THIS Terraria Ranger combo is just NUTS! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.8)

Hey hey welcome back my friends to the Terraria Master Ranger playthrough you join me here in unfamiliar territory but what it actually is is the nearest Sky Island to our main base area I’ve actually ridded the corruption up here it’s pretty simple I didn’t even need to

Use purification powder I just rocked up the grass and that’s it so yeah we are now free to convert this island into whatever biome we want and the biome I think I’d like to go for ooh I don’t know actually I was thinking hello and

The easiest way of doing that is for us to probably grab ourselves a bunch of pear Stone and Chuck it up on the island and while we do so I do of course want to start off by saying a huge thank you for all of your lovely support

Throughout this series so far I really appreciate all of the love and the form of the comments and subscriptions and likes lately of course if you want to continue supporting this series please do be sure to do so by dropping a like on these videos here it really helps out

Myself the channel and the video massively hit the Subscribe button if you’re new around here and you don’t want to miss out on my future content but if you really want to go one further with your support use code python when ordering any of my Apex gaming PCs for

5% off or for a whopping 15% off if you go for some Terraria merch from Terraria shop instead so let’s grab ourselves a few hundred bits of pearstone blocks here and then we’re going to Chuck them on the sky island and hopefully then we’ll have a new hallowed biome of our

Own making all righty 300 P stone blocks that should be enough right now on like my previous normal let’s play series I don’t really care about doing this for farming purposes this time only last time I think what we tried to do was create a hallowed island in the hopes

That we’d be able to farm out a whole bunch of mobs but it didn’t really happen because I think that the space layer overcomes all else including I have to say even evil biome so yeah I don’t really care about farming this time I just want to get the pylon it’s

As simple as that all right background has changed and that means we now have access to the hallowed pylon there it is we don’t have enough money to buy this and a forest pylon unfortunately but you know we’ll do what we can we’ll have a little bit of that right there beautiful

Beautiful and eventually we’ll have ourselves a FSE pylon down here if and when we can that is only I know that there’s quite a lot of dudes here and I don’t think they’re going to be too happy with that very fact ehy yeah not a great deal of pylons being sold here is

There so then what’s next on the agenda for today’s episode eh Frost armor I feel like that might be a pretty cool way to go right get it cool so we need ourselves a turn of adaman and well usually the easiest way of getting a lot

Of adaman is to Simply head down to the underworld and skim along the top of it that’s where you typically find Adamantite in its plentiful amounts although look at this there’s a whole bunch of it over at the mushroom by here so medium improvements to stat a mining

Potion in addition to a spel lunka potion yeah I think we should be able to get ourselves enough out of man table all of that let’s get ourselves down to the underworld or attempt to at any rate and we’ll go Adamantite Min we need to get ourselves an Adamantite Forge of

Course ah jeez oh it’s only a sort of digger dude we’re totally fine don’t worry about it it’s not one of the those mini eer of Worlds dudes beautiful all right Adam anti right here hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey wow okay turns out explosive bullets

Might be something I’ve slept on for the longest time they seem to absolutely ruin multi- segmented mobs like worms Oh I can imagine those bad boys being very good against the Destroyer I’ve not even started using my potions yet and I’ve already found loads and loads of adaman although it probably

Does help that I broke quite a lot of Alters previously hey look at that I’m literally just shooting the wall and because the explosive ammo does like an area of effect damage it doesn’t even matter that we’re hitting the wall because it still hits the mob love it

You got to be kidding me man check it out at the very least we do have an Animan type Forge and that’s not nothing I guess ah yeah Adam Manti everywhere this is way more like it I’ve got all of me various Buffs on giving me some ridiculous mining speed and I’m

Absolutely here for it yo a gem cave coming up with Adamantite a join to it ah excellent I do love being a gem cave every now and again look at it it’s an emerald amethyst one I love it I love Jame GES I think they might be one of my

Favorite generator structures or rare generated structures in Terraria they’re just so nice ah excellent underground Hall I’m kind of glad that I found that actually because now we can kill two birds of one stone we try and get ourselves a gelatin Crystal or two and

Then we are going to be good to go in terms of going for the goal of Queen slime yeah not one but two gelatin crystals in my view there’s one just on my left there and one to my bottom left there yeah and there’s a third one to

Our left hand side even still yeah all right excellent all right three gelatin crystals that’s not bad going if you ask me we got 273 Adam anti ore as well just how many bars is that going to grant us though I’m hoping more than 60 yeah all right

Very very good my friends very good indeed in fact unfortunately we can’t grind out for the frost armor even if I wanted to there is no rain and therefore no blizzard going on right now which is kind of sucky because otherwise I would absolutely be going for the goal of getting myself

Frost armor now oh it would be so nice to have especially early on in hard mode it would give you another type of damage that you’d be doing over time i’ be so useful all right I’ll tell you what we’ll do just to maximize our productivity while we wait for some rain

To come along I’m actually going to head up to a sky island and I’m going to attempt to kill another Wy we need but one soul flight only one my friends only one all right wait around here long enough and we’ll have a Wy oh hello

There yeah look at it every bullet does multiple loads of damage to the Wyn hey how about the Onyx Blaster though kind of nice I won’t lie this is a pretty effective way of taking down worm style mobs oh I love it I wish I discovered this earlier thank you Terraria Wiki you

Have been most helpful right uh okay so judging by the fact that gold coins were there that tells me oh no you got to be kidding me the Wy died outside of the boundaries of the map which means ah I can’t get them wherever they are you got to be kidding

Me see in my opinion if say a wyvn dies outside the boundaries of the map the drops should automatically go into your inventory the drops should never ever drop outside of the boundaries of the map because that’s just silly so yeah that means we’re going to have to take

Down another Wy and hope that we take it down you know within the boundaries of the map slime is falling from the sky no no no no that’s not what I want I want wyvn to be falling from the sky notice how there’s absolutely zero slimes actually falling from the sky though I

Think that just proves what I was saying before the space layer takes precedence over literally everything else in the entire game evil biomes Events maybe maybe some Events maybe not all of them this is pretty easy actually I just wait for the slimes on the left hand side to

Sort of jump over to the right slightly here then I pwn them against the tree basically oh boy King Slime oh this guy’s going to be really difficult holy crap holy yeah okay maybe not I’m going to be taking down your one at some point today

Buddy oh dear oh dear oh dear absolute decimation yeah well let it be known that explosive ammo is fantastic for crowd control all you got to do is shoot the floor nearby them and you’re going to be doing a ridiculous ton of damage to a ridiculous

Ton of folks now if only the actual rain could come along not the Slime rain then you know I might actually be able to get some of my goals done today holy moly literally like 5 seconds after I put down a water candle up here yep this

Will do it the explosive ammo if this episode doesn’t do a good enough job in explaining why you folks should go for explosive ammo at the beginning of hard mode ah I mean I don’t know I don’t know how much clearer I can make it seriously all right beautiful that is

That done and dusted so ladies and gentlemen at long last we can make harpy wings there they are I know it might be a bit expensive but how’s about we do a little bit of a reforge we’re looking for something good first go something with speed maybe a bit of deadly unreal

Oh oh okay I’ll take that that’s not too bad a little bit of demonic plus crit chance and damage beautiful right now ladies and gentlemen we’re going to play the waiting game I can hear rain ladies and gentlemen all right we need to go ahead and get some stuffs done uh if I

Could make myself maybe a trap door or two that’ be quite helpful oh oh you don’t even need a heavy workbench for trap doors excellent all right I’m going to make myself a couple of them and that will assist us in staying alive while trying to take down ice golems all right

So I’m going to create myself a little bit of a farming pit and then oh there he is oh wow someone just had a very bad night oh jeez okay right lots and lots of guys on me not looking good I don’t have the Death Pit freaking done yet uh

Yeah it’s oh I’ve got 2 minutes of slow debuff 2 minutes that is absolutely ludicrous right let’s try that again shall we hey we got another one straight away oh for God’s sake the movement debuffs God I hate them that is now two Frost cors we have

Completely choked I’m not okay with that all right now now to arot now you’re allowed to start spawning in the ice Golems I have my little ponage Arena sorted out the ice Golems would fall either in here or in here they shouldn’t be able to escape either we just need to

Sort of pone them with a pistol ah look who’s coming along all right should be Victory number one out of three come on buddy you get down here and then yeah he can’t get out excellent right would it be better if I used the Onyx blaster there uh probably

Actually boom boom we just have to time it for every time he lands oh good lord come on buddy I’ll have you taking out in no time well then with that said look at the DPS values about 12060 whereas if I was to whip this bad boy

Out yeah it goes up a little bit doesn’t it 250ish although I think that only boosts when there’s other dudes nearby well I don’t know still seem to be doing on all amount of damage huh it just means that we’re spending quite a lot of

Ammo whereas if we were to use the Onyx Blaster we would of course only be using one bullet per time so ammo conservation versus damage H an interesting decision anyway there we are that is one out of three Frost calls victim number two so yeah if you guys have ever wanted

To know how to make a nice Easy Ice Golem Farm in Terraria this is it just look at this and copy it basically so long sucker all right brilliant that’s two out of three and I found the third and final one of these guys just sort of

Hanging around in the cave down here so I’ve just blocked him off he can’t do nothing to me and ladies and gentlemen there we are we are now officially done we can make the frost armor okay I’m actually pretty happy about that it was a bit of a painful

Process at the beginning there but uh we got got there in the Finish did we not so here we go Frost helmet that is 10 Adamantite bars plus 20 very good and then another 16 so that’s a grand total of 46 bars required we have a whopping

24 bars remaining as well I wonder so we got 12 bars for the adamant type repeater oh it’s still 18 bars for the pickaxe though I mean should we get the repeater just for the sake of saying s it why not why not let’s have it we’re

Going from 30 one defense up to a whopping 55 that is an increase of 24 quick little reforge on the adaman type repeater I think so I mean minus damage is definitely not something we’re going to be wanting this on the other hand with a whopping 71 range damage and 24%

Crit chance yeah baby that is way more like it what about a little bit of speed on here uh wow hell yeah meteor hammock a little bit of speed on here question mark Godly nah we want speed more than anything there we are quick that will do

The job quite nicely I would say what about the harpy wings ooh o okay I mean little bit of damage I’ll take it but that was maddeningly expensive probably made more expensive of course by the fact we’ve got ourselves an NPC Hotel here which for the most part massively increases prices

Not just for shop items but also for reorges it would seem so then ladies and gentlemen I got to be honest I’ve absolutely no idea how this is going to go poorly is what I’m expecting but you never know right the hall is on the left

Hand side here so we’re going to have to try to make this work somehow I’m thinking of making maybe a platform that goes all the way from here all the way over here cuz I imagine I’m going to wind up getting stuck on this terrain

Here A whole bunch all right ammo is top up I’ve slept away the remainder of the rain it’s now daytime so hopefully the natural spawn rates will be at the the lowest let’s get ourselves over to the Hallow let’s try and do this thing try being the operative word I don’t know

How this is going to go I hope of course it will go smoothly but I just don’t know all right no dilly-dallying boom do a little bit of that boom buffing up and boom The Queeny come on Eli 36,000 oh you got to be kidding me she teleported

Literally on me wow poor star If Ever I saw one poor poor poor star big fat freaking yikes if you ask me my friends but anyways no matter we’ll see if we can’t still work with it come on 31,000 oh it’s projectile Central here my friends what I’m hoping of course is

That the explosive ammo will do the job in terms of taking down Queen slime’s cronies there’s going to be a whole bunch on the ground and I’m hoping that the explosive ammo will do the job for us I mean we’ll see hey my friends we’ll see come on let’s keep it going we’re

Getting little regenerative Hearts back by actually managing to kill the credit will you stop getting in my grill Queen slime seriously though that’s not okay 2 seconds until a heal don’t necessarily need it right now uh okay maybe now come on then 22,000 Health we’re actually not doing

Too bad but it’s the second phase of course that’s where things start getting a bit dicey I must I am rather enjoying the damage over time that we are doing yeah come on we got 16,000 Health to try and take down might be easier said than done although with that

Said somehow I’m managing to dodge everything I’m absolutely staggered oh I almost got stuck in my own freaking Farm oh jeez maybe I should put some platforms over that when I’m not using it eh what a stupid way way to go that would have been ehh holy crap holy come

On balls everywhere not okay man not okay oh boy 7,000 there’s so much crap going on I’m one more hit and I’m dead like really uh come on maybe a little bit of this I don’t know is the Onyx Blaster still the way to go I just don’t know

4,000 oh oh hell okay H another ball 1,000 Health if I die when there’s less than 1,000 Health now I might as well go retire and get a freaking paper round or something no she’s dead woo excellent all right very good my friends and now we die I don’t even care that we

Died we took her down my friend that’s all that matters ah all the frustrations that led to this of course go that saying it was worth it to take down the boss hell yeah so ladies and gentlemen I think on that rather epic note it is

Going to be time to wrap up today’s episode thank you so much for watching if you guys have enjoyed today’s episode despite my shortcomings and slight bit of Rage that we may have had at one point but do be sure to head down beneath the video and spend a second to

Drop a like I’d really appreciate it hit the Subscribe button and don’t forget to ding that Bell of course if you don’t want to miss out on my future content but for now thank you so much for watching have a great rest of your day

And I shall see you in the next episode bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – Before this episode, I’d literally never made explosive bullets the whole time I’ve played Terraria… put it this way, I’m now enlightened as to how INCREDIBLE they are!
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This is Episode 8 of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
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  1. 1:29 Fun fact, the quickest way to make an artificial biome is actually with grass (besides obviously the tundra and the desert). If you place dirt squares with a hole in de middle and then add seeds to them, that's the fastest way to get the biome you want. Also put the dirt blocks on the air so the seeds cover both the inside and outside of the block, if the block is placed on top of another block, that side won't have the grass since it's next to another non-dirt block.

  2. just for future playthroughs python, sandstorms and blizzards are attached to wind speed as opposed to rain these days so even without rain if it’s a windy day go check

  3. I used the same loadout but with the megashark and shotgun since I had defeated the destroyer, and also ALWAYS use explosive bullets in early hard mode, and the debuff from those frost golems is so annoying. Lastly I was attempting to get a frozen feather for frost wings, I got the giant harpy feather before I did and when I finally got one after killing 20 golems it’s the exact same as the harpy wings and I realized I wasted my time lol

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