You GOTTA PLAY this SLEPT ON Terraria Metroid Mod…

This Terraria mod adds in a Metroid class where you get to mix and match weapons to make the most powerful beam and missiles you can on top of it adding a whole new class it adds in a bunch of enemies and bosses from the Metroid Series this is a must playay mod so

Let’s check it out we are here with the Metroid mod a mod that I should have checked out probably years ago at this point but when I just look at it man there’s a lot of content in it and it always overwhelms me but I’m sucking it

Up pause and we’re looking at it today I I have the form page on my left so I can actually figure out what’s going on and as you can see we’re at this new little structure and who’s this little icon down here let’s grab us this cool looking armor this [ __ ] armor we’re

Going to throw it on I guess we’ll take off my mushroom vanity bom damn I look cool as hell hold up my boy doing flips y’all see that what the allows sumers salting and wall jumping hold up little wall jumping hold let me take off all these accessories okay just to see the

The full potential here damn my boy spinning yeah this is this is a really sick mod we’re going to enter this dungeon here it’s a really sick mod it adds in pretty much a whole Metroid class so if you’re a big fan of anything Metroid bada B uh we got some Goods in

Here flying carpet okay I see them I’m actually going to put all my stuff back on except for the wings we we’ll leave the Wings off all as you see though I’m using this paralyzer weapon right here a nice little sidearm weapon yo what is

This my boy what you doing here he hold in a little su su for me I put the game on Master mode so everything’s like impossible to kill but what is my boy holding for me what you got morph ball equip and press the mount key to roll

Into a ball morph Ball’s colors are based on your shirt and undershirt colors got it whoa what was that you seen that whoa yo okay so this is how we get our little Weaponry our little UI so boom look at that we turn into the morph

Ball from Metro oh yeah I can’t wait to drop some bombs on people don’t let the government know I said that yeah I’m shooting these open you can just right click these doors but it’s cooler to shoot them open we got to turn into the morph ball here to navigate this and get

Our hands on this little little loot in here what we got missile expansion okay pretty sick what do we got going on in here we got some more goodies what you got for me okay Sandstorm in a bottle can’t go wrong with that now I’m assuming we place some certain items

Here into our UI slot let’s open this so we got the missile expansion we put this in what weapon utility special where where do we put this I have no clue am I even allowed to use this yet maybe I’m not allowed to use it yet I do have this

Morph ball bomb oh there you go okay I can use that one press the bomb keybind to set off a bomb let me bind that real quick let’s see it now oh yes sir we got the bombs from Metroid this is like lowkey one of my favorite abilities from

The game yeah we got that now let’s go ahead let’s drop in further see what’s popping what y’all got okay we got another ability is this where we actually get the bombs the mod said you can find some powerups while exploring normally so that’s why I put the bombs

In my inventory but let’s get in here and let’s blow this slime the hell up Master mode again so this dude taking no damage all good you know what let’s use the stronger paralyzer which does let L damage if it’s not fully charged understandable violent power grip allows

User to grab onto Ledges okay so this is an accessory can I grab onto this oh yeah there you go look at that it’s a little ledge grab okay and then we got this right here which I believe is a saving area spawn point set yes sir and

Let’s break into here where there’s a lot of enemies in here we’re going to use a Zena to kill everything I got it on mhor cuz obviously I want to see the full potential of any creature for example this creature right here here hello we took the little energy tank out

Of his hand oh my God and now he moving damn he got a little stroll to him little swag in his step I see him what kind of abilities does he have okay he dropped a bunch of bombs on our heads I should just shoot at him I guess while

We go through this maybe throw some knives at him so he has what two different hit boxes his head and his legs I can’t hit his legs though maybe it’s his balls I got to shoot at yeah we got torizo here I hope that’s how you

Say it I don’t know I haven’t played a lot of metroids the one Metroid I do remember playing when I was a kid was the one on GameCube and I have it on switch now which one is it hold up it’s Metroid Prime and I remember playing

That one on GameCube and getting so motion sick and I haven’t played too many metroids since then I think I have dread I might have dread somewhere I just never got around to it’s on the backlog yeah this boss he got a cool couple of attacks you know he’s got a

Little swipe attack he does he’s got the little bomb attack but I think at this point we should do a little bit more damage to him let me take out the terrarian cuz this is a mash mode that boy is a little tanky but let’s do some

More damage and and then we’ll finish him off with I guess these knives just to see if there’s any cool death animation I don’t want to zip past it oh there you go he just kind of explodes and now we have a ghost bird what’s up colorless we may look different but

Inside we have the same heart as you so you get dropped a treasure bag he got ruin bags he got the summon to bring the boss again so let’s buy this vanity pack let’s buy this ruins bag I don’t got no money here take everything bro I don’t

Need it wait I I do need that actually I’ll buy everything else though now that that boss is defeated let me go put this armor back on here and let’s see what goodies he has blessed me with let’s start with uh the vanity pack oh yes sir

He got me with the drip oh shoot okay so we got that one we got the varia suit here we got another one the V2 of that suit o I’m messing with this one I think my favorite suit might be the purple one though or the one from dread all right

Look what else we got we got ruins bag so what does that give me that gives me Statue pieces so could build my own statue of them if I really wanted to Boom there you go I got my own statue and I could can I put something in his

Hands to hold here hold hold that piece of the pillar okay and then we pop open in the Treasure bag he gave us energy shards and [ __ ] ore which what does this allow us to craft in this mod let’s just make the bars in the safe station

Which this is just a bed and the bars o look at that allow us to make a good couple of weapons specifically the missile launcher and the power beam now that we kind of sort of got the intro done we’ll go into more of like me looking at things in creative mode here

So with these energy shards we’re supposed to make Power tanks something like that energy tank there we go and then these energy tanks go into all of this damn there’s just so much to look at bro but uh let’s first let’s hop on the surface over here oh there night

Time and let me just look at like this power beam so we got our regular attack here by the way this mod adds in a whole new class the hunter class which is sick wait hold up can is this where I can put my uh my little missile thing here yes sir

Oh yeah so we’re pulling out all the Metroid attacks here let’s go ahead let’s bring out an enemy let me put it back actually no we’ll keep it in master mode it’s fine let’s bring out some skeletons here and let’s hit them with the power beam now what happens if I get

This baby fully charged up here is that an overheat bar or is that yeah that’s an overheat bar and then we got our missile launcher which I have no idea what this shoots probably missiles but it’s early game I don’t have no missiles wait yes I do missile pickup should I

Drop these on the floor pick them up up boom I filled up my missiles I think so now let’s shoot this bird with some missiles oh yeah see yeah that is our Prime Weaponry here the power beam and the missile launcher and as you can see

We get a bunch of upgrades here so that’s how the uh class progression sort of works I kind of want to see what some of these are like so we got this one missile array what is that going to is that charge so if I hold it down I can

Shoot multiple missiles oh my god let’s bring out a a big boss here and I want to hit it with these missiles now my question is how do you get like missiles if you run out like how do you get the missile pickup if I run out of them no

Idea but yeah let’s hit King Slime with the missile array that did no damage That’s Just Master mode everybody now we got a bunch of uh beam upgrades here I guess let’s just grab like random ones and see what’s popping with them let’s grab this on Vortex beam this is

Probably like an insanely late game beam that I just picked up let’s see though ooh so it’s got like a little shotgun spread to it let’s bring out the King Slime again this is doing decent damage it is a vortex weapon I’m assuming oh yeah wait hold up drop some bombs on his

Ass yeah pretty solid I mess with that so this might be a pretty cool class to mess around with if you more of a fan of terrar classes where it’s like one weapon that kind of just upgrades over time then you probably like this let’s

See what happens oh my God this one is crazy what did I just put in hyperbeam this one is crazy wait can you combine these together so I do the hyperbeam along with the vortex shot yo this kind of sick okay what else can I do here secondary what does that mean eror

Add-on version mismatch detected the following slots have had their add-on effect disabled secondary on just because of the primary slot so there’s some like cool combos we can mess with what other things can I grab here okay so we got which one did I put in the

Wave beam so this one does a little cool little wave type of attack we combine this with something so some of them you can’t combine which is interesting I could do this together does it do like a little wave I don’t really know if it’s doing a wave at all actually another

Look at it but still either way is very unique it’s something dope to see in terms of like different Weaponry into area especially for a new class AKA this Hunter class it’s cool to see an idea like this where you can mix and match things and you know try and make them

Super powerful and I also do enjoy the idea as much as I like seeing a bunch of different weapons I do think having one weapon one primary weapon that upgrades throughout the game is also a really cool idea especially for a modded class it makes it like less research for me to

Have to do you know I don’t have to research like every feature weapon that I want to get my hands on yeah of course there’s a bunch of accessories that do cool things in this but I know what y’all want to see y’all want to see the

Bosses and stuff and that’s what I want to see too there’s a ton of enemies as you can see and there’s a ton of bosses now my question is where do these enemies and bosses appear cuz we only got one structure I might have to read

Into the mod a little bit more here so yeah I also equipped the uh Power Suit here which this allows us to do a little cool jump in either Direction only if we’re grounded though we can’t do it up in the air and then if I press this

Right here suit add-ons we can add things to the suit to the helmet to the breastplate and then this is our fuel reserves so let’s fight the next boss which is sarus summon sis at the ocean this is a pre hard mode boss oh my God

He moving he moving too fast wellit got hit that Dodge okay I would have got hit right there if I wasn’t in go yeah this is after Skeletron but before wall flesh I believe is when supposed to fight this thing I don’t exactly have the best

Arena to fight this thing in so it it honestly might be a little bit hard the music is bumping I’m assuming all the music is obviously from the games so you already know it’s probably going to be bumping cuz like old 8bit music or not even 8bit but you know OG video game

Music usually bumping so it seems like every time you hit this boss he sort of freezes in place you just got to land the shot on him that’s what it seems like if I had like an actual decent Arena I would probably be hitting them way more

Boom look at that hit his ass and he goes back into speed for let’s do some more damage I’m going do with the terrarian so I don’t have to aim as much boom I kind of like how he changes colors oh what this phase two e what is

That damn germs attacking me Corona virus let’s charge up our big boom here with the missile launcher and then I missed every shot after that yeah it seems like this dude micro germ just floats around after ew and he makes nasty slurping noises what is that

But let us finish off sarus I like that he changes colors the more damage he takes is an interesting boss it is at the end of the day a worm boss whether or not it’s in Terraria or from a Metroid game it’s a worm boss and you

Know how I feel about worm bosses what’s in here gave me a material this material makes Speed Booster you know what I might as well just give myself that Speed Booster and let’s move on to the next boss so the first boss we fight in hard mode is Cade good old CR let’s

Bring him in where is he is he a big boy oh my God he is a big boy like literally the biggest boy can he crawl through that nah he capping I know his big ass ain’t making it through that this is kind of cool though we’re legit just fighting

Metroid bosses interia and it kind of fits maybe the the Sprites are a little too advanced for Terraria a little bit more detailed but this is still sick I like how he moves what am I attacking like his his head is what I’m attacking seems like he takes damage only when he

Roars okay so we’re like at the the medium phase the next phase cuz he’s adding in some new attacks here and also he Chang color he’s doing a little slash attack there on top of the nails on top of the little spikes he shooting out of

His belly okay we’re in the orange phase now what’s what other new attacks does my boy got he got the nails he got the spikes he ain’t showing me too much what else you got bro now I know his big ass ain’t turning around that fast look at

That I know he ain’t turning around that fast he not screaming no more oh there you go now he’s back to screaming his stomach actually blocks shots that’s crazy what the heck so I actually got to like get to a decent place to hit him like a decent height to

Hit him in the head that’s actually insane all his body parts are blocking my shots I don’t know what new attacks he adds in here but then we get to the red form where I’m assuming more damage quicker attacks maybe but let’s go ahead and finish off CRA there he goes he

Lowkey look like he like the the chicken of Metroid as in like cook his ass up take a bite out of crate it look like lowkey would taste good just me that might just be me maybe I’m just hungry right now what he got in the Treasure bag unknown plasma beam crade tissue

What can I make with crade tissue oh we can make an upgrade we can make our next suit here I had it typed in already boom where do we equip it here’s suit add-ons is this where we put it or is it the next one boom is it barrier yeah it is

Barrier okay so if I take off my vanity which I was wearing the various sh two vanity already boom this is what we look like now we have upgraded our armor so that’s how we do that that’s cool all right the next couple of bosses here I

Think we’ll just skip through real quick I kind of don’t want to spoil some of these bosses for both you the viewers that want to play the mod and myself cuz I kind of want to play this mod wink wink new type of content coming soon y’all but yeah we got this

Fanton let’s see our boy fanton okay you got a little animation to spawn in here spinning Circle what’s he got and boom there he is Fanon I have no idea what I’m looking at this dude is ugly as hell ew and he got a eyeball he for sure

Matches Terraria bosses in terms of looks but yeah I’m not going to fight him all the way through like I said I I want to save some of this stuff for the future I just wanted to see what my boy look like next boss is called the

Nightmare oh look we got a little enemy coming from the ocean over here let’s bring our boy in 30k health sounds scary who my boy coming out the floor I see you this thing is kind of terrifying looking what the hell this was a Metroid he look like a big

Ass computer his attacks are kind of crazy so far this is definitely the craziest attacks we’ve seen so far a whole lot of projectiles and stuff and he’s kind of got like a little screen effect as you can see there’s like a little vignette around the screen little

Like weird vignette going on yeah let’s do a sick let’s uh that’s it I like I said I don’t want to I don’t want to touch him too much cuz I want to save the fights for the future next up we got the Omega pirate hey look oh and he’s

Gone let’s see the Omega pirate this dude looks cool o my boy does not look like a pirate that I’ve ever seen this is sick he looks really cool oh my God and the attacks are also dope as hell you can see the boss is

Really ramping up as we go on like the first boss was I the second boss was a worm the third boss CRA he was like okay we’re starting to see a little something still pretty easy and then we’re getting to things like this like this is kind of

Crazy as you can see all his body parts seem to have different health bars so what can I like break his leg off or something no you just got to go through and break all his different body parts and I’m assuming he transforms into something else no clue the Metroid fans

Watching this for sure though are like bro he don’t even know yeah I don’t and the last boss from this mod at least from what I can see from looking at the mod page is the golden chorizo help me help me get in here bro we’re back at

Where it all started my boy got the little ball let me get that oh and he disassembles again oh my God he’s golden he not actually golden though where the gold at oh there you go now my boy’s gold hold up he moving a little quicker

Way quicker than he was before look at that is this how I’m supposed to fight this boss I would be dead as hell hold up turn into the ball drop the bombs on his ass boom boom boom boom boom I can see this really being a fun uh class to

Mess around with fun playthrough in general yeah I believe that this is the final boss this boss actually gives us the uh screw attack which where do we equip this oh there you go we just put that in there allows the user to double jump oh yes sir I remember using this in

Smash Bros all the time this is sick though we’re doing some crazy damage against this boss so if you ever wanted to just fight ter bosses by just jumping around shoot screw attack baby now I believe that is all the bosses from the mod yes sir very nice uh let me go ahead

And skim through a couple of items here see if there’s anything else worthwhile checking out before we end the video here now obviously there is a ton of bosses in this mod or not bosses enemies and bosses there’s seven of them but there is a ton of enemies that you

Probably just run into here and there playing the game uh I don’t know which ones are like finished and which aren’t cuz this one don’t look finish or at least it just looks weird but you got some you got some scary looking things here and some of them kind of fit

Terraria like I feel like that’s something I would see in Terraria dungeon that big like covering of skulls we got squeed we got Ripper there’s some good names in here of course we got the metroids itself in here large side Hopper now that looks like a terrar

Enemy derpling type of AI you know and on top of all the enemies we also have all the suits I think they damn near have every suit from every mod now I have no idea oh they got the blue suit this is other suit I mess with the blue

One I mess with that OG purple one uh they got some what is this Terraria themed ones possibly nebula the dark suit there’s like all kinds of stuff Legacy fison like there there’s a lot of cool stuff in terms of uh vanity so you can make your character look super cool

Of course even Dark Samus is in this we even got things like this The Crucible AKA that sword from Doom top tier sword in gaming definitely probably a top 10 top five but yeah that was the Metroid mod it’s got a lot of cool stuff in it I just literally scratched the

Surface and there’s probably a bunch of things my dumb ass didn’t even really understand so I probably didn’t even show off everything correctly but that’s for y’all to check out the mod yourself and see everything firsthand look at this we we got things like you know the

Little Health tanks that we can equip give oursel something sores up to five Hearts picked up when at full health automatically uses a stored hearts look at that sound like a buy Isaac item yeah make sure to check out the mod this is a dope mod there’s another mod like this

Where it’s like a whole sort of video game overhaul and I think it was for Final Fantasy and that’s another video I want to do soon but yeah if y’all are trying to see a playthrough of this Metroid Hunter class let me know in the comments that new form of content I was

Talking about it seems like a lot of Terraria cont content nowadays has kind of evolved from what I’ve done you know all these teral oneoff videos where I either do something funny or I’m showing off a video or I’m just messing around inter area or just trying to mythbust

Something it seems like those form that form Mater content don’t work nowadays and it seems like everybody’s really messing with like a whole playthrough in like one video or two video sort of thing which is kind of crazy to think of because back when a couple years ago my

Channel blew up doing like any playthrough content was so weird because they legit just wouldn’t get views like some of them would do good like the first couple episodes and then after that I would get a couple episodes deep and nobody watched them so that’s why I’ve always steered away from

Playthroughs if it wasn’t on streams but it’s just interesting to see the YouTube landscape change and obviously I need to change with it cuz my channel literally has died yeah thank y’all for watching the video anyone that stick through and watching this even at my lowest of times

Thank you I appreciate you a lot shout out to moders that made this mod it’s a really good mod shot everyone that worked on it of course videoos popping up on the screen hey make sure to subscribe leave a like hit the Bell but I get people telling me all the time

That the video my videos don’t pop up so make sure you turn on the Bell button yeah I’ll see you’all next time

New Classes, New Armor, New Bosses and tons of more. Y’all gotta stop sleeping on this Metroid Mod.

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  1. Yo dude! I love this mod! Hell im sad to see no adventure maps for it, so im making my own open world adventure map for this mod, idk when it'll be finished and idk if it'll be great as it's my first adventure map, but im real excited to make a modded adventure map with a big story, lots to do and more!
    I wish there was more modded adventure maps and more metroid mods

  2. dude, i would LOVE to see you do a full playthrough of this. i've been runnin' this even with calamity and it really does well even into post moonlord

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