone that’s actually overpowered wait let me test out on this creeper come here creeper a they’re Frozen daddy where are you wait what did I daddy die must have died from zombies or something oh my gosh he’s actually terrible at this game let’s go let’s go

Now I got their gold armor that’s actually overpowered all right let me just clear out my inventory make sure it looks nice and clean don’t need that don’t need that all right perfect now we have one of the three keys that we need to win all right Let’s Escape this place

There’s too many mobs in here anyways all right we’re just going to go over here where is the free freaking exit let me out of this place oh God is it raining outside oh my goodness it’s literally storming oh God I got to break through this gate a let me out wait a

Minute I just realized something where did my iron pickaxe go no I must have thrown it out on accident dang it all right it’s fine we need to find more iron anyway so I get a full iron set of armor that would be overpowered all right just going to kill all these sheep

Cuz we need a lot more food all right we need to find a cave of some sort that has a lot of iron in it that should be our number one goal and also where’s the next key we have one all the way up and

All the way to the left we have a lot of traveling to do ooh what is that over there yes I found a village I found a village oh yeah we need to make sure we have more food and we’re not eating rotten flesh like last time cuz that was

Pretty bad all right this Village is looking pretty nice ooh there’s a bunch of hay barrels if I destroy all these I can get a bunch of hay and then I can make bread that would be super good to eat all right do something like this make that

Into wheat and then we just place this down do something like this something like that and boom 24 pieces of bread just like that I’m a Minecraft freaking expert ooh there’s an iron golem here if I kill him I can get a bunch of iron oh

My gosh I’m going to do it I’m going to do it I’m going to do it all right let’s just build up here a yeah you like that oh oh God oh God no no no no no no no no had to build one more higher get me out

Get me out get me out Iron Golem I’m sorry I’m sorry oh gosh she’s going to come mess me up we need to get out of here right now I’m sorry Iron Golem I wasn’t going to kill you it was just a prank let’s just kill all of these

Sheeps and all of these cows over here and get an insane amount of food and then I got to cook all this food up all right now we just need to find ourselves a nice cave with a bunch of iron in it we’re about to get all the pieces of

Iron in this entire world all right I think we got enough food let’s start traveling up here to the left cuz we got to get to key number two so we’re going the right direction any caves over here no I’m not seeing any caves over here

Come on give me a cave dang it now we’re in the swamp the swamp is like the worst area to find a cave ooh look at this area cave cave cave I found a cave yes yes yes wait a minute this is just the side of a freaking Mountain no okay I

Just wasted my time dang it why do I move so slow I wish there was a way for me to move faster wait a minute since I’m a wolf don’t wolves go really fast what if I just morph into an actual wolf from Minecraft and then I’ll be able to

Run really fast that’s genius but wait how do I morph into a wolf what if I just poop my pants Oh God got to put my pants no that’s not going to work o I got it I’ll just say the magic word Abracadabra what no it made it rain okay

Really um what’s another word I could say poopy fart seven oh my goodness guys check it out I’m a wolf waa check this out look how fast I am oh my goodness since I’m a wolf I’m actually insanely fast this is awesome this is actually the coolest thing ever I’m so

Fast now I’m going to be able to find a cave so much faster look I already just found a cave oh my goodness I love being a fast wolf I can literally run away from anything scary yes I found iron let’s go oh my goodness more iron right

Here this is so much easier than being a regular player in Minecraft I’m actually a wolf now all right we need to make a new furnace so let’s break a bunch of cobblestone oh my gosh I’m so fast I could probably run faster than the flash

Right now and he’s pretty fast all right put in some of this coal and boom now we’re cooking up some more iron I should probably get another furnace going cuz I got to start cooking up all this food as well it’ll take like 2 seconds to get

More Cobblestone all right there we go give me some of that split this up and start cooking some raw mutton all right let’s see if there’s more iron oo right here this is actually insane I can’t even jump up here I mov too fast for

This game ooh more over here let’s go oh my gosh just keeps going this iron there’s so much iron all right going to slap some in there we need some more coal as well let’s just start mining right here wait also we should probably just make an iron pickaxe at this point

All right there we go iron pick and now I mine so much faster let’s go all right any more iron in this cave let me just quickly go down this direction nope no more iron over here what about up here no no iron in this just another dead end

Let’s go back a little bit and see if we missed any caves ooh like over here what the heck is this bone what the heck ew we got bone blocks why is there bone blocks in this game that’s so disgusting what if that’s human bones that would be

So scary all right we got a few more pieces of iron but not too much ooh right here let’s go we might be able to get a full iron set of armor that would be insane and I will literally never die and we have 13 pieces of cooked mutton

Let’s go all right let’s start making some of this armor set all right here we go we got some of that we got a helmet there’s two pieces of iron armor already don’t need any of this poop so we’re just going to throw that out all right

Now let’s start cooking up some raw beef I wonder where my daddy and Daisy are they’re probably going to come attack me soon yeah I’m going to attack you right now oh god daddy where are you where are you nowhere Daddy I’m definitely not getting a bunch of iron daddy where are

You the skeletons is mobs yeah those are that’s my Army Daddy this is not your army um yeah I did Jeffy where are you I told you I’m not in the caves getting iron I’m not okay okay if you’re not in the caves then where are you um not in

The caves that’s all you got to know well how do I not get in the caves um you don’t look down okay you guys are never going to find me you’re so bad at playing Minecraft The Witch killed my donkey you want a donkey yeah I had a

Donkey come on just a few more pieces of iron I’m almost done with this set come on come on come on hurry up hurry up I need to get out of here we got to dig down it’s to dig down we got to dig down no don’t dig down don’t do that block

Yeah block off theed where are you guys ow wait I found his stuff oh you found all my stuff really um is he in the wall oh he’s got food get out my furnace daddy take that dog a dog take that daddy doggy come here get away from my

Furnace never go in there come here Daisy ow I’m going to slow you down come here um why is this doggy attacking me take that a ow now I’m shooting arrows at you easy target give me this give me this let me just destroy these furnaces

Real quick oh my gosh I’m so fast Daisy where are you nowhere o I got an ender pearl where are you Daisy ah come here Daisy come get away no don’t have to I’m going to mess you up no you’re not you’re about to die die for the

Irona yeah I did it let’s go oh my goodness that was actually overpowered they literally could not kill me because I was the fastest wolf in the world oo they have a bunch of food my favorite they got fish I love eating fish all right we’ll take this crafting bench oh

My goodness why do they have so much loot o a water bucket we need a water bucket yes yes yes all right let’s see if we can get some of this cobblestone literally have a stack of cobblestone that is really good I think we got everything we need we got a shield full

Iron wait a minute what we don’t have full iron armor oh my goodness I forgot to make the leggings all right let me do that real quick here we go and boom leggings now I could just destroy this wait what an iron hoe with knockback three that’s what they were hitting me

With oh my goodness that’s overpowered all right well it’s time to escape this cave and start traveling to this set second key and now that I’m a fast doggy it’ll take no time to get to the next key oh gosh oh gosh get me out of

Here oh yeah I’m the fastest doggy in the world bye zombies bye skeletons all right let me check my map real quick um okay we’re going the wrong way we need to go this way yeah look at this I’m so fast oh God ow I need to be careful I still could

Take a lot of fall damage so I need to be super careful when I’m jumping wee oh yeah oh yeah all right let’s see how close I am oh my goodness I’m actually getting so close oh God I can’t swim though dogs can’t swim oo is there a

Chest over here a golden apple I just got a golden apple let’s go golden apples are really good wait a minute when I’m looking on the map what does this look like it looks like a giant airplane I think the key number two is on an airplane that’s actually insane

Okay so we need to make sure to be looking up in the sky for airplanes all right let’s just go over here there we go a I’m still stuck in these swamps get me out of this swamp biome I hate it where’s this airplane at I still don’t

See it we’re still so far oh my goodness all right maybe we should make a boat that’s probably a good idea all right let me just get my axe out mine some of these trees real quick so I can make this boat there we go mine this one up

Now let me go over here make a quick little boat and boom boat is made oh gosh oh gosh there’s a dog riding a boat this is crazy oh yeah donkey rid the boat this so awesome so it looks like I need to go around this island to get to key number

Two so let’s go over to the left there we go this is a lot better we’re coming key number two so if we just go straight ahead we should see this plane really really soon oh God I see it I see it oh my goodness wao oh this thing is

Freaking giant oh my gosh this is the biggest plane I’ve ever seen in my life oh my goodness okay maybe I should turn back into a normal human because this dog is going to be really hard to get onto the plane all right let me say the

Magic word poopy f s ah there we go we’re back to normal and now I can see all my iron armor let’s go all right well how am I going to get up on top of this plane I have 64 blocks I think that should be enough to try to build up oh

Gosh it’s going to be really difficult though oh I could place water that’s actually a good idea if I build up there then I can just Place water to go up and down all right well let me go to like that spot right there that looks like

The highest gosh I hope my daddy and Daisy aren’t up there I need to hurry up all right let’s just start placing some blocks right here all right do something like this there we go all right now we just got to go all the way up without

Falling off oh gosh this is going to be difficult we just got to go up here get the key and get the heck out easy enough oh what the heck hi hey what are you guys doing up there uh obviously preventing you from getting an elemental

Key well Daddy oh my gosh how’ you guys even get up here before me well let’s just see I killed a few Enderman what you teleported daddy that’s not fair yep I’d watch where you go Jeffy I’m going I’m going to jump on you no don’t jump

On me Daddy no Daddy don’t do it ow you know you’re above water right get away from me yeah why do you need that water right right there just in case you hit me off yeah you’re surrounded by water I’m going all the way up you’re not

Going to get me Daddy I’m mov FAS than you oh yeah die Daisy no no no dang it I knew they were going to hit me off with those knockback sticks that’s why I grab this water here cuz I’m a freaking genius oh yeah you’re a

Really big genius hey Daddy what are you doing Daddy what are you doing get away I have one too Daddy see you come here Daddy no come here Daddy I’m freezing you come here oh that was bad that was a bad idea that was a bad

Idea come here come here hey what the heck where are you going nowhere no Daddy I’ll just see you later I don’t even need to kill you I’m just going for the key hey what the heck daddy adios Loser come back here Daddy nope how’ you go so fast cuz I’m

Amazing oh my goodness bye uhoh I have more water daddy that was that was dumb all right I’m just safe right here Daddy where are you come here a oh my gosh Daisy you’re next Jeffy you could never knock me off the plane um I can

And I’m about to no you’re not all right just build up here oh gosh I’m running out of blocks this isn’t good come on I just got to get a little bit higher hurry Marvin St trying come on come on jump daddy ow no Daddy get away from me

No no no no no no Daddy stop it I don’t want to go all the way down I’m going to knock you down no you don’t have to come here Daddy I’m coming after you no oh my gosh he’s so annoying this is going to be a lot harder than I thought

Oh thanks guys you just made a nice little platform for me thank you I was trying to get over there you guys should not come near this door I will mess you up I will literally mess you up you can’t mess me up with that um I can and

I will right now no you won’t come here daddy where’s that key at I know that key is in here somewhere no no no no no no no be I’m just going to freeze you guys oh God no what the heck I literally went out of window are you kidding me what

Are the chances at I got knocked directly out of a window thank goodness there’s a bunch of water on the bottom of this plane or I’d actually be dead right now come on oh gosh now it’s night time and there’s a bunch of zombies get away zombie you’re literally going to

Die where are you D the window we’re going to hit him right out the window no no you’re not Daddy no not again not again yes you’re Frozen no how am I so slow all right I’m just going to go this way oh guys there is a creeper in the in

The plan you guys like creepers I’m going to go all the way to the back hey you put a big hole in the plane I got to get on top of this plane I’m just going to kill you you know what you’re dead to me take that you’re dead to

Me oh God get me out get me out why are we in the bathroom come on Daddy no no I fell again what the heck what knockback do they have on their freaking hose this is actually ridiculous I don’t even know where the key is oh my goodness oh God

There’s a bunch of zombies up here guys where are you nowhere I’m done playing nice uhoh how not again no all right here we go finally back on top this time I’m not getting knocked off oh God there’s a bunch of zombies oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh and creepers this isn’t

Good all right let me just build up here real quick this time I’m going to not even look at my daddy or Daisy I have a feeling that the key is going to be in the front where you control the plane Daisy he’s upstairs oh gosh I see him

Get him up guys what are you doing where to go can’t tell you he’s on the roof what is this key yes oh that was too easy hey Daisy sup guys what are you doing guess you’s got a key and guess you doesn’t oh gosh I can’t see what’s happening daddy

Did you just kill Daisy no I did not Daddy you literally just killed Daisy that’s embarrassing get off the pl no no not again oh I got you in the bathroom you’re stuck I’m just going to kill you I’m going to kill you take that daddyy yeah hi Daddy you freaking suck

Let’s go we got the water key what does the water key do if I right click it w it makes it rain oh my goodness wow it’s raining oh my gosh all right well that’s two out of the three keys so all I need

To do now is go to the last key which is all the way over here so that is this direction oh yeah I just went all the way off that plane that was crazy all right we got to go back inside the boat gosh that was so annoying my daddy and

Daisy actually did a good job defending the airplane but not good enough cuz I still got the key all right let’s go to the third and final location for the last key and then all I need to do is bring it back to the cave and I win all

Right let’s make sure we’re going the right direction okay so it’s over here well it looks like there’s no direct path using water but that’s fine because I’m going to make myself really fast by turning into a wolf all right let’s just go a little bit more this direction

There we go oh God it looks like there is a dead end all right time to turn myself into a wolf in three 2 1 a oh my goodness let’s go I’m back into a wolf and look how fast I am oh my gosh this is actually broken

How do wolves go this fast in Minecraft ooh a chest no poopy in here this is insane I can literally go across the map so fast yes this is definitely cheating ooh lava wo I can get a bucket of lava that’s way better than a bucket of water

Wait I don’t know maybe we stay with the water because if I’m in a really high spot then I could just jump down and I save myself every time so yeah I’m going to stick with the water all right how far am I um oh God I’m kind of going the

Wrong way we got to go more to the left I got to be careful I do not want to take too much fall damage and accidentally die that would be embarrassing to die as a wolf oh yeah I’m jumping on trees oh yeah am I almost close m not really I

Still have a little bit longer wait what is that this thing looks so weird on the mini map oh gosh I need to see what this is what the heck is that what is that thing oh my goodness it’s a giant freaking Tower whoa ow what the heck ow

Bushes are killing me waa this thing is huge oh my goodness this is the biggest tower I’ve ever seen in Minecraft oh God I’m dying give me up give me up get me up how the heck am I supposed to get to the top of that thing I know the key is

Definitely on top look I kind of see where a chest is going to be placed oh my goodness all right well let me turn back into a regular player ah there we go back to a regular player oh gosh I guess I’m just going to have to get a

Bunch of blocks and build up I don’t know no no exact way up oh my goodness how can I get blocks really fast all right let’s just dig down and start breaking a bunch of stone I think stone is the best block to get cuz look how

Fast I can mine it oh yeah if I had a diamond pickaxe this would go even faster all right let’s just start going crazy we need a lot of stone oh gosh there’s a lot of poop in my inventory time to clear out the inventory don’t

Need that don’t need this all right now let’s just continue mining away forever how many blocks do you think we need H let’s see maybe like 300,000 in yeah that sounds about right we need a lot of blocks we only have two stacks of 64 I

Mean that’s a good start and I could also use the water method to go all the way to the top but I need to hurry up because my daddy and Daisy are probably on their way all right let’s see how much we got what only three stacks I

Feel like I’ve been mining forever this might be enough to get up though ooh there’s a lot of pillars as well so maybe I can make ladders oh my goodness I think I’m a freaking genius all right let’s start mining down some trees and see how fast ladders are to make all

Right just break down a couple of these ooh look at this tree there’s so much wood here all right let’s just mine this whole entire tree down and get all of these logs oh yeah this is insane all right let’s see how many ladders we can

Make just from those two trees all right so I think I got to make a bunch of Oak planks oh my gosh that’s a lot of Oak planks and I need a bunch of sticks um wait how do I make a ladder I don’t know

I forgot oh I did it I did it I did it it’s a bunch bunch of sticks okay so let’s just do this again there we go oh my goodness I have so many sticks there we go let’s just continue to do the same thing until we have as many sticks as

Possible and boom now we have almost two stacks of ladders that’s pretty good all right let’s see if we can make it to the top of this thing all right let’s go over here and start building up I’m going to start by using the ladders and

I’m going to go up this pillar all right this should be easy enough I’m just going to go this way oh gosh we have a block in our way all right let’s just continue building up you’re not getting this last key wait what the heck hey what what are you guys

Doing up here how do you guys keep beating me to these places because we put the keys here stupid duh oh yeah well see you later where you going oh there’s parkour inside to get up here just going to do this parkour real quick oh gosh uh

Why is there so much parkour this is insanely diffic difficult did you guys build all this parkour for Me Maybe maybe well I’m not going to do it because it’s really hard what be the purpose of it I don’t even know how to get up I’m coming guys all right just go

Here jump over here oh God there’s a zombie all right go this direction wait what is this a maze really oh yeah well take this stupid maze hey Daddy come here oh God ow gu I’m coming up you want a fish cuz that’s what you look like right now ah

Come here Daddy I’ll show you a fish no yes I made it to the next level o more parkour ah no I got to find the easiest parkour to go up who’s this what the heck wow you look really good up there daddy how am I supposed to get past this

Uh it’s impossible oh wait Daddy I know just build across like this bye losers that’s cheating no not oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s so many mobs oh my gosh oh my gosh blue this is not safe oh there is a lot of mobs oh my gosh get me out

Get me out get me out I just got to get to the top wait what lava I can tell there’s lava cuz it’s dripping from the ceiling well that is not safe so I am not going over there come here Jeffy oh gosh get away from me Daddy oh go here no I

Fell I’m going to hit you off Daddy no you’re not ow what the heck you did so much damage no I did what do you have stone sword come here Daddy ow no you don’t you have a stone axe that’s a differ okay fine you want me to hit you

With a fish I’m going to kill you with a fish hey that would be disrespectful daddy oh it’s going to happen right now get away from me daddy where are you going nowhere I see you you I’m going to build up after you come here you look

Like a stupid Wolf come on ah bye oh my God come on Daddy no I don’t want to play I don’t want to play come here Daddy you sure no not if you’re just seeing Daisy get blown off oh God I got to be super careful he really

Dangerous one wrong move and I’m going to go all the way down what the heck look at all this lava how did all this lava get here oh gosh I got to do some Parkour jump jump yes I did it I’m getting to the top of this thing if it’s

The last thing I do oh God another maze daddy where are you nowhere hey I see you no you don’t no Daddy I’m not going near you cuz I don’t want you to hit me why you hit me all right let’s just go in the opposite area of my daddy come on

Oh my gosh look how high up we are I’m actually terrified right now all right let’s go this way come on get around daddy where are you nowh don’t make me turn into a wolf again and destroy you don’t do that that hurt you bit me in

The butt yep Daddy I’ll bite you again your butt I got a bruise there just give me the key so I can win no I’m going all the way to the top what daddy I’m going to beat you there no you’re not come on come on I got to keep using these

Ladders they’re actually working really well oh I’m getting close Daddy no you’re not no you’re not I can literally see the top I’m going up the ladder come here Daddy no I just missed you come here I see you I see your name tag no

You don’t come on come on come on I’m going to hit you off no you’re not come here Daddy ah yeah wait what no Daddy you’re actually so lucky you had an ender pearl that’s actually not fair take that you can take some fish I

Don’t want your fish I need to be super careful he has The High Ground this is not good look at that come here Daddy you smell just like them daddy I’m going to mess you up come down here no I’m going to drown you hey you’re stupid

Fish hey Daddy come here take the fish take the fish no yeah bye daddy let’s go I got the last key wait hold on hold on oh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh get me out of here a yes water water yes I need to keep going I need to keep

Going did I get the key I got it the fire key get me out build a little staircase and wee I’m out of here let’s go I can’t believe I just went all the way to the top of that Tower got the key and jumped down look how high that thing

Is oh my goodness I got to get out of here Daddy Daisy are you guys near me nope no one to be found oh yeah I did it I did it oh Jeffy I see you wait what oh my gosh oh my gosh Daisy’s on me no

Daisy I just messed up my daddy and you do not want any of this smoke your daddy’s bad at this game I’m way better than him oh yeah well guess what look what I have my hand the fire key no ow y now you’re on fire now take that this

Isn’t fair um it kind of is fair I’m just burning a take that yeah you like that Daisy and you have a shield yep I got a shield and I’m just going to keep lighting you on fire Ste stop this is so much fun this is not fun you want

Some water please oh too bad you’re dead oh my goodness Daisy just died again oh thanks for all the food now that I have all three keys all I need to do is unlock the cave so I got to go all the way to here the cave all right so I

Think it’s this direction over there all right let’s go these keys are so awesome they even give me special abilities this should be super easy to kill my daddy and Daisy one more time and then I’ll be able to go into the cave and win all

Right time to turn into a wolf for the last time so I get super speed here we go ah yes let’s go and we got super speed just like that ooh I could even get cooked pork chops now because I got light the Piggies on fire you like that

Piggy give me your pork chops yay I got pork chops all right now let’s continue going this way we’re actually getting super close to the cave all we need to do is put these keys in the right spot and then it’s going to unopen and then

The Cave’s going to open and then we’re going to win just like that oh yeah I’m parkouring on the trees if you ever seen a wolf parkouring trees in Minecraft before CU now you’re seeing it this is freaking awesome oh God not the swamps

Again the one thing I can’t do is a dog is swim oh God I’m struggling I’m drowning oh God all right where am I going okay I’m going the wrong way I got to go up here and then to the right all right let’s just go this direction oh

Gosh more water come on we’re so close let me go up this mountain real quick oh yeah I could literally jump like five blocks this is insane okay let’s go over here where the heck is this cave at wait what we went past it oh it’s right here

Okay okay perfect Jey where are you I heard you hey guys what are you doing what you’re a dog yeah I’m a dog wait did you just call him a bear I said he’s a doggy he’s a bear you call him a bear I do not call my bear Marvin I’m not

That dumb daddy you’re just getting old and your ears are going you can’t hear properly well Jeffy come over here so we can hit you all right well before I come over there let me just turn back into a human oh yeah I’m human again just like

That you look so ugly hey Daddy I look better than you you look horrible why do you have red eyes what because I’m scary what are you talking about Oh I thought you just had contacts in well guys get out of my way so I can put all three of

These keys in their position and then open up the gate I don’t know da he looks like he’s sick to me yeah me to are really weird guys can you stop making fun of me what is this you put a bunch of traps on the floor good luck um

Daddy they don’t do anything what I think my iron armor prevents them from doing something to me that’s not fair stupid all right well I’m just going to walk right in I guess thanks guys break that break that hey guys stop it Daddy I will literally just let you on fire yeah

You like that yeah Daddy I’m killing you right now some you’re on fire you’re on fire yeah ooh ender pearls uhoh I’ll take those thanks Daddy for that where is he where’d he go da you want some smoke no I’m sitting up here Daddy stop it I will literally light you on

Fire I’ll murder you bye see you later all right just going to come in here hey who just filled up this hole it was me come on let me break the last block no you’re not allowed Daddy I will freeze you can you stop the freezing Elemental key be

Frozen okay really daddy out you think punching me is going to do a lot of damage yeah give me this give me this thank you thank you bye see you later all right I’m just going to try something a little bit different yeah yeah go somewhere else

Hey daddy knock it off you’re actually so annoying you knock oh your helmet’s gone uhoh what are you going to do I’m just going to kill you real quick that’s what I’m going to do B’s going from the side no come on put one key in no no no

Keys for you oh my gosh I got to get out of here bye bye gosh they almost just killed me let’s go you guys didn’t do anything I still have the keys and I didn’t die where’d you go I Ender pearled out daddy you’re really close to

Me so you’re probably like on a mountain he’s up there hey oh God right where we started oh gosh all my iron is literally about to break this is not fair I’m going to go get him come here Daddy I’m going to mess you up

Yeah I’m going to mess you up D you literally have nothing you have actually nothing you’re poop you’re terrible stop it go get Daisy stop getting me stop picking up weapons I’m not picking anything up actually you know what let me just start burning everything I think

That’s a better idea now you guys will literally have no Loot and be loot hey you’re going to burn our stuff yep I’m burning it all a say bye to it all you like that Daddy he just he just bur all my stuff I’m getting him you want some

Smoke too Daisy ow please do not set me on fire water water water water water water’s not going to save you I’ll save you Daisy no something else just broke don’t hit me yes yes yes burn it all burn it all stop I need to get the loot

No ah I’m burning all the loot I still have a block there we go now you guys literally have no weapons daddy why do you have those pants on take those off no they’re my pants I got to destroy them first his clothes hurt there we go

Now I can just take that burn that my spawn point take that I got a water bucket all right I’ll see you guys later I’m going to go inside the cave now no no no deie get back here yeah I didn’t have to take that Daisy oh no Daisy just died

In front of me yes here we go fire key Frozen key and water key all right now all the key are in the right spot a come on open up gate open up yes yes it’s opening no bye Daddy I’ll see you later oh God there’s a zombie come back here

Daddy don’t come in here I will mess you up this is the wol stand it’s the wolf stand daddy you’re not allowed in here I think you got rabies you’re a Rabid wolf Daddy I will mess you up come here no stop it stop it stop get away daddy be

Scared know Dad just to make sure you don’t come down here I’ll just put some fire down all right put some there put some fire there come on Daddy try to come down here I need jump over this no you can’t yep you’re on fire bye I’m

Burning yes I see the End come on I just got to do this parkour ah yeah oh God there’s a creeper no no no the creeper just blew up half of my prize yes well I still won daddy cuz it says congratulations no you’re a loser come

Back here ooh I got some gold I got some diamonds yeah Daddy I got diamonds check these out well I guess we lost how could you let him get down here it’s all your fault you did nothing I did nothing you died like 900 times at

Least I was trying to do something about it Jeffy push him in the lava bye daddy yay Jeffy did it I’m a winner oh yeah oh yeah but if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone

Today, Jeffy has to complete a MINECRAFT CHALLENGE but Jeffy can CHEAT by turning into a DIREWOLF! Will Jeffy be able to complete the game and CAPTURE all the keys?!?! Or will Daisy and Marvin kill Jeffy?! Watch to find out!

#jeffy #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. 17:54 thank god i thought he was about to say doodle doodle pencils fart

    Credit: #doodleandarkey

    Subscribers: 408k subs

    Arkey jokes: your mom jokes

    Doodle jokes: ur mom jokes too

    Next video: i meet doodle and arkey for the first time

    The best: both

    Best face cam: both

    Fish and shark: doodle and arkey

    I like jeffy Minecraft and doodle and arkey

    Edit: ok

    YouTube✓: ok

    Doodle and arkey✓: i cant wait to meet jeffy daisy and skye and Marvin

    Me: i took 10 minutes for this comment 😭😭😭

  2. I love every single video he did👍🏾♥️😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

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