Today me and my brother Milo are competing in a new versus Pro McDonald’s build battle challenge to see who can build the better McDonald’s but what happens when villager Karen does not get her order on time you’re going down chip my McDonald’s is going to be the best

McDonald’s you’ve ever seen we’ll see about that Milo let’s get building all right then I’m going to build over here and the first most important thing to build when you want to construct a huge McDonald’s is a huge huge Foundation let’s grab some smooth Stone and smooth

Stone slabs that’s a tricky thing to say I think this is going to look so much better than whatever garbage Milo decides to build hey I can hear you buddy what you could hear me the whole time well okay Milo well that just means I can hear you and all your ridiculous

Ideas well my ideas are beautiful and I can’t wait to show you how stupid you are when my McDonald’s is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever seen what but Milo that’s not possible you are such a noob and I’m such a pro there’s no way anything you make could

Be as good as what I make I’m not a noob I’ve been playing Minecraft for years and I know all the cool tricks okay if you’re a pro like me then what are you building your foundation out of God of course it’s the sturdiest material and it looks really cool ew Milo that’s

Gross I don’t want to eat at a McDonald’s that has a dirt floor what but McDonald’s always has dirt floors no it doesn’t what kind of McDonald’s have you been going to well only the ones in Birdland Birdland oh Milo I’m sure McDonald’s in Birdland would be ridiculous yeah well they’re only

Ridiculous if you’re a dumb dumb I really love eating my bird Burger in human land McDonald’s burgers have sesame seeds but in Birdland they’re probably just old seeds well your McDonald’s is probably going to have a yappy meal cuz you keep yapping wo that’s a really good roast Milo but you

Know what’s going to be roasted even better my delicious burgers that I’ll serve at the best McDonald’s in the world what materials are you going to use well first of all I’m building my Foundation out of stone it is so much stronger than dirt and then I’m going to

Make my walls out of red concrete because it’s bright red just like McDonald’s well I might use something red as well just you had a pop a color what hey that’s cheating I’m making mine red well but McDonald’s is always red so I’m not even copying you I guess you’re

Right fine you can make your McDonald’s red too because mine doesn’t even need to be a better color than you to win well whatever I’m pretty confident I’ve got this in the bag no way I’m going to start making the inside of my kitchen here I’m going to have a bunch of smooth

Quart slabs that go across just like this this will also be the counter where everybody can order their meal I think I might actually make this kitchen go all the way over to the side just like this yep I think this is perfect over here can be the entrance to the seating area

Where all of my many many hundreds of customers can eat the delicious meals that I make all by myself all right I’m also going to make the walls of my kitchen really really tall we need to have lots of space for all the delicious McDonald’s smells to float up through

The air and make as many customers hungry as possible the more customers we can get to feel hungry and want McDonald’s the more we get to take them away from Milo’s McDonald’s we’re totally going to be booming in business I think Milo’s McDonald’s is going to

Lose all its money nobody wants to eat worm Burgers what worm burgers are a delicacy plus we’ll have the normal McDonald’s menu as well oh so you’re doing Birdland menu and normal McDonald’s that’s right and my McDonald’s you get variety ew that is so gross well in my McDonald’s you get the

Best meals McDonald’s has to offer like what you get awesome stuff like a Happy Meal and a quarter pounder and a big big french fry what about a Big Mac mine’s called the Big M Mac what mine’s called the sick Mac cuz my McDonald’s is going

To look so sick is yours going to have chips chips yeah it totally might is yours going to have Milo’s Milo McFlurry yeah and it’s going to be so delicious we’re going to have so many yummy things yeah not as many as me every single window needs to be this awesome yellow

Color because look already this place looks just like a McDonald’s that is amazing now that I’ve done that I actually need to make the kitchen what kind of awesome stuff could we have inside maybe some furnaces over here yeah that looks awesome and we also need

Some cauldrons and some hot lava as well normally the french fries and the McDonald’s are cooked in boiling hot oil but we don’t really have oil over here here we use steaming hot lava which means our french fries are so warm and fresh way fresher than Milos would ever

Be and because we have so much heat in our french fries we also need a massive massive vent above them to make sure that all the smoke from them goes right up the top and out into the air I don’t want smoke inside my restaurant that

Would set off my fire alarms and the only thing fire and here is my cooking ad Myer McDonald’s we get all of our food ordered straight from McDonald’s Island what wait so you don’t even cook the McDonald’s yourself Milo no everything for McDonald’s comes from an

Epic Island where they grow all of the burgers oh Milo that is crazy and I’m actually doing something even crazier I’m not going to tell you what it is though I’m building something so amazing instead of having potatoes I’m going to have raw IR iron blocks in the corner

Just like this it actually looks like a cotton full of potatoes that we can grab any single one from and use to make delicious French fries I need an item frame let’s grab this but what item could possibly look like a french fry other than blaz rods or maybe even some

Bamboo wow this kind of looks like a stack of french fries Al together this looks so much like french fries I really wish we had real french fries in McDonald’s in Minecraft but look these blaze rods are so blazing hot from all the blazing hot lava we’re boiling them

In wo my food is so so awesome in this McDonald’s H what else do we need inside a McDonald’s kitchen oh I know we totally need a bunch of steak for the burgers and a bunch of bread for the buns too wait I just forgot how to spell

Bread that is so embarrassing all right here we go and wow we’ve already got so many ingredients that we need to start cooking hey Milo what are you planning on cooking well I’m going to cook lots of really good things and maybe may even some new items on the menu like really

Good broccoli ew broccoli that’s disgusting Milo nobody wants to eat broccoli at a McDonald’s well some people do you just don’t know them yeah I don’t think anybody knows them Milo I don’t think those people are real they are real stop being so rude broccoli is scrumptious uh broccoli is yuck no don’t

Say that I’m pretty much going to cry no Milo don’t cry okay I’m sorry for insulting broccoli I know how much you love green vegetables I’ve made my roof so cool though Milo my roof looks incredible and I’m even going to have another bar below where every single

Customer that comes into my restaurant can see the whole McDonald’s menu do you mean every single customer or no customers cuz you’re not going to have any what hey I definitely will have customers they’re going to see your restaurant and puke no they weren’t you’re being really rude no puking

Allowed in my restaurant but what is allowed is telling people our amazing food I’m going to let everybody know that at chips McDonald’s amazing place a burger is only $1 $1 that’s ridiculous how are you ever going to make a profit I’m not Milo I’m just going to steal all the customers

And french fries are only 50s and of course a soft serve ice cream is only going to be hm 25 I think that’s a great price has to pay for some delicious cool refreshment well because my restaurant has actual quality we’re going to be charging real money for our food what I

Am charging real money that’s not real money if you’re charging them that much then you must not be paying your workers I pay my workers so fairly it’s actually crazy they make more money than I do then how are you making a profit because I’m the only worker in this McDonald’s

Milo a that makes a lot of sense actually so you’re not really helping the economy then yeah I am I’m helping the chip economy because everyone loves to eat food made by chip more like the loser economy yeah I’ll let you handle the loser economy Milo that seems like

More of your thing but look this entire kitchen area looks so incredible I’m really happy with it so far let’s add some advertisements up here for the bread steak and french fries let me go grab the steak over here I don’t want to leave it behind hm what else do I sell

Oh that’s right some soft serve ice cream H I don’t know if there’s anything in Minecraft that really looks like ice cream that’s not very good let me see if I can find anything that even slightly looks like ice cream oh wait a minute I

Don’t have to sell ice cream I can sell ice cream sandwiches which is exactly what books look like doesn’t that look like a delicious chocolate ice cream sandwich especially if I flip it like that oh wow just looking at this has got me really hungry but of course I need to

Sell lots of delicious refreshing drinks let me get a brewing stand and a bunch of delicious potions oh I also need to make a cash register that is really important let me grab an anvil a sign and H I should probably grab a mangrove sign I also need to get a painting what

Painting do we want I think a random one is the most fun this way we have no idea what could even be on it oh that looks exactly like a blurry photo of a burger wow there’s lots of lettuce in it that is so awesome now let’s label this okay

Register perfect now everybody knows exactly where they need to pay and this McDonald’s is pretty rich let me add a bunch of coins down here for everybody to have spare change if they need I only accept diamonds and gold at my McDonald’s no emeralds allowed what do you accepted your McDonald’s as payment

Mila well pretty much just lots of bird seeds what so you sell bird seeds but they pay you bird seeds to get them yeah exactly it’s really a training system that does not make much sense Milo oh my goodness yo McDonald’s is going to do so

Bad yeah if bad equals good that does not equal good if you get bad reviews on your McDonald’s restaurant you cannot go around telling people that you got a five star that’s just lying well luckily for me I won’t be getting bad reviews yeah as if you can even read the reviews

Everything on your menu is probably spelled wrong as well Mila well when are using menus everyone at my restaurant just reads the Harry Potter books and then they tell me what they feel like eating so I cook it for them what why do you even have the Harry Potter books in

Your restaurant because it’s the best thing written ever and everyone always wants to read it so why would you read a menu instead of that um I guess that’s a good point oh Milo you’re crazy I’m actually feeling a lot more confident now I’m really lucky that all the

Competition is run by a crazy bird I’m not crazy I’m a genius yeah we’ll see about that Milo oh this dining area that I’m making right now is so awesome there’s so much natural light and outside beauty that you can see through the big yellow walls I think I need to

Grab some quartz stairs oh yeah just like these ones I’m going to place them just like this everyone has a nice area to sit in while they eat their delicious delicious McDonald’s food that they got right from here I’m also going to have stairs going on this side and also some

Over here as well finally I just need a couple in the middle these are only two chairs because if someone wants to have a nice little date they can totally come here now let’s actually grab some materials to make the tables with I do not want to just make people hold their

Food on their laps while they eat especially if it’s my boiling hot Blaze fries that would be so weird and really really dangerous I’d probably get in so much trouble and I’d be shut down by the food police that is not what I want at all these tables up perfect everyone

Will be able to put all of their McDonald’s orders right on them and over here I think I know exactly what I need to make every McDonald’s needs a giant freezer just to keep all of their items inside this is where we store all our chicken nuggets and all our ice cream I

Think I need to make a huge iron door yeah I can use real iron doors and iron trap doors as well the only way in is going to be through an iron pressure plate as well we’ll place the pressure plates right there and we’ll put the

Door here now all I have to do is add a bunch of iron trap doors H these are all facing downwards and they’re going to let out all the cold air from inside my freezer luckily I’m a bit of a pro if I give myself a debug stick I can totally

Rotate the direction that these blocks are facing H watch what happens when I do this boom now every single one of these trap doors is now open without any Redstone perfect now I can really start decorating the inside of my freezer I don’t want to have any furnaces or any l

LA and definitely no blaze rods so instead I’m going to grab a bunch of powdered snow I also want to grab a bunch of ice blocks we need to grab blue ice because regular ice totally melts it is really embarrassing and I don’t like it at all We’ll add the blue ice over

Here and there can even be some frozen into the floor here there can be the powdered snow everyone that comes into the freezer has to walk past it because freezers are so cold you’re basically shivering the second you go inside now I need to add the roof on top before I

Build anything else if I keep Building without making a roof all the cold air will totally Escape now I need to place end rods all around just like this these end rods are actually super duper cold and they drip little snowflakes down onto all the freezer stuff this way my

Whole build becomes super duper chilly I’m also going to add some ice in the walls just so this room feels so cold I really want to get out of here once I finish building but I’m not going to put any ice on this wall this wall is too

Precious because it connects right into the dining area I don’t want my dining guests to be cold while they eat their burgers that would be so gross cold fries are the worst thing ever do you even have a kitchen or a freezer in your McDonald’s Milo Yeah we actually have a

Lots of those things and plus all of that chairs are made out of fries what Milo doesn’t that attract a bunch of ants and rats no they’re not real in Minecraft what I guess if they were they’d probably be welcoming at your restaurant no they wouldn’t we’re not

Going to have any pests here including chip what I’m not a pest I’m a really cool guy you’re a really bad P oh my gosh Milo you’re just being crazy look I’m adding so many lights inside if they really were pests like moths they would totally be all over them luckily my

Establishment is so clean and look I even found the diamond I left earlier a diamond why do you have diamonds in your place my McDonald’s is Rich Milo because we get get so many customers every single day well that’s kind of crazy mine hasn’t even opened yet so I don’t

Know how many customers I’m going to get oh Milo you’re crazy wait I don’t know how many customers Milo is going to get either I think the best way to figure out is going to be to turn invisible and sneak over luckily I have a command that

Lets me do exactly that first I need to get rid of anything that I’m holding if I hit this command boom I instantly become invisible look you can’t even see me now I’m going to sneak my way over to Milo I just really hope he doesn’t spot

Me or hear me or smell me somehow all right I just need to sneak my way over here and quietly open the doors I need to see exactly what’s inside Milo’s McDonald’s I hope he doesn’t spot me or hear this and I’m going to put a little

Cake here look it’s going to be super yummy everyone could just take a little bit of the cake and present it to all of the customers oh well I can’t wait until this place is full of people amazing Milo didn’t even hear me open or shut

The doors I can have a look around look at all his tables his tables are actually better than mine he’s had them custom made and in sort of McDonald’s colors these colors are orange and gray it’s sort of like red but I don’t know where the gray comes from and ew his

Roof is made of dirt that’s disgusting all the dirt particles will totally drip down onto all the food that’s gross and what why has he made the walls out of Nether Warts he’s eating in a restaurant made out of warts that’s disgusting I want to see what Milo’s got in that room

But he’s inside I don’t know if I can sneak past but oh be quiet okay Milo made it past me now I can go inside this room and see what’s in here whoo his kitchen’s actually not that bad he even has a sign up here wash your hands oh he

Spelled it wrong but it’s good that he’s thinking about washing hands that’s not like Milo he’s being really clean wait a minute why does he have pickles and cake I guess pickles are pretty normal in a McDonald’s but cake really I’ve never seen a McDonald’s cake before that’s not

A bad idea wow he even has a fridge I didn’t even make a fridge wait could Milo actually win this thing no that’s ridiculous I’m going to see what Milo has in this other room over here what ew it’s a bathroom my McDonald’s doesn’t have a bathroom I don’t want people

Pooping and eating in the building at the same time that’s so gross wow Milo really knows nothing about owning a restaurant he’s such a noob I’m going to quietly sneak out the door and make my way back to make my McDonald’s even more Pro and what symbol does Milo have in

The window wao it’s him that scared me for a second I bet chip is over there having such a lovely time in his fancy McDonald’s Milo thinks my McDonald’s is fancy just wait until he sees what I have planned next for the next part of my McDonald’s build I need to change a

Couple things first I need to replace this with yellow and I need to replace this with yellow as well I’m not just doing this for fun I’ve got a really really good reason for it we are making a second story and the design of the second story is a pretty familiar shape

Everybody knows that when you go to eat at McDonald’s you see the big golden arches before you get your delicious French fries and we’re going to build that just right now let’s make the middle McDonald’s Arch go all the way down here Perfect Look at that it’s the

McDonald’s symbol wo it’s kind of making me hungry I might adjust it slightly just to change the shape a little bit H I think this is only almost perfect we just have to change the middle one and wow it looks just like McDonald’s I’m going to add a couple more blocks on top

Like this and wo I’m already feeling my tummy grumbling just from looking at it wow let’s fill in the rest of this with red I also want the Second Story to be twice as tall as the first one everyone should have the best possible view when they’re eating at my McDonald’s my whole

Building even looks like a Happy Meal that’s right because everyone that eats a meal at my restaurant is going to be nothing but happy I want wonder how people are going to feel about Milo’s restaurant probably really bad wo this already looks amazing I’m so happy now

To build the rest of my amazing establishment H I think first we need a way for our wonderful customers to reach the Second Story maybe instead of having seating over here we can have some awesome stairs just like this yep that’s perfect and they can go over here as

Well and they’ll lead right upstairs to the Second Story what kind of awesome stuff can we even put up here oh I know we totally need more places for our wonderful customers to eat H let’s make this floor a little bit taller we totally should have used smooth quartz

Blocks instead of slabs but you know what there’s no time for regrets there’s only time for intense renovations to make my McDonald’s the best one perfect this is looking incredible I’m so excited to make the next dining area I think this dining area should be pretty special let’s build up these walls a

Little higher so we can get a really good idea of what we’re building in perfect wo the stairs make this whole building look so much fancier I don’t think I’ve ever seen a double story McDonald’s before that must be so rare maybe we even have the first one in the

World that would be such an honor I really am the best McDonald’s chef of all time let’s continue making this wall go all the way around hey Milo what’s your favorite menu item in the entire McDonald’s menu well it’s pretty much the chicken nuggets what chicken nuggets

But you’re a bird Milo isn’t that a little you know weird well I’m not a chicken and they’re so delicious with the sweet and Sal sauce I guess you’re not a chicken so that does make sense but it’s a little weird though no it’s not weird it’s just McDonalds after all

Well I guess you’re right and it is kind of weird that my name is Chip and my favorite food are the chips or some people call them french fries exactly it’s really weird well hey at least it’s good that MC Donald’s has the perfect items for both of us that’s true

Actually they really do they thought about both of us when they designed their menu I’m so grateful for McDonald’s I even want to eat some of my own restaurant food right now but you know what I won’t I need to save it all for the wonderful customers the

Customers are really going to enjoy my second story dining section they’re going to have so much more space to eat but it’s not going to be like the bottom one it’s going to have a bunch more tables with way more places for people to sit this is the party room where

Anybody having a party can come and have it at McDonald’s let’s get some more tables I think this table kind of looks like there’s ketchup all over it that’s so funny and it does look kind of like a party table with silly string and streamers all over it let’s add some

More smooth quartz over here Yep this is perfect I’m loving this so much now we can finish the floor I’ve wanted to do this ever since I set foot on the Second Story I can’t believe we left it unfinished for so long that is so embarrassing I can’t even imagine what

I’d do here if I wasn’t building all the cool things I was planning on putting on this second story now that I’ve built that potty room I think I should probably make a second potty table maybe facing a different direction I don’t want them to be facing the same way then

The kids at different parties will have to look at each other and they might start fighting all right this one can be over here Yep this is perfect and it can even face the other McDonald’s M wo perfect let’s add the same Crimson table on this one so they can have their own

Party as as well this is perfect now we need to think about what awesome stuff we want to have over in this section wait a second oh I’m feeling pretty tired I could really use a coffee wait that’s it I just need to build a coffee section oh I love McDonald’s coffee it’s

So delicious and I even like putting French fries in mine it’s so embarrassing what embarrassing things do you put in your coffee Milo I don’t even drink coffee when I drink coffee it makes me go a little bit too C crazy yeah you kind of are crazy already

Enough yeah I guess so so we don’t really have any coffee but we have lots of frappes what isn’t that just a type of coffee Milo yeah well it’s decaf obviously ew you probably don’t make it with coffee beans you probably make it with pumpkin seeds or something yeah and

What you going to do about it pumpkin seeds are scrumptious oh I guess it’s like a pumpkin spice latte yeah but for buddies okay that’s not a bad idea maybe I’ll make a melon spice latte well then you’re copying me no I’m not I’m making mine out of melons and yours is very

Clearly pumpkin themed I guess so yeah that’s right I’m so good at business ideas I’m going to leave this entire M totally open so every single person can have a wonderful view of the beautiful landscape around my mcdonals yeah I picked the best spot for my restaurant

It’s going to be so pretty inside this massive open area this roof is almost complete once it’s done every single customer will be able to enjoy my brand new double DEA dining area ship guess what I’ve just built what what have you just made Mila well just a little room

For my workers to sleep in what a room for your workers to sleep in you have people working for you yeah obviously I need lots of people working here if I’m going to make a successful business I don’t know Milo I’m so much of a pro

That nobody could do a better job than I could so you can cook and clean and make the burgers andle the chips and the nuggets at the same time well yeah duh I have all my food ready to go and everyone that comes into my McDonald’s

Is fancy and clean so there’s no mess ever made well I guess so I think that’s going to fail but go ahead buddy hey whatever well I’m going to make a thing so that people know that they’re clean in my McDonald’s I’m going to make a little room for people to

Shower shower and McDonald’s that’s just weirder Behavior what are they showering in fried oil ew no that’s gross they’re showering in something clean like Sprite like Sprite but everyone knows that Coca-Cola is way better than Sprite ew I don’t want to take a bath in Coca-Cola

It’s all yucky I’m going to add a door that you cannot see through this is going to be the shower room and I also need to add a sign for privacy I really hope everyone respects this sign please do not enter if occupied perfect everyone will totally understand this

Especially the people that know how to read right now I’m going to put a dispenser in the ceiling let’s grab one right here and we can totally fill it with water now all anybody has to do to get a nice warm shower is flick this lever boom they get really lovely and

Washed perfect and now all you have to do to deactivate this shower is to flick this lver off perfect now we can totally leave and get started making the coffee area I think this is perfect we’ll have a chamber here and another bench over here all right what kind of coffee can

We serve H I’m not sure let me get a bunch of item frames and grab every single seed in the game so people can choose whatever they want for their coffee I’m also going to grab a brewing stand because coffee needs to be properly brewed and we have only the

Best Baristas here all right perfect let me see H let’s check the food and drinks because coffee is a drink everyone needs a cookie with that coffee and maybe maybe a pumpkin pie H I don’t see any coffee here oh we need milk of course everyone would love milk in their coffee

And I think this looks a bit like a coffee but wait a minute it says instant damage I do not want any of my customers drinking instant damage that’s horrible h what can I give them oh maybe a bread roll with their coffee yeah some people

Like to have coffee and toast H I wonder if there’s anything else in ingredients because you need coffee beans to make coffee so maybe they’ll be here all right I don’t see any coffee beans this could be bad I really hope we manag to find something oh sugar you totally need

Sugar in your coffee otherwise it won’t be very sweet and it’ll taste really bad we also should grab some glass bottles so people can have as much drinks as they want what else can we put inside of this thing all right I don’t think there’s anything else in this menu but

There’s got to be something somewhere oh I know exactly where to check if we go to Natural blocks and scroll down we are going to find cocoa beans and we’re not going to tell people that these are actually pretend coffee beans yep that’s right we have coffee in this

Establishment not cocoa all right perfect we’ll put the beans here and the snacks can go over there that people eat with their coffee the sugar and the milk can also go here and the glass bottles that everyone drinks out of can go there this is the coffee section in all its

Glory let me also grab some flower pots because not many people know this but flower pts actually look just like cups of coffee wow they really do it’s so beautiful I really want a coffee right now no I have to focus on building right now we’ll drink the coffees later when

The restaurant is totally done let’s at the roof to this part we didn’t want anybody getting rained on while they have their McDonald’s coffee that would be terrible only a noob would make such a silly decision and I’m such a pro that there’s no way I’d ever choose something

Like that now that I’m almost done with my second story I think I have another prank that I’d love to play on Milo this one’s a little bit crazy I just need to grab grab a bunch of creepers first I need to sneak over there and spawn a

Bunch of Creeper eggs I’m not going to be invisible this time so I have to be really careful to make sure Milo doesn’t see me the invisibility was really helpful but we don’t have time for it all right I’m going to open this door I really hope Milo doesn’t see me so we

Have to be quick and boom we have to run let’s go into this side room before Milo realizes and wo that was close right let’s spawn a bunch of creepers in here I think five is a pretty good amount all right I need to run out here and into

The kitchen kchen oh these creepers are making it hard to see but all right I’m just going to go all right make a run for it make a run for it quick quick quick okay okay I think we managed to make it look Milo’s writing signs on the

Wall he wants everyone to wash their hands really bad yeah I think you’re going to have a bit more cleaning up to do than just washing your hands here are a bunch of creepers but wait what’s this is there something down here wao what on Earth oh this must be where his workers

Stay yep that’s perfect let me spawn a bunch of creepers there oh I’m so excited all right now I just need to make my way back out I really hope Milo doesn’t see me oh gosh I just need to run for it oh luckily he’s distracted

And boom we’re totally safe I’m going to stay here and watch Milo from the window while I type this one command to turn Milo into survival SLS survival Milo boom Milo is now in survival and the creepers are going to explode wow what is happening wait why are the creepers

In my kitchen and why am I in survival wow this is so exciting there is so many explosions happening from Milo and the creepers I can’t wait to see the destruction but oh Milo’s running back quick let’s get back into our own McDonald’s what is going on I

Don’t understand why are there more I better go down to my bunker to be safe but wait there’s creepers here too this is so funny Milo keeps respawning and it’s totally wasting his time this is perfect until Milo figures out how to go back into creative we need to quickly

Get building so we have a massive head start on Milo this is a McDonald’s disaster while Milo tries repairing his crazy McDonald’s disaster I’m going to build a play area for any kids we’re going to add an entrance over here just between these two tables perfect now

Anybody that wants to go play is going to be able to walk right over and join in all right I’ll also extend the glass down so it’s really easy to walk through H I also need to get rid of this ice I don’t want the kids being too cold let’s

Think of what we can add to our play place oh I totally know I need to build a swing set but what kind of swings can we do I need to use these yellow fences because they’ll totally look like french fries wow I really wish I had a french

Fry themed playground when I was a kid these kids are having so much fun over here I’m really jealous all right now we just have to have a chain hanging down just like this all right and finally as the very bottom step we just need a

Trapo I wonder what color we should pick oh this one’s perfect it’s the closest color to Red which is exactly the color that McDonald’s is this looks incredible it’s a swing set that any kid that wants to can totally use let’s add some more fun french fries around this looks so

Cool and we can even add some bamboo below them so they really do look like french fries perfect and wait we can even grab candles look they look like mini french fries as well if McDonald’s look like this when I used to go to them

I would have gone so much more I would have made my parents take me let’s add more candles around each of the French fry pillars yep kids are going to love running around these and wait I totally forgot to add the bamboo blocks underneath them let me replace them just

Like this and put them down here and H we also need some red concrete on the outside of them or maybe red wool yeah because this is a playground it needs to be safe for all the kids to play in and I don’t think concrete is a very safe

Play material nope if they fill on concrete they would be in a lot of pain and I do not want anybody to get hurt at my a some Pro McDonald’s only a noob would do something so silly now let’s build a red enclosure around this swing

Set oh wow wait that even looks a bit like a McDonald’s meat Patty this is so cool I’m loving the play area so far hang on a second I know exactly what to build next we need to build a slime block jumping area H what can we theme

It as oh I know exactly what to do we need to theme it as if it’s a piece of lettuce this playground could be themed like McDonald’s food every single thing at this playground is a different item on the menu that you can eat and play on

Wo I bet Milo’s never even thought of anything like this at all let’s add some lime carpets here just to give it a bit more extra texture wo this really does look like lettuce I know exactly what to put underneath the lettuce we need to have some yellow carpets that look just

Like cheese oh yum I love cheese so much I think this fits really really well perfect now we just have to wrap the cheese all the way around the lettuce this is kind of like we’re really making a burger that’s so funny now let’s just grab some sand and fill the entire kids

Play area with sand this way it’s always safe inside the play area so if they fall they just get a nice cushion Landing I don’t want kids falling on the hard grass that would be horrible and it would make their clothes all green and uh nobody wants that and it would be so

Messy and newbie only someone who’s a total Noob would make grass the base of their playground or worse dirt or something oh look Milo are you almost done repairing your McDonald’s right now yes thank you very much it’s overed and now I’m doing some good add-ons what an

Add-on like a bonus section yeah exactly this is the best place I’ve ever built okay I think I can say the same for me as well so we’ll see just which one the customers is like better I have a pretty good idea which one it’s going to be oh

Yeah it’s going to be mine is isn’t it Milo no way yeah it is when the customers see mine they’re going to say I’m loving it they’re not going to say that they’re going to say I’m really hating it hey no they weren’t that’s really mean cuz my play place is done I

Love it now I’m going to build a driveth through Section Milo a drivethru section but they don’t even have cars around here yeah they might not have cars around your McDonald’s but my McDonald’s is really rich so everybody has cars wow that’s great for you buddy all my

Customers have horses and they ride pigs as well what that’s so weird is your McDonald’s inside a bar no um Milo that makes me think it definitely is based on how you said that it’s not okay it probably just smells like it’s inside a barn whatever mind your own business

Okay I’ll mind my business I’ll mind my very successful McDonald’s business all right this road is looking so incredible I’m loving how it’s twisting and turning and then people can just drive away with their delicious McDonald’s let’s add some concrete onto the roads so people know where to drive all right now let’s

Add some Stone over here and a huge parking lot this way once People Order their McDonald’s they can totally just have a nice chill and eat it in the parking area yep people are going to love this now I just need to extend the stone all the way back and once we get

Here I’m just going to let the road turn into grass I’m sure all my customers are so rich that their cars can basically drive on anything not any anything while they’re at McDonald’s though because they’ll only be driving on the very finest roads at my establishment all

Right now we can add the parking areas let’s make them just like this and we need a bunch of big ones over here all my customers are going to have really big cars so it’s important that every parking area can fit them H maybe my customers won’t even have cars I don’t

Know what they could possibly drive but it is definitely not wild animals that’s gross you will never see a pig anywhere near my McDonald’s and never a horsey either unless they maybe ran away from Milo’s McDonald’s across the road that would be so funny now I just need to

Make sure this road extends off and away maybe even into the ocean yeah people from any country in the whole world can come to my McDonald’s and they definitely will cuz everybody wants to eat my awesome food all right let me just build the road out like this let me

Add these yellow bits first I think that might make it a bit easier to see let’s add all this in here and perfect all we have to do is is add in the smooth Stone and the road will be totally done oh wait I almost forgot we need to add a

Little section where it fades into the grass that way people aren’t shocked when the road suddenly becomes a grass it’s a nice natural fade in perfect all we have to do is build these final few blocks and the road to the drive-through section will be done and we can really

Get started on the actual drive-through window H I think the window can be right over here just next to the kitchen oh no I broke the sink let me replace that right now I’ll put the Le here and I’ll grab a lever and I will put it right on

This block perfect wait a minute that’s not a sink that’s my soft serve machine that’s why it smells so yummy like ice cream oh I’m so silly here is the drive-through window where people driving their car can come on through I just need to make sure it connects up to

My roof like this okay and the roof can also go over the side and over the parking lot too wo wait a minute I just had a great idea let’s also get the french fries from my McDonald’s play place and put them over here they can even act as Road warning markers yeah

Imagine getting driven around by a french fry that would be so funny perfect let’s make the French fry fence all the way around we don’t want to make it go too far past the parking lot because that’s a lot of french fries to keep track of this drive-thru is perfect

Now we just need to add a magenta Arrow letting people know this is the right way to go perfect look how awesome it looks so far I’m absolutely in love now I just need to add a couple of my impressive Finishing Touch is let’s add some more quartz here and we can even

Add our front fry pillars on this side of the building wo I’m sure everyone’s going to be triple the hungry now when they see this we can also extend it this way Yep this part of the roof is going to wrap fully around and it’ll even nicely connect up to the drive-through

Section wo I should basically be an architect by now I’ve designed such a cool McDonald’s this is probably the best thing I’ve ever built we’ll also have the quartz part Loop up around here oh and this whole thing can be a brand new giant giant Yellow window yep so

Everybody can look outside at the beautiful view and to the road that goes off into the Horizon wait a second customers will be visiting your McDonald’s in 30 seconds whoever scores the top rating wins Milo are you seeing this what the oh my gosh I’m nearly not

Done oh gosh I have a couple more windows to fill in too this is terrible we need to rush for the last 30 seconds I do not want to be caught off guard quick wa quickly this is our last chance yeah my last chance to totally beat you in this McDonald’s building competition

More like your last chance to lose cuz you’re a loser no I’m not no I’m not Milo and I’m going to prove it to you by winning oh gosh let’s put down some more party tables just like this I need to put them sideways so people can walk

Right through oh my goodness I feel like I can hear the customers getting closer no no no it’s too soon I just need to place the final few tables of this confetti and and we are going to be done oh gosh okay I finished my McDonald’s it

Is complete and now I’m ready for all the awesome customers let me get changed into my uniform first Milo look so many customers are already arriving at your McDonald’s I’m so glad they want to come and see all my cool stuff come inside hungry boy you’re about to get the meal

Of your life okay I’m very hungry I want McDonalds yes well I’m going to give you something really good what would you like to order can I have some uh chicken nuggets please all right here’s your chicken nuggets what what what is this why are

They raw well I forgot to put the coal in the oven so you just have to have that today h okay thank you thanks Milo that was crazy why did you give him raw chicken hey I don’t know I guess I wasn’t very prepared um next customer

Please gosh I hope he doesn’t get food poisoning but whoo another guy hello my name is H Harbert hi harber welcome to Milo’s McDonald’s what can I get you today h can I please get um uh some french fries yeah and anything else H um uh an orange soda here are your French

Fries and here’s your delicious orange soda um Milo a laa it’s hot it’s hot oh no that didn’t go very well a well I wasn’t very prepared for that either maybe my Third customer will be really good come in uh Milo shouldn’t you clean up the lava

Bucket on there um excuse me my name is Karen oh hello Karen welcome to my lovely establishment um before you say anything can I please speak to the manager uh while you’re speaking to him H okay um well what do you serve here well we serve all sorts mainly just

McDonald’s food so what can I get you is it glutenfree well if you want it to be H I want a Big Mac meal four Waters and a large nugget meal please okay well here’s some water here’s some steaks uh and some bread and then here’s lots of

Nuggets um gold nuggets I did not order this well that’s all we got sorry lady H how dare you call me lady I will be writing a negative review about this establishment Milo these villagers really don’t seem to like your McDonald’s well they did an all right

Job eating all my disgusting food I’m feeling really sad now H I guess we just have to see what they rate it um do you want to go and ask them yeah hi everyone since you’re my first customers at the restaurant it would be really helpful if

You could rate it hungry boy why do you rate my restaurant h i rate it four wow hungry boy loves the raw chicken okay H but what are you write my restaurant I rate it um uh a five a five this is looking good for me what and

Karen what do you rate my restaurant zero zero Stars what zero Stars oh well I guess my total rating comes out to about a three and a half chip I don’t think you’re going to have any chance beating that what that’s crazy uh you know what I think I will I have a

Feeling these guys are going to start heading into my McDonald’s so I better quickly prepare yeah you better with your yucky food no my McDonald’s is run by an absolute Pro so my food is going to be way better than yours well let’s see what happens hello hello welcome to

My amazing Pro McDonald’s what can I get for you today um can I please get can I please order a chicken nuggets meal with a Coca-Cola sure of course I can get that um all right first I need to uh I need to deactivate this frying machine

All right um I don’t have any chicken nuggets let me check my inventory and see if we have them um oh perfect we have chicken nuggets you have chicken nuggets when did you make those not fair I had them in my freezer Milo silly and he wants a coke so here’s a Coca-Cola

All right here you go sir here are five chicken nuggets that’s a chicken nugget meal and a Coca-Cola I’ll just prepare your burger in 1 second all right let’s grab over here we’ll grab the steak we’ll grab the bread all right I just need to grab the ingredients to make a

Burger first we need to throw some cheese on the grill and then we need a raw beef patty all right and now we have enough ingredients to get ourselves a wonderful hamburger that’s what comes with a chicken nugget meal he also gets some fries and a free drink um I think

You can grab another Coca-Cola that’s awesome all right here you go sir here’s your hamburger your fries and another coca colola on the house oh thank you thank you thank you very much very good delicious all right next customer please oh it’s hbert hello my name is Harbert

Um could I please have three Burger meals with a milkshake each oh sure uh I’ll need to grab the milkshakes from the freezer please give me one moment oh gosh I hope nobody leaves my restaurant while I’m in the freezer right now where did I put them oh wait I had milkshakes

The whole time oh wait a minute do I even have a milkshake I think I might only have a McFlurry oh goodness you know what McFlurries are better than milkshakes so I’m sure he’s going to absolutely love them and luckily when I made the burger earlier I got a bunch of

Hamburgers so let me grab three of those hamburgers and I’ll also grab three fries each to give to him and and some bags so that he can put it all together all right I really hope Herbert likes this food hello Herbert sorry for the weight I’m totally back now here are

Your three Happy Meals oh thank you here are your three fries thank you very much oh wow and your three hamburgers and I’m so sorry we did not actually have any milkshakes I think the milkshake Frozen machine was broken so instead here I have three McFlurries instead oh wow how

Did you know those are my favorite I didn’t realize those were on the menu this is incredible thank you so much thank you whoa Milo this is going pretty well for me so far yeah wait until they all get food poisoning then they’ll be rating at zero Stars no they won’t wow

This is going so well uh oh yes sorry I didn’t realize uh you were in the line uh miss Karen what can I get for you today h thank you for calling me miss Karen it’s very formal of you um could I please get 10 chicken burger meals three Big

Max five nugget meals and two Happy Meals um uh okay uh what was that 10 chickens uh three nugget oh oh I don’t want to ask her again she’s scary what did you say to me uh nothing nothing oh my goodness um uh okay H I just need to

Go into the freezer and think for a second this will totally cool my head um wait a minute maybe there’s something in the coffee section no she didn’t want a coffee right maybe she does I’m sure if I give her a free coffee she can’t complain um let’s just take one of these

Ones all right perfect now what was her meal I think she said something about 10 chicken burger meals do we even have chicken burgers oh we do perfect let’s grab 10 of those all right perfect um I think she also wanted three of something else oh it was a Big Mac that’s perfect

We’ll grab three Big Macs and we also need 10 sets of fries to come with the chicken burger meal wow she must have a really big family that miss Karen if she wants this much food all right I think with her meals I’m not sure what soft

Drink she wants um excuse me miss Karen um yes what is it um with your meals uh what soft drink will it be with that do you mean soda uh yes yes sorry I mean soda um Coca-Cola and Sprite and Fanta uh okay I think I can do that oh gosh um

Do I even have a soda machine oh it’s probably over here okay perfect so we have Coca-Cola and Fanta I don’t know if we have Sprite though let me check in the fridge don’t see any Sprite over here this is terrible are people launch ing fireworks in my restaurant uh no we

Not go away I can do what I want oh okay sorry for bothering you oh goodness oh look there’s Sprite over here I hope it’s not too Frozen oh it’s Sprite already that’s so embarrassing I think we should give her three Sprites she also wanted fantas and she also wanted

Coca-Cola I’ll give her maybe five oh no what does this add up to you know what I’ll give her some free food she can’t get angry at that all right she also wanted some nugget meals all right I’ll give her the Happy Meals and then I think she needs chicken nuggets with

Those perfect and that’s some extra fries oh gosh this is so much math who knew owning a restaurant would be this difficult um and she also wanted two Happy Meals oh goodness I really hope I didn’t forget anything if I forgotten a single thing she might rank me a zero

And I will totally lose this competition even though I’m such a pro uh um excuse me miss Karen yes what is it you’re taking very long uh I I I have your order here are seven chicken McNuggets eight happy meals uh I also have three Big Macs for you and 10 chicken burgers

I also got you a free complimentary coffee oh yes very good I also got you 15 fries and three Sprites four fanas and six coca-colas oh gosh I really hope this is the correct order Milo I hope it’s not so you lose H well this is

Incredibly good oh wow yes very good I’m so happy with my order I will go now and eat it in the eating section thank you very much I will not be speaking to the manager today Milo did you hear that she loves it a dang it I’m really mad but I

Hope they still rate you really badly oh gosh yeah miss Karen can be kind of angry I don’t know what she’ll rape me okay uh hello valued customers um I hope you’re enjoying your service but I I have come to ask if you would rate my

Restaurant huh uh yes restant um i r it five out of 10 wow five out of 10 that’s pretty good Milo I’m already off to a good start well I’m sure Karen’s going to rate it a zero like she did for me before B Karen votes makes her vote um I vote

Um uh five what wow that’s amazing thanks Herbert what the he that’s crazy oh my gosh all right now it’s all up to miss Karen I really hope she rids me well yes well it took a little while to get service but I appreciate to the free food I rate this

Um a five out of five wow I won Milo I won my final score is a perfect five out of five no I didn’t want to lose this McDonald’s is my whole why

Milo and Chip are going head to head in todays Noob vs Pro Modern McDonalds House Challenge! Who will win and what happens when Chip Cheats?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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